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Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

Thank you to all those who donated!!!
Weassel said:
Tried to donate today (as I commented that I will donate when I will receive my salary) through exodus walled but they refuse my transaction and I don't know if it's the bank because they said nothing, could be because I gave them an address from another city but used my card... I don't really know what's the problem...
Some banks they don't let you buy crypto directly so the only way is through wire transfer (or bank transfer, English is not my first language :? ).
Weassel said:
I kinda want to bite my fingers off after all this mess, apparently when I first tried through exodus walled on moon pay I gave them a fake adrress (not card) and they didn't accepted and then I seen that you can't change so... I closed my account and created another with the same protonmail but they told me it was already registered and told me to enter with that email and when I tried to buy it directed me back to the login theeeen tried with another protonmail and this time the one who didn't worked was the credit card....
After a few thoughts of throwing my self down the window I decided to buy through trust walled with another mail and this time it worked through mercurio, I hope they will still transport it to trust wallet because I changed my email when they redirected me to the paying window, I will wait a few hours to see then I will send it to JoS.
If you are going to be using your own credit card, or making a wire transfer straight to an exchange it serves no purpose to try to play smart. You leave tracks whether you like it or not. Only way to be 100% anonymous is to use cash to buy in-person from some other person. Then, ideally, you tumble the crypto, if possible, and then send it to the recipient.

Otherwise, just buy, send, and forget about it. It's not like anyone is coming kicking down your door because you send some funds to JoS. People are literally sending money to IS and they get a free pass, to some extent anyway.
Update 2: PDF To Arrive in 48 hours - More Information


Greetings to all of our SS,

The PDF with the spiritual articles will be sent to everyone within the next 48 hours.

Moderators, JoS Guardians, people who have done translations to a great extent, have helped the JoS in serious projects, serious members who have done very serious contributions, will also receive this PDF, too in this turn.

Sharing is prohibited. If anyone shares this, chances are one might lose this perk. Instead of engaging in this wrong behaviour, one should instead understand the value of teaching others how to generate an absolute minimum and teach others and one's self how to generate and how to give, so one can receive.

In regards to the Tiers that will be assigned, the factors of this system have been explained already to anyone who donated and has received the introductory PDF about the Tiers. If anyone has not received this while being a donor, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. All donors will receive everything, so do not worry.

Members of tier 3 and 4 will receive other perks such as the ways of communication and all that is ascribed into these categories, including a couple more articles in the PDF.

Everyone who will be in these tiers, it's a good idea to start preparing about what you would like to converse and solve, and to give a constructive description of what is needed.

Moreso, those in these tiers who are seriously caring about the Joy of Satan, will also be given more perks as we go.

I will update with way more things in regards to all of this, especially after the PDF is dispatched to all the JoS Donors.

Heartfelt thanks and salutations to all those who want to help us do the lifting and the building for the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Update 1: Tiers Information Sent To Donors

All donors, irrespective of the size of their donation, have been sent a pdf file of Tier & Purpose Documentation going elaborately into what the Tiers are, how to climb them, and what are the aims of our collective initiative.


Soon, everyone will have been categorized on their tier, and we will begin working as every tier dictates that we should. Of course, one can join when they can.

But those who responded at this stage will be remembered and taken note on for doing that kind gesture.

The PDF should arrive before month's end, and this is going to give time to people who want to donate or want to join now.

The tier 1 PDF will be very high quality. Only one topic from the number of topics that will be discussed on the PDF will be posted on the public, generally the most crucial thing from the whole pdf.

Those who enter before the first rounds, you are appreciated very much, because now it's where everyone else is just "looking" at us while doing nothing really. So you are appreciated for ACTING.

