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How can I stop having nightmares with him?


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
[email protected]
One person has hurt me in the past. It was few years ago. It took me some time to forget that this person even exists. And everything is ok. Not counting my dreams. Sometimes I dream about this person and these dreams are nightmares. Each time it is a very unpleasant and very scary dream. Often after waking up I have a hopeless day and I'm terrified that I can meet him again. All bad memories come back. What should I do to stop this?

If I wrote something wrong, I am sorry. I use a translator.
You could still have attachments to that person, try doing the detachment meditation.

Do you feel hopeless towards this person? You should take revenge, if you're not so advanced to do a destruction working do a destruction ritual with the help of the Gods and accumulate all your anger that this person caused and let it out while visualising him suffer or however you want, it will be very freeing and you may also cry while doing it. You can respectfully ask the Gods to direct that energy properly to that person, you can also ask help to a God on the Demons list on the website if you prefer.

Good luck:)
Honestly I am not sure but if you haven't already make sure you detach them from your aura. It should help significantly.
MiniMe3388 said:
One person has hurt me in the past. It was few years ago. It took me some time to forget that this person even exists. And everything is ok. Not counting my dreams. Sometimes I dream about this person and these dreams are nightmares. Each time it is a very unpleasant and very scary dream. Often after waking up I have a hopeless day and I'm terrified that I can meet him again. All bad memories come back. What should I do to stop this?

If I wrote something wrong, I am sorry. I use a translator.

Munka and/or ansuz working 111 times with an affirmation.

Change the affirmation so it suits you:
"There is so much stuff out there that is against xtianity you may have to kind of reprogram your mind yourself. Also Munka and/or ansuz working 111 times with an affirmation like “I am completely and eternally free of Christianity in every way” or “I am completely and eternally free of all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan right now” (I got that affirmation from something Hooded Cobra posted along time ago) or create an affirmation you like yourself if you don’t like these but it gives you an idea.

Good luck all this can be helpful." slyscorpion

MiniMe3388 said:
One person has hurt me in the past. It was few years ago. It took me some time to forget that this person even exists. And everything is ok. Not counting my dreams. Sometimes I dream about this person and these dreams are nightmares. Each time it is a very unpleasant and very scary dream. Often after waking up I have a hopeless day and I'm terrified that I can meet him again. All bad memories come back. What should I do to stop this?

If I wrote something wrong, I am sorry. I use a translator.

How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura

In addition to the information above you should be building up your Aura of Protection before bed. You can also do the Returning Curses Part 1 and Returning Curses Part 2.

The ALGIZ rune works well with repelling and protecting yourself against negative forces. You can vibrate it into your aura 8 or a multiple of 8 times.
Take revenge against him. Develop decent amount of concentration and a strong aura of protection and do a runic destruction working against him. You should never be terrified of someone. You are not weak. He is the one weaker than you. You are superior to him and have no reason to feel weaker or inferior to him. You cannot live in fear. You cannot live in doubt.And you cannot live in self hate..
Remember this line always.

Use a runic combination of THURISAZ, HAGALAZ, and ISA.
Do some kundalini yoga and start feeling that buzz of energy . Then go into a decent trance and FEEL those feeling of Hatred and that INTENT to inflict PAIN and Suffering. Fully get into that feeling and visualize him getting hurt,inflicted with pain,hit by a car, anything that you want to hurt him with .Start vibrating the runes *54 times each and then state the affirmation.
Vibrate THURISAZ x27 (or a multiple of 9) and then affirm x9 "The energies of Thurisaz are permanently and completely destroying (name of individual)." Vibrate HAGALAZ x27 (or a multiple of 9) and then affirm x9 "The energies of Hagalaz are permanently and completely destroying (name of individual)." Vibrate ISA x27 (or a multiple of 9) and then affirm x9 "The energies of Isa are permanently and completely destroying (name of individual)." You can then visualize the individual being destroyed in any way you please.
This is from Johson Akemis Satanic Faqs.

After letting all of that hate and energy transferred to him and affirm,clear your mind completely (hence why void meditation and concentration is required.)
Then vibrate VISSHUDHI *11 into each chakra and then *31 times into the Aura for Aura cleaning. Take some time to visualiaze your aura and chakras completely clean from any kind of negative energy.

Its time to hurt him back like he hurt you. Instill absolute dread inside of him and make him pay. Convert that fear into seething hatred to take revenge. Never let anyone who hurts you off the hook. You play fire with a flamethrower with propane. If someone uses bullets, you use a rocket launcher. If someone uses a rocket launcher you use a nuke. Satanists never take abuse, especially when you have a legitimate reason to take revenge .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
