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How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So it's valid to assume that you at least have a grasp of jewish eschatology.

Can you share knowledge, if you have, about what will happen to the Gentiles if "mashiach" succeeds and the jews triumph in Gog and Magog? What will life be like for Gentiles if the so-called "Messianic Age" of the jews actually happens?
Do you believe that Gog and Magog will happen during this currently living generation?
This one made me think about my past some I really
Enjoy it sounds like you have
Knowledge on the studies
I started on my studies on
Wicca,and pagan coven groups but it didn't fill that
Empty spot that satanism did
One thing I know learning
From Satanism is never ending thanks for this sermon!!
Hail the God's of Hell!!!
So it's valid to assume that you at least have a grasp of jewish eschatology.

Can you share knowledge, if you have, about what will happen to the Gentiles if "mashiach" succeeds and the jews triumph in Gog and Magog? What will life be like for Gentiles if the so-called "Messianic Age" of the jews actually happens?
Do you believe that Gog and Magog will happen during this currently living generation?

I am very familiar with the topic and that is why I am earnestly and lifelong devoted to wipe it out. What will essentially happen, is that most people will be killed off of the face of the planet (it's "necessary for prophecy", aka, it will be caused to happen by them) and the rest remaining people which should not exceed a few hundred millions, will be rallied into a permanent form of perpetual slavery, that will likely be related to the "Mark of the Beast" (Mark of the Goyim), likely related to a mircochip and will be used as slave borgs at best.

The eschatological texts of both Judaism and Christianity coincide on all of these events, with minor details different here and there, but it's all the same underlying theme where "jews win" and everyone else dies off, with a very small number of humans (the least dangerous ones) will become eternally slaves.

Nor top Rabbis, top Jewish doctrines, or top Christians hide these facts, they welcome these events joyously as they think it's the "work of the Lord" and "Necessary by God" for these to happen - it's all jewish gimmick and insanity packaged in the form of "religious narrative".

Whats your on opinion on hebrew? Does it have any gentile element to it that was stolen?

Hebrew is stolen and it's an amalgam of languages, from Babylonian, Egyptian, Sumerian, but also rooted in theft from Ancient Greek. The so called "Phoenician" language, which is supposedly the first language of the Hebrews, is also a ripoff from Ancient Greek (which far predated it; Herodotus mentions the Phoenicians who later went extinct in our times, were actually an Ancient Greek colony that divided itself from the Ancient Greeks for thousands of years - later on it was postulated they essentially gave a rise to new language and so on).

One Jew in Israel, Dr Yehuda, wrote a book on how many words and language rules of Hebrew are stolen from Ancient Greek and they ruined their own life for that book, plus also, the book is outlawed in Israel even today. Hebrew is a bastardized language. This book was written in 1932. It resurfaced in 1982 as it was censored and Israel commanded it's destruction, since they wanted everyone to believe that "Hebrew was from God" and that it was all invented by them, or original.

Like all Jewish works, such as the Bible, the very language of the Jews is stolen. Even their genetics are stolen, Jews are essentially a bastardized race that has sold a false history on all fronts.

Ancient Greek is actually a divine language, like Sanskrit, which was given by the Gods to mankind, not be men. Homeric Greek is basically on the Divine tier of language. Top Sanskrit scholars, are aware, as myself, that Sanskrit and Ancient Greek are necessarily sister languages in more than one ways; this affected all the languages of "Indo-European" descent.

Jews came in contact with the Greeks and stole as much as they could, but they also stole copiously from the Egyptians and the Babylonians. They just ripped off as much as they could, but pretended it was all "theirs" as per usual.

The conclusion of this book was that "Hebrew has 9 out of 10 words stolen from Ancient Greek" and that "Hebrew is Ancient Greek wearing a mask" and that Hebrew and Arabic are both stolen from Ancient Greek, perverted in a cloaked manner beyond recognition.

"Hebrew Is Greek" by Dr Yehuda:

Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What is your oppinion about the so-called "forgoten" letters? And how it's possible to find out where these are used in Ancient Greek's words?

For the rest, do you have any resources to study Babylonian and Ancient Egyptian language, grammar, words and the like?
I've often wondered what life was like for you growing up and the amount of research needed to get to such high levels of knowledge. So thank you for sharing. It makes me want to read more books.

