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  1. Demonolater2023

    Should we feel sorry if worthless people end up perishing?

    I am not going to help my family. If you want more info, please feel free to check my initial post here. Best I can do for them is no harm.
  2. Demonolater2023

    Should we feel sorry if worthless people end up perishing?

    I find myself having less and less empathy over time for specific groups of people. I was upset witnessing what happened in Shanghai to the old people, children, pets etc, in general those who cannot defend themselves, but when I see first world country losers especially American and Canadians...
  3. Demonolater2023

    Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

    I am not sure what do the members have to clarify? If people did not agree with main ideas on the forum, would they be here in the first place? I found the forum through the process of elimination of many other things after researching and studying them. xtianity was easy to see through, even...
  4. Demonolater2023

    Is the end goal for an SS immortality?

    Apologies in advance for asking 2 questions in one day, I won't be spamming the forum, I ask because it is important and I have found a lot of useful info here about how we should think/meditate/prepare etc but what are our end goals? Links/sources/sermons are most welcome as well!
  5. Demonolater2023

    Covid ''quarantine camps'' in China

    Yesterday I watched the 2020 movie Songbird because I read that it was textbook predictive programming. In the movie, people have to undergo face scanning via cellphone twice a day and those who are infected are sent to the ''Q-zone'' aka quarantine zone supposedly for treatment. No one sent...
  6. Demonolater2023

    About Fake "Satanists", Wannabe's and other Similar Groups

    I used to have an Indian online friend who was supposedly a buddhist... biggest lazy whiny bitch on the planet and biggest hypocrite I have met, he had even surpassed many xtians I know in hypocricy and that's hard to do. He shamed whoever wasn't vegan like him and pretended he is this morally...
  7. Demonolater2023

    Can the death cult religions cause amnesia and brain damage?

    I will not name the 2 religions I am referring to, because we all know who they are, but I am making this post because from time to time I feel like information is falling into my lap and make me see even more absurd things. If you talk to any xtian abuser, they never happen to remember anything...
  8. Demonolater2023

    Kumusta! Greetings! Filipino for Satan here! A Case for Filipino Satanism and True Philippine Religion

    Welcome to the forum! Thank you for your detailed informative post, I learned a lot I did not know. I am sorry to hear you experienced all of this hardship because of that stupid religion, I also come from a hardcore x-tian family and they use it to perpetuate abuse and oppression and force you...
  9. Demonolater2023

    El@n M@sk and ''turning the other cheek''

    I recently read some tweets (I have a very bad opinion about him and his agenda that got amplified after I read the posts here) and as if he was not tweeting enough degenerate nonsense already, he made some x-tian tweets about how turning the other cheek is such a powerful idea because ''it ends...
  10. Demonolater2023

    What is the agenda behind her endless praise?

    https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/03/grimes-cover-story-on-music-and-mars I apologize in advance for making 2 posts in the same day, it is not my intention to end up spamming the forum and I will stop after this. I read this interview of C (I don't want to use full names of these people...
  11. Demonolater2023

    Can you please explain what really happened?

  12. Demonolater2023

    New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED

    I remember doing research about this site before I joined and finding some ''exposing'' blogs, one of them was full of the most extreme nonsense, like saying that HoodedCobra is a teenager (!?) and it didn't take long to realize that the people writing were having the usual andrapoda mental...
  13. Demonolater2023

    Why were social media enforced upon us?

    I am interested in understanding and learning more about the spiritual warfare the enemy conducts via social media. I will post my main questions and I am very grateful to any of our members who wants to share their opinion/information: What is the REAL plan behind contaminating the world with...
  14. Demonolater2023

    How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist

    Thank you for this extremely uplifting advice and reminder. I have a side income online business that requires interaction with online people and I attract horrible people on a daily basis, you can tell they are completely unspiritual, self obsessed andrapoda, but I was forced to keep social...
  15. Demonolater2023

    Antinatalist x-muslim friend committed to the psych ward

    If you have read my previous posts (you don't have to, I say it because I mentioned them), after I left xtianity I went through a period of befriending other people who also left their religions and one of them was a supposedly former muslim girl who originally appeared very intelligent and...
  16. Demonolater2023

    Where to start when you want to learn astrology and tarot?

    Thank you so much for your responses!
  17. Demonolater2023

    Where to start when you want to learn astrology and tarot?

    Can you please recommend resources? I am new to those subjects and want to learn properly. Thank you
  18. Demonolater2023

    Things We Know And Things We Dont - Russia/Ukraine Situation [March 8th - UPDATED - BIOLABS?]

