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Flirting with Freemasonry Secrecy

Soul Wings

Active member
Oct 14, 2021
I've been fighting with myself whether to post this. I have decided to, since I have a feeling this may be relevant in the future, if it is not so much now. I can also see that some people may not have seen the media in this thread that might be interested. It is going to be a bit of a wild, strange ride of a thread, it might be somewhat lengthy, so perhaps grab yourself some coffee or tea. This is mostly a recollection of personal experience, opinions and intuition, so if you are looking for simply info and facts, look at the bottom of the OP.

This thread contains violence and heinous material/themes, so reader beware.

I've always had an interest in secret societies. Perhaps they've always had an interest in me.

Of course if someone comes up to you and says, I have a secret! You say, well, tell me!
No, I can't tell you. I won't tell you no matter what you do or say to me.

Huh, that's awfully suspicious. What can you possibly be hiding?

It began mostly with a conversation with my grandfather, the wisest, most educated man I know even til this day. He had all the answers to most other things, so I asked him, do you know anything about the Freemasons? He just smiled and looked bemused, perhaps because it was the first question in a while he could not confidently, or verbosely answer.
"All I know about the Freemasons is that the Pope had declarations against joining." He said, relying on his Catholic knowledge. All well and good Pop, but in all respects, not great information. The fact that the wisest man I've ever met did not know anything, only burned my curiosity brighter.

Enter Harvester. It is notorious for being one of the most violent games of the time (to some, of all time). Of course I want to see what it's all about, it came out in the 90s, I love me some low budget 90s games, it's probably just some seedy, edgy FMV shit. Well, I was right and I was wrong. So I watched a playthrough. (You can find it easily on youtube. I had a link here but decided it was greivous to watch for many. It can be quite offensive and disturbing in many ways, so please watch at your own risk.) I would not blame you if you can't watch it all. Anyway, I watched the whole thing in one sitting. While gruesome, strange, ominous and heinous, and at the time, hilariously bad... Some might write it off as trash. To me, it was like a low budget, shock-horror masterpiece.
You can read the plot on the wiki for a more complete story or read my recollection of it. I'll put it in brackets so you can skip if you'd rather read the wiki.

( To summarise, it is like some kind of grotesque Alice in Wonderland. The protag teenager, Steve Mason, lives in a strange town, Harvest, in 1953 with amnesia (After the release of the game, in 2010, the actor of Steve, Kurt Kistler, was arrested for posession of CP.). He is essentially forced by threats to join "the Lodge" by "The Order of the Harvest Moon". If he does not, the annual blood drive happens, his head gets cut off with a scythe by a cultist from the Lodge and the blood is collected in a bucket. If he questions anything or protests, people act as though he is joking. "You always were a kidder, Steve."
Some of the most heinous themes from this game I can remember (spoilers I guess):
Propositioning his mother (she is receptive), a cat butcher, spying on a girl without her knowledge, then having sex with her and being spied on by her father, splitting a guy's head open with an axe and pulling the key out of his head to advance, torture, children being abused by teachers, attempted or actual murder of children, mass murder, suicide, VR, the Lodge forcing Steve to kill his own girlfriend and forcing him into a serial killer. And just the fact everyone was in on everything and helped each other cover it up or turn a blind eye. This was truly the most terrifying thing for me. I have lots more to say about this game, I would like to analyse it even, but I will stay on topic for now. )

Through the whole thing... I had this strange feeling. It was total nonsense and gratituous violence, nothing new for video games. But I couldn't help but feel there was a message behind it... for me... from someone, or something. I even had a dreadful, sick feeling, but I just chalked that down to being sensitive.

Well, everyone knows books are sometimes great sources of information. I felt like the price of a book is a small price to pay for a wealth of knowledge. For whatever reason I decided, I picked up The Masonic Magician - Phillipa Faulks and Robert L.D Cooper.


