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Developing Yet Controlling Your Imagination and Mind to Further Your Advancement

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
nowadays, some parents direct their children only to maths and science lessons so much that they don't even care how important Art is. i know some families who don't allow their children to listen to music. this is a big scourge on undeveloped societies.
I love how both you and HPHC write sermons for each side of the brain, HPHC writes more about left side, logic, wisdom, understanding, and you write more about right side such as creativity, imagination and art. I haven't noticed this before but I say it is great to do so, and it is in balanced manner. Too many sermons for one side of the brain can create unbalance and one could ignore other side of the brain, I'd say.
Thank you for this wonderful sermon HPS Lydia and thank you both for making sure you teach us this way.
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
There is a fine line between logic and imagination. When both are utilized in harmony it opens locked doors to the beauty in life we are searching for. Beautiful post!

Hail Satan!
-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.
I had dreamt these parts long before. I didn't sleep to see it in a controlled way, I saw it in a natural flow.
Now I feel interesting reading it ☺️
Thank you for your beautiful guidance and article.

Hail Satan
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Thank you for this sermon High Priestess Lydia.

Imagination and creativity are important drivers for the mind and its elasticity, but it is a double-edged sword.

We must also go a little hand in hand with our own progress, and be aware of the progress that each of us can make at that moment.

As I advance I am realizing that I want to open myself to the Truth and I want to put Father Satan more and more at the center of my life!

Dreaming is the engine of life itself, it allows us to set ourselves goals to achieve; but living on dreams means deluding yourself with the risk of failing and falling without knowing how to get up again
I believe that members who have a broader imagination can help the JoS advance by creating official artwork. For example, they can redesign the images for the home page of the main JoS, as was being discussed a few months ago, or graphics for future sites and updates. I have seen many members create wonderful and even staggering works of art the last few months, be it drawings, designs, pyrographies, 3D worlds, music, and much more. Should we invest in the artistic talents of our community, the JoS will propel its advancement even if it may not seem obvious at the moment. In a world of images, we must adapt while retaining our identity, and I am certain that we can do this just fine.
I love how both you and HPHC write sermons for each side of the brain, HPHC writes more about left side, logic, wisdom, understanding, and you write more about right side such as creativity, imagination and art. I haven't noticed this before but I say it is great to do so, and it is in balanced manner. Too many sermons for one side of the brain can create unbalance and one could ignore other side of the brain, I'd say.
Thank you for this wonderful sermon HPS Lydia and thank you both for making sure you teach us this way.
Great realisation, I would also add that it reflects the masculine and feminine sides of the soul, uniting at the Heart chakra to create a strong spiritual balance.
nowadays, some parents direct their children only to maths and science lessons so much that they don't even care how important Art is. i know some families who don't allow their children to listen to music. this is a big scourge on undeveloped societies.
Many Greek families suppress the imagination and creativity of their children too. Studying extra-curricular subjects and having an interest in spirituality and the occult is seen as "being a coward" and many parents send their teenage children to work in construction or in a church for the summer to "make them men". Yes, hardships are needed in life, but a mature person would much rather choose them on their own and deal with the consquences, than be forced into them. But that's what xianity is all about; forcing people to act against their nature.
-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.
That's the best way I've found to learn something in-depth. Every one of my articles started out as a document where I imagined I was teaching something to a class of students, even when I had 0 knowledge of the subject. That way, you very quickly see just how much you truly know about something and if your explanation is any good or you sound like a crazy person.
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
This is actually a proven technique for learning anything. I can vouch for this entire post, since I read two books on learning that I heavily suggest:
  • Learning How To Learn by Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski
  • How To Become a Straight A Student by Cal Newport
The part of imagining yourself in the classroom is a way to use your imagination to learn something. Both books develop on this idea, but essentially it has been tested that building images in your head while studying a concept or a series of concepts will make then stick because you're engaging the brain more, since you have to find an image that appeals to you, that sticks out, but that still has some relevance and connection with what you want to learn. The more shocking/ridiculous/funny the image, the better you retain it. The other half of the technique, which is teaching it to someone is known as the Feynman Technique which has also been proven to be really strong in learning because teaching something to an audience requires that atomic understanding of it. If you can't explain it to a 5 year old, you probably don't understand it well enough.

