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  1. NinRick

    Book material for Dao, yin, neidan?

    Hi guys, Does anyone here know about some book material or sites where to find Information about Daoism, yin/yang, nei Kung / Gong, Neidan? If you know anything that could help me, I‘d appreciate that very much.
  2. NinRick

    Shoutout to every Satanist!

    Each and everyone of Satanists here.. all of you are EPIC! You are all on the path to betterment, as a person and in all areas in life. Father Satan and the Demons guide you, you are never alone! Stand tall proudly, pat your own back with approval, and be courageous in pursuing all that you...
  3. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    I have a question regarding advancement through meditation. When you meditate constantly, you can really feel the effects. Not only on the energy levels, aura, your chakras and so on, but on the effects of meditation on your psyche and character. You become emotionally more stable, stay calm...
  4. NinRick

    What's the best way to gain the ability to commune with the gods?

    The 40 days beginners program is designed for total beginners, to give them a slow and easy start with guidance. You need to meditate a lot more than that, each day. I didn’t do the 40 days program, simply bc I didn’t know it existed, you don’t need to do it. But you do need to meditate...
  5. NinRick

    Some questions about our literature...

    Well, I believe your questions and maybe even „doubts“, if you can really call it that way, are valid open questions. Everything on the Joy of Satan is very powerful, people are learning about the true nature of this world and them selves, advanced at high rates and paces, start to rule their...
  6. NinRick

    Lost Knowledge

    This is very true, the enemy has removed once well known spiritual and occult knowledge, deprived us our birthright that of advancing, becoming elevated and close to our beloved Gods, which bound us down on this mere physical plane, if you observe humanity as a whole. So yes, we need to...
  7. NinRick

    How do galaxies move through space?

    Do we have anyone here who would be able to explain me, how galaxies move relative to each other? There is something we call redshift, as galaxies appear to move away from us as space between them and us expands, and also because they literally move away from us. Then there is also blueshift...
  8. NinRick

    People of the world are standing up

    No words needed, I just wanted to show you this. All of this happened over the past weekend. People of many nations are standing up against the CoVid Dictatorship. Great news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5N97ZEYKKs&ab_channel=GedichteausderZukunft...
  9. NinRick

    Accessing YouTube through TOR doesn't seem to work

    Does anyone of you know how I can access YouTube through the TOR Browser? It does not seem to be working with Google and YouTube, makes sense as the jew doesn't want you to stay anonymous online, especially not on their sites. I receive following error message: Help is highly appreciated!
  10. NinRick

    Bill Gates, engineered pandemics, Bio-"Terrorist attacks" and Smallpox

    So, Bill Gates openly admitted, that the vaccine doesn't do much at all, and that it does not help at all with slowing down transmissions - People still get sick, and still normally spread the Virus. Nothing what has been promised was achieved, and everything is getting worse and worse, yet...
  11. NinRick

    Ajna Chakra Ritual 666 (music)

    Or you can just resort to real meditation. Here you really want to read www.JoyOfSatan.org in it‘s fullest. The Chakras The thrid eye Opening the soul You start by opening your 3rd eye, then your 6th (Ajna Chakra) and so on. Use the order provided on the Joy If Satan. Good luck on your path.
  12. NinRick

    Swedisch Scientists Discover: CoVid19 Vaccines are Mutagens

    Swedisch Scientists Discovered, the Spike Protein (Which is used in CoVid Vaccines) can enter human cells and nuclei. Within the nucleus, there is all of the human genetic material, the DNA, and the epi-genetic, and other proteins. The vaccine was NOT supposed to enter the nucleus, as now it can...
  13. NinRick

    Support your cause and your family in the Gods

    Hello family, I am writing this lines to point out something very important that deals with increasing the Power of Satan and the Gods here on Satan's Kingdom, our one and only home Earth. Satanism and Satan deal and stand for the common people, Satan and our Gods accept us as we are. Even if...
  14. NinRick

    Progressions in synastry?

