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Rituals #870 Please answer it is very important to me


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
First of all, my gender identity is not the same as the gender I was born with. In other words, I am not cissexual. My name and surname are required for the commitment ritual and the word son/daughter is used in a sentence I will write on paper. Now, while doing this ritual, should I use the gender, name and surname I was born with that does not suit me? Or should I use the gender identity, name and surname that I see myself in, accept and want? Also, a dry pencil is written in the section required for the commitment ritual. Instead of cutting my hand, can I use a needle and inject my blood with a syringe to write the writings? (Don't worry, I am studying health) Also, what will I do by squeezing my blood by pricking my left index finger with a needle? Where exactly will I drop it on the paper? Will I drop it or will I use it for fingerprints? I know I have asked a lot of questions and talked a lot but I have to say one more thing. I went to the doctor and had a blood test. The results were not good. It revealed that I have an extreme vitamin deficiency and several illnesses. So it turned out that I had been lacking focus, low motivation, weakness, fatigue, depression, extremely white skin and hypothermia for a long time. In a sentence Maxine said, she mentioned that she could not focus while doing her meditations at the beginning due to vitamin C deficiency. My question is, should I do the ritual now or should I do it after doing the necessary treatments? Because from what I read, if I am doing the commitment ritual, I will have to do my meditations very seriously. I have a hard time doing it. Even before I think about doing the ritual, I feel guilty because I delayed my meditations. Because I feel like everything will be very bad if I don't do my meditations. But when I do them, I often get very tired. Because even the meditations that should take 4 minutes at the beginning end in at least 1 hour. (Sometimes more) I am not alone at home anyway and I have to be on the alert all the time. I am very tired. That is why I lose my motivation. But I love Father Satan very much, I want to be a soldier worthy of him. I want to have perfect spiritual power and find salvation. Please answer all my questions. I need it very much.
First of all, my gender identity is not the same as the gender I was born with. In other words, I am not cissexual. My name and surname are required for the commitment ritual and the word son/daughter is used in a sentence I will write on paper. Now, while doing this ritual, should I use the gender, name and surname I was born with that does not suit me? Or should I use the gender identity, name and surname that I see myself in, accept and want? Also, a dry pencil is written in the section required for the commitment ritual. Instead of cutting my hand, can I use a needle and inject my blood with a syringe to write the writings? (Don't worry, I am studying health) Also, what will I do by squeezing my blood by pricking my left index finger with a needle? Where exactly will I drop it on the paper? Will I drop it or will I use it for fingerprints? I know I have asked a lot of questions and talked a lot but I have to say one more thing. I went to the doctor and had a blood test. The results were not good. It revealed that I have an extreme vitamin deficiency and several illnesses. So it turned out that I had been lacking focus, low motivation, weakness, fatigue, depression, extremely white skin and hypothermia for a long time. In a sentence Maxine said, she mentioned that she could not focus while doing her meditations at the beginning due to vitamin C deficiency. My question is, should I do the ritual now or should I do it after doing the necessary treatments? Because from what I read, if I am doing the commitment ritual, I will have to do my meditations very seriously. I have a hard time doing it. Even before I think about doing the ritual, I feel guilty because I delayed my meditations. Because I feel like everything will be very bad if I don't do my meditations. But when I do them, I often get very tired. Because even the meditations that should take 4 minutes at the beginning end in at least 1 hour. (Sometimes more) I am not alone at home anyway and I have to be on the alert all the time. I am very tired. That is why I lose my motivation. But I love Father Satan very much, I want to be a soldier worthy of him. I want to have perfect spiritual power and find salvation. Please answer all my questions. I need it very much.
Okay, long story short, use your birth name and your real gender (“assigned at birth”)

However you should know, yes you’re free to do as you please (and suffer the consequences) but we might not be the best at accepting “gender identities” and other marxist, woke, jewish propaganda.

What you’re suffering from is that you’re completely out of balance and also having mental delusions (gender dysphoria).

In reality you know what’s real and what’s not. You know what your REAL gender is.

You can be a feminine man or a masculine female this relates to your personality and natal chart, you can also express yourself however you like.

However, you are not a female if you’re not biologically female and you will never be, you are not male if you were born a female and so forth.

Hormones/surgery/other monstrosities will never change this reality.

Since you feel you can’t embrace your actual gender and you’re completely out of balance with your energies, you’re using escapism, and you think you’ll be okay if you suddenly became another gender, or believed you are another gender and “identified” with it but you’ll never be another gender, not in this life time or any next life times, this relates to your soul and who you really are.

What you’re trying to do is basically castration. (If you’re looking to do surgery.)
So you become neither a real male/female.

Regarding your health issues, you’re lacking your natural born energies and you’re deluding your body to become something it is not and denying yourself what you realistically need.

So no different than a vegetarian who is going against his body’s nature and NEEDED nutrients, you will suffer serious health risks.

You might think some pills, hormones, or vitamins are going to save you, but this wasn’t how humans were meant to live.

Humans were not meant to “change their gender” or have “gender identities” this is a recent mind virus that’s been pushed and invented by jews, or jew-affiliated organizations, just look at all the “gender theory” authors that invented these concepts, they’re all jews.

Try to wake up to reality and let go of jewish ideals.
First of all, my gender identity is not the same as the gender I was born with. In other words, I am not cissexual.
There isn't anything called "gender identity", this term was invented by a Jewish pedophile and human experimenter named John Money:

There's only your biological sex. "Cissexual" is a slur. You should use in the prayer whatever your biological sex is.

Read these too:

According to Dr. André Van Mol—the co-chair of the American College of Pediatricians’ Committee on Adolescent Sexuality and a contributor to Public Discourse on transgender issues—in the overwhelming majority of cases, the desire to switch one’s gender identity is closely connected to adverse experiences in childhood.

Anyway regarding your other questions:

Also, what will I do by squeezing my blood by pricking my left index finger with a needle? Where exactly will I drop it on the paper? Will I drop it or will I use it for fingerprints?

It's only used for signing your name in blood, whatever you do with the rest of it doesn't matter.

Because from what I read, if I am doing the commitment ritual, I will have to do my meditations very seriously.

Do them as long as you are comfortable. Do only short ones, like chakra spin and void meditation if you feel tired.
The main thing binding you to the dedication ritual is your blood and most of all, your intent. You should use the name you feel closest to your true and raw self/soul, which in your case, most likely is not your birth name. If you want to be 100% sure then just sign your birth name below your ideal name. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable being in the forums while not having a typical gender identity because of some of the community's perception of it stems from crude places.

You don't need to overthink it, you should dip a small amount of the blood onto the pen you're signing the dedication with. (only when signing your name at the end, don't use blood when writing the whole dedication)

It's best to do the ritual in a good headspace, with a clear and serene mind, without distractions and without overthinking. If you can manage that then it should be okay to perform the ritual.

Please don't feel guilty, it's okay to feel tired and take a bit longer with the meditations, you're trying your best and that's what's important. It will gradually get easier.

You're vulnerable right now so make sure to get all the mental health support you need, before and after the ritual too, don't be ashamed of asking for help, we all need some support sometimes.

I'm really proud of you (I'm sure Father Satan is too), please take care of yourself and all the best! 💙
There isn't anything called "gender identity", this term was invented by a Jewish pedophile and human experimenter named John Money:
Seeing a lot of wignat takes so I'll be a bit more mature here since I've researched more about this. John money wanted to prove that gender is learned instead of inherent, which he failed to do. This doesn't mean that being "trans is mental illness" because some people are biologically feeling like the opposite gender; brain scans show that trans people's brains can develop the structure of their opposite gender's brain. If one twin is transgender there is also a disproportionally high chance the other is trans too and vice versa. The reasons for comorbidity of mental illness in trans individuals is obvious, if you were raised in the "wrong" gender then you're obviously going to be mentally ill, where's your logic here? No one said that cutting people's genitals off was inherently right and I wouldn't necessarily support that but you should do your research instead of misrepresenting studies. It's obvious that the whole gender stuff is getting promoted by jews a lot but doesn't invalidate the fact that there are people who simply are biologically trans. Modern academia is jewish in the first place, give me a major contributor to modern psychological theory who isn't a jew. (90% of them are all jews)

mental delusions (gender dysphoria)
How is physiopsychological incongruence a delusion now? There can be some comorbidity between gender dysphoria and delusional disorders but you're generalizing them to appear in every case of gender dysphoria which is simply not true lol. Both are distinct diagnoses.

According to Dr. André Van Mol—the co-chair of the American College of Pediatricians’ Committee on Adolescent Sexuality and a contributor to Public Discourse on transgender issues—in the overwhelming majority of cases, the desire to switch one’s gender identity is closely connected to adverse experiences in childhood.
The desire to switch genders is a natural "escapism" response to adverse experiences (especially with female rape victims who have a complex to ruin their bodies so no other man tries to hurt them) and I agree that they represent gender dysphoria diagnoses the most, they wouldn't be what you'd call biologically trans, that doesn't mean that there aren't people WITHOUT other mental disorders who are indeed developing brains of the opposite gender. GD diagnosis inherently includes people who are traumatized and "delusional", you're overgeneralizing and misinterpreting statistics without taking their factors into consideration.

biological sex
There's much evidence for transhood to be genetic/biological AND psychological, it's muddled waters to claim either as 100% true.

muhhh jewish science https://doi.org/10.1080/15532739.2013.750222

this is a recent mind virus
Yeah, that's also why you should be wary of misinterpreting "actual" trans people as hysterics because that often happens here.
Since you feel you can’t embrace your actual gender and you’re completely out of balance with your energies, you’re using escapism, and you think you’ll be okay if you suddenly became another gender, or believed you are another gender and “identified” with it but you’ll never be another gender, not in this life time or any next life times, this relates to your soul and who you really are.
This is correct for the people who think they are trans but biologically aren't. We both can't be 100% sure how biological predisposition to be trans works out on a soul level.

You might think some pills, hormones, or vitamins are going to save you, but this wasn’t how humans were meant to live.
There's people with genetic depression, are you going to tell them to stop their meds too?

Slightly disappointed at the amount of unqualified medical pretentiousness in this thread.

And to OP, you could be having that instinctive desire to switch genders because of adverse experiences BUT you could also have GD out of biological factors or simply just your own will. You need to know about that difference if you're serious and talk with someone actually unbiased. I hope you'll research more studies on this since you said you're studying medicine.
should I use the gender, name and surname I was born with that does not suit me? Or should I use the gender identity, name and surname that I see myself in, accept and want?
While other people have real life problems like how to deal with a complicated relationship, how to handle a difficult colleague at work, or how to get more money to pay for rent, in clown world, created by the kikes, we have "which gender should I use?"

Honestly, I'm speechless...

And then, these same people verbally attack you, whine that you're racist if you're not open-minded...
All this, thanks to the kikes.

If you were born female, you are a woman. An orange is an orange, not an apple.

Imagine if your cat suddenly decides it wants to be a dog simply because it feels like it? Would that make sense?