You obviously have a high ability to retain much of what you have read over the years. Which is something I always want to aspire to. That's a key takeaway for me personally.
Thank you HP HoodCobra666

For this information about yourself, I was wondering how you came to Spiritual Satanism and now I can see your personality more which makes me know you much better, lovely story of your life coming to Spiritual Satanism, thanks for sharing your life story to us so we can get to know you more personally,
I too went into search for the truth and for who our creator God is and which religion is the truth since every religion claimed they were the truth! So my journey started at about the age of 19, although I was raised in a religious family we were taught discipline and morals and ethics strict up bringing where our reputation was very important and valuable, my mother would say, you have to live a good moral and decent ethical life and maintain a good reputation because you have to live with your reputation for the rest of your life, and religion soon entered my life and then my journey began, I studied Christianity, all denominations, Jehovah’s witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist, Restored church of God, and its branched off shoots, Hebrew Israelites of the blacks where they follow the whole Bible and feast days, keeping the Sabbath, eating only food the Old Testament taught. Islam, and did a little research on Hinduism, just about going around all sorts of circles trying to figure out which of these religions are the true one from God, so I studied many years in search, and I did find JoS many years ago I even dedicated then but for some reason I didn’t read much of the JoS teachings so I didn’t stay long here, but my journey still continued like I mentioned I went in and out of all these Abrahamic religions all the different denominations, and was very frustrated because it never felt right and the Bible I found it corrupt with people who committed lots of wrongs, lots of deaths, lots of fear inflicting and cruelty by a God who claims he created us, the thought of a god killing his creation or sending the to a fire for eternity made me dislike this god of the bible, as for Islam that was such a simple and basic book copied from the bible all the jewish prophets from the bible in the Quran and only one Arabic so called prophet Muhammad in the Quran, both books are nothing but slave mentality, and it’s you either serve me or I’ll destroy you or throw you in an ever burning fire, that made me hate these two Yahweh and Allah,
Spiritual Satanism teachers you how to help yourself physically mentally emotionally and spiritually and strengthens you without scaring you of hell fire,
Knowing who our true Creator Father is Satan and the Gods and how paganism is the true religion of our past, everything from JoS teachings makes sense, is beneficial for our life now and for our future, offers Godhood that you can get no where else and has genuine love for humanity, for this beautiful planet earth and so yeah I’m in love with Spiritual Satanism and I thank my Father Satan who has drawn me to him and here ❤️

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses of Orion ❤️
I hope you study more about islam, there is two books I will send you in private, i look forward to see exposing islam site.

my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.
Thank you and thank the GODS that this didn't happen, we could end up to be losers, you don't know how much your words strengthens me.
I am very familiar with the topic and that is why I am earnestly and lifelong devoted to wipe it out. What will essentially happen, is that most people will be killed off of the face of the planet (it's "necessary for prophecy", aka, it will be caused to happen by them) and the rest remaining people which should not exceed a few hundred millions, will be rallied into a permanent form of perpetual slavery, that will likely be related to the "Mark of the Beast" (Mark of the Goyim), likely related to a mircochip and will be used as slave borgs at best.

The eschatological texts of both Judaism and Christianity coincide on all of these events, with minor details different here and there, but it's all the same underlying theme where "jews win" and everyone else dies off, with a very small number of humans (the least dangerous ones) will become eternally slaves.

Nor top Rabbis, top Jewish doctrines, or top Christians hide these facts, they welcome these events joyously as they think it's the "work of the Lord" and "Necessary by God" for these to happen - it's all jewish gimmick and insanity packaged in the form of "religious narrative".

Hebrew is stolen and it's an amalgam of languages, from Babylonian, Egyptian, Sumerian, but also rooted in theft from Ancient Greek. The so called "Phoenician" language, which is supposedly the first language of the Hebrews, is also a ripoff from Ancient Greek (which far predated it; Herodotus mentions the Phoenicians who later went extinct in our times, were actually an Ancient Greek colony that divided itself from the Ancient Greeks for thousands of years - later on it was postulated they essentially gave a rise to new language and so on).

