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Help me guys - Jew problem

Sabazios said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There is one thing I don't fully understand. HP Jake Carlson said in the sermon about pro white books being removed from Amazon that people that dedicate to Satan and are jews will know blatantly as Satan will destroy their lives and family. But then he replied back and said there are some jews that Satan will just ignore. IDK what this means maybe I did not understand all of it. People need to have certain tests to know for sure they are gentiles andnot just wait 20 years of doubt and fear to find out. From what info I put together from the sermons I think the RTR stands as a valid test for dedicated people.
You know brother? I ve also thought of something. If a jew where to bother a god he would have to suffer the consequences. Like let s say, someone wants to ask one of our gods for help with a problem, if he is a jew, will our gods help him or make it worse? This is a better way to prove if someone is a jew or not, just my opinion. And I don t think it s a good thing to bother the gods without a good reason.

Yeah this is probably the case. A jw would probably get his answer if he dared call upon a god. Besides the gods have enourmous power and don't need any of those scumbags pretending to be on our cause.
I did the final RTR. then I cleansed my aura, I vibrated in the trance SATANAMA mantra then I did the protection meditation and then I vibrated SATANAMA 2 times and AUM. While vibrating the letters in the RIR I had a few stinging in the stomach and back pain, but I still took the RIR to the end. Mentally I felt very good and energetic like ecstasy. What do you say I was accepted? I want to mention that I have always had gastritis problems because I am very party-going and before RIR I drank 1 cup of coffee and 2 slices of chocolate.
NinRick said:
darkinvader669 said:
NinRick said:
What would you do if you were a jew for sure?
I think that I am special. I propose that in the following 5 years to create a band and to attack the Vatican to show people the reality.

You did not answered my question: what would you do if you knew for sure that you are a jew?

Plus it’s better to put the Energy into the RTRs, I mean if you serious about attacking the vatican.
If I will be sure a jew I will be with Satan continously because from January my life has changed better.
Aldrick said:
NinRick said:
darkinvader669 said:
I made the Dedicated Ritual at last Jan of 2020. I started to meditate with the beginning of the first month of meditations and now I finished to open the chakras. I have a big doubt. I am Romanian and the name of my great-grandmother was Ghelbere. I think that this name is a jew name. My mother said me that great-grandparents were jews but they were Romanians. I have no physical features of a Jew at all, rather I look like a Chinese.
How do I know if I am Jewish? And let's say I am, I want you to continue on my way to Spiritual Satanism. Can anyone stop me if Satan accepts me?

What would you do if you were a jew for sure?

Actually it's weird. Because I read the first sentence and felt but dont believe that, this is a kike, I can feel the presence behind it, that matches all the other I have experienced.

I'm like dont do that, come on mind. No this could be someone that Dedicated and yay. My stomach turned, like how he joined right around the same time a bunch of kikes did? I'm like whatever were gonna pretend hes Gentile. Lalalalala

Continues reading. Mother fucker. Ofcourse.

The enemy is sending a new wave of them at us since January. But they keep admitting to it. Imagine if they didnt, all the ones we have just learned lately, were pretending to be with us. But think, we do have that.

This is why it's not good to go ohh eva and dark invader my family! Let's get closer to them. Also can we talk about the name for a minute lol.

Dark invader. Think about the mindset behind this name.

Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9
darkinvader669 said:
I did the final RTR. then I cleansed my aura, I vibrated in the trance SATANAMA mantra then I did the protection meditation and then I vibrated SATANAMA 2 times and AUM. While vibrating the letters in the RIR I had a few stinging in the stomach and back pain, but I still took the RIR to the end. Mentally I felt very good and energetic like ecstasy. What do you say I was accepted? I want to mention that I have always had gastritis problems because I am very party-going and before RIR I drank 1 cup of coffee and 2 slices of chocolate.

