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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
[Update 22 January 2022] UPDATE: Crash, Energy Shortages, Fed "Uncecrtainties"

It should be self evident and it is rather "uncanny" that all the coincidences with housing markets showing about to crash, crypto crash, energy crisis, but also a "potential confrontation" with Russia are all happening at the same time.

Notice the date above in preparation...They hate timed it with the 22 1 22 heavily. This in their numerology can be perceived as a passing into the "22".

Meanwhile, the FED does not know what to do. The incessant printing of infinite gorillions of dollars has been increasing the inflation exponentially even in consumer goods. From the gorillions printed, the biggest artificial growth of the economy has occurred last year. Meanwhile, wages and nothing functional has followed.

In Europe, geopolitcally, there is 40% natural gas dependence upon Russia. If anyone has read the news, they notice the situation with Russia. Based on this, Europe wants to construct East Mediterranean energy sources and pipelines for natural gas, to reduce this dependence with Russia.

Traditionally, situations like this not only imply heavy taxation [the people are being taxed for everything and debt is passed onto the next generations, you paid for the "vaccine" too and all the lockdown money - your future self did, and your present self through inflation], but also chances are prices of natural gas and other energy will keep rising. This doesn't look like it's anywhere close to be stopped.

Between reality and the artificial creation of a crisis, there are elements of both. But it's mostly artificial and price induced. No change in sight for this yet, and only applied changes that look the part of solving anything, are longterm. People will see bigger bills in Europe for energy for sure.

The failure of the "handling" of Co-Vid is so severe and so self evident, and the agenda of theirs so exposed. Yet since most people do nothing, they continue. Now, I have explained before that 2022 will be a year of major twists financially. There will be redistribution of wealth during this year.

Additionally, the multiplying of the fortunes of most of the richest institutions, many of which are financial and seek profits [justifiably], is going to put tremendous stress on the real economy.

The above was to be expected. Everyone has been warned from November 20th about the upcoming condition of the economy. If you know the Joy of Satan, you know that no warnings are issued without a factual background. We are the opposite of a fear inducing news site that merely wants to create sensational nonsense. These repeat lies everyday. We write you only when there is real danger ahead.

Looking at the markets and crypto markets today, or the inflation rates in consumer products, or a frozen FED, you might understand why we issued warning on the subject as early as November.

Protect your assets, mind your moves, and be very vigilant and careful for the next months starting 2023.

These are NOT normal years or circumstances. All of this will "pass" but it will take at least one and about two years for the situation to reach a phase where radical changes will stabilize anything.

Above all, don't be a fool that thinks falsehoods and stay instead close to the Gods. Yes, humanity *WILL* need their help, and that goes on individually. Most people do not have any access to any help, they will be victimized fully as they have been for the last years. They will pray to "Jesus" and nothing will happen. The list goes.

The difference lies in which people will finally get this help. As a Spiritual Satanist, you have this opportunity, so do not waste it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

[Update 20 November 2021] UPDATE: When does this all end?

BrightSpace666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
siatris666 said:
will the economy crash after war with china?

That is not there yet. For now, it will be a mix of :

1. Inflation
2. Artificial fake shortages, actual energy shortages
3. Shortages of human labor force due to bullshit Co-Vid fake shit laws and prohibitions
4. Internal disarray because of the above factors.

War with China is not for now, but might be a final card they might wanna pull up in the future in case nothing else works. But they will make sure to have set up the United States for total failure before they will even try to begin such a war.

Are there any social problems associated with them? The current situation caused by the epidemic is not surprising. How much longer are they going to drag this CoVID out? How much longer can this unjustifiable closure to the epidemic, this systematic vaccination paradigm, this economic collapse, this bankruptcy, be tolerated. How much longer will this go on?

They require a lot of patience and perseverance. I didn't think it would come to this, that they would deliberately go viral to promote their agenda.

They have gambled it for now now as most people haven't been reacting. They hope this will continue until 2030 where this ends with everyone in a pod, living a dystopia kind of nightmare. They have openly explained how this is envisioned by them. We are dealing with maniacs that won't really give up, people who are insane, and yes, the alien agenda incarnate and thrown in the front for all to see. And currently, they are inflated to no end.

They don't hide it either that they plan to perpetuate the "Co-Vid" situation indefinitely, if they are left to their own, and no, they will not want to declare this an actual endemic illness, or even if they do, they will insist on the insanity with the booster shots, extreme coercion measures, irrational decisions.

Two years later the hype is being kept alive by the jewish media and the jewish afflicted and infiltrated governments, despite of any logical facts, and without caring about a thing. People from the whole political spectrum are now looking at the situation with question marks above their heads, as to why did we even get there in the first place. Nothing really makes conclusive sense.

It does make sense if one has studied quite a few "things" that have been called "conspiracy theories". That's essentially the jews halting the whole Western Civilization over an elongated fake terror mongering situation based on Co-Vid, to slow down the West so that it's eventually submerged by China on the exterior, and falling into "leftism" and "communism" and "weakness" through the interior. That's the longterm plan, and it has many faces. Accelerating extinction, halting progress, and fiscal destruction of the Western World is also embed into this, same as weakening and demoralizing the population of the West. Globally, this will reflect on major death toll and also a progressive culling of human population through numerous different paths that all lead to the same end. Klaus has summarized this in his "Great Reset" rhetoric, sponsored by the Greys of course.

Generally, this should not hold forever, but we are faced with at least 2 more difficult years. That, granted people might react and/or the situation becoming unbearable, all things considered.

If people do not react or take this seriously, and keep lining for more and more boosters, giving their freedoms away more and more, the enemy might pass this as the "new normal", from where reversing back to normal lifestyle might be impossible.

If people keep caving in to their demands, destruction will be the only final outcome. We need to be mentally prepared and prepare for a long battle here. I wish I could bring other news but that's the reality. Not all places will be affected equally. 2 years in into this whole mess, and no logic has been applied anywhere, in fact, insanity is ruling still.

This rule of insanity and nonsense will be really rivalled against strongly after planetary changes in mid-late 2023, where it will be difficult to maintain all this QR slave creating measures. Until then however, the situation is really tight and the enemy appears to be trying to take full advantage of this to try to reform society as much as they can.