As a side note, someone said how HPHC's posts focus on the left side of the brain and HPS Lydia's on the right side. Very true, and I think that it's also a masculine vs feminine energy thing going on, as well. They complement each other well, it's nice to see the clergy showcasing a balance between the ying and the yang.
Many Greek families suppress the imagination and creativity of their children too. Studying extra-curricular subjects and having an interest in spirituality and the occult is seen as "being a coward" and many parents send their teenage children to work in construction or in a church for the summer to "make them men". Yes, hardships are needed in life, but a mature person would much rather choose them on their own and deal with the consquences, than be forced into them. But that's what xianity is all about; forcing people to act against their nature.
Unfortunately you are right. I've had a talent for painting since I was a child. My teacher had suggested that I attend art school to make use of my talent. My parents didn't allow it because they said that painters don't earn much money and become famous after their death. They discouraged me and I never painted again. In my teenage years I had a tendency towards the occult. They didn't stop me in that because they didn't know what books I was reading.
Unfortunately you are right. I've had a talent for painting since I was a child. My teacher had suggested that I attend art school to make use of my talent. My parents didn't allow it because they said that painters don't earn much money and become famous after their death. They discouraged me and I never painted again. In my teenage years I had a tendency towards the occult. They didn't stop me in that because they didn't know what books I was reading.
Thankfully, things are getting better now. Maybe not so much in the occult part, but certainly in the artistic part.
Gotta love having a retrograde Neptune, really makes my imagination powerful
I used to have a very vivid imagination, but since I began the process of freeing my soul from all the curses and bonds and everything I had accumulated began to come to the surface, I have aphantasia and it is impossible for me to imagine or visualize anything.
I used to have a very vivid imagination, but since I began the process of freeing my soul from all the curses and bonds and everything I had accumulated began to come to the surface, I have aphantasia and it is impossible for me to imagine or visualize anything.
Strange. Do you feel like you might be a bit burnt out? I know you've been doing the freeing every day for some years. Do you still work on your chakras, and spend time breathing in the energy of the chakra, especially the 6th chakra? Also breath energy into it's rear extension at the back of your head.
Strange. Do you feel like you might be a bit burnt out? I know you've been doing the freeing every day for some years. Do you still work on your chakras, and spend time breathing in the energy of the chakra, especially the 6th chakra? Also breath energy into it's rear extension at the back of your head.
Yes, I do it and breathe energy into all the chakras, despite the visualization problems I do notice the energies, the vibration and the chakras without problems.
Interesting about reading books.
I too find them helpful, for the following reasons:

- when not meditating, we are largely in our head with ideas from our external world. When reading, if you really emerse yourself, you can go into someone else's world. And as a person with not vivid imagination but definitely creativity, the way that authors describe characters experiences and the thoughts that go on in their heads, can be very eye opening and meditative in it's own right
- instead of receiving toxic seeds of planted ideas from the television, with books, because they are merely black words on a white page, we can more easily take with a grain of salt. television, for lack of a softer phrase, is shoving information down your throat. Books, less so. And they will bring up new ideas and questions as the original poster talked about in detail.

