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Beginners meditation YouTube video


New member
Mar 19, 2023
Black mage here, I remember aldric strickland created a youtube account some years ago I believed called "beginners meditation". Due to jewtubes fear " Z GOYIM NO"!!!!, His account was deleted a few years back. My question is does anybody have his old videos ? Aldric, if you're reading this, please re-post, re-upload all your videos. I truly appreciate it.
Hail Satan.
Aldrick basically became friends with a bunch of jews, was cursed by them, and became insane. I would not trust any of the things he said or did.
Black mage here, I remember aldric strickland created a youtube account some years ago I believed called "beginners meditation". Due to jewtubes fear " Z GOYIM NO"!!!!, His account was deleted a few years back. My question is does anybody have his old videos ? Aldric, if you're reading this, please re-post, re-upload all your videos. I truly appreciate it.
Hail Satan.
Don't use off site mediations! Maxine made that page on the JOS for a reason. Please don't go to other sites. You never know whom is truly behind those meditations. Especially if they use any mantras or sigils. Don't do it. Keep the trust in Hp Maxine. For the sake of your own mind please stick to the stuff on the JOS site unless your advanced enough to get one from the gods themselves- really advanced and know without a doubt that it's from our gods.

Hail Father Satan
Don't use off site mediations! Maxine made that page on the JOS for a reason. Please don't go to other sites. You never know whom is truly behind those meditations. Especially if they use any mantras or sigils. Don't do it. Keep the trust in Hp Maxine. For the sake of your own mind please stick to the stuff on the JOS site unless your advanced enough to get one from the gods themselves- really advanced and know without a doubt that it's from our gods.

Hail Father Satan
I'm sorry, let me explain: the name of the account on youtube was named "beginner meditation" or something like that. It was aldric, just him giving out advice and motivation. Some ss have youtube accounts giving the same meditations on the site as was in the video(s). Thank you for your advice, but I know this already(please forgive the tone of that, not trying to be disrespectful or ungrateful). Truly thankful.
Wait, what !?!?!? Could you further explain?

The rat face jew Zola who made a bunch of shitty photo-shopped pictures and was going to try to sell them to us. This one also tricked a bunch of people and took their money. Zola was also working together with a very well known Canadian jew activist called Brian Ruh (or something like that) on trying to shut us down. And Mageson was also working with this group. The 3 of them were all working to try to spy on us, try to permanently shut down all of our websites, and try to stop us from doing the RTRs.

Aldrick was friends with Zola on emails and skype calls, and was basically cursed and brainwashed by her. There were some other long-term members at the time who were really jew infiltrators who also worked to influence and curse Aldrick.

He was also doing strange workings that were not safe to do, which most likely were provided to him by the jews he was talking to, and this further worked to make him very confused and mentally unstable.

All of this is a lesson not to go to any outside websites like discord or telegram to try to find spiritual knowledge, because the only thing you will find in those groups are jews purposefully trying to destroy people. Any real, true, and safe spiritual knowledge is shared right here, and there is no reason for it to be hidden anywhere else. The reason for things to be on those other websites is because they are not allowed here, and they are not allowed because they are dangerous curses disguised as workings.
The rat face jew Zola who made a bunch of shitty photo-shopped pictures and was going to try to sell them to us. This one also tricked a bunch of people and took their money. Zola was also working together with a very well known Canadian jew activist called Brian Ruh (or something like that) on trying to shut us down. And Mageson was also working with this group. The 3 of them were all working to try to spy on us, try to permanently shut down all of our websites, and try to stop us from doing the RTRs.

Aldrick was friends with Zola on emails and skype calls, and was basically cursed and brainwashed by her. There were some other long-term members at the time who were really jew infiltrators who also worked to influence and curse Aldrick.

He was also doing strange workings that were not safe to do, which most likely were provided to him by the jews he was talking to, and this further worked to make him very confused and mentally unstable.

All of this is a lesson not to go to any outside websites like discord or telegram to try to find spiritual knowledge, because the only thing you will find in those groups are jews purposefully trying to destroy people. Any real, true, and safe spiritual knowledge is shared right here, and there is no reason for it to be hidden anywhere else. The reason for things to be on those other websites is because they are not allowed here, and they are not allowed because they are dangerous curses disguised as workings.
0_0 woah, I didn't know any of that.

