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3 years of dedication

ba666 2.0

Aug 11, 2021
Today (01/06 ) marks 3 years since I made my dedication, it is a small number compared to some brothers and sisters who have been here for more than a decade probably, but it is a number that I am very proud to have achieved, and I also want to thank the gods, Father Satan and my GD who have accompanied me in these 1095 days, some days easier others more difficult but at no time was I abandoned or left aside, they were present on my challenging and wonderful path, today I can say that I am a totally different person from 3 years ago but not in a bad way quite the opposite, I faced difficulties and challenges that without the gods and their love I would never have managed and the result of this ? happiness and evolution, today I am a new person and woman, so many changes and you probably know how the path alongside them is transformative for all of us, we know inside. I thank my brothers and sisters, the High Priest and our High Priestess too, this is our blessed home, built and maintained with the utmost care and love. May there be many more years together with this wonderful family, that the gods be blessed and bless us.
Hail Satan
Hail all the gods of hell
So nice to hear, I wish you a lot more successful years!
Congratulations on your dedication! May the rewards you reaped from your journey be plenty and always be protected
Congratulations sister and many more years to come.
Very nice, thank you for sharing this and being with us these 3 years, it feels wonderful to read stories like these every time they are posted.

May it be 3 more and then 3 more, and then 3 more...and so on for eternity, which is where we're all going :)
Very nice, thank you for sharing this and being with us these 3 years, it feels wonderful to read stories like these every time they are posted.

May it be 3 more and then 3 more, and then 3 more...and so on for eternity, which is where we're all going :)
Absolutely <3
Congratulations. 🎉 ⚡
⚡Like a tree firmly establishes itself with it's roots in the earth, so must a person root themselves in their values and principles. This will provide you with resilience. Just as a tree sways in the wind but remains steadfast, your core beliefs will anchor you in the face of life's storms. Embrace your values as the guiding compass that leads you through the intricate forest of existence. As you grow and evolve, let your roots delve deeper into the soil of your character, drawing strength from the rich depths of your convictions. From the depths of your roots that you will rise to reach the heights of your aspirations. ⚡

Hail Satan 🔱 🎉

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
