It is a frequent phenomenon when one sees the so called "Conspiracy Theorists" the enemy uses to discredit all the rest of the people who have valid concern, they use extremely incoherent and insane people which typically are xians. These types are not only dumb and unable to articulate a social argument, but also, they are radically stupid.
Another thing they do is they lie copiously as for some reason they want fear reactions out of others, which is part of the whole act they are set there to do, to spread fear. Fear spreads disinformation, but eventually, when fear settles down, people start ignoring actual problems.
The above has always been help to governments in maintaining cover and passing the most crazy things imaginable, simply by giving xians a few conspiracy theories to play with, and making everyone think that any questioning towards a subject is lunacy, and therefore, the common and sensible man would be distanced from any further inquiry, and side with the more "logical" approach of the government.
In all "Conspiracy Theorist" movements, so long I have studied them or theories shared, this is always what happens, which is always the same recipe that the enemy uses to poison and corrupt the attempts of people to figure things out. In an assembly of political dissidents, they push violent extremism [foil them by law], in assemblies where they speak about aliens they promote gross new age theories [neutralization], in cases where actual worry should exist on untested vaccines, they promote extremely irrational ideas that make the questioning of the vaccines appear to be "for the loonies", while it is all perfectly sensible to question.
They will even write elaborate pseudoscience to back this up because they believe that using lies or unverified statements gives them moral ground, since what they say is "against the system". But when these are discovered to be lies, off then people go straight into the hands of the enemy, into the "system".
The above ensures that in the end nothing really will manifest in stopping the plans of the enemy. But how, one may ask, does the above work? The answer is simple.
100,000 people backed with actual scientific proof or actually inquiring in a sensible manner, this cannot be turned down, nor it can be shown as a form of lunacy by the governments. Therefore, governments are held in question.
However, 100,000 screaming lunatics that say 10 lies per 1 truth, and the truth they say is only an exaggerated and botched thing, these are easily dismissive. And yes, there is a lot of lying in the "alternative conspiracy world". This goes all the way from medical to social issues.
Some people also lie on a habit because they probably enjoy seeing the reactions of other people. Generally, hoaxers do exist. Many of these hoaxers also do prime time work in governments or the MSM.
All these years I have observed how xians have been ranting and raving about microchips and vaccinations. In all honesty this always made me laugh. These people really believed and pushed for decades [to materialize it too, of course] that some authority will just SWAT into their house to microchip them, because they are THAT important as Children of Rabbi Christ, and the Devil wants their soul. But what soul? And also even if that happened, why do they think this happened? Because they are rebels that worship a jew? Because it's all in the bible?
They make no sense really. They didn't even understand that it was actually the jews, who will be carrying the above, that have programmed them into this, in the first place. They have in a sense self manifested their own damnation, and then they cry about it. They also think that the more they cling onto ignorance, this somehow prevents this from happening, yet, all it does is exactly manifest it. They worship jews, thinking this will protect them from jews. It's really hilarious, but also tragic at the same time.
Any spiritual person would here laugh...Soul? Freedom? Seriously? These people are enslaved down to the last fibre of their being, but they somehow were made to believe, that their freedom only ends in the above Sci-Fi scenario. And in this situation the governments of the enemy have been rather successful in brainwashing people that everything else but the claimed sci-fi scenario, means that they are still somehow "Free".
Little do these understand that they have been sufficiently and entirely mind controlled all their existence. But that would be a pain in the ass to explain so there is no need to elaborate here. Not having knowledge of the mind always ends up someone with being a slave. You don't need 5G or an actual metal yoke, or some super vaccine to achieve this. These tools would further what is already existing.
If the predisposition of xians did not exist in being slaves to the enemy, we would really not have to even ponder or get manifestations such as the above technologies. The xian is someone who blames eating junk food for getting overweight, and believes they will get a better physique by eating more junk food.
Then when they get some heart attack, they tell themselves that at least, they survived, and that this only ends when they are completely dead and part of some physical mind control grid.
They tell themselves that if their heart beats still and they are stranded on a bed unable to walk from being severely overweight, they do have their freedom, and that the only thing that would take their freedom away, is to add a little chain on their leg while they are already bedridden from being excessively overweight. And they keep eating thinking that only the chain is what will REALLY or "Finally" make them slaves, getting fatter.
That's the stupidest way to explain this really.
Around 20 years later where microchip agenda is actually becoming a plausible thing to be forced, due to the 20 years of the buildup of shit by retarded xians and their endless paranoid lunacy, now we have the counter movement: consider these situations absolutely "normal" and any question of them a "conspiracy theory".