Also, do you happen to know what was going on with Ghost in the Machine? I looked that dude up recently and was horrified to see his last posts on here. What's crazy as well is somehow for over 2 years none of his last schizo posts got any comments, which is weird to me.
Aldrick himself is a kike, he was an infiltrator from the beginning and faked it for years just like his friend Zola and Magestein.
I have been on a few of those sites myself. Especially with the Kundalini breathing exercises. Trying to find some good programs that make sense is not easy.
And I have run into all different kinds of videos and programs showing yoga! Were the girl may look like she knows what she's doing? I'm sure she does? But a lot of this is also watered down with Christianity and really goes against who we are as a Spiritual Satanist!

And my bad! I've tuned in to a lot of these programs just to do yoga just to do something throughout the day. Especially on my days off when I'm not working! Or when I just simply get bored. A lot of these programs may look and seem nice and it may look it seem like these people know what they're doing?
And what it boils down to! Is the fact that they're doing it for money and they're doing it for who or whatever for amusement? Or for something better to do or delete people into thinking that they can program or motivate. A lot of these people you don't even know if they're actual teachers or gurus? Most the time you scratch your head and kind of wonder? If it's just an actress? And I know that they can just pick somebody out of a classroom somewhere? And give them a crash course on yoga especially if it's a college student looking for extra pay and to intervene with other people?
It could be for many reasons? And a lot of these things are going through my mind while I am taking these classes? They seem to be doing okay but when it comes to the breathing and the meditation? All they do is talk through it instead of actually doing it! And when it comes to a lot of these yoga videos you see the person doing a whole series of poses? Like they're showing off and expecting you to get up and follow them and do it? We're a lot of people who tune in and don't even know where to start or what they're doing?
So I agree with Maxine Detrich! 100% And Blackmage666 I would much rather do this and do it right. And learn from those who know what they're doing!
0_0 woah, I didn't know any of that.

Also, do you happen to know what was going on with Ghost in the Machine? I looked that dude up recently and was horrified to see his last posts on here. What's crazy as well is somehow for over 2 years none of his last schizo posts got any comments, which is weird to me.

Ghost in the Machine would always complain about his sister being a jew. He said she had a jew dad, and he had a different dad who was human, and that's why she's a jew and he's not. But for a supposed human, he really was not acting like a human for long at all once the Final RTR came out.

The Final RTR directly works to erase the jewish soul. And this is the exact time when many jews who were hiding here were not able to hide anymore, as the Final RTR erased all of their workings and defenses. And worked to directly attack their souls, and make them insane as nothing they try works correctly. In addition to the fact that the gods are aware of everything and there is no way to hide from them.

Many long term jews were ruined, had their insanity exposed, and had their plans and bad intentions exposed. Aldrick and Ghost in the Machine are two who I am specifically talking about.

I am unsure about Shael. It looked like he was working on some good work while he was here with researching and translating of old spiritual documents and trying to make this information available, but who knows if this was true or a lie. But once the Final RTR was made, he basically went insane the same way as all the other jews, so it's possible he could have been one of them. He was another one who was always going on emails and private communications with all kinds of jews, trusting them, being cursed by them, and becoming insane. Very similar to Aldrick.

The Final RTR was a great cycle of cleaning for this group, as many infiltrators were no longer able to hide. They lost their cover and showed their real selves and real bad intentions, and now they are not here. And they have accomplished nothing.

We are still here stronger than ever. HP. HoodedCobra666 shared this video one time, 50 Cent song Many Men. "Now it's clear that I'm here for a real reason. Because he got hit like I got hit, but he ain't fuckin breathing."

And of course Jews hide under somebody else to play their mind games
And of course like always they're going to get caught! Either by the person they're hiding under? Because this individual is going to get tired of being used and at some time is going to expose the Jew and call him out.
Ghost in the Machine would always complain about his sister being a jew. He said she had a jew dad, and he had a different dad who was human, and that's why she's a jew and he's not. But for a supposed human, he really was not acting like a human for long at all once the Final RTR came out.

The Final RTR directly works to erase the jewish soul. And this is the exact time when many jews who were hiding here were not able to hide anymore, as the Final RTR erased all of their workings and defenses. And worked to directly attack their souls, and make them insane as nothing they try works correctly. In addition to the fact that the gods are aware of everything and there is no way to hide from them.

Many long term jews were ruined, had their insanity exposed, and had their plans and bad intentions exposed. Aldrick and Ghost in the Machine are two who I am specifically talking about.

I am unsure about Shael. It looked like he was working on some good work while he was here with researching and translating of old spiritual documents and trying to make this information available, but who knows if this was true or a lie. But once the Final RTR was made, he basically went insane the same way as all the other jews, so it's possible he could have been one of them. He was another one who was always going on emails and private communications with all kinds of jews, trusting them, being cursed by them, and becoming insane. Very similar to Aldrick.