We need to be patient and do our best to live through this, as a first. This is essentially a war against people, and it's going to be longterm, it's not a solitary situation that will just vanish instantly. There will be a series of attacks.

I am sorry to bring these types of news but it is what it is. The upcoming years will not be like the previous ones, nor as carefree or harassment free. That does not mean however that anyone who is strong, works, and does their spiritual duties, won't be fine in this decade or the next one. It just means that there will be more external pressures against humanity from all sides, pressures that people will have to adapt and react against.

[Update 6 November 2021] UPDATE: Warfare through fear: Blackouts, energy crisis, health crisis

It is a fact that many governments are having issues with coal or oil reserves. Added to a situation of possible bad weather in the coming winter [Europe is tending to Green Energy and Green energy is bullshit if there is no air], there are rumors flying left and right about the situations lining up for potential "blackouts". Of course, these could be human induced and much of this is clearly scaremorgering [refer to the other post on fear].

Prices due to the above as a result of energy and electricity are rising. That is factual and increases of prices are anywhere from 15% to 30%. In the same way, there are warnings from meteorologists and allusions in public discourse of a very "bad winter" in Europe and the United States, relating to the weather and extreme weather phenomena. The claims center around Central Europe mostly.

Extreme weather phenomena, energy crisis, health crisis, other shortages and labor issues stemming from insanity of measures in some countries related to the Co-Vid craze, is going to be a toxic combination that will push quite a few places of the world and even countries to their limits. China has recommended to people to stock up food citing tensions in Taiwan, however, it appears this was recommended for other reasons.

With the above, there is also high risk of energy outages be these temporary or longer, especially for the months of December and January when rampant weather phenomena are claimed to be "likely" to take place. From what circulates about these events, these will affect mostly central Europe, and they are "predictions" by meteorologists now, which may never come to pass, but the enemy intention is clearly expressed. More accurately, the enemy's plan to abuse humanity is still there.

It's therefore advisable for everyone to do their own research and consider if any amount of preparing by stocking up or other forms of preparation [financial or otherwise] might be necessary for the close future or for people to take precautions for the next months of this winter.

Some Nations have went as far with the outrageous Co-Vid "measures", as to lock people who are unvaccinated out of supermarkets access. Pressing events such as the above, if occur, in conjunction with the general instability, might be causes of a difficult winter coming.

Everyone must also participate in the latest Rituals Schedule to boost one's protection and everyone's protection through the potential future outcomes of the above (((tribulations))).

[End of Update 6 November 2021]


[Update 13 October 2021] NOTE: Rampant Inflation.

As many people are seeing this about some weeks from the writing, they are starting to be concerned. As always, everyone has been warned earlier. This is probably going to intensify. Take self protection measures.

One more thing, the estimated yearly rising of Inflation in the United States is estimated to touch 5%. That means that in about 5 years from now, for 100 dollars of purchasing power, people will actually have purchasing power equivalent to 75 dollars or a 25% decrease. This is a form of indirect theft based on the infinite printing of money.

As the senseless governmental printing intensifies, the randomly printed money is always given to the "top tier" of pigs [companies of the top 1%, banks, infrastructure that is imaginary like billions for TV Co-vid propaganda etc]. The need to compensate for these fruitless investments of the government, which are generally thrown on self serving individuals and pigs, might yield poor returns.

In turn, this will make the government potentially adjust taxes. That is why Joe Biden is increasing taxes. Small businesses and middle/lower class will be mostly affected by these taxes.

For those that don't understand or know what is inflation, inflation is when you increase the supply of money [printing bills], effectively, this makes every existing bill lose some purchasing power since there is more money in circulation.

This, in effect makes things terrible as nothing really changes to adjust the inflation for those in the lower financial levels of society, which is left at the mercy of the inflation. They still pay the taxes, and have to also pay indirectly the amount of inflation that happens.

This will create unemployment, prices will not make sense [added also the artificial enemy induced scarcity] and will also cause an array of other problems such as issues with loan payments or mortgages.

In menial terms, the 1 dollar store through which many Americans now live by, might become a 2 dollar store within this context, which apparently it has already been becoming, slowly. As China also comes into this with raising production prices or transfer prices for goods, 1 dollar will yield no profit anymore, and the price may slowly rise [inflation adds to this]. However, their salary of the average consumer, will probably not adjust from 1000 dollars to 2000 dollars, unless there is some form of social major reaction taking place.

In more menial terms, in many European and other countries, there is also rising price of electricity, water supply or other bills like natural gas. The rise of these prices may go up to 50%. This will in turn affect all production sectors, which will in turn affect the prices at the shelves. Adding the above in consideration, the enemy is clearly working overtime to create financial chaos and cause instability with the idea of procuring the situation so that people end up begging for the "Great Reset".

This is based on bogus claims of "Climate Change". Apparently the climate has changed a lot in the last 2 years or something. Despite the actual events taking place, the reflections on how the governments act, are nothing but false pretext.

We saw already movements like the Yellow Vests in France, going into a positive direction of new demands adjusted for this reality. The French people here must also remember the bogus gas and fuel taxes, or emissions taxes which almost got France burned up from protests. They will now do the same things, but now it appears that will be done covertly or more stealthily, yet, based on the same pretext.

All the printed money from Co-Vid, wasn't for free. It is something they will demand one way or another from the citizens. People who thought lockdowns and worldwide rape was necessary over a virus of 0.02% mortality rate, are going to experience a rude awakening that will affect their pockets now.

Everyone is advised to prepare for this.

Although we are not financial advisors, it's recommended for people to invest in some sort of "safe haven asset" to protect themselves from losses. This does not come without risk - there will always be risk involved.

A certain risk would be to not invest, in which case if one holds 5000$ for example, the purchasing power with inflation added to it, might reach something north of 50% within 10 years. That is a devastation for the average consumer and average citizen that is not considerably wealthy. The wealthy will have to tank a lot of damage from this too.

However, if one has invested the same amount in a safe haven asset, such as for example Gold or Silver [there are other assets too, do your research], one might as well experience an increase or an adjustment in the price based on inflation.