I have not read the whole thing. The constant jumping around from person to person, and time period to time period, the constant mention of "God" made it a bit of a snoozefest for my impatient voracious brain. The book spoke of rich influential, charismatic old magicians afraid of persecution from their communities and the inquisition, fleeing from place to place. I was really only interested in the Occult/Egyptian history and Stonemasonry/Master of the Craft side of it. Hopefully at some point, I am going to try to bite the bit and properly read it.

Finally, I'd had enough of opinions, subliminals flashed at me and speculation. I'd had enough of being told that you have to join to know the secrets. Enough of this cryptic shit. I wanted to know the truth. I stood outside one of the local Masonic Halls and stared at the giant compass. I tried to look through it. I always thought they were Satanic, but this energy.. It was strange, mysterious, I did feel it was dark, but not specifically in a Satanic way. I looked into some information online. I discovered, historically, that Freemasonry was mostly a fraternity, and only women who snuck in and overheard (or family) were ever initiated. This infuriated me, and should have been enough to deter me, as that premise alone is pathetic and insulting... but my curiosity remained.

I came across Order of the Eastern Star. You can see right away why it caught my attention. I found it odd that, contradictory to history, a women's order existed. Still, I noticed they required payment every now and then... while that smelt of the church and annoyed me, I deduced that fine, I believe in compensating my teachers for knowledge, and it was in line with other orders. Their official website is here. Halfway through typing out their dreadfully boring application, I hesitated. Perhaps I knew I would be rejected. But tell me.... what do you see when you look at these people? Well, I'll tell you what I saw. Old, white, fat, rich people, that look like they've never seen trouble in their lives. Dripping in gold, silver and pearls. It looks like it would smell like a funeral home, or cheap atrocious potpourri that old people so much love, there. They looked like the boring, boasting, irritating empty-headed old people I constantly interact with at my job. Am I judgemental? I do not care; for all I know, these judgements could have saved my life.
For the members of this forum who are knowledgable, this is markedly the end of the thread as I need to say no more. I thank you for reading and welcome your thoughts and ask you to speak freely.

For the rest of you, guests and visitors in my thread... I know there are going to be people out there like me looking for answers. People may stumble across this. I know you have an intelligent, hungering mind. Please don't fall for the curiosity and misinformation trap like I did. We both know that they are operating in secret still to this day for a reason. We both know why President Kennedy warned us, and was subsequently assasinated 3~ years later. You know why you keep hearing "New World Order". You know why you keep seeing the compass, the star, the checkered floors, the old white men with suits, with weird elaborate medals and sashes that drape upon them, the wealth from nowhere, the blindfolds, handshakes, whispering, bribery, police & FBI giving up on high profile criminal cases, the simulation of the courts and councils that are supposed to be Democratic, the vow of Silence, the deflecting onto Satanists, why links to information and fact get ripped from the internet with no explanation. You know why you feel so unsatisfied, depressed, overworked, overburdened, fearful, drowning and hopeless. You can feel them looming all around us. You know why the information is lining up. Believe your eyes, heart and ears. Freemasons are Occultists: but they are NOT Satanists... not anymore. If you wish to read, there is some fantastic information here: https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/. Please considering learning to protect yourself physically and mentally.
And please, above all, stay safe and trust your intuition.
Woden said:
"Illumination of Illuminati", and other JoS readings:


Interesting. I'm disappointed to learn the Bavarian Illuminati were jewish as they seemed the most interesting part of it all. I never really felt as strongly to learn towards the Illuminati as I do the Freemasons, even though they are everywhere as well.
Freemasonry today I don't think is a good thing or can be trusted. I mean the fraternity type thing where people just help out eachother in business and stuff that's not bad but they still have a lot of stuff that connects to the enemy. Most lodges have a Bible present and do some rituals. I don't know the specifics but I don't think it's good. I think it helps the Jews with occult energy. The Illuminati and 33rd degree Mason's skull and bones etc things like this are straight up the Jewish leaders celebrities and people working for the Jewish new world order with occult rituals and sacrifices. Not good.

