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  1. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    Confirmed by HP Cobra's posts, JoS is now pay-to-advance, congratulations! All what you really need to advance spiritually is hidden behind a paywall and you can't even see what it is! I'm really dumb, how didn't I see this before? That means JoS is compromised, as I said. Delete my account and...
  2. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    The "JoS donors platform" is what is commonly called a "paywall". That is, you hide an entire section of the site behind a log in screen that requires to pay to access it. This is entirely different thing from having an online store and offering materials for sale. You can't even access that...
  3. H

    About donors and all of that

    By the way, for all it matters, I've been in JoS almost 20 years and I've never donated anything, ever. If anyone tries to shame me for that, I don't care. Don't feel guilty for anything, it's your own choice. Donations are optional (that's why they are called donations, otherwise they would...
  4. H

    About donors and all of that

    Let's go by the founder's intentions: HP Maxine intended for JoS and all its basic knowledge to be free. She asked people to donate but she never forced anyone to donate. There were many people who just said "I don't want to donate" and that's fine. She never tried to guilt-trip or shame those...
  5. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    Those of us who go further than the site describes do actually read other books and sites other than JoS. :) Which is why my main point was about those members who tell people to read the JoS and nothing else. If I only read the JoS I wouldn't be where I am today. I can't explain it, but...
  6. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    Also, many new people try those things mentioned and don't seem to go anywhere and lose patience. They really don't know what to do. The JoS site doesn't really mention anything about that. But what if I told you that from the many external books I studied I gathered knowledge that fills all...
  7. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    If you are asking about me, I'm a SS for almost 20 years and I have read both the JoS site as well as many other books that go into more detail about different topics mentioned on JoS. I'm a well-studied person and pretty spiritually advanced. You aren't really talking with a newbie here who...
  8. H

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    TBH if it were just an introduction and people recommended external books, this wouldn't be a serious problem. But if you really notice, in all the threads where someone asks "are there any books you recommend to learn more about SS and other things?" all members reply "you don't need any book...
  9. H

    Codex Gigas

    Think about this: why would Satan help a Christian monk to write the jewish bible and other Christan/jewish books? Makes zero sense, obviously. This manuscript doesn't contain any Satanic or occult texts, it's just the Latin bible and other Christian texts. Any association with Satan is...
  10. H

    Handling Extreme Superstitious Scare With Practice

    "How do you know that the aliens won't invade today and the sky won't turn green overnight?" Same energy. All those things have less than 1 in a million chance of happening. You said you are scientifically minded, so you are probably aware of the "burden of proof" but let me explain it: When...
  11. H

    The Gods #76297 How to act? How to think?

    An easier way to explain it: think of the Gods as protectors and guides, not as judges who want to condemn you for any minor thing. The reason they're watching is to protect you from harm and guide you to a better life, not to judge and condemn you if you stray from some accepted way of acting...
  12. H

    The Gods #76297 How to act? How to think?

    It's because you see things in black and white, like you said. There's nuance and difference between these two things. To clarify, it's important to distinguish the fear people have because of religion: it's the fear to not offend any Gods. The Gods will not get offended by anything minor...
  13. H

    Arian Race

    It's far beyond that, "arya" in Sanskrit means noble. In Buddhism, can you guess what's the original word used for "Noble" in the Noble eightfold path? Yep, it's "arya" (or "ariya" in Pali). It's literally called Aryan Eightfold Path. The special ones who have achieved various attainments are...
  14. H

    Sexuality #76267 will brothels for woman exist in future?

    This isn't necessary. All a woman needs is to log on in any random dating app and message a guy she likes she's ready for a hook up. That's it. Or alternatively she can do that in real life by telling a random guy she likes him. Or just wait until someone approaches her, as plenty of horny guys...
  15. H

    Other #76273 How do I get out of Christianity?

    A thoughtform can't bless you with anything or abuse you. The christian/jewish god isn't anything more than a thoughtform. If you have bad things happening to your life like many other people, it has to do with your past/present life karma and can been seen in your natal chart. You can mitigate...
  16. H

    #76279 What's the point of supporting Trump

    Lol, sounds like you believe whatever bullshit the media tells you. FYI trump and his administration aren't religious or theocratic. Where did you even hear that he took away any "rights" of women? What rights did he take away? Why do you think that because the KKK voted for Trump that he's...
  17. H

    Workings #76260 Questions about curses

    A curse, in a literal sense is a spell where you target an enemy with negatively in order to cause them harm. HP Maxine called xian prayer a curse because it causes negative effects to us, but it's not a curse by the literal definition because there isn't an intention to harm by the xian using...
  18. H

    Question about the planetary clock??

