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Apr 28, 2023
Is it me or have others had a hard time with this such as myself the christian stigma of being other then just straight has closed so many off from freedom to choose their partners. I've as of late within the last year cast aside my beliefs and in the time it took me to realize I can lay with whoever I want has led me to hurt someone I care about my Celtic kin who thought maybe I wasn't serious well I am now I know who I am and if you know who you are and you see this know I am sorry for not treating you the way I should have not giving you the attention you needed. In here now I'm clear minded and wish to speak once more about what we could be. - pounds
I can only agree that the stigma is really hard with this, and especially if you are a man I think.
Most noticeable is this in conversations with Christards and Mudslems who think it's deeply "sinful" or "haram" to as a man even think another man can be attractive or sexy.
How then is one as a man supposed to think oneself has any attractiveness, if one is forbidden to even think of feel so?

I thus actually think bisexuality can be a necessary thing for ones own feeling of attractiveness, and thus chances of attracting a partner. I also think it opens up more ways of experiencing and exploring sexuality for both men and women.

The way I look at true romance though; the most romantic moment in life is only possible for a man and a woman.
That is the moment when a new child is born and both the man, woman and [biological] child are together in that moment.
This can never be achieved by two men or two women, and that's why I think a woman would be the most suitable partner for a romantic relationship for myself at least. When and if that time comes that is. The more attractive one feels and the more satisfied with life one feels (goes together a bit) the better the chances of that showing up I think.
Those Jewish hoax religions sort of work against this. Hate your life and so on.
xlnt said:
I can only agree that the stigma is really hard with this, and especially if you are a man I think.
Most noticeable is this in conversations with Christards and Mudslems who think it's deeply "sinful" or "haram" to as a man even think another man can be attractive or sexy.
How then is one as a man supposed to think oneself has any attractiveness, if one is forbidden to even think of feel so?

I thus actually think bisexuality can be a necessary thing for ones own feeling of attractiveness, and thus chances of attracting a partner. I also think it opens up more ways of experiencing and exploring sexuality for both men and women.

The way I look at true romance though; the most romantic moment in life is only possible for a man and a woman.
That is the moment when a new child is born and both the man, woman and [biological] child are together in that moment.
This can never be achieved by two men or two women, and that's why I think a woman would be the most suitable partner for a romantic relationship for myself at least. When and if that time comes that is. The more attractive one feels and the more satisfied with life one feels (goes together a bit) the better the chances of that showing up I think.
Those Jewish hoax religions sort of work against this. Hate your life and so on.
You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here how important it is to reproduce and so I do think highly of hetero relationships, especially for a SS. This doesn't mean we need to say that others are inferiors...

I do think It's a bit difficult to be bisexual because you may want a family but you lock yourself to only have a relationship with a woman. We know monogamous relationships are not the only thing that exists and so as long as one partner knows about it then one could have more than one partner. This would happen in a perfect world but we are not there yet.
luis said:
xlnt said:
I can only agree that the stigma is really hard with this, and especially if you are a man I think.
Most noticeable is this in conversations with Christards and Mudslems who think it's deeply "sinful" or "haram" to as a man even think another man can be attractive or sexy.
How then is one as a man supposed to think oneself has any attractiveness, if one is forbidden to even think of feel so?

I thus actually think bisexuality can be a necessary thing for ones own feeling of attractiveness, and thus chances of attracting a partner. I also think it opens up more ways of experiencing and exploring sexuality for both men and women.

The way I look at true romance though; the most romantic moment in life is only possible for a man and a woman.
That is the moment when a new child is born and both the man, woman and [biological] child are together in that moment.
This can never be achieved by two men or two women, and that's why I think a woman would be the most suitable partner for a romantic relationship for myself at least. When and if that time comes that is. The more attractive one feels and the more satisfied with life one feels (goes together a bit) the better the chances of that showing up I think.
Those Jewish hoax religions sort of work against this. Hate your life and so on.
You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here how important it is to reproduce and so I do think highly of hetero relationships, especially for a SS. This doesn't mean we need to say that others are inferiors...