You need to work on yourself. Meditations will fix these imbalances in your soul, helping you get in touch with you real gender.
Seeing a lot of wignat takes so I'll be a bit more mature here since I've researched more about this. John money wanted to prove that gender is learned instead of inherent, which he failed to do. This doesn't mean that being "trans is mental illness" because some people are biologically feeling like the opposite gender; brain scans show that trans people's brains can develop the structure of their opposite gender's brain. If one twin is transgender there is also a disproportionally high chance the other is trans too and vice versa. The reasons for comorbidity of mental illness in trans individuals is obvious, if you were raised in the "wrong" gender then you're obviously going to be mentally ill, where's your logic here? No one said that cutting people's genitals off was inherently right and I wouldn't necessarily support that but you should do your research instead of misrepresenting studies. It's obvious that the whole gender stuff is getting promoted by jews a lot but doesn't invalidate the fact that there are people who simply are biologically trans. Modern academia is jewish in the first place, give me a major contributor to modern psychological theory who isn't a jew. (90% of them are all jews)

How is physiopsychological incongruence a delusion now? There can be some comorbidity between gender dysphoria and delusional disorders but you're generalizing them to appear in every case of gender dysphoria which is simply not true lol. Both are distinct diagnoses.

The desire to switch genders is a natural "escapism" response to adverse experiences (especially with female rape victims who have a complex to ruin their bodies so no other man tries to hurt them) and I agree that they represent gender dysphoria diagnoses the most, they wouldn't be what you'd call biologically trans, that doesn't mean that there aren't people WITHOUT other mental disorders who are indeed developing brains of the opposite gender. GD diagnosis inherently includes people who are traumatized and "delusional", you're overgeneralizing and misinterpreting statistics without taking their factors into consideration.

There's much evidence for transhood to be genetic/biological AND psychological, it's muddled waters to claim either as 100% true.

muhhh jewish science https://doi.org/10.1080/15532739.2013.750222

Yeah, that's also why you should be wary of misinterpreting "actual" trans people as hysterics because that often happens here.

This is correct for the people who think they are trans but biologically aren't. We both can't be 100% sure how biological predisposition to be trans works out on a soul level.

There's people with genetic depression, are you going to tell them to stop their meds too?

Slightly disappointed at the amount of unqualified medical pretentiousness in this thread.

And to OP, you could be having that instinctive desire to switch genders because of adverse experiences BUT you could also have GD out of biological factors or simply just your own will. You need to know about that difference if you're serious and talk with someone actually unbiased. I hope you'll research more studies on this since you said you're studying medicine.
Okay, I’m gonna sound like an ass and you won’t like it but here’s my response.

You really went to Harvard, huh? You can kiss ass to your jewish “professors” and your 90% “scientific” “researchers” for all I care about.

Reality is reality.
There’s no such thing as changing genders.
You can call me a “wignat” (you’re creating new terms to call people now, lucky for you I have no idea what a wignat is.)
Or say I have “medical pretentiousness”.

Serious question, can you have a womb as a trans “person”?

I never mentioned “genetically” depressed people should stop their meds nor I said they should take meds, that wasn’t the topic anyway, you took the word pills out of context and built a strawman fallacy out of this to appear oh so scientifically superior. This has been your approach in your long ass response.
Just emotional nonsense trying to take the scientific high ground and appear oh so accepting and also super medical and scietnific. 🤓 While saying absolutely nothing of substance.

I’m going to quote your long ass words now and I want you to bring ANYTHING of substance, other than you basically saying I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, I’m also agreeing with you but it’s only natural because science said that and that’s why he/she should be trans, its “valid escapism”, you know all science is jewish so what’s wrong with accepting jews narratives.

Let’s take em one by one.
I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about:
This is correct for the people who think they are trans but biologically aren't. We both can't be 100% sure how biological predisposition to be trans works out on a soul level.“
There's much evidence for transhood to be genetic/biological AND psychological, it's muddled waters to claim either as 100% true

I’m also agreeing with you but it’s only natural because science said that and that’s why he/she should be trans, its “valid escapism”:
The desire to switch genders is a natural "escapism" response to adverse experiences (especially with female rape victims who have a complex to ruin their bodies so no other man tries to hurt them) and I agree that they represent gender dysphoria diagnoses the most
No one said that cutting people's genitals off was inherently right and I wouldn't necessarily support that but you should do your research instead of misrepresenting studies. It's obvious that the whole gender stuff is getting promoted by jews a lot

You know all science is jewish so what’s wrong with accepting jews narratives:
Modern academia is jewish in the first place, give me a major contributor to modern psychological theory who isn't a jew. (90% of them are all jews)

Basically you said ZERO words with any substance.

I know there are people who are born hermaphrodites and actually trans where they might have aspects of two reproductive organs, it’s a genetic illness at this point, those are like 0.001% of a population and I never saw a case of this in real life neither on the internet nor in real life, it’s really rare, people with Down syndrome are more common than this.

However this wasn’t even what my reply was towards, I’m talking in the modern context of trans culture, people cutting their dicks off or women getting a plastic dick and cutting their breasts off. This is what I identify as trans, or even people who are perfectly natural as a male or female and say I “identify” as an Apache Helicopter and my new name is R2-D2 or whatever.

Please try not to act so high and mighty and so scientific, woke, and medical, when you’ve agreed with like 80% of our words but still stick to a narrative that’s been pushed onto you.

It’s sad to see what our academia has become like and great and educated people all over the world have to get choked with “gender studies” instead of learning something that has actual fucking value. Good thing I’m not in the west or in Ivy league anything I can’t handle dealing with this BS and jewry on a daily basis and call it science.

And don’t take any of this personal, I don’t mean to be rude or anything, and I’m sorry if I made you feel bad at anytime.
It took me several hours to write this answer and find all the information so I apologize in advance for any errors or misunderstandings. I hope no one is offended and I will be very open to any corrections, in fact I am grateful for this, if something is not precise it is because in several hours I may have actually left out details or misinterpreted some things. Thanks for your patience!

First of all, my gender identity is not the same as the gender I was born with. In other words, I am not cissexual.

Hello and welcome! Our High Priest has written extensively about not "perceiving" one's natural biological gender, and therefore not accepting it. An example is here:
The "Feminine soul" thing is just yet another gross exaggeration that has even made it here. You have more 'feminine' energy than usual, and this is what you feel. You are biologically a male, you are a man. This does not undo the fact you may have a feminine energy about you, and that is fine.

This can be decided by the planets and planetary alignments, where there is heavy emphasis of certain planets. Some people can be physically male and have a feminine type of energy. The more the feminine energy, the more one can become feminine in some or all aspects of their behavior, but still, one is not biologically a woman. They are, however, biologically, a man.

On the other side, we have the "I am a female with a male soul". People in their desperation to feel important, and with the graces of modern science and acceleration of every whim into a reality which doesn't care about soundness of the subjects it may be experimenting upon (This is all experimentation at this state, despite of what people try to claim), of course, is wishing to force people into quick decisions.

The doctors who conduct these things only get paid and get good goy points, and good moral points. You on the other hand may find yourself treading into an unknown and largely life altering, or uncontrollable territory. And for this reason people need to do double thinking on these decisions.

Changing the body's "Gender" is just a surgery that cosmetically and hormonally affects and changes the body, in what is a change induced by external means, which can be maintained on an indefinite amount of time. This can change a lot about one's manifested physical gender depending on how many things they do and how far this is taken. If not maintained, the body retracts and attempts to return back to the so called 'Unacceptable gender'. The "seed" of the physical gender is the same.

Also, despite of changing the body, if the underlying motivation to the above is attention whoring, or inner fear, and not legitimate reasons, such as "I was bored with my gender", this also does not change and can lead to suicide. There have been cases of people who did these decisions only because they were 'bored' or because they wanted to 'distinct' themselves. This is not different than how in China they were doing eye color changing surgery and some people went blind. Their eyes may have turned blue before they died, but that changed fundamentally nothing about their seed issue.

In other words there are levels of reasoning on these actions involved, despite any reality on the subject. There are people for example who have a general problem of self-acceptance, which is wrongly attributed to the fact that they have the "Wrong gender", as many people get obsessed over plastic surgery over having the "wrong lips" or whatever other trait.

In the mind of the people doing this or perceiving suffering from this, these fears are totally VALID, and depending on the severity, nobody can convince them otherwise. And that's besides the point anyway, as people have their own "Free will" in whatever this means, but since this is the case, it's better one pays attention on what they are doing, too.

Society, if anyone was "Concerned", should also "Concern" themselves with revealing just a few more necessary nuggets before people do engage in their so called "FREE WILL DECISIONS".

In 1900, if you were a "Female with a lot of manly behavior" you would just hang out with the boys, and be in general a woman like anyone else. In 2019, you can take this thinking into whole other avenues, including to do serious body modifications over said "feelings". This increase of power came with an increase in (of course kosher too) legitimacy about these claims.

Many people say that of course, this is "natural", but the situation is that many people are now far more medicated, depressed, and generally emotionally confused than ever before in recent history. This is something that has been admitted by everyone, it's just the attribution to the causes is what is under debate. The projections entering the head of man at this point are nothing compared to what they were 100 years ago. Of course, one can deny it, if it's in their own interest, and that is to be expected, and pretend this is not the case with nothing.

The reality is that the probability of "Gender dysphoria" being real is far slimmer than what it is made to be today, and that there are many reasons to this. The same goes for ADHD and many other things that are thrown around. A kid having energy does not have to have ADHD or be mentally ill. It is the natural state of children to have endless energy, and there is nothing wrong with that.

OF COURSE, it's easier for a parent to dispose said child to a jewish doctor, and get it fed with Amphetamines or speed for it to get better grades, or tranquilizers to make it sleep, like one does with cattle. This is after all, our medical system.

Likewise, people who say they experience "Gender Dysphoria", instead of explaining to them that said sensations can be arise from spiritual causes, "we" just make the swift recommendation as a "society" and tell them to proceed for immidiate and very expensive surgery and so forth.

In many of these cases, people need to get in tune with their inner spiritual force, and accept themselves, and not do rushed decisions. What one instantly assumes that it may be "That they are another gender" can in many cases be their own energetic polarity. If one gives it mature thought and they believe they will benefit from a transition, then this has substance as a choice. But this is not the case for most people.

If one is familliar with the changes of energy and feelings during meditations, they can understand the above concept better. Actors and people with more lucid imagination can also understand the mechanisms through which can occur, or even be faked.

Hermaphrodites who are born from the womb, still do resemble one or the other gender mostly, but have a physical body that has both the traits. That rare occurrence and valid natural occurrence aside, people have took this forcibly equate it with the above with which it is unrelated. The above is not natural hermaphroditic, it's alteration of the body through surgical and hormonal procedures. When one does such procedure, they are a "Transgender" and not a "Hermaphrodite".

Hermaphroditism in the spiritual texts is not about dissonance or disagreement about one's gender, doing surgical procedures, strange claims, and mental immaturity. It is not even related to the feeling of polarity in the soul. This feeling is your own energy at the soul, and not your gender. Your biological gender you can easily verify when you look at your genitals, and you will see what gender you are.

Of course, feminists and other people who have an agenda, forgot to mention any of the thousands of other pages of books like the Veda and the spiritual practice. They are only pre-occupied with farfetched, naturally contradicting theories, no different than how christians justify irrational hatred of women based on the bible.

This is because factions like the above do only try to find hopelessly some outer false source to base their lies upon, which are at odds with the reality of life. This creates a purposeful ignorance in regards to other facts of life.

That aside, your inner energy may be more tentative to the other polarity, which can create a series of other manifestations, all ranging from sexuality, to behavior, to you not feeling "Masculine" and so forth. Gender is a biological reality, and not make believe. Many people confuse this or take this way too far.

People who feel plenty of the energy of the other "Gender", sometimes choose to also do an operation to change their gender in what they believe is an appropriation of the inner feeling of the other polarity they feel so strongly. Many after the transition find out that the procedure does not change anything. They still feel this "wrong" or "out of place thing".