    Truth has become a matter of opinion in 2022. It's interesting to see the shifting in the pro-Trump movement. Every day I come across something like ''When Trump was a President, he kept Putin in his place''. I wonder if this is part of his agenda to be re-elected in 2026. It's like everything...
  19. Demonolater2023

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    Is there a chance that this is a distraction or ploy to introduce the new ''virus variant'' that ''spread because of the war'' and enforce the mandates/vaccines or come up with new vaccines? I can't help but wonder about the convenience of the timing. I have seen many people talking about their...
  20. Demonolater2023

    How Jewish narcissism expert S@m V@knin sees the west

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1mgQJhDDC0 I found this video today and find it very shocking. He starts by pretending to care about the victims or narcissism and the mask slips around 48:00 min. If you find it useful please share it in the important section. The contempt of his description...
  21. Demonolater2023

    How to curse someone and completely destroy them?

    Thank you for sharing your situation and for your advice, you are right, retaliating too soon can backfire because then they will be stalking me and harassing me to help them with the problems they themselves created. In the past originally I had a job in the same town as them and I had to...
  22. Demonolater2023

    How to curse someone and completely destroy them?

    Because the corrupted justice system takes years to do anything unless they find you dying or beaten or killed. She is a known scammer with several lawsuits from several people against her, but because no one's life is threatened her case is constantly being postponed. Only one case that...
  23. Demonolater2023

    How to curse someone and completely destroy them?

    I am extremely enraged. I found out through my textbook x-tian andrapode father that my narcissistic pos mother has been working behind my back to start some kind of business scam with rent-a-room buildings and then transfer it to me. She found some run down unit in another god forsaken town...
  24. Demonolater2023

    The NPC = The Andrapoda - Spiritual Satanism And Levels Of Humanity

    Maybe it's because I am new to SS compared to many, but I do not feel any empathy for the andrapoda and I think of their eventual destruction as natural selection and what happens to useless entities who refused to evolve. I have suffered immensely because of andrapoda all of my life, not just...
  25. Demonolater2023

    What does Satan think of queer ppl?

    If you notice in history, ever since the 2 main horrible religions started to spread (xtianity and islam) gatekeeping of sexuality started for everyone under those enslaving religions regardless of their sexual orientation. They hate queer people, but they also hate straight people having sex...
  26. Demonolater2023

    How to deprogram xtian limiting beliefs about money?

    Thank you Henu the Great for the links!
  27. Demonolater2023

    What should I work?

    I think it's best to try to find a way to incorporate your interest in a career that can be monetized. I cannot think of much about geography, but when it comes to geology, would your knowledge be used in a craft? I knew a woman who used to study geology and then she became a jewelry maker and...
  28. Demonolater2023

    How to deprogram xtian limiting beliefs about money?

    Thank you for your advice HoodedCobra, your writings have helped me a lot, is there a link for the working that I can read? Never done it before.
  29. Demonolater2023

    How to deprogram xtian limiting beliefs about money?

    I grew up with the usual xtian brainwashing that money is the source of all evil, rich people have to be scammers or filth or ride coattails blah blah and I have recently noticed that the idea of me becoming very rich or successful gives me a lot of anxiety and that if I become rich something...
  30. Demonolater2023

    Advice on living with cursed person/possible thoughtform

    So far I have sent her all the material about aura cleansing and she has started to work on them. I will try to explain to her about returning curses, just trying to not overwhelm her by introducing too much at once. As for the person being handicapped, are they really? If yes what kind of...
  31. Demonolater2023

    Advice on living with cursed person/possible thoughtform

    Recently 2 of my cousins came to the town I live because they had job interviews and we spend some time together. They are not x-tians and I try to help anyone who wants to escape my insane abusive xtian family. One of them shared her situation and asked for advice and I decided to post here...
  32. Demonolater2023

    How to cope with the stress of living a double life/hiding?

    What kind of binding? Can you please share links/resources? Thank you to everyone for responding and offering support!
  33. Demonolater2023

    Vampire destroying my life. How can I fix it ?

    How did your father react when you had to return home? Did you notice any new symptoms or already existing ones worsening? I also had noticed that when I was living with my family it's like I had a target on my back for vicious people to harass me, it was at paranormal levels. For example, if...
  34. Demonolater2023

    Vampire destroying my life. How can I fix it ?

    I come from a x-tian house with many similarities to what you described and I am going to share things I did that helped, maybe some will work for you. 1. Practical removal of possibly cursed/binding items. Not only the obvious x-tian ones, I started to found peace when I threw...
  35. Demonolater2023

    How to cope with the stress of living a double life/hiding?

    Recently I had to have a phone call with my estranged x-tian father about 2 cousins that will come look for work in the town I live (nothing against them, they are nice people and I am happy to help if I can). But the conversation reminded me of how much I disagree with everything my father says...
  36. Demonolater2023

    Why so many xtians never doubt their faith?

    Do you have your story of how you left posted so I can read it please? (or if not to share it in a non-doxxing way). Thank you to everyone for your very detailed answers, I appreciate it a lot because for a long time I lived oppressed and not being able to ask anything since the questions...
  37. Demonolater2023

    Why so many xtians never doubt their faith?

