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Astrology #76531 Saturn meaning in this chart

This question pertains to astrology


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello there. Looking at this natal chart, I ve seen that saturn is in 24 degrees 45' 10'' in Taurus in this chart , is it related to the violent degree of star Algol? It s also in the first house, with a loose conjunction to the taurus ascendant and it is also empowered by a debilitated 2 degrees gemini saturn, which it also makes a loose conjunction with, and it also makes a medium square with neptune. Capricorn sign is in 9th house which is empty. How can this influence the person s life?
Hello there. Looking at this natal chart, I ve seen that saturn is in 24 degrees 45' 10'' in Taurus in this chart , is it related to the violent degree of star Algol? It s also in the first house, with a loose conjunction to the taurus ascendant and it is also empowered by a debilitated 2 degrees gemini saturn, which it also makes a loose conjunction with, and it also makes a medium square with neptune. Capricorn sign is in 9th house which is empty. How can this influence the person s life?
If Saturn is not your Chart ruler there is no huge problem
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

What first came to my mind is that Saturn in this situation might be used to subdue Algol as natural restricter, i.e. its restricting energies to be directed to undo Algol not to undo yourself. This demands extreme professionalism, but I do not see the other way out. Energy must be sublimated. The less it is sublimated and done something with, the more dangerous it becomes due lack of control. It may seem not playing out till the first trigger (transit). Saturn return and opposition of transit Saturn to natal one may be trying time. Fixed Stars are of extreme power when triggered, and Saturn as our personal planet might be used as a protection and neutralization of bad outer influences - this is possible on the high octave and mastery.

To give you some key to what may happen, Caput Algol was called Head of Medusa in Ancient Greece before Arabs started to call it Algol (Ghoul). In earlier Arabic versions this was also depicted as person carrying beheaded head (that of Medusa which slowly transferred into that of a ghoul or Arabian evil parasitic spirit). Medusa was "punished by Athena" for letting Poseidon (The Lord of Illusion, also a Serpent God) have sex with her in Athena's Temple. Athena is purest mind of Zeus (got out of his head). This all may seem that Medusa experimented with the Serpent and went crazy abusing extreme spiritual power without any control ruled over by illusions ("rape"). Her gaze turning into stones is very famous topic in many peoples' legends. Turning into a stone might mean completely losing any human mind and becoming as conscious as a stone. This is an effect and stone metaphor that was used by many peoples all around the world to explain what might happen to those prematurely playing around with the Serpent.

If you meditate on Caput Algol you might feel a lot of hurtful undoing energies as those of some distant and bloody battle and disaster. Perseus seems to have completely subdued this energy (in himself since this is allegorical myth as well as probably historical one). People here say that this star is somehow close to debilitated Mars and debilitated Neptune energies plus you have Neptune square to this. Neptune and Saturn are in some way opposites, this is why you might want to use Saturn as a countermeasure (because essentially you have no choice).

How to use Saturn here? Saturn can be sublimated into any practices demanding extreme self-discipline, this can be inner style martial arts demanding endless static training, qi gong of all kinds, Void meditations of all kinds including those pain-related, even professional painting or learning to play intricate classic music instrument, anything you wish, the only condition is it has to demand extreme self-discipline. Moreover, Neptune-Saturn aspect gives good condition for mastering very intricate highly professional classic art as it sublimates Neptunian energies into career growth.

Career is a key to understand how Saturn works and how it becomes a Black Sun in the end: when person is fully realized and built in career (Saturn) this at last starts to emerge into wealth (Sun). Good example is billionaires with Saturn in 2th house. Fully controlled directed high octave Saturn can make one immortal. Because mortality goes away when you fully sublimate its energies into Heroism.

