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Warning Ayahuasca And The New Age

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Warning Ayahuasca And The New Age

There are New Age centers that revolve around the taking of the drug Ayahuasca which the moronic New Agers always promote as "harmless" along with all the other psychedelic drugs they promote but:

Ayahuasca contains MAOIs which means certain drugs and foods must not be used with it as that can cause death. The drugs-forum MAOI wiki contains a list of drugs and foods to avoid and can be found here.

These are the dangers common to all psychedelic drugs:

Accidental injury. When on a psychedelic drug, it is easier to accidentally injure yourself. Also because of the disorientating and potentially delusion inspiring nature of the experience, you could be lead to inflict harm on others or yourself. People have fallen off rooftops, run into traffic, attempted to throw people off rooftops as 'sacrifices', drowned, and so on. The best way of protecting against this is to have a friend with you who is sober to look after you and handle any negative situation that might arise.

Bad trips. A bad trip is a negative psychedelic experience. It can range from a mildly negative feeling of anxiety/discomfort, to full-blown psychosis. Bad trips usually ruin a psychedelic experience for the tripper and everyone else. Most bad trips are manageable, just very uncomfortable and difficult. Some are extreme and unmanageable though. It's not uncommon for a bad trip to result in lingering psychological issues. Usually just a few days of negative emotions and anxiety. Sometimes, however, a week or so of serious anxiety, destabilized mental state and impaired functioning is possible. On very rare occasions, a month or two of severely diminished functioning, traumatized mental state, depression & crippling anxiety can occur. More information on bad trips can be found here. The best way of avoiding a bad trip is having the correct set and setting.

Permanent psychosis. Psychedelics are believed by researchers not to cause permanent psychosis, however they could trigger a latent mental illness in someone who was already predisposed to it, or make existing mental illnesses worse. If there is a history of mental illness in your family, you are more likely to be predisposed. Everyone is at some risk, however.

PTSD, anxiety disorder, depression & depersonalization. There are anecdotal reports of the trauma inflicted by some bad trips leading to depression and anxiety which while usually temporary, could potentially develop into lasting disorders. While no different to the potential of any traumatic event to cause lasting disorders, nonetheless this is a danger of psychedelic drug use.

A lot of the above is also known to apply to Marijuana as well which the enemy and these New Agers always promote.

The New Agers and others go to these retreat drug centers such as Rythmia in which they engage in sleep deprivation for almost a week straight, eat almost nothing and engage in taking Ayahuasca psychedelic drugs constantly while in engaging in group actives that create mental states of dissociation. Then after all this they get open indoctrination into Cultural Marxist classes as a form of programming. This is the standard practice of MLK ULTRA they used psychedelic's, sleep depravation and other disorientating tactics to break apart the mind of the victim and then program them. What is going on at these retreat centers is a form of mind control the enemy is using standard tactics of mind control to indoctrinate New Age types into straight Marxism under the mask of spirituality. This is why the enemy promotes the drugs as well. Many of the people who take Ayahuasca always report having interactions with Reptilians and Greys who attempt to manipulate them as well. The Reptilians claimed to be the creators of the universe and God to some of these people they showed up to while on Ayahuasca. The drugs open people psychically to the enemy.
"But we wuz freedumb n shiet! I do dis cause I am free the grey told me so!"
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.
Marijuana can cause psychosis and severely impair brain function and plasticity. The longest 20 year study showed this. The studies conducted by jews have no long interval period and small sample size show marijuana isn't harmful while the opposite is true.
People don't tend to meet any so called "Gods" while on this, definitely not our own. However, if we are to suppose these are entities from other domains, that is true regardless. The Gods frown upon this as it's pointless and harmful for their disciples.

Greys and reptilians also pull liberally a lot of pranks to these beings. Sometimes, pure psychotic episodes commence also.

But most of that is just hallucination for the most part.

Sundara said:
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.
This is what happens when people want short cuts in the occult... patience is key like the recent sermon by HP Cobra emphasised.....
HP Mageson666 said:
Warning Ayahuasca And The New Age

There are New Age centers that revolve around the taking of the drug Ayahuasca which the moronic New Agers always promote as "harmless" along with all the other psychedelic drugs they promote but:

Ayahuasca contains MAOIs which means certain drugs and foods must not be used with it as that can cause death. The drugs-forum MAOI wiki contains a list of drugs and foods to avoid and can be found here.

These are the dangers common to all psychedelic drugs:

Accidental injury. When on a psychedelic drug, it is easier to accidentally injure yourself. Also because of the disorientating and potentially delusion inspiring nature of the experience, you could be lead to inflict harm on others or yourself. People have fallen off rooftops, run into traffic, attempted to throw people off rooftops as 'sacrifices', drowned, and so on. The best way of protecting against this is to have a friend with you who is sober to look after you and handle any negative situation that might arise.

Bad trips. A bad trip is a negative psychedelic experience. It can range from a mildly negative feeling of anxiety/discomfort, to full-blown psychosis. Bad trips usually ruin a psychedelic experience for the tripper and everyone else. Most bad trips are manageable, just very uncomfortable and difficult. Some are extreme and unmanageable though. It's not uncommon for a bad trip to result in lingering psychological issues. Usually just a few days of negative emotions and anxiety. Sometimes, however, a week or so of serious anxiety, destabilized mental state and impaired functioning is possible. On very rare occasions, a month or two of severely diminished functioning, traumatized mental state, depression & crippling anxiety can occur. More information on bad trips can be found here. The best way of avoiding a bad trip is having the correct set and setting.