    Hello fellow Satanic astrologers, When we are born, our fate starts to get going, as in the moment of birth, our entire future is being cast into our charts (primary and secondary Progressions) With progressions we can tell, in how much time after birth, which tendencies will try to manifest...
  15. NinRick

    Does your Saturn makes a hardaspect to your Sun?

    When you were born did you almost die? If you answer the question above with „yes“, then do me a favour and look into your chart. Does your natal Saturn make an exact hard aspect to your natal Sun? When I am talking about Hardaspect, I am also including minoraspects: -Conjunction (0 Degrees)...
  16. NinRick

    Natal Chart: Do retrograde planets affect intercepted signs?

    When planets in your natal chart are retrograde you will experience delays in life. Following houses might experience delays: 1) The house where the Retrograde planet is positioned in. 2) The house(s) with the cusp on the ruling sign of the retrograde planet. Now to my question, what if a...
  17. NinRick

    8th house of death

    No, you won’t die when transit Saturn moves in your 8th house. The house ties into Scorpio, it is a powerhouse of the occult, of transformation, sex, deep soul mate contacts and of death. You should not try to predict your own death using astrology, you are not capable of that. For that you...
  18. NinRick

    different positions astrology/astronomy

    I have noticed that the positions of the planets differ astroglogically and astronomically... For example, astrologically the sun just entered cancer, whereas astronomically the Sun is still in Gemini. Why do those two perspectives differ? I always thought that they should be the same, but they...
  19. NinRick

    The Spiritual Satanist

    Then you also have people who don’t do shit.
  20. NinRick

    Opening the Ida/pingala and Shushumna all the way

    Quick question. What will happen once we open the Ida, pingala and Shushumna all the way from top to bottom? Will the kundalini rise?
  21. NinRick

    is there a way to get in the vatican?

    Yeah, go there and get cursed. You will suffer for years to come. Don’t go there ffs.
  22. NinRick

    why am i obsessed with snakes?

    We are of the serpent.
  23. NinRick

    how can i have a demon friend?

    Read the fucking site.
  24. NinRick

    how can i summon my demons?

    Read the Joy of Satan. All your questions are answered there. Regarding language, you can speak in whatever language you want to. They will understand you, and you will understand them. Language is not a limiting factor here. Father Satan and our Goddesses and Gods (the Demons), reach out for...
  25. NinRick

    Transiting Pluto manifestation

    When is it most likely that transiting Pluto will kick in when for example conjuring a natal planet? When the conjunction is exact? Or even a bit before it is 0 Deg. Conjunction, like 3 degrees before that? Or maybe 3 Degrees after that?
  26. NinRick

    who am i?

    You are aware that you are in a spiritual forum, and that people here have knowledge and power that has been kept secret from people for thousands of years. Most people here know how to curse people, and curse them seriously. Curses are cruel. You don’t want to suffer. Take down your picture...
  27. NinRick

    German Media ZDF EXPOSES jewish CRIMES

    The following video shows how Prof. Baumgarten (on the left) EXPOSES jewish Crimes against the palestines for over half a century. This was most likely an accident, as the moderator (woman on right) tried to shut Prof. Baumgarten up for several times. AHHH I love to see our Rituals to work. Fuck...
  28. NinRick

    Happy mother’s day!

    I wish all of our beautiful satanic mothers a great mother’s day! Be blessed and enjoy yourselves, motherhood is holy and so are you. Raise the next generation of strong satanic warriors, for our future and the future humanity, Satan and the world! I hope everybody spends a nice day with...
  29. NinRick

    Why to become stronger & how strong can you become?

