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Feb 6, 2006
Hitler condemned jews.
Was he a Satanist knowing the truth or it has been all a jew trick ?
Thank You

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Hitler wanted to set up a true Satanic government he knew the truth. The sad thing is the Jews have infiltrated the Nazi party and turned much of it into this "hate blacks, gays, mexicans, (and any other gentile race thats not white is often spoken of) retards, deport everyone whose not white, Christian Identity BULLSHIT thing, from my research that is not at all what Hitler intended, the Jews will do whatever they can to infiltrate and stop or make look completely insane to the general public any organized resistance to them and their programs of Christianity/Islam He wanted us to keep our racial heritage (the truth is that in the ancient times all cultures were mostly in separate places and had their own gods and practices. Now let me make it clear that some racial mixing and integration of cultures is natural did occur before the Jews started forcing their programs on people but on nowhere near as wide of a scale as what is happening today. It is the forced and such wide integration that the Jews are pushing to try and make us lose all our identity and mix us into a one world slave state (as well as causing all sorts of problems in the mean time as you can see from many of the inner cities today) where all racial memory is lost and the Jews have total control that is bad and what he was trying to stop by the way the Jews forbid racial mixing/cultural mixing but they try to force it on all gentiles) and advance all gentile races to achieve godhood and bring back our ancient heritage (pagan practices, meditations, gods, etc), also he wads trying to stop the Jews from trying to commit genocide against the Aryan people who were direct decedents of Satan and had the most strong racial memory, here is a very easy to understand article explaining what really happened in WW2. I don't know who originally wrote it but Demon W posted it on the 666 black sun group.
http://indigonation.yolasite.com/what-r ... -war-2.php

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Satan!! jews are a plague upon this earth, and Hitler knew the truth.....i don't understand what you mean by was this a jew trick?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], maplestory@ wrote:

Hitler condemned jews.

Was he a Satanist knowing the truth or it has been all a jew trick ?

Thank You


So I'm really confused.. I believe Hilter is an SS but like.. How do we know this? Are we just guessing? Because everything says he's christain... Idk I'm just confused. Plus I remember hearing somewhere that he was the "anti-Christ" but I saw Yog say that the "anti-Christ" was one of the pharaoh? So if someone can clearify these questions it would be most appreciated :)
The SS teaching has been corrupted like most Pagan teachings. Read and study ALL of http://www.exposingcommunism.com/666%20Black%20Sun.pdf                                                      The Anti Christ is  Lord Ramses II. The High Priests have had contact with him and he has even given us meditations (like the Raum meditation...which is awesome :D

On Monday, February 9, 2015 6:09 PM, "king_ofworlds666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  So I'm really confused.. I believe Hilter is an SS but like.. How do we know this? Are we just guessing? Because everything says he's christain... Idk I'm just confused. Plus I remember hearing somewhere that he was the "anti-Christ" but I saw Yog say that the "anti-Christ" was one of the pharaoh? So if someone can clearify these questions it would be most appreciated :)

I believe there's some confusion about this. It's been said that the Anti-Christ is the current incarnation of Ramses II. That is, for example, somebody may be the incarnation of Alexander the Great and may be called Peter in this life and live in America and not Greece. That doesn't mean that his current name is Ramses II, his current name is something else, but he used to be Ramses II in one of his past lives.
Read the black sun!!
Hitler despised xtianity and jews!!!
The third reich was compleatly established on a satanic background.
On Feb 10, 2015 5:08 AM, "king_ofworlds666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So I'm really confused.. I believe Hilter is an SS but like.. How do we know this? Are we just guessing? Because everything says he's christain... Idk I'm just confused. Plus I remember hearing somewhere that he was the "anti-Christ" but I saw Yog say that the "anti-Christ" was one of the pharaoh? So if someone can clearify these questions it would be most appreciated :)
<td val[/IMG]Hello once again Brothers and Sisters. I was hoping someone might be able to refer me to a link where I could find more information about hitler as I'm positive everything I've heard in the past is a bunch of jewish lies and bullshit. I've read a few articles mentioning the good things he has done such as women rights, stopping animal tests and so on, but those reports say he respected Christianity and that he didn't want to kill jews. I find these reports to have some truth but I can feel the bullshit in them. Hoping someone has the true information to share with me :)

