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Astrology #76462 Is this a mistake on JoS? About south node and fate

This question pertains to astrology


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Planets that are conjunct fixed stars will be influenced by the nature of the fixed star. The south node is of fate, for better or for worse. The north node is often indicates special abilities or talents. Always look to the signs and house placements."

I thought the north node was about one's fate, and south node was about one's past abilities/efforts.

My south node is conjunct a retrograde Uranus in Aquarius and my north node is in Leo 10th house... what "special abilities or talents" would this give me specifically?
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

No, this is not a mistake. Node axes is whole of fate and of talents in the same time because no fate = no talents. These are interconnected as well as IC/WC and all other axes are. North Node and everything North represents talents to be yet discovered while South node represents work done or not done in the past to better or worse because some people’s karma was done wrong and is bad. This is past karma, to better or worse. But without past karma and without some kind of past predisposition (even for the new soul these are Ancestors and their karma anyway) there is no future. Undisclosed talents and probability theory only exist when the future exists, and the future only exists in the frame of time and the frame of time includes the existence of the past and the karma as well. So axes are called axes for this reason: one end does not exist without another.

SN is also of the talents that might also be rediscovered if the owner wants so.

SN/NN axes also is somehow symbolic of your path: where to you go (NN) and and where are you coming from (SN). Again, the path is a whole thing, it always have the “where” and the “from where”. One is non-existent without another.

In your case I consider Uranus in Aquarius RT extremely great predisposition for exact sciences such as mathematics and physics, and exact occult sciences such as astrology, numerology – everything that combines exact science and spirituality, also all kinds of computer science. This you probably already achieved in the past or these were your talents in the past so now you can use it as your power point. Past karma is also somehow our power whether it was good or bad, we learned from it, and these lessons are those our soul already learned. 4th house only shows great archaeologist / Ancient study background, connection to Cancer/4th often gives very powerful verse in the Ancient lore because Cancer gazes into the past and investigate the past.

Leo and 10h is about leadership, organization and being head of big company / society. Depending on other positions of the chart this might escalate into great achievement in the affair started by the SN. Being head of IT service is but an example.

I would also investigate into what houses & singes rulers are 4th and 10th are in.
Hmmm... I'll just cut in for a moment - my NN is in a house that is conjunct the cusp of another house, eg. 4th but in close conjuction to the cusp of 5th. Should it be interpreted as the 4th or the 5th?
Hmmm... I'll just cut in for a moment - my NN is in a house that is conjunct the cusp of another house, eg. 4th but in close conjuction to the cusp of 5th. Should it be interpreted as the 4th or the 5th?
Both will make impact. Planet in house --> is making impact, yet planet aspect with a cusp of the house --> is also making impact. You will have both influences depending on the closeness of the conjunction. Probably both creativity / art related karma and Ancient investigations talent will be present.
Both will make impact. Planet in house --> is making impact, yet planet aspect with a cusp of the house --> is also making impact. You will have both influences depending on the closeness of the conjunction. Probably both creativity / art related karma and Ancient investigations talent will be present.
When reading if a planet is conjunct a house cusp, will online interpretations of the other house be applicable on top of the "original" house then?

E.g., if Pluto is in the 3rd next to cusp of 2nd in close conjunction, can it be interpreted the same as Pluto in the 2nd? Or is there certain differences? And is it interpreted differently if it is an outer vs inner planet due it being less personal and more of a generational influence?
Sorry, I didn't mean cusp of 2nd, but if it is "almost" in the 2nd house.

E.g., Pluto is in 8° but within the 3rd house, and the 2nd house "ends" and 3rd house "begins" after 4° in that same sign.

Or because it is conjunct the cusp of the 3rd, Pluto's influence on the 3rd house affairs are further intensified?
When reading if a planet is conjunct a house cusp, will online interpretations of the other house be applicable on top of the "original" house then?

E.g., if Pluto is in the 3rd next to cusp of 2nd in close conjunction, can it be interpreted the same as Pluto in the 2nd? Or is there certain differences? And is it interpreted differently if it is an outer vs inner planet due it being less personal and more of a generational influence?

Sorry, I didn't mean cusp of 2nd, but if it is "almost" in the 2nd house.

E.g., Pluto is in 8° but within the 3rd house, and the 2nd house "ends" and 3rd house "begins" after 4° in that same sign.

Or because it is conjunct the cusp of the 3rd, Pluto's influence on the 3rd house affairs are further intensified?

Yes, I think it will be intensified on the cusp depending upon the orb. Cusps can intensify the sign that in any other circumstances would not even give any significant influence at all. Example: worst soviet maniac Andrey Chikatilo had Caput Algol on his AC. Caput Algol is a fixed star that has no influence when not attached to angle or planet. So if it were just in the middle of his 1st house conjunct to nothing it would not play that role. Though he was a jew and KGB agent, not so many jews made so much negative impact even those KGB agents in USSR. So with fixed stars and parses cusp of the house may make major difference at how they will work out.

