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E11even e11even


Feb 3, 2018
South Florida
A few weeks ago I was watching a video by Sadhguru on the significance of the numbers 11 and 12:


He mentions that past 11 is the realm of the immaterial. This reminds me somewhat of how in astrology the 12th sign Pisces is considered the most spiritual, but also the 11th sign seems to have characteristics that resonate with the number 11. A number can be viewed through the lens of its prime divisors. 22 for example would have 2 and 11 as its prime divisors. First division and first unity, but unity in the sense of duplicating/replicating the same thing in either idea or physical form. I was pondering on this some time ago and as soon as I thought this a demonic blue orb came by and said "Bingo!". When an idea or virus goes viral it is because the virus or idea makes a copy of itself and then spread through physical contact or social media. It appears to play a role in social explosions in the same way the sign Aquarius, and the planet Uranus do. Both are associated with groups of people. Thinking about this some more lead me to believe that 22 represent 2 groups(11) fighting against each other.

Ive written before that the 92nd(9+2 = 11) element Uranium is the last physically occurring element and this also seems to have a connection with the last key on a normal 88(88 being a multiple of 11) key piano. The last key resonates to 4186 hertz which is the exact amount of non repeating connections that 92 element has. The simple formula for this is the sum of n - 1. All this means is that you add up every number up until one minus the last number. So if your number is 22 then you add up all the numbers until 21. This gives you 231, hence the 231 gates of solomon.

From experience I have had some incredibly stranger things happen with this particular number. The first Satanist I had met over a decade and a half ago on the old yahoo forums had the same exact birthday as me, but 2 years younger. Because our birthdays land in February there is a time when the the month/day and the year are like reflections of each other much like the number 11. 2/17/2017 to give an example. Whats even stranger is that when we found the JOS it was a result of time off from school. I dropped out and he got suspended. The 2 times I have been attacked by the enemy the hardest and nearly ended me were exactly 11 years apart a few days before my b-day. In both cases it severely backfired and in the fist case actually helped create Satanic unity in a bizarre way that no one could have anticipated. I graduated basic training on 11/11 over a decade ago. Had I never joined the military I honestly don't believe I would be alive right now. The curses the enemy has thrown toward me would have killed over 99% of Satanic civilians.

By far the strangest event I have experienced on 11/11, which I only recently became aware of when I googled the day this event took place, was when my friend invited me to a comedy show at his university. Even before the show started I could already tell something was seriously wrong. If you have a powerful aura of protection you can often feel it in the chakra whose planetary ruler is in tight aspect to Uranus. This is because Uranus rules the future. For me I mostly felt it in my sacral chakra as I had just done a killer back workout and I always feel this in my 2nd chakra. I also have Mars well placed and in aspect to Uranus. While I was shaving I actually told myself that whatever difficulty I was about to face would be worth it and would love myself more as soon as I overcame it.

I walk into the theater and directly in front of me is a jew that I've had in a college class. What made an already difficult situation(I will never be able to hold my hatred back against these narcissistic shitheads) even worse was the fact that I had smoked some marijuana right before going in giving me mild panic attack. There are 2 sides to the spectrum of negativity and on the left is fear, as it is totally negative, and on the right is rage as it is a positive form of negativity. I was feeling both simultaneously. You didn't have to be psychic to feel the energy I was giving off as anyone would have felt it, but at least I had a target to focus all my darkness on even though I couldn't contain it all to the jew right in front of me. It was going *everywhere* and my right arm was starting to lock up from all the electricity flowing through it. I had to use muscular force to keep my hand by my side. My friend, who was sitting 3 seats away, texted me and told me to calm down as I was creeping out the girl who was sitting next to me. They had no real clue as to the real reason I was feeling the way I did, and probably never will.

Lastly, when the 2nd conspiracy took place I noticed that many numbers were repeating themselves. I have taken statistics in college, but the amount of time this happened within a short period of days was freaking me out as you didn't really need to have taken a course in statistics to have noticed. You just needed a very basic awareness that most people lack. Demons showed me the way the enemy does this and it is by using 2 hebrew letters. I was sleeping when they showed me this so I didn't immediately write it down the way I am now in the habit of doing as I have a dream journal directly on top of my cell phone so that when my alarm rings the first thing I touch after waking is the dream journal. This allows me to recall much more of my dream since within seconds you will start to forget your dreams and the more time that elapses the more you will have forgotten. The 2 letters were more than likely the 22nd and 2nd letters. I don't exactly remember it perfectly, and one of the letters could be wrong, but this is the best I can recall.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