The Final RTR was a great cycle of cleaning for this group, as many infiltrators were no longer able to hide. They lost their cover and showed their real selves and real bad intentions, and now they are not here. And they have accomplished nothing.

We are still here stronger than ever. HP. HoodedCobra666 shared this video one time, 50 Cent song Many Men. "Now it's clear that I'm here for a real reason. Because he got hit like I got hit, but he ain't fuckin breathing."

There is someone was heavely cursed by them, when she made the big mistake of blindly trusting Magestein and then later she was also deceived by Aldrick, that made her have a lot of problems and she ended up leaving her position and the JOS.
Well if the jews get on here.? They get what they deserve! And if there were going to be as bold enough to get on here they're going to get exposed every time. They are an obnoxious people that are very bold
Jews look at us like we're an animal and we are a competition to them! They hate us and they find us intimidating and in a lot of ways it seems to be a turn on to them and therefore they want to come after us even harder Jews are a very stubborn people that don't give up and they don't care what rules are what they're up against. Any type of people who would destroy the Earth and Destroy animals and turn people against each other? It goes to show you that Jews don't take any rules they don't take any orders because they think they are God... and the way they look at things like it's just nothing showing very little to no affection at no feeling at all. They get what they deserve! And in the end they will pay dearly
There is someone was heavely cursed by them, when she made the big mistake of blindly trusting Magestein and then later she was also deceived by Aldrick, that made her have a lot of problems and she ended up leaving her position and the JOS.

There were probably many people harmed in this way.
I know most of you also remember fostar child I wonder what happened with that kid? I’ve been trying to find him on YouTube but no luck.
Wait, what !?!?!? Could you further explain?

You could conduct research on the statements they have made and how they all relate to the mentioned fact. However, in my opinion, that would be a waste of time.

In the history of the JoS, there have been many unfortunate incidents. Things are much better now than they were then. Years ago, JG NakedPluto mentioned that Aldrick attempted to curse him and other members for various reasons. This aligns with Aldrick's associations with jews like Zola and other individuals who harbored ill-will, which were exposed. During my research last summer, I observed that they also created groups intended for infiltration.

As mentioned earlier, focus solely on the JoS website for information regarding spiritualism and avoid anything that is not worth your time.
The rat face jew Zola who made a bunch of shitty photo-shopped pictures and was going to try to sell them to us. This one also tricked a bunch of people and took their money. Zola was also working together with a very well known Canadian jew activist called Brian Ruh (or something like that) on trying to shut us down. And Mageson was also working with this group. The 3 of them were all working to try to spy on us, try to permanently shut down all of our websites, and try to stop us from doing the RTRs.

Aldrick was friends with Zola on emails and skype calls, and was basically cursed and brainwashed by her. There were some other long-term members at the time who were really jew infiltrators who also worked to influence and curse Aldrick.

He was also doing strange workings that were not safe to do, which most likely were provided to him by the jews he was talking to, and this further worked to make him very confused and mentally unstable.

All of this is a lesson not to go to any outside websites like discord or telegram to try to find spiritual knowledge, because the only thing you will find in those groups are jews purposefully trying to destroy people. Any real, true, and safe spiritual knowledge is shared right here, and there is no reason for it to be hidden anywhere else. The reason for things to be on those other websites is because they are not allowed here, and they are not allowed because they are dangerous curses disguised as workings.
Damn, I didn't know all that. I'm barely on the forums to be honest. Thanks for telling me all this. Aldric was the first person I reached out to for guidance. He did "jew" me if you will. Mind you, this was in 2013. What happened to vovim ?
Couldn't be. He helped me out a great deal when I was new. He just got caught in the b.s. I hate it man.
He got you stuck in his sticky jew spider web for a while. AND LIKE A FLY..HE GOT SWATTED. Like many pesky flies...
Vovim was just a loser. He never did any spiritual work and never made any attempt to help himself. And we was a drug addict using things like cocaine, then pretending that these stimulant drugs were giving him soul or lifeforce energy, which is obviously nonsense.

Just a drug addict pretending to be special or important when really he was just a failure.
Damn, I didn't know all that. I'm barely on the forums to be honest. Thanks for telling me all this. Aldric was the first person I reached out to for guidance. He did "jew" me if you will. Mind you, this was in 2013. What happened to vovim ?
Its funny how you mention Aldrich.. because I remember him! When I first got on here about 4 years ago. I seen his name! And that so-called monster in the machine dude.. and kind of wondered about those two? There was something suspicious about them and I could pick up on it! And I should have said something about it and it didn't get a chance to. Because I was trying to figure out the format? And I didn't know who to go to? For help
Couldn't be. He helped me out a great deal when I was new. He just got caught in the b.s. I hate it man.
Why not? Many jews who had the goal of infiltration and subversion pretended to be good and pretended to help as a way to try to blend in.