May the light of truth shine on us all

Hitler was a Satanist and a great man. Read and study all of http://www.exposingcommunism.com/666%20Black%20Sun.pdf 

On Monday, March 9, 2015 6:54 PM, "'Danith T.L.B.' danith69@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]Hello once again Brothers and Sisters. I was hoping someone might be able to refer me to a link where I could find more information about hitler as I'm positive everything I've heard in the past is a bunch of jewish lies and bullshit. I've read a few articles mentioning the good things he has done such as women rights, stopping animal tests and so on, but those reports say he respected Christianity and that he didn't want to kill jews. I find these reports to have some truth but I can feel the bullshit in them. Hoping someone has the true information to share with me :)

May the light of truth shine on us all


@Leighton Yagami: Do you really read the posts here as well as the files in the Satan's Library? If you did, you'd not ask how Hitler is related to Satanism, but how Hitler is not related. For starters see these:
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Th ... ianity.pdf


Just a sum up if you want to get the bottom line: Hitler was a Satanist and worked with our Gods, jews are Satan's enemies, the holohoax never happened as well as Hitler was slandered by the jews in the same way Satan and the Gods did, only the content of the slander different. In Satan and the Gods' case the slander was about sacrifices, evil, horror, possessions, selling souls e.t.c. while in Hitler's case the slander was about racism, killing all non-germans, totalitarianism e.t.c.
Adolf Hitler: The Third Reich and Christianity

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 2:08 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Leighton Yagami: Do you really read the posts here as well as the files in the Satan's Library? If you did, you'd not ask how Hitler is related to Satanism, but how Hitler is not related. For starters see these:
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Th ... ianity.pdf


Just a sum up if you want to get the bottom line: Hitler was a Satanist and worked with our Gods, jews are Satan's enemies, the holohoax never happened as well as Hitler was slandered by the jews in the same way Satan and the Gods did, only the content of the slander different. In Satan and the Gods' case the slander was about sacrifices, evil, horror, possessions, selling souls e.t.c. while in Hitler's case the slander was about racism, killing all non-germans, totalitarianism e.t.c.

He is incredible, and truly helped Germany and tried to help the world. The jews villainized him, and faked the "holocaust". Look of and read 666blacksun
Love Hitler. Heil Hitler 

On Monday, December 28, 2015 9:58 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

National Socialism is the political manifestation of Spiritual Satanism.

Well I was reading and studying something rather interesting.
That Neanderthals evolved into those filthy jews, and every characteristic of the Neanderthals matched the jews.
Like with the sloping forehead,broad rib cage,smaller legs different body forms then gentiles.
But then Hitler came in the picture and that he also has a sloping forehead and that he was also Neanderthal.
And the thing that confused the shit out of me is that Hitler does seem to have a sloping forehead like Neanderthals. And it's said the Neanderthals genes spread some parts of Europe.
http://hugequestions.com/Eric/Neanderth ... thals.html
So at my school they're having us study the World War II, this includes books and movies complete with quizzes. I've have the library here at school help me get a hold of The Bad War to get the truth for it was a highly recommended. I have no access to any sites that include a type of religion therefor I cannot get onto JoS nor do I have a phone to look it up.I was just wondering if perhaps someone could help me. Like copy & paste along with Father Satan's sign please?
Hail Father Satan!
DO NOT DO THAT!! "Silence is golden" means that you DO NOT say ANYTHING about JOS to ANYONE who wouldnt understand it. Its only for your own safety.
Why I believe hilter lost was in terms of the statement making racialism to profound, why do you think he lost?! Of course people thought he was racist are you kidding me!!!

You think in terms of the populous and social conditioning of society that these ideas would be regeted and turned against him??!!!

It’s becuase Aryan males, not nessaeraaly females, were far to arogonat, and a cause of his loss. Influence his mind in there incacapicalty to be human.

We all I hope same as me believe sometimes that aryan especially males. are arrogant as fuck?!

Have you not felt this??!!

We may loss again. If it happens again?

Hilter socailism is great!!!

His misguided unfortunate racialism however you turn it, has made him an enemy.

Labeled as evil.

