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About Horus


New member
Dec 30, 2018
I’ve been seeing a lot of GD questions/topics coming up lately so I guess I’ll jump in on it as well. Ever since coming to the JoS I’ve been wondering who my GD was and I have a sneaking suspicion it might be Horus. Note I've already summoned him like twice, once when I was a total newb when I didn't know what I was doing lol and the second time when I became serious being SS to see if he was or if not to help lead me to my Guardian but I dunno what to make out of that experience. There have been many signs that seem to point towards his direction though sometimes I wonder what if I’m wrong since my intuition is not always right which makes me doubt obvious signs that may point to him or if I’m just ‘willing’ these signs to come to me.

I also wanted confirmation; his animal is an Owl right? I’ve been seeing owls everywhere including my dreams so if this could be answered then I might be closer to finding out the truth.

So I’m just wondering if anyone has experience with him/knows him well or even has him as their GD. What’s he like? I saw posts from other SS saying that he’s really nice, kind and wise but there has to be more than that right? Hearing more about him may spark something for me to clear my doubts and encourage me to try and establish a relationship ^^

Thank you
Honestly i think when your astral sense's are not open enough it's difficult to be 100% sure on who is your GD.

For me there is no one God that i feel more connected than Horus. I looked up every God's description but Horus i felt in my hearth that he was the one. What i did is i called him in my mind and told him to send me a sign if he was my GD and i felt a rush of powerful energy. Now like i said i'm not compleatily sure that he is my GD but all of these things make me think that he is the one.

You don't have to know your GD now especially if your astral sense's are not open enough, you have a GD even if you don't who he is. Keep meditating and fighting (with the Final Rtr) and when you are ready then he will show up and you will be sure.
luis said:
Honestly i think when your astral sense's are not open enough it's difficult to be 100% sure on who is your GD.

For me there is no one God that i feel more connected than Horus. I looked up every God's description but Horus i felt in my hearth that he was the one. What i did is i called him in my mind and told him to send me a sign if he was my GD and i felt a rush of powerful energy. Now like i said i'm not compleatily sure that he is my GD but all of these things make me think that he is the one.

You don't have to know your GD now especially if your astral sense's are not open enough, you have a GD even if you don't who he is. Keep meditating and fighting (with the Final Rtr) and when you are ready then he will show up and you will be sure.

Thanks for your reply ^^
I also think not being 100% sure is because of past hangups as well as I mentioned my intuition is not always right so I tend to doubt myself a lot. But I’ll try what you have done eventually to see if anything happens, maybe even go through the demons list again. But even if I can’t come to a conclusion now I will continue on advancing and fighting this is what we’re here for anyways, slowly but surely I’ll find out eventually.

Morgenröte said:
Horus animal isnt a owl, dont know who you couldnt see this. Its a eagle !

I never heard it was an eagle before if anything I thought it would be a falcon? (Pretty sure I’m right this time lol )
So yeah haha I totally misunderstood there LMAO, the Gods led me to the truth recently, from the description of the "Joy of Satan for Animal Care" forum the animals and gods were weirdly lined/typed up, I got Lilith's and Horus's animals mixed up :roll: my mind does that sometimes so I got really confused (Should have listened to the Egyptian sites, I feel stupid) my bad, honest mistake. The owls I’ve been seeing are probably just for symbolism purposes now that I think about it ^^ (So anyone reading this please ignore the owl part Im kinda embarrassed :oops: lol )
Yes its a falcon :D . I am not that good in english, im german Speaker "Falke" eagle would be an "Adler". Forgot it
hail horus!
SSGrim88 said:

I'd like to refer you to the search function on the forums, as there's a bunch of stuff about Horus to be found there. https://ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=horus&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Also, from what I've seen you werent the only one who confused Horus' animal with an owl. Seems to be a somewhat common mistake.

Hope this helps ;)
Shael said:
SSGrim88 said:

I'd like to refer you to the search function on the forums, as there's a bunch of stuff about Horus to be found there. https://ancient-forums.com/search.php?keywords=horus&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Also, from what I've seen you werent the only one who confused Horus' animal with an owl. Seems to be a somewhat common mistake.

Hope this helps ;)

Ahhh Thank you!
I've used the search engine for other things but it didn't cross my mind to use it for him :lol:
I'll take a look when I have the time ^^
And I'm so glad to hear others were in the same boat, it was sorta bothering me for a bit lol
Amon ra and horus are related ye?

Amon ra uses a falcon as symbol. I dont know how it is for others. But when I was asking who my GD was, when I first started out, I had my first vivid dream since I was a kid. The dream was short, a glimpse. I was on a cliffside, facing the sun, and I held out my arm. Then a falcon flew to me and landed on my arm, it looked at me from its left eye and I woke up.

