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Are Christians enemies of Satan?


New member
May 31, 2020
Hey. I wanted to ask why are Christians considered enemies of Satan? Of course, the fact that they are adherents of a false religion is bad, but many Christians do not know the truth that they are being deceived. And if they knew, most would immediately abandon Christianity. In my opinion, they are not enemies, but victims of Jewish lies.
What do you think?
Anna said:
Hey. I wanted to ask why are Christians considered enemies of Satan? Of course, the fact that they are adherents of a false religion is bad, but many Christians do not know the truth that they are being deceived. And if they knew, most would immediately abandon Christianity. In my opinion, they are not enemies, but victims of Jewish lies.
What do you think?
Christians are enemies of Satan, they curse Father Satan on a daily basis. Also, don t say that "many" don t know the truth, but instead use "most". For some, a huge number though, even having the truth right in front of them, they wouldn t even bother to think, because of the indoctrination they ve got. Many have been indoctrinated for more lifetimes, and due to that are obviously retarded when it comes to" Truth". So anyway how can you call someone who curses you, your family, your brethren (themselves), the truth, and helps the actual enemy of those mentioned above (who tries to destroy us) if not an enemy? Adversary sounds better? Don t take it as an insult, or a provocative way of talking, I do not want to be understood like that. Also, read the Al-Jilwah, and exposingchristianity(you ll find it in satanisgod.com)
This quote is from Al-Jilwah
Three things are against me and I hate three things
(You ll find the explanation in the pdf)
Anna said:
Hey. I wanted to ask why are Christians considered enemies of Satan? Of course, the fact that they are adherents of a false religion is bad, but many Christians do not know the truth that they are being deceived. And if they knew, most would immediately abandon Christianity. In my opinion, they are not enemies, but victims of Jewish lies.
What do you think?

The majority Ive seen and talk to when confronted with the truth dismiss it entirely even with evidence and go into a fucking temper tantrum or just ignore it. You'd be surprised how far gone a lot are.

I don't think it applies to every one of them but christianity itself is of the enemy, it practically powers them here.
Xianity is the jewish torah created for the gentile. Those that worship the false jewish egregore are part of their matrix. They are ignorant, foolish, and deceived. Our true enemies are the Jews and those that align themselves with the jews. The xians, the muslims, the race traitors, etc etc are not the main enemy but will receive judgement based on their crimes they have committed either now, or after the jews are gone.
You are correct they aren’t actual “enemies” like Jews but they are very dumb and detrimental to us and the world.

There is not much you can do to help Christians other than giving them the material and hoping they snap out of their spiritual Coma.
Anna said:
Hey. I wanted to ask why are Christians considered enemies of Satan? Of course, the fact that they are adherents of a false religion is bad, but many Christians do not know the truth that they are being deceived. And if they knew, most would immediately abandon Christianity. In my opinion, they are not enemies, but victims of Jewish lies.
What do you think?

This is true, and ideally the best way to deal with them would be to show them the truth, such as through the race awakening ritual. Unfortunately, there are some cases where the person has tied themselves too deep into the whole religion and could be a goner.

Christians and Muslims are weak individually, but they hold power in numbers. They need to be considered a threat, but the solution for them does not have to be complete annihilation, because they can be saved, since they are still gentiles at their core, like you mention.
I've pondered this myself,

At a young age, people are indoctrinated to religions. Morphing & preaching to these young susceptible kids. We take fine marble, give it to the shizo jew, and behold an abomination of art. It's only when that piece of art looks at itself in the mirror and realizes what is has done to them. This is how you move forward out of the Abraham religion phase, but where do you go from there? How do you find these answers that lie beyond. Most people that think of gods of old, would be Zeus, Hades, Mars, etc... but now they have the shard of doubt planted into them, so they wouldn't think they're still relevant.

You can become mumbling, bumbling atheist or dive into the occult from there to gain faith in a possible existence of god. They could start off on the wrong foot by using inappropriate slander against Satan or the god they invoke, cursed themselves, or become binded. But how do you know right from wrong, when everyone is trying to say it is right themselves? It's almost as if the emperor wears no clothes.

I was lucky to find JoS, when I innocently looked up what a succubus is and how one summons it. I liked Harry Potter and magic has always been something very cool for me. This is when google still allowed JoS on their search engine, back in the angelfire days.

It's going to be a lot harder for people to know Satan exists outside a jewish fantasy if people aren't active and spreading the word about JoS.

