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Dugin, Putin and Russia


New member
May 20, 2022
Hello. I would like to know what people's opinion is on Dugin and his fourth political theory? I have heard that it is an occult mother-goddess oriented weltanschuaang that mixes together elements of left and right wing, etc. I have heard also that Putin is a jew by halachik law and that Dugin is his propagandist to spread the Imperialism of Russian Eurasianism. This however I am not sure if it would be beneficial to eliminate the jewish pest and their hegemony? I am unclear on this point so please someone out there provide some references or basic analysis of this topic if possible.
Duginism is an a ideology mixed and matched with left and right ideas. The goal appears to lure in everyone who feels alienated by the current political systems. Dugin is a big fan of Jewish Kabbalah (stolen from Hermetic Kabbalah) and this movement is trying to united Christians and Muslims together against the West. According to Dugin "Gender is a Social Construct", we can chose what we want to be.

Wouldn't be surprised if most Far Left Extremist groups in the West, were propped up by Duginists/Chicoms.
DeusDemon said:
Hello. I would like to know what people's opinion is on Dugin and his fourth political theory? I have heard that it is an occult mother-goddess oriented weltanschuaang that mixes together elements of left and right wing, etc. I have heard also that Putin is a jew by halachik law and that Dugin is his propagandist to spread the Imperialism of Russian Eurasianism. This however I am not sure if it would be beneficial to eliminate the jewish pest and their hegemony? I am unclear on this point so please someone out there provide some references or basic analysis of this topic if possible.

i don't know if you can tell by his apperance, Dugin is a KIKE. Put a kippah on his head, and it'll seem so obvious.

Dugin promotes kike ideology, something called "Eurasianism", basically a race-mixing idea that pushes the notion that Russians aren't White Europeans or Oriental, but "Eurasians", and this is achieved via race-mixing between Slavs and Turkic/Mongolic peoples. It's why many Russians have Asiatic features, and while I have absolutely and totally nothing against the Turkic and Mongolic peoples, this Eurasianist idea of mixing the two races en masse, I have a real issue with that.

Therefore, any "Pagan associations" that Dugin has is the same "Pagan associations" that the Jewish Illuminati has, namely designed as a false flag to make the world point their fingers at the Gods and Goddesses, and run back to yahweh and his retarded-ass son yehoshithole ben douchebag (or for those without Gentile senses, "yehoshua ben david" - someone descended from murderer and rapist King David, yet Mary was never fucked by Joseph).

The entire Eurasianism idea originated from Lenin and the Soviets, as Dugin has been known to praise the Soviet Union for coming up with this very ideology and openly admits that Marxism contributes HEAVILY to his "fourth political theory".

He also promotes something called "National Bolshevism", an atrocious attempt to mix National Socialism and communism.

As for Putin, he originated from the KGB. He is either a Jew, a Jewish-Russian hybrid or a Gentile Russian slave to the kikes. But regardless, he serves the Kikes and takes orders from them, despite trying to put on the "opposition" mask from time to time, just like he did with Syria - boy he did he fool the patriotic Gentile world big time with that one. Americans, Russian and Syrians alike thought this guy was the "hope for the world" against the Rothschilds and the Soros. The Lubavitch family is the known kike family to control Russia, as well as powerful overseas Russian mafia and Deep State factions, such as those drug militias in Mexico, California and NYC. All it is, a friendly chess game between Lubavitch vs. Soros/Rothschilds.

The Kikes are using Putin to turn Russia into a supporter and backer of the Islamist movement, as evidenced by the fact that Putin has been increasing his ties and weapons sales to all sorts of Mudslime governments.

Perhaps this is why the Death to Communism has been hacked, Russian Jews are going to the full attack.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
DeusDemon said:
Hello. I would like to know what people's opinion is on Dugin and his fourth political theory? I have heard that it is an occult mother-goddess oriented weltanschuaang that mixes together elements of left and right wing, etc. I have heard also that Putin is a jew by halachik law and that Dugin is his propagandist to spread the Imperialism of Russian Eurasianism. This however I am not sure if it would be beneficial to eliminate the jewish pest and their hegemony? I am unclear on this point so please someone out there provide some references or basic analysis of this topic if possible.

i don't know if you can tell by his apperance, Dugin is a KIKE. Put a kippah on his head, and it'll seem so obvious.

Dugin promotes kike ideology, something called "Eurasianism", basically a race-mixing idea that pushes the notion that Russians aren't White Europeans or Oriental, but "Eurasians", and this is achieved via race-mixing between Slavs and Turkic/Mongolic peoples. It's why many Russians have Asiatic features, and while I have absolutely and totally nothing against the Turkic and Mongolic peoples, this Eurasianist idea of mixing the two races en masse, I have a real issue with that.

Therefore, any "Pagan associations" that Dugin has is the same "Pagan associations" that the Jewish Illuminati has, namely designed as a false flag to make the world point their fingers at the Gods and Goddesses, and run back to yahweh and his retarded-ass son yehoshithole ben douchebag (or for those without Gentile senses, "yehoshua ben david" - someone descended from murderer and rapist King David, yet Mary was never fucked by Joseph).

The entire Eurasianism idea originated from Lenin and the Soviets, as Dugin has been known to praise the Soviet Union for coming up with this very ideology and openly admits that Marxism contributes HEAVILY to his "fourth political theory".

He also promotes something called "National Bolshevism", an atrocious attempt to mix National Socialism and communism.

As for Putin, he originated from the KGB. He is either a Jew, a Jewish-Russian hybrid or a Gentile Russian slave to the kikes. But regardless, he serves the Kikes and takes orders from them, despite trying to put on the "opposition" mask from time to time, just like he did with Syria - boy he did he fool the patriotic Gentile world big time with that one. Americans, Russian and Syrians alike thought this guy was the "hope for the world" against the Rothschilds and the Soros. The Lubavitch family is the known kike family to control Russia, as well as powerful overseas Russian mafia and Deep State factions, such as those drug militias in Mexico, California and NYC. All it is, a friendly chess game between Lubavitch vs. Soros/Rothschilds.

The Kikes are using Putin to turn Russia into a supporter and backer of the Islamist movement, as evidenced by the fact that Putin has been increasing his ties and weapons sales to all sorts of Mudslime governments.

Perhaps this is why the Death to Communism has been hacked, Russian Jews are going to the full attack.

I suppose this is a correct assessment.
" this Eurasianist idea of mixing the two races en masse, "
Is this what Dugin intends? Or is it more along the lines of mutual accommodation of different groups in different regions? I am not thinking it is too likely he would preserve Europeans given his vitriolic rhetoric against them.
I am inclined heavily towards the 'operative' perspective owing to the kikes associations. The nebulosity of his philosophical perspectives definitely is a lure to hook people in to his and the kikes games as 'ideas' an have a beguiling and egregoric influence
Learn about the Perestroika deception,the fake fall of communism and the fake sino-soviet split that lured the west into strengthening these two occupied countries,and too the sino-soviet control of the Far right in the west into supporting the Jewish controlled regimes in russia and china against America,because the kikes believe 'edom'or america and europe,the white race has to be destroyed before they can enslave the masses of the world under a jewish communist dictatorship.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