Mageson was worse than any of them, and he most likely was an actual rabbi or somebody very well trained in jewish kabbalah. He would share secret information with us exposing jewish kabbalah as a way to try to gain our trust and blend in. And some of the information he shared was very high level kabbalistic information which is not shared with the public and is not even shared with most jews, and is only available for high level jewish spiritual leaders.

But he was not able to actually subvert anything because Maxine, Cobra, and the gods would not allow any harm to be done. They prevented everything that he was trying to do and shut down all of his attempts of lies and subversion. So all that he accomplished was to give us secrets about jewish curses and magic. He had the worst intentions of anybody who has ever been here, but it backfired and only taught us more.
Why not? Many jews who had the goal of infiltration and subversion pretended to be good and pretended to help as a way to try to blend in.

Mageson was worse than any of them, and he most likely was an actual rabbi or somebody very well trained in jewish kabbalah. He would share secret information with us exposing jewish kabbalah as a way to try to gain our trust and blend in. And some of the information he shared was very high level kabbalistic information which is not shared with the public and is not even shared with most jews, and is only available for high level jewish spiritual leaders.

But he was not able to actually subvert anything because Maxine, Cobra, and the gods would not allow any harm to be done. They prevented everything that he was trying to do and shut down all of his attempts of lies and subversion. So all that he accomplished was to give us secrets about jewish curses and magic. He had the worst intentions of anybody who has ever been here, but it backfired and only taught us more.
Is he the one that gave the Torah information. So Maxine Detrich and the clergy could do them in reverse? In order to get these RTR's by any chance ?
Is he the one that gave the Torah information. So Maxine Detrich and the clergy could do them in reverse? In order to get these RTR's by any chance ?
Maxine and Cobra got all of this information from their own research and as guided by the gods, and they created the Final RTR without any help or influence from Mageson.

He did not share anything that important or that helpful as the Final RTR, and the Final RTR is the thing that scared him bad enough to drop his cover and stop trying to hide and blend in as he begged all of us to not do the Final RTR.

He contributed more with general information which might be interesting to know about, but is not actually so relevent to what we're doing. Like a large amount of the articles in the Kabbalah Exposed website came from him. This educates about the structure of all of their magical system and their curses. But it is not very useful to us because we are not jews and we don't use jew magic. This is more useful just for exposing them culturally and politically by exposing what types of evil curses they are doing against the world.
Maxine and Cobra got all of this information from their own research and as guided by the gods, and they created the Final RTR without any help or influence from Mageson.

He did not share anything that important or that helpful as the Final RTR, and the Final RTR is the thing that scared him bad enough to drop his cover and stop trying to hide and blend in as he begged all of us to not do the Final RTR.

He contributed more with general information which might be interesting to know about, but is not actually so relevent to what we're doing. Like a large amount of the articles in the Kabbalah Exposed website came from him. This educates about the structure of all of their magical system and their curses. But it is not very useful to us because we are not jews and we don't use jew magic. This is more useful just for exposing them culturally and politically by exposing what types of evil curses they are doing against the world.
Awe fuck yeah!!! HAIL SATAN!!! ❤️
You know who I’m talking about? Lol
Three kikes that were on here. A couple of years ago that were trying to fit in. And gave information about who they are. And got caught and exposed. And then got scared and left
I've noticed that every time I got on YouTube after those three Jews were kicked out of the joy of satan? People were on there talking all kinds of shit about this website and I know that those Jews were behind it! Because they had quite a fan club and there had to be at least 20 different videos of just individuals who were kicked out? Or was given Warning by the Jews and given all kinds of shit! Convincing people that this place was bad? And I heard a lot of nasty shit that was not cool coming from the mouths of these fucking idiots! And you know what it says? In the Joy of Satan Group Protection ritual. That if anybody curses the joy of Satan that they are cursed! And if anybody blesses the joy of Satan they are blessed! So the so-called individuals who are out there talking all kinds of shit! They are going to be cursed! And everything may say about us is exactly what they are! And they are going to get their punishment! And for anybody out there who talks highly of the joy of satan! And has been on here? They will be highly respected themselves! Especially when they get on here and find out what the website is all about! In spite of what others say about it! And I know the enemy is always up to all kinds of shit! I don't even think the enemy sleeps at night? With all the guilt they put on themselves. They know what's coming for them! And the Jews should be scared! And damn scared!
Its funny how you mention Aldrich.. because I remember him! When I first got on here about 4 years ago. I seen his name! And that so-called monster in the machine dude.. and kind of wondered about those two? There was something suspicious about them and I could pick up on it! And I should have said something about it and it didn't get a chance to. Because I was trying to figure out the format? And I didn't know who to go to? For help
Aldric was always kind to me when I first come to ss. He, more than anyone helped me out a lot. I also remember ghost in the machine. Not much on him though. Just would see him post.
Why not? Many jews who had the goal of infiltration and subversion pretended to be good and pretended to help as a way to try to blend in.