Permanent psychosis. Psychedelics are believed by researchers not to cause permanent psychosis, however they could trigger a latent mental illness in someone who was already predisposed to it, or make existing mental illnesses worse. If there is a history of mental illness in your family, you are more likely to be predisposed. Everyone is at some risk, however.

PTSD, anxiety disorder, depression & depersonalization. There are anecdotal reports of the trauma inflicted by some bad trips leading to depression and anxiety which while usually temporary, could potentially develop into lasting disorders. While no different to the potential of any traumatic event to cause lasting disorders, nonetheless this is a danger of psychedelic drug use.

A lot of the above is also known to apply to Marijuana as well which the enemy and these New Agers always promote.

The New Agers and others go to these retreat drug centers such as Rythmia in which they engage in sleep deprivation for almost a week straight, eat almost nothing and engage in taking Ayahuasca psychedelic drugs constantly while in engaging in group actives that create mental states of dissociation. Then after all this they get open indoctrination into Cultural Marxist classes as a form of programming. This is the standard practice of MLK ULTRA they used psychedelic's, sleep depravation and other disorientating tactics to break apart the mind of the victim and then program them. What is going on at these retreat centers is a form of mind control the enemy is using standard tactics of mind control to indoctrinate New Age types into straight Marxism under the mask of spirituality. This is why the enemy promotes the drugs as well. Many of the people who take Ayahuasca always report having interactions with Reptilians and Greys who attempt to manipulate them as well. The Reptilians claimed to be the creators of the universe and God to some of these people they showed up to while on Ayahuasca. The drugs open people psychically to the enemy.

Graham Hankock David Icke etc have tried this, a boy from my part of the world james english has done a documentary on this drug i havent watched it yet he is just a normal boy from my area he doesnt have an agenda just trying to make money no doubt as for the other two mentioned im sure HP mage has comented on ickes agenda unsure about Hancock.

Thanks HP
Sundara said:
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.

What most interested me was the elves Terrence Mckenna referenced, that many other people report. One of my family members told me that when she was tripping in the woods, on I don't know what, she was seeing elves. I've done a lot of drugs in the past but never saw entities. The first time I smoked dried Salvia leaves something was talking to me in my head.. I was mortified by all my behavior, and on top of it this thing was telling me of my impending miserable fate, and as far as I could tell, basically warning me in an un sugar-coated way of what I was doing to my life.

I'd love to talk about drugs here. I know and actually trust the consensus regarding them that is presented here.. yet, the only happiness I've experienced in life and the only times I've felt love were under the influence of drugs. Love and attraction and other feelings actually can be exchanged between people.. I always thought it was figurative, but I know now that they're literal energy exchanges taking place that can be physically felt. I don't currently use drugs because I'm on probation, but despite all I've read here, I still aspire to again get high some day. Not as a permanent habit though. I actually feel like my mind and soul are warped in such a way where I reap more of a benefit than most people do from drugs, and I don't do them to get into a blissful stupor; my drug use always accompanied great life changes and achievements. I'd like to talk about this but it is something I'm very personally & uniquely invested in so I wont try to force it on anyone.

At the same time, obviously, I see drugs destroying peoples' lives. Weed is another tool used by the powers that be to keep many people suppressed. For most people, getting high is about going into a comfortable stupor and watching TV, listening to music, playing video games, sitting on a couch and eating tasty foods.. it accompanies the slimeball way of life that many of us have been programmed to think is the best way to live our lives. Obviously drugs cause health problems too, and legal problems, and using drugs can hurt the people around you.. I know all about that. Drugs are the only reason I even became spiritual though, something clicked in my head and I woke up. I really need to write a blog post about this somewhere because I have a few essays' worth of words to share.

Let me know what you guys think.. and I can assume that I'll reap what I sow. Which will never be things that I knew were destructive to me, and did against the copious amounts of advice against.

I don't advocate drug use. I'm not one of those people who will watch someone destroy themselves and say "it's their life.. I can't tell them not to smoke crack or shoot heroin if it makes them happy.." because that's bullshit and it's called enabling and I've firsthand seen so much of it that it makes me sick. I will interfere, I will stop you, I will fight to make you change.
New Agers in nutshell:
"The universe is based on muh love; soon aliens from Ashtar CUMmand will make mass landings to bring muh love to all people and make one human race based on muh love and we will smoke weed & shiet to transcend into new plane of existence; we r made from stardust bruh how cool is that!"

