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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

i would to donate but I don't have a credit or debit card, let alone BTC or Krypto and the like, if there is a scan feature with a QR code with QRIS... I can donate... hopefully there will be in the future
existentialcrisis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 13 - PDF's SENT / 2nd Issue of the PDF has ARRIVED!

-HPHC 666
Thank you for all that you do, HPHC. Maxine left the JOS in good hands.

The topic of classical literature seems to come up frequently. Could you suggest a core curriculum or something of the sort that you would recommend SS to study?

I know it's tricky to make recommendations due to the level of corruption and variation in translations, and the fact that translators are typically unspiritual. But there must be some works that can be considered essential for building satanic understanding, and it's not easy to see where to start.

I'm sure the Iliad would make the list. But again, translations vary so much.

What do you think?

I will certainly answer all of this when we are done with restoring things and we are sure that everything is stable and robust.

We are doing checks and unfortunately damage is to an extent that it requires me to be above it in full until everything is restored.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear, High Priest HoodedCobra666, I want somehow to get up to next tier until all pdfs are available and as circumstances are given it is perfect possibility to do this now, if you could answer to my email about this I would try to do my best to fit into any kind requirements. Thank you.

Sure, do mail me at [email protected]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Things are not exactly what they seem at this time. Yes, this isn't OK or very regular, we have to move more things than previously anticipated. We started thinking 1 or 2 servers were breached, apparently, we have to reform on 5 or 6 fronts now.

We currently have like probably 6 servers down, not just one.

Soaring's field was just exposed to one of these which he commented about, and he never had any oversight on anything else past that.

There have been other projects that had to be removed or permanently moved etc.

He also does not have any insight on these internal workings. As far as his insight has went, he said what he did and did what he did to the effects which have happened.

If anyone is helping during this time, I am giving them extra acceleration to reach a higher tier. What is your problem based on this?

Other than that thank you for your concern which unfortunately lacked a lot of information. The above should enlighten you now.

You know, it's just sounded way too suspicious that you throw this comercial out especially when things happen like this.
And also that we have new adresses. And also that that you word yourself like a 5 years old would understand.
Like we understand the factor 1.5 don't have to say an example with 100dollars.

So these things added up that made me write that. I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

6 servers also sounds way too much. Idk what they are for but thats not my business.

You probably understand that even if we are here in this place considered safe, we have to be careful.
And as these things added up, this situation was way too much suspicious so I had to write that down.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Few SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666
I was going to donate anyway for this month, so this is nice, since I got extra money this time I might be able to donate more than I had thought. Hopefully everything will be fine! I know you are extremely busy right now but I did not receive the pdf and I did send an email, just to let you know, I know you are busy so don't worry on how much time it is going to take for sending me the pdf.
AFODO said:

Some SS have been blessed by the Gods so much and are so moved by this that they want to go above and beyond the call of duty in a time of emergency. Those updates and upgrades for security cost more money along with the large time setbacks to restore everything. HP. Cobra has thus saw fit to give extra credit basically to those who have felt the need and desire to give extra.

This should also be a community effort which it is already with restoring information as alot of people have been doing what they can. Things like this however are not without financial setbacks.
rokokziga said:
i would to donate but I don't have a credit or debit card, let alone BTC or Krypto and the like, if there is a scan feature with a QR code with QRIS... I can donate... hopefully there will be in the future

You can order a credit or debit card from your bank. When you get it you can set up trust wallet and use that debit card number for crypto transactions as long as your bank doesn't give you trouble. If they block the transaction call them and tell them you want it to go through as they claim blocking unknown transactions involving buying cryptocurrency is for security and want to know for sure if it is you. As long as crypto is not banned in your country you should be fine.
AFODO said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Things are not exactly what they seem at this time. Yes, this isn't OK or very regular, we have to move more things than previously anticipated. We started thinking 1 or 2 servers were breached, apparently, we have to reform on 5 or 6 fronts now.