More perks and other benefits will be announced soon. Everyone has received an e-mail with the

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Looking very forward to this! Aside from the documentation provided for each donation do you want us to add up and send the amount that has been donated up until now? As far as keeping track I just sent in all snapshots of transactions, along with an email each time with the amount each month. (all donations have always been from the same BTC address)
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Looking very forward to this! Aside from the documentation provided for each donation do you want us to add up and send the amount that has been donated up until now? As far as keeping track I just sent in all snapshots of transactions, along with an email each time with the amount each month. (all donations have always been from the same BTC address)

Yes, that would be great to do, because this helps everyone at the same time. The JoS thanks you, sister.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, that would be great to do, because this helps everyone at the same time. The JoS thanks you, sister.

Hello commander I donated yesterday for the first time on the email [email protected] and have not received any response. It has only been about 14 hours but I'm just putting this here in case there is an issue. :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
How to know which of the 4 donation levels which one we are in currently?
How much to donate or do a job(work) in Jos to raise the levels?

That will be in my discretion.

There was one person who made almost a million at 21, after being helped to clear some legal cases and we helped them do certain things. Then they boasted to me they would donate, I was like that's a grateful and smart person, alright.

Time to do some projects, and they donated 220 dollars out of it.

Their value of the community is "I make a million and therefore I give 220 dollars to JoS". Therefore, they aren't even worth a single one of my pubic hair as a reward for this.

That's preposterous in both my eyes and of the Gods. I can't imagine myself being helped or blessed in this way and not turning at least a modest amount of the blessing to the community.

That is a very base nature that is lesser than a jew, because one is a Gentile, and also of the Gods, and fucks up twice.

Imagine owning a field of apples that produces a million apples and the best thing comes around in your life and you just give 1 apple to them. That means you are absolutely retarded, and not fit yet for higher occupations in the spiritual planes or in missions of the Gods.

This dude isn't even fit to blow air into my cars tires, maybe not now at least. In other words, the standards will not solely be financial, but they will be highly influenced by a better approach.

They aren't going to ever be in any tier, they should spent their lifetime as they chose in their priorities, and they won't be in our priority.

The mistakes should be rectified, as these things make the Gods enraged. Ungratefulness and being an animal is not something that promotes someone in the eyes of the Gods.

The Ancients, when they made a large field collection of wheat, they sacrificed a percent to the Gods, not because they were dumb, but to show to them that they recognize their existence, and they "sacrificed" the wheat by burning it, to show a commemoration to the Gods.

The rites of Demeter [Astarte] were based on this concept. People sacrificed a portion of their wheat in sacrifices [Done in India too etc today], to show to her that with her help they will receive everything in eternal abundance, so that now it doesn't really matter, because there is eternity. This shows that one is above the temporal nonsense of just eating a few more pieces of food. That's a gesture of respect.

Today these notions are lost to modern humans, who live their existence on temporal nonsense. They want to eat the extra thing, and they are losing track of eternity. That's why our civilization is retarded, and won't last 40,000 years like Ancient Egypt did.

We are 300 years in "Developed Civilization" and people are almost ready to nuke themselves or ruin everything due to AI waifu nonsense.

We must have a different mind as Spiritual Satanists, a mind that is focused on eternity. We will exist even if this whole thing goes down the flames, and the Gods will too.

The mindset here is the same. This is a higher mindset. This also opens up other gateways in the mind where you understand that abundance has a strong element of giving.

There is another person who made 600 dollars total per month and donated 10% to JoS for many years, I think maybe 5 years now. That's "just" 60 dollars. But that's not 60 dollars that's a fighting man giving from what they have to JoS for 5 consecutive years.

They will be on a higher tier, because of their sacrifice. We are also friends for years, and I am always there for them. I know what it took. The Gods smile upon this practice, for obvious reasons. It shows a character of high quality. There are means to know who lies and who does not.

The first character would have to do something relative to their power to be considered at this point, for example.

