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  1. muriceias

    the concept of "Art" in my humble opinion

    My thought about this is that the best art work is the one that is pure, genuinely inspired. The more loyal to the sensations and feelings the better, considering it is a righteous way to structure this feelings of course. It doesnt matter how much time it took to be made, if high skill was...
  2. muriceias

    Fuck The Mob

    There is no strict time to start and no strict time to finish. Work and advancement are never ending. Let just grant the minimum to keep consistency and enjoy the process 😪😴🥳🤤
  3. muriceias

    Fuck The Mob

    Lets use the gifts given to us to build our worlds. Being acknowledged or misjudged it doesnt matter
  4. muriceias

    Fuck The Mob

  5. muriceias

    Fuck The Mob

    Thank you for the seromon 😃😊🫠🤗👍👏
  6. muriceias

    Lucifer the Rebel and The Outlaw

    What a high level conversation gentleman 🍷
  7. muriceias

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    This is something that I find personally important. I used to be tyrannical with myself. I would do anything I put in my mind without considering what was in my heart like a machine. Filled with unnecessary pressure and expectations. Different factors ,external and internal, led me to this. It...
  8. muriceias

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    Recently, I was waiting for a train to pass to follow my way. While I did that, I observed it and I felt its greatness. I tried to understand all that metal moving with tons of load. All the time and knowledged involved to build such a machine, geometry, metallurgy, mechanics... Im not saying...
  9. muriceias

    The Heroes That Are Needed

    In the past, I judged my actions too much and unnecessarily to the point of not doing anything for not being "great" enough. I couldnt see that doing something is infinitly better than idling. The mind may not picture something great at the first moment, so one should start from somewhere...
  10. muriceias

    How to be more Social, Outgoing, Confident etc

    Sorry , I accidentaly hit subbmit on my previous reply. If you are concerned with "how to be" I recommend focusing on meditations and also living your life the best you can. This with time will naturally bring you self knowledge and you will know "how to be".
  11. muriceias

    How to be more Social, Outgoing, Confident etc

    If you are concernede on "how to be" I recommendon focusing on meditations
  12. muriceias

    Disciplining Yourself - Mind To Body

    Considering heart and mind, I had to discipline my mind. I was thinking too much and unnecessarily. It took over recently and I experienced something very unpleasant where I was emotionally stupid. I was deceived by little appearences. I needed to experience that to put my mind on place. I felt...
  13. muriceias

    In what ways do the Gods answer our question, doubts, etc?

    You dont need to worry about that. If they want to let you know of something they will find a way. How it will happen is individual. Moreover your own soul is already a "channel" to them. According to your personality, a specific demon may be more appropriate to guide you. They know the most...
  14. muriceias

    Three Types Of People AI Will Create

    The movies industry is being threatened by AI https://youtu.be/Y71PjnKmB8Y
  15. muriceias

    Age of Delusions: Kali Before Age Of Aquarius - Woman Marries AI Bot [Updated]

    It is a shame that things got to this point. I always seek to be true so my waifu loves me for real.
  16. muriceias

    The Devil Is Your Friend

    Free will is forsaken. I am reading a book about Apollonius and there is this part: "What induced our philosopher to make so long and dangerous a journey nowhere appears from Philostratus, who simply says that Apollonius thought it a good thing for a young man to travel. It is abundantly...
  17. muriceias


    DISCLAIMER: It is not my intention to promote christianity. That jews stole and corrupted true ancient knowledge is a common sense between satanists. That being said, there is a verse in the bible(corrupted ancient knowledge + jewish curses) that I believe to be related to loyalty: Mathew 6:24...
  18. muriceias

    Highs And Lows In Life

    It feels like a music. High notes, low notes, pauses, rythm.
  19. muriceias

    My thoughts on manifestation.