We currently have like probably 6 servers down, not just one.

Soaring's field was just exposed to one of these which he commented about, and he never had any oversight on anything else past that.

There have been other projects that had to be removed or permanently moved etc.

He also does not have any insight on these internal workings. As far as his insight has went, he said what he did and did what he did to the effects which have happened.

If anyone is helping during this time, I am giving them extra acceleration to reach a higher tier. What is your problem based on this?

Other than that thank you for your concern which unfortunately lacked a lot of information. The above should enlighten you now.

You know, it's just sounded way too suspicious that you throw this comercial out especially when things happen like this.
And also that we have new adresses. And also that that you word yourself like a 5 years old would understand.
Like we understand the factor 1.5 don't have to say an example with 100dollars.

So these things added up that made me write that. I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

6 servers also sounds way too much. Idk what they are for but thats not my business.

You probably understand that even if we are here in this place considered safe, we have to be careful.
And as these things added up, this situation was way too much suspicious so I had to write that down.

Not everyone understands English perfectly and we have a community from all over the globe. So factor might not make sense.

What is the strange thing here? People want to do certain things like donation.

I tell those people who were planning to do something, they will get extra progression because right now we have strides and progress to do and structural rebuilding. That helps them, and helps the JoS, and helps everything get back in order.

That accelerates the tier progress to people who deserve it and help us move into the next infrastructure, on the expense of my own future time to take care of them, while simultaneously that will improve JoS.

Thanks for posing the questions anyway, but your comment is more like one of these commercials for "get a stupid comment, then one extra".

Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

What will happen if I send donation to the old adress?

Please do notify how old. This latest one was put up the sites in May 13th, before the attack. It's best this one is used, as it was supposed to be up there right now [and will be up there when we restore the site].

AFODO said:

6 servers also sounds way too much. Idk what they are for but thats not my business.


We aren't hosting minecraft here.

If you happen to be an expert, I would really want private support so please come to [email protected] to explain to me how we can do things differently.

Count our sites, count the danger, count what enemies we have [hack, attack, subversion, kosher speech strifling, other dangers] and you will shortly understand we aren't uploading a simple video-games up there.

If these forums and other things stand is not because of the goodwill of some kike's internet company, but because of sheer power and ability to do so, as we cannot rely on Go-Daddy or anyone's willful imaginations, make sure to have a very realistic offer.

Shadowcat said:
AFODO said:

Some SS have been blessed by the Gods so much and are so moved by this that they want to go above and beyond the call of duty in a time of emergency. Those updates and upgrades for security cost more money along with the large time setbacks to restore everything. HP. Cobra has thus saw fit to give extra credit basically to those who have felt the need and desire to give extra.

This should also be a community effort which it is already with restoring information as alot of people have been doing what they can. Things like this however are not without financial setbacks.

Generally when replies are addressed to me as "Cobra", they are always followed by careless talk. Additionally, since I am the person who has to write more, do more astrology, teach more, and get all the pressure from this, I don't understand why I am not allowed to give people extra perks for good behaviour, especially during times such as these.

Certain SS have jumped out of the chair to do something, and I am doing back what for them. It's that simple. This also includes many who sent backups and everything else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please do notify how old. This latest one was put up the sites in May 13th, before the attack. It's best this one is used, as it was supposed to be up there right now [and will be up there when we restore the site].

Last donation was April 28, so I did not see the new one between today and april 28.
AFODO said:
I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

You do sound extremely disrespectful and you speculate on things you don't quite understand. There are currently at least 25 JoS languages, each probably running on its own server. In addition to these languages, there are many other websites associated with the JoS. Some of which have been attacked.

You do realize that the HP never really asked for anything, right? Literally, all he did was mention that people wanted to donate out of their own free will and that he would create the necessary conditions for that. This included a dedicated page in the forums for the donation address, which, in case you haven't noticed, is the same as the one on the main JoS site, no new address has been created. But even if it had? Why is that wrong? Because he is rewarding those who went out of their way and shared some of their money out of their own free will? How does your thinking make any sense?