I say I was accepted. I felt really better with myself all day than I ever felt, and I discovered that my back pain is that I sit hunched over at the computer very often and I have a stomach ache because I spent too much time on May 1st. and the repercussions are felt not because of the ritual.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Sabazios said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
There is one thing I don't fully understand. HP Jake Carlson said in the sermon about pro white books being removed from Amazon that people that dedicate to Satan and are jews will know blatantly as Satan will destroy their lives and family. But then he replied back and said there are some jews that Satan will just ignore. IDK what this means maybe I did not understand all of it. People need to have certain tests to know for sure they are gentiles andnot just wait 20 years of doubt and fear to find out. From what info I put together from the sermons I think the RTR stands as a valid test for dedicated people.
You know brother? I ve also thought of something. If a jew where to bother a god he would have to suffer the consequences. Like let s say, someone wants to ask one of our gods for help with a problem, if he is a jew, will our gods help him or make it worse? This is a better way to prove if someone is a jew or not, just my opinion. And I don t think it s a good thing to bother the gods without a good reason.

Yeah this is probably the case. A jw would probably get his answer if he dared call upon a god. Besides the gods have enourmous power and don't need any of those scumbags pretending to be on our cause.

I'm with the idea that he's a Jew. Have you noticed that before my reply, the number of post is 44? If I remember correctly, don't Jews use that number for their fucking Jewish Kabbalah?
Ramier108666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Sabazios said:
You know brother? I ve also thought of something. If a jew where to bother a god he would have to suffer the consequences. Like let s say, someone wants to ask one of our gods for help with a problem, if he is a jew, will our gods help him or make it worse? This is a better way to prove if someone is a jew or not, just my opinion. And I don t think it s a good thing to bother the gods without a good reason.

Yeah this is probably the case. A jw would probably get his answer if he dared call upon a god. Besides the gods have enourmous power and don't need any of those scumbags pretending to be on our cause.

I'm with the idea that he's a Jew. Have you noticed that before my reply, the number of post is 44? If I remember correctly, don't Jews use that number for their fucking Jewish Kabbalah?
Oy vey, ze goyim knows!!! It s not an idea brother. In the beginning he stated clearly that his great grandparents were jews. Lol
DezFranky said:
Aldrick said:
NinRick said:
What would you do if you were a jew for sure?

Actually it's weird. Because I read the first sentence and felt but dont believe that, this is a kike, I can feel the presence behind it, that matches all the other I have experienced.

I'm like dont do that, come on mind. No this could be someone that Dedicated and yay. My stomach turned, like how he joined right around the same time a bunch of kikes did? I'm like whatever were gonna pretend hes Gentile. Lalalalala

Continues reading. Mother fucker. Ofcourse.

The enemy is sending a new wave of them at us since January. But they keep admitting to it. Imagine if they didnt, all the ones we have just learned lately, were pretending to be with us. But think, we do have that.

This is why it's not good to go ohh eva and dark invader my family! Let's get closer to them. Also can we talk about the name for a minute lol.

Dark invader. Think about the mindset behind this name.

Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9

66 is an enemy number.

Emperor palpatine order 66.

Also will these jews stop with the whole if you do the RTR your not a jew. I have personally watched a jew do the RTR. So that one is out.

Just trying to open up a spot so they can say, I did the RTR I'm not a jew! Now you have nothing against me.

This jew loved doing it even!
DezFranky said:
Aldrick said:
NinRick said:
What would you do if you were a jew for sure?

Actually it's weird. Because I read the first sentence and felt but dont believe that, this is a kike, I can feel the presence behind it, that matches all the other I have experienced.

I'm like dont do that, come on mind. No this could be someone that Dedicated and yay. My stomach turned, like how he joined right around the same time a bunch of kikes did? I'm like whatever were gonna pretend hes Gentile. Lalalalala

Continues reading. Mother fucker. Ofcourse.

The enemy is sending a new wave of them at us since January. But they keep admitting to it. Imagine if they didnt, all the ones we have just learned lately, were pretending to be with us. But think, we do have that.

This is why it's not good to go ohh eva and dark invader my family! Let's get closer to them. Also can we talk about the name for a minute lol.

Dark invader. Think about the mindset behind this name.

Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9
The last 69 is reffering to the sex position.
Ramier108666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Sabazios said:
You know brother? I ve also thought of something. If a jew where to bother a god he would have to suffer the consequences. Like let s say, someone wants to ask one of our gods for help with a problem, if he is a jew, will our gods help him or make it worse? This is a better way to prove if someone is a jew or not, just my opinion. And I don t think it s a good thing to bother the gods without a good reason.

Yeah this is probably the case. A jw would probably get his answer if he dared call upon a god. Besides the gods have enourmous power and don't need any of those scumbags pretending to be on our cause.

I'm with the idea that he's a Jew. Have you noticed that before my reply, the number of post is 44? If I remember correctly, don't Jews use that number for their fucking Jewish Kabbalah?
Man you have serious problem. Think the life and enjoy it. It is a number. Stay away from drugs.
In Satanism there is free will with which we differ from the rest of the religions and everything holds what is in the soul. Now if it's one, let's all do our DNA test and find our Jewish gene. Here more people have problem with autosuggestion.
darkinvader669 said:
Ramier108666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Yeah this is probably the case. A jw would probably get his answer if he dared call upon a god. Besides the gods have enourmous power and don't need any of those scumbags pretending to be on our cause.

I'm with the idea that he's a Jew. Have you noticed that before my reply, the number of post is 44? If I remember correctly, don't Jews use that number for their fucking Jewish Kabbalah?
Man you have serious problem. Think the life and enjoy it. It is a number. Stay away from drugs.

That's your opinion kike-opulus. It's still truth. Before I posted it was at 44 dumbass.

I don't even know ow why I even replied. I hate you Jews. Get lost.
Aldrick said:
DezFranky said:
Aldrick said:
Actually it's weird. Because I read the first sentence and felt but dont believe that, this is a kike, I can feel the presence behind it, that matches all the other I have experienced.

I'm like dont do that, come on mind. No this could be someone that Dedicated and yay. My stomach turned, like how he joined right around the same time a bunch of kikes did? I'm like whatever were gonna pretend hes Gentile. Lalalalala

Continues reading. Mother fucker. Ofcourse.

The enemy is sending a new wave of them at us since January. But they keep admitting to it. Imagine if they didnt, all the ones we have just learned lately, were pretending to be with us. But think, we do have that.

This is why it's not good to go ohh eva and dark invader my family! Let's get closer to them. Also can we talk about the name for a minute lol.

Dark invader. Think about the mindset behind this name.

Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9

66 is an enemy number.

Emperor palpatine order 66.

Also will these jews stop with the whole if you do the RTR your not a jew. I have personally watched a jew do the RTR. So that one is out.

Just trying to open up a spot so they can say, I did the RTR I'm not a jew! Now you have nothing against me.

This jew loved doing it even!
This one was quite the masochist :lol: And I completely agree with you brother, the RTR is not a way to prove who s jewish or not in a short amount of time.
Ramier108666 said:
darkinvader669 said:
Ramier108666 said:
I'm with the idea that he's a Jew. Have you noticed that before my reply, the number of post is 44? If I remember correctly, don't Jews use that number for their fucking Jewish Kabbalah?
Man you have serious problem. Think the life and enjoy it. It is a number. Stay away from drugs.

That's your opinion kike-opulus. It's still truth. Before I posted it was at 44 dumbass.

I don't even know ow why I even replied. I hate you Jews. Get lost.

Numerology definitely is a thing but I'm just not certain it applies here. Pretty much any thread will eventually get to 44 posts eventually. 22 is also one of their numbers and certainly a solid number of threads about any number of topics have reached that number before. Darkinvader is about to reach it in his total number of posts in fact, but I also had 22 total posts at one point, as well as 44 and many other Jewish numbers. It's more damning, imo, if it's in something like their username or signature or something well within their control.

darkinvader669 said:
In Satanism there is free will with which we differ from the rest of the religions and everything holds what is in the soul. Now if it's one, let's all do our DNA test and find our Jewish gene. Here more people have problem with autosuggestion.