Sent from my iPhone
Hitler only lost a battle, but not the WAR.  Adolf Hitler is the Anti-Christ, so if you really believe the pro-Christian anti-racialism that you posted just now, then, YES, he would be your Enemy, as He is the greatest threat to Christianity that has ever lived.
While the Old Testament of the Christian Bible is loaded with Jewish racial laws that forbid race-mixing between Jews and non-Jews, all of the Gospels and the New Testament are loaded with "reasons" for Gentiles -- especially the White Gentiles -- NOT to be "racist."  The Bible warns that racism is an unforgivable sin against the worthless, rotten "Holy Spirit," which automatically lands a person in the so-called "Lake of Fire" for racial blasphemy against the "Holy Spirit" and for rejecting Christ's worthless "sacrifice" on the Cross for the entire "human family."
The Jewish anti-racist movements, in their racist hatred against Gentiles, are ultimately out to exterminate Satan's People -- the White Aryan Race -- while using the colored Gentiles as slaves of the Jewish puppeteers.
In your post above, you have only stated the Jewish lies against Hitler contained within the Jewish re-writing of history.  Again, if you really truly believe the lies that you wrote above, then Hitler WOULD be your Enemy, but if you are just confused, then it is the enemy that is astrally trying to sabotage and deceive you.
Wake up!  Hitler is Satan's Chosen One.  He is the greatest threat to Christianity that ever existed, as He is the Anti-Christ.  He is not "racist" by the Jewish definition of the word, but He is against the anti-White agenda behind Christianity and Islam.  Hitler doesn't even hate gays.  
The Jews have re-written history beyond recognition, and you are choosing to believe their lies.  Pull yourself together or get out.  It's up to you, and I mean no offense, but Christian anti-racialism is forbidden in any True Satanism.
High Priest Jake Carlson
By the way, the reason why Hitler lost World War II, which was started by the Jews in the first place, is because he WASN'T RACIST ENOUGH!  People need to get this through their thick skulls.
You are lying about Satan's Chosen People -- the White Aryan Race -- being "arrogant" and "conceited."  Actually, the Christian spell that still so many White Gentiles are currently hypnotized under, has weakened the White Gentiles, as opposed to bolstering their Will to live.
To bash the White Gentiles for being "racist" and "arrogant as f***,* you are directly blaspheming Satan, Himself.  So, if I were you, I would knock it off.

High Priest Jake Carlson
I completely agree with you. Hitler lost for the same reason as why Mongols created the biggest empire in the history. Its because our Mongol(I’m a Mongolian) ancestors were racist enough to slaughter cities of muslims and christians. Remember that the Ile Khan Khulagu built pyramids with the heads of muslims. And we shouldn’t forget that in the Mongol empire, the citizen were ranked in 3 main ranks which are: Mongols Muslims Chinese and that no-one could enslave Mongols while the Mongols could enslave Muslims and Chinese as well as the fact that a Muslim or a Chinese could look directly into the eyes of a Mongol. On the other hand, we had more than enough spiritual knowledge to return the curses coming from Muslims, Christians and the jews which allowed us to communicate with the supernatural freely. The Mongolian shamanism known as Tengrism, is one of the original religions of humankind which had the same origins and goals as spiritual satanism. The proof is, recently, Dr Bat-Otgon, a lector who lectures about traditional Mongolian philosophy, claimed that in ancient times we ranked a man according to his intelligence of which the most notable are: Мал(lowest, meaning animal) < Xvн(second lowest, meaning human) < Илvvд(second highest, meaning elite) < Бvгдийг чадагч бøø( highest, meaning the almighty bøø/shaman), which shows that it is a classification according to an individuals spiritual abilities as we know that the shaman or the bøø in Mongolian is anybody who practices witchcraft and communicates with the supernatural. And the reason why we are in this desperate situation right now, is the rise of the Leninist-communists and jews during the last three centuries. Lenin, Stalin and Putin are all of jewish descent and corrupted Marxism, which was a conception that should free the mankind of financial slavery into another tool of spiritual and financial slavery. And even today communism exists in China, which has been our eternal neighbor since 3000 years. The communists and the jews such as Putin and Xi Jing-Ping, which are the leaders of our neighboring nations, still try to remove the last bit of the remaining inherited spiritual and material riches that was passed down since thousands of years just like they did in the past 3 centuries. During the Qin rule, one who practiced tengrism met sentence of death. And during the communist rule during the 20th century, they slaughtered the descendants of Chinggis Khan(Genghis Khan) as well as the buddhist monks who were a big part of the Mongolian population. Mongolia was a center of spiritual knowledge. Even in the start of the 20th century, Tibetan and Indian buddhist monks found it to be an honor to have a rank in Mongolian monasteries such as Amarbaysgalant. There is truth about the legends about Mongolian shamans and monks that could fly and stay dry in the rain. That is why the communists and the jews keep Mongolia its population poor and politically weak. Officially, 30000 people, which was the 8 percent of the Mongolian population at the time, was slaughtered during the 20th century by communists, at the hands of the jews. But thanks to the politics to increase the population by our leaders, we reached a population of 3 million as opposed to 4 hundred thousand as of now. The reason why i am here, is because the modern shamanism is at the risk of becoming the next wicca as it is being corrupted more and more with mainstream knowledge such as that true shaman are chosen ones by gods and that there should not be as much shamans as now. Bullshit. Its all brainwashing, nothing more than of a trace of the lies promoted by communists. Traditionally, every family has its own shaman, thats why there is more and more shamans born with the time as our population increases. Thats why Chinggis Khan could execute Khokhochu, a high ranking shaman that conspired against him and could come off okay. Most probably, Chinggis Khan was a shaman himself. Enough about history. If there is anybody of Mongolian descent, then listen to me.
Even though we are in a drastic state right now, there will soon be a time where we will rise again with the help of the spiritual as well as the political knowledge passed down by our ancestors. And even though i’m studying and my physical body being treated for kidney failure in France, far away from our homeland, it will soon be the time that i will be physically and spiritually strong enough to guide the mongol race into awakening from the jewish lies and into freeing ourselves from the financial and spiritual slavery by the jews with the help of all of our traditional gods and demons, which have been and will always be there for us as long as we are aware.

