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What happened and why Satan lost the battle.


New member
Aug 13, 2018
From my understanding Satan lost a battle, but not the war. I remember reading that he recently won the war and that they only lost a battle. I know there's enemy Nordics that turned when Satan gave us spiritual powers, if I recall correctly. So why did the Gods loose a battle? Does anyone know what happened? And why was it that only Maxine could free them? Were the Gods under a binding or just weakened? Sorry for so many questions but I wanna know.
Hail Satan and the Gods!
zolaluckystar said:
When the enemy invaded Earth the Gods were outnumbered and forced to withdraw physically (for a time - I think they'll be back though). Think of it as a strategic withdrawal.

It wasn't only HPS Maxine, it was several people, though it was her idea. She was the first person to try to help Satan for a loooong time.

I don't believe the Gods were physically or astrally 'bound' as in the enemy was able to do something like that to them - they are FAR too powerful. The enemy fears the Gods and Satan for very good reason. I think the enemy put up a kind of barrier around earth, maybe the entire solar system that made it like being astrally stuck in a briar patch by the tar baby if they tried to get to us astrally, since for a time they were being prevented physically. It helped make access to us quite difficult. I (personally) think WE were the ones who were 'bound'. Not the Gods.

And to elaborate on what Zola said in her second paragraph. Because of the enemy almost full control for centuries, the knowledge about Demons being our ancient ancestors and our pagan Gods was completely lost. It was the nazis that found and studied this again. In fact the SS under Himmler had a work section dedicated to finding and understanding occult and ancient knowledge. Hitler was fully aware and fully backing all of that. He knew he was working for and chosen by Satan. And Demons were working with and helping nazi Germany. But most Germans had no idea only some SS, Hitler himself, and some members of occult societies knew about who Demons were and the nature of the cosmic conflict that the physical war was simply part of. After the war this knowledge got lost again. Surviving nazis escaped with valuable documents and such whatever they could bring with them. Himmler had Wewelsburg - the castle in which his occult efforts were focused - blown to avoid enemies recovering that. Between the end of the war and the creation of the JOS there was only very incomplete and in many cases misguiding knowledge about Satanism, Demons and paganism. Unfortunately between the end of WW2 and the creation of the JOS there was a xtian revival and the mudslimes and xtians also breeded like pest (think especially about Africa, the middle-east and parts of Asia that areunder pisslam). So the magick of the enemy became more potent since these goyim feed energy to the torah and this allowed them to push their agendas further. You must know already that the "Church of Satan" is a money making scheme and a gross satire of xtianity, and not in anyway represnting Satan himself. In many regards the CoS did much more harm then good to our side.
Hi! as you can see, my appologies come far ahead because my English is not that good Im a francophone.
I have another sets of questions to ask to make up my mind.
1) Im leaving with one of my childreen's mothers (separated room) who is a jehovah witness and does'nt want to accept any link with father Satan. She is disabled and feels worried because neither she can't go to pray to church , nor allowed to receive a visit of any of her jehovah church member at home. She prays every night and days and Im really afraid of been affected with some kind of bad curse or negative ernergies. How can she really spiritualy and physycaly influence my life and what to do?

2) is SS thinking of creating a new website for french speaking ? I use to read a paragraph several time in english before mastering a sens of a sentence.
wennoc said:
Hi! as you can see, my appologies come far ahead because my English is not that good Im a francophone.
I have another sets of questions to ask to make up my mind.
1) Im leaving with one of my childreen's mothers (separated room) who is a jehovah witness and does'nt want to accept any link with father Satan. She is disabled and feels worried because neither she can't go to pray to church , nor allowed to receive a visit of any of her jehovah church member at home. She prays every night and days and Im really afraid of been affected with some kind of bad curse or negative ernergies. How can she really spiritualy and physycaly influence my life and what to do?

2) is SS thinking of creating a new website for french speaking ? I use to read a paragraph several time in english before mastering a sens of a sentence.

1 - Are you dedicated yet?

You can do the Aura of protection:

Cleaning your Aura is also very important:

Close your chakras to shut out any negative energies:

The mother of your children doesn't need to know you are with Satan. It's safe to keep this to yourself. You never know what she might do against you.

2 - For the french translations, the Joy of Satan library has some translations already:

Here's another link from another member:

Hope this helps.
Traitors from within. Metaphorically They fly high and fall far. Ironically he was really the God of the story and the traitors were fallen, xian have it backwards. They took the gifts given them and failed.

They denied there nature. They wanted a fantasy. Those that are still here live in guilt, they keep up lies but do otherwise. See how it should be to them but not how it is. They kill with kindness but would fall to there knees in his presence. Some kept in Lazar like cages on display ''caught''.

Religion of most is a Eden/utopia fantasy that makes no sense and cannot be outside a controlled and monitored environment in stasis. True Utopia requires strict ordering but makes more sense with Divine ones in direct control, freedoms are not lost but it at least makes sense, potential to achieve is there or as one would be. The Divine Race is not insecure like many.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