I think people should steer clear of this. Something new will be created this probably has to be shut down it was too taken over.
I am banned from joining it due to violence on one of them. Black balled even though my dad is welcome in it.

Fcuck them it is proven to have been infested with jews. I didnt know this at the time, growing up it was where my football teams bus would leave from. (the lodge)

Im glad i got banned before i could join :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ones that go don't have a clue (what really goes on) its only the higher ups. Its a drinking club as far as i can see.
I think I know why I was so attracted as a Satanist, aside from the fact that it was historically. On the JoS website, it is already mentioned that they do actually use (stolen and blasphemed!!) Satanic symbols, practices, philosophy, imagery and more. However, I was not aware of this at the time I applied whatsoever (I was new to Satanism).
People absolutely need to stay away. I have more facts behind me now. All I can hope is people take me seriously.
I was reading that book, the Masonic Magician. Caligostro made an Egyptian offshoot of original Masonry, but you still need to be an original Mason to join. What I discovered was just... abomination. I'll put a little bit below, feel free to read if you're interested, Sly.

I'm going to put more info below in case uninformed people are browsing because my OP did not have enough factual information. This is all reiterated on JoS. This info is kept in the Museum of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, still open to this day (though for public viewing I am unsure).

No quoted Masonic words below have any power, over anybody, over any time, and crumble to dust. Their magic is an empty copy, hollow and useless and I spit on their ugly abomination of a "society".
These words are from Egyptian Freemasonry:

Masons think anyone who is not a Mason are dirty, dumb, inferior, animals.
(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"1st You shall reject the heartless man who does not believe in the supreme being or in the immortality of the soul; he would sully the temple and its precincts."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: What is the purpose of the gloves given to me?
A: To give you to know that every true mason shall always have clean hands, that he shall never stain them with blood and above all that he is strictly forbidden to touch primal matter with his bare hands.

Masons expect you as an apprentice to be blind, never curious and submissive.

(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"12th The apprentice shall only be recieved as a companion after three years of submissiveness study."
"13th Apprentices, you shall be obedient to the companions... And you, companions, shall take and carry out the orders of the Masters..."

"15th May the laborour of the lower degree be mindful not to cast imprudent glances at the works of superior degree. May they fear the disastrous concequences of reckless curiosity."

(Opening the Lodge (to Apprentices))
"The worshipful master having taken his seat the strictest silence shall be observed. It is forbidden to blow one's nose and even more so to speak."

(The oath apprentices take)
"I promise, I commit myself and I swear never to reveal the secrets which shall be communicated to me in this temple and blindly to obey my superiors."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: ...Why was I blindfolded?
A: ... Any man who does not posess the high wisdom which I am teaching you is a blind, restricted man...
Q: Why were my hands bound?
To teach you the full extend of the subordination and submission necessary for the orders of your master."
Masons use "virgin paper" - paper made from "the skin of an unborn lamb or the membrane or afterbirth of a male child born of a jewish woman" (from the Catechism)

I am going to summarise now. There are countless references to occult teachings, in disgusting, badly decorated, blasphemous rooms with THRONES for the masters and CAGES for their subordinates. They have their own mediums called "Doves" which channel their awful 7 seraphim for communication and fuck knows what else. Ugh, this is really the tip of the iceberg.

However I tire of reading of this abomination, there are also more heinous things like blood sacrifice, inviting possession with subordinates as victims, honestly fuck knows what else. JoS is a plentiful and informative resource for such information.
Soul Wings said:
I think I know why I was so attracted as a Satanist, aside from the fact that it was historically. On the JoS website, it is already mentioned that they do actually use (stolen and blasphemed!!) Satanic symbols, practices, philosophy, imagery and more. However, I was not aware of this at the time I applied whatsoever (I was new to Satanism).
People absolutely need to stay away. I have more facts behind me now. All I can hope is people take me seriously.
I was reading that book, the Masonic Magician. Caligostro made an Egyptian offshoot of original Masonry, but you still need to be an original Mason to join. What I discovered was just... abomination. I'll put a little bit below, feel free to read if you're interested, Sly.