When the actual questions and the ones that can make change come at the table, the propaganda of the jew to call everyone who questions these a tinfoil hatter has worked itself.
Therefore the people that really have any questions about this obvious breach of human freedom, are now branded together with the xian loonies, and their arguments are all but nullified. Indeed, this is exactly what the enemy wanted to achieve by letting these dumb people promote that stuff for so long, basically to discredit them. And this has succeeded, since, it becomes already a "Xian loonie" thing to try to explain someone outside this context that one should resist getting micro-chipped.
They "took over" the argumentation of the problem, and now they are making the problem look as part of science fiction. Of course they keep adding cringe material and insane crazy claims on it, to make it even worse, and make absolutely certain that no sensible person will ever take it seriously. Jews lick their fingers while this happens, Xians have served them well.
Indeed, many of these dumb fucks also sit all day long to make movements of awakening people rife with lies, stupid forced illiteracy, excessive claims that contradict the most fundamentals of logic, and make everyone seem entirely retarded. Sometimes this is done on purpose, other times because some people in this movement think that if they write the most cringe or whatever lies and unscientific stuff, this makes them more of an "Oppose" to the system. But this makes them only retarded and costs everyone their argument.
You can blame the enemy all day but if one lies with unverified info to do that, then all propaganda is for nothing. Goebbels stated, True Propaganda, does NOT need to lie. All you have to do is say what you know to be true. Do not get into the vortex of lying in order to prove a point, because lies get revealed, and credibility is the thing that makes the difference and social change.
This also discredits all the other people who have serious questions and makes sure that these are lumped together and they disappear in the vortex of xian stupidity. Later, this guarantees that anyone who questions things sensibly is going to be "Flagged" and unable to reiterate an argument without seem like a tinfoil hatter.
Frequently many people will not like the fact that one does not instantly swallow the fear inducing cocktail that someone else is trying to give someone to drink. This is because most "Conspiracy theory" is based on emotional reaction, no different than CNN.
One has for example to instantly feel bad about illegal immigration and not make any questions about it. When we are told why we need to get microchipped we need to give in to fear and think that we can track down our child in case it's ever lost. When these emotional reactions wear out, this is when people can start to think.
See for example how the news behaved during this pandemic. Anyone who was not schizoid with fear was not allowed to even talk on the matter. Few doctors who did not follow the tune of panic and told people to have some confidence and not be overtaken by fear, were marginalized.
On the other hand, those who made outrageous claims based on fear and many times entirety of lack of backed up scientific evidence, were promoted. The so called 'Lockdown' itself was something that was a policy backed by non pre-existing scientific evidence.
Nobody knew if it was going to work to limit the pandemic, but all those who implemented this knew this would cause fear, disorder, and many other things. There was no "Lockdown" ever done before for something like this, and the supportive data was argued by the scientific community to not even have existed. However, it was done anyway, based on fear.
Many politicians were probably enforced based on questionable information to follow along. Not even Billy Gates is an actual epidemiology expert, but people somehow have to follow tune to everything he says, without asking for any proof or verification. He has no clue compared to epidemiologists on the matter, but everyone focuses on the fear factor of it, and somehow he become a figurehead "leading" a global response without literally having not even a simple epidemiology credentials. Solely based on fear.
This same method is done by many xians who seek to deceitfully convince people of lies.
"BELIEVE IN RABBI CHRIST OR YOU WILL ROT IN HELLFIRE!", is only one example. Clearly there is no sense into this. There is nothing to prove that by succumbing to a jewish lie, one will be saved out of a hellfire, that doesn't even exist. But if you go by the reaction of fear then one skips filtering this out.
If you observe it in a non fearful manner you will see that it is all basically just a low level sham. The same goes for many "Conspiracy Theories". One must do personal research and not just jump into the "Oh but this is against the system and therefore it MUST be correct". Many times, there are lies.
Due to hocus pocus and jewish hollywood, many people have lost a faith in spiritual powers of the mind and soul. Claiming that one believes that they can turn into a unicorn, does not add to the faith factor of it, but to the cringe factor, and the cringe factor adds to the hocus pocus hollywood lies factor.
On the other hand, a true understanding of these things, promotes truths, so when people get into this, they see for themselves, and actual TRUTH shines.
If you have tried to explain things to people about something, and you are instantly labelled as a conspiracy theorist, you know what this is if you have tried to explain something to someone in your life. The reaction is to dismiss all information instantly. This reaction was manufactured carefully so that people have a harder time waking up.