Then again I'm not surprised reading all this since I came across some demented new age "astrology" site telling how to "safely" use drugs to achieve psychic experiences based on Neptune placement in natal chart.
I remember watching a television show a while back called „Kentucky Ayahuasca“. All these people and „Shamans“ drone about „Mother Aya“ and while the show was entertaining it was completely ignorant and I didn’t think this was a real trend. Smh so stupid
Drugtards are dangerous morons they are an open gateway to the enemy to act through especially if they are already into Christardism. The drugtarded all day types go running right to church the second they go to rehab as the years of being drugtarded all day has caused such a lack of personal development along with all the psychic damage they become the perfect Christard. That and rehab tells them for some reason they can't be not drugtarded without belief in some Jew in the sky who is watching as thousands of Catholic Priests rape children and then does nothing but approving it seems as it does not intervene to stop them and allows them to run its church and speak in its name. But not worshipping Jewsus is the reason for all the problems on earth the Christard states.
HP Mageson666 said:
Drugtards are dangerous morons they are an open gateway to the enemy to act through especially if they are already into Christardism. The drugtarded all day types go running right to church the second they go to rehab as the years of being drugtarded all day has caused such a lack of personal development along with all the psychic damage they become the perfect Christard. That and rehab tells them for some reason they can't be not drugtarded without belief in some Jew in the sky who is watching as thousands of Catholic Priests rape children and then does nothing but approving it seems as it does not intervene to stop them and allows them to run its church and speak in its name. But not worshipping Jewsus is the reason for all the problems on earth the Christard states.
I know someone like this and it's disgusting, i tried to logicaly explain to him why Xianity is bad (it was a pretty logical explaination) but the only think that he said to try to make Xianity look not as bad is that the Church is really bad and the religion itself is not connected to the Vatican and all of their mistakes -_-
I explained him that this is not possible but he is too brainwashed to understand.
HP Mageson666 said:
Drugtards are dangerous morons they are an open gateway to the enemy to act through especially if they are already into Christardism. The drugtarded all day types go running right to church the second they go to rehab as the years of being drugtarded all day has caused such a lack of personal development along with all the psychic damage they become the perfect Christard. That and rehab tells them for some reason they can't be not drugtarded without belief in some Jew in the sky who is watching as thousands of Catholic Priests rape children and then does nothing but approving it seems as it does not intervene to stop them and allows them to run its church and speak in its name. But not worshipping Jewsus is the reason for all the problems on earth the Christard states.

Ha ha Thats what they do the 12 steps is all church xian nonsense so I have heard, as has been stated i fell into a "trap" its a lesson that i was meant to learn from but I dont need no dirty priests :D

I have done well recently mein bro thank you.

Back to the new age drugtards, some folk are some state normal never mind taking mind altering stuff. Yes watch the documentarys but no need to copy. There is DMT floating about Glasgow at the moment and I use that term loosley :lol:
retrograde said:
Sundara said:
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.

What most interested me was the elves Terrence Mckenna referenced, that many other people report. One of my family members told me that when she was tripping in the woods, on I don't know what, she was seeing elves. I've done a lot of drugs in the past but never saw entities. The first time I smoked dried Salvia leaves something was talking to me in my head.. I was mortified by all my behavior, and on top of it this thing was telling me of my impending miserable fate, and as far as I could tell, basically warning me in an un sugar-coated way of what I was doing to my life.

I'd love to talk about drugs here. I know and actually trust the consensus regarding them that is presented here.. yet, the only happiness I've experienced in life and the only times I've felt love were under the influence of drugs. Love and attraction and other feelings actually can be exchanged between people.. I always thought it was figurative, but I know now that they're literal energy exchanges taking place that can be physically felt. I don't currently use drugs because I'm on probation, but despite all I've read here, I still aspire to again get high some day. Not as a permanent habit though. I actually feel like my mind and soul are warped in such a way where I reap more of a benefit than most people do from drugs, and I don't do them to get into a blissful stupor; my drug use always accompanied great life changes and achievements. I'd like to talk about this but it is something I'm very personally & uniquely invested in so I wont try to force it on anyone.

At the same time, obviously, I see drugs destroying peoples' lives. Weed is another tool used by the powers that be to keep many people suppressed. For most people, getting high is about going into a comfortable stupor and watching TV, listening to music, playing video games, sitting on a couch and eating tasty foods.. it accompanies the slimeball way of life that many of us have been programmed to think is the best way to live our lives. Obviously drugs cause health problems too, and legal problems, and using drugs can hurt the people around you.. I know all about that. Drugs are the only reason I even became spiritual though, something clicked in my head and I woke up. I really need to write a blog post about this somewhere because I have a few essays' worth of words to share.

Let me know what you guys think.. and I can assume that I'll reap what I sow. Which will never be things that I knew were destructive to me, and did against the copious amounts of advice against.

I don't advocate drug use. I'm not one of those people who will watch someone destroy themselves and say "it's their life.. I can't tell them not to smoke crack or shoot heroin if it makes them happy.." because that's bullshit and it's called enabling and I've firsthand seen so much of it that it makes me sick. I will interfere, I will stop you, I will fight to make you change.

Hey I understand your perspective, have you ever tried a consistent meditation program as far as feeling love, connection, ect goes... meditation will do it for you. Having seen the both sides of the spectrum (spirituality vs drugs) I can whole heartedly say the experiences I’ve had through Satan truly puts all drug experiences to shame. They all just feel filthy once you know what I’m talking about and you don’t have to be risen to feel it. Meditation plus psychologically healing yourself from trauma and hang ups, I’ve seen people JUST power meditate without any self work and it makes me smh.