Still, there is a considerably viable scenario with Joe's fuckups that too many things might go down the drain, so one has to do their due diligence, especially if you have wealth, property and owned things to protect. Remember that the enemy wants to cause loss of the capacity of ownership in people [but not to their own cohorts] as the architects of the "Great Reset" had admitted.

This includes the rich, the poor and the middle class. They want to see to it that everyone literally owns nothing, all these categories of people. Middle Class will be attacked first as it holds nations and states together. The poor will be attacked to submission, and the rich will be bottlenecked with taxes or go into turmoil because of the imbalance of society.

To build this, they need to make people adjusted and to conform to owning nothing and having nothing, or adjusted to serious financial losses out of nowhere. People must move in the opposite direction and protect whatever is it that they own, even if this is 10 dollars and their sweatshirt. At least that WE OWN! The same goes for our labor and other rights. WE OWN THESE, for now.

Nobody must give in even if it is to defend their 10 dollars from the architects of the "Great Reset". In their eyes you might have 100 million or 10 bucks, but you are a threat because they want to take everything people own anyway and rally us into a form of "own nothing at all" communism. The abolishing of property and ownership rights is the foundation of Communism, DESPITE OF WHATEVER CLAIMS ARE BEING MADE BY THESE INDIVIDUALS.

They will of course, own 100% of the planet if their plan succeeds, no different than Communist Russia. This applies to the "goy" and not themselves.

Again, we are not financial advisors and the above reflects general opinion and is NOT financial advice. Do your own research before any financial move you embark into.

[End of Oct 13 Update]


[Original Post, September 27]

Reading the news, I have been seeing all around the world the Jew World Order is now playing their second card alongside "Co-Vid" and "Climate Change", which is artificial shortages.

Those who don't understand what this is about, this is a method jews have been doing for thousands of years time. It's a traditional "merchant" way of causing artificial shortages. This is to wrestle specific Nations to attack or cause mayhem in their internal stability. The final result of this is to get Nations to start random wars with one another, causing great upset and instability.

Clearly this is made to involve Europe, US and China.

Empty shelves, gasoline shortages and sky-high energy prices? Britain is facing a ‘difficult winter’: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/24/empty-shelves-and-gasoline-shortages-uk-facing-a-difficult-winter.html

Much of this is also created due to Co-Vid, excessive lending, low wages, blasting and setting farming acres on fire [which is later deceitfully attributed to Global Warming] and so on. All of this is a part of a larger attack going on that people here already understand. All of this the "Great Resetters" are imagining will slowly wrestle people from all sides into their final plan.

Shortages are also a method to habitualize people in deprivation and fear. Added with the inflation, infinite money printing, rising prices in electricity, Co-Vid certificate to shop at the supermarket as jews tried to impose, this is another method through which they are going to try to create disaster.

Reading everything I think we are reaching a long financial winter, that will probably last for years to come. The economy that once existed in previous decades for the average consumer and worker is to be forgotten. Uranus in Taurus is also key and pivotal into this change. Poverty, change of labor force and many other changes will be at hand circa 2024-2025.

Klaus Schwab and other inferiors are trying to do this to people in order to wrestle them to give up "their old ways" and many other things, progressively leading them to a reality where "you will own nothing and you will be happy". Being a penniless borg that has not even owning of their own shirt that they were, and is feeding itself on low cost bugs, is the great visionary plan of these people.

This also reflects the Greatness of Klaus Schwab and the rest of these soulless reptilians that have appointed him as "head" and "spokesman" of this entirely alien agenda.

In the Ancient World, owning things, big or small, had to do with an extended quality of one's soul and spirit. There is a reason people were burried with their belongings, even if these were little. The Ancient Greek word for this literally translated in "extension of one's essence".

People need to own at least a few things and have the necessities of life, this reality is reflected in the base chakra which holds strongly people into these instincts. Much of this also acts as a defense against abuse of people as a whole. Yet the prototype of citizen Klaus wants for his futuristic serf filled talmudic middle ages world, won't even own the shirt they wear. This is in alignment with the Middle Ages where the striking majority of people were treated as living cattle and property.

Jews are trying to create a Communist system in the West, or more accurately, a cyberdystopia right now after a Chinese model, but just on steroids. One of these ways is through causing financial or shortage related collapse. The narrative in the United States is the "capitalism is bad", but none of this now means anything about capitalism. What the jews mean here, is that the jew is angry that the average person can own a business or that they can financially independently exist in anyway, shape or form.

They therefore are not ramping up the "Anti-Capitalism" rhetoric. That is only the cover for it to get the masses who don't see the bigger picture to get on board. This in reality is for the 10% or less of Gentiles that actually still have some financial power and independence, small business and other capable self owners, as they perceive this caste and the middle class as a danger to their "you will own nothing and zu goy will be happy" general plan.

To go even deeper here, the jews know that the totally destitute and the flat poor cannot do much to resist them or take them down. Co-Vid was if anything else a global scale attack against the 10% mentioned above, and against the very poor of this world to sink them even lower. By constantly sinking them, they do hope that nobody will be left to oppose them in their plans that they will usher in the next years.

When the jews were attempting to take down Rome, they had a vizier to a Roman Emperor [infiltrator Jew] and this jew was creating a well machinated famine to wrestle the Roman Emperor to do his will and manipulate him in wars and stealing of the Roman Treasury.

Other jews were going to sell grain to Rome at excessive prices, and they also almost took down the Emperor by artificial famine. Eventually the constructors of this hoax, were found out and they were executed, but quite a while after the jew had almost manifest his plan. Damage was already caused. The Emperor was already hated, even by many of his own people.

The resemblence here with the West and Europe is very obvious. Many are hating on their Nations and see them as negative, just because of the tricks of the jewish Viziers.

Of course, all of this reflected on the "Evil Emperor who left the people to die", while the Vizier was appearing to the masses as the good vizier who tried to save "the people", being the orchestrator of this hoax. At the end the truth came out and this jew was executed, but the reality remained that these types of coups almost worked.