    The current list of High Priests is on the JoS site here: https://joyofsatan.org/JoSClergy.html The Last time Salem Burke was mentioned on the JoS Clergy page above was April 2008, according to the archived version in the Wayback Machine...
  19. H

    Partner Uncomfortable and doesn’t want me to dedicate my soul to Satan

    You don't have to leave him, just do the dedication without telling him. What problem does he have with you being a SS if he's an atheist? That's why I always say even atheists have xian hang-ups.
  20. H

    How to come out to parents??

    No, don't. Those who have told them had had anything happen to them from being dragged to churches and psychiatrists by their parents (and given drugs by their psychiatrists to dumb them down) to being beaten and kicked out of their house. If you mistakenly told them about it or they learned...
  21. H

    Nedd clarication

    Ehh what? Spark plug? It sounds like you are using a shitty online translator to translate this from some other language to English and you probably mean "candle" not "spark plug". A "spark plug" is something that's inside your car's engine, not something you use in rituals. It's this: And...
  22. H

    Question about the planetary clock??

    Are you aware that you're asking about something that isn't in the JoS site or here in the forums, and therefore it's not supported here, right? I mean, who cares what a book written by a drug addict who was kicked out of JoS priesthood for being a drug addict says? Seriously... If something...
  23. H

    Me if I was a Satanist, waking up:

    Is this what you meant by "neutral" in your other post? I thought you meant you are a SS but don't want to fight in the war or something. In that case, focus on more important things, like asking questions about what you don't understand or any doubts you need to cleae, because if you are not...
  24. H

    Other #76248 Church

    If you are sure that your friends or family are open-minded and interested in Spiritual Satanism and don't know how to read or write, you can just tell them about it and can discuss these together. No separate place is needed. Most of the time this doesn't happen though, most JoS members'...
  25. H

    Cult Test: What's The Cult?

    A football team is also a cult. I mean, it's an elitist thing where you believe your team is the best and want to win against other teams. It has a charismatic leader (head coach/manager), it enforces groupthink and you're excluded from the team if you don't conform to their standards. See...
  26. H

    Cult Test: What's The Cult?

    Are these even enforceable on the internet? Take the case of "behavior control", how do you even control people's behavior through an online forum, so more for SS who don't even participate in this forum? You can only suggest certain things to do for spiritual empowerment or things to avoid...
  27. H

    Who is Luna?

    Planets are living beings in themselves. "Luna" refers to the moon as a living entity, much like Gaia is the planet earth as a living entity. Both were represented as goddesses, but they are not extraterrestrial beings like our Gods.
  28. H

    Satan spoke to me

    Welcome to the forum! There are often enemy reptilians and other nefarious beings that pretend to be Jesus. Observe how the brainwashed Christian never gains any knowledge or anything to help themselves after these visions. They just tell them to others as reasons for blind faith, nothing...
  29. H

    Rituals #76208 To break up a love couple (woman + man) without knowing the man's name and disrupt the wedding.

    If you are asking about such a working then you're probably not advanced or mature enough to do it and it will probably not work. There are reasons for such workings, for example if a woman (or a man) is forced to get married to someone who abuses them then it's best to do such a working to...
  30. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    I found that tweet by HPHC, it looks like I misremembered it a bit. He said the Nicolateans were Gentile Pagans and their bible was warning against those jews who were following "the ways of the Nicolateans", and these are who were the "Synagogue of Satan". Here's the tweet (from his...
  31. H


    Maybe it's either the Single Serpent or the Twin Serpent meditation, those two are the only ones where you move your energy up and down your spine in a snake-like fashion that I'm aware of. https://joyofsatan.org/Serpent_Meditation_One.html https://joyofsatan.org/Serpent_Meditation_II.html
  32. H

    Canaanite Gods framed for child sacrifice?

    Or because a Canaanite stele dedicated to Chemosh by their king was found where it mentioned that Chemosh defeated the Israelite god Yahweh and helped them conquer the Israelites and recapture their land and cities. No wonder the kikes got butthurt that the "Pagans" conquered them so they...
  33. H

    Question about the exposing xianity website

    This is irrelevant. Christianity is about overcoming the world and not indulging in material pleasures, according to their bible and church tradition. Why are their major holidays about indulging in pleasures and celebrating nature (for example, Easter bunnies, Christmas trees, cooking, baking...
  34. H


    The big bang is false. Evolution is true, but up to a point. Partially. They did infuse their DNA to a primate/proto hominid which evolved naturally up to that point. Modern humans didn't evolve naturally though. You can see this is true because after almost 2 centuries they still can't find...
  35. H


    The meditations are the same as they were, they haven't changed. You can compare the ones in the JoS site to the archived version from October 2007 (thanks to the Wayback Machine that archives old sites), about the time HP Maxine posted them on JoS originally...
  36. H

    The Gods #76179 why gods put different races in same palnet?

