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Upcoming May Jupiter Square, questions?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2018
Hey guys so Jupiter squares are back I believe there are two or three dates in May, one or two in June, and one in December. If your able to do it all 3 can be done for the year.

Anyways I have a few questions on it.

1. Is my affirmation okay?

My good luck, good fortune, good serendipity, and good perfect timings are now permanently increasing in everything I do in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me.

Good affirmation any improvements?

2. Is there such a thing as doing too many Jupiter Squares?

It's the Greater Benefic but some have stated the expansive nature of Jupiter to potentially create issues. I only performed two squares in 2019 during Jupiter in Sagittarius was gonna do like 4 or 5 throughout the year but burnt myself out doing more squares. Anyways is there any issues with Jupiter? Mind you my Jupiter is in Cancer and do have a few Jupiter aspects like one aspect a Saturn opposition Jupiter.

3. I mentioned in my affirmation "way for me". But should I be stating due to the power of the square "ways for me"?

In other words when should "ways" be used instead of "way". When should I increase the factors. I'm aware we should laser in on one reality as we are lower spiritual beings but technically with how powerful squares are shouldn't we focus on more than one reality?

4. Finally how many affirmations should I state? What's a good number I know the Jupiter square adds up to 7 affirmations but should I use another like 8 or 10 or 18 what's a good affirmation repetition number to state?

5. Svaha?

Is there any merit in me as I mentioned before in pumping up Jupiter in my life with a Spiritual Square and programming it to improve my Jupiter?
Just a quick note so people are aware, a side-effect of Jupiter is increased sugar/sweets cravings, and increased weight gain. Also, an increase in laziness and being overly-optimistic, expecting things to turn out great. Which they might, but they might not. Jupiter is not the planet of being prepared or self-discipline.

There will of course be more dates to do the square in 2022, just mentioning this for those who are new to astrology and don't understand the planetary movements yet.

As for your affirmation, I'm sure a lot of people will say it sounds great... in theory though. Unless someone has personally done it for similar things, it can't be said if it will actually work. But it does sound good, so try it and let us know if the results are to your expectations. I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

This is also a great opportunity for spiritual related matters :)
Lydia said:
I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

Well to be honest judging from my own self and my own lack of spirituality(believe me I tried). I think most people are just gonna remain in this state probably for the rest of their lives. I think the only reason why some people stay such as myself is the political aspect. I highly doubt most people will ever advance spiritually to any far degree of level. Not to sound like an asshole but why lie to ourselves.

For example perhaps someone as a little kid was told "Oy vey these ebil, debil nazims they killed our people". And this person probably was like "Okay sorry to hear" but deep inside themselves they are going "Why the fuck do I give two shits about this persons sad sack of shit losses". Then they study history or study the bible or study our site and go "Wait these guys actually state it's the other way around that they killed lots of Gentiles" and so forth like conspiracy facts etc.etc.

In my personal opinion most people are in it for the political factor and it's not just a rebellious teenager attitude. Perhaps without the internet it would seem that way with ignorance is bliss factor all over the place. But people more and more are waking up and realizing "Shit this World is gonna go to hell in a handbasket if we don't do something about it".

I think in my own personal opinion most people are gonna remain theoretical because everything is theoretical. For example everything I stated could be construed as theoretical. Perhaps I'm trying to find information if my magic work, did it work maybe, maybe not. I have no idea.

I guess what I'm trying to state is something I think about often is have I xtianized my Satanism. For example back in school not that I meditated or anything for that matter. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened have I did maybe I would have never gotten my mental health disorder not that it's a problem. But I acted like a xtian, I prayed to Satan, I pretended to speak to some being of higher power that probably never heard a word I said and probably was just my own imagination or something.

Again I don't know, I truly don't know. And I think most people just join for the religious fervor and then become politically fanatical once we combine science with the occult.

I think a big part of how JoS works is the scientific approach to the occult. Unfortunately the only few people who ever delved into the occult and science were always shunned and destroyed from existing like Tesla and others.