One Jew in Israel, Dr Yehuda, wrote a book on how many words and language rules of Hebrew are stolen from Ancient Greek and they ruined their own life for that book, plus also, the book is outlawed in Israel even today. Hebrew is a bastardized language. This book was written in 1932. It resurfaced in 1982 as it was censored and Israel commanded it's destruction, since they wanted everyone to believe that "Hebrew was from God" and that it was all invented by them, or original.

Like all Jewish works, such as the Bible, the very language of the Jews is stolen. Even their genetics are stolen, Jews are essentially a bastardized race that has sold a false history on all fronts.

Ancient Greek is actually a divine language, like Sanskrit, which was given by the Gods to mankind, not be men. Homeric Greek is basically on the Divine tier of language. Top Sanskrit scholars, are aware, as myself, that Sanskrit and Ancient Greek are necessarily sister languages in more than one ways; this affected all the languages of "Indo-European" descent.

Jews came in contact with the Greeks and stole as much as they could, but they also stole copiously from the Egyptians and the Babylonians. They just ripped off as much as they could, but pretended it was all "theirs" as per usual.

The conclusion of this book was that "Hebrew has 9 out of 10 words stolen from Ancient Greek" and that "Hebrew is Ancient Greek wearing a mask" and that Hebrew and Arabic are both stolen from Ancient Greek, perverted in a cloaked manner beyond recognition.

"Hebrew Is Greek" by Dr Yehuda:

Hopefully they fail as us Satanists will thrawt there plans and other humans will target them
Beautiful story of process you had to go through for us. I'm glad you did it. See how us your children are truly grateful you did.
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have a very long story as a person, it appears other people find it useful. So sometimes I share segments of it, if I see that it is of use to anyone else for their own journey.
Still on the subject of letters, in the documentary about Wodanaz being Lord Satan, you mentioned that Sigma is identical to W.

What I wonder is that then there will also be a connection between N and Z and between Sigma and M for example.

It is probably also related to the runes from the Ancient Futhark are 24 as well as the Greek letters.
All I know of this is that there is a link to astrology and that there is something apparently hidden in the 'forgotten' Greek letters and not.
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Holy shit! You really had it going on back in your days. And you have certainly come along way since then. Growing up with all that Jebus junk and enemy related nonsense. And you are right on about everything you shard on Paganism and Witchcraft, explaining what your view was on the gods and the ancients as a young kid. Rooting all of this painfully reminds me of my childhood and what I had to grow up with as well. It's interesting how we have a lot of similarities in this. Especially as Spiritual Satanists. And you explained and went over the facts on religions values and the corruption of it all too. Exposing these enemy forces and their negative affects. It had on you. And I can see why you Chose to be a Satanist. And why you joined the JoS here.📚 And now look where your at now. This was an amazing sermon! Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. It is always more joyful reading your sermons because they reveal realities and give true knowledge and understanding. Almost every true spiritual Satanist here has a background in those corrupted programs so breaking codes make sense a lot and the reason we weren't comfortable with those programs. Thanks to the Gods and to you not forgetting everyone helping us here to advance unto Godhead. I really related to this sermon and it makes me more happy and at ease. May the Gods bless us all true Spiritual Satanists of the JOS. May we all advance together with the help of our Gods. Thank you once again HPHC 666
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail father Satan
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of hell forever
The conclusion of this book was that "Hebrew has 9 out of 10 words stolen from Ancient Greek" and that "Hebrew is Ancient Greek wearing a mask" and that Hebrew and Arabic are both stolen from Ancient Greek, perverted in a cloaked manner beyond recognition.

If both language is so similar, how come one is "dangerous" or "filled with filth" and connects to Jewish energies, and the other is the complete opposite?

I'm also interested in lost Greek letters. Is there any "complete" literature where they used?
This is the difference between us and the people of the enemy, christians, muslims and so on. We know both sides. We know what their garbage religions have to offer and we know what Satan has to offer. This is how we know that we are on the right Path. They only know their "side of the story", and they are forced and manipulated into believing that Satan is the "deceiver" through psychological terrorism. Satan is never allowed to say a word and let anyone know about Himself and his Path, but everyone must believe that he is lying. And what about judging someone by his enemies? Look at the enemies of Satan. Look at the jews, look at the Christian Church, look at Islam. Do these look like honest, good and divine people to you?
Jews came in contact with the Greeks and stole as much as they could, but they also stole copiously from the Egyptians and the Babylonians. They just ripped off as much as they could, but pretended it was all "theirs" as per usual.