[/IMG]1% European Jew[/IMG]1% Sub-Saharan African," and so on. Employees of these companies have outright admitted that they do this because they think that "screwing with racists" is funny, and in addition to that, hey, 0% is less than 1%, right? So it's technically not wrong. Every Gentile on Earth is less than 1% Jewish by definition, so you can't say the test is lying to you.

Some, if not all, of them also employ this method of testing in which they compare your genes to "historical populations" or some such garbage. Thus, if you have genes that come from an area in which Jews have been known to live, then they'll throw in a positive for Jewish genes based on that alone, even if you're absolutely free of Jewish blood. These tests will only serve to confuse real, genuine Gentiles into thinking they have blood that they actually don't, and ergo should never be trusted.
To the OP, as you can see, you replies are posted and your concerns have been answered. No need to worry about some replies.

Of course, we get very frequent trolls, jews, and many people in murky areas, so people can be alarmed. That doesn't make someone a jew necessarily.

So unless you're here to troll don't be worried and continue on as usual. Thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To the OP, as you can see, you replies are posted and your concerns have been answered. No need to worry about some replies.

Of course, we get very frequent trolls, jews, and many people in murky areas, so people can be alarmed. That doesn't make someone a jew necessarily.

So unless you're here to troll don't be worried and continue on as usual. Thanks.

HP what is your opinion on the effects of doing the RTR if one is a jew? There are mixed opinions around here and we would need your opinion.
Aldrick said:
DezFranky said:
Aldrick said:
Actually it's weird. Because I read the first sentence and felt but dont believe that, this is a kike, I can feel the presence behind it, that matches all the other I have experienced.

I'm like dont do that, come on mind. No this could be someone that Dedicated and yay. My stomach turned, like how he joined right around the same time a bunch of kikes did? I'm like whatever were gonna pretend hes Gentile. Lalalalala

Continues reading. Mother fucker. Ofcourse.

The enemy is sending a new wave of them at us since January. But they keep admitting to it. Imagine if they didnt, all the ones we have just learned lately, were pretending to be with us. But think, we do have that.

This is why it's not good to go ohh eva and dark invader my family! Let's get closer to them. Also can we talk about the name for a minute lol.

Dark invader. Think about the mindset behind this name.

Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9

66 is an enemy number.

Emperor palpatine order 66.

Also will these jews stop with the whole if you do the RTR your not a jew. I have personally watched a jew do the RTR. So that one is out.

Just trying to open up a spot so they can say, I did the RTR I'm not a jew! Now you have nothing against me.

This jew loved doing it even!

It is nonsense to say jews can not do the RTR. The RTR simply destroys the Hebrew letters, it is not destroying the enemy directly, it strips their power.
NinRick said:
Aldrick said:
DezFranky said:
Another good hint is him reversing the last 6 in 666 to be 9
dark invader 669 lol, why is 669 significant? Why do close to 666 but change It to 9

66 is an enemy number.

Emperor palpatine order 66.

Also will these jews stop with the whole if you do the RTR your not a jew. I have personally watched a jew do the RTR. So that one is out.

Just trying to open up a spot so they can say, I did the RTR I'm not a jew! Now you have nothing against me.

This jew loved doing it even!

It is nonsense to say jews can not do the RTR. The RTR simply destroys the Hebrew letters, it is not destroying the enemy directly, it strips their power.

Well it's been done. Also I guess you missed where Clergy said jews throughout history have attempted it to appease the Gods. But would get murdered by their own kind.
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.
than to argue about who is Jewish or not, we all create ourselves in every country from which we are a group of FBs with fake accounts and we gather all SS signatures to build a satanic church as in Salem. I'm willing to fight for something like that.
darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.

Lol and now we have the typical jewish, maybe I'm an Anton lavey. Maybe you were a jew in a last life and now your gentile, so I will be too.