    Beltane's Eve, is as HPHC mentioned, a good time to look back and see how far you have come, to be close to the Gods, and to set new goals. Let's use this occasion and do a reality check together.. let's reflect. Are you conistent in your meditations? Are you doing enough? Could you be...
  30. NinRick

    2nd time I'm going back to Satanism

    Just start talking to him, and also start to empower your soul through power meditation.
  31. NinRick

    Regarding the Hip Chakras

    Hello, I have a very quick question regarding the Hip Chakras. According to this page on the JoS, the Hips are part of the 2nd Chakra, however, the Hip Chakras should belong to the base Chakra, I also do believe that I saw it anywhere on the JoS, but I am not sure. I am referring to that...
  32. NinRick


    Yes me, if you trash-talk one more time about him. We literally have this place only because HP HoodedCobra pays for it financially, emotionally, in energy, effort and much time. This forums is just like Cobras living room, and he lets us enter to talk to each other in a save environment. Ffs...
  33. NinRick

    Sharp pain in 6th and 7th Chakra.

    My 6th used to hurt also, when I strained it too much. It will get better as you keep on meditating. Just don't over do it.
  34. NinRick

    God cache into reality

    I told you this over and over again. Stop using drugs. Get a grip.
  35. NinRick

    Cleaning a familiar

    I have a familiar cat. She basically senses when someone is down, sick, feeling bad etc. She also knows when I am about to get home, and we are able to communicate pretty much on point. If I tell her something she knows what I want to tell her, most of the times a look of her is enough, and I...
  36. NinRick


  37. NinRick

    Vibrations/Sound are able to produce LIGHT

    In this video, this guy shows how you can produce light, with only regular water, a flask and ultrasound. It looks like he has catched a start in his flask of Water lol ( 2:07 in his video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puVxGnl_3y8&ab_channel=TheThoughtEmporium Mantras also use sound to...
  38. NinRick

    RTR War-Room

    Hey guys, this is just a very short post to promote the War-Room: https://www.evilgoy.com/ I just wanted to tell you guys, to time your RTRs with the timer displayed on the War room (if possible) It gathers our power and crushes the enemy way worse then if we didn’t coordinate our attacks...
  39. NinRick

    Satan is eternal Love

    As I see, now are very blessed times for our Satanic side. We are getting closer and closer to Satan and our Gods. Satan‘s influence on this earth is getting stronger stronger. We can *feel* his love stronger and stronger. As we can see in rather many atypical posts from our Satanic community...
  40. NinRick

    Difference: Sexual Energy vs Kundalini

    To top says it all: What is the difference between sexual energy and kundalini energy? How to tell them apart? In order to avoid confusion, I ask only people to answer who either experienced BOTH and can tell them apart, or people who read something about it from a HP. Example: You just did a...
  41. NinRick

    RTR material: BLM-Savages killed 24 year old white mother

    BLM „Protestors“ aka terrorists, killed a young 24 year old white mother, of a 3 year old because she said „All Lives Matter“ I hate all BLM supporters, all Antifa, all Democrats, all Christards, all Islamists and ALL JEWS! May Satan‘s ancient kingdom arise...
  42. NinRick

    Pope Benedict XVI got exiled?!

    Well this story looks very fishy to me. Read it for yourself and share your opinion please. https://fromrome.info/2020/06/19/pope-benedict-xvi-has-been-exiled/
  43. NinRick

    Quick question: light particles/ light orbs

    Sorry guys I have quick question Do light particles/ tiny orbs of light surround the Body or Aura, or flying towards the body? I am kinda confused
  44. NinRick

    Saturn in first house

    If Saturn is your chartruler, and saturn enters your first house, would it be good or bad? My guess is if you keep up meditations it would be good, otherwise this could end up in disaster.
  45. NinRick

    Square: got disturbed

    Yesterday I die a Square. I had to chant the mantra 36 times. At 23 I got disturbed. After around 2h I continued and did the remaining 13 reps. Does the square still work?
  46. NinRick

    Square: do you have to do all reps at once?