Mageson was worse than any of them, and he most likely was an actual rabbi or somebody very well trained in jewish kabbalah. He would share secret information with us exposing jewish kabbalah as a way to try to gain our trust and blend in. And some of the information he shared was very high level kabbalistic information which is not shared with the public and is not even shared with most jews, and is only available for high level jewish spiritual leaders.

But he was not able to actually subvert anything because Maxine, Cobra, and the gods would not allow any harm to be done. They prevented everything that he was trying to do and shut down all of his attempts of lies and subversion. So all that he accomplished was to give us secrets about jewish curses and magic. He had the worst intentions of anybody who has ever been here, but it backfired and only taught us more.
The reason I say aldric wasn't a jew, more of a victim of them was due to his help in the beginning. He had every chance to persuade me away from jos, but didn't. So, it's hard to believe he was/is a jew.
You could conduct research on the statements they have made and how they all relate to the mentioned fact. However, in my opinion, that would be a waste of time.

In the history of the JoS, there have been many unfortunate incidents. Things are much better now than they were then. Years ago, JG NakedPluto mentioned that Aldrick attempted to curse him and other members for various reasons. This aligns with Aldrick's associations with jews like Zola and other individuals who harbored ill-will, which were exposed. During my research last summer, I observed that they also created groups intended for infiltration.

As mentioned earlier, focus solely on the JoS website for information regarding spiritualism and avoid anything that is not worth your time.
Right, just rather unfortunate.
Aldric was always kind to me when I first come to ss. He, more than anyone helped me out a lot. I also remember ghost in the machine. Not much on him though. Just would see him post.
Is that jew dude still on here as a member? Just curious ..
The reason I say aldric wasn't a jew, more of a victim of them was due to his help in the beginning. He had every chance to persuade me away from jos, but didn't. So, it's hard to believe he was/is a jew.
People think Jews will immediately attack, subvert, drink your blood, that they cannot be nice, and so on. In reality, this does not always happen at the start, nor do they each follow the same attack plan. As far as I know, Aldric was a confused Jew who naturally gravitated towards destructive behaviors, including cursing and attacking others over nothing. He had also made up lies about the Gods to me on multiple emails, despite it all being done in a "helpful" fashion.

Although he did group up with other Jews, he also could have been operating based on his natural instincts, too, rather than a specific plan against JoS. Simply persuading others against JoS is not the only destructive action a Jew can take. Similarly, many Gentiles could try to persuade you away from JoS, but that doesn't make them Jewish, either.
People think Jews will immediately attack, subvert, drink your blood, that they cannot be nice, and so on. In reality, this does not always happen at the start, nor do they each follow the same attack plan. As far as I know, Aldric was a confused Jew who naturally gravitated towards destructive behaviors, including cursing and attacking others over nothing. He had also made up lies about the Gods to me on multiple emails, despite it all being done in a "helpful" fashion.

Although he did group up with other Jews, he also could have been operating based on his natural instincts, too, rather than a specific plan against JoS. Simply persuading others against JoS is not the only destructive action a Jew can take. Similarly, many Gentiles could try to persuade you away from JoS, but that doesn't make them Jewish, either.
This jew seems like a real prize....
People think Jews will immediately attack, subvert, drink your blood, that they cannot be nice, and so on. In reality, this does not always happen at the start, nor do they each follow the same attack plan. As far as I know, Aldric was a confused Jew who naturally gravitated towards destructive behaviors, including cursing and attacking others over nothing. He had also made up lies about the Gods to me on multiple emails, despite it all being done in a "helpful" fashion.

Although he did group up with other Jews, he also could have been operating based on his natural instincts, too, rather than a specific plan against JoS. Simply persuading others against JoS is not the only destructive action a Jew can take. Similarly, many Gentiles could try to persuade you away from JoS, but that doesn't make them Jewish, either.
I know most of this. Doesn't mean he specifically was a jew. Unless you know something I don't ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