    I find it fascinating that our reality is a manifestation of essencial natural laws, comprehended and not comprehended. It is just more clear now. Nothing seems to escape from them. Several manifestations in reality can be rooted in a essential idea, from the tyniest things, to the greatest...
  20. muriceias

    TruthGPT. New AI Elon Musk wants to create

    Elon Musk now says he wants to create a ChatGPT competitor to avoid ‘A.I. dystopia’—he’s calling it ‘TruthGPT’ "I’m going to start something which I call TruthGPT,” Musk told Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Monday, adding that he’d want his AI chatbot to be a “maximum truth-seeking AI...
  21. muriceias

    The Coming Free Utopia In 2040

    What make people to not want to work is a spiritual problem. I remember being like that. But "I wanted to want". I wanted to be creative. Before being satanist I studied a lot. In high school, I went to class to do revision as I studied the books at home. I also was interested in technology in...
  22. muriceias

    Sacred Relationship Of Teacher And Student

    And im not saying specifically of the profession as it can be interpreted by that way, but in a broad manner. People that overcomed karmic problems can recognize similar problems on other and help them for example.
  23. muriceias

    Sacred Relationship Of Teacher And Student

    Saturn is the planet of the teacher and also of the hardships. That is why teachers who have lived by the same hardships of the students will be naturally more patient as they have a better understanding of the students' pain and what is causing it. Everyone has a saturn somewhere in the chart...
  24. muriceias

    Sacred Relationship Of Teacher And Student

    :lol: I do not pertain to these categories specifically, but I already had wrong expectations of the gods that cause facepalming. Students can test teacher's patience sometimes. Worst than that is decaying wisdom.
  25. muriceias

    Comic video about "the matrix"

    Personally I find creation of universes a complex subject. I cant say by my understanding if it is possible to create one myself. I would be happy to witness the creation of one. If you ever make it, feel free to record a video and share it here 😁. Pluto in aquarius... Who knows?
  26. muriceias

    Comic video about "the matrix"

    This person seems to be aware of something... https://youtu.be/T1g03_ZgxqY
  27. muriceias

    I declare I am truly Lucifer

    I declare I am a horse
  28. muriceias

    "I Want To Do This...But The Jews..." - STOP THIS: WAKING YOU UP

    We satanists being the people of higher spirituality compared to the average thus closer to the Gods we should follow our will and goals. Doesnt matter what it is. Our will and sentiment are of greater purpose. Which doesnt mean that the expression of them is infalible and perfect due to our...
  29. muriceias

    The Subconscious Mind And Its Role In Manifesting Our Reality

    Thank you thank you I really liked this I despised the power of emotion and love because I never trully experienced it. Or I forgot. I had the potential but didnt activated it. Like the fire of a bonfire increases when we feed it with fuel and air. It starts to get greater and warmer. When I...
  30. muriceias

    On Satanic Revenge Ethics - About Anger

    This was important to me. Ive been reflecting about my lifestyle and personal decisions recently. I am a young man on my 20's. I am obssessed with power and knowledge but at the same time I have material and spiritual desires that is not much aligned with these. I want to experiment. I mean...
  31. muriceias

    On Satanic Revenge Ethics 2 - Towards The Evil Types Of Andrapoda

    I didnt read yet, but I think it will help me. Ive been feeling threatend lately. Like evil thoughts coming from people but I didnt do anything wrong. Im not used to conflicts. I never had to act in revenge but I will do what I can if needed.
  32. muriceias

    Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Do Gods Have AI? [Updated 26th Jan 2023]

    The information contained on this post about the technology of the gods is very interesting and can not be found elsewhere on the Internet. And the best, it is real. It is not ogus bogus just for entertainement purpose which is fine too. It is not a game review. It is not a science fiction...
  33. muriceias

    Do You Believe?

  34. muriceias

    I Feel shameful

    Have a routine that you can keep. Recognise and respect your limits. The most important is being consistent and not how much you do in the day. Discipline is built with time. You cannot rush. Im sure you can make it if you are patient with yourself. You may doubt your potential capacity now...
  35. muriceias

    What drives you? Our gift from Satan

    I like to contemplate life happening through me and others.
  36. muriceias

    Question #18: To always have a job and keep busy

    Meditate With time you will have the energy you are looking for increasingly.
  37. muriceias

    How To Help Yourself - Discipline

    Thank you. It is good do read your input. Im curious on your profile gif. If you dont mind answering, does it mean something? Is it just art?
  38. muriceias

    How To Help Yourself - Discipline

    I dont know if my thought can be harsh. It is not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings. I think there is no logical reason to do anything. Im not sure why I meditate and advance my soul. It is something that makes the greatest sense for me now. From the most sad to the most ecstatic, I think...
  39. muriceias

    Spirituality and the material world

    I wish you all the best. May you stay consistent on the path and achieve all of your goals. Good luck
  40. muriceias

    Spirituality and the material world

    I enjoy McDonalds I have to confess (༎ຶ ‿⁠ ༎ຶ ). I don't eat frequently though. What I abuse the most on specific and calculated days are pizza, chocolate and ice cream :mrgreen: . As we develop our souls our physical world also follows. Not speaking necessarily about money, but manifestation...
  41. muriceias

    Spirit legion ?