    Also humans have a natural tendency to prefer their own race. There's a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the love/bonding hormone that also makes people "racist". A study has shown that pregnant women are more "racist". In another study, people who claimed to be open and tolerant to mixed...
  37. H

    The Gods #76179 why gods put different races in same palnet?

    No, it's not clear. The earth is huge and each race were in a specific place, separated from others. The jews weren't created by the Gods btw.
  38. H

    Goetia tarot

    It depicts our Gods as monsters and full of the usual blasphemous jewish BS. Stay away from it. If you want a tarot deck buy a traditional one, but not the Rider-Waite because it's full of hebrew letters. HP Maxine recommended the Hanson-Roberts deck. It's a variant of the Rider-Waite deck...
  39. H

    I believe in the reality of determinism to the end.

    There is cause and effect, what is called "karma" but not hard fate. In other words, past causes and actions steer towards a certain direction, a certain result. This happens for normal people. The average person is completely manipulated by karma and thinks he can't escape. Advanced people...
  40. H

    Non Believers After Death?

    Exactly. It sounds like he's trying to waste people's time.
  41. H

    Christian identity movement/Black Hebrew Israelites, what stage of jewish cancer are these people suffering from?

    This is a different thing. Although they depicted Jesus as an European man, nobody for 1700 years ever claimed that the Europeans are the descendants of the ancient jews until a bunch of jews in the 18th century created a theory known as "British Israelism" that claims that British people are...
  42. H

    Non Believers After Death?

    99% of non-Satanists don't care about that because most don't even believe they have a soul or that Satan is real or that there's life after death, anyway. And even those who are aware Satan is real they think he's an evil being and they don't want to do anything with him. Very few non-Satanists...
  43. H

    Non Believers After Death?

    It has nothing to do with belief or going to a "heaven". I mean you keep asking that question and you misunderstand it as if that purpose is the whole of Spiritual Satanism when it's not. It's a temporary resting place for dedicated Satanists who do power meditation and work to become Gods...
  44. H

    Non Believers After Death?

    There isn't any such thing as a "heaven" here. It's just a temporary resting place that you stay before reincarnated. I think you have misunderstood the entire thing. You are trying to project what Abrahamic religions do into Satanism. The point of Satanism is empowering and transforming your...
  45. H

    Christian identity movement/Black Hebrew Israelites, what stage of jewish cancer are these people suffering from?

    >be a jew >create racial religion that claims jews are the chosen ones >create religion to weaken the goyim and make them feel guilt and fear >goyim fully accept it >goyim resent it that jews claim they are chosen >goyim want to feel superior so they start claiming they are the real jews >plan...
  46. H

    Christian identity movement/Black Hebrew Israelites, what stage of jewish cancer are these people suffering from?

    To be honest, that verse was not interpreted as "ethnicity doesn't matter" until the 2nd half of the 20th century. It was historically interpreted to mean "people are different but they have spiritual unity in christ if they become christians". If you ask those "based" Christians I mentioned...
  47. H

    Relationships #76159 Why doesn't it work as it should?

    Read the replies to this post as it's very similar to yours: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/why-didnt-it-work.297028/ 4 times isn't a lot either. Many people do workings every day for 40 days straight or more until they manifest. But anyway, people should just stay away from targeted love...
  48. H

    #76145 Serpent seed?

    The entire story from the buybull is a stolen allegory. The serpent is nothing but an allegory for the kundalini, as it has been explained on JoS. In Hindu secret tantric teachings, it's said that the serpentine kundalini is a feminine force and awakened from the female side of your soul...
  49. H

    Other #76146 What did the Serpent represent?

    Read the JoS site, as this explains it. This page in particular: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Satanic_Symbols.html
  50. H


    Search the book "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, you can find it as free PDF or EPUB and read it. You can thank me later. It explains how your beliefs and other mental things like attitudes, emotions e.t.c. alter your DNA and can heal you in ways such as the "placebo effect" if you...
  51. H

    Christian identity movement/Black Hebrew Israelites, what stage of jewish cancer are these people suffering from?