I'm going to put more info below in case uninformed people are browsing because my OP did not have enough factual information. This is all reiterated on JoS. This info is kept in the Museum of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, still open to this day (though for public viewing I am unsure).

No quoted Masonic words below have any power, over anybody, over any time, and crumble to dust. Their magic is an empty copy, hollow and useless and I spit on their ugly abomination of a "society".
These words are from Egyptian Freemasonry:

Masons think anyone who is not a Mason are dirty, dumb, inferior, animals.
(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"1st You shall reject the heartless man who does not believe in the supreme being or in the immortality of the soul; he would sully the temple and its precincts."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: What is the purpose of the gloves given to me?
A: To give you to know that every true mason shall always have clean hands, that he shall never stain them with blood and above all that he is strictly forbidden to touch primal matter with his bare hands.

Masons expect you as an apprentice to be blind, never curious and submissive.

(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"12th The apprentice shall only be recieved as a companion after three years of submissiveness study."
"13th Apprentices, you shall be obedient to the companions... And you, companions, shall take and carry out the orders of the Masters..."

"15th May the laborour of the lower degree be mindful not to cast imprudent glances at the works of superior degree. May they fear the disastrous concequences of reckless curiosity."

(Opening the Lodge (to Apprentices))
"The worshipful master having taken his seat the strictest silence shall be observed. It is forbidden to blow one's nose and even more so to speak."

(The oath apprentices take)
"I promise, I commit myself and I swear never to reveal the secrets which shall be communicated to me in this temple and blindly to obey my superiors."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: ...Why was I blindfolded?
A: ... Any man who does not posess the high wisdom which I am teaching you is a blind, restricted man...
Q: Why were my hands bound?
To teach you the full extend of the subordination and submission necessary for the orders of your master."
Masons use "virgin paper" - paper made from "the skin of an unborn lamb or the membrane or afterbirth of a male child born of a jewish woman" (from the Catechism)

I am going to summarise now. There are countless references to occult teachings, in disgusting, badly decorated, blasphemous rooms with THRONES for the masters and CAGES for their subordinates. They have their own mediums called "Doves" which channel their awful 7 seraphim for communication and fuck knows what else. Ugh, this is really the tip of the iceberg.

However I tire of reading of this abomination, there are also more heinous things like blood sacrifice, inviting possession with subordinates as victims, honestly fuck knows what else. JoS is a plentiful and informative resource for such information.

I would be shocked if any from my town make it past the 3rd degrees.

My dad said he got more but never said much else im not sure he is allowed too. I fight with them anyway.(in the past im changed now :eek: ) They can keep their drinking club.

You can see the symbolism in the hall (masonic) the eye of horus etc, if only they knew eh.
EnkiUK55 said:
I am banned from joining it due to violence on one of them. Black balled even though my dad is welcome in it.

Fcuck them it is proven to have been infested with jews. I didnt know this at the time, growing up it was where my football teams bus would leave from. (the lodge)

Im glad i got banned before i could join :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ones that go don't have a clue (what really goes on) its only the higher ups. Its a drinking club as far as i can see.
Interesting you should mention that. I remember, there's something in this book that correlates to what you know. Most people think the same. As you know, it is a facade. There are a few scenes in Forces Occultes that show there are complex levels of facades. From Masonic magician, catechism:
"...I have been a Freemason for 50 years, I have passed through all the degrees and during this long period of time I have never even suspected what you have had the grace to tell me. I never considered Masonry to be anything but a society of people who gather together to enjoy themselves, and who, in order to be more closely united, have adopted signs and a special language."
They are also forbidden against violence towards each other, which is probably why they won't let you in. They're a bunch of pussies with no spine that run the first chance they get, and always have historically. Not saying your Dad's like that, it's just part of their dumb rules. In fact, I'm almost certain your father knows nothing.
But violence against us? Totally fine, according to their teachings.
Soul Wings said:
EnkiUK55 said:
I am banned from joining it due to violence on one of them. Black balled even though my dad is welcome in it.