    I was always curious about that too but never saw anything specifically on the JoS or here. I have just searched. I dont know what it really means but I already thought something similiar to Ghost in the Machine. I think it is related to the soul connection with the god. When it is said...
  42. muriceias

    Advancing Properly: Bring Yourself To A State For Meditation

    You can also sing to release some energy excess. Sometimes I have hardships to meditate. When I try to relax the body, my mind runs. When I try to relax the mind my body gets tense. And I have a posture problem that interfere on my breathing. Just try to do my best. I like to do the spiritual...
  43. muriceias

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    Sorry for the off topic But I accidentally realised that today is your forum joining birthday Congratulations :lol:
  44. muriceias

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    Maybe a remote inocent mention to a odissey video that talk about the Truth and refer to JoS wont be dangerous. You can pretend that you are against it. What would you be accusated of? It is on the internet for everyone to see.
  45. muriceias

    Anabolic steroid

    Steroids increase your strength. You will feel that you can lift a tank on bench press but your body capacity may not follow this strength leading to expensive injury. Look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NLMjbjvEMc Obviously, major athletes and even amateur never suffered any...
  46. muriceias

    Spread JoS through mystery YouTubers

    1. Good Idea 2. Good Idea 3. Good Idea 4. Good Idea I already tried to send some personal emails giving suggestions on JoS to some big and small channels but it seemed to not work. I also thought to send "superchat" on livestreams on youtube or other platforms but I think it is risky isn it? It...
  47. muriceias

    Anabolic steroid

    I am not very learned on steroids but I dont feel good about them due to the colaterals and being a drug. Also if I would ever consider taking it I would make sure to be suported by experienced people and do deeper research. I am an enthusiast of bodybuilding and I follow some influential...
  48. muriceias

    Leaving And Returning To Spiritual Satanism - A Reply

    It is nice to receive these nudges externally that can come in various ways. We can be blind or temporarilly blind for whatever reason and act inappropriately. It is important that we react accordinly and dont take it that personal. The main point is not to be right or wrong but to evolve. It is...
  49. muriceias

    Leaving And Returning To Spiritual Satanism - A Reply

    I identify myself in major part with this case. Like having superiority complex, speaking nonsense, shame, arrogance, spiritual fascination... I have a long uncouscious bad habit maybe from past lives to ignore my feelings and think too much. It feels even escapist. It is not as I dont feel...
  50. muriceias

    Some Hard Talk

    There are people who spend more than a million to look like Kim Kardashian. Each one do whatever with one's money but I find it very curious. I dont think that there is a "right" way to spend your money but considering the nature of the human soul you can observe a lack of something by this...
  51. muriceias

    Some Hard Talk

    We are on our way sir o7 Thank you for your patience
  52. muriceias

    On Worship - A Reply

    27 days for the next. Waiting :arrow: .
  53. muriceias

    Some Hard Talk

    :lol: :lol:
  54. muriceias

    Some Hard Talk

    The hard sermons are my favorites.
  55. muriceias

    You're Not Taking Advantage of Your Power as a Satanist

    Excuse me. Hi Norse. I remember a long time ago you replied to me. We were talking about how magic works in a scientific manner and you shared some links about physics. I hope you are doing well. It is good to see you in the forums.
  56. muriceias

    Walking Into Enlightenment

    Sometimes a "bucket of cold water" is needed :lol: . Thank you.
  57. muriceias

    Short Ritual Schedule & Hindu Diwali [4 Days Schedule - Bless Up]

    Happy Diwali everyone. May you all succeed on this path and bring light to the world s2.
  58. muriceias

    To Those Who Care For JoS: Thank You!