    Here's a question to ask those who claim Whites are the real Israelites: "Were the Pharisees Jews or Aryan Israelites?" If they answer "Jews" then that means Christianity is jewish and accepts jews because it was brought to us by a jew, as their bible says Paul was a Pharisee. If they answer...
  52. H

    Other #76127 here on forum

    Where did you see all that? Lol. Not superior morality. More spiritual yes, but not anyone mentioned anything about morality. That they're more spiritual is a fact. Here's an easy way to test this: Go to Youtube and search for Astrology or Tarot reading or Chakra Meditation, click on a...
  53. H

    I give up

    If we want to be accurate, these are not 100% "based" Christians. They don't care who comes as long as they are Christians. There are more "based" Christians like Stephen Wolfe, Joel Webb, William Wolfe, Andrew Torba, Corey Mahler and those of The Stone Choir podcast e.t.c. who say that their...
  54. H

    Other #76127 here on forum

    Not really. 99% of the posts and sermons are not directed to a specific gender. They are about things like knowledge, meditation, ethics and various advice and are for both men and women. If it were male-focused then the vast majority of them would be about men's issues and assume that the...
  55. H

    Other #76119 The ancient Greeks and sacrifice.

    Mythology aside, there is evidence that the Greeks offered animal sacrifices because animal bones have been found at certain sites. Also, historians like Herodotus and Plutarch have mentioned animal sacrifices many times. So this couldn't be just mythology. Plutarch mentioned that Themistocles...
  56. H

    Other #76128 Firstly, is it possible?

    By the way, I sense that you have asked the same question before and I probably know who you are because of your writing style. I remember this exact same question being asked in the same way about a year ago. People aren't psychic, they are just connecting patterns like these. There are also...
  57. H

    Other #76128 Firstly, is it possible?

    It's technically anonymous because you don't really use your name. Whether people can sense who is asking it because of your writing style or obsession with certain topics or because you make the same typos or use the same weird punctuation or because you asked the same question using your...
  58. H

    Astrology #76117 Isn't astrology a fantasy

    Nobody said that because the planets and stars are not "rocks floating in the void". You need to drop this childish materialistic view if you want to understand astrology. They are beings of their own and have their own energies and these planetary energies affect us. The entire universe is...
  59. H

    Other #76129 This is not an attack on anyone on the forum.

    To be honest, you probably misunderstood the purpose of the forum like many others. It is for asking help and support on Spiritual Satanism. It's not for friends or dating or replacing the concept of a xian church. It goes without saying that you should mostly practice on your own and...
  60. H

    Experiments in concentration camps

    Much of that is truth mixed with fiction. The true part is they did perform medical experiments on prisoners who were were under the death sentence. This was for the reason doctors perform experiments, to test things that would save people's lives. These may sound cruel to some of us, but they...
  61. H

    #76099 Sex slave to a Demon? [Trigger Warning: Sexual Kink]

    Why don't you find a real life woman who is into all that? There are online dating sites for people who are into these kinks.
  62. H

    SS And Veganism

    There's this mistaken idea that animals are conscious beings but plants are not. Plants are as much conscious as animals are, so when you decide you only want to eat plants you're still eating conscious beings anyway. Read this...
  63. H

    About Heinrich Himmler.

    You must be jewish. "I know a guy" isn't evidence. Note that this crap is coming from the same person who said that Satanism is a reaction to xianity: WTF have you been doing for 8 months here, did you even bother to read any of the sites or posts or what?
  64. H

    Tenets, commandments and etc?

    Not in that way. There are Satanic Ethics as well general guidelines as to the practices, since Spiritual Satanism is mostly about regular practice and not just philosophy. Here is the Ethics page: https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic-Ethics.html It's recommended to do power meditation every day...
  65. H

    Is it desirable for Satanists to watch horror or occult horror movies?

    The Gods don't spy on your personal life to find things to be offended. They don't really care about what you do in your private time. They have lives of their own and more important things to care about. If you like horror movies go ahead and watch them. You and most other people totally miss...
  66. H

    Spiritual Satanism vs. Luciferianism

    Lol you haven't even read our main site, please read it before spouting misinfo. https://joyofsatan.org/ It says this: Read especially this page: https://joyofsatan.org/TRADITIONAL.html It mentions this: Also, "Luciferianism" is pretty much Christian. Many of them are Gnostics who...
  67. H

    Why is JoS called JoS

    Because that's its name, "Joy of Satan" or JoS in short. HP Maxine, its founder, said that at that time (2002) all online sites about Satan and Satanism were about death, gore, skeletons and other negative enemy crap while her experiences with Satan were very positive and not like that at all...
  68. H

    The hexagramaton

    Fake LARPer stuff. They don't even know how to transliterate English words to Greek letters: "κνεελ βψ ιδολσ" "Ιφ γοδ ισ ωορδ" "Ηε ωηο σεεκσ τηε λιγητ" 🤦‍♂️ The above is total unpronounceable gibberish for someone who knows Greek.
  69. H