Now, in the United States or Modern Rome, we have a literal senile "Emperor", whose family is literally tied to China, AND the jewish viziers that are trying to cause all of the above. Good politicians and good military is watching from the sidelines.

Also, you will hear the same bogus nonsense in the News about "China" and how evil China is, even literally cries about "Going to War" with China over how freedom hating they are and all this nonsense. This didn't seem to interest many congressional and other jews for decades now, they were great at pimping Chinese life alongside the Chinese Communist Party to gain around 5 bucks more per iPhone.

This is the inevitable result of jews controlling the West and bringing it under the Chinese thumb to begin with. All the cries of War are mostly nonsenese because all the Chinese sellouts and spy infested US Government right now still wants to pretend that it "protects the interests" of the United States. Biden might as well fly a Chinese flag over the United States already at this pace he is going, and declare his son the emperor of the extended China.

The reality is all the West has it's manufacturing in China. Reading the news, I have constantly read how inflation + importing everything even down to wood, has made manufacturing prices bleeding in the background.

Jews couldn't be assed with working unions or worker's rights in the West, they would rather have all their workers into China and that's how it happened. When Trump attempted to bring the political idea of "Economic Nationalism" and bringing important key companies of the United States back in it [which if all Western Nations would do the world stability would be better]. None of this was allowed to happen.

Instead of focusing on the essentials that Trump tried to do, despite of his mistakes and general TV persona, people and media decided to smear him 24/7. That is to be expected since none of the jews in the media would like the West to survive for much longer, unless it falls into a Chinese Dystopia type of place such as the handlers of Klaus have envisioned.

After Trump was called "Orange Man Bad Racist Antisemite" and all the rest of it, he was taken down. The United States as a result has remained a slave to China, being unable to produce even the most basic necessities such as medicine. China at this rate has the whole world under it's control, and progressively this is going to expand.

Anyhow, as the Klaus Schwab borgs are going to be progressively getting agitated, their whole agenda of what they may pull up on humanity has become known in the web. At this rate whomever doesn't understand what is going on is a literal idiot. Since humanity also is showing signs of resistance, we should expect at least some aspects of this agenda to be forced down the throat of humanity.

Everyone here should be aware of this, and remember to do copious protection and position yourself in a way where the above would be of least effect to you, your loved ones and family if possible. This is a long game. The end will be their fall, but there is still quite a way to walk until there.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

In Britain it has already been reported in mainstream media that the "fuel crisis" was manufactured. It was blatantly obvious since last week what they were trying to do. They attempt to trigger general supermarket panic buying also for a number of weeks now. Eventually it catches on and the panicking begins - which actually leaves people struggling to get hold of essentials. We are a broken society and everybody cares only for themselves unfortunately.
They are trying to get people used to the idea of communism so when it actually officially begins it's not a huge shock to their system but life as usual the new normal.
In the U.S. this controlled/created shortages started sometime around Mid-Spring circa late April/Early-May 2021. In other words the price increase food shortages have been going before official MSM brought it up since local news were covering it.

As for fuel shortages yeah that too has been occurring since late-May before it was reported the Colonial Oil Pipeline and the other issues in various U.S. regions the fuel shortages were occurring.

Biden's elimination of KeystoneXL pipeline was even a WTF to Trudeau and he is a big JNWO cocksucker. It's like Emperor Macaroni(Macron) even he is blasting Biden just like when Biden was physically confronted by Macaroni screaming in his ear. This is in relation to the Submarine 50 billion dollar deal.

At this point in time too many people believe the non-sense of Hitler/Nazi = ebil, debil shit. Funny could have solved all these issues a LONG time ago decades ago. But no it seems people LIKE to be abused by the JNWO.

At the end I foresee humanity asking questions as to how or what or why. And it's like STUDY HISTORY goddamnit. WTF do you think has been going on since the past 3 or 4 millennias.
I have never felt more pressure in my life. The Jews and their lackeys are so filthy, I hope they are all consumed in blue fire.
Artificial scarcity. The world has been a clown world for a good long while now, truth is. It's easy to forget that so much of the world is right on the borderline of starving to death, any given day, and that's in spite of the fact that over 1.5x the current food needed to feed the entire planet is currently being generated. A lot of people do actually understand this, but their compassion immediately goes down the drain when they donate to a charity, a crate of food is airdropped into the third world, only for it to immediately fall into the hands of a local warlord. Alternatively, the many despicable churches of the world use food and medicine to sucker in the starving and needy. Sure, we'll give your family a meal, as to not starve to death. Just accept Jeboo first, and read this Bible, and attain mental illness. Don't bother with contraceptives or self control by the way, have ten more kids, we need more starving goyim to fill our seats, giving up their last coppers in exchange for the false promise of salvation.

The innate issue with Capitalism is that, in reality, people are fooled into thinking it's somehow the opposite to Communism. Same goes for vice versa, where idiots are brainwashed into thinking Communism is the answer to the ills of Capitalism. The truth is, Capitalism's bottom line will always be the almighty shekel, profit for profit's sake, there's no written rule about the betterment or the sanctity of the people like there was in SS Germany. Capitalism, in its latter stages, looks no different to Communism. You go do your slave labor to earn the right to wait in a bread line. Now you slave labor with minimum rights in an Amazon warehouse so you can earn enough money to maybe buy bread and nothing else. Effectively it's no different, there's no mobility in either case, you have an elite caste, and a serf caste. Unless you meaningfully alter what Capitalism is, the powers that be will make sure it always moves to attain its final evolution; into Communism in all but name.

As for the pandemic, it doesn't take a genius to notice the end result. The Jewish billionaires are now even richer. The middle class more non-existent, and the lower class more beaten down. Righteous anger will spawn from this, but it will be misdirected, as it always is. Take Occupy Wallstreet. The recession around 2009 left a lot of people bitter and defeated, with anger to burn. So it happens, this once-righteous anger is funnelled into a corrupted movement. Take careful note here. 2007-2009, a lot of people were beginning to question the wealth of their corporate masters. Directly after Occupy Wallstreet, notice how the discussion regarding wealth inequality was immediately replaced by the birth of the social justice movement, which made the argument entirely about race and identity politics. This great distraction was born from the bowels of think-tanks, spewing their filth straight into the university circuit.

Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same shekel, both propped up fake solutions to the ills of the other. Take one look at how gaudy a lifestyle Stalin and co lived and tell me with a straight face its any different from the Jewish corporate moguls of today. This is what happens when you let corporate interests pollute the government that's meant to represent the interests of the people. The people, not entities which are more than happy to have all their heavy lifting done by third world slaves.

Runes like Fehu and Othala will be critical for ensuring basic necessities and more are met. Also, pay attention to planetary squares which can be used to generate material support as well. For example, Jupiter squares can be done at the end of this year. They are short and can be spammed for lots of "luck".
You will have nothing and you will be happy...people have no idea how horrible this is. They certainly know something, they know what it's like to live all their lives renting and they know what it's like to live in a low standard of living. But they do very little to improve and advance individually and collectively. And then they suffer and live badly.

The enemy wants to enslave us and has done so partially but humanity has not yet figured out exactly what is going on. The jews and their lower and higher cohorts want to invade, manipulate and possess your privacy and free will and therefore your consciousness. This means having nothing of anything, not even your body or your soul. Now judge who is the good and who is the bad, who are the benevolent and who are the evil.
gnome said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

In Britain it has already been reported in mainstream media that the "fuel crisis" was manufactured. It was blatantly obvious since last week what they were trying to do. They attempt to trigger general supermarket panic buying also for a number of weeks now. Eventually it catches on and the panicking begins - which actually leaves people struggling to get hold of essentials. We are a broken society and everybody cares only for themselves unfortunately.

This can only happen not only because people are gullible but also because they are very selfish. The enemy planted this disgusting worm into people's minds to put themselves above everything else, disregarding everyone else and the fact we are a community. This is the hallmark of capitalism too, and also the door to communism which has been manufactured as a solution to the evils of capitalism. Smart people know to find a balance between oneself and their community.

Thankfully, in supermarkets here things that are missing lately are not necessities but thrash like crisps, carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, and so on. I am grateful for that at least: that people like this is really dumb and treats their body as a rubbish bin.
In Britain they are also going to add fluoride to the tap water next year on a national scale to counter "tooth decay". Of course there will be no referendum or public opinion poll of any kind; the jew simply commands and expects no opposition. He simply tells you how it is going to be.
In my opinion, the good military and good politicians watching from the sidelines are spineless cowards. It's already past due for them to speak up. The longer they wait the harder it'll get for them to do anything.
Adding to my last reply, if I misunderstood what you meant from "sidelines" in being that those who are resigning to stand up to the corruption and nonsense so now they just have to watch those still in those positions from the sidelines then I retract my statement. I thought you meant *the ones who are just staying quiet but supposedly against all the bad stuff happening* (these are the ones I reffered to as spineless cowards) but later thought you more or less meant what I wrote above.
Its Capitalism & Bolshevism that's two sides of the same coin.
The idea of Communism is to dupe people in to accepting something
completely different, ie Bolshevism aka 'State Capitalism' run by the Jews
in the Jewish interests.......and this is why Communism is always a disaster
for its population as you never get to the stage of what it promises on paper, you
just stay in the initial stage.
What we see now with so called Democracy & Capitalism moving
towards an 'Authoritarian Capitalism' / Bolshevism.
hailourtruegod said:
In my opinion, the good military and good politicians watching from the sidelines are spineless cowards. It's already past due for them to speak up. The longer they wait the harder it'll get for them to do anything.

I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
In my opinion, the good military and good politicians watching from the sidelines are spineless cowards. It's already past due for them to speak up. The longer they wait the harder it'll get for them to do anything.

I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.

You're right, it's not just black and white like I made it seem like. I've heard some good points from people in these places or others saying in detail why it would be hard for them to act. I wouldn't know their case entirely if I'm not in their shoes. I did speak a bit out of line. My mistake.
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
In my opinion, the good military and good politicians watching from the sidelines are spineless cowards. It's already past due for them to speak up. The longer they wait the harder it'll get for them to do anything.

I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.

You're right, it's not just black and white like I made it seem like. I've heard some good points from people in these places or others saying in detail why it would be hard for them to act. I wouldn't know their case entirely if I'm not in their shoes. I did speak a bit out of line. My mistake.

Not correcting you or anything I just wrote a comment.

BTW, you have been granted free posting privileges so you're unmoderated now. Thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.

You're right, it's not just black and white like I made it seem like. I've heard some good points from people in these places or others saying in detail why it would be hard for them to act. I wouldn't know their case entirely if I'm not in their shoes. I did speak a bit out of line. My mistake.

Not correcting you or anything I just wrote a comment.

BTW, you have been granted free posting privileges so you're unmoderated now. Thanks.

Thank you for this privilege. I'll do my best to live up to the same standard as the others who have the same privilege. :)
Arcadia said:

I agree with you, I believe we have been living under communism for some time now.

I read that the Jewish intent is to rule in secret. Essentially make the cattle do what you want them to do, but make them believe it was their own choice. I suppose in time the reins are tightened as we are seeing now.

A big thing that has enabled them to progress as far as they have is the power of big data, algorithms and a super addictive social media "lifestyle". These tools and technologies are essentially a weapon that can bend the minds of the masses to their will, whilst making them think it was their own doing.

Who needs 5G and nano bots when it's already so easy to hack the weak mind of cattle?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.

You're right, it's not just black and white like I made it seem like. I've heard some good points from people in these places or others saying in detail why it would be hard for them to act. I wouldn't know their case entirely if I'm not in their shoes. I did speak a bit out of line. My mistake.

Not correcting you or anything I just wrote a comment.

BTW, you have been granted free posting privileges so you're unmoderated now. Thanks.

First few messages went thru right away but now it says I have to wait for the moderator. Hopefully I didn't mess it up that quickly *cries in stupidity*
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
In my opinion, the good military and good politicians watching from the sidelines are spineless cowards. It's already past due for them to speak up. The longer they wait the harder it'll get for them to do anything.

I know, but it can be extremely difficult to act. The way they are constructing everything on a political level due to the Co-Vid powergrab, is making this really difficult. Also, the high potential of election rigging and other things, probably has people who are aware and can act at a minority.