The conclusion of this book was that "Hebrew has 9 out of 10 words stolen from Ancient Greek" and that "Hebrew is Ancient Greek wearing a mask" and that Hebrew and Arabic are both stolen from Ancient Greek, perverted in a cloaked manner beyond recognition.
I was looking into this the other day and the "similarity" is incredible. The jews commited major theft on the Greeks. Even their Gematria system is stolen from the Greeks. So many aspects of their Kabbalah too. And I see why the top jews are terrified about the idea of even other jews finding this out, as they state that Hebrew is a "divine" language that "God" used to create the world and many other things, lol.

A question. When you were studying Judaism, did you need to protect yourself even more etc? Is it somewhat dangerous for a Gentile to do it? I also heard a Rabbi saying something on the lines of "Gentiles even if they can understand Judaism logically in some aspects, they never get to fully understand it". I think they have some "layers" of spells/energetic programs to confuse Gentiles and keep them away from their "knowledge". Is this correct?
Still on the subject of letters, in the documentary about Wodanaz being Lord Satan, you mentioned that Sigma is identical to W.
Greek keyboards use the same key for "w" in English and "ς" in Greek. Notice how it looks like a snake.
When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.
I can relate to this when it comes to my Dedication. I dedicated 2 months ago, after 2 and a half years of studying the JoS. Others have done it the same day they found the JoS, but I personally wanted to be 100% certain. Now, I'm giving my 100% to the JoS in return. Hail Satan! Hail Azazel!
The thing about the Hebrew stolen from the Greek I read some time ago here on the forums also from a Russian user who supported Fomenko's theories on chronology. I have been pondering these things for a while and while Fomenko, says a lot of rubbish about history, being that many of the events he talks about took place in my country I know very well when he is wrong, sometimes even ridiculously so. What he is right about, however, is that there is now no question that we are not really in 2024 AD. This can be demonstrated simply by opening a text from the Middle Ages, or the last thing that came to my hand, Marco Polo's The Million. He in 1298, writes that he is in 1298 A.D., and to this day historians agree in dating the Million to 1298, but it is absolutely impossible that in 1298, they knew they were in 1298 A.D., because the system based on the birth of christ is only used starting from the 6th century, and from that time it has been used discontinuously and inaccurately. So I am always left with many more doubts than answers.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Have you ever seen this series of videos on kabbalah? I first found them before I joined and they are absolutely enlightening.

What it mainly says:
- There are only 36 Kabbalists in all, and they are not to be confused with rabbis, they are an initiatory group, and kabbalah means received, because you have to receive it from a Kabbalist.
- Kabbalists are extremely aware of the Astral, they even believe in reincarnation, but they believe that a kabbalist who has reached a high level will never reincarnate again, which sounds very Hindu. It sounds at times like you are hearing someone out of the New Age speaking instead an extremely orthodox and fundamentalist Kabbalist is speaking
- They believe in the power of vibration and use Hebrew letters as mantras, towards episode 15 he even talks about an experiment where by vibrating a certain Hebrew letter with a megaphone, they would be able to make its shape appear on a surface covered with crumbled plaster

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Thank you.

I had nothing to lose at the time I joined.
But when I found JoS I was originally looking for meditations on the internet. But somehow the meditations from other books always had the wrong effect. So I looked for new ones.
I tested the effects of meditations for a long time before I decided it was okay.

But there were one or two meditations that were not good. But overall I found it to be a good and logically structured system. So I started.
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion.
i learnt Quran and Islam firstly, then i said whatever muslims and islam says, the opposite is probably true lmao.
About Islam, I never continued past the Quran
you did well High Priest, Hadith books just try to explain the missing aspects of the Qur'an in their own way. some of them are so stupid that they reject some issues that muhammed and even muhammed's grandchildren accepted (such as inheritance sharing). they are all just a bit horny men's diary.
I studied "Pagan" religions
These are the sources we were able to find in 2024. 90% of them were destroyed, as you know High Priest... i cannot even imagine how much unique information we would have access to now, how much easier our lives would be if the library of Alexandria hadn't been burnt....

