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Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com; gutterrainbow@...
From: briangibbons20@...
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

<td val[/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible
Hail Satan

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that?

Hail Enki


--- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM


..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:

my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them.

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet.

It is the little kids i really feel sorry for.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....


The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more.


From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@

To: <a rel="nofollow">jos4adults@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM

Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!

 she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.

 hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.

 give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care.


To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade".

I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do!

As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child?

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:


my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time.

I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong,"

The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc.

our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across.

My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now?

ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing.

my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT?

hoping to get some feedback/responses.

Hail Satan!

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: mageson6666@

Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup:

Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc

In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."

Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this:

"Knowledge which spreads, saves."

Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.

Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc

The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.

What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this.

For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that

anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.

So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.

As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.

Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy.

On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]

Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:

With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."

Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."

With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki

"So now the jew has backed the Gentile consumer who despite all the jew sneaking
has become fully aware of the situation they can either pay the extra for kosher
and not be as poisoned by the jew or not and be forced to eat toxic garbage
purposely made by the jew to get them sick where they then have to go the jew
medical rackett and pay half a million they don't have for treatments which will
probably kill them in five years and leave their family in debt to the jew" - just about exactly where I'm at.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
From: mageson6666@...
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 19:00:01 -0700
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

     Just because its not marked kosher does not mean its good for you either:   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/258      The other hidden part of the kosher tax pointed out by a fellow named Scott
Roberts on his education vids on the subject which are excellent:

http://theforbiddentruth.net/4467-you-p ... visit&#92;

Is the fact much of the harmful garbage the jews pour into our foods are pumped
into the non-kosher products, while the kosher ones are apparently freer of

The jews are told to only buy kosher in private as the jews who own the food
companies know they are purposely putting toxic garbage into the foods for the
Goyium[ means cattle, its the jews word for Gentiles] use. And not putting the
same into the kosher brands for their fellow jews. Which means its purposeful
poisoning of Gentiles. They treat us the same as the other cattle in their
factory farming plants.

You can try this out and go to any store and compare the labels of the kosher to
the non-kosher brands. I did and was suprised to find the difference.

So now the jew has backed the Gentile consumer who despite all the jew sneaking
has become fully aware of the situation they can either pay the extra for kosher
and not be as poisoned by the jew or not and be forced to eat toxic garbage
purposely made by the jew to get them sick where they then have to go the jew
medical rackett and pay half a million they don't have for treatments which will
probably kill them in five years and leave their family in debt to the jew.

<td val[/IMG]--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that?

Hail Enki


--- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM


..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:

my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them.

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet.

It is the little kids i really feel sorry for.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....


The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more.


From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@

To: <a rel="nofollow">jos4adults@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM

Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!

 she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.

 hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.

 give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care.


To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade".

I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do!

As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child?

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:


my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time.

I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong,"

The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc.

our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across.

My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now?

ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing.

my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT?

hoping to get some feedback/responses.

Hail Satan!

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: mageson6666@

Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup:

Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc

In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."

Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this:

"Knowledge which spreads, saves."

Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.

Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc

The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.

What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this.

For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that

anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.

So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.

As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.

Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy.

On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]

Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:

With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."

Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."

With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki


Best just to [/IMG]</var>

From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...
To: jos4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 8:32:35 AM
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  "So now the jew has backed the Gentile consumer who despite all the jew sneaking has become fully aware of the situation they can either pay the extra for kosher and not be as poisoned by the jew or not and be forced to eat toxic garbage purposely made by the jew to get them sick where they then have to go the jew medical rackett and pay half a million they don't have for treatments which will probably kill them in five years and leave their family in debt to the jew" - just about exactly where I'm at. To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com From: mageson6666@... Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 19:00:01 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet     Just because its not marked kosher does not mean its good for you either:   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/258      The other hidden part of the kosher tax pointed out by a fellow named Scott Roberts on his education vids on the subject which are excellent:http://theforbiddentruth.net/4467-you-p ... visit&#92;
ed.ht[/IMG]--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that?

Hail Enki


--- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM


..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:

my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them.

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet.