Because in the first place their "problem" was not a problem, it wasn't "gender dysphoria", and they did not have any issue but they were just feeling their own emotional energy.

This is because these feelings are behavioral, have to do with your energy polarity, and not about surgical procedures. Others who do this are fine emotionally and this is body modification for them. To some people, it feels more 'correct', and they can even change their mind later, and want to re-transition or let the transition go and become their first biological gender again. All that aside, it can be really costly and dangerous to rush into such decisions. Others also do it for fun.

Because it's really profitable to profit and have people of specific demographics under control, this matter is not looked deeper. People are rushed and unguided into all sorts of decisions for what is effectively making money for others. We're talking huge money in the billions on the political, moral, and medical dialectic going on here.

The jew sociologists have to keep their job somehow. If this is by the invention of alien concepts for the goyim, they will not hesitate to do that.

Part of this is what many people have done including new age and dumb occultists to equate spiritual hermaphroditism (A grossly exaggerated term for the unity of the energy of the soul and nothing else) into parallelisms with changing your gender physically by surgery or hormonal modification, has a "Spiritual" background to it. It does not. As in injecting Testosterone doesn't turn you into Thor, so do other modifications do not alter you or equate you with the divine.

Ganesh has an elephant head, maybe we should create an elephant hybrid now? Of course not. The grossness of these paradigms is obvious there, but where it fits, the enemy walks on the lines of deception to support experimental things emotionally and even physically for the Gentiles.

At best, the background is emotional. In many cases, it falls lower than emotional as people who transition do not really get the buzz they were made to expect.

Many Trans people are also kept from other fundamental truths of the trans community and said choices. Such as for example the danger of surgeries, how people may still do all this effort and end up emotionally unfulfilled, or the "bad examples" which are marginalized and left to suffer on their own fate. In other words, they no longer fit the feminist paradigm, so they are put under blankets and are not left to share their story, lest they upset the "Feminist" status quo, in what is basically a very new phenomenon, and a deeply life changing phenomenon, especially when the transition is taken full way.

Actually, with the transgenderism right now, what should happen based on logical standards, if this civilization cared, was conversation, and not forced prosyletism and taking even young kids to forcibly do surgeries to them. But (((Someone))) wants to use this as a movement to fuel other (((changes))) rather than to cure what they pretend to cure such as gender unease or said diseases or discomforts.

As for these things done on children and not mature adults, nobody knows the implications, and this is probably why many "Doctors" enjoy doing these experiments, even on five year olds. Kids can develop many imaginative delusions and this is part of creative development, there are phases involved there.

Now, despite the above, the lies need to be founded on something and unfortunately this is done on some sort of "Spiritual" basis because fundamentally speaking in reality there is nowhere for them to be based, and apparently, the fact of body modification, body ownership, and free will, does not create the necessary "HOW SPECIAL I AM" feeling for many people.

So "we" as a modern civilization, characterized by YOLO Nihilism, have to take this over to the adobe of "spirituality" and formulate further abominations to substantiate these theories, instead of giving people the truth, or at least, letting people think the matters around on their own.

Likewise, taking surgeries and hormonal replacement does not make you a spiritually enlightened person, and to draw parallels between these two is made for the aforesaid reasons.

If people want to get surgically altered for emotional or otherwise reasons, it's better to leave spirituality and the strange procedures of the 21st century out of it, as this only creates more confusion, and serves no-one, especially so, the people who are going to make these very serious decisions. This creates expectations that do not even exist.

The purity of the ancient world being vilified by feminists and all sorts of strange "Activists" to give credence to the bullshit they believe, only shows how much they know their beliefs are bullshit. But here is one more generated belief that maybe these people can make real good sense from:

If Zeus holds the thunderbolt, do not put your hand on the socket to try to "Wield the electric force", as you may not only regret it, but also find out that you did not come to be Zeus, nor a God, nor Enlightened, you just got electrocuted. If you want to get electrocuted, it's better you do not hire some people like certain authors and others to pretend to sweet talk you into it, and tell you that there is a spiritual aspect to it all, because there is not.

The universe did nothing wrong. The people who hide the simple spiritual reality behind this did wrong, and even them did very little wrong compared to the system of the doctors, pseudo-sociologists, and many others, which create this experimentation and launch it without knowing any of it's effects. In protection of transgender people, some doctors have also tried to evaluate the best ways for these procedures and to put some measures in place to ensure when these decisions are done, this is mature, and they are excommunicated from the scientific field.

Why is a valuable question to ask. I think this question answers itself. Why are kids medicated with Amphetamines at the age of 5?

Lastly, there are people who take sworn oaths like this man who was like 60 years old and claiming to be 40, because he felt he was forty. Another man, felt like a mermaid. He sworn by it. With the amount of drugs, infantile mentality, and mass brainwashing, the emotional whims of people can range to extents never seen before in history. People can legitimately now claim they are anime characters in real life, and society will accept it.

People can be deceived through numerous ways in their self perception and a skilled hypnotist can make someone believe they are a chicken. But are they? In their mind, they definitely *will* be a chicken. To best of their ability, they will do chicken sounds, flap what they believe is their wings, and swear they are what they are. But are they a chicken or a man? In this case, since this person believes they are a chicken, or they chose to be hypnotized into one, do we put them to live with the chickens and/or cook them?

Is there objective reality on these subjects?

Yes, there is, and it is in front of us.

Now, while doing this ritual, should I use the gender, name and surname I was born with that does not suit me?

I advise you to find clarity regarding these topics. I have personally witnessed girls who have ruined their lives for not accepting their gender: girls who have done everything to change their biological sex for example, driven by the influence of our degenerate society, and so now they can no longer go back. Obviously this is an extreme example, but the general rule is that not loving and accepting yourself brings nothing positive. Read here:
Reality is not merely decided by merely "feeling something makes it real", I suppose, someone "feeling" they are whatever, makes them this. But this is not the case. Anyone speaks as they see fit on this.

If a person or a kid feels that they are a dolphin, are they a dolphin?

Also, what will I do by squeezing my blood by pricking my left index finger with a needle? Where exactly will I drop it on the paper? Will I drop it or will I use it for fingerprints?
I let out a little blood, I squeezed and with a pen that wasn't writing (I don't remember now if the ink was completely finished or there was no ink at all) I barely touched where the blood was, without press on the wound, so that things do not come into contact. I subsequently signed. Obviously the signature didn't come complete, but that's okay:

"The amount of blood does not matter, this is only a formality. What is in our hearts and our intentions are much more important than the amount of blood in our signature. Do NOT worry if the Ritual did not go perfectly; you have been accepted!" https://joyofsatan.org/SATANIC.html
And in any case some time later I asked my Guardian if my dedication ritual had been valid (because I hadn't made it completely perfect), he said yes, so don't worry.

I feel guilty because I delayed my meditations. Because I feel like everything will be very bad if I don't do my meditations.
There is no punishment here. In your case I advise you to do things calmly and take time to resolve health problems. It could also happen (I'm not a God so I can't tell you if it will actually happen, it's a hypothesis of circumstance) that after the dedication you could get the help of the Guardian to improve your condition.

I know this because it happened to me, before the dedication it seemed that I really didn't have the possibility of being a Satanist (due to the total lack of an environment in which to be a Satanist: my parents constantly abused me and stuff like that, even going out to people bullied and mistreated me), after the dedication, things improved a lot and I had control of the situation and a favorable environment in which to be myself (a Satanist of the Joy of Satanas! That is, what could be more beautiful!).

It's not a "certain destiny", stay close to the Gods and their teachings. Don't get depressed, many Satanists have privacy issues and things like that, with time innovative solutions will come to your mind. The forum is an excellent support for developing new ideas suitable for our current and future situations!

I am not alone at home anyway and I have to be on the alert all the time
There are privacy tricks:

"[...] If you feel you need guidance doing them, or additional help getting privacy, do not hesitate to ask Satan or your GD. The Gods want us to be able to do as many as we possibly can.

- If you need privacy, you can easily get it. Do a working to ensure privacy to do them. Have some music playing to cover the sound, and so on" (see HPS Lydia's reply: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/reverse-torah-ritual-schedule-update-apr-2017.258839/#post-971656 )

Over time you will find ways to bypass this obstacle of lack of privacy. Sometimes it may also come naturally to us to be able to organize our time better as we progress in growth and advancement

There are also meditations that promote privacy. Maybe energetic breathing for example is not noticeable and you don't necessarily have to maintain a certain type of posture.

But when I do them, I often get very tired. Because even the meditations that should take 4 minutes at the beginning end in at least 1 hour. (Sometimes more)

Health really comes first. Mentally and physically speaking. We are able to advance spiritually, meditate, etc. in short, we manage to be SPIRITUAL precisely because we have a biological body. This thing of maintaining a healthy state of the body is really important.

Don't hesitate to do your best to stay as healthy as possible. Personally I turn to doctors for all sorts of ailments. I have a doctor friend in my circle of friends who I contact often and he helps me.

But I love Father Satan very much, I want to be a soldier worthy of him. I want to have perfect spiritual power and find salvation. Please answer all my questions. I need it very much.

If you truly love him, trust him. Satanism is the true path to bettering oneself and the universe. It is worth reevaluating your personal beliefs to stop living in negative illusions that only cause concrete damage to ourselves and by this I also refer to your question about genders. Taking things into consideration as they really are and evidently regardless of what we unrealistically wish were true... IT'S WORTH IT! Take a step back, listen, understand. Don't fixate on an illusory desire, but have a clear vision of the reality you live in. It's worth it.

Gender is part of one's biological body. It's decided before one is born. It can be observed every time you look down at your pants, to make nothing of a grosser example.

At the same rate, one's attractions, could theoretically fluctuate. But this is not for everyone. And also, that doesn't mean that every thought that comes to one's head is a viable thought.

can I use a needle and inject my blood with a syringe to write the writings?
Don't do strange or complex things or even unrelated things. It is something simple and symbolic in itself, but being formal it has its own formality. Furthermore, even if you found the healthiest way to do something that is not what is required of you, it does not mean that it is worth doing it anyway. The site's method is very safe and no one has had any negative consequences with such a method.

Instead of cutting my hand
You absolutely don't have to "cut off your hand" like in those Hollywood movies where they have weird blood pacts where they don't end up in hospital just because it's a work of fiction! All it takes is a symbolic drop of blood from the left index finger! A drop, or half a drop, etc. It's just a formality!

This doesn't mean that being "trans is mental illness" because some people are biologically feeling like the opposite gender

I admit that I have not followed the whole story in the replies to the topic, but "mental illness" is often understood (abruptly obviously) as a state of lack of awareness of reality, a sort of corruption in knowledge or in its interpretation. I tend not to willingly use this term when trying to help someone, because by nature I don't like to hurt others when I prefer to be patient with them and help them with kindness (one's charisma and one's way of doing things is very individual. It is NOT a universal law or a character imposition "that everyone should have", because EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT and rightly so).

However, even I use abrupt ways of expressing myself and I also use the same term "mental illness" even overusing it, but in different circumstances. For example, the other time I was apologizing to my Grand Master of Muay Boran (the martial art) for not wanting to come to the Friday lesson "because I didn't understand the usefulness of the lesson" and I asked him to explain it to me telling him that it was my mental illness and that I wanted to regain my sanity.

Obviously a psychiatrist will never tell you that skipping a workout class is a psychiatric disorder, it's just a blunt figure of speech for the example I told you about earlier. The only other time I refer to something as "mental illness" is when talking about people who support the enemy's degenerate programs, but in a general sense of societal degradation and NEVER tied to an individual.