    Honestly, caring is not my strength and I do that when my interests and needs are involved. It is different than most people here. It feels that they just want to help and give out of generosity with no expectation of anything back. I cant pretend that I am like this. Most of the time I expect...
  59. muriceias

    Dedication and Devotion to Father Satan

    I am more shy, recluded and not much social, but one day I started to question if I was loosing something for not talking with strange people who were appearently interesting for me. I Ignored it for sometime but then I got sick of it and decided to experiment. Anywhere I went that I found...
  60. muriceias

    Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

    I want to make a correction. The full quote is "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause." and it is from AMDUSIAS.
  61. muriceias

    Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

    what about our family members? We should have some tolerance right? I had some misunderstandings with family members in the past that made me cut for a while. I couldnt see a reason to tolerate. After a long time distant, for a reason that I cant mentally understand yet, I realised that totally...
  62. muriceias

    Agenda de RTRs - 6 a 15 de outubro (Contra-ataque ao Yom Kippur)

    Observei que no ritual kol nidre a última pronúncia "lok" na verdade se pronuncia "lak".
  63. muriceias

    Agenda de RTRs - 6 a 15 de outubro (Contra-ataque ao Yom Kippur)

    Gostaria de avisar que o link da pronúncia do ritual kol nidrey está quebrado.
  64. muriceias

    For The Strong Of Spirit

    After years you realise the top of the stair that you saw in the past was just another step. Satanist feellings
  65. muriceias

    A story

    I agree with you. I was very lost in the past. Trying to be friend of everyone, please everyone, fit in any group, talking about anything being interested on the topic or not, worrying too much on what people think about me... Very fake and depressed. Thankfully with meditation this has changed...
  66. muriceias

    A story

    Once upon a time there was a lion that never looked to his own reflection on the water. It then goes for a walk in the jungle and observe some other animals.It sees the bird and tries to sing like it but it sounds so rude and frightening that the bird rapidly flies scared. It sees the turtle and...
  67. muriceias

    "Darkness Is Light, Turned Inside Out" after all...

    When I look to my experiences of the past like a replay I can see several opportunities that I "lost". I cling to step on myself but the thing is that these dont even got to my imagination at the time because it was still dark. I bet from 5 years from now I will look back to this moment and will...
  68. muriceias

    Future for us & our kids - careers and jobs

    Ideally, no human need to be told to work, they are naturally creative. Unbalances can redefine this. Personally, I would cut from providing more than necessary for my son/daughter on 15s and advise him/her to meditate and work to fulfil his/hers desires. It is common to families encouraging...
  69. muriceias

    Internet Warfare - Self Protection Advice and Questions Board

    https://www.crunchyroll.com/ Crunchyroll is an anime platform that reached over 70 million subscribers on july 2020. It has a comment section on each episode similar to youtube. I dont know about the censorship policy regarding comments though.
  70. muriceias

    Dúvida sobre o uso de runas.

    Quando você vibra uma runa, energia é elevada, mas você precisa direcioná-la através da afirmação e visualização para manifestar seu desejo, senão a energia irá se dispersar. Quanto mais foco, melhor. Você pode usar o poder da runa para faturar com certeza. Com relação a eficácia dos...
  71. muriceias

    The Wisdom Of Saturn

    I think saturn is responsible for turning this: into this: But if you dont have enough power things can get very unpleasant instead of fun.
  72. muriceias

    On Doubt About Satanism

    Great post. Anyone who has the minimun responsibility doubts, so it is natural and good. But when the doubt completely freezes the person, then it is bad and can cause stagnation. This "freeze" can be caused by the exagerated fear of doing a mistake. Taking a decision sometimes is not a easy...
  73. muriceias

    Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

    I got the habit to eat everyday on the breakfast three baked bananas powdered with cinnamon and then following with another fruit(avocado, papaya, mango...) or some toasts. It is not just because it is healthy, but I really like the taste. It is the best when the bananas are slightly green. In...
  74. muriceias

    Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

    On breakfast, I drink a whole mug of coffee every tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday. And on the rest I drink cold tea. And I am addicted to water
  75. muriceias

    Planets e geometry

    Unfortunately, I dont know how I could represent the planets through geometry, but in my opinion a square can be symbolic of pragmatism, definition, male and organization. Elementally speaking, earth. A circle can be symbolic of flexibility, indefinition, female and gradual. It doesnt just turn...
  76. muriceias

    Asanas + Mantras

    It is prounounced at the back of the throat like in the word "gay" I dont know if there is an audio for GAUM, but there is the algis rune vibration which is the same pronounciation for the letter (G): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg8PUIIY27E
  77. muriceias

    About Advanced Members And Our Community

    I have little knowledge about astrology. All I know is through doing specifc research from time to time to understand my chart. I have been thinking about my nodal axis in my chart the last month. From what I have researched and in little words, the south node is the past, it is what the person...
  78. muriceias