It is the little kids i really feel sorry for.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....


The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more.


From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@

To: <a rel="nofollow">jos4adults@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM

Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!

 she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.

 hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.

 give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care.


To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade".

I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do!

As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child?

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:


my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time.

I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong,"

The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc.

our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across.

My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now?

ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing.

my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT?

hoping to get some feedback/responses.

Hail Satan!

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: mageson6666@

Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup:

Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc

In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."

Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this:

"Knowledge which spreads, saves."

Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.

Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc

The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.

What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this.

For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that

anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.

So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.

As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.

Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy.

On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]

Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:

With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."

Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."

With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki


<td val[/IMG]I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM

<td val[/IMG]   I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com ; gutterrainbow@...
From: briangibbons20@...
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

<td val[/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible
Hail Satan

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that?

Hail Enki


--- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM


..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:

my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them.

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet.

It is the little kids i really feel sorry for.

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....


The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more.


From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@

To: <a rel="nofollow">jos4adults@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM

Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!

 she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.

 hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.

 give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care.


To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: egret23@

Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade".

I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do!

As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child?

--- [/IMG]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com, Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote:


my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time.

I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong,"

The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc.

our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across.

My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now?

ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing.

my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT?

hoping to get some feedback/responses.

Hail Satan!

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com

From: mageson6666@

Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000

Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup:

Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc

In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."

Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this:

"Knowledge which spreads, saves."

Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.

Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc

The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.

What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this.

For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that

anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.

So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.

As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.

Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy.

On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]

Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:

With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."

Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."

With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@

To: <a rel="nofollow">JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki

Cool thanks everyone after reading that I am definitely throwing out the soy milk I have anyways I can try to shop organic with some things not sure I can afford to with everything. Where i live organic stuff is always more expensive however local yeah I didn't even think of that I think it is more affordable there are a few places around here that sell local food.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
Why [/IMG]</var>

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG] I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android[/TD]
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td vAl[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG] I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android[/TD]
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td vAl[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
<td val[/IMG]I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
I wonder the same thing Brian does here I am kind of getting the impression maybe organic stuff is better but that too some of it is kosher hmm

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki


--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM


I simply asked you a question.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM


Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM


I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.

To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@... From: briangibbons20@... Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 

And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@
wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson
<darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my
mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most
important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them. Â
hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption"
"Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of
both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant,
stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say
grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge]
is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one
reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the
British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners.
The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.
So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other
systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we
look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."
Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian
Try coconut milk! Really good for the lymphatic system/digestion in my experience. Or almond milk. You'd be surprised.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryFrom: Don Danko <mageson6666@... Sender: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 09:40:15 -0700 (PDT)To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com<JoS4adults@yahoogroups.comReplyTo: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td vAl[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td vAl[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
Just read and study [/IMG]</var>   Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG]I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td vAl[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td vAl[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
.............we still have milk...

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
From: mageson6666@...
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 09:40:15 -0700
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

I simply asked you a question.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why is it better?
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
Greetings   think about it why do packaged foods and water have the kosher stamp though i have never been to the states my friends tell me some supermarkets have an entire section for kosher foods.My friends tell me even the veggies and water have the stamp on it.Is it just for the blessings or is it to make sure that their fellow brethen don't eat the poison that we are eating.I have never been to the USA am only telling you what my friend have told me.Please forgive me if my info is wrong. As we say in India.MERA BHARAT MAHAN.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

<td style="font:[/IMG]I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM


From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
Me too. I guess the only option is grow your own food. But that takes time, money and alot of other things. You know I truly wonder what excatly they put in foods that are soy. I always wonder that because I eat it also.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

I wonder the same thing Brian does here I am kind of getting the impression maybe organic stuff is better but that too some of it is kosher hmm

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki


--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM


I simply asked you a question.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM


Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@" <darthxilon@
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM


I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.