When our senses are closed its best to ask for a dream. Its the easiest way to receive messages when we have not yet tuned our senses. If you need help dreaming, I suggest a daily routine of melatonin and an iodine supplement.

Be sure to meditate before bed.
SeekerofK said:
Amon ra and horus are related ye?

Amon ra uses a falcon as symbol. I dont know how it is for others. But when I was asking who my GD was, when I first started out, I had my first vivid dream since I was a kid. The dream was short, a glimpse. I was on a cliffside, facing the sun, and I held out my arm. Then a falcon flew to me and landed on my arm, it looked at me from its left eye and I woke up.

When our senses are closed its best to ask for a dream. Its the easiest way to receive messages when we have not yet tuned our senses. If you need help dreaming, I suggest a daily routine of melatonin and an iodine supplement.

Be sure to meditate before bed.

From other posts I have read on the forum I saw that Amon Ra's animal is a hawk while Horus' animal is a falcon. (They are different people )
I did a comparison of the birds recently and they both seem really similar to each other and since dreams can be kinda blurry at times they could probably be easily mixed up. For me I feel really drawn to Horus and what he represents but not so much Amon Ra, so for your case if you feel more drawn to Amon Ra then maybe it was a hawk you saw instead of a falcon if he really is your GD, that's just speculation though.

For me Horus' name has been popping up in reality and dreams while falcons have only been appearing to me in reality. Thanks for the advice for the melatonin and iodine supplement, though my financial situation isn't too good at present so I probably won't be getting those for a while and I don't really think it's necessary for me regarding dreams so I'll probably just stick with my astral senses workings ^^

Oh and if no one has told you or haven't come across it yet one of our amazing members has done portraits of
the gods which includes Amon Ra and Horus: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12233
Maybe this will also help you with finding your GD ^^
I think its really difficutl is there even a difference between amon's animal and horus animal ? I always thought its the same bird species. It confueses me too because I had a Vision once of a hawk and after years I was seeing horus when I was meditating. But the main Problem is that horus is amon's ambassador. I had to do with amon and also got visited by horus.
I was thinking Horus was my GD as well. Aside from the fact “falcon” is in my name :) I recently did the dedication ritual and couldn’t help but wonder. I used to think it’d be Azazel, but as I’m cleaning my room, I came across two old items from a drawer. One was a laser tag memory with Falcon as a player name. The other, which was dearest to me, was a book I picked out for myself when I was a kid. I’ve loved that book forever, as it’s a fictional story about 3 kids who love to solve mysteries, in this particular story they’re protecting falcons. So though I’m working on myself to build my astral senses, I think those signs might be my answer :lol:
Solar Falcon said:
I was thinking Horus was my GD as well.
Haha I've seen you around the forum and your username did remind me of Horus due to the Falcon bit.
Anyways that's interesting, just keep working on your senses to get a more solid answer :) I'm still trying to figure out if he is or not and I don't really recall anything for myself in regards to Falcons as a kid, but I do know that I was really into Egyptian things back then too, but this is like really general XD Just a few Falcon related things in the last year.

3 years ago when I dedicated I had found on the demons page Horus' dates coincide with my birthday but it's been said that those dates and your birthday don't necessarily mean they're your GD. Though ever since I summoned him I felt a connection but he's the one god I've only ever spoken to besides Father Satan. Also recently Horus did help me out, I was being attacked in a dream and I called out to him instead of Satan for once and I immediately woke up from the nightmare calming down. So I am thankful for that even though I feel kinda bad for doing so, say if he isn't my GD and if he isn't then I'd still admire him since you could say I'm a fan lol
But if he is my GD and is trying to give me signs then obviously I'm really in denial about them :lol: So I decided to just be patient, advance and continue doing the RTR until one day I get my answer :) No need to rush, like we don't really need to know now... but it would be nice so I could thank him properly lol
Okay this is for those who’ve been wondering about the difference between and hawk and a falcon, I was just waiting for the topic to be bumped again. After doing a little bit of research (you should do your own as well to get more of an understanding) and to keep this short I’d try to distinguish them by the shape of their wings and heads because size isn’t always reliable.
Falcons have long slender pointed wings and short rounded heads with a notch on their beak and they use their beak to kill their prey. Falcons are also pretty fast and are of the falconidae family of birds. While Hawks have shorter but rounded wings at the tips and sleek pointed heads with more of a smooth curve on their beaks. They use their talons to kill their prey and are of the accipitridae family of birds.
This article I found has some good information if you need pictures to help out: https://www.quora.com/Birds-Whats-the-difference-between-hawk-falcon-eagle-osprey-and-kite
Hopefully this helps with some people’s confusion between these two birds ^^

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