It's not only about cowardice. I don't think US Marshalls and other military generals are cowards.

Just needs one person to start a chain reaction. People see you get yelled at, branded a traitor, this penalty and that penalty, all for "insubordination" AKA doing the right thing... and then the rest are going to look at that and see the craziness of it, and all of a sudden there's an action event that can be responded to. Without initiation there is nothing to respond to. It's a domino effect, but the dominos will never start falling without the first one. It's kind of like how everybody hated on whistle blowers, but now everyone is thankful that we know about the deep state and everything else. Say a soldier or a few soldiers went out of line and crossed their superiors in order to help us. Then they get shot in front of everyone. This action of chaos then creates an event which can then be responded to. If there is no event then there is nothing to respond to, and it's just more of the same, business as usual. Sometimes the way you fear something is going to play out isn't the way it actually ends up playing out, and/or it ends up being the best thing to have happened in the end. Sometimes those moments where you swallow and gulp and risk your whole life and future to do the right thing knowing full well you could die, sometimes it's what ends up changing everything. That's beyond basic courage, and not everyone is capable of that. Especially when you and everyone around you is trained to follow orders to keep everyone alive.

I agree that they aren't cowards. I understand the civilian side of it with getting fed up and wanting our warrior class to fight for us, but at the same time I realize that most civilians don't know the first thing about military level courage and that they probably wouldn't be doing anything differently if they were in the military. There's also the fact that we don't see very many civilians organizing together to revolt despite the maddening attacks on the constitution. Like seriously, they say the mantra all through their school years "I pledge allegiance to the flag" well that means honoring one's responsibilities as a citizen which means standing up for the constitution. Too many couch warriors in the USA, IMO. At least people are finally reacting against the schools and protecting their children. That makes me very happy to see that.

I really think we need more organized civilian militias. Or just more of people uniting and getting organized in general. How is it that BLM can be so organized for a (jewish) cause, but White people can't band together to save their lives? Black people never lost their group identity like Whites did. Now most White people probably wouldn't unite together as a group even if they suddenly had the leadership principle back. They don't see themselves as a group. White identity just vanished, and was seemingly replaced by xianity. It's so weird. I have high hopes for those new Race Rituals. Very excited.
unnamed satanist said:
In Britain they are also going to add fluoride to the tap water next year on a national scale to counter "tooth decay". Of course there will be no referendum or public opinion poll of any kind; the jew simply commands and expects no opposition. He simply tells you how it is going to be.
The unfortunate truth is that many people drinks tap water, instead of installing a filtration system or buying bottled water. Tap water already as is, it's rubbish. One can realise it from the strong scent and taste: water is supposed to have little to no taste. Same for scent. I feel like throwing up when in sports someone passes me a bottle full of tap water.
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
You're right, it's not just black and white like I made it seem like. I've heard some good points from people in these places or others saying in detail why it would be hard for them to act. I wouldn't know their case entirely if I'm not in their shoes. I did speak a bit out of line. My mistake.

Not correcting you or anything I just wrote a comment.

BTW, you have been granted free posting privileges so you're unmoderated now. Thanks.

First few messages went thru right away but now it says I have to wait for the moderator. Hopefully I didn't mess it up that quickly *cries in stupidity*

I assume posts in some sections are still moderated. So you will likely not have unmoderated posting rights in every section.
jrvan said:

There's a Lt. Col. currently speaking out against the leadership who failed in Afghanistan and apparently he's in the brig now. So it seems we have our "first domino". We have to back up these brave men and women with the RTRs and it already seems like the influence is spreading. His videos are viral and I'm sure people here have heard of him.

I was in a bad mood the last couple of days for personal reasons. I was feeling fed up with people who are without for recent reasons going on in my life so I didn't really speak fair. I'm not entirely wrong that there are cowards staying quiet even though they supposedly are against corruption and I can name some politicians but like I said I wasn't being fair and left out the nuance. Then again these "cowards" are probably pretending to care. Anyways, you're right about couch warriors and what not.

Ah, of course lol. Thank you for clearing that up.

P.S. not sure why it's all quoted. I tried fixing it but idk what's going on. Should be fine though
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reading everything I think we are reaching a long financial winter, that will probably last for years to come. The economy that once existed in previous decades for the average consumer and worker is to be forgotten. Uranus in Taurus is also key and pivotal into this change. Poverty, change of labor force and many other changes will be at hand circa 2024-2025.


Everyone here should be aware of this, and remember to do copious protection and position yourself in a way where the above would be of least effect to you, your loved ones and family if possible. This is a long game. The end will be their fall, but there is still quite a way to walk until there.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, I think the 'change of labor force' is already underway in the NL. When covid happened apparently a lot of Polish people (they came here to work) and other european immigrants left. Leaving open a lot of jobs in the cleaning business and horeca.

Now that everythings started again, they struggle to find people.
And it makes sense. Who knows how long they're allowed to stay open till another 'lockdown'. Also a lot of delivery services have boomed.
It is noticeable that a lot of youngsters work in the horeca now. More than before. Simply because they can't find anyone else. Perhaps because they all got another job by now.

Maybe you didn't mean the above example by 'change in labor force'. If I am wrong I'd like to know.
There's been oil shortages in Mongolia since last week too. But according to the one of the most accurate Mongolian political analyst, the oil shortages are being machinated by Rio Tinto(a well known mining company owned by Rothschilds), because if the current mongolian government stays as it is right now, Rio Tinto will lose the case in the international arbitrary court and have to pay an amend of 150 million dollars to the mongolian government and will have to end the investment contract they made in the Oyu-Tolgoi mines, the biggest gold and copper mine as of yet, which they gained by bribing corrupt mongolian officials and use to keep mongolian economy dependant of them.
Jax911 said:
There's been oil shortages in Mongolia since last week too. But according to the one of the most accurate Mongolian political analyst, the oil shortages are being machinated by Rio Tinto(a well known mining company owned by Rothschilds), because if the current mongolian government stays as it is right now, Rio Tinto will lose the case in the international arbitrary court and have to pay an amend of 150 million dollars to the mongolian government and will have to end the investment contract they made in the Oyu-Tolgoi mines, the biggest gold and copper mine as of yet, which they gained by bribing corrupt mongolian officials and use to keep mongolian economy dependant of them.