But even if he did ask for money, why would it be wrong? Do you even have an idea of how much it is to maintain 25+ servers plus everything else which that entails?

With everything that is currently happening, why is that your main concern right now?

Why, at this particular moment, are you accusing the HP of scamming people and making claims about things that never occurred?
I understand your feelings here, but you should know that they are far from reality. If you think of Joy of Satan as an ecosystem, not limited to the main site and forum, but an ecosystem with additional services in dozens of languages, I think you can imagine the financial side of things here.

Even 6 servers might seem relatively small. Those servers have to be really high-end to handle that many sites and that much traffic. Is it limited to that? It's not.

In addition to the server costs, there are security services provided by the providers themselves and other companies to protect the sites and servers. We are RARELY aware of attacks because they RARELY affect us. But attacks happen all the time, that's the Internet.

And how do we get to these sites? Through domain names. Again, dozens of domain names and these domain names are not bought for 1 year. When each domain name is registered, it is registered for at least 3 years, sometimes 5 years. So this means registering almost as many domains at once as the number of years, and Joy of Satan does not have the luxury of leaving a domain it has used for a long time. Imagine if a domain that was used for Joy of Satan Turkey for a long time was dropped, the enemy would immediately buy it and spread disinformation. The result? More headaches.

As for the factor thing, $100 is a good example because it's a big number and easy to multiply. If you go and multiply $5 by 1.5, it doesn't make much of an impact, but multiplying $100 by 1.5 feels different. Basically the increase is the same, but the impact is different. There are people who donate and help really selflessly.

Also, the money you donate is basically the same, but you get more. There is nothing more you are giving. On the contrary, you don't give more, but you get more. In fact, JoS has always been like this. So much giving, so much consumed, but always so little giving back to JoS and creating for JoS.

Joy of Satan provides whatever is needed when a community needs it, and having experienced it myself, I have full faith in such things.

Have a look at these messages too:
oh good you made a post for the addresses i was late to donate as i was away on holiday met a real nice girl im so keen to start a family with this one i sent 500 AUD thanks for all you do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Few SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666
Please wait a bit to get this right, so everyone who had donated now until the end of this hacking problem will have the sum donated in this period of time multiplied or it was since the beginning with tier donation?? I always like to double check.

Well I wanted to make my monthly donation anyway but even so I kinda feel guilty, I don't want to appear like I am chasing all of these bonuses like a teleshopping rat.

Also this 1.5 have a weird feel to it, maybe because it reminds me of those dumb TV commercials, oh well I hope the problem that JOS have will be solved soon.
BlackOnyx8 said:
AFODO said:
I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

You do sound extremely disrespectful and you speculate on things you don't quite understand. There are currently at least 25 JoS languages, each probably running on its own server. In addition to these languages, there are many other websites associated with the JoS. Some of which have been attacked.

You do realize that the HP never really asked for anything, right? Literally, all he did was mention that people wanted to donate out of their own free will and that he would create the necessary conditions for that. This included a dedicated page in the forums for the donation address, which, in case you haven't noticed, is the same as the one on the main JoS site, no new address has been created. But even if it had? Why is that wrong? Because he is rewarding those who went out of their way and shared some of their money out of their own free will? How does your thinking make any sense?

But even if he did ask for money, why would it be wrong? Do you even have an idea of how much it is to maintain 25+ servers plus everything else which that entails?

With everything that is currently happening, why is that your main concern right now?

Why, at this particular moment, are you accusing the HP of scamming people and making claims about things that never occurred?

Somehow you don't actually think trough it, that there is a chance, that HP's account got hacked.
With all what happened, how this situation accoured, I had a stronger faith in that might be HP's account got hacked too.