I believe mastering Caput Algol in your situation is realized through mastering Saturn and directing its energies. Because if you are able to direct its energies, you will also be able to direct them to undo Caput Algol's negativity.

it is also empowered by a debilitated 2 degrees gemini saturn
Did you mean debilitated 2 degrees Gemini Jupiter? If Jupiter, do not even worry - Jupiter in any sign has its good points and in Gemini it is the brain of the Zodiac and can be sublimated in high intellect and study.
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

To give you some key to what may happen, Caput Algol was called Head of Medusa in Ancient Greece before Arabs started to call it Algol (Ghoul). In earlier Arabic versions this was also depicted as person carrying beheaded head (that of Medusa which slowly transferred into that of a ghoul or Arabian evil parasitic spirit). Medusa was "punished by Athena" for letting Poseidon (The Lord of Illusion, also a Serpent God) have sex with her in Athena's Temple. Athena is purest mind of Zeus (got out of his head). This all may seem that Medusa experimented with the Serpent and went crazy abusing extreme spiritual power without any control ruled over by illusions ("rape"). Her gaze turning into stones is very famous topic in many peoples' legends. Turning into a stone might mean completely losing any human mind and becoming as conscious as a stone. This is an effect and stone metaphor that was used by many peoples all around the world to explain what might happen to those prematurely playing around with the Serpent.

If you meditate on Caput Algol you might feel a lot of hurtful undoing energies as those of some distant and bloody battle and disaster. Perseus seems to have completely subdued this energy (in himself since this is allegorical myth as well as probably historical one). People here say that this star is somehow close to debilitated Mars and debilitated Neptune energies plus you have Neptune square to this. Neptune and Saturn are in some way opposites, this is why you might want to use Saturn as a countermeasure (because essentially you have no choice).

How to use Saturn here? Saturn can be sublimated into any practices demanding extreme self-discipline, this can be inner style martial arts demanding endless static training, qi gong of all kinds, Void meditations of all kinds including those pain-related, even professional painting or learning to play intricate classic music instrument, anything you wish, the only condition is it has to demand extreme self-discipline. Moreover, Neptune-Saturn aspect gives good condition for mastering very intricate highly professional classic art as it sublimates Neptunian energies into career growth.

Career is a key to understand how Saturn works and how it becomes a Black Sun in the end: when person is fully realized and built in career (Saturn) this at last starts to emerge into wealth (Sun). Good example is billionaires with Saturn in 2th house. Fully controlled directed high octave Saturn can make one immortal. Because mortality goes away when you fully sublimate its energies into Heroism.

I believe mastering Caput Algol in your situation is realized through mastering Saturn and directing its energies. Because if you are able to direct its energies, you will also be able to direct them to undo Caput Algol's negativity.

Did you mean debilitated 2 degrees Gemini Jupiter? If Jupiter, do not even worry - Jupiter in any sign has its good points and in Gemini it is the brain of the Zodiac and can be sublimated in high intellect and study.
I have this placement too, and I m really concerned about it, my first saturn return is getting closer and closer and I m afraid of any events that may occur. Could it be violence or accident that may happen to me or may I be in position to do something vicious to others? I m really preparing for a strong AOP and Extra deep cleaning workings along with Munka. Will these be enough?
I have this placement too, and I m really concerned about it, my first saturn return is getting closer and closer and I m afraid of any events that may occur. Could it be violence or accident that may happen to me or may I be in position to do something vicious to others? I m really preparing for a strong AOP and Extra deep cleaning workings along with Munka. Will these be enough?
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

If you wish to know what exactly will happen, I think would be good to do several things:

1. Analyze all you previous Saturn returns. If this is your first return, you should analyze Saturn opposition: this is when transit Saturn stands in opposition to your natal one.

To find the needed age of returns please check here:

These are the ages of returns, but if you are too young, you will have to divide these periods in 2 to get an opposition: this would be approximately around 15 years old.

Try to remember what exactly happened if anything. In what area the problem was concentrated if was? This will help you to find your weak points to concentrate on them, because Saturn usually works on the same things.