^i only say this because I currently picked up reading again. otherwise I probably wouldn't have that insight
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Thank you for the insight on how to healthily and positively improve creativity. I will do just that the next time I pick up animal farm/1984; that book is amazing when reading though the lines or viewing it though a SS lens.
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Very Good post, thank you HPS Lydia (y)
I have schizophrenia but some things I believe are real like I see bune (guardian demon) and she’s got a blue aura I also see this eye looking at me in the clouds I believe these are real and when I open my Charkras but the other stuff that just are hallucinations I ignore. gotta fight a bit harder than the average person to fight delusions! Thank you for your post Lydia! Hail Satan
I have schizophrenia but some things I believe are real like I see bune (guardian demon) and she’s got a blue aura I also see this eye looking at me in the clouds I believe these are real and when I open my Charkras but the other stuff that just are hallucinations I ignore. gotta fight a bit harder than the average person to fight delusions! Thank you for your post Lydia! Hail Satan
I wish you well, mental health can be achieved with the help of our Gods. Ask them for guidance, and for help at any time you feel you need help :)
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Mine is wild, sometimes is very hard to control, it so strong, I can imagine I'm talking to someone or making a speech when I'm alone, I can go back in my memories like it's today. Thanks to drugs and this natural inclination for wild imagination I almost get really insane. This is very important thank u for the clarification.
One time I thought I was communicating with the gods but I cannot be sure if it's my imagination or telephaty or something, maybe it was, I cannot know for sure
Thank you HPS Lydia for an awesome sermon, I learning to be more creative these days bringing me back to the days at school when we were encouraged to use our imagination and creativity 💕
Mine is wild, sometimes is very hard to control, it so strong, I can imagine I'm talking to someone or making a speech when I'm alone, I can go back in my memories like it's today. Thanks to drugs and this natural inclination for wild imagination I almost get really insane. This is very important thank u for the clarification.
One time I thought I was communicating with the gods but I cannot be sure if it's my imagination or telephaty or something, maybe it was, I cannot know for sure
Drug use is your personal choice, but it will prevent true spiritual understanding, and real spiritual experiences. You can use meditation to develop your abilities to communicate with the Gods in a healthy way. Drugs damage the mind, aura, and the chakras.
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Thanks for such of great advice HPS Lydia ..
Drug use is your personal choice, but it will prevent true spiritual understanding, and real spiritual experiences. You can use meditation to develop your abilities to communicate with the Gods in a healthy way. Drugs damage the mind, aura, and the chakras.
I know, thank u. I didn't fall more down because I started to care about myself, and having faith, failing and trying again, if it wasn't the meditations and the God's (without wanting to be delusional), I would probably be dead already .
Never understood the difference between imagination and visualization, I can come up with bright and elaborated ideas and art, but I can't really picture something in my mind vividly.
Its weird and this Is such a basic tool in the box, that I feel almost stuck.
(Not going to lie, my consistency in the Path Is completely fucked up but still, I'm tired of breathing exercises and trying to picture things I'm not able to see).
Imagination is to be utilized to further our advancement, and generate creativity which allows the soul to express itself. It is something that sets humans apart from other species.

Having an imagination allows for creativity to develop, allows us to see a better future and have hope and drive to make things better, and it expands the mind. But your imagination must be trained to work for you, not against you. Each one of you has the potential to advance greatly, so training yourself to stay on the correct path of your individual advancement is imperative. Falling off and into a spiral of delusions would be an epic waste.

Here in the JoS, we encourage members to gain wisdom, enlightenment, and true spiritual insight. We want all members to truly advance and be able to establish a connection with your Guardian Demons.

We do not want anyone to lose sanity.

I have read in other “spiritual methods”, that to open the 3rd eye, one must let their imagination run wild and believe in it. This is only going to encourage delusions, and loss of contact with reality. This method will also allow mental instability to develop. This is what the enemy wants, which is why they infiltrate and corrupt new-age spiritual movements.

When developing astral sight and hearing, much of what you may initially experience is imagination, because this faculty is opening as well. Those who already had a good imagination from childhood will likely have a better understanding of what is your imagination and what isn’t; and you will be more likely to understand that perhaps communications you receive from the Gods might be your imagination instead. We see this often in the forums, people who are readily admitting that perhaps it was their imagination, and they have a healthy sense of doubt. (Although, this doubt can be self-limiting, so one must learn to trust in what is really astral communication.)