Again we understand these things exist like astral projection or lucid dreaming or spirituality. But for most people such as myself it's just a curious mental curiosity. For example jews went crazy and berserk killing and lieing all because they read and accounted that Gentiles can become Gods. How many Gods have Gentiles on Earth produced? Maybe a handlful, I recall Apollonius of Tyana being one example of a Godman(Rishi) but that was someone who probably had discipline.

Like I said I'm not trying to shit on anyone but the jews went crazy thinking somehow humanity without it's Gods would wreck havoc on them for damning them. Funny enough it's the entire opposite jews have been wildly successful in damning mankind when most people probably don't or can't become Gods in one lifetime and even if they COULD, WOULD they have the discipline for it?

Theoretical, what-ifs etc.etc. is exactly how most people are. They are just sheep moving about. If it weren't for the fact that we are not xtians I'd wager the same thing. I'd like to think each person who comes to the JoS, the diamonds in the roughs are in fact werewolves hidden in sheeps clothing. But sometimes I've had my thoughts of am I sheep. Now obviously I can't state that as no one puts a gun to my head and tells me what to do. But living these past few years practically this entire life. I've noticed life sucks and is horrible and it seems every day is a struggle just to survive. Not that I suffer but not that anything good has happened to me in my life where I can say it's exactly what I wanted. And even if I had one or two opportunities for something to happen I shy away and go on my own and miss out.

What can I say it's all this Saturn aspects and whatnot. Or maybe it's because really I'm a loser. Perhaps that's the more appropriate aspect. Sure we got astrology and whatnot but does that really work or is that the factor? If we don't have the Gods information and our pasts information on astrology then how the fuck do I know it is even a factor if we don't have the proper correct Satanic information?

Again I'm getting negative but I don't know anything. Really it's like meditation even the act of cleaning my aura and chakras is so goddamn boring and annoying it begs the question why I bother. And even if my soul is dirty or whatever is that even a factor in affecting me. I guess what I'm trying to state is IF I choose not to be spiritual why should I let or allow or how can spirituality affect me. If it's real okay cool, but then the person or persons state "All you have to do to be spiritual" and it's like "Great more work, more stuff to do and waste time".

If I've done spiritual stuff and it never works whats the point of it? It doesn't work. I think most people just eventually burn themselves out and realize it's pointless and might as well go physical. I think most people are just gonna be physically driven until someone proves to them spirituality is real or if they do it it's because the God are around and giving them answers.

Sure we have prominent members and some HPs and whatnot but again they are just humans with an openness. For all intents and purposes it's not old pre-destruction human knowledge or Gods knowledge.

It's funny we have people who become doctors and educate themselves and they are the same garbage as any other person. So what if your a doctor you don't know jack shit cure diseases stop trying to rob people of money. It's basically humanity = garbage = never gonna get out of this conundrum. It's either the old information of the past or the Gods information. Sure some people are an exception but even then who knows what kind of dagger is hanging behind their back waiting to stab them.

Like I said most people it's just theoretical life is just theory it's not concrete has no concrete look at our garbage civilization everything rebuilt from the ground up what a worthless en devour. I think it was Hp.Cobra that mentioned our pre-destroyed civilization was reaching 1700s levels of technology.

Anyways not sure how to frame it better. But most people are just theoretical the amount of posts I've seen of people wanting to know some stupid flash of images or something. I've NEVER had any experience anyone said. Most people are just crazy what can I say. Like my old saying to be normal is to be crazy to be crazy is to be normal. If being NORMAL i.e. a kosher supervised species creates issues then I hate to see how being the opposite is because what happens when crazy beings become crazy.

Anyways all I simply want is xtianty destroyed, jews destroyed, and a Satanic World. If it is all fake and we are just memeing and trolling then whatever better have that than this JNWO bullshit that ruins the World. No idea why people are obsessed with destroying the World. If you want the World destroyed be prepared to suffer cause MANY of you will die after a few weeks or months after a nice global thermonuclear strikes. Since most people are worthless they'll just die off no idea on anything and returning back to the stone age would be welcome to some people who think the World is good and whatnot just wait.