As far as the shared hallucinations, I do believe that this has something to do with the psyche. It’s the same reason peoples dream symbology means the same thing. Like the dreams of peeing in public or teeth falling out, millions of people have them and they all correlate to something. The dream and imagination realm is strange. Sometimes you can go to spiritual places in dreams too, there’s a lot to learn still for me but I have learned that just because two people share a hallucination doesn’t make it real... also doesn’t make it not real. It’s most likely coming from a hyped up drugged out place in the mind. This is how drugs blur the lines between spiritual reality and delusions. Tweakers on the street all believe the FBI is watching them and that their minds are being invaded by cell towers ect, BUT.... that’s prolly not true. The mind is a very deep and tricky thing to figure out for a person experiencing that kind of stuff.
I look at taking drugs for "spiritual experience" as either a cheap excuse to get high or as an ill-conceived short cut to whatever spiritual goal it is you think they'll help you reach.

So far as I can tell from what I've read from you good people, Satanism and spirituality in general is mental at its core. Taking a drug that you know will take your own control away from your mental state and place it in the control of the drug itself is dangerous and frankly stupid. It's like "liquid courage" for you spiritually. Every drunk dumbass in a bar fight thinks they're Apollo Creed, but to a sober person they look like a playground fight in slow motion set on a floor covered in marbles. Now think of yourself as "Satan's elite" and you're up against "the menace of the eternal Jew" or whatever. You may as well step on your own foot and punch yourself in the balls (or whatever you have down there :oops: ) and telegraph every weakness and insecurity and bad memory you have that they can use against you, all for the sake of some fleeting moments of pleasure or a convenient corner to cut. It's just dumb.

I'm not a puritan on this subject. I don't oppose others' recreational drug use. I don't do it myself. I don't recommend it to others. I drink too much alcohol and I know that already. Thing is I drink because I'm a raging alcoholic, not because I think the maker of all things is going to pick me up and ask me to be their BFFWBLOLFAT but only if I black out on absynth and opium like some Johnny Depp Hollywood horse shit.

But seriously, the idea of taking a drug because you think it will "get you closer to god" or "help you communicate with the spirits" is mind boggling to me. It's like opening yourself up to every kind of mental attack or leech or whatever, and you know better already. Criminals and con-artists target people who are drunk or high because they are easy marks. Bullies with a chip on their shoulder do the same for the same reasons. Why would you invite the same kind of opportunistic parasitic behavior to something that wants to harm you spiritually? :?

Take care of yourselves, folks. You mean a lot to your makers, and even those of you whose creators don't appreciate you are still valuable to those who are wiser. Don't destroy yourselves with foolish behavior.
retrograde said:
Sundara said:
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.

What most interested me was the elves Terrence Mckenna referenced, that many other people report. One of my family members told me that when she was tripping in the woods, on I don't know what, she was seeing elves. I've done a lot of drugs in the past but never saw entities. The first time I smoked dried Salvia leaves something was talking to me in my head.. I was mortified by all my behavior, and on top of it this thing was telling me of my impending miserable fate, and as far as I could tell, basically warning me in an un sugar-coated way of what I was doing to my life.

I'd love to talk about drugs here. I know and actually trust the consensus regarding them that is presented here.. yet, the only happiness I've experienced in life and the only times I've felt love were under the influence of drugs. Love and attraction and other feelings actually can be exchanged between people.. I always thought it was figurative, but I know now that they're literal energy exchanges taking place that can be physically felt. I don't currently use drugs because I'm on probation, but despite all I've read here, I still aspire to again get high some day. Not as a permanent habit though. I actually feel like my mind and soul are warped in such a way where I reap more of a benefit than most people do from drugs, and I don't do them to get into a blissful stupor; my drug use always accompanied great life changes and achievements. I'd like to talk about this but it is something I'm very personally & uniquely invested in so I wont try to force it on anyone.

At the same time, obviously, I see drugs destroying peoples' lives. Weed is another tool used by the powers that be to keep many people suppressed. For most people, getting high is about going into a comfortable stupor and watching TV, listening to music, playing video games, sitting on a couch and eating tasty foods.. it accompanies the slimeball way of life that many of us have been programmed to think is the best way to live our lives. Obviously drugs cause health problems too, and legal problems, and using drugs can hurt the people around you.. I know all about that. Drugs are the only reason I even became spiritual though, something clicked in my head and I woke up. I really need to write a blog post about this somewhere because I have a few essays' worth of words to share.

Let me know what you guys think.. and I can assume that I'll reap what I sow. Which will never be things that I knew were destructive to me, and did against the copious amounts of advice against.

I don't advocate drug use. I'm not one of those people who will watch someone destroy themselves and say "it's their life.. I can't tell them not to smoke crack or shoot heroin if it makes them happy.." because that's bullshit and it's called enabling and I've firsthand seen so much of it that it makes me sick. I will interfere, I will stop you, I will fight to make you change.

For a long time I have felt the same way you do. And your "fair" way of looking at drugs is something I would've shared with you a few years ago... this is not the case today.

Because of our brains reward system we're by design prone to seek out things that trigger it, it's a survival thing. Example; when we were hunter gatherers (and even today obviously) we would be looking for food, we would find a bush with berries, it tasted sweet, our brains rewarded us by releasing dopamine, to let us know that we have found a new source of food. And it's good.