Honestly, I'm speechless...

Yes, me too, and very much and sincerely. Precisely for this reason I think it is right to try to be patient and make people understand the best things for themselves. It is the most useful way to help them. Having a higher level of awareness (not that I have it, I'm not elevating myself, it's just an example) does not give me the right to harshly scold a person who is here to understand with good will.

He is not an infiltrated troll, but he has good intentions, seems honest and sincere and therefore deserves support, help and understanding. This absolutely does not mean tolerating every humanly incorrect thing that is proposed by the user, it simply means finding the best way to help someone. :)

(I'm not referring to your answer, in fact I think you explained the concept in the simplest and clearest way possible, I'm speaking in general)
Okay, I’m gonna sound like an ass and you won’t like it but here’s my response.

You really went to Harvard, huh? You can kiss ass to your jewish “professors” and your 90% “scientific” “researchers” for all I care about.

Reality is reality.
There’s no such thing as changing genders.
You can call me a “wignat” (you’re creating new terms to call people now, lucky for you I have no idea what a wignat is.)
Or say I have “medical pretentiousness”.
Don't worry, I don't take things personally, and no, you're not an ass, just completely misunderstanding my intentions.
Fortunately not Harvard, it's too jewish. All the info I take in is something I analyze myself, never said I respected any jewish professors, just stating stats so you know the playing field.
You can say "kiss ass to jewish professors" but all the shit you were taught in basic formal education also relies on that information so either you stay a "dumb goy" or you make the best use of that information according to your own morals.
you took the word pills out of context and built a strawman fallacy out of this to appear oh so scientifically superior. This has been your approach in your long ass response.
Just emotional nonsense trying to take the scientific high ground and appear oh so accepting and also super medical and scietnific. 🤓 While saying absolutely nothing of substance.
It's not a strawman, being genetically trans and being genetically depressed is the same thing conceptually, it was a necessary example for the need of maintaining meds (hormones, antidepressants) in chronic conditions. (I was talking about the biologically trans people)
Explaining misconceptions associated with this environment that pushes absolutist views about gender is not exactly "nothing of substance", I don't see the reason for it to be categorized as such.

"emotional nonsense" is ironically what you are exacerbating currently, your ideology relies around impalpable dogma like the concept of a soul and your own projections of stoicism so let's get rid of the irony. I believe in souls and all of JoS' doctrines too and that's also "emotional nonsense" but it doesn't impair my judgements in regards to this context.

You didn't directly talk about any of the research that validated my points, if you want to have a debate you'll have to engage with both of our sources and argument accordingly.

Gonna be as clear about this as possible; people are going to self harm or even kill themselves if they don't fix the perceived gender incongruence/dyphoria. This is something you can see directly in practice and in statistics. Repress the issues and they'll eventually come crawling out to haunt you. Even 50 year old men with a stable family who repressed this for decades sometimes can't take it anymore.

(didn't even mean to target you in my first reply, the other guy had the "wignat" absolutist mindset so there really isn't a reason for your vulgarity towards me.)
negative illusions
This is why basically saying "bro just fix your delusions" is hurtful advice. It makes them feel misunderstood and pushes them even closer to the edge. How do you know what a delusion is for someone? Are you emotionally qualified to talk about it? Do you realize that people can literally harm themselves because of such bad advice?
Compassion and understanding are needed for giving mental health advice and people with "stoic" attitudes can defensively repress their own misery and can also appropriate that tendency to others.
Giving people advice according to your own morals makes you feel better about yourself (easy dopamine farming) but not everyone has had the same experiences as you and it can be extremely harmful misappropriating VULNERABLE individuals.

It's not about scientific high ground, I'm just trying not to make groundless claims BASED ON IDEOLOGY INSTEAD OF ACTUAL FACTS.
Even if you have access to research outcomes most people don't have the ability to actually evaluate that data or will project their own perspective onto it.
When COVID-19 happened all actual researchers knew the CDC was talking bullshit so don't try to argue that there are only jewish researchers.
AFAIK HPHC said he did some work-related and personal research for a couple of years himself and obviously, he's a SS and not a jew.
Serious question, can you have a womb as a trans “person”?
No one ever disputed the fact that trans people won't be able to bear children in the near future.
The point is to stabilize the individual (make them feel alright with themselves and stop any self harm tendencies), not to mutilate them.
I know there are people who are born hermaphrodites and actually trans where they might have aspects of two reproductive organs, it’s a genetic illness at this point, those are like 0.001% of a population and I never saw a case of this in real life neither on the internet nor in real life, it’s really rare, people with Down syndrome are more common than this.

However this wasn’t even what my reply was towards, I’m talking in the modern context of trans culture, people cutting their dicks off or women getting a plastic dick and cutting their breasts off. This is what I identify as trans, or even people who are perfectly natural as a male or female and say I “identify” as an Apache Helicopter and my new name is R2-D2 or whatever.
That is totally fair and I didn't mean to defend delusions regarding gender, I simply wanted to defend biologically trans individuals and explain their differences since most aren't civilized enough to be impartial regarding it. Genital mutilation is not something I support.
Please try not to act so high and mighty and so scientific, woke, and medical, when you’ve agreed with like 80% of our words but still stick to a narrative that’s been pushed onto you.

It’s sad to see what our academia has become like and great and educated people all over the world have to get choked with “gender studies” instead of learning something that has actual fucking value. Good thing I’m not in the west or in Ivy league anything I can’t handle dealing with this BS and jewry on a daily basis and call it science.
I don't "stick to narratives", I critically evaluate information according to my own standards so don't project and generalize me by assigning me the buzzword of "woke".

80% of the words in this thread amount to just projecting "there are 2 genders, you're objectively wrong and delusional if you feel otherwise" and I certainly did not agree with that absolutist view. When HPHC is talking about GD he's talking about the delusional majority and not the minority that has biological markers of the opposite sex.

I do agree that academia has turned to shit but "great" and "educated" academia was always filled with jews like ein((stein)) etc. so do with that what you will.

It's a societal problem, blaming it all on "gender studies" is just delusional since we have a lot of people having identity issues and research for that is also needed, however, it's one of the easy ways to get a PhD so most unqualified people do it and their garbage gets recycled into the new academic curriculums. Social science is especially like that and filled with jews.

If there's anything you should take from this reply it should be the thing marked in green as many people seem to not give a shit about the impact of GD and dismissiveness by others on the afflicted's well-being. Impartiality and critical thinking, not "woke"ism.
Don't worry, I don't take things personally, and no, you're not an ass, just completely misunderstanding my intentions.
Fortunately not Harvard, it's too jewish. All the info I take in is something I analyze myself, never said I respected any jewish professors, just stating stats so you know the playing field.
You can say "kiss ass to jewish professors" but all the shit you were taught in basic formal education also relies on that information so either you stay a "dumb goy" or you make the best use of that information according to your own morals.

It's not a strawman, being genetically trans and being genetically depressed is the same thing conceptually, it was a necessary example for the need of maintaining meds (hormones, antidepressants) in chronic conditions. (I was talking about the biologically trans people)
Explaining misconceptions associated with this environment that pushes absolutist views about gender is not exactly "nothing of substance", I don't see the reason for it to be categorized as such.

"emotional nonsense" is ironically what you are exacerbating currently, your ideology relies around impalpable dogma like the concept of a soul and your own projections of stoicism so let's get rid of the irony. I believe in souls and all of JoS' doctrines too and that's also "emotional nonsense" but it doesn't impair my judgements in regards to this context.

You didn't directly talk about any of the research that validated my points, if you want to have a debate you'll have to engage with both of our sources and argument accordingly.

Gonna be as clear about this as possible; people are going to self harm or even kill themselves if they don't fix the perceived gender incongruence/dyphoria. This is something you can see directly in practice and in statistics. Repress the issues and they'll eventually come crawling out to haunt you. Even 50 year old men with a stable family who repressed this for decades sometimes can't take it anymore.

(didn't even mean to target you in my first reply, the other guy had the "wignat" absolutist mindset so there really isn't a reason for your vulgarity towards me.)

This is why basically saying "bro just fix your delusions" is hurtful advice. It makes them feel misunderstood and pushes them even closer to the edge. How do you know what a delusion is for someone? Are you emotionally qualified to talk about it? Do you realize that people can literally harm themselves because of such bad advice?
Compassion and understanding are needed for giving mental health advice and people with "stoic" attitudes can defensively repress their own misery and can also appropriate that tendency to others.
Giving people advice according to your own morals makes you feel better about yourself (easy dopamine farming) but not everyone has had the same experiences as you and it can be extremely harmful misappropriating VULNERABLE individuals.

It's not about scientific high ground, I'm just trying not to make groundless claims BASED ON IDEOLOGY INSTEAD OF ACTUAL FACTS.
Even if you have access to research outcomes most people don't have the ability to actually evaluate that data or will project their own perspective onto it.
When COVID-19 happened all actual researchers knew the CDC was talking bullshit so don't try to argue that there are only jewish researchers.
AFAIK HPHC said he did some work-related and personal research for a couple of years himself and obviously, he's a SS and not a jew.

No one ever disputed the fact that trans people won't be able to bear children in the near future.
The point is to stabilize the individual (make them feel alright with themselves and stop any self harm tendencies), not to mutilate them.

That is totally fair and I didn't mean to defend delusions regarding gender, I simply wanted to defend biologically trans individuals and explain their differences since most aren't civilized enough to be impartial regarding it. Genital mutilation is not something I support.

I don't "stick to narratives", I critically evaluate information according to my own standards so don't project and generalize me by assigning me the buzzword of "woke".

80% of the words in this thread amount to just projecting "there are 2 genders, you're objectively wrong and delusional if you feel otherwise" and I certainly did not agree with that absolutist view. When HPHC is talking about GD he's talking about the delusional majority and not the minority that has biological markers of the opposite sex.

I do agree that academia has turned to shit but "great" and "educated" academia was always filled with jews like ein((stein)) etc. so do with that what you will.

It's a societal problem, blaming it all on "gender studies" is just delusional since we have a lot of people having identity issues and research for that is also needed, however, it's one of the easy ways to get a PhD so most unqualified people do it and their garbage gets recycled into the new academic curriculums. Social science is especially like that and filled with jews.

If there's anything you should take from this reply it should be the thing marked in green as many people seem to not give a shit about the impact of GD and dismissiveness by others on the afflicted's well-being. Impartiality and critical thinking, not "woke"ism.
Okay first of all I think you need to read the sermons by HP HC that Seguace mentioned, as they explain this situation much better than me.

I believe that gender dysphoria is not fixed by transgenderism. No different than body dysphoria can be fixed by anabolic steroids or Ozempic. You can argue that they might make the person feel more comfortable with their dysphoria, however that’s a trick. They actually intensify the problem, cause dysphoria themselves, and are what causes ill health and death, same as transgenderism.

And yes there are only two genders, I know that to be 100% the truth, I’m not talking about genetic, or chromosomal mutations, but normal day-to-day human beings.

Let me tell you a story, that might or might not explain my POV and why I feel so strongly about the subject.

I have prominent water in my chart. I love art, romance, music, and have a VIVID imagination.

When I was in third grade and I was like 7 or 8 these tendencies manifested in fantasies and honestly delusions, however I was a kid so it was natural.

I adored cartoons like Adventure Time, Generator Rex, Ben Ten.

However Adventure time was so near and dear to me that I was 100% convinced I was Finn and that these episodes were just me in an alternate reality and my physical me wasn’t actually real, the real me was Finn the Human.

One day I discovered Fiona and Cake the gender bender versions of the same charcters.