One last thing I recommend for yourself is to research and study the website, you need to believe and convince yourself thoroughly to remove potential hangups that this is the truth you're looking for. Commit to the 40 day - 6 month program to feel if this is what you want and if it works for yourself. It should, but if for some reason it does not, introspect yourself then come ask questions. I find many times that people usually aren't getting what they want out of workings, because they're somehow trying to cheat the effort & time commitment. Just as an example, Someone asked if they could record themselves vibrating the Final RTR and play it back to themselves to get their Final RTR in for the day. :lol:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.
NinRick said:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.

But what about spiritual warfare? After all, Satan orders to educate People?
Anna said:
NinRick said:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.

But what about spiritual warfare? After all, Satan orders to educate People?

Satan told us not to reveal that we are satanists. You can do online education, just make sure that you do not share any personal information.
Take the word of your elder brother
Anna said:
NinRick said:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.

But what about spiritual warfare? After all, Satan orders to educate People?
Spiritual warfare is good and is what we should focus on. Namely, the Final RTR is what must be done daily and with great devotion. This is the #1 thing to educate and free people with in the long run. Trying to convince one random christian person isn't usually worth your time or energy, and would even put you in danger also.
Anna said:
NinRick said:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.

But what about spiritual warfare? After all, Satan orders to educate People?

Anonymously and in a safe manner or else it is detrimental. You come before christians is the bottom line. You would be putting yourself in danger.

I am speaking from experience. My father is so far gone that his blood pressure went up so much when my mother was watching a movie about "Satan" that he fucking had a heart attack. If he found out I was a satanist he would most definitely kick me out or literally try to kill me assuming he didnt drop dead from a heart attack.

Most christians would literally attack you, if not heavily shun you and prevent you from getting a job.

"I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do. " Satan, the Al-jilwah
Anna said:
NinRick said:
Keep your distance from them, they will only harm you. Do not try to convince them.

But what about spiritual warfare? After all, Satan orders to educate People?
Yes, He does, but this you can do anonymously. With a fake account on a social platform, a vpn, just send messages to light the fire in those who wish to find the truth. Do not tell any xians, jews, mudslimes and so on that you are a spiritual satanist. Many (most) would like to make a new "witch hunt".
The way to wake Christians up out of Christianity is the race awaking ritual its designed to wake people up to Christianity being a lie.
I come from a very Catholic country, as well as my family. What saved me from Christian indoctrination was my naivety. I was a very naive but selective child. As a child I was very carefree and I only gave importance to the things I liked. The church and catechism was not among them. As a teenager, before I was a Satanist, I was already beginning to have a slight hatred for Christians.
I don't know if I have had previous lives but I think I was destined to become a Satanist and I am proud of it today!
I thank Satan is my guardian for having elected me as their warrior in this world. They are incredible beings and have shaped my life to the smallest detail!
non so se lo sai, nelle loro sporche messe maledicono Satana di continuo senza nessun motivo reale, e promuovono la loro "religione" creando problemi di ogni sorta.
Ma comunque basta che fai gli RTR finale ogni volta che puoi cosi metterai fine al potere ebraico e anche al cristianesimo, e metteremo fine a questo folle programma ebreo.
Comunque si i cristiani sono gentili (non ebrei) ma occhio sono pericolosi quasi quanto gli ebrei, e poi non sono mentalmente apposto sopprattutto nei piu dedicati, e ricorda se dovessi averci a che fare non credere a niente di quello che ti dicono e sopprattutto non provare pieta per loro.
Arin said:
I am speaking from experience. My father is so far gone that his blood pressure went up so much when my mother was watching a movie about "Satan" that he fucking had a heart attack.

Sounds to me like your father gets in a tizzy just from (((fake news))). Incredible how retarded humanity has fallen. Just mention a name and people go all fucktarded.

Incredible reading this it just sounds so fake. It's JUST a name.

Just fucking ridiculous someone would suffer heart issues over some words.

And THEN they state "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me".

Sounds like someone gets their panties in a bunch over JUST a name.

*inserts facepalm meme*

It's funny if Satan and Demons are admitted by xtians to be beings of higher power and admit they have a corporeal and non-corporeal body. Why are they afraid? Why are you afraid of "demon possession"?

If they are above you in the food chain of existence you cannot be scared you cannot stop them. So why even bother to get bothered by it at all.

I don't know I tell you people like your father are either REALLY, REALLY retarded or the Gods are gonna have to facepalm every five minutes. I think the Gods are gonna be drawn and have statues made like Patrick Stewart just facepalmed in perpetuity in comparison to some xtians and even normal humans who some how detest their own creator.

I feel for you [member: @Arin] "WOWZERS on your negativity".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