Guy could have given atleast 10% what a dosh bag even then thats stingy but its like well atleast you gave the bare minimum back like geez probably lost it gambling like a clown in clown world.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 2: PDF To Arrive in 48 hours - More Information

Moderators, JoS Guardians, people who have done translations to a great extent, have helped the JoS in serious projects, serious members who have done very serious contributions, will also receive this PDF, too in this turn.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This, THIS, this should clarify to everyone that believe that those that doesn't donate will receive some sort of discrimination, as can everyone see those that helped JoS can too receive the articles.

Also cobra, I still didn't received the first pdf so I am gonna send you an email on the cobra mail and not the donation as you said here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Looking very forward to this! Aside from the documentation provided for each donation do you want us to add up and send the amount that has been donated up until now? As far as keeping track I just sent in all snapshots of transactions, along with an email each time with the amount each month. (all donations have always been from the same BTC address)

Yes, that would be great to do, because this helps everyone at the same time. The JoS thanks you, sister.

How do you manage the fluctuation of crypto?
I will compile the amount in USD independantly of the crypto sent since one could have donate 1 btc when it was at 65k and now someone else could give that 1 btc and be in the same tier but would have donate half of the first one.
Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Looking very forward to this! Aside from the documentation provided for each donation do you want us to add up and send the amount that has been donated up until now? As far as keeping track I just sent in all snapshots of transactions, along with an email each time with the amount each month. (all donations have always been from the same BTC address)

Yes, that would be great to do, because this helps everyone at the same time. The JoS thanks you, sister.

How do you manage the fluctuation of crypto?
I will compile the amount in USD independantly of the crypto sent since one could have donate 1 btc when it was at 65k and now someone else could give that 1 btc and be in the same tier but would have donate half of the first one.

I like this idea of keeping track, but Masterj's found a flaw here. Are member donations being tracked/recorded in USD?

I think the point is to count how much you sent, not the theoretical value of it at some point in time. If I give 20 dollars in BTC, but the value increases or drops before the HP can convert it, I still gave 20.

Otherwise, everyone can say, "well, really my contribution could be 100k instead of the 200 dollars I sent if Cobra used super insight to time the markets perfectly, so I deserve top-tier treatment."
Powerofjustice said:

I think the point is to count how much you sent, not the theoretical value of it at some point in time. If I give 20 dollars in BTC, but the value increases or drops before the HP can convert it, I still gave 20.

Otherwise, everyone can say, "well, really my contribution could be 100k instead of the 200 dollars I sent if Cobra used super insight to time the markets perfectly, so I deserve top-tier treatment."

Thats exactly what I said. It the amount of cash you give at the time of donation taht should count.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Greetings High Priest,
I have sent a donation on 24th of March. More importantly though there is a technical question I wrote you an email about. Not trying to rush you or anything I know you have a lot of work, however there are more donations on the way and solving this technical question would make the whole process a lot smoother. If you could spare a couple minutes to look into it I would greatly appreciate it and of course send the other donations asap.
Thank you,
Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Yes, that would be great to do, because this helps everyone at the same time. The JoS thanks you, sister.

How do you manage the fluctuation of crypto?
I will compile the amount in USD independantly of the crypto sent since one could have donate 1 btc when it was at 65k and now someone else could give that 1 btc and be in the same tier but would have donate half of the first one.

Greetings, thank you for considering this. As far as the monetary criteria goes, we judge by the current price. That's because everything eventually can rise or fall. If someone sends 100$ and something goes bust in Crypto, then it will still count it as 100$ on the time it was sent.

Crypto is a fucking nightmare, but what one did, is what one has done at the time it was done.

ThePeacock13 said:
Greetings High Priest,
I have sent a donation on 24th of March. More importantly though there is a technical question I wrote you an email about. Not trying to rush you or anything I know you have a lot of work, however there are more donations on the way and solving this technical question would make the whole process a lot smoother. If you could spare a couple minutes to look into it I would greatly appreciate it and of course send the other donations asap.
Thank you,

Thank you, after the sending of the PDF which should be anytime now [many are receiving it already], I will tend to all of this, so no worries, everyone will get replies and what is necessitated.

Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 2: PDF To Arrive in 48 hours - More Information

Moderators, JoS Guardians, people who have done translations to a great extent, have helped the JoS in serious projects, serious members who have done very serious contributions, will also receive this PDF, too in this turn.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This, THIS, this should clarify to everyone that believe that those that doesn't donate will receive some sort of discrimination, as can everyone see those that helped JoS can too receive the articles.

Also cobra, I still didn't received the first pdf so I am gonna send you an email on the cobra mail and not the donation as you said here.

Appreciation in life brings appreciation back. We love everyone, the situation is, certain people require more attention as they give more, time, attention, care, works etc.

I can't bring myself to see as equals people who give, build and contribute, and others who just sit on a corner on these crucial times just feeling entitled and not even trying anything but constantly might pose demands and complaints. That would be irrational.

It also causes a negative discrimination towards those who have been building all this time, because if we listen to those who don't do anything on the subject, we are denying that those who build things deserve more.

My labor is essentially to help everyone and modify the wrong values present in the foolishness that "those who do nothing" and "those who do" are the same. We aren't.

Truly everyone who has donated will enjoy and benefit with the recent pdf! Very informative and helpful information. You've outdone yourself very much with all of your recent efforts Hp. And your community thanks you for it!

I encourage anyone who can donate, and wants to, to do so. regardless of if you are doing it because of interest in the pdfs, or climbing tiers, or simply helping aid in the growth and maintenance of Jos, it is a wonderful thing to do and very much worth it! It's from our collective efforts that Jos will continue to grow and become a stronger beacon for the future.

It is needed in helping keep this place around and to continue helping the future of humanity to stay on the right path heading in the right direction. Regardless if it's a donation of money, or time and efforts in helping the community, or working on projects, etc. We have the blessings for our works from Father Satan and the Gods, and the extra love and support of our Hp. and it definitely shows in what he's doing for us with this project he's taking on for us. I am very grateful for it!

Hail Satan! And I look very much forward to all that will come from this in the months ahead.
SapphireDragon said:

Truly everyone who has donated will enjoy and benefit with the recent pdf! Very informative and helpful information. You've outdone yourself very much with all of your recent efforts Hp. And your community thanks you for it!

I encourage anyone who can donate, and wants to, to do so. regardless of if you are doing it because of interest in the pdfs, or climbing tiers, or simply helping aid in the growth and maintenance of Jos, it is a wonderful thing to do and very much worth it! It's from our collective efforts that Jos will continue to grow and become a stronger beacon for the future.

It is needed in helping keep this place around and to continue helping the future of humanity to stay on the right path heading in the right direction. Regardless if it's a donation of money, or time and efforts in helping the community, or working on projects, etc. We have the blessings for our works from Father Satan and the Gods, and the extra love and support of our Hp. and it definitely shows in what he's doing for us with this project he's taking on for us. I am very grateful for it!

Hail Satan! And I look very much forward to all that will come from this in the months ahead.

Thank you. Obviously, we understand some people cannot do anything by any means, out of life's problems.

For these people I will publish one article from the PDF on the public forum too, which means basically, extra work, output and spiritual information for them too. Yet this will be the limit of this, in regards to what to the PDF or other perks that exist as part of this system that has been set up.
Update 3: PDF's Being Sent

Everyone is being sent the PDFs and their Tiers right now. This process will take a while, until everyone is organized.

Be patient as this will take sometime to send these all, as everyone's case is checked 1 by 1.


For anyone encountering any problems, my e-mail [email protected] is always open for communication.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think one thing that it can be done is the ability to get all the pdf's back if one starts to donate later and becomes a higher tier. Some people will discover Spiritual Satanism years later and if they start to donate then obviously they will miss a lot of the (very excellent I have to say :D ) articles.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think one thing that it can be done is the ability to get all the pdf's back if one starts to donate later and becomes a higher tier. Some people will discover Spiritual Satanism years later and if they start to donate then obviously they will miss a lot of the (very excellent I have to say :D ) articles.