Anyways I guess we are like reverse xtians theoretical. While xtians are communism and xtianity we are Satanism and National Socialism. And this isn't to piss people off just from my own perspective my own personal opinion I've never in my life experienced a spiritual phenomena that can state okay I'll meditate. For example since 1999 I've known about Astral projecting and lucid dreaming have I done them? AP nope, LD maybe and even then LD not to a degree of control. It gets to the point I just want to live my life properly and do things correctly but apparently because life sucks and the people around you are pathetic worthless pieces of shits filling your head with retarded non-sense like my parents and family which I hate with my entire mind, body, and soul and as I get older probably should have been directed more hatred and more anger at them. I've come to realize life is only a theoretical mental curiosity a vicariousness there is no hope in living or doing anything physically. Life sucks what can I say.
In my opinion you are overthinking the ways or way aspect. To me it sounds such a miniscule difference. For you it is bigger thing, so I think you should really choose for yourself which fit and feels better to suit yourself. Also, do you want to empower you chakras, and natal chart or the material aspects of Jupiter? It boils down to that. Choose wisely.

I will use this chance to empower my 12th house Jupiter in a very good sign. ;)
Lydia said:
Just a quick note so people are aware, a side-effect of Jupiter is increased sugar/sweets cravings, and increased weight gain. Also, an increase in laziness and being overly-optimistic, expecting things to turn out great. Which they might, but they might not. Jupiter is not the planet of being prepared or self-discipline.

There will of course be more dates to do the square in 2022, just mentioning this for those who are new to astrology and don't understand the planetary movements yet.

As for your affirmation, I'm sure a lot of people will say it sounds great... in theory though. Unless someone has personally done it for similar things, it can't be said if it will actually work. But it does sound good, so try it and let us know if the results are to your expectations. I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

This is also a great opportunity for spiritual related matters :)
In my experience, I don't like general affirmations. It takes too much energy to make every aspects of your life luckier. I would focus on a specific thing you need to increase. Jupiter can be used to bring prosperity in anything you need, money, material wealth, love, friendship and so on. It can be used to win something (with its luck and prosperity effects) and for spirituality, I know its hard to choose but general spells, at least for me, are not the greatest.
Gear88 said:
Lydia said:
I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

Well to be honest judging from my own self and my own lack of spirituality(believe me I tried). I think most people are just gonna remain in this state probably for the rest of their lives. I think the only reason why some people stay such as myself is the political aspect. I highly doubt most people will ever advance spiritually to any far degree of level. Not to sound like an asshole but why lie to ourselves.

For example perhaps someone as a little kid was told "Oy vey these ebil, debil nazims they killed our people". And this person probably was like "Okay sorry to hear" but deep inside themselves they are going "Why the fuck do I give two shits about this persons sad sack of shit losses". Then they study history or study the bible or study our site and go "Wait these guys actually state it's the other way around that they killed lots of Gentiles" and so forth like conspiracy facts etc.etc.

In my personal opinion most people are in it for the political factor and it's not just a rebellious teenager attitude. Perhaps without the internet it would seem that way with ignorance is bliss factor all over the place. But people more and more are waking up and realizing "Shit this World is gonna go to hell in a handbasket if we don't do something about it".

I think in my own personal opinion most people are gonna remain theoretical because everything is theoretical. For example everything I stated could be construed as theoretical. Perhaps I'm trying to find information if my magic work, did it work maybe, maybe not. I have no idea.

I guess what I'm trying to state is something I think about often is have I xtianized my Satanism. For example back in school not that I meditated or anything for that matter. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened have I did maybe I would have never gotten my mental health disorder not that it's a problem. But I acted like a xtian, I prayed to Satan, I pretended to speak to some being of higher power that probably never heard a word I said and probably was just my own imagination or something.

Again I don't know, I truly don't know. And I think most people just join for the religious fervor and then become politically fanatical once we combine science with the occult.

I think a big part of how JoS works is the scientific approach to the occult. Unfortunately the only few people who ever delved into the occult and science were always shunned and destroyed from existing like Tesla and others.

Again we understand these things exist like astral projection or lucid dreaming or spirituality. But for most people such as myself it's just a curious mental curiosity. For example jews went crazy and berserk killing and lieing all because they read and accounted that Gentiles can become Gods. How many Gods have Gentiles on Earth produced? Maybe a handlful, I recall Apollonius of Tyana being one example of a Godman(Rishi) but that was someone who probably had discipline.