    I had to chant the mantra 36 times. Did 23, got disturbed, and did the remaining 13 2h later. Does the square still work?
  47. NinRick

    Snake appeared in my dream

    A couple of weeks ago I had a dream, that that’s still in my mind. I saw a small black snake, it was coiled, sitting on something (it was higher than ground level around belt height) and opened it’s mouth. It was clearly smiling to me, so I happily smiled back. Before I knew it the Snake was on...
  48. NinRick

    Can someone explain what the Black Sun aka the astral sun is?

    Yeah the topic says it all, what exactly IS the Black sun aka the astral sun? Is is just our Sun but on the Astral? The Energyfield of the Sun? the "Soul" of the Sun?
  49. NinRick

    Where are the three granthis?

    I am currently translating this site https://www.joyofsatan.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html On this site it says the 3 granthis are, the base, heart and 6th chakra. Aren't actually the sacral, thoat and crown the 3 granthis? or am I wrong here?
  50. NinRick

    Satan‘s sigil Tattoo

    Am I allowed to get a tattoo of Satan‘s sigil on my chest? Or is this not a good idea?
  51. NinRick

    Seeing Auras?

    Recently I noticed that I see a small layer around people, animals and some objects. I always see the layer around people when I focus to see it. It has the same color as the surrounding area only lighter. For me the layer looks on everybody the same. Sometimes in addition to the layer I see for...
  52. NinRick

    experiences with satanic healing?

    A loved person has cysts growing in her crotch/abdomen. She always has to go to the hospital and get it cut out. She has been through 3 surgeries, each of them 2 years apart. I want to heal her. Do you have any tipps and tricks for me?
  53. NinRick

    Questions about creating a website

    We want to translate JoS into German so. What should I use to create a new website, website building platforms or should I just programm it myself? (I have a feeling that programming it would be the best way) How much memory do I need to rent? 150GB? 500GB? 1TB? Thanks for your help I am very...
  54. NinRick

    Sun square healing, which to use

    Which Sun square do you use inorder to heal yourself, the spiritual or material square? Thank you :)
  55. NinRick

    Help would be appreciated, JoS In German

    Hey guys I friend and I have started to translate JoS into German. So if any german members are willing to help us this would be great! Just let me know if you are up to some work.
  56. NinRick

    Retrograde Saturn over Asc and Co-ruler

    When Retrograde Saturn hardaspects the ASC and Co-Ruler simultaneously this is probably pretty bad, isn't it? Is a strong aura of protection enough to keep you safe`?
  57. NinRick

    Planets without aspects

    I have a quick question. If I have a planet in my natal chart that does not aspect any other planet this is bad, isn‘t it? My *** is in my ***th house in Gemini and does not aspect any other planet. What can I do to fix that?
  58. NinRick

    Venus square skipped a day

    Hey guys I skipped the whole Friday and I did the mantras on saturday at 2.30am does this still count as „friday“ or do I have to redo the whole square now? Thanks for your help!
  59. NinRick

    Venus square

    Hey Fuß I have a quick question. Recently I finished a Venus Square (Material) and now I Startes another Venus Square (But now it is a spiritual). I ja da Break of 5 days in total, I finished the Square befördert in the 25th and starres the nee one on 31st. Is there any problem, ihr am Good to Go?
  60. NinRick

    astral hearing

    How does it feels like to hear the astral? Last night I layed in my bed and I focused upon my ears, it felt like the energies from woth sides of my head were connected and I heard strange sounds and different frequencies in my head. Was this the astral?
  61. NinRick

    Astrology: Relationship/Synastry tips

    Can anyone help me out? If you want to analyze a relationship do you just compare the natalcharts of the two persons and watch their aspects? https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/PREDICTION-2.html
  62. NinRick

    I really need your help right now.