I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius,
High Priest, if you don't mind, to whom do you plan to entrust your books after you reach the magnum opus? 🙃👉👈
you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata.
where can we find the Mahabharata or Bhagavad Gita in the least deformed form? I often go to India for my work, would a source from there be more reliable or is there an online pdf etc. that you recommend?

Thank you for all responses♥️
If both language is so similar, how come one is "dangerous" or "filled with filth" and connects to Jewish energies, and the other is the complete opposite?
Because Hebrew has been infused with those kind of energies for centuries by jewish adepts/Rabbis. It has also been used by the jews in ways that has made it that way.
What astounds me the most in this sermon is how powerful these revelations are!

I myself am no expert in history, religion, etc yet I also had that upbringing of being forced into christianity and seeing the never-ending contradictions. That gays have to repent every hour of every day to be forgiven for their sins and still might not go to "heaven", the sacrifices, the pacifistic slave mentality, genocides, etc...

These things when compared to the teachings of early Paganism and by extension true Spiritual Satanism, one achieves a point of knowing that cannot be unseen. It does make our lives harder, yet it also makes us more free and able to constantly grow and become superhuman in endless ways.

One thing I've learned on this path is to not worry too much about knowing everything about the enemy when being new. At times I was starstruck by people who seem to be experts in gematria for instance, although such people are often fanatical and get things wrong in their predictions. There are also people who are experts in science, law, etc... We should never wear ourselves too thin. I've found that the answers to these things come to us without needing to research the inside-and-out of them (reaching PhD level in each of those subjects). At times the most profound answers appear intuitively from first-hand experiences and research and by the help of the Gods and through the shared efforts of our fellow Satanists.

It's fascinating to learn that the Hebrew language is a corruption of other languages. I get very angry at the letters and pronunciations, yet when I do RTRs I have experienced at times some positive energy while vibrating the letters, as though there are indeed some parts to the language that come from our ancestors, thus leaving some small positive aspects combined with negative ones. For this I've learned to not give into the "good" in the vibrations too much and to revile the state of them as a whole instead; doing so in a positive way (focusing on a consistent destruction of the letters).

I think it's better for us on this path to develop ourselves beforehand. I believe that these other things come naturally after we advance ourselves from the teachings of the JoS and it's more a gradual long-term thing rather than something that can happen in a few months to a year.

Thanks for the incredible sermon HP and my apologies for my sometimes overly-analytical nature (getting lost in details and forgetting the big picture of things). A preponderance of such thinking can be a double-edged sword.
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobr

Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.

It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but these who cannot unlearn the many lies that they have been conditioned to believe, and seek the hidden knowledge that they have been conditioned to reject.
Others have done it the same day they found the JoS, but I personally wanted to be 100% certain. Now, I'm giving my 100% to the JoS in return. Hail Satan! Hail Azazel!
I was pretty much one of the individuals that did more or less just that.

Always had the sensation there was more to religion in general than some stupid "traditions", and in general more to life than gross materialism.

Was pretty much atheist , then in a period of turmoil started to search for stuff. I already technically knew what purpose christianity served , and was trying to understand how it all fitted in the conspiracy theories circulating. Everyone was blaming Satan , so I decided to search more info on Satanism.

The moment I opened the Joy of Satan it was like an epiphany , the very moment that made the most sense in all my life until then. ( Also the most thrilling as it was what I was always wishing for even if I couldn't articulate it conceptually. )

The Puzzle started to fit from that moment on.
Have you ever seen this series of videos on kabbalah? I first found them before I joined and they are absolutely enlightening.