I do think It's a bit difficult to be bisexual because you may want a family but you lock yourself to only have a relationship with a woman. We know monogamous relationships are not the only thing that exists and so as long as one partner knows about it then one could have more than one partner. This would happen in a perfect world but we are not there yet.

Now, where in my post did I describe homosexual couples and their love as inferior? Please tell me that.
That was some way of interpreting my post. :!:

The only thing I pointed out here was my own view of what the most romantic moment in life ever could be, for me that is, and not for anyone else who may have a different opinion.

For me, the deepest and most strong love between man and woman has to do with having children together, which both the man and the woman when looking into each others eyes may have a romantic vision of, and thus not only a vision of a life together but also with their children. That I mean is something very special and an aspect of love that gay couples can't experience the same way, even if they can adopt and have a really strong love for each other.

Just because some aspects of what I call romance is exclusive to hetero couples, it doesn't mean I Iook down upon gay couples in any way shape or form, especially since I'm bisexual myself. I just look at what reality is. Two men or two women can't produce biological children, which I mean is an aspect of romance (to me at least) which simply is not possible in gay relationships.

Also, My choice of romantic partner is my own as well as for you, and the same goes for monogamy.
Some people want monogamy like myself and some don't. That's totally fine with me.
Sounds to me like you think everyone should be for polygamy, as it's some "best" way of living.
I think what is best is what suits that particular person. Some people don't even want any kind of relationship like that at all and that's fine too.
xlnt said:
luis said:
xlnt said:
I can only agree that the stigma is really hard with this, and especially if you are a man I think.
Most noticeable is this in conversations with Christards and Mudslems who think it's deeply "sinful" or "haram" to as a man even think another man can be attractive or sexy.
How then is one as a man supposed to think oneself has any attractiveness, if one is forbidden to even think of feel so?

I thus actually think bisexuality can be a necessary thing for ones own feeling of attractiveness, and thus chances of attracting a partner. I also think it opens up more ways of experiencing and exploring sexuality for both men and women.

The way I look at true romance though; the most romantic moment in life is only possible for a man and a woman.
That is the moment when a new child is born and both the man, woman and [biological] child are together in that moment.
This can never be achieved by two men or two women, and that's why I think a woman would be the most suitable partner for a romantic relationship for myself at least. When and if that time comes that is. The more attractive one feels and the more satisfied with life one feels (goes together a bit) the better the chances of that showing up I think.
Those Jewish hoax religions sort of work against this. Hate your life and so on.
You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here how important it is to reproduce and so I do think highly of hetero relationships, especially for a SS. This doesn't mean we need to say that others are inferiors...

I do think It's a bit difficult to be bisexual because you may want a family but you lock yourself to only have a relationship with a woman. We know monogamous relationships are not the only thing that exists and so as long as one partner knows about it then one could have more than one partner. This would happen in a perfect world but we are not there yet.

Now, where in my post did I describe homosexual couples and their love as inferior? Please tell me that.
That was some way of interpreting my post. :!:

The only thing I pointed out here was my own view of what the most romantic moment in life ever could be, for me that is, and not for anyone else who may have a different opinion.

For me, the deepest and most strong love between man and woman has to do with having children together, which both the man and the woman when looking into each others eyes may have a romantic vision of, and thus not only a vision of a life together but also with their children. That I mean is something very special and an aspect of love that gay couples can't experience the same way, even if they can adopt and have a really strong love for each other.

Just because some aspects of what I call romance is exclusive to hetero couples, it doesn't mean I Iook down upon gay couples in any way shape or form, especially since I'm bisexual myself. I just look at what reality is. Two men or two women can't produce biological children, which I mean is an aspect of romance (to me at least) which simply is not possible in gay relationships.

Also, My choice of romantic partner is my own as well as for you, and the same goes for monogamy.
Some people want monogamy like myself and some don't. That's totally fine with me.
Sounds to me like you think everyone should be for polygamy, as it's some "best" way of living.
I think what is best is what suits that particular person. Some people don't even want any kind of relationship like that at all and that's fine too.
I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :?