To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@ From: briangibbons20@ Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 

And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@
wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson
<darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my
mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most
important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them. Â
hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption"
"Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of
both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant,
stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say
grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge]
is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one
reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the
British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners.
The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.
So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other
systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we
look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."
Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian
Yes Brian, as far as I can tell, Humans shouldn't drink milk at all.
 Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

<td style="font:[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG] I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android[/TD]
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

<td val[/IMG]Thanks Shannon I will try to find some.:)

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:
From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 6:04 PM

  Hail our Creator God Satan.
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why [/IMG]</var>
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
koscher stamp can mean that its healthy, sadly enough. but thats just a can. what it DOES mean is that the jews have gotten to the company and product. a lack thereof simply means that the jews, by choice or ignorance or something else, have not.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
From: magus_75@...
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 01:19:32 -0700
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

  Greetings   think about it why do packaged foods and water have the kosher stamp though i have never been to the states my friends tell me some supermarkets have an entire section for kosher foods.My friends tell me even the veggies and water have the stamp on it.Is it just for the blessings or is it to make sure that their fellow brethen don't eat the poison that we are eating.I have never been to the USA am only telling you what my friend have told me.Please forgive me if my info is wrong. As we say in India.MERA BHARAT MAHAN.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

<td style="font:[/IMG]I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM

  I simply asked you a question.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
<td val[/IMG]OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com" <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

  Why is it better?
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "jos4adults@yahoogroups.com" <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
  From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <jos4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM
<td val[/IMG]  [/IMG]And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM
But I've always loved to drink milk! T_T We used to eat organic things until they got too pricy.

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Mike <misza2@... wrote:

Yes Brian, as far as I can tell, Humans shouldn't drink milk at all.

Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@..." <darthxilon@...
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@...;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM

I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@... From: briangibbons20@... Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 
And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@...;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@ wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And
Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating
that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers
milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO
YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.  hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected
facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A
Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont
think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some
feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc
In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by
employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which
is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin
class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics. So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And
its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat
is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)'
We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food." Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to
eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian
support local organic farms.
 I have never trusted soy. never once. as I've said many times, though not here, I've got a gut feeling about it that I cant ignore.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
From: tanya.azazel@...
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 15:33:28 +0000
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

  Me too. I guess the only option is grow your own food. But that takes time, money and alot of other things. You know I truly wonder what excatly they put in foods that are soy. I always wonder that because I eat it also.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

I wonder the same thing Brian does here I am kind of getting the impression maybe organic stuff is better but that too some of it is kosher hmm

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

I know you well enough to know that you ask questions to get us to think for ourselves.But really I am stumped on what healthy things to buy to eat.Are the things that have kosher stamps on them healthier for us?Is that kind of reverse phycology?

Hail Enki


--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 4:40 PM


I simply asked you a question.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 8:01:55 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM


Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@" <darthxilon@
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet


I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM


I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.

To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@ From: briangibbons20@ Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 

And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@
wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson
<darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my
mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most
important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them. Â
hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption"
"Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of
both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant,
stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say
grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge]
is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one
reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the
British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners.
The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.
So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other
systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we
look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."
Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian
Milk is fit for humans, despite the vegan propaganda always making the rounds. The problem is on whole the modern conditions on the farms and processing of the milk makes it harder for certain people in the population to be able to digest. And most of its crap in quality. Organic milk non-homogenized is best. I get mine pasturized as little as possible, but still slighty pasturized. I understand the debate on raw milk that with proper refrigeration and sanitary conditions solves the issue pasturization was created for. But just for safety sake. Just like I will not eat rare or raw meat.

Milk fat is also good for a person on many levels.

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:

But I've always loved to drink milk! T_T We used to eat organic things until they got too pricy.

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Mike <misza2@ wrote:

Yes Brian, as far as I can tell, Humans shouldn't drink milk at all.

Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@" <darthxilon@
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM

I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@ From: briangibbons20@ Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 
And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@ wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And
Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating
that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers
milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO
YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.  hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected
facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A
Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont
think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some
feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc
In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by
employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which
is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin
class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics. So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And
its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat
is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)'
We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food." Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to
eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian
I'll eat rare meat but raw is pushing it a little too far.