What it mainly says:
- There are only 36 Kabbalists in all, and they are not to be confused with rabbis, they are an initiatory group, and kabbalah means received, because you have to receive it from a Kabbalist.
- Kabbalists are extremely aware of the Astral, they even believe in reincarnation, but they believe that a kabbalist who has reached a high level will never reincarnate again, which sounds very Hindu. It sounds at times like you are hearing someone out of the New Age speaking instead an extremely orthodox and fundamentalist Kabbalist is speaking
- They believe in the power of vibration and use Hebrew letters as mantras, towards episode 15 he even talks about an experiment where by vibrating a certain Hebrew letter with a megaphone, they would be able to make its shape appear on a surface covered with crumbled plaster

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Basically the "torah" which represents the 5 elements is the basis, "ghematria" is the key, and vibration (meditation, prayer and contact with the "masters" (in the case of jews these are enemy ETs)) is the means to achieve "perfection", destiny etc... which in the case of jews is to become a borg, a perfect conduit by which enemy ETs can manifest their agenda.
The 'mitzvoth' are rules by which they achieve the ultimate goal, other books speak allegorically of the procedures to be done, and other books such as the talmud are the rabbis' interpretations of the torah.

Everything being stolen and corrupted, I will leave a version for the Gentiles.

Thinking of 5 sacred books, I would think of the Vedas, The Vedas are the base, Isopsefia is the key, although this one is about Greek, although I am sure there is a way to translate the Vedas to use the Greek system, or at least a similar number system. The Sanskrit letters are the petals of the chakras for example, and the Greek letters are the planets, signs and elements. Maybe they should be used together.

However... and vibration (meditation, prayer (rituals) and contact with the Gods) is the means to reach our Destiny, which is enlightenment and immortality.
Besides the Vedas, there are also other texts such as the Illiad and Odyssey, the Labours of Heracles and many others. Instead of the 'mitzvoth' of the jews, we have the 36 Satanic Virtues, and instead of the talmud, we have all those books that speak of the Vedas, works of the Greek Philosophers and more.

We already know most of the allegories, such as drinking from the chalice, the descent into Hades, etc... A lot is said about this on JoS.

So in addition to all the sacred texts we are fortunate to have Joy of Satan.

For the rest I am trying to understand how it is possible to make a clear connection between Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Futhark.
I also need a tool that can teach me Ancient Greek and Sanskrit quite clearly, perhaps in app form.
Thank you HP HoodedCobra666 for this sermon. I was reading everything on JoS for some time and your posts almost always contain a part that resonates.
Also since you mentioned "mask" in one of your replies, its a good opportunity to post a link to "A great jewish mask" which can be useful to some as I can see.
I've often wondered what life was like for you growing up and the amount of research needed to get to such high levels of knowledge. So thank you for sharing. It makes me want to read more books.

You obviously have a high ability to retain much of what you have read over the years. Which is something I always want to aspire to. That's a key takeaway for me personally.

I appreciate your words, yes, it is correct. I will try to share within the limits of security, since it's for helping others that I must do it.

If both language is so similar, how come one is "dangerous" or "filled with filth" and connects to Jewish energies, and the other is the complete opposite?

In the same way a race has created a blade that was given by the Gods, and another traitor slime takes it, perverts it's purpose and it's essence, and uses it for negative purposes.

They are not fundamentally the same. Hebrew is a perverted copy of this. They have copied and tried to steal everything, but it is far from the original still.
The thing about the Hebrew stolen from the Greek I read some time ago here on the forums also from a Russian user who supported Fomenko's theories on chronology. I have been pondering these things for a while and while Fomenko, says a lot of rubbish about history, being that many of the events he talks about took place in my country I know very well when he is wrong, sometimes even ridiculously so. What he is right about, however, is that there is now no question that we are not really in 2024 AD. This can be demonstrated simply by opening a text from the Middle Ages, or the last thing that came to my hand, Marco Polo's The Million. He in 1298, writes that he is in 1298 A.D., and to this day historians agree in dating the Million to 1298, but it is absolutely impossible that in 1298, they knew they were in 1298 A.D., because the system based on the birth of christ is only used starting from the 6th century, and from that time it has been used discontinuously and inaccurately. So I am always left with many more doubts than answers.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

I will get into the actual chronology of earth's events in future topics.

Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and others, such as the Chaldeans or the Sumerians, are extending backward in time to anywhere from 40,000 to 80,000 years. The Veda is purported to be even "recent", but it's more Ancient than presently accepted.