Interesting. Do you also have increased prices? Like increase prices for wood and other totally everyday things? Because many over here in the US credit this to be the inflation at work. But it seems to be more than that.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Reading everything I think we are reaching a long financial winter, that will probably last for years to come. The economy that once existed in previous decades for the average consumer and worker is to be forgotten. Uranus in Taurus is also key and pivotal into this change. Poverty, change of labor force and many other changes will be at hand circa 2024-2025.


Everyone here should be aware of this, and remember to do copious protection and position yourself in a way where the above would be of least effect to you, your loved ones and family if possible. This is a long game. The end will be their fall, but there is still quite a way to walk until there.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, I think the 'change of labor force' is already underway in the NL. When covid happened apparently a lot of Polish people (they came here to work) and other european immigrants left. Leaving open a lot of jobs in the cleaning business and horeca.

Now that everythings started again, they struggle to find people.
And it makes sense. Who knows how long they're allowed to stay open till another 'lockdown'. Also a lot of delivery services have boomed.
It is noticeable that a lot of youngsters work in the horeca now. More than before. Simply because they can't find anyone else. Perhaps because they all got another job by now.

Maybe you didn't mean the above example by 'change in labor force'. If I am wrong I'd like to know.

Yes, it's all going to happen. If these lock-downs continue, this is one of the changes that will happen in domino effect.

Another change is kicking people out of jobs for Co-Vid, lack of personnel, chaos in regards to overseas workers etc, and in the end, also they will try to use this as an excuse of shortages, failure of sectors, lower quality of life, and in the end possibly enforce robotic workers through it or other things as "Salvation". But that's quite a few years from now. The first things will be attempted first.

This will leave many destitute worldwide.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
There's been oil shortages in Mongolia since last week too. But according to the one of the most accurate Mongolian political analyst, the oil shortages are being machinated by Rio Tinto(a well known mining company owned by Rothschilds), because if the current mongolian government stays as it is right now, Rio Tinto will lose the case in the international arbitrary court and have to pay an amend of 150 million dollars to the mongolian government and will have to end the investment contract they made in the Oyu-Tolgoi mines, the biggest gold and copper mine as of yet, which they gained by bribing corrupt mongolian officials and use to keep mongolian economy dependant of them.

Interesting. Do you also have increased prices? Like increase prices for wood and other totally everyday things? Because many over here in the US credit this to be the inflation at work. But it seems to be more than that.

In France, the price of gas has increased by 33% in 1 year. Electricity by 15% it seems. Gas prices are now higher than those that had generated the "yellow vests" protests in 2018...

We heat with gas, we don't know how we will do it this winter.. The sanitary pass complicates everything for find job (we refuse the jab) and I put on pause my small workshop, which was a real financial failure.

As you say, poverty is going to be widespread and we need to protect ourselves.
Unfortunately, I had to give up money spells to concentrate on more spiritual work because without real spiritual power and strong chakras, the results have not been there, yet.
They might be planning it but it's highly unlikely this will occur China has pissed off a lot of people with its blatant economic bullying the people of many nations have started to buy the slightly more expensive home made products and that's all one really needs to do is to buy local do some research who owns your local business what products are actually made in the West its not that hard if you have a bit of a shop around you might be pleasantly surprised as to what you can get locally here in Australia we have the Australia made campaign which only lists products made by Australians in Australia for Australians if you don't have this in the USA maybe look at starting something similar
I was told recently much of this is due to carrier ships and the ships that carry products nternationally. There is a lot of pressure for companies to move many of their goods, and therefore the ship owners are hitting prices higher and higher. But that is obviously only part of a far greater situation of imbalances.
SShiva_fr said:
As you say, poverty is going to be widespread and we need to protect ourselves.
Unfortunately, I had to give up money spells to concentrate on more spiritual work because without real spiritual power and strong chakras, the results have not been there, yet.

If you want to grow quickly, one safe way to do that is through deep cleaning. I noticed this after doing lots of cleaning with Visuddhi, as Lydia described. You don't necessarily have to do it as long as she does it, though. It seems more efficient than using Surya, as well. Maybe others could chime in on their experiences.

Don't forget, Jupiter Squares will be available by the end of the month, and November's Esbat is in Taurus. Both of these are great opportunities for wealth and prosperity.
Blitzkreig said:
SShiva_fr said:
As you say, poverty is going to be widespread and we need to protect ourselves.
Unfortunately, I had to give up money spells to concentrate on more spiritual work because without real spiritual power and strong chakras, the results have not been there, yet.

If you want to grow quickly, one safe way to do that is through deep cleaning. I noticed this after doing lots of cleaning with Visuddhi, as Lydia described. You don't necessarily have to do it as long as she does it, though. It seems more efficient than using Surya, as well. Maybe others could chime in on their experiences.

Don't forget, Jupiter Squares will be available by the end of the month, and November's Esbat is in Taurus. Both of these are great opportunities for wealth and prosperity.

Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it.
I made a square of Jupiter at the end of May until June (and also 2 squares of the Sun, in April and in August).
But I understood the fundamental mistake: without open chakras and having some power, there cannot be a convincing result.
The main concern is also that until recently, I was not interested in the material, having "scuttled" myself in the past on the material level, many times, probably too much intoxicated by the xtian program "money is not good" ... so now I work on the liberation of the soul and emotional healing above all (Wunjo, return of curses, AoP) and I do the circuit of opening of the chakras.

Having so many worries to solve lol, that I have to prioritize: the mental, the spiritual power (aura and chakras more autonomous), then physical healing work, then the material. But yes, I will start a work for the material plane at the next Esbat. Having said that, we are always "saved by the bell", we always escape the catastrophe, and not only on the material level. Having said that, I understand that this does not prevent me from working on my own. On the contrary.

Yes Vishuddi, I saw the posts about it and noted it on my summary cards. I wonder how much work you can do in a day without diluting your energy? I always leave time between each work.