    I mean that I can confirm from first hand information and it's not some online '''he said she said'' story on facebook. I try to distinguish sharing something that happened from people I know in real life vs people I know online.
  38. Demonolater2023

    Why so many xtians never doubt their faith?

    I know an Asian woman who is a hardcore xtian in real life. She married another brainwashed xtian man and they tried to have a child unsuccessfully for a year. They saw a doctor who told them that the man has severe fertility problems and they will need IVF. Praying. First IVF fails. The woman...
  39. Demonolater2023

    why is hitler getting praised here?

    Thank you for coming to tell us all what to believe. We are all corrected now and this forum will instead become about gardening or how to forgive and forget and how all people are kind deep down and of course they are all equal and you should let by gones be bygones. Because that's what we have...
  40. Demonolater2023

    Explaining the extreme nonsense of antinatalism

    A lot of my former muslim friends (no longer friends with them, good riddance) are leaving islam and becoming antinatalists. There is a growing movement on twitter and reddit of extreme mental disease. They support the ''ethical extinction of humanity'' and actively wish/pray/curse for humans to...
  41. Demonolater2023

    Putting On A Show / "Lip service"

    I consider it a disrespectful move towards our Father Satan, since you will be attending places and associate with people who actively spread enemy propaganda, curse SS and spread many other filthy nonsensical ideas and hate (against homosexuals, transssexuals, free thinking, abuse of women and...
  42. Demonolater2023

    Wealthy members amongst us?

    Currently battling a financial curse sadly, if I manage to become rich I will contribute to the cause of course.
  43. Demonolater2023

    Is Christianity right in showing Satan as female?

    A collection of painting is a form of art, it's neither spirituality, nor religion. I have a question for you: How do you believe the whole ''I killed my only son to save you people'' idea of x-tianity. That's like me saying ''I run over my only child with my car to help my neighbors". Does it...
  44. Demonolater2023

    Important information About Greys and how to be protected when they attack.

    After witnessing that stupid religion destroy many people by creating sexual dysfunction, allowing rape as normal, creating birth defects via inbreeding and a huge list of other shit, I want nothing to do with it. Why are you ALWAYS trying to proselytize other people? Do you think we are...
  45. Demonolater2023

    Suffering and negativity.

    I think that negative events like earthquakes and physical disasters cannot be prevented, but associating with negative people and energy vampires should be avoided. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and many other ''mental illnesses'' that all stopped magically after I...
  46. Demonolater2023

    List of Demons, best offerings, favorite colors, stones etc?

    Would the rituals be more effective if I offered specific things (like candles, incense or something else) that each Demon prefers or wear their favorite colors, stones etc? Is there a website/book or other resource I can use?
  47. Demonolater2023

    Interesting h@lu commersial from 9 years ago

    Maybe predictive programming for the end times, so that when they reveal their identity as an enemy alien race people will be less surprised?
  48. Demonolater2023

    Question about an ex-girlfriend

    She didn't have Asian eyes.
  49. Demonolater2023

    New member self-introduction and questions/observations

    My first language is Japanese.
  50. Demonolater2023

    Question about an ex-girlfriend

    I agree, I believe they can even place your DNA in a crime scene and frame you later, but she had taken that test without asking my opinion, as with many other bad decisions. Maybe she was jewish and hiding it? Who knows. In any case, even the fact that the supposedly ''multicultural'' way she...
  51. Demonolater2023

    Question about an ex-girlfriend

    2 years ago I had a girlfriend that was born in Singapore and raised in New Zealand because her parents moved there for work. She had very pale skin and brown hair and eyes. In Singapore everyone considered her white. When we were dating she took a 23andme test and the results were ''Caucasian...
  52. Demonolater2023

    Interesting h@lu commersial from 9 years ago

    It seems that all of their commercials are like that and the mushy brain operation has been going fine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxBSPqJd2_Y
  53. Demonolater2023

    Interesting h@lu commersial from 9 years ago

    When I first started doing my research on SS I was trying to understand and absorb everything that was happening and especially the part about multiple alien races and the ones hostile to humanity doing mind control was difficult for me to grasp. It's not that I didn't believe it, but it was...
  54. Demonolater2023

    New member self-introduction and questions/observations

    Thank you, I will continue researching and only start a new thread if I have not managed to found something similar posted before. Otherwise, I will just comment under the older thread.
  55. Demonolater2023

    New member self-introduction and questions/observations

    Thank you all so much for your welcoming words, encouragement and advice, I appreciate it greatly. I have started a notebook and write down everything you suggested daily and I will also document my progress/thoughts. There are some more things I want to add/ask that are not directly related to...
  56. Demonolater2023

    New member self-introduction and questions/observations

    Hello, thank you for accepting me to the forum, I have been reading for many days and I thought it's polite to introduce myself and explain what share the journey that ledes me here (maybe this post will encourage other lurkers to join too?). Hail Satan, if I wasn't called I would 100% NOT be...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