I second this
SatanicTruth33 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think one thing that it can be done is the ability to get all the pdf's back if one starts to donate later and becomes a higher tier. Some people will discover Spiritual Satanism years later and if they start to donate then obviously they will miss a lot of the (very excellent I have to say :D ) articles.

I second this

No worries, we will look into this and organize accordingly.

Some people also cannot donate now due to fateful circumstances or problems, I am thinking of them too and all of our own.

When days turn brighter, there will be the case available to get this for them too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanicTruth33 said:
luis said:
I think one thing that it can be done is the ability to get all the pdf's back if one starts to donate later and becomes a higher tier. Some people will discover Spiritual Satanism years later and if they start to donate then obviously they will miss a lot of the (very excellent I have to say :D ) articles.

I second this

No worries, we will look into this and organize accordingly.

Some people also cannot donate now due to fateful circumstances or problems, I am thinking of them too and all of our own.

When days turn brighter, there will be the case available to get this for them too.

" what? You will give the pdf that we receive in the present to people who will donate in the future?!? Why do I donate now and would not wait in 5 years to have everything that I would have in those 5 years? Such a cult....Oy vey!"

For those who hesitate to donate, you will pass on some good teaching and information. Many of you have 300$ to waste on netflix, disney +, Amazon prime and Spotify, but dont have 10$ a month to get advance knowlegde?
Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanicTruth33 said:
I second this

No worries, we will look into this and organize accordingly.

Some people also cannot donate now due to fateful circumstances or problems, I am thinking of them too and all of our own.

When days turn brighter, there will be the case available to get this for them too.

" what? You will give the pdf that we receive in the present to people who will donate in the future?!? Why do I donate now and would not wait in 5 years to have everything that I would have in those 5 years? Such a cult....Oy vey!"

For those who hesitate to donate, you will pass on some good teaching and information. Many of you have 300$ to waste on netflix, disney +, Amazon prime and Spotify, but dont have 10$ a month to get advance knowlegde?


That won't happen as a purposefully waiting for a troll to come with me after 5 years with 10$ and tell me some long sob story in order to get a series of who knows how many PDF's.

So anyone with such hopes, will never see them happen really.

As time goes, this will increase, because that's how it should go. If one wants only the latest issue, they will get the latest.

The first issue one could get for as low as 1$, but that is no longer possible. That was a small test overall.

Times goes, things change now.

Anyhow, the forums and everyone will benefit as well, as this is a reason for me to do more things.

As I can see, everyone who has donated, has received their PDF's and has been assigned to a tier.

If you have NOT been assigned, received the PDF, or have received the Instructions of the Tiers, do mail me at [email protected] so we can resolve it.

Thanks everyone for donating!

Now, Tier 2, 3 and 4 will be notified accordingly on what we are going to do and how we will proceed with the further perks that JoS Donors have. This process should take a few days, over the organizational aspects again.

Everyone is also strongly encouraged to give a word in regards to the PDF they have received, so others can see too what this was about.

The Joy of Satan thanks you all for doing this for the community and it's growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I found the first issue informative and though provoking. I'm going to have to read part 5 Hexagram again to fully understand it.

I have a suggestion for the format of the donor system. It might be significantly easier, time saving and logistically more effective to create subforums for each tier save for like 4 and 5, then assign the donors to have access to their tier subforum. Then just post the pdfs to the appropriate subforums, instead of individually keeping track of and emailing all the donors. The current system/logistics does not seem like it will scale well with a higher number of donors.

Hail Satan!!!
hierophant2411 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I found the first issue informative and though provoking. I'm going to have to read part 5 Hexagram again to fully understand it.