About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to everyone. I'm just saying some people's are limited in their choices because of society nowadays.
luis said:
xlnt said:
luis said:
You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here how important it is to reproduce and so I do think highly of hetero relationships, especially for a SS. This doesn't mean we need to say that others are inferiors...

I do think It's a bit difficult to be bisexual because you may want a family but you lock yourself to only have a relationship with a woman. We know monogamous relationships are not the only thing that exists and so as long as one partner knows about it then one could have more than one partner. This would happen in a perfect world but we are not there yet.

Now, where in my post did I describe homosexual couples and their love as inferior? Please tell me that.
That was some way of interpreting my post. :!:

The only thing I pointed out here was my own view of what the most romantic moment in life ever could be, for me that is, and not for anyone else who may have a different opinion.

For me, the deepest and most strong love between man and woman has to do with having children together, which both the man and the woman when looking into each others eyes may have a romantic vision of, and thus not only a vision of a life together but also with their children. That I mean is something very special and an aspect of love that gay couples can't experience the same way, even if they can adopt and have a really strong love for each other.

Just because some aspects of what I call romance is exclusive to hetero couples, it doesn't mean I Iook down upon gay couples in any way shape or form, especially since I'm bisexual myself. I just look at what reality is. Two men or two women can't produce biological children, which I mean is an aspect of romance (to me at least) which simply is not possible in gay relationships.

Also, My choice of romantic partner is my own as well as for you, and the same goes for monogamy.
Some people want monogamy like myself and some don't. That's totally fine with me.
Sounds to me like you think everyone should be for polygamy, as it's some "best" way of living.
I think what is best is what suits that particular person. Some people don't even want any kind of relationship like that at all and that's fine too.
I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :?

About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to everyone. I'm just saying some people's are limited in their choices because of society nowadays.

I should though perhaps have been more clear that this was My opinion of what "the height of romance" is to Me.
Such a moment of joy and blissfulness when seeing and holding ones Own biological child is something only a man and woman can experience, and that's a fact I guess gay couples may feel a bit jealous about, since it's quite a moment in life.

I don't doubt though that love between gays sometimes can be stronger and more real than in some other hetero relations.
It's not necessarily true love just because it's a man and woman. True love is seldom these days.
BlackSun14 said:
Is it me or have others had a hard time with this such as myself the christian stigma of being other then just straight has closed so many off from freedom to choose their partners. I've as of late within the last year cast aside my beliefs and in the time it took me to realize I can lay with whoever I want has led me to hurt someone I care about my Celtic kin who thought maybe I wasn't serious well I am now I know who I am and if you know who you are and you see this know I am sorry for not treating you the way I should have not giving you the attention you needed. In here now I'm clear minded and wish to speak once more about what we could be. - pounds

I realized this post was about me a few days ago. I think I will say you don't have to be sorry. I just want to grow our friendship more and see what we could be too. you are funny, principled, and hard working

I really shouldn't have gotten so upset and impatient. Hope you are feeling a bit better about this. :)
luis said:
xlnt said:
luis said:
You don't need to bring down gay relationships to somehow make a hetero relationship superior. Love is love and this is what matters, especially because not everyone chooses to be born with a certain sexuality and so they don't need to read that their relationships are "inferior". We know here how important it is to reproduce and so I do think highly of hetero relationships, especially for a SS. This doesn't mean we need to say that others are inferiors...

I do think It's a bit difficult to be bisexual because you may want a family but you lock yourself to only have a relationship with a woman. We know monogamous relationships are not the only thing that exists and so as long as one partner knows about it then one could have more than one partner. This would happen in a perfect world but we are not there yet.

Now, where in my post did I describe homosexual couples and their love as inferior? Please tell me that.
That was some way of interpreting my post. :!:

The only thing I pointed out here was my own view of what the most romantic moment in life ever could be, for me that is, and not for anyone else who may have a different opinion.