Fcuck them it is proven to have been infested with jews. I didnt know this at the time, growing up it was where my football teams bus would leave from. (the lodge)

Im glad i got banned before i could join :lol: :lol: :lol:

The ones that go don't have a clue (what really goes on) its only the higher ups. Its a drinking club as far as i can see.
Interesting you should mention that. I remember, there's something in this book that correlates to what you know. Most people think the same. As you know, it is a facade. There are a few scenes in Forces Occultes that show there are complex levels of facades. From Masonic magician, catechism:
"...I have been a Freemason for 50 years, I have passed through all the degrees and during this long period of time I have never even suspected what you have had the grace to tell me. I never considered Masonry to be anything but a society of people who gather together to enjoy themselves, and who, in order to be more closely united, have adopted signs and a special language."
They are also forbidden against violence towards each other, which is probably why they won't let you in. They're a bunch of pussies with no spine that run the first chance they get, and always have historically. Not saying your Dad's like that, it's just part of their dumb rules. In fact, I'm almost certain your father knows nothing.
But violence against us? Totally fine, according to their teachings.

Yeah bro my dad just treated it for what it really is a drinking club. He worked offshore so maybe liked the company.

Oh yeah I done one of them (mason) with a chib and they were all meant to come after me but nothing happened I think they didnt want involved it was kind of personal.

I was meant to ask him to join at 18 you can join if you have a family member in it, if not need to wait until 21.

To join you need to get vetted. No chance they would accept me so suppose a lucky escape.

These local ones dont know they are getting used as a front by the higher ups.
Soul Wings said:
I think I know why I was so attracted as a Satanist, aside from the fact that it was historically. On the JoS website, it is already mentioned that they do actually use (stolen and blasphemed!!) Satanic symbols, practices, philosophy, imagery and more. However, I was not aware of this at the time I applied whatsoever (I was new to Satanism).
People absolutely need to stay away. I have more facts behind me now. All I can hope is people take me seriously.
I was reading that book, the Masonic Magician. Caligostro made an Egyptian offshoot of original Masonry, but you still need to be an original Mason to join. What I discovered was just... abomination. I'll put a little bit below, feel free to read if you're interested, Sly.

I'm going to put more info below in case uninformed people are browsing because my OP did not have enough factual information. This is all reiterated on JoS. This info is kept in the Museum of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, still open to this day (though for public viewing I am unsure).

No quoted Masonic words below have any power, over anybody, over any time, and crumble to dust. Their magic is an empty copy, hollow and useless and I spit on their ugly abomination of a "society".
These words are from Egyptian Freemasonry:

Masons think anyone who is not a Mason are dirty, dumb, inferior, animals.
(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"1st You shall reject the heartless man who does not believe in the supreme being or in the immortality of the soul; he would sully the temple and its precincts."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: What is the purpose of the gloves given to me?
A: To give you to know that every true mason shall always have clean hands, that he shall never stain them with blood and above all that he is strictly forbidden to touch primal matter with his bare hands.

Masons expect you as an apprentice to be blind, never curious and submissive.

(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"12th The apprentice shall only be recieved as a companion after three years of submissiveness study."
"13th Apprentices, you shall be obedient to the companions... And you, companions, shall take and carry out the orders of the Masters..."

"15th May the laborour of the lower degree be mindful not to cast imprudent glances at the works of superior degree. May they fear the disastrous concequences of reckless curiosity."

(Opening the Lodge (to Apprentices))
"The worshipful master having taken his seat the strictest silence shall be observed. It is forbidden to blow one's nose and even more so to speak."