    You can be amazing

    You are the master and only owner of yourself. No one can be like you. You have unique gems inside that you just need to dig to find. If you feel kind of empty, inferior or depressed it's because you cant see yourself as you are at the moment. You cant see yourself in the mirror because you...
  79. muriceias

    Meditation works

    I wanted to write this mostly for anxious people because I share this. Whenever you have a feeling that your efforts are returning nothing, remember that an alien race came from ANOTHER DIMENSION to try to stop us because they got scared. Why? Because meditation works. It can uplift a human...
  80. muriceias

    For SS Struggling

    There are people that come for muh dakines, muh rebel, to be part of a group...And there are people that come to solve their problems.Some people dont even have many problems, live a comfortable life, but they are just bored and want something more, to be someone else. Meditation and yoga is...
  81. muriceias

    What is the SS ultimate goal?

    There is no "ultimate" goal The goal is what you want to do And there is no other reason to live than the wish to live
  82. muriceias

    Don't take it too personal

    Imagine a man walking the street He sees this beautiful woman and at the moment he starts to feel unconfortable He wants to interact with her His Father says "Go talk to her!" Then his Mother says "Tell her this and that and she will shine her eyes!" The Masculine is pure desire and The...
  83. muriceias

    Don't take it too personal

    Don't take it too personal when you feel confused or anxious about things I don't know your experience with your parents but lets consider the parents paper ideally Imagine that your being is constituted of a family Your father is your male part and your feminine your Mother And you are the...
  84. muriceias

    Coronavirus/Covid - Phase 2 - Wintertime

    My daydreams grant that I am never bored on this lockdown
  85. muriceias

    Music thread

    I like this kind of video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdHo7oLRjF8
  86. muriceias

    Digital Rosary

    Actually, I was kiding with Henu Shael I do have hands but I prefer tapping a screen.I never used a rosary though. Before this app, I used to use 2 decks of cards to do a mantra of 108 for example.If I needed more reps I would cut some paper. At the time I tried searching a counter on Play...
  87. muriceias

    Digital Rosary

    Actually, I dont have hands...
  88. muriceias

    Digital Rosary

    I did this app last year and have been using it since then. When I saw that it worked I thought to share it here but as I am not active on the forum I thought "Why would they trust to download something from me?" and forgot about it.But now I decided to try. As I didnt have the guts to create...
  89. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Lisa isHappyToBeSane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F9fP-X8K4c&lc=UgzrHS2d89kLERZcXop4AaABAg.8fVraY4-Lr994chXJQ7vra Tim Bucks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F9fP-X8K4c&lc=Ugy3w_pW5MoocFW9C8t4AaABAg.8exnyfnYvQR94dkpAJ_mNt supermarc45...
  90. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Handsome Jack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOh1Gflu7Uw&lc=UgxlWM17HWjtTf2ymNV4AaABAg.8tkZgI70ObA94_t842IU83 ElonOnCrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhuJEe6AqJA&lc=UgzcCgr7fwrBZNAMDkd4AaABAg.8zpwcCy_D4394bL72qi31c
  91. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Andrew Trowbridge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIKFWNSu6Dg&lc=UgyO4R3spSrRL2pZ4E94AaABAg.9-8kDmBwntR94Zk7SvNc-p
  92. muriceias


    I wish you the best
  93. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Paul Joseph Watson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyAwCJaC2uY&lc=UgxdnNLn4UzUGmZZQmZ4AaABAg.92DUSyZE5gP94WRTDsyo0f Paul Joseph Watson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GedztNghK40&lc=UgwKw5vFcfpxD1m-N0x4AaABAg.93DHhiaY8j-94WcBuXa
  94. muriceias