To: JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com
From: mageson6666@...
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 16:58:38 +0000
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

  Milk is fit for humans, despite the vegan propaganda always making the rounds. The problem is on whole the modern conditions on the farms and processing of the milk makes it harder for certain people in the population to be able to digest. And most of its crap in quality. Organic milk non-homogenized is best. I get mine pasturized as little as possible, but still slighty pasturized. I understand the debate on raw milk that with proper refrigeration and sanitary conditions solves the issue pasturization was created for. But just for safety sake. Just like I will not eat rare or raw meat.

Milk fat is also good for a person on many levels.

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], "sorceressofenki88" <kcmsopranobella@... wrote:

But I've always loved to drink milk! T_T We used to eat organic things until they got too pricy.

--- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Mike <misza2@ wrote:

Yes Brian, as far as I can tell, Humans shouldn't drink milk at all.

Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

OK so now I am confused.We shouldn't drink any kind of milk at all?You said soy is garbage,so what option do we have left?

Hail Enki

--- On Mon, 5/14/12, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
To: "[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012, 1:54 AM

Why is it better?

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@
To: "[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]" <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; "darthxilon@" <darthxilon@
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:53:39 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet

I agree and it took me time to get use to fat free.but one its better for you and two if no fat it doesn't spoil as fast too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android
From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@;
To: <[url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:30:50 PM

I like whole milk better. I feel like taking the fat out cheapens them milk sorta. thats just me though.
To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url]; gutterrainbow@ From: briangibbons20@ Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 18:06:36 -0700 Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet 
And I have found that fat free milk is not only better for you but keeps a lot longer too.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Indigo Nation <gutterrainbow@;
To: <[url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet
Sent: Sun, May 13, 2012 12:47:05 AM