I'm not an expert on the nomenclature regarding the amounts of dopamine that get released by certain things we consume, so for the sake of this post lets use a scale of 1 to 10. One being no dompamine and 10 being insanely high amounts of dopamine.

So for you to have normal emotional health, to feel content your brain will rest at a level of let's say 3 dopamine. When you eat something delicious you go to 4 dopamine. And it gradually goes back to 3 dopamine. When you have an orgasm you spike to 5 dopamine. It gradually comes back to 3 dopamine, this is good and normal. When you drink alcohol it goes to 6, and lets say you drink a glass or three everyday then 6 will gradually become your new level required to feel good... if you don't drink you go back to 3 which will feel uncomfortable because of the survival mechanism.

Now your body can't deal with these toxins and eventually your body deteriorates because of your psychological need to stay at 6. This is unhealthy obviously. People get addicted to sex too. The amounts of sugar added to our food is also another interesting topic but anyway... If painting for example triggered your dopamine to go to level 4 then you wont be able to enjoy it anymore bacause your new "normal" level is 6. You won't be able to enjoy the small things anymore, unless you're having that drink or puff, whatever.

When you don't get your daily half bottle of wine you wont feel normal. With weed it's 8, with cocaine it's 10. Then you have people combining stuff which makes it worse.

What you're doing right now is rationalizing and romanticizing about your drug of choice. Because you're still addicted, and you're definitely not aware of it.

It takes about a year for your brain to stabilise to its normal level if you're an avid drug consumer. The higher you rest the dopamine scale the longer it will take to get back to 3.

Now for people with addictive personalities this will be harder to overcome and deal with. Sometimes when I have sex it triggers me to crave alcohol because alcohol and sex (for me) are close to eachother on the dopamine scale. So I have to sort of stay on my toes and just circulate the orgasmic energy. I literally snowball into drinking bottles and bottles of beer a day if I have just one. I used to drink until I black out. Father Satan literally gave me a rude awakening one day when I asked him "why is everything so fucked up" A shock came over me and said "because you're an addict". This started me on a my journey of sobriety. A few years later I decided to have a drink. Just one, I rationalised and convinced myself that "it's not that bad bro, relax man, stop being such a stiff!"
Well... that didn't go down very well. Because I pretty soon began drinking everyday again.

When I was sober I was as high as a fucking kite on life. Life was extremely beautiful and light passed through me with ease. I had balls to do anything I want. Energy to sprint my road bike for aleast 25 minutes. Small things gave me joy and my relationships were charged with passion. I didn't need drugs. All because of Father Satan and the Gods. But just one stupid decision on my side ruined it for me (I wanted to see if I could be a normal drinker, if there even is such a thing), so now I'm back on the journey of removing that foot print again. Don't fool yourself with weird rationalisations.

Depressed people are on the lower side of the scale (1 to 2). Meditation will fix this.

Some heroin addicts on the street aren't doing it to get high anymore, they're doing it to survive.

Anyway. Seek help if you need to before your probation is over. Find a professional that's not a kike if you feel you might start using after your probation is over. There's nothing wrong with seeking help. The Gods are also always there but always try to handle your issues yourself first.
Ayahuasca is not from the enemy originally. Many indigenas leaders of the Amazonia have pronunciated about the false ones in the use of Ayahuasca. They stated that Ayahusca like Peyote and other plants, are not a drug, but a sacred plant that contains a spirit that can be use for improvement of people. They say that only them, who have the autorithy and knowledge about the ancestral teachings can use it, and condemn the people that sell it and use it for to obtain money and create "spiritual experiences" that are not connected with the real spirit of the plant. Ayahuasca is not a drug, but stupid people and new agers believe that, and the enemy use it in them for doing his shit. Another corruption of the sacred.
Its a drug and peoples body reacts like its a drug. Trying to dismiss this warning with making up a false claim its not a drug because of some fantasy notion is strange. There are groups that smoke hash and weed all day in the east as well and they are just as wacked out as any druggie that does the same anywhere else.

Theli said:
Ayahuasca is not from the enemy originally. Many indigenas leaders of the Amazonia have pronunciated about the false ones in the use of Ayahuasca. They stated that Ayahusca like Peyote and other plants, are not a drug, but a sacred plant that contains a spirit that can be use for improvement of people. They say that only them, who have the autorithy and knowledge about the ancestral teachings can use it, and condemn the people that sell it and use it for to obtain money and create "spiritual experiences" that are not connected with the real spirit of the plant. Ayahuasca is not a drug, but stupid people and new agers believe that, and the enemy use it in them for doing his shit. Another corruption of the sacred.
The thing that makes these substances dangerous is one can have no spiritual training or experience at all and have complete ego death, experience what feels like eternity in half an hour, have out of their body experiences or visit the astral and so on. Without having a strong mind obviously this is going to be difficult, and you can imagine the effect on the soul/energetic body suddenly being flooded with energy, stretched, and so on. This is why drugs cause holes in the aura.

We train for a long time to be able to handle things like increased levels of energy by slowly working on this and can experience all of the above mentioned effects of this stuff naturally through the knowledge Satan has given us. And it's safe.