Like I said I'm not trying to shit on anyone but the jews went crazy thinking somehow humanity without it's Gods would wreck havoc on them for damning them. Funny enough it's the entire opposite jews have been wildly successful in damning mankind when most people probably don't or can't become Gods in one lifetime and even if they COULD, WOULD they have the discipline for it?

Theoretical, what-ifs etc.etc. is exactly how most people are. They are just sheep moving about. If it weren't for the fact that we are not xtians I'd wager the same thing. I'd like to think each person who comes to the JoS, the diamonds in the roughs are in fact werewolves hidden in sheeps clothing. But sometimes I've had my thoughts of am I sheep. Now obviously I can't state that as no one puts a gun to my head and tells me what to do. But living these past few years practically this entire life. I've noticed life sucks and is horrible and it seems every day is a struggle just to survive. Not that I suffer but not that anything good has happened to me in my life where I can say it's exactly what I wanted. And even if I had one or two opportunities for something to happen I shy away and go on my own and miss out.

What can I say it's all this Saturn aspects and whatnot. Or maybe it's because really I'm a loser. Perhaps that's the more appropriate aspect. Sure we got astrology and whatnot but does that really work or is that the factor? If we don't have the Gods information and our pasts information on astrology then how the fuck do I know it is even a factor if we don't have the proper correct Satanic information?

Again I'm getting negative but I don't know anything. Really it's like meditation even the act of cleaning my aura and chakras is so goddamn boring and annoying it begs the question why I bother. And even if my soul is dirty or whatever is that even a factor in affecting me. I guess what I'm trying to state is IF I choose not to be spiritual why should I let or allow or how can spirituality affect me. If it's real okay cool, but then the person or persons state "All you have to do to be spiritual" and it's like "Great more work, more stuff to do and waste time".

If I've done spiritual stuff and it never works whats the point of it? It doesn't work. I think most people just eventually burn themselves out and realize it's pointless and might as well go physical. I think most people are just gonna be physically driven until someone proves to them spirituality is real or if they do it it's because the God are around and giving them answers.

Sure we have prominent members and some HPs and whatnot but again they are just humans with an openness. For all intents and purposes it's not old pre-destruction human knowledge or Gods knowledge.

It's funny we have people who become doctors and educate themselves and they are the same garbage as any other person. So what if your a doctor you don't know jack shit cure diseases stop trying to rob people of money. It's basically humanity = garbage = never gonna get out of this conundrum. It's either the old information of the past or the Gods information. Sure some people are an exception but even then who knows what kind of dagger is hanging behind their back waiting to stab them.

Like I said most people it's just theoretical life is just theory it's not concrete has no concrete look at our garbage civilization everything rebuilt from the ground up what a worthless en devour. I think it was Hp.Cobra that mentioned our pre-destroyed civilization was reaching 1700s levels of technology.

Anyways not sure how to frame it better. But most people are just theoretical the amount of posts I've seen of people wanting to know some stupid flash of images or something. I've NEVER had any experience anyone said. Most people are just crazy what can I say. Like my old saying to be normal is to be crazy to be crazy is to be normal. If being NORMAL i.e. a kosher supervised species creates issues then I hate to see how being the opposite is because what happens when crazy beings become crazy.

Anyways all I simply want is xtianty destroyed, jews destroyed, and a Satanic World. If it is all fake and we are just memeing and trolling then whatever better have that than this JNWO bullshit that ruins the World. No idea why people are obsessed with destroying the World. If you want the World destroyed be prepared to suffer cause MANY of you will die after a few weeks or months after a nice global thermonuclear strikes. Since most people are worthless they'll just die off no idea on anything and returning back to the stone age would be welcome to some people who think the World is good and whatnot just wait.