None of our present day "Chronology" is in anyway real. It's all confronted and forced to confront to the false jewish paradigm of the "Torah Chronology" of "6000 years time since the creation of the World". Jews also mindwashed scientists to accept these topics as real, where other scientists who went back into the so called "Prehistory", were penaltized as insane, even if they were fully scientifically backed and proven theories.
Before I eventually found Spiritual Satanism, I had spent 5 solid years researching in-depth every world religion. I started from Christianity (as I grew up in it) and have read the bible and many other related books, all the way to books that arch-bishops refer to, as Saints. Christianity quickly led me to see it as a confusing, disturbing and highly incompatible program based on what it was; I could never tolerate it for myself and was naturally repulsed by it, no matter how much I tried to "connect" any dots.
It became to me very obvious past a point, that these programs essentially serve only to restrain humanity scientifically, punish research but above all criminalize other spiritual knowledge and also seek to eliminate it, to replace it with literally a slave control program that is to be installed in people's minds. I tried my earnest to try to accept these, but I could not, everything was very obvious to me.

About the enemy's core of Judaism, I had to study it for 3 and a half years, as HPS Maxine commanded me to do this, and I did this so I would become fully aware of the enemy. Was also a non joyful process, and I couldn't believe how these people actually run the planet - but them being an organized racial mafia, it makes sense in that context.

About these, I went equally or more in-depth than any Rabbi out there, and could now only compare to their most studied ones on the understanding of their topics (This came years later after I became a Spiritual Satanist so it was very easy to understand them).

As I had a very high level of understanding of these naturally, I never had issues with understanding any of their connotations or hidden meanings. The further I went into this, the more shocking and repulsive it would get.

I have also studied Islam (Quran), Hinduism (Vedic and later period, Eastern Tantra, Yoga, Meditation etc), Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, "Left Hand Path" type of Satanism (hijacked by the enemy), Ancient Egyptian paganism, Roman Paganism, Norse Paganism and last but most importantly Ancient Hellenic Paganism and so on, so forth.

I would have studied at least 100+ books on these before I finally made up my mind to join Spiritual Satanism; the numbers scaled exponentially after I joined, all from different sources and covering many of the different sects in all of the above religions. About Islam, I never continued past the Quran as I found it really the most lacking in intelligence compared to any others, even inferior to Christianity. All these books from back then, are still in my library to this day. They all lost their semblance after I found Spiritual Satanism. They were mockeries and ripoffs compared to what Spiritual Satanism had to offer.

On the contrary, the more I studied "Pagan" religions, the more I saw they are all underlined and authored by the same Divine Mind behind them, even if people have started confusing many notions and infused them with slave mentality or other diseases which always could be traced back to Abrahamic infestations.

This was really an enlightening time for me to understand this fundamental division: There are things that come from Satan and things that do not. Before I found my way fully into Spiritual Satanism, I would have already noticed there are two rivers in this world: That of slave programs that were made solely for purposes of mental enslavement, and genuine attempts to spiritually improve mankind - some rivers became contaminated later, but their sources are pretty clearly different.

That division being factually existing did not come to me as a shock, but rather as a self evident Truth, after I understood the knowledge of the Joy of Satan, coming to connect that understanding entirely unto itself.

As such after all this studying, it has become clear to me that the Abrahamic religions drastically differ and have nothing interesting about them, but that they also come from the same source. My family when I was very young and since the time I was able to start reading, would also supplement me with a lot of Ancient Greek literature, or Greek Mythology. My unusual interests for these topics always baffled my family, who consider this as a sign I would become a Priest - they hoped a priest for Christianity - destiny had it figured out in another manner.

They would look at me when I was 7 trying to make out sense of the supernal nature of Zeus, and they would be baffled at me as a child or why I even found these topics so fascinating. Part of my family also wanted me to stop doing all this reading, because they considered this "alien" and "adversarial" to "Our Christian Faith".

Other Children would go to school and they would have the basic books at hand, and I would have small handbooks of the Roman Virtues or the works of Marcus Aurelius, trying to explain these to people and then being looked upon as I was an alien from another planet (maybe I was).

Of all these systems I have studied (both at surface level, and deeper into spiritual levels), only Spiritual Satanism is actually the holistic system the world needs and is the best worldwide. There are definitely interesting subsets in many other religions, but the core teachings of Spiritual Satanism are directly from the Gods and lead at the fastest and also the safest, more proper, honest and beautiful way.

