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Ask-Satan.net and Ancient-Forums.com integration bug?


May 8, 2024
I have posted a couple of questions, and I have noticed that it might be the case that Ask-Satan.net has a bug. Or to be more precise, integration between Ask-Satan.net and Ancient-Forums.com.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Post a question.
2. Get the URL of that question.
3. Wait for the status to become "Posted".
4. Click "Click here to see the post.".

Expected result: The topic of your question gets opened.

Actual result: The following happens (see the screen below).

Workarounds for people who face this issue:

Option 1
a) Go there: https://ancient-forums.com/forums/ask-satan-net-forum.35/
b) Find the question with your ID

Option 2
a) Click Search
b) Enter the number of your question into the search box with hashtag, e.g. #666
c) Click Search again

Option 3
a) Open the following URL: https://ancient-forums.com/search/?q=#666&c[title_only]=1&o=relevance . Instead of %23666, write your question ID after %23. %23 is the URL encoding for the hashtag symbol, i.e., for the #.
b) Click Search

I think the root cause for this problem is that when search is getting performed, the ID is assigned. However, Ask-Satan.net does not assign any ID or request the ID to be assigned. Maybe Ask-Satan.net was not updated when the forum itself got updated. In my opinion, solution would be to add the URL of the exact topic, and use this as the URL. If status "Posted" is possible to show, then probably it would not be too hard to make sure the URL is being assigned also.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
