Stormblood said:
You should study more and experience more, instead of making assumptions as usual. So now you're basically saying that with the returning curse we're banishing everything and everyone that can be even slightly negative to us. The returning curses - part 2 - is word by word from the meditation to seal your aura against someone... in a generalised version that doesn't target a specific enemy but a certain pattern of energies.
Also, my advice is to do either of those things, not all at once. Doing them all at once doesn't even compare to banishing someone either way but, since you're still at a beginner level and don't even understand banishing, we're seeing both your internal conflict and your attention-whoring.
I don't have all this time to waste to make you understand something so elementary. So this conversation ends now. Go seek someone else's attention. The advice remains the same:
Before coming here and arguing about whatever, try not only to research and theorise but also do the most important thing of all: acquire relevant and extensive experience on what you're talking about.
Dude I never cared much for attention. So this attention whoring that you stated is off by a loooong shot. Assuming make s an "Ass" out of "u" not "me". (The quotations spells assume"
Also it's sooo elementary to regard whats written on the JoyofSatan website as wrong as far as banishing and witchcraft is concerned. And by the way, the definition of banishing or banishment plays a role here. Literally to repel or banish something from you is the same exact thing. Its synonymous by definition. But I guess banishing and repelling and any other thing is so elementary and I'm just so elementary and don't know what I'm talking about because when I get online I literally begs for your or anyones attention. Sooo so much. Like dude, all I do is think of you....." Day and night that's all I do, I can't get you off my mind"(Troop- All I do is think of you).
Then there is returning curses which is like repelling and like banishment and stuff. And like I don't want to wast my time, but like, I spend time....and like respond to someone who's like attention whoring and stuff. OMG this guy is like sooooo novicce and like immature. I'm just soooo much better than people I never met.... And like....