I did not criticized HPHC himself, and I know that he did a lot, and I know that mony is needed here.
I criticized the situation, and I considered that his account might got hacked too.
These factors made me think that, and they might be not 100% true or accurate, but at that time I thought that:

-New adresses
-Poorly writed comercial
-Hacked sites

You see? and I might not listed all thing that I thought of at that moment, so I don't see the problem with that somebody, in that case me, say that, and so that if somebody had the same thoughts, HP explained clearly what is going on.

I was migh be disrespectful, I can't do nothing with that now. I could apologise, but as I said, I had a good reason to write all that. Even if my knowledge had blind spots, I had a good reason.
AFODO said:
You know, it's just sounded way too suspicious that you throw this comercial out especially when things happen like this.
And also that we have new adresses. And also that that you word yourself like a 5 years old would understand.
Like we understand the factor 1.5 don't have to say an example with 100dollars.

So these things added up that made me write that. I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

And I feel it sounds suspicious that you come here trying to cast doubts and shade upon our HP's kind gesture during these trying times.

You've grossly misinterpreted the situation by your own lack of understanding.

While I understand your "concerns", you need to look at donations in the way they're meant to be looked like at.

No good deed towards the Gods goes unnoticed they always help us and bless us for the effort. It's no different here within Jos.

We're building a system based on the ways of the Gods, when one gives to Jos to assist during time of emergency of any other time, we get repaid not only by assisting in the growth of our community but by also on many different levels by the good will of the Gods and our Hp.

We aren't part of the xian faith where some greedy preacher is begging for money on TV and giving absolutely nothing in return except false promises and prayers to a nonexistent thoughtform.

During times of crisis we help each other in any way that we can. This includes financially for those who want to do so.

And because out of the kindness of their hearts they did this, with not being asked, they have chosen to do this. And therefore even though they didn't ask for anything in return, other than the comfort of knowing they've contributed to help during this attack, they are having their gesture returned by HP HoodedCobra.

The Gods give us help all the time, and when we do good things for them, would you say they are being suspicious if they choose to give you blessings and gifts in return for your good work?
AFODO said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
AFODO said:
I don't want to be disrespectful. I just have a kind of fear and disgust(I can't find the right word) for rip-offs and stuff like these like BUY ONE GET TWO.

You do sound extremely disrespectful and you speculate on things you don't quite understand. There are currently at least 25 JoS languages, each probably running on its own server. In addition to these languages, there are many other websites associated with the JoS. Some of which have been attacked.

You do realize that the HP never really asked for anything, right? Literally, all he did was mention that people wanted to donate out of their own free will and that he would create the necessary conditions for that. This included a dedicated page in the forums for the donation address, which, in case you haven't noticed, is the same as the one on the main JoS site, no new address has been created. But even if it had? Why is that wrong? Because he is rewarding those who went out of their way and shared some of their money out of their own free will? How does your thinking make any sense?

But even if he did ask for money, why would it be wrong? Do you even have an idea of how much it is to maintain 25+ servers plus everything else which that entails?

With everything that is currently happening, why is that your main concern right now?

Why, at this particular moment, are you accusing the HP of scamming people and making claims about things that never occurred?

Somehow you don't actually think trough it, that there is a chance, that HP's account got hacked.
With all what happened, how this situation accoured, I had a stronger faith in that might be HP's account got hacked too.

I did not criticized HPHC himself, and I know that he did a lot, and I know that mony is needed here.
I criticized the situation, and I considered that his account might got hacked too.
These factors made me think that, and they might be not 100% true or accurate, but at that time I thought that:

-New adresses
-Poorly writed comercial
-Hacked sites

You see? and I might not listed all thing that I thought of at that moment, so I don't see the problem with that somebody, in that case me, say that, and so that if somebody had the same thoughts, HP explained clearly what is going on.

I was migh be disrespectful, I can't do nothing with that now. I could apologise, but as I said, I had a good reason to write all that. Even if my knowledge had blind spots, I had a good reason.

No need to apologize, it's great. Asking questions and everything shouldn't be the case. I can take more and more blows eternally, don't worry.