    Ave commilitones satanae

    Are you sure you know what this forum here is about? Have you read the main site, https://joyofsatan.org/ to see what this type of Satanism that is practiced here is about? Are you aware that this is not related at all to other (fake) forms of Satanism, like Reverse Christianity for example...
  70. H

    Other #76038 Race, Jews , gypsies whites

    Not necessarily. It may be true in current times where we've grown past the survival stage, but in ancient times where life was hard people had to go somewhere else if their land became unlivable because of weather or climate or any other conditions or their population grew fast and they needed...
  71. H

    I'm new here!🤘🏻

    You asked if you can translate various things into Arabic and that person replied that these were already translated to Arabic by other Satanists. That's what it means. There's an Arabic site that includes these: https://josarabia.org/
  72. H

    The goddess Tiamut from enuma elish

    No, it's an allegory not a real being. That's why it's not mentioned anywhere on JoS.
  73. H

    Health #76030 vaccine

    *an exception for the covid vaccine, because that guy had health problems that could cause adverse reactions to the vaccine.
  74. H

    Health #76030 vaccine

    Even if a doctor is non-jewish, he could lose his job if he went against the consensus. People somehow think it's just the doctor and can do whatever he wants, but doctors get intimidated by their higher ups. There was a video where woman said that her husband's doctor told him that he...
  75. H

    The Gods #76024 How many gods

    You have the wrong/Abrahamic idea about the word God means. A God is simply a perfected being. It's just a title for a being who has completed the Magnum Opus. A God is just a God by themselves, it's not "the god of" someone else. It's not related to some other being. There are not "gods of the...
  76. H

    How do i know the dedication ritual in astral temple worked

    FYI if you tried and couldn't get any blood, you can still do it physically without blood. Your intention matters above all. If you are doing it astrally because of that reason, then do it physically. Astral dedication is only for those who absolutely can't do the ritual physically, because of...
  77. H

    #76004 The soul doesn't exist

    The satellites do see them. NASA already knows about them and is covering this up. I mean, they've cut off the ISS feed multiple times when UFOs appeared. They have been known for airbrushing and manipulating Moon and Mars photos which contained unusual things. The astronauts in the Apollo...
  78. H

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    Even if we go by those that are publicly available on Google Patents, there are some that look straight out of a science fiction movie. Full body teleportation system: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060071122A1/en Triangular spacecraft...
  79. H

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    Even if it isn't that way, it's a wrong priority to set. There are many other technologies that aren't invasive and more important. Why focus on invasive things like brain chips? For example. anti-gravity technology and free energy devices which are being suppressed and the people who invent...
  80. H

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    Dunno about you guys but I was laughing when I first read that post because it's so dumb. He is just projecting his view of non-White humans into the Gods and doesn't understand that the Gods are different than normal humans. As if a perfect being who has completed the Magnum Opus is the exact...
  81. H

    Hello, hello

    No, tattoos are harmful and toxic and can cause cancer. https://www.sciencealert.com/tattoos-linked-to-increased-cancer-risk-scientists-warn
  82. H

    People from other religions summon demons

    It depends on the type of communication. A non-Satanist can focus on Satan's sigil and ask him for a sign if he is honest, and it's totally ok. But to summon a God/Demon, they need to have done the dedication ritual first. Either way, you can tell your friend to read the JoS site first so he...
  83. H

    Other #75997 Xtian Words? | Also…

    I don't know of any SS who uses the word "diabolical". However "Demon" isn't a bad word, it's an ancient Greek word that originaly meant god or divinity but later was changed to an intermediary spirit between gods and humans. The xians stole it and made it to mean "evil". So we're just...
  84. H

    Other #75998 any community groups?

  85. H

    Other #75986 Politicians, Jacob

    As the High Priest Hoodedcobra said, Satanism isn't a political thing. We don't support a specific political party. There's no "official" line as to what to vote for, since mundane politics aren't the subject of Spiritual Satanism. There's a vision of an ideal society, but mundane politics can't...
  86. H

    The Gods #75987 How many gods

    There could be millions of Gods. Honestly, this isn't important, it's a non-issue as nobody knows their exact number for sure.
  87. H

    The Gods #75988 Aren't gods just imaginary

    Note that the argument in the video is about the Christian/Jewish "god". If you have read our material, you'll see that nobody here claims that Satan and the Gods are like the jewish god. Nobody claims that Satan is omnipotent or created the universe or needs you to only believe and have faith...
  88. H