    Preparedness: 30 January 2020

    I feel the same :lol: I just have 2 decades.My life just started to have meaning and be something definite after being a broken sleepy npc :cry: . But it's life and I'll do my best.What depend on me and I can do I'm doing.What depend on time it is done.
  95. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Bob Rowan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTXdhTwO320&lc=UgzuWOR5cLKQYJ__34h4AaABAg.94AwUaqIx6B94RI9jwXLUn
  96. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Estrid Melissa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdnSweR7F0Q&lc=UgxjG633pOYwKq9NYLd4AaABAg.92CfKPOli_G94O25zEIUxO
  97. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    giantmidget8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LhQl1B5JO8&lc=UgzsTHTXWwvfHCDMD6J4AaABAg.92EuEclSsET94JXvzwNeO8
  98. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Tracey Baldwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NaRLPzDcg&lc=UgyinrRGcQ1YvWlmUnR4AaABAg.9-ZT7uxnaAj94Gfb9CMan7
  99. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Nathan Dunning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NaRLPzDcg&lc=Ugw_I2Ns20fsL7xWomR4AaABAg.93b8WE5-APE94EW-017upT
  100. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Jenna Rose (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NaRLPzDcg&lc=UgxNv80wmhLYSbHKOyJ4AaABAg.9-fZwqqs7dC94BEW4Wu13q Bubbs...
  101. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Sorry, I didn't want to bother.I don't now what to write in most part of the time thats why I copy.
  102. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Chris Gilpin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8C8puhvFHY&lc=UgyQbHNrg8JFRENDTbp4AaABAg.8tiI2cuO2rd940zHwHMcoE
  103. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    JannetFenix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6VV7fs-p4&lc=UggW3w_Fbb5kJngCoAEC.8NyIK_P-biR93zQXQCaqnN MrRABC1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUQU37g7atg&lc=UgyGBnsOUPk3Prx1eB54AaABAg.93XUvXC1X9U93zR0iR848v
  104. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    GUSTAVO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_b1KQEO3sI&lc=UgyI_e30Mql6rcjBhXV4AaABAg.8vraOe7x-Tj93wwomuKEuW
  105. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    See Our Boughgur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl0-n0zWVJk&lc=UgwJ131p2Rs43jJ_6lx4AaABAg.8lcE5xpqHAU93wa2_Pe_G3
  106. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    China Uncensored https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYg626PQyOA&lc=UgyLz6JSN8rJDFF3XW54AaABAg.93kHxdpUC8693u1g0APh3W
  107. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Ninja, did you put your real phone number to create your yt account?
  108. muriceias

    Is ChronosXP accurate?

    Thank you for your answer.This make me feel lighter.No that it would be a big issue if I messed the cycle but I would have to be patient till the next waning moon to start a new one.And I wanted to know if I were doing some mistake so now I'm clarified :)
  109. muriceias

    Is ChronosXP accurate?

    These days I ended a mantra on my sacral chakra at 5:25 AM and the ChronosXP was saying that the next day would begin at 5:30AM.Did my mantra went through without breaking the cycle?It was very close to the end of the day.I know it may be dificult to say but can I follow ChronoXP strictly...
  110. muriceias


    I feel the same.Probably in the future the importance of meditation and yoga will be recognized and aplied to the military schedule.In that case would be the best.
  111. muriceias

    Chin chakra?

    I was cleaning my base chakra an then I started to feel a pressure on my chin.Is there a chakra?I never felt this before... After I searched on internet, I found that image but I dont know if it is legit:
  112. muriceias

    New age view vs satanic view.

    And silver? I imagine my third eye shining silver when I breath energy in it. "Visualize your third eye with silver light projecting. The color of the Third Eye is silver" https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Necronomicon_Meditations.html
  113. muriceias

    How to become more social and open?

    I think it just happens.If you want to interact with people you will just do it.The same for other people to interact with you. If you want to talk but dont have confidence or you don't know what to talk, then consistent meditation will fix this dont worry.
  114. muriceias


    I was thinking on IME
  115. muriceias


    Thank you all for your answers
  116. muriceias


    I am 19 and I am thinking to join the military. I am in a poverty situation and living with my xians parents in Brazil. I'm having a hard time to find a job and I'm fed up with this. If I join the military I'll have a roof and food for free plus some bucks, be indepedent and some other...
  117. muriceias


    Gente postem links nesse video por favor olha a oportunidade SOMOS FANTOCHES DO ETS, QUE USAM NOSSOS SENTIMENTO COMO ENERGIA, REVELA TOM DELONGE! ALMANAQUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6yIIM_rRpY&lc=Ugwmeo1QsghoCG7SC_l4AaABAg Tentei postar comentarios diferentes com duas contas diferentes...
  118. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Could someone please comment on this video? I tried with two different accounts and comments and all were shadow banned. It is a brazilian video but at least just let the links. The title of this video is "We are puppets of ets that use our feelings as energy, reveals Tom Delonge". I already...
  119. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Imagine if this thread get more attention Imagine people liking every comment put in here. Imagine our comments on the top comments of many videos with 1000 likes Imagine people seeing our comments and asking "What do people know that I don't and this links can show me?" Imagine people...
  120. muriceias