Also, something that is on the cusp, might be more seen from the outside than that in the middle - other people may observe this planet's influence more easily than that of the inner planet. Especially AC is said to work so. As for other houses they might say that for example if 7th house cusp planet then it is quiet observable that the person is seeking and building the relationship with the environment as this planet predisposes.

As far as I understood what you wrote, you have it in the 3d house and in far conjunction with the cusp of the 3d house, so yes, it will work out as in 3d not as in 2d because both the cusp and the grade belong to the 3d not to the 2d.
Greetings, Brother / Sister!

No, this is not a mistake. Node axes is whole of fate and of talents in the same time because no fate = no talents. These are interconnected as well as IC/WC and all other axes are. North Node and everything North represents talents to be yet discovered while South node represents work done or not done in the past to better or worse because some people’s karma was done wrong and is bad. This is past karma, to better or worse. But without past karma and without some kind of past predisposition (even for the new soul these are Ancestors and their karma anyway) there is no future. Undisclosed talents and probability theory only exist when the future exists, and the future only exists in the frame of time and the frame of time includes the existence of the past and the karma as well. So axes are called axes for this reason: one end does not exist without another.

SN is also of the talents that might also be rediscovered if the owner wants so.

SN/NN axes also is somehow symbolic of your path: where to you go (NN) and and where are you coming from (SN). Again, the path is a whole thing, it always have the “where” and the “from where”. One is non-existent without another.

In your case I consider Uranus in Aquarius RT extremely great predisposition for exact sciences such as mathematics and physics, and exact occult sciences such as astrology, numerology – everything that combines exact science and spirituality, also all kinds of computer science. This you probably already achieved in the past or these were your talents in the past so now you can use it as your power point. Past karma is also somehow our power whether it was good or bad, we learned from it, and these lessons are those our soul already learned. 4th house only shows great archaeologist / Ancient study background, connection to Cancer/4th often gives very powerful verse in the Ancient lore because Cancer gazes into the past and investigate the past.

Leo and 10h is about leadership, organization and being head of big company / society. Depending on other positions of the chart this might escalate into great achievement in the affair started by the SN. Being head of IT service is but an example.

I would also investigate into what houses & singes rulers are 4th and 10th are in.
Thank you this was very insightful, and unexpected.

Maths/Physics/Science/Occultism was always my favourite subject but I avoided it so far due to a traumatic schooling experience. But recently I keep receiving imagery and symbolism of visions relating to these subjects.

I would like to ask about something you mentioned.

The ruler of my 4th is Saturn in 8th Taurus which is retrograde. And the ruler of my 10th is Moon in 1st Libra... I have other planets in both of these houses. The sun in my 1st and Jupiter in my 8th.

Both Leo and Cancer signs are in my 10th, does this matter? Leo only rules the 11th however.

There is also retrograde Neptune in 4th Aquarius. How does this relate to what you mentioned about ancient lore and related topics?

I thought it only gave me a weird family life which is all that I've read online about these placements, but it makes sense because I have always been drawn to ancient cultures/knowledge. Specifically of "hidden" or "lost" knowledge.
Thank you for your feedback! This is much appreciated. Here is what I wrote more about Node topics, unfortunately these people who asked will not read due to the question date and we will not see their feedbacks. Feedbacks are important in regards to how everything work in specific situations, because what I write is mostly a probability theory and 'how it should be' for higher octaves.

I believe that all astrology is fully theoretically sublimatable. Why I say 'theoretically' is not because it can't but because sometimes situations play out when person is not yet in control, for example this little girl here HPS Maxine mentioned - her age was not yet age of control where person could manage their fates' energies. Saturn was stronger than CR and it played before anything could have been done about it. The key here is control, anything put under 'full' control can be sublimated.

Astrology is a bunch of forces given. The only way for them to not be potentially problematic is to non-exist. There are stars, planets are aspects in the space - without them we would not be born because we are born in planetary systems surrounded by stars and not in the pure space. They say no chart is without problems. I would better say no chart is without energies and energies ARE potential problems themselves. Only non-problematic energies are those under full conscious control of the fully conscious mind. When you are working with forces you work with potential danger already. Just the fact of existence make them potentially dangerous.

Now, what is pain / suffering according to TCM - Qi stagnation, due disbalance of whatever, but pain syndrome starts when for whatever reason there is stagnation of substance - Qi, blood, whatever you call it, - the forces. Here is the same: forces must flow freely and find their riverbed. They need riverbeds and courses to flow. If they have no them, they can get out of control and start making disasters on their own or get manipulated by somebody else possessing knowledge such as the enemy. This is what I mean by sublimation: creating a right riverbed for your energies so that they could flow freely and controlled.

Both Leo and Cancer signs are in my 10th, does this matter? Leo only rules the 11th however.

10th house itself will mostly work out through Cancer. Again Cancer and 4th house topic may point to Ancient lore and archaeology as a source of power. But if something is specifically in Leo such as NN or a planet - these specifically will play out as Leo and 10th.