For me, the deepest and most strong love between man and woman has to do with having children together, which both the man and the woman when looking into each others eyes may have a romantic vision of, and thus not only a vision of a life together but also with their children. That I mean is something very special and an aspect of love that gay couples can't experience the same way, even if they can adopt and have a really strong love for each other.

Just because some aspects of what I call romance is exclusive to hetero couples, it doesn't mean I Iook down upon gay couples in any way shape or form, especially since I'm bisexual myself. I just look at what reality is. Two men or two women can't produce biological children, which I mean is an aspect of romance (to me at least) which simply is not possible in gay relationships.

Also, My choice of romantic partner is my own as well as for you, and the same goes for monogamy.
Some people want monogamy like myself and some don't. That's totally fine with me.
Sounds to me like you think everyone should be for polygamy, as it's some "best" way of living.
I think what is best is what suits that particular person. Some people don't even want any kind of relationship like that at all and that's fine too.
I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :?

About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to everyone. I'm just saying some people's are limited in their choices because of society nowadays.

This does not mean most bisexuals are polygamous by nature or default though? Or have you seen differently? Just curious.
Shadowcat said:
luis said:
xlnt said:
Now, where in my post did I describe homosexual couples and their love as inferior? Please tell me that.
That was some way of interpreting my post. :!:

The only thing I pointed out here was my own view of what the most romantic moment in life ever could be, for me that is, and not for anyone else who may have a different opinion.

For me, the deepest and most strong love between man and woman has to do with having children together, which both the man and the woman when looking into each others eyes may have a romantic vision of, and thus not only a vision of a life together but also with their children. That I mean is something very special and an aspect of love that gay couples can't experience the same way, even if they can adopt and have a really strong love for each other.

Just because some aspects of what I call romance is exclusive to hetero couples, it doesn't mean I Iook down upon gay couples in any way shape or form, especially since I'm bisexual myself. I just look at what reality is. Two men or two women can't produce biological children, which I mean is an aspect of romance (to me at least) which simply is not possible in gay relationships.

Also, My choice of romantic partner is my own as well as for you, and the same goes for monogamy.
Some people want monogamy like myself and some don't. That's totally fine with me.
Sounds to me like you think everyone should be for polygamy, as it's some "best" way of living.
I think what is best is what suits that particular person. Some people don't even want any kind of relationship like that at all and that's fine too.
I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :?

About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to everyone. I'm just saying some people's are limited in their choices because of society nowadays.

This does not mean most bisexuals are polygamous by nature or default though? Or have you seen differently? Just curious.
It doesn't mean they are polygamous, I think. One could just choose their partner and be monogamous even if they like both genders. I wonder how it works with the Gods. Since they live for so long if they remain monogamous or if they broke up with partners too. I know polygamous is a thing that even the Gods have since Incubus and Succubus page seems to say so.

Sexuality is definitely a complex subject. Current society try to put everyone in certain boxes and for some the don't fit. And negative karma doesn't help.
luis said:
Shadowcat said:
luis said:
I think I may have misunderstood what you said. I did not understand you were talking about yourself. I thought you said in general. Sorry :?

About poligamy I just think some people can benefit from it, especially Bisexuals but I don't think it's for everyone not something I want to push to everyone. I'm just saying some people's are limited in their choices because of society nowadays.

This does not mean most bisexuals are polygamous by nature or default though? Or have you seen differently? Just curious.
It doesn't mean they are polygamous, I think. One could just choose their partner and be monogamous even if they like both genders. I wonder how it works with the Gods. Since they live for so long if they remain monogamous or if they broke up with partners too. I know polygamous is a thing that even the Gods have since Incubus and Succubus page seems to say so.

Sexuality is definitely a complex subject. Current society try to put everyone in certain boxes and for some the don't fit. And negative karma doesn't help.

Well put, everyone is different. I believe Since the Gods know what they want and need already and don't lack depth like most humans, that if they are monogamous they will always remain such and if they are polyamorous they will remain as such. Regardless of the arrangement of any relationship dynamic I think they would form deep attachments to others that would keep from them being discarded frivolously, as i am sure they choose very wisely.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