But there are people who did not have much of an imagination as a child (or were already near loss of sanity for whatever reason), so when their imagination opens, they think it’s real astral communication, and real conversations with the Gods. The simple fact is, these imaginings can lead people to ruin. We see this too in the forums (it is often disapproved on mod queue due the the sheer insanity); people who imagine something, and swear by it being the absolute truth. They don’t have any healthy doubt, they are fanatical in the belief that what they clearly imagined is true. They can’t distinguish between imagination and reality.

Furthering this, is how certain aspects of the media. Starting a few decades ago, journalism stopped being about strictly reporting the plain facts, and started to make up stories to go along with it. For example, a famous person will do something, and the journalists will talk about what that person was thinking and feeling, when they are not mind-readers so how can they say it as a fact. The journalists are making it up in order to get more views and be seen as “insightful”. They are not stating facts or asking the person why they did what they did; instead, they tell a story and pass it off as the truth. One’s opinion is held in high regard these days, instead of plain facts or truth. Much of journalism is nearly fictional literature these days. This subconsciously makes lies and delusions more acceptable.

Look at the people in the world – so many people have their lies and delusions that they strongly and fanatically adhere to.

When advancing in Spiritual Satanism, there will come a time when you must shed all delusions and open yourself to the Truth. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you will advance, and the sooner you will enjoy having a healthy and strong mind.

Delusions can lead to an entire life being wasted, and this is tragic.

For those of you who want to safely develop your imagination and mental power, here is a good method. Read books that have been recommended here, such as works by Marcus Aurelius, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, or any book that teaches a subject that you are currently learning (mechanics, science, music, botany, anything). As you read it:

-Imagine yourself as a student in the Ancient days (or any time period that appeals to you, even futuristic if you prefer), in an elaborate university or temple of some sort. Design it how you want, make it as intricate as you’d like it to be.

-Visualize the author as an instructor, teaching the book to you. Perhaps they have a blackboard on a wall and they write some phrases on it, try to keep it there in your mind through the rest of the lesson.

-“Hear” them read the book to you, and imagine conversations, such as you asking questions, and then when you find the answer in the book (or elsewhere), have the conversation include the answer.

-But don’t let your imagination alter the book or go on too many tangents. Keep it steady, like you are in the healthiest learning environment with strong focus and attention.

-Then, when you feel you understand the book (or chapter, or section) pretty well, imagine that you are now a teacher and instructing the works to a new generation of students. Perhaps an individual student, or a classroom. *Doing this will also have the benefit of giving you more confidence and insight when having conversations in real life.

Now, for those of you who have an over-active imagination. If you feel your imagination does not interfere with your life then that’s fine. But if you feel your imagination does hamper your quality of life and takes up too much time in your day, then channel it into something more productive. Write fiction, or learn art. Don’t give in to delusions that you will become the best ever writer or artist and then feel like you’ve failed when you realize you’re not. Just allow for a creative outlet, and perhaps you can sell it for a side-income which would be an accomplishment in itself.

The imagination, when developed and kept in check, will propel your growth and advancement. Don’t let delusions ruin you! We want every member here to fulfill their potential and make the Gods proud. Your mind is sacred, treat it as such.
Thanks Needed To Here That Surpentmage.Hail Satan
Never understood the difference between imagination and visualization, I can come up with bright and elaborated ideas and art, but I can't really picture something in my mind vividly.
Its weird and this Is such a basic tool in the box, that I feel almost stuck.
(Not going to lie, my consistency in the Path Is completely fucked up but still, I'm tired of breathing exercises and trying to picture things I'm not able to see).
For lack of visualization, work on your back 6th chakra extension, at the back of your head. Also your 6th, side extensions, and 3rd eye of course, but the back extension seems to be defunct in people who cannot visualize.

Breath in white-gold or indigo light into it daily, this chakra does not need a mantra. There are 3 in a triangle, put more focus on the bottom middle one:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