When people take high doses of DMT they report leaving this world entirely and being transported to a completely different almost indescribable dimension. This is called breaking through and this is where they meet all sorts of weird entities and so forth. Probably because it is known to massively increase one's vibration for the time one is on it and therefore its not recommended for those with heart conditions.

Just like how people with powerful souls through meditation and yoga will stand out on the astral so do people who take these drugs, and in high enough doses they are not in this body or normal reality but their conscious more or less resides on an astral level.

You can imagine having no psychic training or protection and suddenly throwing yourself into this is stupid. Another thing that is important is that people can cause unintentional and spontaneous kundalini awakening if they mess around with this stuff.

Recently I heard about this guy who this happened to, he wasn't even on any substances at the time but had previously triggered something during use of drugs, when one day he was out with his friends just talking laughing ectra. and out of nowhere experiences this extremely hot feeling at the base of his spine and an overwhelming white light rising through his body, he said when it reached his head he heard an explosion of lightening and was completely overwhelmed as he had no idea what was happening. He said he went to this place for what seemed like eternity and felt things he couldn't put into words. He experienced depression and psychosis for years afterwards with many people not believing him and thinking he was crazy, keep in mind this whole time he had absolutely no idea what kundalini was, he didn't know about it being a latent force in everyone nor that other people had similar things happen to him. Hence feeling very alone, confused and so on. It was only when telling a Buddhist monk on he met on the street about his experience that he was informed what had happened to him was a kundalini awakening.

I would like to also add that DMT is reportedly released naturally in the brain in large doses upon birth and death and therefore could quite likely play a process in things like reincarnation ectra. It's also thought to be produced in the pineal gland and related to dreaming. So if this is true we can activate these things anyway and do it SAFELY and naturally by preparing our bodies and minds over the course of years of meditation and yoga and training. NOT just taking a drug and all of a sudden being overwhelmed and going crazy and opening yourself up to negative entities possibly triggering unwanted things.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its a drug and peoples body reacts like its a drug. Trying to dismiss this warning with making up a false claim its not a drug because of some fantasy notion is strange. There are groups that smoke hash and weed all day in the east as well and they are just as wacked out as any druggie that does the same anywhere else.

Theli said:
Ayahuasca is not from the enemy originally. Many indigenas leaders of the Amazonia have pronunciated about the false ones in the use of Ayahuasca. They stated that Ayahusca like Peyote and other plants, are not a drug, but a sacred plant that contains a spirit that can be use for improvement of people. They say that only them, who have the autorithy and knowledge about the ancestral teachings can use it, and condemn the people that sell it and use it for to obtain money and create "spiritual experiences" that are not connected with the real spirit of the plant. Ayahuasca is not a drug, but stupid people and new agers believe that, and the enemy use it in them for doing his shit. Another corruption of the sacred.

Hey, to compare it with weed is not respectful. And yeh i know, that every kind of drug don't deserve approval. Ayahuasca has similar effects that DMT in people, but that is not reason to ignore the believes of native southamericans which state that Ayahuasca is used to purifier, and it's used in special situations like rituals, not like a weed smoke to reach the "goal" of that horrible song that says: "smoke weed everyday (because you're a retard without future)". Thanks to the natives here in South America the jew has troubles trying to destroy woods and really important ecosystems with the oil industry and other shit. Many indigenous leaders are being killed everyday in my country because of their protection of nature and no one her give a shit, and yes, they share the believe in sacred plants where figure Ayahuasca too. I descend from ancient inhabitants knowns how: Sutagaos, where Suta means Sun and Gaos means Sons, Father Satan is present in our ancestral past. I believe to my ancesters, who has warned people out of their communities about the use of Ayahuasca, saying that is dangerous for them and saying too that is not (or at least, not must to be considered) a drug. Thanks. c:
Your statements are going in different directions into different topics. Ayahuasca is a dangerous drug that acts as a poison in the system which is the cause for the reactions people get from taking it. This includes the hallucinations.

I have studied the practices they do for the rituals the Amerindian's themselves use for this practice. Its also about something else. This does something to the aura that weakens it drastically. It temporary blows open the astral senses but so what.

Westerns have no training or experience with this so they just end up sitting there with their unconsciousness nonsense and dream awake the attempts to communicate with this claimed deity will get channelled through all the unconsciousness nonsense and mean not anything.

Theli said:
Hey, to compare it with weed is not respectful. And yeh i know, that every kind of drug don't deserve approval. Ayahuasca has similar effects that DMT in people, but that is not reason to ignore the believes of native southamericans which state that Ayahuasca is used to purifier, and it's used in special situations like rituals, not like a weed smoke to reach the "goal" of that horrible song that says: "smoke weed everyday (because you're a retard without future)". Thanks to the natives here in South America the jew has troubles trying to destroy woods and really important ecosystems with the oil industry and other shit. Many indigenous leaders are being killed everyday in my country because of their protection of nature and no one her give a shit, and yes, they share the believe in sacred plants where figure Ayahuasca too. I descend from ancient inhabitants knowns how: Sutagaos, where Suta means Sun and Gaos means Sons, Father Satan is present in our ancestral past. I believe to my ancesters, who has warned people out of their communities about the use of Ayahuasca, saying that is dangerous for them and saying too that is not (or at least, not must to be considered) a drug. Thanks. c:
Theli said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Its a drug and peoples body reacts like its a drug. Trying to dismiss this warning with making up a false claim its not a drug because of some fantasy notion is strange. There are groups that smoke hash and weed all day in the east as well and they are just as wacked out as any druggie that does the same anywhere else.