That's because I am actually at the size of a baloon, and my secret to success is my never ending and constant KFC bucket consumption.

Yes, I needed 25 buckets of large KFC after spending three days in front of the computer without any sleep. I don't even get to have a personal life during these times or whatever, but we should discard this.

Therefore, in my need for KFC and maybe MacDonalds, which was indeed been overwhelming as I have not been meditating solidly for approximately 15 years and haven't shown any ethical compass since, I devised a great scheme to actually get a few donations to get my KFC buckets. And how good it was, yummy.

My biggest scheme was also to give faster tier acceleration to people in a way that you didn't approve.

Therefore I wrote a poor commercial like a Christian overweight preacher, just to fool you, 1+1, like supermarket shampoo, because what is provided here is the same, of course.

Christian pastors read you canned verses from the Bible, I spend 2-3 weeks trying to find the best spiritual information for you for a KFC bucket.

Strange that I didn't become an Imam in the times where the religions of my enemies have ultimate wealth and power, but instead I serve the Gods because I want to serve the Truth, lol.

Thankfully, I was caught in the act. Now I will be condemned with doing astrology as a result for my punishment, towards the people I have already been doing things for essentially what is for others 30% of their life duration.

However, thanks to my great scam, have 23 buckets of KFC and a few hours to eat them, to satisfy my gluttony as I have been with poorly written commercials. I am so gluttonous as an Imam or a Christian US pastor. You have no idea...

It's also always people who haven't really helped in anything that are the most critical in this life, especially of those who help them.

Anything else?

Weassel said:

Please wait a bit to get this right, so everyone who had donated now until the end of this hacking problem will have the sum donated in this period of time multiplied or it was since the beginning with tier donation?? I always like to double check.

Well I wanted to make my monthly donation anyway but even so I kinda feel guilty, I don't want to appear like I am chasing all of these bonuses like a teleshopping rat.

Also this 1.5 have a weird feel to it, maybe because it reminds me of those dumb TV commercials, oh well I hope the problem that JOS have will be solved soon.

Until the end of this it was, and it appears we are on the end now. Now things are back to as they were.

As I saw that a couple of people have jumped in to help during the time where were restoring things, including a couple of people who have donated and then sent during an emergency anyway, I felt obligated to give them a faster progression for this.

Opportunities like this might arise, and 1.5 factor is insane, considering this gives about half a donation back; but that is over now. These opportunities are extremely rare overall, considering such emergencies arise very rarely if ever in a year for example.

That lasted a day and was an opportunity based on that. Now things are back to normal, so everything's normal again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Certain SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666

Wow! That's a Hell of a good deal! I'm donating an extra $200.00 for this month RIGHT. NOW.

I hope Cardano (ADA) is still okay!

BTW, did the JoS Donations department receive my e-mail stating my donation for this month? I haven't heard back from anyone in over 10 days now. I sent it on the 7th of May, so it may have been affected by retrograde Mercury.

Expect another statement for this bonus donation I'm about to make as well. I wouldn't normally give this much, but the deal is too good to pass up. I understand it's obviously to incentivize donations but it also clearly benefits the donor and the Joy of Satan. It's a shame some of the people on the forums don't seem to get that and instead draw suspicious of you. Oh, well.

I get ahead by 2 months by making this donation for free, which is obviously saving me a lot of time and money in the long run. It was a great idea, HP.

Hope this helps.
Norse 88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 15 - JoS Donations Page Until Full Site Restore

Currently we are still restoring the sites and getting new infrastructure. Certain SS want to make donations.

In a return for everything these good people want to do, I want to tell you that donations will be factored in at a factor of 1.5 until we are done.

Anyone who has donated until now since the first notice, will also get this.

Therefore, for 100$, I will write down that one has donated 150$.

You can donated on the Crypto by using this link:


-HPHC 666

Wow! That's a Hell of a good deal! I'm donating an extra $200.00 for this month RIGHT. NOW.