Anyways I guess we are like reverse xtians theoretical. While xtians are communism and xtianity we are Satanism and National Socialism. And this isn't to piss people off just from my own perspective my own personal opinion I've never in my life experienced a spiritual phenomena that can state okay I'll meditate. For example since 1999 I've known about Astral projecting and lucid dreaming have I done them? AP nope, LD maybe and even then LD not to a degree of control. It gets to the point I just want to live my life properly and do things correctly but apparently because life sucks and the people around you are pathetic worthless pieces of shits filling your head with retarded non-sense like my parents and family which I hate with my entire mind, body, and soul and as I get older probably should have been directed more hatred and more anger at them. I've come to realize life is only a theoretical mental curiosity a vicariousness there is no hope in living or doing anything physically. Life sucks what can I say.

I too have minimal experiences with magick
I can manifest small things but that too is 50-50
Sometimes it happens other times not
Don't know what factor is missing
I have tried runes and mantras for like 5-7 days
For 4-5 hours daily for manifesting a very small wish but nothing happened
Instead just plain visualization for 15 days 1.5 hour daily helped manifest passing the biggest exam of my life which normally I wouldn't have any chance to pass it
Visualization can't even manifest a chocolate from my dad(I experimented with it)
It's unpredictable
So I am really always in doubt if runes are effective for manifestation
On the other hand breath of fire actually makes things happen when done without holding Breath for 3 hours a day the effects start in 20 days
But this much breathing fucks up the nerves causes ataxia
And it's really sad to see very few actual magic success
People with thousands of posts , they will reply all the political matters , Lgbt topics, race mixing,feminism sexism, UFOs, mythology,and conspiracy theories
Then I see them struggling, they are members from 10+ years, but still earning some 20 dollars per hour, and having severe difficulties in life,
There is hardly 1% posts of these members on magick
Anyone makes a topic on money spell or love spell , he wants actual experience with magic
But then again I see this trend
Everybody would be like Oh money is very tough to make in today's world
U should learn skills , maybe open a business
And some replies would be copy pasting the Fehu rune money spells
I miss the times when people like respected Johnson akemi would post ,"I did the math fehu rune makes 200 dollars per hour" , she really used to help and had lot of experience as well
But now
No one ever says he got good success with money spell
Same with love spells , no matter what is asked by OP , the topic will shift towards politics
And lgbt,feminism and again copy pasting 3 steps of witchcraft but no actual experience

And worst one are healing working , health group
Every single member says it's impossible to cure with magic , The end
I have seen only 4-5 posts who had success with health working

I hate this trend here a person makes a post asking for wealth spell only gets 1-2 replies
And we have 50+ replies on topics like
What causes homosexuality, soul transgenderism.

It would have been so good if there were a separate group like pets , blacks ,,Oriental
For magic as well
Where only magic workings and experiences were shared and we don't have to see useless
Political posts and hopeless replies

Please Hp cobra if you are reading this
Try to make a separate group for magical workings where only witchcraft shall be discussed
Lydia said:
Just a quick note so people are aware, a side-effect of Jupiter is increased sugar/sweets cravings, and increased weight gain. Also, an increase in laziness and being overly-optimistic, expecting things to turn out great. Which they might, but they might not. Jupiter is not the planet of being prepared or self-discipline.

This should help my girlfriend with worrying too much about stuff and OCD like tendencies she has wanted to get rid of that for a long time.

Well all we can do is try it sounds like it might help but don't know for sure.
Hail goddess diana said:
Everybody would be like Oh money is very tough to make in today's world
U should learn skills , maybe open a business
And some replies would be copy pasting the Fehu rune money spells
I miss the times when people like respected Johnson akemi would post ,"I did the math fehu rune makes 200 dollars per hour" , she really used to help and had lot of experience as well
How excactly does one go about making 200 dollars per hour without skills, business or some sort of channel for the magic to manifest?

Skills + magic = money.
Henu the Great said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Everybody would be like Oh money is very tough to make in today's world
U should learn skills , maybe open a business
And some replies would be copy pasting the Fehu rune money spells
I miss the times when people like respected Johnson akemi would post ,"I did the math fehu rune makes 200 dollars per hour" , she really used to help and had lot of experience as well
How excactly does one go about making 200 dollars per hour without skills, business or some sort of channel for the magic to manifest?