Maybe you would want to also analyze your Saturn squares - when transit Saturn made a square to your natal one. For this you wish to divide the opposition age by 2: for example 15/2 = 7,5. For example, now you are around 29, and you wish to add 7,5 to 15 = approximately 22-23.

2. Analyze your Solar return/s for this year / years. Analyze every Lunar return that will happen during this transit to find any problems concentrated in the specific Lunar month to know the exact timing. For example, Solar might be quiet ok but among Lunars you might find one with the angles on some violent / unfortunate degree. Then you will know the exact month of potential problem and when exactly to be especially careful. Analyze this Lunar then more carefully and try to understand what it is all about.

To find the karmic link between different transits, you would want to analyze Solars and Lunars of your previous returns, oppositions and squares, and recollect what exactly happened.

3. This one might be the key. You would want to analyze in the same detailed way as above, Saturn transits to your major Chart Ruler - Solars, Lunars, what happened during conjunction, opposition, square, what topic was triggered.


As for decisions, plus to what you mentioned, here are wonderful Ancient ways how our Ancestors dealt with their Saturn in these two topics:

This will let you rule over your Saturn and make it work for you. Natural restrictor if fully mastered might be directed towards any bad influence in your life. Saturn neutrally works as a protection and warning. If severally neglected (including the neglect from past lives) it might not be able to protect you from danger or keep you on your path, but only to act as a warning. Its higher octave is as with all karmic/destiny signs - to show you your path and to guide you towards it protecting you from mistakes and bad influences. Highest Saturn can protect from actual danger instead of just warning of it. Lowest Saturn (the weakest one) might be but a warning that danger is coming, but might not be able to reverse it.
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

If you wish to know what exactly will happen, I think would be good to do several things:

1. Analyze all you previous Saturn returns. If this is your first return, you should analyze Saturn opposition: this is when transit Saturn stands in opposition to your natal one.

To find the needed age of returns please check here:

These are the ages of returns, but if you are too young, you will have to divide these periods in 2 to get an opposition: this would be approximately around 15 years old.

Try to remember what exactly happened if anything. In what area the problem was concentrated if was? This will help you to find your weak points to concentrate on them, because Saturn usually works on the same things.

Maybe you would want to also analyze your Saturn squares - when transit Saturn made a square to your natal one. For this you wish to divide the opposition age by 2: for example 15/2 = 7,5. For example, now you are around 29, and you wish to add 7,5 to 15 = approximately 22-23.

2. Analyze your Solar return/s for this year / years. Analyze every Lunar return that will happen during this transit to find any problems concentrated in the specific Lunar month to know the exact timing. For example, Solar might be quiet ok but among Lunars you might find one with the angles on some violent / unfortunate degree. Then you will know the exact month of potential problem and when exactly to be especially careful. Analyze this Lunar then more carefully and try to understand what it is all about.

To find the karmic link between different transits, you would want to analyze Solars and Lunars of your previous returns, oppositions and squares, and recollect what exactly happened.

3. This one might be the key. You would want to analyze in the same detailed way as above, Saturn transits to your major Chart Ruler - Solars, Lunars, what happened during conjunction, opposition, square, what topic was triggered.


As for decisions, plus to what you mentioned, here are wonderful Ancient ways how our Ancestors dealt with their Saturn in these two topics:

This will let you rule over your Saturn and make it work for you. Natural restrictor if fully mastered might be directed towards any bad influence in your life. Saturn neutrally works as a protection and warning. If severally neglected (including the neglect from past lives) it might not be able to protect you from danger or keep you on your path, but only to act as a warning. Its higher octave is as with all karmic/destiny signs - to show you your path and to guide you towards it protecting you from mistakes and bad influences. Highest Saturn can protect from actual danger instead of just warning of it. Lowest Saturn (the weakest one) might be but a warning that danger is coming, but might not be able to reverse it.
Thank you, brother!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