I have a suggestion for the format of the donor system. It might be significantly easier, time saving and logistically more effective to create subforums for each tier save for like 4 and 5, then assign the donors to have access to their tier subforum. Then just post the pdfs to the appropriate subforums, instead of individually keeping track of and emailing all the donors. The current system/logistics does not seem like it will scale well with a higher number of donors.

Hail Satan!!!

Absolutely, this is what is the next logical step. I have informed the JoS Guardians on this as well, that's how it will happen.

Just give me a little time to organize everything.
I just want to state here for the record the pdf's have extremely useful information, and valuable information, not only are you going to be helping out the JoS when you donate but you are going to receive very well thought out and detailed pdf with some more advanced information.
The PDF I have received is amazing to say the least, what I have read there, I reread it already 3rd time, with certain parts being analysed hours and hours,(I may be very slow when trying to understand certain materials in depth, xD but this is the first time like that) because it is really worth to be familiar in most depth as some parts of it encompasses very large spectre of what we are trying to achieve as SS if not the most of it. Thank you Cobra666! As always it is beyond words.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As I can see, everyone who has donated, has received their PDF's and has been assigned to a tier.

If you have NOT been assigned, received the PDF, or have received the Instructions of the Tiers, do mail me at [email protected] so we can resolve it.

Thanks everyone for donating!

Now, Tier 2, 3 and 4 will be notified accordingly on what we are going to do and how we will proceed with the further perks that JoS Donors have. This process should take a few days, over the organizational aspects again.

Everyone is also strongly encouraged to give a word in regards to the PDF they have received, so others can see too what this was about.

The Joy of Satan thanks you all for doing this for the community and it's growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the PDF, it was good but the first chapter/issue is very strange, I never heard about something like this and I thought that issue would had appeared for free because it was the first + wanted to see the opinion of other SS. It kinda ended too quick so I hope it will be futher talked about in future PDF's like you said.
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As I can see, everyone who has donated, has received their PDF's and has been assigned to a tier.

If you have NOT been assigned, received the PDF, or have received the Instructions of the Tiers, do mail me at [email protected] so we can resolve it.

Thanks everyone for donating!

Now, Tier 2, 3 and 4 will be notified accordingly on what we are going to do and how we will proceed with the further perks that JoS Donors have. This process should take a few days, over the organizational aspects again.

Everyone is also strongly encouraged to give a word in regards to the PDF they have received, so others can see too what this was about.

The Joy of Satan thanks you all for doing this for the community and it's growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the PDF, it was good but the first chapter/issue is very strange, I never heard about something like this and I thought that issue would had appeared for free because it was the first + wanted to see the opinion of other SS. It kinda ended too quick so I hope it will be futher talked about in future PDF's like you said.

That is kind of the point, to be shared with some interesting knowledge. Also, things that make you think etc.

TerKorian666 said:
The PDF I have received is amazing to say the least, what I have read there, I reread it already 3rd time, with certain parts being analysed hours and hours,(I may be very slow when trying to understand certain materials in depth, xD but this is the first time like that) because it is really worth to be familiar in most depth as some parts of it encompasses very large spectre of what we are trying to achieve as SS if not the most of it. Thank you Cobra666! As always it is beyond words.

Thank you, appreciated. Yes, this material will require introspection and practice but also application. It cannot be digested instantly.

SATchives said:
I just want to state here for the record the pdf's have extremely useful information, and valuable information, not only are you going to be helping out the JoS when you donate but you are going to receive very well thought out and detailed pdf with some more advanced information.

Your comment is appreciated brother, thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Parts of it were more of a philosophical nature than that I had expected.

Kind of reminds me of my early meditation days, years before I found the JoS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Masterj810610 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No worries, we will look into this and organize accordingly.

Some people also cannot donate now due to fateful circumstances or problems, I am thinking of them too and all of our own.

When days turn brighter, there will be the case available to get this for them too.