    Satan Our God And Owner Of This World

    In brazilian portuguese the week days have nothing to do with the planets see: segunda-feira(moonday) terça-feira(tuesday) quarta-feira(wednesday) quinta-feira(thursday) sexta-feira(friday) sábado(Saturday) domingo(sunday) Lua(moon), Marte(Mars), Mercúrio(mercury), Vênus(venus)...
  121. muriceias

    Jew rubbing hands exposed

    The similarity is obvious just dont see who dont want Flies work with the enemy and we should get rid of them right now!
  122. muriceias

    God Realization

    One day, I will reach this higher understanding
  123. muriceias

    Why Satan and the Gods and Goddesses don't do our work for us

    One time I was comparing my body to the universe and everything that constitutes it as what is whithin the universe like us and the gods. And what made me compare was thinking about the cause and consequence that things have.Our body are made by cells that are made by atoms, that are made by...
  124. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love when you lol people like that, it makes me cry
  125. muriceias

    Social life

    Doente de amooor nessa viiiiiida notuuuurrrrrnaaaaa
  126. muriceias

    The Brain Chip Is Now Here

    I am almost finishing my secret bunker just in case if you want to come just say de password
  127. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

    I already had this question as well. Sometimes I have the feeling that I did one more vibration or one less and it will mess the working but I just continue and let it go xD. There are lots of working to do anyways....
  128. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

    These kids think they are Harry Potter just because they live in the basement...
  129. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

    I feel That I am under a universal hierarchy where there are beings above me and below. My pride and my auto preservation instinct are natural forces that make me climb it and for that I have to work. My work helps to make things going on nature. If I dont take care of myself and advance it will...
  130. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: Power And Transformation

    I have 2 kundalinis one at the spine and one at the midle of my legs
  131. muriceias


    Because we are strong :twisted:
  132. muriceias


    I can see that. On my first days in satanism I was so hyped that I found the truth that I wanted to tell everyone.It was so clear for me that I thought that it would be for other people too.I told my cousin about exposing christianity and he was like "okay" and I didnt understand how he could...
  133. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    I think all your older comments with Apollo were removed as well... motherfuckers
  134. muriceias

    Day Added: Wealth/Money Group Ritual For Friday 10th/11th/12th May 2019

    I am already doing a working with fehu.Won't doing more vibrations mess my working?
  135. muriceias

    Planets And Numbers

    I have this question as well. Necronomicon meditations aren't necessary for 40 days considering that planets may not always be strong during 40 days and they still work right? I guess that talking about working on chakras you should not miss 1 day during 40 days to make a good result. Doesn't...
  136. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    nickname: Mauricio Gomes Capeta do Bem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYKY8TRgSCg&lc=UgzYe1dOGODrHlihTjR4AaABAg.8rPrx49jxhi8tZVLPqska0 Mauricio Gomes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP6dGgqg8EE&lc=UgzC2Ep1chTJmOvQ-5t4AaABAg
  137. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    nickname: Serpente Kundalini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qst-vWo_OI&lc=UgwIbbnxugUuz0RiKF54AaABAg
  138. muriceias

    Lucifuge Rofocal

    One time I was in a car and through the window I saw 2 jws walking on the street under a big storm I thought "so stupid..."
  139. muriceias

    Necronomicon meditation

    Should I do Innana for the throat 15 times and This sigil: http://satans666squares.webs.com/necro_venus.gif Or it is exactly how it is there? And is the mudra necessary? Thank you. I reaally want to do the nec meditations but I am confused.
  140. muriceias

    On Racial Understanding And Truth

    Verdade kkkkkk tem uma parte do livro que fala do Reino da água que tem as sereias
  141. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Username: Guiango Thinoiras GÊNESIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0OSJJ-vUUg&lc=UgxHmmhCFVrtyT1uB5d4AaABAg.8lAbIUK8bZX8rxcDD7Qhf5 Vanilson Clementino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5PHNShfoVo&lc=Ugy8tKO47lAmg_CA0eV4AaABAg.8i_Ye5xUIWT8rxdF2vBKBQ Ciência Todo Dia...
  142. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Thank you! :D
  143. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Username: Guiango Thinoiras Renata Ascari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzqfzLJYC1U&lc=UgyGpuOqBkxZga-lu1l4AaABAg.8rjRJoXlX4Z8ruTXB7oCbY
  144. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Username: Guiango Thinoiras Fatos Desconhecidos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRMoBfqSWQ8&lc=Ugh2TXmtGNNKQ3gCoAEC.8SOn50bghPC8rq-zuwwa9h Debbie Harry do Blondie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJIOqnkgGrs&lc=Ugye2xlPb1TGiI7h73V4AaABAg.8kWC64sWbMF8rq0uxlmuzC As Escrituras Respondem...
  145. muriceias

    What Today Needs!