    I am not an expert in anyway, how ever are you sure that you are really dealing with your GD? Once an enemy came to me and claimed to be my GD but it was the enemy, in that time another SS got the same attack, the enemy even used the same Demon‘s identity. It might be an enemy since our gods...
  63. NinRick

    I Astral Projected (first real time)

    Gratulations man!
  64. NinRick

    Love Spell

    So okay now the story: Currently I am doing a Love spell what I do is, I pull her light body out of her body when she sleeps and I „have sex“ with her. And obviously on climax I do the normal stuff I shoot Bright Energy inside her lightbody and physical body an aura and program it. It feels like...
  65. NinRick

    Question: 13 steps of alchemy

    HPS Maxine mentioned in a seromon the 13 steps of alchemy, and that the 13th step is hidden. Does anyone know what the first 12 steps are? I am very curious about this! :)
  66. NinRick

    How to interpret Saturn retrograde transits

    How do I interpret Saturn Retrograde Transits? Just to be clear I am not afraid in any way I just want to learn it. For example natal Retrograde Saturn aspecting transiting retrograde Saturn, is this like really bad for the person? Or Natal Venus aspecting transiting retrograde Saturn. Does...
  67. NinRick

    how to raise enormous amounts of energy

    How do I raise ENORMOUS amounts of energy? Please teach me guys.
  68. NinRick

    Chakras and their petals

    Hey guys I never actually understood what the petals of the Chakras stand for. For example the Crown and the thousand petal lotus. I don’t really know but sometimes when I have trouble focusing on my crown i just imagine the Crownchara surounded by thousand of petals like a lotus. Idk if I am...
  69. NinRick

    How to charge items with runes

    Hey guys I am currently trying to charge a black tourmaline with the ALGIZ rune. I am also about to engrave the ALGIZ symbol on the stone. I want to vibrate ALGIZ with 108 reps for multiple sessions in the stone. I want that the stone protects the wielder from negative energies and enemies. Is...
  70. NinRick

    Contacting demons

    When you want to contact a demon/ess for the first time, you habe to go through Satan. How exactly do I do that? Can I for example imagine Satan‘s sigil and ask him if it is okay to contact ____ ? Last night I spoke with an entity and it told me that it was Lerajie and my Guardian. This night I...
  71. NinRick

    Dealing with angles

    Hey my satanic comrades! I was wondering, is there a way to deal with angles? I do not want to talk with them, I want to DESTROY THEM if I come across to one. Or if I know for sure that one is around. Once I met a woman who was most likely confused or possessed by an angel. And yes, I am doing...
  72. NinRick

    Breaking bonds for another person

    Hello my satanic family! I want to break bonds from past relationships and affairs/sex for another person, so I do not want to break my bonds but the bonds of a girl I like. Do you have any suggestions on how to program a strong aura of rejection? She probably has to be asleep for maximum...
  73. NinRick

    How to figure out the colour of your aura

    Hello everyone who‘s part of Satan‘s house! I am learning astrology currently abd I stumbled across one of Aldrick‘s Videos on Youtube. He explains how you can figure out what your aura-colour is. Here is the Video:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uu_pVwaocBU Okay now leading to my issue, I have...
  74. NinRick

    Searching for German-teammates (Online-warfare)

    Hey Family! First of all... YOU DID A VERY GOOD JOB! Our numbers of registered users increased from 10k (middle december) to 12.6k NOW!!! KEEP THE RTRS AND ONLINE-WareFare up GUYZ! <3 I recently joined a german Facebook group with 24.500 Members. The objective of this group is to share the...
  75. NinRick

    Promoting JoS

    Hey guys. I joined a Group on facebook. They discuss stuff about hunterxhunter , an anime. Hxh is veery close to real life as nen works almost like energy here. So I was like this group is massive, they have many active members so I should go for it. So i created a link With a big picture from...
  76. NinRick

    Now Germany: protests in Munich, Bavaria

    Greetings to all our satanic comrades. I have little motivation for all of you to keep the RTRs going *punches in the air* There is a new political movement here in germany called „Aufstehen“ („stand up“), it was founded 3 months ago ob 4th September 2018. Well it has rightnow over 167 thousand...
  77. NinRick

    Clairaudience tipps for me?