It will soon be a year since I dedicated my soul to Father Satan and I am very happy with the path I have already taken, by having established a spiritual and physical routine, by doing the RTRs, by having compiled a beautiful sum of knowledge thanks to the joS site and the forums, by helping the advancement of the truth with the translations And if the material plan does not follow, for the moment, well, it is not so serious. A nice ritual of thanks in perspective!
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

Because they are fucking insane and out of their minds, and mentally ill.

These jobs can be considerably high paying, too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

Because they are fucking insane and out of their minds, and mentally ill.

These jobs can be considerably high paying, too.
Retarded boomers who invited me for dinner started talking to me about how blacks are needed for Europe as there aren't enough people in trade jobs ecc
Like bitch, I've never in my life seen a black electrician or plumber here in Italy, how mentally ill do you have to be for saying this shit?
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

It makes a lot of sense instead. Driving a lorry 10-12 hours and sometimes 15 hours is not a very good job, not to mention public toilets in airports and the like and sewers. Would you like to do these jobs?

If you're referring to the fuel shortage in Britain due to a lack of lorry drivers, I think the British need to force their people to do what needs to be done for their own good.

Damn it, Brits don't give your land to Blacks and others too. Don't repeat the bloody mistake you and the Italians, Spaniards and other Europeans made with the Americas by giving it to Blacks and anyone else.

Do you think the military is a job like cooking? Of course it isn't but it is necessary because you have to protect your people. With our current development there is not much to do but we certainly have to save our races and identities.
Master said:
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

It makes a lot of sense instead. Driving a lorry 10-12 hours and sometimes 15 hours is not a very good job, not to mention public toilets in airports and the like and sewers. Would you like to do these jobs?

If you're referring to the fuel shortage in Britain due to a lack of lorry drivers, I think the British need to force their people to do what needs to be done for their own good.

Damn it, Brits don't give your land to Blacks and others too. Don't repeat the bloody mistake you and the Italians, Spaniards and other Europeans made with the Americas by giving it to Blacks and anyone else.

Do you think the military is a job like cooking? Of course it isn't but it is necessary because you have to protect your people. With our current development there is not much to do but we certainly have to save our races and identities.

Implementing policies and checks to make sure public spaces are actually fit for use, and to reduce working hours is the better option, in my opinion.

Blacks and other non-whites are not supposed to live here. The climate is not suitable for them, not to mention they do not belong. They could never establish a spiritual connection with the land. I think we agree on this racial part.

I have seen this job advertised and they £25-35/hour, some even more. This is almost 3 to 4 times the hourly wage for entry-level jobs here (and for some experienced jobs too!) Brits are incredibly capitalistic with wages. They try to give you as little as possible, and sometimes not even pro-rata. Yet they feel the right to keep increase food, fuel and other prices. They will also often require you to have an undergrad degree for jobs that normally wouldn't require one such as trainee positions in banking, finance, paralegal, human resources and so on, that normally only require level 3 which corresponds to a high school leaving certificate in most countries. Absolutely crappy mentality, and nobody complains about it! So, jobs with this high wages are actually quite rare.

However, the wages for lorry drivers must also be put on the scales with the prices of acquiring the right driving license.

Speaking of the military, no role description has "driving lorries to deliver fuel to the civvies" in it. Logistics units may deal with fuel for the military but for this jobs they are mobilising infantry units, which have nothing to do with this and should not be abused this way. On the other hand, there is 'cook' as a occupation in the military, when they do not outsource it to private civilian companies. Even when they outsource it, some militaries still abuse infantry soldiers by putting them on dishwashing duties, which is ridiculous. At this point, even there, they should put logistics corps and let infantry do their goddamn job!

But we all know they are making the military drive lorries as a precursor to martial law. I look forward to the moment patrols are hijacked by SS and the Fourth Reich raises his banner!
Master said:
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

It makes a lot of sense instead. Driving a lorry 10-12 hours and sometimes 15 hours is not a very good job, not to mention public toilets in airports and the like and sewers. Would you like to do these jobs?

If you're referring to the fuel shortage in Britain due to a lack of lorry drivers, I think the British need to force their people to do what needs to be done for their own good.

Damn it, Brits don't give your land to Blacks and others too. Don't repeat the bloody mistake you and the Italians, Spaniards and other Europeans made with the Americas by giving it to Blacks and anyone else.

Do you think the military is a job like cooking? Of course it isn't but it is necessary because you have to protect your people. With our current development there is not much to do but we certainly have to save our races and identities.
I think you are mixing your needs and wants with others. It can be a good job, WHEN it suits you. Obviously it does not suit you, so you dislike it. I don't like it either, but I do understand that some people will find that job ok, or even good. The pay can be good though, and there are positives for those who are into such work. There are also many different areas and routes to be covered, so it's not all the same everywhere.
Henu the Great said:
Master said:
Stormblood said:
I have seen an insane notion circulating that they need migrants for certain jobs like driving lorries, etc. Are they fucked up mentally? Why migrants and not local? It doesn't make any sense.

It makes a lot of sense instead. Driving a lorry 10-12 hours and sometimes 15 hours is not a very good job, not to mention public toilets in airports and the like and sewers. Would you like to do these jobs?

If you're referring to the fuel shortage in Britain due to a lack of lorry drivers, I think the British need to force their people to do what needs to be done for their own good.

Damn it, Brits don't give your land to Blacks and others too. Don't repeat the bloody mistake you and the Italians, Spaniards and other Europeans made with the Americas by giving it to Blacks and anyone else.

Do you think the military is a job like cooking? Of course it isn't but it is necessary because you have to protect your people. With our current development there is not much to do but we certainly have to save our races and identities.
I think you are mixing your needs and wants with others. It can be a good job, WHEN it suits you. Obviously it does not suit you, so you dislike it. I don't like it either, but I do understand that some people will find that job ok, or even good. The pay can be good though, and there are positives for those who are into such work. There are also many different areas and routes to be covered, so it's not all the same everywhere.

You are right for most jobs but there are some jobs that are very menial like cleaning public toilets, it is better that such jobs are done by robots or something like that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