There is also retrograde Neptune in 4th Aquarius. How does this relate to what you mentioned about ancient lore and related topics?

RT Uranus and RT Neptune in 4th Aquarius. Just to give several examples. Innovative / proto-civilizational "uncomfortable" archaeology, Seids as "ships of Gods", Vimanas, Ancient spiritual technology of Gods, flying cities. RT Neptune gives strong spirituality aspect to all of these, using divination methods for this. On the other hand there might be very spiritual or technologically genial bloodline.

4th is everything that is under the Earth and under the layers of endless epochs, the graves of the world that can serve as a source of infinite knowledge unearthed from them. Megaliths, Pyramids, Easter Island statues - their spiritual and mathematical side to be rediscovered, under-earth cities, paleo-contacts for Uranus, Dowsing. Necromancy in those places.

Some inspiration:

I thought it only gave me a weird family life which is all that I've read online about these placements, but it makes sense because I have always been drawn to ancient cultures/knowledge.

The whole problem with what is "written online", is not that it was written necessarily as conscious lie or out of the blew just to get money (though it is usual situation in 2d world where getting money is crucial), but rather that this was written by people who never met or could even imagine any higher octave true potential realization of this or that sign. For example, for those seeking for highest realizations in profession but see online only 4th related "weird" things about their aspects, their higher octaves resembling to their dreams are absolutely realizable and sublimatable, just because the vast majority prefer to let their energies drift and "go with the flow" into most trivia and non-intellectual lifestyles this is very much their business.

Internet astrology is very much based on vast majority's choices. Some charts of exceptional geniuses and Satanists of the past are interesting and there you might track real potential of some aspects.

This also very much deals with what your current civilizational level can offer you. For example are you living without internet and electricity in the distant Siberian steppe having only that much to choose: either being a local shaman or just dealing with very trivia things every day. Or are you living in a city with an internet and ability to get high education in quantum physics or classic music? Depending on this your planets will work out. Western Astrology is designed for Western civilization based on universities and academia / music conservatory institutions, laboratories and factories etc. But even here among the vast xian majority it was not used in its full potential throughout the centuries, I believe, even close to it. So when you see something shitty online such as for example you seek monumental professional path alone and your chart is "online interpreted" as for "weird family affairs / closet skeletons", this should be understood as "vast majority" used it so. Why? Because neither xian pedo priest nor communist materialists wanted our "uncomfortable archaeology" to thrive and resurrect Vimanas, as a result people were "welcome" to realize only in most trivia low and physicality-orientated ways. The example with the steppe's wild nomad: with extremely prominent Uranus they would rather make a good shaman than a scientist, just because in their environment there is no such thing as science. Animals, nomads and wild tribes also have all these aspects and they work absolutely different for them. This is what I have to say about this so called "online astrology for mediocrities".

Go after your heart Brother / Sister, do not think that some path is closed for you just because other non-spiritual people online wrote things that they themselves only can but extract from their aspects. You are different. Follow numerological meaning of this or that astrological sign as well.
South node is what you came with from previous life, North Node is your current mission and what you should do and learn in order to be at your best self and have the most success as per being [you] in accordance to your existence [ your natal chart ] of which , of what we are, we are the ones capable of bypassing this, trough meditations. Those who are not initiate of the Gods have the opportunity as well but they will not be protected against the enemy nor against their own negative planetary aspects/transits or/and other evil/destructive forces.

Planets that are conjunct fixed stars will be influenced by the nature of the fixed star.
This means that you will have that Star attributes but in a essence/parfume kind of the actual planet.
Example :

HYADES - [5° in Gemini]
Offers a strong sex drive, greedy, over-indulgent and excessive nature. Exploits others. May indicate tremendous success in life. Bad habits and lack of control can cause downfall. A high energy level with a lot of militant ability. - Lets say it conjuncts your Pluto , so due to the nature of Pluto that means your sex drive m greed and all of this start attributes will be manifested in a Plutonic way , the 'bad habbits' could be Plutonic habits and lack of control could be due to Plutonic reasons and that apply for all of the information's.

Let's say that you would have a star which would make you sick and suffer and that start conjuncts Pluto , then your gential organs , your sexual on both psyhical and mental and even spiritual will be affected, basically you will have problems of the start but those problems will be of a Plutonic nature , so all that Pluto rules is where those things will fuck you up.

For instance if your Venus is conjuncted to a Star , a bad one, then your love life is fucked [ but it also depends of the aspect with that star, the rest of your chart, your natal houses , the degrees , planetary aspects overall and many other things ].

My south node is conjunct a retrograde Uranus in Aquarius and my north node is in Leo 10th house..
Read what south node is and means and also read what retrograde is and means as well.
Uranus in Aquarius / this is a generational aspect/form. The Pluto,Neptune and Urnaus those three planet, their zodical sing changes in years , they are important but focus more on your personal planets and just study astrology if you want to know more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