(The oath apprentices take)
"I promise, I commit myself and I swear never to reveal the secrets which shall be communicated to me in this temple and blindly to obey my superiors."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: ...Why was I blindfolded?
A: ... Any man who does not posess the high wisdom which I am teaching you is a blind, restricted man...
Q: Why were my hands bound?
To teach you the full extend of the subordination and submission necessary for the orders of your master."
Masons use "virgin paper" - paper made from "the skin of an unborn lamb or the membrane or afterbirth of a male child born of a jewish woman" (from the Catechism)

I am going to summarise now. There are countless references to occult teachings, in disgusting, badly decorated, blasphemous rooms with THRONES for the masters and CAGES for their subordinates. They have their own mediums called "Doves" which channel their awful 7 seraphim for communication and fuck knows what else. Ugh, this is really the tip of the iceberg.

However I tire of reading of this abomination, there are also more heinous things like blood sacrifice, inviting possession with subordinates as victims, honestly fuck knows what else. JoS is a plentiful and informative resource for such information.

Yes it used to be Satanic. I really don't know the specifics of dates when the Masonic lodge was taken over fully by the enemy. I kept getting put into my mind this name a few weeks ago I don't know why it was put in my mind but it kept being repeated I had never heard the name before so I decided to look it up.


Even looking at this wiki page this person is obviously an SS in the same style as us and was a freemason.

Was the Gods trying to tell me I was that person who knows I do write poetry have interest in laws and several of the other things this person did but who knows.

I thought maybe I would add this to you in case it means anything to you since you study free masonry.

The illuminati thing was bad from the beginning and started by a Jew ignore anyone that says different or that it's Satanic btw. These other occult organizations of the enemy and secret orders come from freemasonry or were established by people in free masonry that is one thing I learned looking up this stuff. Even if they are completly separate now they have this common root and they all help the Jews and their NWO. I think even the phrase New World Order was stolen I could have sworn the founders of the United States believed in a New World Order that was completely different more along the lines of something we would like.

These are all Satanic symbols some of the philosophy was kept maybe even some of the meditations but that doesn't much matter. It was all corrupted and mixed with enemy stuff as well and is being used for enemy purposes.

All the stuff you showed me sounds exactly like the enemy as well and the kind of things they do and believe.
Had a friend who knew one, any time you would talk about the jews they would literally foam at the mouth, they are typically useful idiots that can't read what the torah says about them, gentile worshiping abrahamic religions worship their own death
Sorry meant to say the masons won't read the torah,yah masons keep kissing reptilian a** worship your own destruction, like a good little slave

Torah quote,in the end every (reptilian)jew will have 2800 slaves.

These masons are not above anything the jews plan the reptiles will take an destroy them, by any means
Satnam666 said:
Had a friend who knew one, any time you would talk about the jews they would literally foam at the mouth, they are typically useful idiots that can't read what the torah says about them, gentile worshiping abrahamic religions worship their own death
I wouldn't doubt there are unaware, idiotic gentiles in there, for facade's sake. I wouldn't doubt that there are gentiles evil enough to hate their own people and cause damage as well. This is most of the modern celebrities you see flashing symbols at you, talking about YHVH, (Kanye, JayZ, for example... both dumb as fuck) but having no idea what they mean or mistaking it for the christian "god".

Satnam666 said:
Sorry meant to say the masons won't read the torah,yah masons keep kissing reptilian a** worship your own destruction, like a good little slave

Torah quote,in the end every (reptilian)jew will have 2800 slaves.