    Username: Guiango Thinoiras Gizela Mendes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QXWcMAPVXM&lc=UgyxXyr-ACo80Nvm18p4AaABAg.8rIx9vrbFC-8rYFblrwKIT
  146. muriceias

    Americano Comenta: Bolsonaro e o crescimento da direita brasileira

    Bolsonaro ta internado no (((Albert Einstein))) e tem tido complicações o que me deixa com um mau pressentimento...
  147. muriceias

    A Guide To Internet Activism & Spreading The Message

    Talking about activism on internet look at what this kike said: “The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,”...
  148. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    :lol: He mastered survivorkinesis
  149. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    Sorry, actually I was talking about this: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/BaLL3 If you move the upper magnet the lower will follow and vice versa. For me telekinesis is fancy but pyrokinesis is fancier.If you was lost in the woods you could at least make a fire.
  150. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    I agree with you about heavy math.Before I was ss I thought that solving hard equations would make me smarter or open my mind but now I see things very differently. When I was at high school people thought I was so smart because I was very good at math :lol: .All that I did was to memorize the...
  151. muriceias

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    This new is very good but actually I wanted to post this one: Pope Francis bluntly criticized Catholic bishops in the US for their approach to the church's sexual abuse crisis, saying that their finger-pointing, abuses of power and "playing the victim or the scold" have undermined the church's...
  152. muriceias

    Important 2019

    Thank you for your sugestions <3
  153. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    Thank you for your effort writing this interesting info and for sharing the links.I'll take my time to read them. Have you ever put a magnet in a table and move it with another one under the table? I imagine magick like that.The table is the boundary from the material world to the spiritual and...
  154. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    I really would appreciate a scientific explanation of the magick mechanics.These days I was wondering what is the difference between a spiritual working and a thought form. For example: we can do a working with fehu for 40 days for atracting money and we can create a thought form to atract...
  155. muriceias

    Numbness , out of sync with body

    I felt weird last night.It was like I was in a roller coaster.Sometimes I felt on a sudden free fall and my thoughts wasnt clear.I had a feeling of being outside my body and a feeling on my chest as well, as it was burning.But now I'm ok.I never ever had this feeling before and I wonder if it is...
  156. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    I feel so relieved and in peace
  157. muriceias

    Spiritual Satanism: The Reason Why Humanity Fell

    I was reading the sermon and stopped to take a bath and then in the while I got so emotined.I started to think what had just happened in my life.I time ago when I wasnt ss the biggest think could ever happen in my life was owning the lottery and then I faced Satanism.I'm sooo glad of your...
  158. muriceias

    Testemunhos Satânicos

    Eu fui catolico direto por 17 anos+-(tenho 19 agr).Eu n ia so pra missa, tinha programação quase que a semana toda e eu era mó dedicado.Eu era um lixo kkkkk.Tinha perdido totalmente o contato com meus sentimentos.Eu era uma pessoa muito forçada.Não conseguia me expressar direito.Minha voz saía...
  159. muriceias

    Ritual do Dia de Satan [LÊ! PARTICIPA!]

    É muito animador ver as coisas mudando dessa forma.Há um tempo atrás, fé na humanidade era fantasia pra mim.Tava tão acostumado com uma realidade ruim...Estar participando desse plot twist é um prazer enorme e uma honra!
  160. muriceias

    Planetary Mantra AOP Idear

    My daily aop is (breath energy + expand aura +affirmation) ×5
  161. muriceias

    Fishing as a sport

    Thank you for your answer, now makes sense.
  162. muriceias

    Fishing as a sport

    Hello, I'm clashing with fishing.These days I saw a video of a man fishing and it seemed cool and then I got into fishing and buying a boat.There is a river 20 steps from my home but I never thought about fishing until now.However I also feel guilty of piercing and pulling the fish.I think it's...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