Well I eat meat gladly but milk after hearing what is in it I drink soy milk it tastes better and distilled water doesnt have fluoride I think I feel healthier after those changes and Baking Soda or non floride toothpaste along with hydrogen peroxide I try to avoid floride I hear it's basically nuclear waste other than that eat what you like I never push these things I believe on anyone however I don't think only eating junk food is good. Responsibility to the responsible Hail Satan --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote: I am going to post something on this post since it is about diet.I have found that in my area at least,our local walmat sells great value meat that does not have the kosher labels on them.Can anyone else attest to that? Hail Enki Brian  --- On Sat, 5/12/12, blackkat_411 <egret23@ wrote: From: blackkat_411 <egret23@ Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And
Diet To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 3:48 PM   ..Hail Satan!! Unfortunately, children cannot choose to not take these medications, and the parents are usually pushed into by a 'doctor' so they make money by screwing up the kids. [ADHD is a common money maker} In the treatment of ADHD for children and young adults, Adderall XR is now prescribed frequently, often as a first-line drug. And the side effects are many,including schizophrenic-like states in children on prescribed doses of stimulant medications, mainly Aderall. I am sorry you had to take that shit. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: my parents used to beat me all the time, and when that didn't work the put me on adderall. it made me feel like less than a person, estranged me from my friends and my class. there should be worldwide laws stating
that psychiatric medications cannot be forced upon any person, of any age that does not want them. To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 11:43:05 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet ..Hail Satan!! Some doctors actually push 'infant formulas' to be used instead, and as you can see, there has been recall after recall of certain baby formuls recently. I have been told many time to keep my mouth shut at my work, when i spoke of diet with some parents who bring thier kids to the idiots who then prescribe medications for all types of nonsense. But, i actually had a lady who started to look into her son's problems being connected to his diet. It is the little kids i really feel sorry for. --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: When a baby is born the mothers
milk glands produces human [animals do the same] colostrum for a short period of several hours. This form of milk literally downloads and formats the newborns immune system. So by not breast feeding.....  The people you mention are the natural fruit of a dysfunctional social order. Giving birth is a womens initiation into the sacred role of motherhood. And they don't even respect the most important event of their life. And its effect on the world forever more. ________________________________ From: Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ To: [url=mailto:jos4adults@yahoogroups.com]jos4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:53:29 PM Subject: RE: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  as for this poor deluded woman, no, I dont think anyone can. some people dont understand that "thats not healthy for you," means DO NOT FUCKING EAT THIS SHIT EVERYDAY, AND IF YOU DO
YOU DONT NEED TO FUCK YOUR KIDS UP TOO!  she told me there were several girls in her pregnancy class that had decided not to breatfeed because its "weird". im assuming this fast food lover was one of them.  hopefully, we can get our civilization to the point where only organic foods and clean water is allowed in schools. of course, something like that would come along with kids being taught to fight and stand up for themselves, being taught to question, and more excercise daily, and classes teaching rights and a whole list of things.  give mcdonalds to the retarded. they wont care. ________________________________ To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: egret23@ Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 13:23:24 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet  ..Hail Satan!! Human Grade--lol-- the designations "from USDA inspected
facilities" and "passed USDA inspection for human consumption" "Inspected for human consumption"..ect So, the lowest quality of meat possible, which also makes it the most affordable. Example -fast foods such as taco bell,mcdonalds...ect. If you look into it further, you will see certain cat and dog food labeled "Human Grade". I realized you adressed this to brian, but had to laugh about "human grade"--it's disgusting what they do! As for that poor deluded woman who is pregnant, can't someone tell her what she is doing to the child? --- In [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url], Andre Wilson <darthxilon@ wrote: brian, my take on diet is that it is important what you eat, as most of the "food" sold to gentiles, or even worse in school cafeterias, is literal poison. poison of the body, poison of the mind, I guess poison of both most of the time. I remember in a Hitler youth thing, A
Nazi said, "its is not only our responsibility to build...(something like strong minds or strong something)...but also to build bodies that are strong," The way you eat and excersise as a kid will affect you for the rest of your life. you can resolve all sorts of health problems and even some "mental" problems, just by eating right. you need to eat healthy things-meats, breads, fruits, veggies, drink lots of water,etc. our goal of perfection... simply cannot end with the spiritual. honestly with spiritual perfection being achieved the rest will probably fall into place. we must strive to perfect every aspect of our respective people's and our cultures, and our world itself. I hope my point is coming across. My girlfriend was telling me that someone in her pregnancy class, who was pregnant, stated that she did not buy fresh food because it would just go bad. she just bought mcdonalds and fast food *all the time*. I dont
think she should be allowed to reproduce. the lack of nutrition and the over intake of fat and chemicals... has to be incredibly damaging to a forming baby. I wonder what the extreme heat of a fryer does to meat, to its proteins. and then, can you imagine a child growing up having only ate fast food? they will probably be obese and diabetic before they hit puberty. and they won't be too smart either. you know they actually test for diabetes in newborn babies now? ever see that picture that says "the main difference between europe and the us," with europe having a very attractive woman showing in it, and Usa having a morbidly obese woman at a picnic table with her fat ass crack showing. my girlfriend tells me that when meat comes to public school districts, it doesn't say grade a or b or whatever beef. it says ,"human grade meat," human grade. WHAT THE FUCK IS HUMAN GRADE MEAT? hoping to get some
feedback/responses. Hail Satan! To: [url=mailto:JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com]JoS4adults@yahoogroups.com[/url] From: mageson6666@ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 20:55:02 +0000 Subject: [JoS4adults] Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet Hatha Yoga, Tantra And Diet This is from a thread on the subject from another JoS egroup: Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc
In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent." Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: "Knowledge which spreads, saves." Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work. Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by
employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha/Gnosis.etc The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown. What happened was during the Raj period of India when the Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada Buddhism which
is the orignal current of this program [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there. These systems also corrupted the 8 fold path to conform to this. For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin
class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions] they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via Buddhism centuries before and other ideals that are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called Hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics. So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and another major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And
its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also imported the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East. As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO styled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried. Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate and necessary, false dichotomy. On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat
is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.] Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detail on before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this: With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)'
We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food." Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance." With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense. ---------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ To: [url=mailto:JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com]JoyofSatan666@yahoogroups.com[/url] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to
eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move. Hail Enki Brian

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