These masons are not above anything the jews plan the reptiles will take an destroy them, by any means
Honestly, most businesses these days have that amount of people (2800) or more working without question for, usually, investment companies (jews). I discovered that about the company I (used to?) work at myself the other day. A couple people on here and on JoS have said jews have reptilian souls. I have to wonder if that is why I think they look like lizards. I've always felt like the queen especially looked lizard-like.
Soul Wings said:
I think I know why I was so attracted as a Satanist, aside from the fact that it was historically. On the JoS website, it is already mentioned that they do actually use (stolen and blasphemed!!) Satanic symbols, practices, philosophy, imagery and more. However, I was not aware of this at the time I applied whatsoever (I was new to Satanism).
People absolutely need to stay away. I have more facts behind me now. All I can hope is people take me seriously.
I was reading that book, the Masonic Magician. Caligostro made an Egyptian offshoot of original Masonry, but you still need to be an original Mason to join. What I discovered was just... abomination. I'll put a little bit below, feel free to read if you're interested, Sly.

I'm going to put more info below in case uninformed people are browsing because my OP did not have enough factual information. This is all reiterated on JoS. This info is kept in the Museum of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, still open to this day (though for public viewing I am unsure).

No quoted Masonic words below have any power, over anybody, over any time, and crumble to dust. Their magic is an empty copy, hollow and useless and I spit on their ugly abomination of a "society".
These words are from Egyptian Freemasonry:

Masons think anyone who is not a Mason are dirty, dumb, inferior, animals.
(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"1st You shall reject the heartless man who does not believe in the supreme being or in the immortality of the soul; he would sully the temple and its precincts."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: What is the purpose of the gloves given to me?
A: To give you to know that every true mason shall always have clean hands, that he shall never stain them with blood and above all that he is strictly forbidden to touch primal matter with his bare hands.

Masons expect you as an apprentice to be blind, never curious and submissive.

(Statues and regulations of La Sagesse Triomphante)
"12th The apprentice shall only be recieved as a companion after three years of submissiveness study."
"13th Apprentices, you shall be obedient to the companions... And you, companions, shall take and carry out the orders of the Masters..."

"15th May the laborour of the lower degree be mindful not to cast imprudent glances at the works of superior degree. May they fear the disastrous concequences of reckless curiosity."

(Opening the Lodge (to Apprentices))
"The worshipful master having taken his seat the strictest silence shall be observed. It is forbidden to blow one's nose and even more so to speak."

(The oath apprentices take)
"I promise, I commit myself and I swear never to reveal the secrets which shall be communicated to me in this temple and blindly to obey my superiors."

(From the Catechism)
"Q: ...Why was I blindfolded?
A: ... Any man who does not posess the high wisdom which I am teaching you is a blind, restricted man...
Q: Why were my hands bound?
To teach you the full extend of the subordination and submission necessary for the orders of your master."
Masons use "virgin paper" - paper made from "the skin of an unborn lamb or the membrane or afterbirth of a male child born of a jewish woman" (from the Catechism)

I am going to summarise now. There are countless references to occult teachings, in disgusting, badly decorated, blasphemous rooms with THRONES for the masters and CAGES for their subordinates. They have their own mediums called "Doves" which channel their awful 7 seraphim for communication and fuck knows what else. Ugh, this is really the tip of the iceberg.

However I tire of reading of this abomination, there are also more heinous things like blood sacrifice, inviting possession with subordinates as victims, honestly fuck knows what else. JoS is a plentiful and informative resource for such information.
I'll add something to this. I have also read upon researching about it, that they have passwords for certain degrees which are the names of our Gods, like Beelzebub and Abaddon. Not sure why they still use the names of our Gods for such things. Do you know why?
SageOfSixPaths said:
I'll add something to this. I have also read upon researching about it, that they have passwords for certain degrees which are the names of our Gods, like Beelzebub and Abaddon. Not sure why they still use the names of our Gods for such things. Do you know why?
I haven't heard of this in the book that I've read. As far as I've read, they only deal with Seraphs. Interestingly enough, on JoS there exists such information that there is an "Order of Seraphim" and it states that Asmodeus used to be of such things.
But if you want to follow logical patterns, it probably has something to do with their names being stolen for their own nefarious purposes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