I just loved Fiona, how strong she was, attractive, blonde, adventurous, and has a cute cat.

I wanted to be HER. I wanted it more than anything. I started thinking that I’m actually Fionna, and that I’m really a girl just stuck in this physical body.

I started walking like a girl, talking like her, and maybe try to be a bit girly.

Back then I was prime real estate for all these gender studies, jews, transgenderism nonsense to infest. I’m 100% sure if I knew when I was such a young, naive, imaginative kid that there was something as “muh gendar identity” and some doctor told me I could be like Fionna and maybe get a new name and identity and tits while I’m at it I would’ve signed up.

I’ve grown up now, I found Joy of Satan, I realized and learned more about myself. That I can have feminine energies and interests, as well as masculine ones, and be who I really am which is a man who loves the occult, art, music, poetry, romance, psychic abilities, etc.

I hate football, soccer, and I don’t care for cars. I’m not an average “male” by society standards but I’m who I am.

Growing up I felt very different from all the guys around me, my interests were very different, sometimes I got bullied for that and I felt alone. I was bored of being a guy sometimes, Sometimes I thought that maybe if I was a girl everything would be good and I could be me or whatever.

However, I’ve learned through Satan, I’m me and I’m awesome, cool, and unique. Wildly attractive too, for the right person and I should also embrace my masculine side and become my own kind of man.

Gender dysphoria like any identity issues should be solved like this, the push for transgenderism is just a ploy to destroy people and ruin them permanently.

I can understand why outsiders who are without fall to all this but as SS we know better, we’re not repressed, Satan liberates us, so we should help liberate our own as well, not sugar coat stuff to them to be “nice” and supportive so they don’t go kill themselves. I don’t care about being nice. I hate nice people. I want to be real and I want real people, they hurt, but they make us grow either way.
I understand your doubts. And you are right to ask and express what you think, for this reason I would like to give you the most complete answer possible regarding what you said about me, I hope it can help to clarify the situation. :)

This is why basically saying "bro just fix your delusions" is hurtful advice.

In fact I have NEVER used an expression like that or even a tone remotely similar. I really understand what you're saying, don't worry, but I'm extremely sure that the most destructive thing for someone is not to help them understand the right thing to do, but to delude them and let them suffer consequences just because hurting their feelings is painful for them .

If you discover that a person has a bad cancer (it's an extreme EXAMPLE, it's not a comparison), you don't avoid taking care of him just because if he found out about his situation, he would despair. Try to be realistic to really help him. We need to face reality. The dream world is beautiful, but when do you live?

It makes them feel misunderstood and pushes them even closer to the edge

I truly understand what the user is going through. I have never used a cold, detached attitude where I imposed facts on him and he had to accept them regardless of what he is going through. I didn't say anything like "stop it" or "get it over with." But if you truly understand a person and the difficulties they are going through, you understand the whole thing, not just half the problem. That's never been my way.

How do you know what a delusion is for someone?

Delusion is an objective situation. You can feel like a superhero as a child and grow up still feeling like a superhero, or not grow up at all like those adults who identify as babies and act like babies by wearing diapers and stuff (yes, they exist). I'm not a fan of the abrupt method of shoving reality in the face of the people who need to be helped, I much prefer to explain that they should slowly start to slow down and show different paths before they hit the same wall of reality anyway.

Are you emotionally qualified to talk about it?

No, I'm not. Precisely for this reason my method has always been compassion and understanding, and NEVER contempt. I have great faith in the potential of the people who for one reason or another find themselves here (except infiltrated Jews or infiltrated trolls).

This is why I always try to be as available as possible to evaluate, manage and understand the situation. I can make mistakes, sometimes I can say something that is not the right one and this is why I often prefer to quote already existing statements.

This does not eliminate my possibility of error, but precisely because I want to give the most useful answer possible, I think it is right to help those who show good will and a pure and honest heart like this user we are talking about.

And often I don't just quote other writings, but I introduce what I quote with a way of putting those who find themselves in difficult and already painful situations at ease.

Do you realize that people can literally harm themselves because of such bad advice?

However, I also realize that it is much more potentially harmful to encourage behaviors that are in themselves unproductive, negative and hindering. And I am aware of the risks of telling things like they are. This is another real reason behind understanding that I frequently use: to slowly support the person to go through the period rather than pushing them and perhaps making them fall so that they hurt themselves. Obviously in a limited way to my concrete abilities. This includes my likelihood of being wrong.

Compassion and understanding are needed for giving mental health advice and people with "stoic" attitudes can defensively repress their own misery and can also appropriate that tendency to others.

Honestly, I don't think I lack these kinds of values. I could literally take several hours out of my day sacrificing some of my needs if it would even be of little use in trying to help one person here. For most of the answers I write and that someone reads in a few minutes or seconds, I actually spend several hours writing them. And this applies to a single answer which can take me a really long time to search for the right quotes, check the translation from Italian, review everything to publish the best thing at that moment. I really don't think I lack these values.

Giving people advice according to your own morals makes you feel better about yourself

In my relationships with others, that is when I try to help someone, even in life outside of forums with friends and acquaintances, although I have always done my best, I have NEVER thought not even in a single case, in the most distant way, about personal gain.

And no, I've never even gotten personal gain from what I do, because I've never been interested in that kind of thing. Not once and not even unconsciously did I rub my hands fantasizing about a possible emotional reward. For me the ultimate goal is not the reward, the ultimate goal is to do the right thing. I've never been able to explain this in words, but it's like my natural tendency to do good things. I don't know how to express the concept better.

I'm so focused on this natural personal tendency that I don't even want to think about rewards. Obviously I do useful things for myself by meditating, training, studying. But they are always things that come from my efforts.

but not everyone has had the same experiences as you and it can be extremely harmful misappropriating VULNERABLE individuals.

Precisely for this reason I often share my testimonies of real personal experiences that happen to me in several of my answers. To make my point of view which I have experience understood, and NOT to forcefully impose it.

I hope now everything will be clear. :D

I haven't read the rest of the things you wrote to dear MercuryWisdom, and I admit that I won't read the same reply to them, I apologize for this, but I don't have time.
Seeing a lot of wignat takes so I'll be a bit more mature here since I've researched more about this. John money wanted to prove that gender is learned instead of inherent, which he failed to do. This doesn't mean that being "trans is mental illness" because some people are biologically feeling like the opposite gender; brain scans show that trans people's brains can develop the structure of their opposite gender's brain. If one twin is transgender there is also a disproportionally high chance the other is trans too and vice versa. The reasons for comorbidity of mental illness in trans individuals is obvious, if you were raised in the "wrong" gender then you're obviously going to be mentally ill, where's your logic here? No one said that cutting people's genitals off was inherently right and I wouldn't necessarily support that but you should do your research instead of misrepresenting studies. It's obvious that the whole gender stuff is getting promoted by jews a lot but doesn't invalidate the fact that there are people who simply are biologically trans. Modern academia is jewish in the first place, give me a major contributor to modern psychological theory who isn't a jew. (90% of them are all jews)

How is physiopsychological incongruence a delusion now? There can be some comorbidity between gender dysphoria and delusional disorders but you're generalizing them to appear in every case of gender dysphoria which is simply not true lol. Both are distinct diagnoses.

The desire to switch genders is a natural "escapism" response to adverse experiences (especially with female rape victims who have a complex to ruin their bodies so no other man tries to hurt them) and I agree that they represent gender dysphoria diagnoses the most, they wouldn't be what you'd call biologically trans, that doesn't mean that there aren't people WITHOUT other mental disorders who are indeed developing brains of the opposite gender. GD diagnosis inherently includes people who are traumatized and "delusional", you're overgeneralizing and misinterpreting statistics without taking their factors into consideration.

There's much evidence for transhood to be genetic/biological AND psychological, it's muddled waters to claim either as 100% true.

muhhh jewish science https://doi.org/10.1080/15532739.2013.750222

Yeah, that's also why you should be wary of misinterpreting "actual" trans people as hysterics because that often happens here.

This is correct for the people who think they are trans but biologically aren't. We both can't be 100% sure how biological predisposition to be trans works out on a soul level.

There's people with genetic depression, are you going to tell them to stop their meds too?

Slightly disappointed at the amount of unqualified medical pretentiousness in this thread.

And to OP, you could be having that instinctive desire to switch genders because of adverse experiences BUT you could also have GD out of biological factors or simply just your own will. You need to know about that difference if you're serious and talk with someone actually unbiased. I hope you'll research more studies on this since you said you're studying medicine.
I have studied neuroscience in-depth this study is nonsense, it uses a made up term "gender-specific activity" for brain activity, I can tell you there is categorically no such thing as gender specific brain activity, furthermore conflating brain activity with morphological and structural differences is once more nonsense, the sample size is tiny, by using the term "gender-specific activity" the researchers presupposes the brain activity as being due to "gender" which they did not establish as fact in the paper or in any of the cited literature.

The reason those with gender dysphoria are more likely to have twins with gender dysphoria is because if one twin suffers childhood trauma it stands to reason that the other twin will aswell, not due to some nonsensical "gender brainwaves".

There is also no such thing as genetic depression, there is only depression it has one of two causes: psychological or physiological, the vast majority of physiological cases are caused by a TBI be it from blunt force trauma or drug use, I have in fact never even heard of someone who is "genetically depressed" though there is of course the possibility is exists but the frequency would be vanishingly small relative to the wider depressed population.

You state you are disappointed with the unqualified medical pretentiousness but even a basic understanding of neuroscience would have shown you that the linked study is nonsense but just in case your in doubt I will provide an example.

"There is Soy-specific activity in the brain, this will be measured by strapping electrodes to subjects and presenting them with soy-stimulations such as funkopops, cuck porn and reddit updoots, we have then selected the subjects who call themselves woke as those who will represent the baseline of what we consider Soy-specific brain activity and compare it to the baseline population when presented with the same stimuli, and thus if we can establish some form of correlation of brain activity we have isolated the Soy-wave brain action"

Notice the problem? By establishing brain activity as being caused by or dependent upon an x-factor without first establishing causality you can essentially say anything causes anything, its a literal example of correlation does not equal causation. Would a trans subject have a similar brain activity response as a gay man to homosexual porn? Based off this study if they would that would be established as gender-specific activity, but thats nonsense a woman and bisexual and gay man would all likely have a similar response and this isn't even going into detail about how unreliable measuring brain activity is for establishing individual response, does that mean bisexual men are trans? are hetrosexual women trans?

And if I am wrong tell me in no uncertain terms what is "female brain activity" "male brain activity" and "trans brain activity" and how precisely was the associated brain activity established as being related to sex or gender and not other possible factors?

We can literally measure homosexuality in structural differences in homosexual men's brains, meanwhile we can measure trans identity by severity of childhood abuse, clearly you can see how one is psychological and the other is physiological?

The overwhelming amount of "trans people" were abused as children or at least suffered a noticeable trauma, thats not genetic, or natural its a trauma response like every other form of dysphoria.
I don’t care about being nice. I hate nice people.
I think you actually meant to say "condescending", since being "nice" is someone who simply likes to treat others well. I say this because you seem to mistakenly imply that you like to be treated badly (at least that's how I see it, it's probably just a misinterpretation).
I think you actually meant to say "condescending", since being "nice" is someone who simply likes to treat others well. I say this because you seem to mistakenly imply that you like to be treated badly (at least that's how I see it, it's probably just a misinterpretation).
I had nice under quotations. I believe in treating others well, not everyone though and not in every situation.