    Hey guys! I am currently working to improve/ awaken my ability to hear the astral inorder to communicate with Satan and our gods. Well do you have any tipps in general? When ever I do the meditation I can hear something in my right ear. It is like hearing the wind. Sometimes stronger sometimes...
  78. NinRick

    A video regarding Atlantis

    Hey guys! I have found an interesting video about Atlantis. What do you think about it? Well I think that this guy nailed it, lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5kEzxOb-3c
  79. NinRick

    How can we work for the powers of hell?

    Hey guys! Do you guys have any idea how we can work for the powers of hell? Would it be good to promote Satanism? Making flyers, talking to people you know or in anonymus chatrooms? Or is this a stupid idea? How about to show people via flyers and google how bad jews and religions really are...
  80. NinRick

    introducing Spiritual Satanism to friends

    Hey guys, I dont know what to do right now. Some of my friends are into magic.... guess what, into Kabbala jew magic *FACEPALM*... So thats why I really really want to tell them the truth and show them JOS... SO that they dont practise this jewish crap anymore. Okay the probelm is, what if I...
  81. NinRick

    Questions about Final RTR & more

    Hey guys I have again some questions. 1) Regarding the Final RTR, i am currently doing 18 replications (because I went 1 week to holiday with my parents where I didnt do anything). What can I do / Imagine to make the RTR more powerful? Once, while I was doing the RTR I imagined that the...
  82. NinRick

    I missed the Final RTR

    Due to my tests in University and the following lazyness I missed to participate at the Final RTR.. I feel really bad and dirty about it... If I do it from now on will it have any effect? Anyway I will start now with consistent RTRs again.. well Sh.-RTR + Final RTR ..
  83. NinRick

    I‘ve got an allergy... out of the blue!

    Well, apparently I have an allergy now. I dont know how this has happened lol. I am 22 years old, healthy and a satanist. I am also meditating altho I am not quite consistant yet. But I am working on that so I meditate on a daily basis. Since I‘ve never had an allergy before I guess it is a side...
  84. NinRick

    Can jews become satanists

    Hey I have a question... Is it possible for a jew to become a dedicated satanist? I am talking about jews who dont go to the synagogue and do not read the torah. Just a normal guy who is a jew but is an atheist. Would Satan accept such an person/ jew?
  85. NinRick

    need help with opening my chakras.

    Hey guys, once more I seek your very competent advise. This time ragarding opening the chakras. I was wondering if I have to follow a certain order to open my chakras. I will start right now with my base chakra, any objections? Oh and btw, are RTRs effective if I do them eventho I have not...
  86. NinRick

    Opinions on polyphasic sleep?

    Hello my Brothers and Sisters! I am dying for knowing your opinion about "polyphasic sleep", so basically you just take a few naps throughout the day. You sleep a total amount of around 2-4h each day. Just think about it , there wouldn't be a problem to do your work, chores, training...
  87. NinRick

    For all (new) who are without aura of protection!

    Hey I just found out about the Aura of protection, so for all who are new like me and especially for those who are doing RTRs, new moon has started on 17th of march and the full moon will be on the 31st of march. I will definitely build up an aura of protection. The following is from the RTR...
  88. NinRick

    Trance Training

    Hello Joy of Satan community! I have trouble with entering in trance state. Last night I tried for the first time to perform the "Trance Traing" meditation on this website: http://web.archive.org/web/20160303202713/http://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com:80/First_Month.html I managed to...
  89. NinRick

    I have some questions!

    Hello dear Joy of Satan team! I am 21 years old, live in Germany at my parentshome (they are not religious at all) and I am a student. Firstly I want to thank the Joy of Satan team, clergy and everyone who put work in this! You guys have achieved something veeery great and helped many people...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