The Allied Forces were heavily infiltrated by Jews. Whom incited nations to fight against the Axis Powers. Let's see, we have Britain, France, Austraila, New Zealand, Canada, USA, India, the Soviet Union and China against Germany, Italy and Japan... They put up a hell of a fight, but ultimately were overwhelmed.
On Tue, Apr 23, 2019, 7:15 PM 8dimention 8dimention@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Why I believe hilter lost was in terms of the statement making racialism to profound, why do you think he lost?! Of course people thought he was racist are you kidding me!!!

You think in terms of the populous and social conditioning of society that these ideas would be regeted and turned against him??!!!

It’s becuase Aryan males, not nessaeraaly females, were far to arogonat, and a cause of his loss.. Influence his mind in there incacapicalty to be human.

We all I hope same as me believe sometimes that aryan especially males. are arrogant as fuck?!

Have you not felt this??!!

We may loss again.. If it happens again?

Hilter socailism is great!!!

His misguided unfortunate racialism however you turn it, has made him an enemy..

Labeled as evil.

Sent from my iPhone
Aww how cute. We are Arrogant because we want our own homeland and dont want to be over run by other races. Where we dont take ones like you and give them all sorts of money, while we struggle. Just to have them tell us we dont have right to our land and how arrogant we are to want our race to stay with its own.

Youre right so horrible and evil to want our own land and race and not have to hear whiney obnoxious other races like you call us evil.
I despise the kikes for what they did to our Antichrist! Hitler was a wonderful person but he underestimated the Jews. Even today, our leader has to suffer the lies they tell against him. May the Jews burn and rot alive! Motherfuckers!

Hitler, we love you. If you are hearing me, the white race needs you!

Hail Satan
Yeah right, fair enough 
My apologies 
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Apr 2019, at 10:39 am, hammerofthegods_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  By the way, the reason why Hitler lost World War II, which was started by the Jews in the first place, is because he WASN'T RACIST ENOUGH!  People need to get this through their thick skulls.
You are lying about Satan's Chosen People -- the White Aryan Race -- being "arrogant" and "conceited."  Actually, the Christian spell that still so many White Gentiles are currently hypnotized under, has weakened the White Gentiles, as opposed to bolstering their Will to live.
To bash the White Gentiles for being "racist" and "arrogant as f***,* you are directly blaspheming Satan, Himself.  So, if I were you, I would knock it off.

High Priest Jake Carlson

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