A gentile freaks the fuck out. Notice jewsj ust accept what they are? He knows what he is.
darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.
Ara666 said:
darkinvader669 said:
I made the Dedicated Ritual at last Jan of 2020. I started to meditate with the beginning of the first month of meditations and now I finished to open the chakras. I have a big doubt. I am Romanian and the name of my great-grandmother was Ghelbere. I think that this name is a jew name. My mother said me that great-grandparents were jews but they were Romanians. I have no physical features of a Jew at all, rather I look like a Chinese.
How do I know if I am Jewish? And let's say I am, I want you to continue on my way to Spiritual Satanism. Can anyone stop me if Satan accepts me?

When I first read the title, I thought this was going to be about having a problem with a jewish co-worker or that you might have a jewish friend or something....

Guess I was wrong :lol:

Your mother told you your great grandparents were jews? It means she's a jew and so are you.

Satan DOES NOT accept jews. "They are not my people!"

It's as a simple as that.

Do you want us to feel sorry for you? :cry: Is that what this is all about?

Haven't you been using this tactic for... I don't know... since you were created by your reptilian masters?

Hey guys, jew problem. Everytime I look into a mirror. There that little kike goes now! I freak out and move from the mirror. But it freaks out and runs too. Lol
Aquarius said:
darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.

My brother, look at his name and all the shit he said, he is definitely a jew. He himself stated that his ancestors are jews aswell.
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.

My brother, look at his name and all the shit he said, he is definitely a jew. He himself stated that his ancestors are jews aswell.
LOL I didn't read that. Look at how these rats think they can avoid what will happen to them. :twisted:
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.

My brother, look at his name and all the shit he said, he is definitely a jew. He himself stated that his ancestors are jews aswell.

Have a you a life, money, girls or whatever? Or did you use some drugs. I do not care who are my grandparents or whatever I am a cynical persona, arrogant, mad and now I have more power now after RIR and I am interested in money, power and sex. Satan is with me not with you as other idiots. Country is crying and you spell the jews the most idiots.
Just gonna repost this here:

"A jew is a jew is a jew.

The only good jew is a dead jew. Jews weren't, aren't and will never be welcomed, nor will they be spared nor forgiven. It doesn't matter how much racial guilt they express nor does it matter if they "fight with us" or "fight for our cause" because at they end of the day jews are still jews who are still jews and will jew when the opportunity arises, and history proves this and made it clear as the sun. Everytime jews were forgiven they ended backstabbing us Gentiles, just look at how they're repaying the US, France and the UK for winning the war on their behalf by destroying them and genociding their population by actively promoting population replacement in their countries and many many more jewish acts.

Jews will always be jews because it's in their soul, it doesn't matter how jewish they are, because their soul is still jewish and being nice is alien to their soul and harms them. Any jew who attempts to act like a Gentile will inevitably give up and go back to jewing again as it's AGAINST their nature, alas they will destroy themselves, just like vegans who either go back to eating meat or destroy their bodies slowly which leads them to their inevitable death.

Any and every jew can go fuck themselves and no one from the JoS nor from our Gods will shed a tear for them, jews are cancerous creatures who have been actively murdering us Gentiles in the worst ways imaginable and been trying their best to enslave us. Jews will get what they deserve, whether we win the war or not, their future is sealed and the wrath of Satan and our Gods will be unleashed on them, as jews are a day late and a dime short.

If you're certain you're a Gentile then I advice you to look harder into your ancestors, and if you're a jew then you can go fuck yourself with a knife for all I care."

darkinvader669 said:
In my opinion being jew or not jew, we are in the 21st century and Gods are updated now at the technology that it is written on the JoS site. I think that there are Satanic people that they do not know they are jews or Satanic people that supposed or think they are jew and they are not. It hold about the soul which it came from another life and who you were in the first life on the Earth. Maybe in a life you were jew now you can be gentile or whatever. Everything that matters is you purpose life and how you mantain your human body with your soul. That is all.

No, being in the 21st century doesn't mean we have to throw all common sense in a trashcan.