Maybe I meant I hate sweet talkers, who just have to support everyone and be an AI supportive, “you go gurl” type of person.

If I’m being delusional and actually mentally ill I would want people to wake me the fuck up and make me rethink my choices, not people who would tell me embrace your insanity.

It would hurt to hear it from them, and I might hate them and think they suck, no one likes to get their bubble burst. But then I would think, and maybe I co
I had nice under quotations. I believe in treating others well, not everyone though and not in every situation.

Maybe I meant I hate sweet talkers, who just have to support everyone and be an AI supportive, “you go gurl” type of person.

If I’m being delusional and actually mentally ill I would want people to wake me the fuck up and make me rethink my choices, not people who would tell me embrace your insanity.

It would hurt to hear it from them, and I might hate them and think they suck, no one likes to get their bubble burst. But then I would think, and maybe I co
And maybe I could be wrong and revise my ways of thinking.

Damn post reply button’s getting pressed by accident a lot lately.
I have studied neuroscience in-depth this study is nonsense, it uses a made up term "gender-specific activity" for brain activity, I can tell you there is categorically no such thing as gender specific brain activity, furthermore conflating brain activity with morphological and structural differences is once more nonsense, the sample size is tiny, by using the term "gender-specific activity" the researchers presupposes the brain activity as being due to "gender" which they did not establish as fact in the paper or in any of the cited literature.

The reason those with gender dysphoria are more likely to have twins with gender dysphoria is because if one twin suffers childhood trauma it stands to reason that the other twin will aswell, not due to some nonsensical "gender brainwaves".

There is also no such thing as genetic depression, there is only depression it has one of two causes: psychological or physiological, the vast majority of physiological cases are caused by a TBI be it from blunt force trauma or drug use, I have in fact never even heard of someone who is "genetically depressed" though there is of course the possibility is exists but the frequency would be vanishingly small relative to the wider depressed population.

You state you are disappointed with the unqualified medical pretentiousness but even a basic understanding of neuroscience would have shown you that the linked study is nonsense but just in case your in doubt I will provide an example.

"There is Soy-specific activity in the brain, this will be measured by strapping electrodes to subjects and presenting them with soy-stimulations such as funkopops, cuck porn and reddit updoots, we have then selected the subjects who call themselves woke as those who will represent the baseline of what we consider Soy-specific brain activity and compare it to the baseline population when presented with the same stimuli, and thus if we can establish some form of correlation of brain activity we have isolated the Soy-wave brain action"

Notice the problem? By establishing brain activity as being caused by or dependent upon an x-factor without first establishing causality you can essentially say anything causes anything, its a literal example of correlation does not equal causation. Would a trans subject have a similar brain activity response as a gay man to homosexual porn? Based off this study if they would that would be established as gender-specific activity, but thats nonsense a woman and bisexual and gay man would all likely have a similar response and this isn't even going into detail about how unreliable measuring brain activity is for establishing individual response, does that mean bisexual men are trans? are hetrosexual women trans?

And if I am wrong tell me in no uncertain terms what is "female brain activity" "male brain activity" and "trans brain activity" and how precisely was the associated brain activity established as being related to sex or gender and not other possible factors?

We can literally measure homosexuality in structural differences in homosexual men's brains, meanwhile we can measure trans identity by severity of childhood abuse, clearly you can see how one is psychological and the other is physiological?

The overwhelming amount of "trans people" were abused as children or at least suffered a noticeable trauma, thats not genetic, or natural its a trauma response like every other form of dysphoria.
Most of your arguments are oversimplifications, you say the paper doesn't have the required sources while you yourself quote none, if I had to trust someone it'd be a peer-reviewed paper and not the words of someone who seemingly oversimplifies neurobiology and other multifaceted disciplines and whose educational background I can't prove or deny.
There is also no such thing as genetic depression, there is only depression it has one of two causes: psychological or physiological, the vast majority of physiological cases are caused by a TBI be it from blunt force trauma or drug use, I have in fact never even heard of someone who is "genetically depressed" though there is of course the possibility is exists but the frequency would be vanishingly small relative to the wider depressed population.
You first say that "there is no such thing" and then you say that "there is the possibility that it exists". I never claimed it to over-represent depressed populations, I simply stated that a genetic component does exist (which was proven by countless meta-analyses e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11007705/)
Yes, even most people with a high heritability/genetic component of depression need a psychosocial trigger but it can sometimes be chronic or develop out of nowhere i.e. genetic dysthymia/persistent depressive disorder would be a better description for those cases but it isn't studied as much/there's not much literature on it so it isn't exactly definitive.
I have studied neuroscience in-depth this study is nonsense, it uses a made up term "gender-specific activity" for brain activity, I can tell you there is categorically no such thing as gender specific brain activity, furthermore conflating brain activity with morphological and structural differences is once more nonsense, the sample size is tiny, by using the term "gender-specific activity" the researchers presupposes the brain activity as being due to "gender" which they did not establish as fact in the paper or in any of the cited literature.

The reason those with gender dysphoria are more likely to have twins with gender dysphoria is because if one twin suffers childhood trauma it stands to reason that the other twin will aswell, not due to some nonsensical "gender brainwaves".

You state you are disappointed with the unqualified medical pretentiousness but even a basic understanding of neuroscience would have shown you that the linked study is nonsense but just in case your in doubt I will provide an example.

"There is Soy-specific activity in the brain, this will be measured by strapping electrodes to subjects and presenting them with soy-stimulations such as funkopops, cuck porn and reddit updoots, we have then selected the subjects who call themselves woke as those who will represent the baseline of what we consider Soy-specific brain activity and compare it to the baseline population when presented with the same stimuli, and thus if we can establish some form of correlation of brain activity we have isolated the Soy-wave brain action"

Notice the problem? By establishing brain activity as being caused by or dependent upon an x-factor without first establishing causality you can essentially say anything causes anything, its a literal example of correlation does not equal causation. Would a trans subject have a similar brain activity response as a gay man to homosexual porn? Based off this study if they would that would be established as gender-specific activity, but thats nonsense a woman and bisexual and gay man would all likely have a similar response and this isn't even going into detail about how unreliable measuring brain activity is for establishing individual response, does that mean bisexual men are trans? are hetrosexual women trans?

And if I am wrong tell me in no uncertain terms what is "female brain activity" "male brain activity" and "trans brain activity" and how precisely was the associated brain activity established as being related to sex or gender and not other possible factors?
You're reaching and misrepresenting a lot here. The study on transgender brains is not claiming that gender identity is entirely genetic or solely biological, but that neurobiological differences can play a role in shaping gender identity. It was never implied that the evidence is definitive but that a link could have been been established.
"gender brainwaves".
Nice strawman, this has nothing to do with brainwaves lol do you think an fMRI is for measuring neural oscillations?
"There is Soy-specific activity in the brain, this will be measured by strapping electrodes to subjects and presenting them with soy-stimulations such as funkopops, cuck porn and reddit updoots, we have then selected the subjects who call themselves woke as those who will represent the baseline of what we consider Soy-specific brain activity and compare it to the baseline population when presented with the same stimuli, and thus if we can establish some form of correlation of brain activity we have isolated the Soy-wave brain action"

Notice the problem? By establishing brain activity as being caused by or dependent upon an x-factor without first establishing causality you can essentially say anything causes anything, its a literal example of correlation does not equal causation. Would a trans subject have a similar brain activity response as a gay man to homosexual porn? Based off this study if they would that would be established as gender-specific activity, but thats nonsense a woman and bisexual and gay man would all likely have a similar response and this isn't even going into detail about how unreliable measuring brain activity is for establishing individual response, does that mean bisexual men are trans? are hetrosexual women trans?
Bit of a strawman in the first part but you are 100% correct with the methodological need to establish causality. Most of the research currently is just trying to figure that out but it would be unreasonable to completely dismiss findings because that.

There is a reason for passing peer-review and also being published in a scientific news site; if neuroscience was so easy then we'd already know everything about the brain.... yet many things still remain a mystery.

i.e. it's a WELL-KNOWN methodological limitation of neuroscience research, you shouldn't be exactly surprised by the lack of knowledge about direct causation if you have experience in the field.
it uses a made up term "gender-specific activity" for brain activity, I can tell you there is categorically no such thing as gender specific brain activity, furthermore conflating brain activity with morphological and structural differences is once more nonsense, the sample size is tiny, by using the term "gender-specific activity" the researchers presupposes the brain activity as being due to "gender" which they did not establish as fact in the paper or in any of the cited literature.
"gender-specific activity" in the context of the study is referring to brain activation patterns that differ between males and females in response to specific stimuli (pheromones or certain cognitive tasks (e.g., spatial memory)) It's true that there's no concrete term for "gender-specific" but the concept of gender-related differences in brain activity (NOT FUCKING BRAINWAVES BUT FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY) is well-documented in neuroscience. i.e. males and females often have different patterns of brain activation in areas related to spatial tasks, emotional processing, and sensory input.

If you have studied neuroscience then how come you are not aware of this? The fact that people who grew up as females or males have fundamentally differing brain responses for certain stimuli is neuroscience 101. Either you're trolling or just had an extremely bad education on this specific topic since some of your methodological concerns are valid.
We can literally measure homosexuality in structural differences in homosexual men's brains, meanwhile we can measure trans identity by severity of childhood abuse, clearly you can see how one is psychological and the other is physiological?
What are you even talking about? Clearly, being homosexual and being trans both have their own neurostructural markers. Both can have psychological and physiological markers. "by the severity of childhood abuse"? both homosexuals and trans individuals are statistically more exposed to sexual abuse than the baseline population; what point are you even trying to make?
The overwhelming amount of "trans people" were abused as children or at least suffered a noticeable trauma, thats not genetic, or natural its a trauma response like every other form of dysphoria.
did you even read the things I talked about in my posts here aside from the study? I have clearly outlined a fundamental difference between "trans people" and physiologically trans people.

I understand your doubts. And you are right to ask and express what you think, for this reason I would like to give you the most complete answer possible regarding what you said about me, I hope it can help to clarify the situation. :)
I always see that you do care a lot about replying to people, most of your replies are very drawn out and extensive. It seems to me that you have a need to explain yourself extensively and it directs me to believe that you are compensating for a sense of lack of self-worth or any other trauma/lack of affection during childhood, excuse me if this is not the case but it just feels to me that way. If you lack support in your life then please never be ashamed of reaching out to others for support, most people who try to help others do so because they feel a need to compensate for an internal lack. In my reply I didn't specifically target you, I was attempting to make people aware of the fact that advice based on ideology can be damaging. You personally didn't make any mistakes so please don't misunderstand, I never meant to try to "lecture" you, I don't think that you give "bad advice" or are an emotionally unqualified person, from what I'm seeing you are a pretty empathetic and understanding person.

In the end we are all still humans and do make mistakes, that includes me too.
I haven't read the rest of the things you wrote to dear MercuryWisdom, and I admit that I won't read the same reply to them, I apologize for this, but I don't have time.
Very understandable, I feel the same way here, it's a lot of stuff to reply to and to be honest I can't read most parts of your comments too so I may have a lack of understanding about your full intentions sometimes.

I believe that gender dysphoria is not fixed by transgenderism. No different than body dysphoria can be fixed by anabolic steroids or Ozempic. You can argue that they might make the person feel more comfortable with their dysphoria, however that’s a trick. They actually intensify the problem, cause dysphoria themselves, and are what causes ill health and death, same as transgenderism.

And yes there are only two genders, I know that to be 100% the truth, I’m not talking about genetic, or chromosomal mutations, but normal day-to-day human beings.