I hope Cardano (ADA) is still okay!

BTW, did the JoS Donations department receive my e-mail stating my donation for this month? I haven't heard back from anyone in over 10 days now. I sent it on the 7th of May, so it may have been affected by retrograde Mercury.

Expect another statement for this bonus donation I'm about to make as well. I wouldn't normally give this much, but the deal is too good to pass up. I understand it's obviously to incentivize donations but it also clearly benefits the donor and the Joy of Satan. It's a shame some of the people on the forums don't seem to get that and instead draw suspicious of you. Oh, well.

I get ahead by 2 months by making this donation for free, which is obviously saving me a lot of time and money in the long run. It was a great idea, HP.

Hope this helps.

Go for it, but be aware, this is over essentially. I will factor in a few more like this, like a few hours, and then it's over. The emergency has passed.
Update 16 - JoS Restored - Emergency Passed - Continuing The Progress Of Tiers

As the emergency has passed so has the opportunity that was given, those of you who made use of this, thank you. The help was crucial and I intend to return this as it is never for granted that people help during times of problems or disasters.

I want to truly thank those who have mobilized, and I am very glad you got faster free progression because of this.

We are now resuming with all the duties and work necessary for the progression and everything else. Everyone will be notified within a few days for the new articles [Tier 3-4] and be sent some additional help.

Astrology begins as well, one by one for SS who have this perk.

July will have major uplifting changes as well.

We are restoring the links to donations; meanwhile, the donation's link is here.


-HPHC 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Okay, thanks for letting me know, HP.

If I was too late, then I'll tighten my belt for the month. Despite the offer you made, I was concerned when I couldn't access the war room this morning and I wanted to help. So I'm glad I donated all the same even if you don't offer the bonus. I'm relieved the emergency has come to pass. Ultimately, I just want to see the place succeed.

I'll send you through the documentation all the same.

Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 16 - JoS Restored - Emergency Passed - Continuing The Progress Of Tiers

As the emergency has passed so has the opportunity that was given, those of you who made use of this, thank you. The help was crucial and I intend to return this as it is never for granted that people help during times of problems or disasters.

I want to truly thank those who have mobilized, and I am very glad you got faster free progression because of this.

We are now resuming with all the duties and work necessary for the progression and everything else. Everyone will be notified within a few days for the new articles [Tier 3-4] and be sent some additional help.

Astrology begins as well, one by one for SS who have this perk.

July will have major uplifting changes as well.

We are restoring the links to donations; meanwhile, the donation's link is here.


-HPHC 666
It was probably from Mercury retrograde but I did not receive the most recent PDF.
I wish I had the means of the money to have donated during the emergency.. Hopefully I can do so soon!!

For now, hopefully extra energy for protecting the JoS websites, as brother Blitzkreig has mentioned in another post, can be of help!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TerKorian666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear, High Priest HoodedCobra666, I want somehow to get up to next tier until all pdfs are available and as circumstances are given it is perfect possibility to do this now, if you could answer to my email about this I would try to do my best to fit into any kind requirements. Thank you.

Sure, do mail me at [email protected]

Hello. My donation reached JoS today after 10am, still at that time 1.5x was on?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, I needed 25 buckets of large KFC after spending three days in front of the computer without any sleep
Brother, I believe that at this point you should ask to get paid by kfc for this advertising you're doing :lol:

On another note, imagine how good kfc would be if they used beef tallow instead of sunflower oil.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Ah, well no problem, I am glad the problem was solved, I don't really check out the forum that much anymore.
Btw I made my monthly donation and sent you an email sadly I will donate smaller sums of money for a time because I need to change my job but still I hope it will help.
Noctur said:

Cobra sucks bro. Be careful that asshole [Me in that case] might steal your 10$ and make it all MacDonalds Beef Pounder Burgers with fries. It ain't a joke.

They say the asshole might give you also a PDF with advanced knowledge, at the exchange of a burger with fries. He fucking sucks bro!

Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, I needed 25 buckets of large KFC after spending three days in front of the computer without any sleep
Brother, I believe that at this point you should ask to get paid by kfc for this advertising you're doing :lol:

On another note, imagine how good kfc would be if they used beef tallow instead of sunflower oil.

Also to my severe critics and detractors who constantly attack me on everything I do, here I will publicly take something back of what I said, finally, as the monster that I am.

I have to admit another thing in front of everyone, I also changed my mind on MacDonalds. I have a better opinion about them now than years ago. They aren't that bad.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have to admit another thing in front of everyone, I also changed my mind on MacDonalds. I have a better opinion about them now than years ago. They aren't that bad.

Nothing can beat a mcflurry with snickers.
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have to admit another thing in front of everyone, I also changed my mind on MacDonalds. I have a better opinion about them now than years ago. They aren't that bad.

Nothing can beat a mcflurry with snickers.

Don't test me now because I will literally destroy all my life's work and everything to steal 10$, ignoring the fact I have like almost 15 years of service here, and go to MacDonalds and order two heavenly McFlurries with snickers. :roll:

Alright, my bad humor aside now, I have to finalize the updates and get back to work.

Thank you also specifically brother for all you have been doing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have to admit another thing in front of everyone, I also changed my mind on MacDonalds. I have a better opinion about them now than years ago. They aren't that bad.

Nothing can beat a mcflurry with snickers.

Don't test me now because I will literally destroy all my life's work and everything to steal 10$, ignoring the fact I have like almost 15 years of service here, and go to MacDonalds and order two heavenly McFlurries with snickers. :roll:

Alright, my bad humor aside now, I have to finalize the updates and get back to work.

Thank you also specifically brother for all you have been doing.

With all the work you're doing for the Gods, I think you're allowed to throw in a few jokes every now and then.

Too bad if some people don't get it.
AFODO said:
Somehow you don't actually think trough it, that there is a chance, that HP's account got hacked.
With all what happened, how this situation accoured, I had a stronger faith in that might be HP's account got hacked too.

I did not criticized HPHC himself, and I know that he did a lot, and I know that mony is needed here.
I criticized the situation, and I considered that his account might got hacked too.
These factors made me think that, and they might be not 100% true or accurate, but at that time I thought that:

-New adresses
-Poorly writed comercial
-Hacked sites

You see? and I might not listed all thing that I thought of at that moment, so I don't see the problem with that somebody, in that case me, say that, and so that if somebody had the same thoughts, HP explained clearly what is going on.

I was migh be disrespectful, I can't do nothing with that now. I could apologise, but as I said, I had a good reason to write all that. Even if my knowledge had blind spots, I had a good reason.

Rest assured, if HP HoodedCobra's account is hacked, the enemy won't use it like this, and to protect the community, the plug will be pulled immediately by our side to prevent any fallout of such a hypothetical event.

The community will also receive notice of this basically right away, as soon as it is possible.

This kind of thing is watched 24/7 by our members, and there are many things in place to tackle such a situation.

HP HoodedCobra is not alone in watching these things. There is a strong team under him.

If ever anything goes wrong, the team can also take measures to prevent issues if somehow HP HoodedCobra is prevented from doing this himself somehow.

Not to mention that this idea is very far fetched from the comments written by HP HoodedCobra.

Perhaps next time if you have such concerns, do be more tactful and respectful in your bringing this up, and don't carelessly jump to conclusions based on assumptions.

You can also contact the JG's personal email if you have these concerns, rather than make this kind of post, inflaming a situation which doesn't exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's because I am actually at the size of a baloon, and my secret to success is my never ending and constant KFC bucket consumption.

Now everything makes sense, infinite KFC = Infinite power, and infinite success. Truly revolutionary! :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 16 - JoS Restored - Emergency Passed - Continuing The Progress Of Tiers

As the emergency has passed so has the opportunity that was given, those of you who made use of this, thank you. The help was crucial and I intend to return this as it is never for granted that people help during times of problems or disasters.