    VoiceOfEnki explained it above. You need to study the site more though. What's happening "in the head of a fantasist" is real though. Thoughts are real. Thoughts create reality. Even the things in your mind are real and create reality. Dreams are real. Dreams happen in a higher plane that...
  89. H

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    The majority of the WEF board are jews: https://human-synthesis.ghost.io/2023/08/21/the-not-so-friendly-folks-at-the-world-economic-forum/ Note this article below was written by a jew but it makes an important point: WEF's Totalitarian Template is Judaism So yeah, the WEF is a jewish...
  90. H

    Pray with me please 🙏

    As it's been said on the JoS site, Spiritual Satanists don't "pray" for others like xians. This is xian shit. When another person has difficulties we just send them energy or do healing workings for them. https://joyofsatan.org/4Newbies.html
  91. H

    Satanic magic

    It's not a new ritual, you took it from a 18th century jewish grimoire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimorium_Verum Honestly, all of your posts in this thread are about enemy nonsense. You do know that we don't support anything outside the JoS site that claims to be "Satanic", right? Ignore...
  92. H

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    Here's also a top 10 list of the most horrible dystopian things pushed by the WEF: https://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/top-10-insane-wef/ So you can see why most sane people who don't want pills that contain microchips, tracking our clothes, smartphones in our bodies, be identified by...
  93. H

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    The version of "technological progress" of the WEF is controlling humanity via brain chips and decoding the brainwaves so they can read their thoughts and emotions and also so that they will "own nothing and they will be happy" or transforming humans into cyborgs. This isn't something good or...
  94. H

    Health #75939 TCM question, verification

    I don't think this is something people here know about or related to Spiritual Satanism in any way. You'd better ask this in a TCM forum.
  95. H

    Gods and Satans

    Both to both of them. They are both physical and astral. Gods are both physical and astral just like humans are, we are souls incarnated in a human body. Because they are physical beings who live far away from us. They have to project astrally to visit us. You are comparing totally different...
  96. H

    Satan, Magic, Demons

    You are confusing 2 things: What the Gods ordain and what is required or not. The Gods support National Socialism and Hitler was a Satanist doing Satanic work and he was lied about and slandered by the jews, so you probably believe the jewish lies about him. This is all true. But it's also true...
  97. H

    Could celebrities actually be Satanists?

    I'll give you a classic example of Christian retardation. Do you recognize this hand sign? No, it's not related to "horns" or whatever. It's just I Love You (ILY) in American Sign Language. Yet Christards are like "OMG Bush and Obama and Biden and who knows else did this sign, that means...
  98. H

    The Gods #75919 egregore, form of thought

    The point of SS is to awaken our kundalini and spiritual eyes. If you become awakened, you can see past lies and deceptions. Only unawakened people can be fooled by them. And Satan teaches us spiritual techniques for that purpose exactly, to become awakened. A thoughtform isn't intelligent and...
  99. H

    The Gods #75926 Lilit sigil

    Rule of thumb: if something about our Gods doesn't appear in the JoS website it means it's jewish bullshit. Who cares about a "popular" sigil made up by some random jew? Most people on the internet have the wrong idea about our Gods/Demons and believe the jewish lies about them. As said on JoS...
  100. H

    Could celebrities actually be Satanists?

    Some celebrities could be Satanists. However if the reason for believing that is that they are doing "secret signs" or put "subliminals" or secret "666"s, it means you were just duped by dumb Christian books and websites. Think about it: why would a SS do "secret signs" that miraculously are...
  101. H

    I find it hard to believe in magic

    Usually magick (magic without a k just means sleight of hand illusionist tricks, like pulling rabbits out of hats) is something that you can try and see for yourself. It's something you can confirm by practice. But there's plenty of science behind it. Some books about this: The Biology of...
  102. H

    Hello new here and need some helpful advice about stopping Archons and the Demiurge

    FYI the Gnostic worldview where there is an evil personal creator of the universe isn't accepted in Spiritual Satanism. The jewish god isn't real and neither is Jesus. Jesus didn't even exist historically. Yes, there are extraterrestrials who are enemies of Satan, but they aren't commanded by a...
  103. H

    Question about certain influencers in the community who are for being considerate to enemies

    He isn't a Satanist. There are some unwritten rules that even fake Satanists like Laveyans and reverse Christian "devil-worshippers" abide by. One is the rejection of Christian/Right-Hand Path slave morality and its focus on loving everyone. The idea that we are all one is also Right-Hand Path...
  104. H

    How does JOS get all this information

    From research under the guidance of Satan. Unlike the Abrahamic religions, Satanism doesn't depend on a book. Correct, but the JoS contains the entire Al Jilwah and Quret Al Yezid. They are small books of instruction and poetry, they were never meant to be like the jewish bible that is...
  105. H

    Joining Joy of Satan.