Theli said:
Ayahuasca is not from the enemy originally. Many indigenas leaders of the Amazonia have pronunciated about the false ones in the use of Ayahuasca. They stated that Ayahusca like Peyote and other plants, are not a drug, but a sacred plant that contains a spirit that can be use for improvement of people. They say that only them, who have the autorithy and knowledge about the ancestral teachings can use it, and condemn the people that sell it and use it for to obtain money and create "spiritual experiences" that are not connected with the real spirit of the plant. Ayahuasca is not a drug, but stupid people and new agers believe that, and the enemy use it in them for doing his shit. Another corruption of the sacred.

Hey, to compare it with weed is not respectful. And yeh i know, that every kind of drug don't deserve approval. Ayahuasca has similar effects that DMT in people, but that is not reason to ignore the believes of native southamericans which state that Ayahuasca is used to purifier, and it's used in special situations like rituals, not like a weed smoke to reach the "goal" of that horrible song that says: "smoke weed everyday (because you're a retard without future)". Thanks to the natives here in South America the jew has troubles trying to destroy woods and really important ecosystems with the oil industry and other shit. Many indigenous leaders are being killed everyday in my country because of their protection of nature and no one her give a shit, and yes, they share the believe in sacred plants where figure Ayahuasca too. I descend from ancient inhabitants knowns how: Sutagaos, where Suta means Sun and Gaos means Sons, Father Satan is present in our ancestral past. I believe to my ancesters, who has warned people out of their communities about the use of Ayahuasca, saying that is dangerous for them and saying too that is not (or at least, not must to be considered) a drug. Thanks. c:
It's a drug. Whether you like it or not.
Some native american groups would also sit inside a hole in the ground with 100 rattlesnakes, and grab them and cover themselves with them. While it's more than 100° and they are sweating and dehydrated, all day long or for multiple days. Then they would purposefully make the rattlesnake bite them, and they try to fight the venom. And the most spiritually strongest people would sometimes survive the rattlesnake venom. They thought that this had some kind of spiritual effect that made them stronger.

So would you purposefully get yourself bit by a deadly rattlesnake just because some tribe used to do it? It is not a good excuse to say that some drug that rips your brain apart must be safe because some tribe did it before, they did all kinds of bad things.
One of those south american tribes that did ayahuasca and dmt all the time, they would also eat a mixture of more than 20 different hallucinogenic and poisonous plants all mixed together and dissolved with alcohol. Then their priest would be on all these drugs, and he would spend hours scratching his genitals with a leather strap covered in thorns and sharp things. Then his partner would collect his genital blood and mix it with more hallucinogenic poisonous leaves, and he would smoke the bloody leaves and get high from it. So what does that say? It's a horrible idea, and nobody should ever try to copy it. Don't think it's okay to do something just because someone else did it before, because there's a lot of very stupid people that have ruined their lives by doing stupid things. You don't need to copy them.
Taking ayahuasca to strengthen yourself spiritually is like taking steroids to strengthen yourself physically. It is better to meditate and exercise than to take shortcuts.
And the argument by nature doesn't convince me, because there also exists poisonous plants that are harmful to your body. Aren't they natural too? Not everything that grows in the earth is good for us.

I know a lot of people who do "natural" drugs and most of them are lazy hippies who don't even want to go out with friends because they prefer to play games and smoke weed.
Lovelorn 666 said:
retrograde said:
Sundara said:
Not to credit any of their experiences... interestingly many reports of any interactions had with the Gods on DMT always consists of the gods being disappointed and/or saying not to do DMT, “you don’t belong here” type stuff.

What most interested me was the elves Terrence Mckenna referenced, that many other people report. One of my family members told me that when she was tripping in the woods, on I don't know what, she was seeing elves. I've done a lot of drugs in the past but never saw entities. The first time I smoked dried Salvia leaves something was talking to me in my head.. I was mortified by all my behavior, and on top of it this thing was telling me of my impending miserable fate, and as far as I could tell, basically warning me in an un sugar-coated way of what I was doing to my life.

I'd love to talk about drugs here. I know and actually trust the consensus regarding them that is presented here.. yet, the only happiness I've experienced in life and the only times I've felt love were under the influence of drugs. Love and attraction and other feelings actually can be exchanged between people.. I always thought it was figurative, but I know now that they're literal energy exchanges taking place that can be physically felt. I don't currently use drugs because I'm on probation, but despite all I've read here, I still aspire to again get high some day. Not as a permanent habit though. I actually feel like my mind and soul are warped in such a way where I reap more of a benefit than most people do from drugs, and I don't do them to get into a blissful stupor; my drug use always accompanied great life changes and achievements. I'd like to talk about this but it is something I'm very personally & uniquely invested in so I wont try to force it on anyone.