Let me tell you a story, that might or might not explain my POV and why I feel so strongly about the subject.

I have prominent water in my chart. I love art, romance, music, and have a VIVID imagination.

When I was in third grade and I was like 7 or 8 these tendencies manifested in fantasies and honestly delusions, however I was a kid so it was natural.

I adored cartoons like Adventure Time, Generator Rex, Ben Ten.

However Adventure time was so near and dear to me that I was 100% convinced I was Finn and that these episodes were just me in an alternate reality and my physical me wasn’t actually real, the real me was Finn the Human.

One day I discovered Fiona and Cake the gender bender versions of the same charcters.

I just loved Fiona, how strong she was, attractive, blonde, adventurous, and has a cute cat.

I wanted to be HER. I wanted it more than anything. I started thinking that I’m actually Fionna, and that I’m really a girl just stuck in this physical body.

I started walking like a girl, talking like her, and maybe try to be a bit girly.

Back then I was prime real estate for all these gender studies, jews, transgenderism nonsense to infest. I’m 100% sure if I knew when I was such a young, naive, imaginative kid that there was something as “muh gendar identity” and some doctor told me I could be like Fionna and maybe get a new name and identity and tits while I’m at it I would’ve signed up.

I’ve grown up now, I found Joy of Satan, I realized and learned more about myself. That I can have feminine energies and interests, as well as masculine ones, and be who I really am which is a man who loves the occult, art, music, poetry, romance, psychic abilities, etc.

I hate football, soccer, and I don’t care for cars. I’m not an average “male” by society standards but I’m who I am.

Growing up I felt very different from all the guys around me, my interests were very different, sometimes I got bullied for that and I felt alone. I was bored of being a guy sometimes, Sometimes I thought that maybe if I was a girl everything would be good and I could be me or whatever.

However, I’ve learned through Satan, I’m me and I’m awesome, cool, and unique. Wildly attractive too, for the right person and I should also embrace my masculine side and become my own kind of man.

Gender dysphoria like any identity issues should be solved like this, the push for transgenderism is just a ploy to destroy people and ruin them permanently.
It's good that you learned how to constructively deal with those feminine interests and tendencies, the end goal is to be satisfied with YOURSELF after all, it's not about changing yourself to fit any delusions. As always, I'd also disagree with doctors telling vulnerable adolescents "wooaah look, you can have tits and be a cute girl" without then telling them that they'll never be "actual" women. Trust me, I'm also extremely concerned about all of the "gender conforming" medical care, especially regarding children.

To me, it's less about physical sex but more about feminine/masculine energy, anyone can express it in their own ways and people don't have to "become trans to feel satisfied with themselves if they have more energy of the opposite sex.

For me it's about "just be yourself" i.e. "don't force yourself to be trans if you aren't."
Maybe I meant I hate sweet talkers, who just have to support everyone and be an AI supportive, “you go gurl” type of person.

If I’m being delusional and actually mentally ill I would want people to wake me the fuck up and make me rethink my choices, not people who would tell me embrace your insanity.

It would hurt to hear it from them, and I might hate them and think they suck, no one likes to get their bubble burst. But then I would think
maybe I could be wrong and revise my ways of thinking.
Everyone hates those, including me. But when you're in an environment where genuine kindness is uncommon you can start to confuse genuine advice with "slayyy queeen" aka. shitty and uninformed advice based on social perception.
I always see that you do care a lot about replying to people, most of your replies are very drawn out and extensive. It seems to me that you have a need to explain yourself extensively

Yes, I do write a lot. But this is mostly due to my tendency to be precise and not leave anything to chance. Many who write on the forum are in serious situations, others are not, but in any case if someone asks for help, here or elsewhere, it is because it is important to that person. So when I decide to answer someone to help the person, I am also taking on a very big responsibility.

Giving a wrong answer or a missing part of an incomplete answer that can mislead someone, lead them astray and distract them from the Truth ("SATYA" on which Satanism is based) can really cause damage to the person, answering on this forum correctly involves a sense of responsibility, and also the ability to take a step back and say: "yes, I was wrong" when you are corrected, without fixating on the idea that "you must be right because your little ego would be hurt".

This type of positive humility is included in the sense of responsibility I was talking about. I decided to help someone, so if I agree to do it I must also know how to do it. No one forces me to respond to topics, if I am not able to understand and accept the right behavior then I can also turn off my cell phone/computer and do other things. "Responsibility to the responsible" said HPS Maxine Dietrich.

I am helping people, I am not trying to do more harm, so I must be responsible and be clear, precise, humble, understanding and compassionate. This also has practical utility as well as emotional, I have noticed that people tend to listen to you better when you make them feel comfortable. It is not necessarily always like this, but certainly "abusing", "accusing", "insults", "deriding", etc. does not lead to anything positive for one's goals of supporting others, and are really low-value ways of being.

I did not start in Satanism at the level I am now. I was the most idiotic of Satanists probably at the beginning or something like that. I remember this and I thank the Gods for having invested in me. Precisely because I remember this I know how important it is for a person who still doesn't know many things to be understood with answers as precise as possible.

I would have wanted the same in that initial period. I didn't have it because in my early stages I didn't like to talk about my journey much, or write in forums, so I just lived it only with myself. But I wouldn't have wanted someone to tell me: "you idiot, try to find your senses because you're only irritating me, things are just like this". It's a really extreme example of something that fortunately NEVER happens anywhere, but it manages to make the sense of what I'm saying clear.

But, look, even if it never happens here on the forum, in my life outside the forum I have seen it happen frequently, people who only know how to get angry without explaining anything. Without understanding anything.

And yes, I had self-esteem crises. But they presented themselves in the opposite way to what you said. I could never respond to someone (at least in the forum, because Satanism is something very serious) to help them concretely because I always felt, due to the abuse of others in the family and "on the street", as if I were just a burden with my life and incapable of doing anything useful, but tending to only cause damage.

I worked a lot on it together with the girl I love, she believed in me a lot and supported me in many ways, including freeing me from my self-esteem problems and many other even more important things. I thank her very much.

from what I'm seeing you are a pretty empathetic and understanding person

Thank you, I have always felt represented by certain values, knowing that people like you recognize them makes me understand that I have fulfilled myself at least on an attitudinal level. What you are telling me means a lot, thanks again!
It is very important for you to realize that the transgender agenda has very Jewish origins. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-jewish-origins-of-transgenderism.66144/

The body is the manifestation of the soul. You will of course do as you will. But do note that everyone has masculine and feminine energy and being more masculine as a woman and being more feminine as a man does not mean you are born wrong. As a Butch lesbian people have told me or have asked me my whole life shouldn't you have been born a boy you're so manly etc. how these energies manifest in someone can range and it also depends on their astrological chart. This is not something they ask for. But it does not mean they are born in the wrong body. Just because a boy grows up liking Barbie or because a girl is a tomboy doesn't mean they are trans.

Like many other things in the universe our souls are energy and these energies operate at very specific frequencies. these frequencies manifest our souls into the physical into our bodies and these frequencies thus never change. These frequencies have to do with what sex race gender and orientation we manifest into here in the physical. Changing your body will not change the frequencies of your soul.

Transgenderism IS mental illness. do not listen to people here that tried to tell you otherwise you will regret mutilating your body. many people who go through this quote unquote transition end up committing suicide.

I have compassion for your confusion but I strongly advise you to do the dedication ritual according to the chromosomes you have been assigned. And to meditate on your soul and to do cleaning and removal of blockages to find the truth.
Most of your arguments are oversimplifications, you say the paper doesn't have the required sources while you yourself quote none, if I had to trust someone it'd be a peer-reviewed paper and not the words of someone who seemingly oversimplifies neurobiology and other multifaceted disciplines and whose educational background I can't prove or deny.

You first say that "there is no such thing" and then you say that "there is the possibility that it exists". I never claimed it to over-represent depressed populations, I simply stated that a genetic component does exist (which was proven by countless meta-analyses e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11007705/)
Yes, even most people with a high heritability/genetic component of depression need a psychosocial trigger but it can sometimes be chronic or develop out of nowhere i.e. genetic dysthymia/persistent depressive disorder would be a better description for those cases but it isn't studied as much/there's not much literature on it so it isn't exactly definitive.

You're reaching and misrepresenting a lot here. The study on transgender brains is not claiming that gender identity is entirely genetic or solely biological, but that neurobiological differences can play a role in shaping gender identity. It was never implied that the evidence is definitive but that a link could have been been established.

Nice strawman, this has nothing to do with brainwaves lol do you think an fMRI is for measuring neural oscillations?

Bit of a strawman in the first part but you are 100% correct with the methodological need to establish causality. Most of the research currently is just trying to figure that out but it would be unreasonable to completely dismiss findings because that.

There is a reason for passing peer-review and also being published in a scientific news site; if neuroscience was so easy then we'd already know everything about the brain.... yet many things still remain a mystery.

i.e. it's a WELL-KNOWN methodological limitation of neuroscience research, you shouldn't be exactly surprised by the lack of knowledge about direct causation if you have experience in the field.

"gender-specific activity" in the context of the study is referring to brain activation patterns that differ between males and females in response to specific stimuli (pheromones or certain cognitive tasks (e.g., spatial memory)) It's true that there's no concrete term for "gender-specific" but the concept of gender-related differences in brain activity (NOT FUCKING BRAINWAVES BUT FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY) is well-documented in neuroscience. i.e. males and females often have different patterns of brain activation in areas related to spatial tasks, emotional processing, and sensory input.

If you have studied neuroscience then how come you are not aware of this? The fact that people who grew up as females or males have fundamentally differing brain responses for certain stimuli is neuroscience 101. Either you're trolling or just had an extremely bad education on this specific topic since some of your methodological concerns are valid.

What are you even talking about? Clearly, being homosexual and being trans both have their own neurostructural markers. Both can have psychological and physiological markers. "by the severity of childhood abuse"? both homosexuals and trans individuals are statistically more exposed to sexual abuse than the baseline population; what point are you even trying to make?

did you even read the things I talked about in my posts here aside from the study? I have clearly outlined a fundamental difference between "trans people" and physiologically trans people.

I always see that you do care a lot about replying to people, most of your replies are very drawn out and extensive. It seems to me that you have a need to explain yourself extensively and it directs me to believe that you are compensating for a sense of lack of self-worth or any other trauma/lack of affection during childhood, excuse me if this is not the case but it just feels to me that way. If you lack support in your life then please never be ashamed of reaching out to others for support, most people who try to help others do so because they feel a need to compensate for an internal lack. In my reply I didn't specifically target you, I was attempting to make people aware of the fact that advice based on ideology can be damaging. You personally didn't make any mistakes so please don't misunderstand, I never meant to try to "lecture" you, I don't think that you give "bad advice" or are an emotionally unqualified person, from what I'm seeing you are a pretty empathetic and understanding person.

In the end we are all still humans and do make mistakes, that includes me too.

Very understandable, I feel the same way here, it's a lot of stuff to reply to and to be honest I can't read most parts of your comments too so I may have a lack of understanding about your full intentions sometimes.

It's good that you learned how to constructively deal with those feminine interests and tendencies, the end goal is to be satisfied with YOURSELF after all, it's not about changing yourself to fit any delusions. As always, I'd also disagree with doctors telling vulnerable adolescents "wooaah look, you can have tits and be a cute girl" without then telling them that they'll never be "actual" women. Trust me, I'm also extremely concerned about all of the "gender conforming" medical care, especially regarding children.