    Hello! It's best to stay in the closet though. As a Spiritual Satanist, it's best to keep SS to yourself and not tell random people that you're a Satanist because it's dangerous, not have anything that reveals that you're a Satanist like tattoos. Some people have told literal horror stories...
  106. H

    Wondering about SS

    Just to be clear: When we use the acronym "SS" here it's an abbreviation of "Spiritual Satanism"/"Spiritual Satanism" unless specified otherwise. If you want to learn about Spiritual Satanism, read the main site: https://joyofsatan.org/ Trans=people who were abused or have other childhood...
  107. H

    Other #75842 How do I make a deal with the devil?

    The idea of a deal where you exchange something (your soul or something else) for instant money or power is just enemy lies and not true. All what you heard about Satan from Christians/Muslims/Jews or other people aligned with the enemy is lies. It's not possible to summon him like you can...
  108. H

    The Gods #75834 Lilith/kali

    From the basis of communicating with her. Also, the "jewish" version of Lilith is slanderous and insulting, not loving. The jews have called her all sorts of names, like whore, mother of harlotry e.t.c. You know that the jews don't consider her as a positive being in their Zohar and other...
  109. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    I remember reading HP Hoodedcobra's explanation on Twitter, he said that the "synagogue of Satan" was referring to the "Nicolaitans", a group of Gentiles LARPing as jews. They weren't jews, nor is this verse meant to speak against jews.
  110. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    Did I say that? No, I said even googling shows that the 666 thing has been debunked. Read the results as they explain why it's BS. It's something claimed by retarded Christians ad nauseam. Note that the excerpts you gave about 666 being related to the barcodes provide no evidence or proof that...
  111. H


    Anu doesn't exist. Whether Satan is "the most powerful", I don't know or care because this isn't the concern in Satanism. As you may know, the purpose in Satanism isn't to find the most powerful being so you can blindly worship it and give away your psychic energy tp it, but it's to work with...
  112. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    Update: It appears that quote is fake, as well. Made up by James P. Wickstrom, a crazy Christian Identity cultist who believed Whites are the true Israelites: https://www.kilburntimes.co.uk/news/21976417.fury-recriminations-pirate-radio-stations-antisemitic-broadcast/
  113. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    Because those sources you mentioned are written by braindead Christians who are trying to shift the blame on Satan for what the jews do. It isn't rocket science. I hope you understand that not everything you read on the internet is true, especially if it's written by braindead Christians with...
  114. H


    Anu is an allegory. A pact is a business/formal agreement, this word has doesn't have any relevance in a spiritual path or a religion. Have you seen any other religion or spiritual path mention the word "pact" at all? From the dictionary: The rest of your questions are answered by reading...
  115. H

    Why the jews use 666 as of their own, and say their lord is Satan?

    They don't use Satanic symbols. None of what you posted above is any proof of anything "Satanic". FYI: Moloch isn't any Satanic entity, but an alias of the jewish god Yahweh. The Barcode-666 connection has been debunked and only braindead Christians believe it. Harold Rosenthal said that their...
  116. H

    Satanic literature / left hand path

    The first doesn't contain much to learn, while the second one is truly horrible and against Satanism. I hope you know the Lesser Key of Solomon isn't Satanic or related to Satanism at all. It's a manual for calling upon the Jewish/Christian god and its angels to abuse our Demons and threaten...
  117. H

    Astrology #75779 Astrology/Divination doesn't make sense to me

    Yes, it's because you are using your left brain to interpret what is a clearly right-brained discipline. Astrology and all forms of divination are a right-brained intuitive thing, and if you just practice them instead of using your left brain to explain them you will see that you can get...
  118. H

    Living as a Monk for the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ

    Monks come from these self-denying religions that believe that the material world is evil or an illusion. Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. You will not find them in any religions that do not deny the material world. There are no Muslim monks or Shinto monks or Pagan monks. Not even...
  119. H

    Rituals #75787 SOUL

    That's a Christian/Jewish myth. You can't sell your soul and Satan isn't interested in it. It's the enemies of Satan that are evil and steal people's souls. You can manifest your goals using magick, but that's not instant and it takes spiritual empowerment. If you want knowledge, you can ask...
  120. H

    The Gods #75791 What’s the true happiness?