"Israel is going to get what she deserves!" -Satan

Regarding the Jews: "THEY ARE *NOT* MY PEOPLE!" -Satan
I know it's immature to giggle at peculiarities that stem from language barriers but hot damn is this thread funny.
darkinvader669 said:
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.

My brother, look at his name and all the shit he said, he is definitely a jew. He himself stated that his ancestors are jews aswell.

Have a you a life, money, girls or whatever? Or did you use some drugs. I do not care who are my grandparents or whatever I am a cynical persona, arrogant, mad and now I have more power now after RIR and I am interested in money, power and sex. Satan is with me not with you as other idiots. Country is crying and you spell the jews the most idiots.
Nice try jew
darkinvader669 said:
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
No, that is bullshit and is a thought that clearly comes from somebody totally not aware and ignorant, or a jew himself. No will ever be accepted by Satan. A jewish soul will always reincarnate in a jewish body and in no way will a jew ever just be a gentile. So if you're not a jew you need to start reading more about the subject of jews because clearly you don't understand the gravity of the shit you said and if you're a jew you can fuck off.

My brother, look at his name and all the shit he said, he is definitely a jew. He himself stated that his ancestors are jews aswell.

Have a you a life, money, girls or whatever? Or did you use some drugs. I do not care who are my grandparents or whatever I am a cynical persona, arrogant, mad and now I have more power now after RIR and I am interested in money, power and sex. Satan is with me not with you as other idiots. Country is crying and you spell the jews the most idiots.

Sounds like you are aids in person lol
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I know it's immature to giggle at peculiarities that stem from language barriers but hot damn is this thread funny.
I know :))) The latest replies were the funniest I ve saw untill now, I understand why HP HC told the OP to keep posting :lol:
Sabazios said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I know it's immature to giggle at peculiarities that stem from language barriers but hot damn is this thread funny.
I know :))) The latest replies were the funniest I ve saw untill now, I understand why HP HC told the OP to keep posting :lol:

I think Ghost in The Machine made a post to a topic saying that HP HoodedCobra probably let alot of these post go through because the funny ones are hilarious. If that be so, and probably is, I respect that and I find it just as amusing.
Ramier108666 said:
Sabazios said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
I know it's immature to giggle at peculiarities that stem from language barriers but hot damn is this thread funny.
I know :))) The latest replies were the funniest I ve saw untill now, I understand why HP HC told the OP to keep posting :lol:

I think Ghost in The Machine made a post to a topic saying that HP HoodedCobra probably let alot of these post go through because the funny ones are hilarious. If that be so, and probably is, I respect that and I find it just as amusing.
If I m right HP. HC. stated it himself once. But anyway most of them are funny so there isn t any problem :D
The Alchemist7 said:
darkinvader669 said:
how can i find out if i am a jew?
Simply doing meditations and RTRs will reveal if you are jewish or not. I recently learned about a gypsy who dedicated a few years ago and said that he started to have problems with his health and school issues not long after he dedicated. That's normal to happen to non-gentiles because their soul is alien and our spirituality is alien for them. If you feel good from meditating and doing RTRs then you are not jewish. By the way being Romanian is different from being jew. Being jew it means that racially one is jewish, being Romanian or anything else relate to nationality, not race.

Have you personally seen any other cases like this with jews and gypsies? Im actually really cautious as to testimonies what it it really does to a jew over the long term, if theyre nuts enough
Shadowcat said:
The Alchemist7 said:
darkinvader669 said:
how can i find out if i am a jew?
Simply doing meditations and RTRs will reveal if you are jewish or not. I recently learned about a gypsy who dedicated a few years ago and said that he started to have problems with his health and school issues not long after he dedicated. That's normal to happen to non-gentiles because their soul is alien and our spirituality is alien for them. If you feel good from meditating and doing RTRs then you are not jewish. By the way being Romanian is different from being jew. Being jew it means that racially one is jewish, being Romanian or anything else relate to nationality, not race.

Have you personally seen any other cases like this with jews and gypsies? Im actually really cautious as to testimonies what it it really does to a jew over the long term, if theyre nuts enough

Sorry meant curious**

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