One way to break this is to actually say only TRUE things, or be mostly ACCURATE. When people see facts spoken, they flock together. Truth also has power because it's self affirming and has power in itself, and it can win against lying fairly easily in terms of exposure.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Another thing they do is they lie copiously as for some reason they want fear reactions out of others, which is part of the whole act they are set there to do, to spread fear. Fear spreads disinformation, but eventually, when fear settles down, people start ignoring actual problems.
The above has always been help to governments in maintaining cover and passing the most crazy things imaginable, simply by giving xians a few conspiracy theories to play with, and making everyone think that any questioning towards a subject is lunacy, and therefore, the common and sensible man would be distanced from any further inquiry, and side with the more "logical" approach of the government.
In all "Conspiracy Theorist" movements, so long I have studied them or theories shared, this is always what happens, which is always the same recipe that the enemy uses to poison and corrupt the attempts of people to figure things out. In an assembly of political dissidents, they push violent extremism [foil them by law], in assemblies where they speak about aliens they promote gross new age theories [neutralization], in cases where actual worry should exist on untested vaccines, they promote extremely irrational ideas that make the questioning of the vaccines appear to be "for the loonies", while it is all perfectly sensible to question.
They will even write elaborate pseudoscience to back this up because they believe that using lies or unverified statements gives them moral ground, since what they say is "against the system". But when these are discovered to be lies, off then people go straight into the hands of the enemy, into the "system".
The above ensures that in the end nothing really will manifest in stopping the plans of the enemy. But how, one may ask, does the above work? The answer is simple.
100,000 people backed with actual scientific proof or actually inquiring in a sensible manner, this cannot be turned down, nor it can be shown as a form of lunacy by the governments. Therefore, governments are held in question.
However, 100,000 screaming lunatics that say 10 lies per 1 truth, and the truth they say is only an exaggerated and botched thing, these are easily dismissive. And yes, there is a lot of lying in the "alternative conspiracy world". This goes all the way from medical to social issues.
Some people also lie on a habit because they probably enjoy seeing the reactions of other people. Generally, hoaxers do exist. Many of these hoaxers also do prime time work in governments or the MSM.
All these years I have observed how xians have been ranting and raving about microchips and vaccinations. In all honesty this always made me laugh. These people really believed and pushed for decades [to materialize it too, of course] that some authority will just SWAT into their house to microchip them, because they are THAT important as Children of Rabbi Christ, and the Devil wants their soul. But what soul? And also even if that happened, why do they think this happened? Because they are rebels that worship a jew? Because it's all in the bible?
They make no sense really. They didn't even understand that it was actually the jews, who will be carrying the above, that have programmed them into this, in the first place. They have in a sense self manifested their own damnation, and then they cry about it. They also think that the more they cling onto ignorance, this somehow prevents this from happening, yet, all it does is exactly manifest it. They worship jews, thinking this will protect them from jews. It's really hilarious, but also tragic at the same time.
Any spiritual person would here laugh...Soul? Freedom? Seriously? These people are enslaved down to the last fibre of their being, but they somehow were made to believe, that their freedom only ends in the above Sci-Fi scenario. And in this situation the governments of the enemy have been rather successful in brainwashing people that everything else but the claimed sci-fi scenario, means that they are still somehow "Free".
Little do these understand that they have been sufficiently and entirely mind controlled all their existence. But that would be a pain in the ass to explain so there is no need to elaborate here. Not having knowledge of the mind always ends up someone with being a slave. You don't need 5G or an actual metal yoke, or some super vaccine to achieve this. These tools would further what is already existing.
If the predisposition of xians did not exist in being slaves to the enemy, we would really not have to even ponder or get manifestations such as the above technologies. The xian is someone who blames eating junk food for getting overweight, and believes they will get a better physique by eating more junk food.
Then when they get some heart attack, they tell themselves that at least, they survived, and that this only ends when they are completely dead and part of some physical mind control grid.
They tell themselves that if their heart beats still and they are stranded on a bed unable to walk from being severely overweight, they do have their freedom, and that the only thing that would take their freedom away, is to add a little chain on their leg while they are already bedridden from being excessively overweight. And they keep eating thinking that only the chain is what will REALLY or "Finally" make them slaves, getting fatter.
That's the stupidest way to explain this really.
Around 20 years later where microchip agenda is actually becoming a plausible thing to be forced, due to the 20 years of the buildup of shit by retarded xians and their endless paranoid lunacy, now we have the counter movement: consider these situations absolutely "normal" and any question of them a "conspiracy theory".
When the actual questions and the ones that can make change come at the table, the propaganda of the jew to call everyone who questions these a tinfoil hatter has worked itself.