    Very important question. Money can't give you happiness because happiness is an internal feeling, not something external. It's something that you choose to feel by yourself. You can see that there are very rich people who are sad and there are poor people who are happy. Buying something to...
  121. H

    Praying before eating and making holy water

    I don't think so, because this concept of reciting a robotic, pre-written prayer before doing something isn't Satanic. Just like we don't "pray" for others and sending them healing energy instead, the same thing could be used in food. If you want to accomplish something specific using magick...
  122. H

    The Gods #75767 Whydo pagans eat beef ?

    Yes, and? What's your point? And why do you think eating beef is bad, other than the corruption of Hinduism says so? The Vedic Aryans ate meat as well. They were not vegetarians. It may be a shocker to know that, but vegetarianism in Hinduism was invented about 600 BCE, together with Buddhism...
  123. H

    Ancient people

    This article that debunks the multiculturalist/marxist propaganda about Greeks and Romans references many sources on this and other related topics: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/12/07/race-ethnicity-and-racism-in-greco-roman-society/ From the article: 4.6 Purity of lineage and...
  124. H

    Other #75742 If Satan is good, why do the corrupt elite appear to worship him?

    I'll give you tips on how to spot a true Satanist by the way: A true Satanist knows that he's persecuted for being a Satanist and will avoid wearing any Satanic symbols or displaying anything Satanic related in public. That's what Satan basically advises us, to keep it to ourselves: "Do not...
  125. H

    The Gods #75736 If Satan is the creator - Then?

    I answered this but I'll give you an analogy to explain it better: Imagine you're a very powerful being and you visit a tribe of primitive barbarians. They haven't even invented agriculture, they are hunters and gatherers. They see you use advanced technology that they can't understand, so they...
  126. H

    Other #75740 What's with the elite jews' mixed messaging on Israel?

    They play both sides. There are both Zionist jews who convince White Evangelicals to send all their money to Israel and anti-Zionist jews who ally with White liberals and claim Israel is bad because it's bad White people in Israel oppressing brown Palestinians, and generally that White people...
  127. H

    Other #75742 If Satan is good, why do the corrupt elite appear to worship him?

    He said "I don't care if you think I'm Satan reincarnated" and you took this to mean he's Satanist? Really? You know this is metaphorical and means "I don't care if you think I'm so evil", right? Only someone who is a Christian will use this metaphor, because true Satanists don't believe Satan...
  128. H

    Other #75744 What are the similar aspects between the movie "Rosemary's Baby" and the real Spiritual Satanizm?

    The Satanic Movies section isn't meant to represent Spiritual Satanism. It just lists movies which depict Satan in a relative positive way or contain Satanic or spiritual/esoteric themes. Do you really think the jewywood would really allow a movie that represents Satan and Spiritual Satanism...
  129. H

    Other #75742 If Satan is good, why do the corrupt elite appear to worship him?

    I asked ChatGPT this question and its answer confirms what I said about using it for shock value. My question: Why do celebrities use occult symbolism? ChatGPT's reply: The use of occult symbolism by celebrities is often a subject of speculation and fascination. There are several possible...
  130. H

    Other #75742 If Satan is good, why do the corrupt elite appear to worship him?

    Do you have any evidence that they take any of this seriously, instead of using it as for shock value because it sells? Because it doesn't appear like what you claim at all. I haven't seen any of those teach any positive stuff about Satanism and how to empower themselves. So it's just for shock...
  131. H

    The Gods #75736 If Satan is the creator - Then?

    Because they are extraterrestrials and have physical bodies and are light years away from earth now. They can mainly communicate astrally. When they created us, they were on earth but they left 10k years ago. It's all explained in the JoS site. No, praying and believing in a higher power while...
  132. H

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    That's a politically correct theory that exists only in the West and has been debunked. The majority of the Chinese biologists don't believe in the "out of Africa" theory, by the way. They believe that the races all involved independently, which makes the most sense. As the JoS site says, the...
  133. H

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    FYI Enlil is not the god of the jews, he is on Satan's side. Not even the Lost Book of Enki says that. If you read the Lost Book of Enki right to the end, in the 14th tablet it says that Enki and Enlil hug each other and are no longer enemies. "Let us lock arms as brothers, as comrades who...
  134. H

    The Gods #75710 Homosexual

    There aren't any. The idea of gays wanting children is human behavior and foreign to the Gods. The jews have convinced gays that they can be just like the heterosexuals and marry, have children e.t.c. when their purpose is different. By their nature, they are more of the role of protectors and...
  135. H

    About the republican party

    Jefferson wasn't a xian. He said this: "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world...
  136. H

    About the republican party

    Trump isn't against abortion. He wants the states instead of the federal government to dictate whether to ban or allow abortion, which is a sensible thing. The overturn of Roe vs. Wade doesn't mean they banned abortion. It means that each state can have its own laws about abortion and decide...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