" what? You will give the pdf that we receive in the present to people who will donate in the future?!? Why do I donate now and would not wait in 5 years to have everything that I would have in those 5 years? Such a cult....Oy vey!"

For those who hesitate to donate, you will pass on some good teaching and information. Many of you have 300$ to waste on netflix, disney +, Amazon prime and Spotify, but dont have 10$ a month to get advance knowlegde?


That won't happen as a purposefully waiting for a troll to come with me after 5 years with 10$ and tell me some long sob story in order to get a series of who knows how many PDF's.

So anyone with such hopes, will never see them happen really.

As time goes, this will increase, because that's how it should go. If one wants only the latest issue, they will get the latest.

The first issue one could get for as low as 1$, but that is no longer possible. That was a small test overall.

Times goes, things change now.

Anyhow, the forums and everyone will benefit as well, as this is a reason for me to do more things.
Obviously I did not mean that anyone can get them. The ones that get into the higher tier should have the possibility to get access to the old pdf's if they did not start to get them from the beginning.

Some people will become SS in the future so they obviously did not have the possibility to have them from the start. Or the ones who are a lower tier now and did not get the higher tier extra articles when they become a higher tier can have them too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There should be a mp3 and is missing from my files. The PDF is amazing. There is so much information and it needs time to be fully understood. I've read it many times already.
The PDF is just one of many rewards as i see it i think its more of a way to gauge who is who in the community like literally put your money where your mouth is good will and wishes will only get JOS so far it'd be like starting a business or a charity for curing a disease or cancer or something like that you know good wishes and praise are great but money is the motivation if you want JOS to be widespread let's just say the gods only existed as figure heads or the spiritual teachings were only limited to pretty much basic meditations like the ideals of JOS are so much better then all the christian jewy dross out there and if only for that reason i would donate to JOS to make it a widespread religion the pro-life outlook is refreshing to say the least but the gods aren't false god jewy crap like christ they are real beings with personalities, knowledge and love for us if you stick to your teachings even the free ones you can learn to move things with your mind levitate heal see the past and the future you can learn to leave your body manifest anything into your life you can live forever like why would you not want this wide spread why would you not contribute.

The PDF is a bonus its bonus content really what is happening here is we want to see who is who then we might build our legendary 4th Reich our great empire but first we need to find out who is good reliable people i think this donations is the first necessary step towards that end we do not necessarily have to be in charge directly we simply need to take the position of the guide the person that people go to when they want to do better the oracles that the government persons look to for advice if we can usurp that role from this Jewish rats and their brain washed minions the rest of society becomes our clay you see how much of a devastating impact the communists were able to have by place communist ideology into the minds of university students imagine what we could do in such a position if we are to get there money is required.

With real money JOS can influence elections, scientific endeavors, the flow of information and resource allocation if you control these we will be the masters anyway and if we also happen to have the ability to set our enemies on fire with our mind or go full darth vader choke on these banksters these jewish banking gangsters i think we can become quite convincing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone is also strongly encouraged to give a word in regards to the PDF they have received, so others can see too what this was about.
The pdf is about a collection of new topics, with detailed comments from HPHC, through which we can expand our knowledge and gain greater understanding.

The feeling seems similar to that of an ancient school of advancement, and in my opinion this is the best method of approach.

So if one is interested in one's spiritual advancement and takes it seriously, then this path is for you.

You will find a lot of important and edificant information.
Vira_ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everyone is also strongly encouraged to give a word in regards to the PDF they have received, so others can see too what this was about.

The feeling seems similar to that of an ancient school of advancement, and in my opinion this is the best method of approach.

Absolutely correct, thank you for being observant. Most people think they know a lot of things just because they read disorganized information by whatever, left or right.

My aim here is higher than the illusion of knowing or just giving someone 2 3 spells to do things like a fool.

The point is to introduce everyone and advance on an actual path of spiritual development.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