To me, it's less about physical sex but more about feminine/masculine energy, anyone can express it in their own ways and people don't have to "become trans to feel satisfied with themselves if they have more energy of the opposite sex.

For me it's about "just be yourself" i.e. "don't force yourself to be trans if you aren't."

Everyone hates those, including me. But when you're in an environment where genuine kindness is uncommon you can start to confuse genuine advice with "slayyy queeen" aka. shitty and uninformed advice based on social perception.
How long are you going to be here peddling Jewish crap and telling people that gender and race are a construct? 🥱
Most of your arguments are oversimplifications, you say the paper doesn't have the required sources while you yourself quote none, if I had to trust someone it'd be a peer-reviewed paper and not the words of someone who seemingly oversimplifies neurobiology and other multifaceted disciplines and whose educational background I can't prove or deny.
I am not giving you any personal details, trust whoever you want, but I am not sure what your doing on this forum if your only concern is credentialism, this is literally a forum about the occult want a picture of my wizard hat? And of course their oversimplifications what did you expect a thesis?
You're reaching and misrepresenting a lot here. The study on transgender brains is not claiming that gender identity is entirely genetic or solely biological, but that neurobiological differences can play a role in shaping gender identity. It was never implied that the evidence is definitive but that a link could have been been established.
Subjective, and neurological differences play a role in shaping essentially everything so at best that's a truism, it also plays a role in mental illness which is clearly the position I am taking and of course a link could have been established thats why establishing causation is so important.
You first say that "there is no such thing" and then you say that "there is the possibility that it exists". I never claimed it to over-represent depressed populations, I simply stated that a genetic component does exist (which was proven by countless meta-analyses e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11007705/)
Yes, even most people with a high heritability/genetic component of depression need a psychosocial trigger but it can sometimes be chronic or develop out of nowhere i.e. genetic dysthymia/persistent depressive disorder would be a better description for those cases but it isn't studied as much/there's not much literature on it so it isn't exactly definitive.
I said there is a possibility that someone could be "genetically depressed" because of course there is a possibility but the fact remains that I am not aware of a single case, and of course I am going to talk in oversimplifications this is an occult forum not a scholastic journal I am not sure what exactly you were expecting from my reply but no I am not going to perform an entire peer review for your benefit.

Also you changed your wording from "genetic depression" to stating that a "genetic component exists" in order to make your point look less absurd if you meant component then say component ironic considering how you jumped on the word "brainwave" and as it stands a lot of people think depression is some genetic defect that cannot be treated and so based off your wording I assumed you were one of them.

This is your literal quote:
There's people with genetic depression, are you going to tell them to stop their meds too?
Sounds like you meant they had genetic depression not that they had a genetic predisposition to depression, was I truly out of line for taking this quote that way?
Nice strawman, this has nothing to do with brainwaves lol do you think an fMRI is for measuring neural oscillations?
The irony of this statement is palpable.
neurobiological differences can play a role in shaping gender identity
Yes and thats what I was disputing as once more the study presupposes the validity of gender identity without even establishing what exactly that means.

"gender-specific activity" in the context of the study is referring to brain activation patterns that differ between males and females in response to specific stimuli (pheromones or certain cognitive tasks (e.g., spatial memory)) It's true that there's no concrete term for "gender-specific" but the concept of gender-related differences in brain activity (NOT FUCKING BRAINWAVES BUT FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY) is well-documented in neuroscience. i.e. males and females often have different patterns of brain activation in areas related to spatial tasks, emotional processing, and sensory input.

Why are you stating this as if I didn't clearly state brain activity previously? Did you somehow latch onto the word brainwaves which i was clearly using playfully hence the quotation marks as me being serious really? And yes there are SEX related differences in brain activity in response to stimuli but once more this study does not show that, furthermore the variance in the study is extreme and lastly it would suggest that there are two types of trans people "biologically trans" (lmao) and "psychological trans"

Still not a single citation so I am not sure how I am meant to even dispute this as you aren't providing evidence so I don't know what study or claims I am supposed to be countering here, but anything put forward without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, yes men and women have differing brain responses due sexual dimorphism, conditioning and of course cultural differences, you have yet to prove this extends to "trans" people and neither did the one study you provided.

Ironically enough you have once more strawmanned me as you claim I said that I was unaware that males and female have fundamentally differing brain responses to certain stimuli, a claim I never made, I very specifically said gender, or are you conceding gender and sex mean the same thing? What are you even saying?

What are you even talking about? Clearly, being homosexual and being trans both have their own neurostructural markers. Both can have psychological and physiological markers. "by the severity of childhood abuse"? both homosexuals and trans individuals are statistically more exposed to sexual abuse than the baseline population; what point are you even trying to make?
Provide evidence for your claim, I am unaware of any neurostructural markers for "trans" people beyond the ones already associated with autism if im wrong then show me, no I dont have a full all encompassing knowledge of neuroscience so show me the evidence so I can read it instead of simply claiming it exists.

And no the rates of abuse are not even close to the same, nor are the maladaptive behavioral patterns associated with their "identities".
did you even read the things I talked about in my posts here aside from the study? I have clearly outlined a fundamental difference between "trans people" and physiologically trans people.
Seeing as how you like peer review studies so much how about you provide me a peer reviewed study on the difference between these two apparent groups of trans people I am unaware of such a distinction in either gender studies, psychology or neuroscience, after all why would I trust what you have to say?

You seem a little over attached to this topic, and frankly I have said what I have to say on the scientific topic, but I will leave you with this, I really truly do not care what you or anybody else here does on an individual level, you can be trans, you do drugs, you can become a billionaire, I can't stop you and even if I could I wouldn't but the Joy of Satanas has made itself clear on this topic repeatedly Gender dysphoria is something we consider a mental illness, something that we would love to help our brothers and sisters overcome no different to depression or PTSD, we and I count myself amongst them believe that "Affirming" gender dysphoria is harmful and thus you cannot expect any of us to support it.

I can't prove the aura of protection works scientifically either but honestly this isn't about science we as a spiritual people believe and know that we can solve disorders through spiritual advancement, even if you were correct that some people are biologically trans, it would be a distinction without a difference our response would be the same, that would be of course to tell them to overcome the disorder, a limp is also physiological but we would never tell a brother or sister to simply accept a limp.
I should also answers OP's question as this thread got massively derailed,

In short sign you birth gender, consider it the first step in your journey to self actualization, its difficult to confront issues such as mental illness but make no mistake the Gods do in fact accept you exactly as you are, but also make no mistake they want for you to become the greatest version of you that could ever exist, you aren't meant to feel uncomfortable in your own skin, your supposed to love your natural body it should be a source of joy and satisfaction for you and so of course any sort of dysphoria should and eventually must be worked upon, but its not a "sin" to be unwell mentally or otherwise, the most important thing to understand is that you don't have to understand right away, with advancement and time you will see that the dysphoria you suffer is a condition one that is external to who you really are and at that moment you can work towards removing it from yourself, there is no rush nor any urgency, take your time and advance, eventually you will see and if you need any help in the meantime we in the forums are happy to provide help and support on your journey.
this is an occult forum not a scholastic journal
Wish it could be both, I'm sure you'd love that too. Saw at least a single academia centered thread (https://ancient-forums.com/threads/how-to-integrate-science-into-your-life-guide.88131/)
Still not a single citation so I am not sure how I am meant to even dispute this as you aren't providing evidence so I don't know what study or claims I am supposed to be countering here, but anything put forward without evidence can be dismissed without evidence,
Yes, I'm quite lazy so feel free to dismiss anything uncited, just like you said, we're not writing a thesis here.
And yes there are SEX related differences in brain activity in response to stimuli but once more this study does not show that
I am unaware of any neurostructural markers for "trans" people
"The pattern of brain activation in both transgender adolescent boys and girls more closely resembled that of non-transgender boys and girls of their desired gender. In addition, GD adolescent girls showed a male-typical brain activation pattern during a visual/spatial memory exercise. Finally, some brain structural changes were detected that were also more similar, but not identical, to those typical of the desired gender of GD boys and girls."

When I said "neurostructural markers" for trans individuals I meant the neuromorphological likeness to the opposite sex in "biologically trans" individuals.
I very specifically said gender, or are you conceding gender and sex mean the same thing? What are you even saying?
Please excuse me, I used "gender" when I really meant "sex" a couple of times. Went a bit over my head.
Yes and thats what I was disputing as once more the study presupposes the validity of gender identity without even establishing what exactly that means.
Fair; most people in gender studies often brag about gender identity being a construct but then fail to transmit a meaningful and concrete model.
The irony of this statement is palpable.
Yes, a little humor here and there doesn't hurt.

It is quite rewarding and very exciting to get into these debates as it gets the cogs in my brain going. I do make mistakes and I'm working on it, it's certainly good brain exercise and an experiment to work with my own knowledge gaps. So genuinely thanks for the constructive discussion which led to constructive introspection and have a wonderful weekend. 💙
Question hello,I did the ritual but I did it in a hurry the day I planed to do it I chickened out coz I was scared to cut myself,and I had already lit the candles and even wrote the letter,but wussed out
I accidentally cut myself today and I immediately did the ritual coz I could finally do it in blood,it still counts right?
Question hello,I did the ritual but I did it in a hurry the day I planed to do it I chickened out coz I was scared to cut myself,and I had already lit the candles and even wrote the letter,but wussed out
I accidentally cut myself today and I immediately did the ritual coz I could finally do it in blood,it still counts right?
If you did the ritual on the second attempt with blood then there is no problem, I assume you still read the prayer and burned the paper? If so no issue.
Question hello,I did the ritual but I did it in a hurry the day I planed to do it I chickened out coz I was scared to cut myself,and I had already lit the candles and even wrote the letter,but wussed out
I accidentally cut myself today and I immediately did the ritual coz I could finally do it in blood,it still counts right?
Hundred percent! Congrats and welcome! :)

It’s also a formality and a show of your dedication and good intent. You don’t have to be hung up about the blood or anything.
Okay, long story short, use your birth name and your real gender (“assigned at birth”)

However you should know, yes you’re free to do as you please (and suffer the consequences) but we might not be the best at accepting “gender identities” and other marxist, woke, jewish propaganda.

What you’re suffering from is that you’re completely out of balance and also having mental delusions (gender dysphoria).

In reality you know what’s real and what’s not. You know what your REAL gender is.

You can be a feminine man or a masculine female this relates to your personality and natal chart, you can also express yourself however you like.

However, you are not a female if you’re not biologically female and you will never be, you are not male if you were born a female and so forth.

Hormones/surgery/other monstrosities will never change this reality.

Since you feel you can’t embrace your actual gender and you’re completely out of balance with your energies, you’re using escapism, and you think you’ll be okay if you suddenly became another gender, or believed you are another gender and “identified” with it but you’ll never be another gender, not in this life time or any next life times, this relates to your soul and who you really are.

What you’re trying to do is basically castration. (If you’re looking to do surgery.)
So you become neither a real male/female.

Regarding your health issues, you’re lacking your natural born energies and you’re deluding your body to become something it is not and denying yourself what you realistically need.

So no different than a vegetarian who is going against his body’s nature and NEEDED nutrients, you will suffer serious health risks.

You might think some pills, hormones, or vitamins are going to save you, but this wasn’t how humans were meant to live.

Humans were not meant to “change their gender” or have “gender identities” this is a recent mind virus that’s been pushed and invented by jews, or jew-affiliated organizations, just look at all the “gender theory” authors that invented these concepts, they’re all jews.

Try to wake up to reality and let go of jewish ideals.
Well said, Mercury! I absolutely concur.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