Therefore the people that really have any questions about this obvious breach of human freedom, are now branded together with the xian loonies, and their arguments are all but nullified. Indeed, this is exactly what the enemy wanted to achieve by letting these dumb people promote that stuff for so long, basically to discredit them. And this has succeeded, since, it becomes already a "Xian loonie" thing to try to explain someone outside this context that one should resist getting micro-chipped.
They "took over" the argumentation of the problem, and now they are making the problem look as part of science fiction. Of course they keep adding cringe material and insane crazy claims on it, to make it even worse, and make absolutely certain that no sensible person will ever take it seriously. Jews lick their fingers while this happens, Xians have served them well.
Indeed, many of these dumb fucks also sit all day long to make movements of awakening people rife with lies, stupid forced illiteracy, excessive claims that contradict the most fundamentals of logic, and make everyone seem entirely retarded. Sometimes this is done on purpose, other times because some people in this movement think that if they write the most cringe or whatever lies and unscientific stuff, this makes them more of an "Oppose" to the system. But this makes them only retarded and costs everyone their argument.
You can blame the enemy all day but if one lies with unverified info to do that, then all propaganda is for nothing. Goebbels stated, True Propaganda, does NOT need to lie. All you have to do is say what you know to be true. Do not get into the vortex of lying in order to prove a point, because lies get revealed, and credibility is the thing that makes the difference and social change.
This also discredits all the other people who have serious questions and makes sure that these are lumped together and they disappear in the vortex of xian stupidity. Later, this guarantees that anyone who questions things sensibly is going to be "Flagged" and unable to reiterate an argument without seem like a tinfoil hatter.
Frequently many people will not like the fact that one does not instantly swallow the fear inducing cocktail that someone else is trying to give someone to drink. This is because most "Conspiracy theory" is based on emotional reaction, no different than CNN.
One has for example to instantly feel bad about illegal immigration and not make any questions about it. When we are told why we need to get microchipped we need to give in to fear and think that we can track down our child in case it's ever lost. When these emotional reactions wear out, this is when people can start to think.
See for example how the news behaved during this pandemic. Anyone who was not schizoid with fear was not allowed to even talk on the matter. Few doctors who did not follow the tune of panic and told people to have some confidence and not be overtaken by fear, were marginalized.
On the other hand, those who made outrageous claims based on fear and many times entirety of lack of backed up scientific evidence, were promoted. The so called 'Lockdown' itself was something that was a policy backed by non pre-existing scientific evidence.
Nobody knew if it was going to work to limit the pandemic, but all those who implemented this knew this would cause fear, disorder, and many other things. There was no "Lockdown" ever done before for something like this, and the supportive data was argued by the scientific community to not even have existed. However, it was done anyway, based on fear.
Many politicians were probably enforced based on questionable information to follow along. Not even Billy Gates is an actual epidemiology expert, but people somehow have to follow tune to everything he says, without asking for any proof or verification. He has no clue compared to epidemiologists on the matter, but everyone focuses on the fear factor of it, and somehow he become a figurehead "leading" a global response without literally having not even a simple epidemiology credentials. Solely based on fear.
This same method is done by many xians who seek to deceitfully convince people of lies.
"BELIEVE IN RABBI CHRIST OR YOU WILL ROT IN HELLFIRE!", is only one example. Clearly there is no sense into this. There is nothing to prove that by succumbing to a jewish lie, one will be saved out of a hellfire, that doesn't even exist. But if you go by the reaction of fear then one skips filtering this out.
If you observe it in a non fearful manner you will see that it is all basically just a low level sham. The same goes for many "Conspiracy Theories". One must do personal research and not just jump into the "Oh but this is against the system and therefore it MUST be correct". Many times, there are lies.
Due to hocus pocus and jewish hollywood, many people have lost a faith in spiritual powers of the mind and soul. Claiming that one believes that they can turn into a unicorn, does not add to the faith factor of it, but to the cringe factor, and the cringe factor adds to the hocus pocus hollywood lies factor.
On the other hand, a true understanding of these things, promotes truths, so when people get into this, they see for themselves, and actual TRUTH shines.
If you have tried to explain things to people about something, and you are instantly labelled as a conspiracy theorist, you know what this is if you have tried to explain something to someone in your life. The reaction is to dismiss all information instantly. This reaction was manufactured carefully so that people have a harder time waking up.
One way to break this is to actually say only TRUE things, or be mostly ACCURATE. When people see facts spoken, they flock together. Truth also has power because it's self affirming and has power in itself, and it can win against lying fairly easily in terms of exposure.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666