I want to truly thank those who have mobilized, and I am very glad you got faster free progression because of this.

We are now resuming with all the duties and work necessary for the progression and everything else. Everyone will be notified within a few days for the new articles [Tier 3-4] and be sent some additional help.

Astrology begins as well, one by one for SS who have this perk.

July will have major uplifting changes as well.

We are restoring the links to donations; meanwhile, the donation's link is here.


-HPHC 666

Great news!

Amazing how quickly you dealt with this HP HoodedCobra!

Thank you for the hard work you have done to uphold our community, the Temple of Satan on Earth, and safeguard the truth against these senseless attacks.

I look forward to the future developments on the way!

Of course we dedicated members are ready to help in the time of need, and I am glad we had dedicated members who cared enough to mobilize at this moment to help the JoS recover from this quickly.

It was great to be able to donate in the time of need, and do my part in supporting the JoS when it was needed most, rather than just sit by the sideline and watch as things get fixed.

If ever there is a need, I am always ready to help in any way I can, and I am proud to be a part of our SS community with dedicated people who care about safeguarding the truth and the Temple of Satan as I do!

Let these events strengthen our bonds and keep us sharp so we may always continue progressing and becoming stronger in the face of adversity.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Rest assured, if HP HoodedCobra's account is hacked, the enemy won't use it like this, and to protect the community, the plug will be pulled immediately by our side to prevent any fallout of such a hypothetical event.

The community will also receive notice of this basically right away, as soon as it is possible.

This kind of thing is watched 24/7 by our members, and there are many things in place to tackle such a situation.

HP HoodedCobra is not alone in watching these things. There is a strong team under him.

If ever anything goes wrong, the team can also take measures to prevent issues if somehow HP HoodedCobra is prevented from doing this himself somehow.

Not to mention that this idea is very far fetched from the comments written by HP HoodedCobra.

Perhaps next time if you have such concerns, do be more tactful and respectful in your bringing this up, and don't carelessly jump to conclusions based on assumptions.

You can also contact the JG's personal email if you have these concerns, rather than make this kind of post, inflaming a situation which doesn't exist.

I want to thank you for your comment. I could have acted way more inteligently, yes.
Shadowcat said:
rokokziga said:
i would to donate but I don't have a credit or debit card, let alone BTC or Krypto and the like, if there is a scan feature with a QR code with QRIS... I can donate... hopefully there will be in the future

You can order a credit or debit card from your bank. When you get it you can set up trust wallet and use that debit card number for crypto transactions as long as your bank doesn't give you trouble. If they block the transaction call them and tell them you want it to go through as they claim blocking unknown transactions involving buying cryptocurrency is for security and want to know for sure if it is you. As long as crypto is not banned in your country you should be fine.
making a credit card here is really hard to play, it's really complicated, but before that I've checked the forum several times, some say use exodus and what's that called, you don't need a credit card and you can use local bank transfers, maybe in the future I will try and learn about it so can help to donate of my own free will without being asked by any party..

Hail Lord Of Satan
Hail Lucifer God and All Gods
Glory For Lord Of Satan
Bless All follower Lord Of Satan
❤God FurFur❤
Update 17 - Tier 3 and 4 PDF's have arrived + Ritual

Greetings to all of our JoS supporters,

Obligations towards Tier 3 and 4 supporters have been met. Extra PDF Articles have been sent.

Therefore, 2nd JoS PDF obligations have been met.

The articles sent:

1. Article In Regards to the Soul & Spirit - Sent at 24 May 2023 via e-mail [Tier 3]
2. Ritual for Tier 4's - Sent at 24 May 2023 via e-mail [Tier 4]

If anyone:

1. Has not received Tier 1, 2, 3 or 4 PDF for their given tier as they should have received it - DO MAIL ME AT [email protected]
2. Anyone has additional questions from those in these tiers, do e-mail!

-HPHC 666

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
