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Gulf Of Oman False Flags

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Gulf Of Oman False Flags

The attacks on the two ships in the Gulf of Oman, that were blamed on Iran are revealing. The tankers were both Japanese and this came at the same time the Japanese Prime Minister was meeting with the Iranian government. The meetings were to discuss countering the sanctions on Iran and lifting them. The major leverage Japan has within this is the Japanese are well esteemed to be against nuclear weapons and nuclear proliferation. Which means Japanese intervention politically can help lift the sanctions. As the Japanese inspectors and agreements will be given high merit in the international community.

Japan is also a major trading partner of Iran with fossil fuels, the majority of Japanese fossil fuels are imported. The wavers that America issued for nations trading with Iran for fossil fuel ran out on the first to second of May this year. Japan has an interest in getting the sanctions lifted for there own economic requirements as well.

The attacks on the Japanese tankers would not have been done by Iran, as Japan is their important ally in helping them internationally to lift the destructive sanctions on their nation. And at the time important political meetings between Japanese and Iranians leaders were going on.

The attacks were a false flag, the fact the American government claimed the way the tankers were attacked totally contradict what the crew themselves state. And the attempt to claim an Iranian boat helping the crew members to safety was an attempt to remove mines from the hull, is suspect and unproven from the video. The tanker was stuck above the water line by a flying projectile as the crew stated, not below the water line from a magnetic mine.

The obvious purpose of the attacks was to attempt to disrupt the talks between Japan and Iran and distance them for each other and break up their alliance. The other reason was to create another incident to raise tensions in the region and create further escalation. It can also be argued it was also to punish Japan for pursuing the course of political action they are taking. If the Japanese government does not fall for the immediate ruse they might get the other message.

The policy of the Israeli government is to use false flag attacks against their enemies to then push the nations into war in the Middle East for Israel. The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty. The attacks on the American and French barracks in Beirut in 1983, that killed 242 American Marines and 58 French soldiers, were done by Mossad and then blamed on Iran, from the report of the book By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer, wrote by former Mossad officer, Victor Ostrovsky:

"According to Ostrovsky, then Mossad head Nahum Admoni decided against giving the specific details to the Americans on the grounds that the Mossad's responsibility was to protect Israel's interests, not Americans."

The Israeli's withheld the information because they wanted the attacks to happen.

Rafael "Rafi" Eitan former Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff, stated the Mossad had groups operating in Lebanon, under Lebanese's fronts. For the purpose of carrying out false flag attacks. Such as Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners, this organization used massive amounts of car and truck bombing attacks, such as those used with the Beirut attacks.

Israel's interests were to pull America into war with Iran and their allies, which was outlined in the Yinon Plan. Mossad was behind the Beirut attacks as well. Just as Mossad was behind 911.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