At the same time, obviously, I see drugs destroying peoples' lives. Weed is another tool used by the powers that be to keep many people suppressed. For most people, getting high is about going into a comfortable stupor and watching TV, listening to music, playing video games, sitting on a couch and eating tasty foods.. it accompanies the slimeball way of life that many of us have been programmed to think is the best way to live our lives. Obviously drugs cause health problems too, and legal problems, and using drugs can hurt the people around you.. I know all about that. Drugs are the only reason I even became spiritual though, something clicked in my head and I woke up. I really need to write a blog post about this somewhere because I have a few essays' worth of words to share.

Let me know what you guys think.. and I can assume that I'll reap what I sow. Which will never be things that I knew were destructive to me, and did against the copious amounts of advice against.

I don't advocate drug use. I'm not one of those people who will watch someone destroy themselves and say "it's their life.. I can't tell them not to smoke crack or shoot heroin if it makes them happy.." because that's bullshit and it's called enabling and I've firsthand seen so much of it that it makes me sick. I will interfere, I will stop you, I will fight to make you change.

For a long time I have felt the same way you do. And your "fair" way of looking at drugs is something I would've shared with you a few years ago... this is not the case today.

Because of our brains reward system we're by design prone to seek out things that trigger it, it's a survival thing. Example; when we were hunter gatherers (and even today obviously) we would be looking for food, we would find a bush with berries, it tasted sweet, our brains rewarded us by releasing dopamine, to let us know that we have found a new source of food. And it's good.

I'm not an expert on the nomenclature regarding the amounts of dopamine that get released by certain things we consume, so for the sake of this post lets use a scale of 1 to 10. One being no dompamine and 10 being insanely high amounts of dopamine.

So for you to have normal emotional health, to feel content your brain will rest at a level of let's say 3 dopamine. When you eat something delicious you go to 4 dopamine. And it gradually goes back to 3 dopamine. When you have an orgasm you spike to 5 dopamine. It gradually comes back to 3 dopamine, this is good and normal. When you drink alcohol it goes to 6, and lets say you drink a glass or three everyday then 6 will gradually become your new level required to feel good... if you don't drink you go back to 3 which will feel uncomfortable because of the survival mechanism.

Now your body can't deal with these toxins and eventually your body deteriorates because of your psychological need to stay at 6. This is unhealthy obviously. People get addicted to sex too. The amounts of sugar added to our food is also another interesting topic but anyway... If painting for example triggered your dopamine to go to level 4 then you wont be able to enjoy it anymore bacause your new "normal" level is 6. You won't be able to enjoy the small things anymore, unless you're having that drink or puff, whatever.

When you don't get your daily half bottle of wine you wont feel normal. With weed it's 8, with cocaine it's 10. Then you have people combining stuff which makes it worse.

What you're doing right now is rationalizing and romanticizing about your drug of choice. Because you're still addicted, and you're definitely not aware of it.

It takes about a year for your brain to stabilise to its normal level if you're an avid drug consumer. The higher you rest the dopamine scale the longer it will take to get back to 3.

Now for people with addictive personalities this will be harder to overcome and deal with. Sometimes when I have sex it triggers me to crave alcohol because alcohol and sex (for me) are close to eachother on the dopamine scale. So I have to sort of stay on my toes and just circulate the orgasmic energy. I literally snowball into drinking bottles and bottles of beer a day if I have just one. I used to drink until I black out. Father Satan literally gave me a rude awakening one day when I asked him "why is everything so fucked up" A shock came over me and said "because you're an addict". This started me on a my journey of sobriety. A few years later I decided to have a drink. Just one, I rationalised and convinced myself that "it's not that bad bro, relax man, stop being such a stiff!"
Well... that didn't go down very well. Because I pretty soon began drinking everyday again.

When I was sober I was as high as a fucking kite on life. Life was extremely beautiful and light passed through me with ease. I had balls to do anything I want. Energy to sprint my road bike for aleast 25 minutes. Small things gave me joy and my relationships were charged with passion. I didn't need drugs. All because of Father Satan and the Gods. But just one stupid decision on my side ruined it for me (I wanted to see if I could be a normal drinker, if there even is such a thing), so now I'm back on the journey of removing that foot print again. Don't fool yourself with weird rationalisations.

Depressed people are on the lower side of the scale (1 to 2). Meditation will fix this.

Some heroin addicts on the street aren't doing it to get high anymore, they're doing it to survive.

Anyway. Seek help if you need to before your probation is over. Find a professional that's not a kike if you feel you might start using after your probation is over. There's nothing wrong with seeking help. The Gods are also always there but always try to handle your issues yourself first.

I stoped smoking weed and cigarets after 10 long years, i was a long time in the new Age and i was allway rationalising it, like its good for me it helps me the sickest one was - evereything is atoms so the smoke is not harmful to me xD, when i came back to ss 4 months ago i also got a loving slap of truth. It was hard to understand that im an addict, but i understood it, im 3 months clean now. The cool part is im getting to know myself for the first time, i was worried the other day because i got angry(i never got angry when i was smoking weed, i never got anything i was dead inside)and then i got so excited and happy because i felt something genuine after a long time.Anyhow i wrote this to tell you thanks for the great explanation,for sharing your story and thanks for the warning(about not doing it even once). I hope you will get back on track again! Cheers!
I have been to one of those ayuahuasca centers. And took some LSDs, tried DMT, and been a frequent marijuwana user. This stuff gives u a peak but its not the solution and everything u feel is just temporary.

Unlike power meditation

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