When one also knows about what came before, you cannot really be fooled with the most obvious lies, such as that "Christianity invented morality" or that "Islam is a religion of peace". You can never believe these lies when you know about historicity of religions or you have studied them in a depth past that of elementary school.

You also stop believing lies that "Hinduism is for the stupid hindus" when you read their important books like the Veda, or you study about in depth works or an analysis of the Mahabharata. You just know better past a point, and you can no longer be touched by any of these lies.

All of the above, continued for many years even after I joined Spiritual Satanism. This is where I would say that I came in real contact with "God" or the Divine Mind, thanks to Father Satan Lucifer and His enlightenment that came only from His religion. This is how it became verified to me that Satan/Lucifer is the true author and source of all the world's wisdom, since the keys were being given to me on things I could not even imagine prior.

At the same time, nothing I would see or compare of from before, would compare to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom, but also proximity to Divinity, that Spiritual Satanism can give to a human being. It's a whole other league of consciousness and understanding of which only others in the same path will relate in understanding.

What all other "religions" preach only via word; ie, to become a "good person", "ethical morality", "purification", or "powers" such as those preached by the Eastern Religions, are actually very much all attainable and very clearly so, without distractions, via the path of Spiritual Satanism. It truly turns a regular human being to a divine entity.

If I support Spiritual Satanism and have given my life here, it is an opinion that was based on information, excessive research, indominable love from the Gods, and faced with all the world's mind-washing attempts against me to not engage in these; or any research whatsoever. When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.

Further, the reason I have ultimate conviction and an iron stance on our Path, is because it truly is from the Gods, in the most pure way. One can only understand this if they had the "bad" fortune of coming from contaminated sources of knowledge, or the Abrahamic programs - in a way, that background is the largest verification you can receive about how correct and superior one's current trajectory is.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I was younger I tried to accept Xtianity because I thought Templars were cool, and turns out they weren’t even Xtians. The funniest thing about it was that even during church I would tell myself that secretly I love hot, demon, babes and that Satan is so much cooler In every way. When I left Xtianity permanently I went straight here to Joy of Satan. I knew right away it was the truth, but at the time I had been into drugs and gotten distracted and distressed so I failed to do the rite of dedication at that time. Ultimately years later after battling mental illness, drugs, and other drama yet still feeling called to Satan and still feeling like I had demons watching over me(literally saved my life more than once) I decided to do the rite of dedication. It’s kinda balls that my Saturn return started immediately thereafter, but I’m so glad to be with Satan it’s immeasurable glee and gratitude and pride for me.
Very inspiring sermon and that's a huge understatement. I also grew up in a very xian background, but also studied other religions, namely islam, and of course it freaked my folks out - later got infatuated by hinduism, buddhism.

Indeed....throughout my experiences even as a devout xian I always found the religion "too radically different" from the others - and NOT in a good way, still suffering the energy effects of it and dealing with negative entity attachments. I remember a particular priest I used to listen to would always brag about how xianity seeks to "part ways with the world" and "spread chaos" to oh-so-evil "heathens", which is why it is so anti "everything" that the Pagan religions are (namely in being pro-mankind).

The more i studied Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Native American Religion, Pre-Hispanic Philippine religion and xyz pre-abrahamic religion - in spite of some distorting and corrupting over the centuries or millenia of their existence, i further grew to despise to xianity until i reached a boiling point to where i just decided to give the cross the middle finger.

Only a complete retard would think to ignore the medicinal and alchemical knowledge that the Indo and Chinese religions taught thier followers and just smear it all as being "evil". Yep...shove those pills and those big macs down your throat and bow down to the murder rabbi.

I'm currently studying Daoism and Falun Gong right now (practicing Falun Gong), of all the religions in China, I've found Daoism to be most Satanic of all them, it is through Doaism that I was able to find our Gods as they were in Chinese religion. Falun Gong is kinda like an attempt to marry Daoism and Esoteric Buddhism but while their exercises legit, some of their teachings are RHP garbage, which Stormblood made a point is probably to "hide" forbidden knowledge and confine it to the Inner Circle, much like the Masons, Templars and Sufis who had to adopt Christian, Muslim faces in the public.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