Skills + magic = money.
Yep, without a physical way there is no way money are going to manifest. Lottery could be a way but one should concentrate on learning some skills too. Johnson did not exactly say that, it was a more longer post related on how she made money, I don't exactly remember but I think she invested money, I wish the old forum with those posts were still here.
Hail goddess diana said:
I hate this trend here a person makes a post asking for wealth spell only gets 1-2 replies
And we have 50+ replies on topics like
What causes homosexuality, soul transgenderism.
Magick is subjective and personal. People are not forced to share their results nor experiences. Even less with someone who claims to do 2 hours of breath of fire.
It's because there's people like you that knowledge has to be passed with little chunks at a time, newbies and people who don't understand how you can literally fry your nervous system if you do too much or certain things. Understand that and advance, without stupidly dangerous things like 2 hours of breath of fire. Which I doubt you even did, since you'd be fried by now.
Aquarius said:
Hail goddess diana said:
I hate this trend here a person makes a post asking for wealth spell only gets 1-2 replies
And we have 50+ replies on topics like
What causes homosexuality, soul transgenderism.
Magick is subjective and personal. People are not forced to share their results nor experiences.
If people won't share their experiences then what is the purpose of these groups.
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Everybody would be like Oh money is very tough to make in today's world
U should learn skills , maybe open a business
And some replies would be copy pasting the Fehu rune money spells
I miss the times when people like respected Johnson akemi would post ,"I did the math fehu rune makes 200 dollars per hour" , she really used to help and had lot of experience as well
How excactly does one go about making 200 dollars per hour without skills, business or some sort of channel for the magic to manifest?

Skills + magic = money.
Yep, without a physical way there is no way money are going to manifest. Lottery could be a way but one should concentrate on learning some skills too. Johnson did not exactly say that, it was a more longer post related on how she made money, I don't exactly remember but I think she invested money, I wish the old forum with those posts were still here.
Yeah old forum was awesome

I didn't meant lottery , I know it's impossible without a physical way but then
If we can't even get a decent income source with magic
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells
Hail goddess diana said:
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
How excactly does one go about making 200 dollars per hour without skills, business or some sort of channel for the magic to manifest?

Skills + magic = money.
Yep, without a physical way there is no way money are going to manifest. Lottery could be a way but one should concentrate on learning some skills too. Johnson did not exactly say that, it was a more longer post related on how she made money, I don't exactly remember but I think she invested money, I wish the old forum with those posts were still here.
Yeah old forum was awesome

I didn't meant lottery , I know it's impossible without a physical way but then
If we can't even get a decent income source with magic
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells
Physical immortality can happen only when you are very advanced and powerful with specific meditations. You can get a good job with magic and you can even 'cheat' your way in some jobs you may not be 100% qualified but there are a lot of variables to it, the spell can find you a good job but if there is none where you live that is good or perfect for you then it may make you live your city and so it could take more, there may be obstacles some spells may have to where it takes more energy and time for the spell to manifest. This is not always the case but sometimes it may be. I'm pretty sure lottery is not impossible to manifest but I would not put all my hopes on it.
Hail goddess diana said:
Aquarius said:
Hail goddess diana said:
I hate this trend here a person makes a post asking for wealth spell only gets 1-2 replies
And we have 50+ replies on topics like
What causes homosexuality, soul transgenderism.
Magick is subjective and personal. People are not forced to share their results nor experiences.
If people won't share their experiences then what is the purpose of these groups.
Again, people don't have to if they don't want. And everything you need to succeed has been spoken about and is on the JoS meditations page.
Hail goddess diana said:
Yeah old forum was awesome

I didn't meant lottery , I know it's impossible without a physical way but then
If we can't even get a decent income source with magic
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells
Because you lack knowledge, expierence and power you don't get results you anticipate. When these things are worked on you will not be so doubtful anymore.

Regarding about your earlier post about getting chocolate from dad. Wouldn't it be easier to get things when you are actually doing something to earn it? The "I scratch your back you scratch mine" principle. Instead of huffing and puffing in your room while your family wonders whats wrong with our child, do something nice for them so they do something nice for you. I think you put too much emphasis on spiritual while neglecting physical. Both are needed for results.

And yes, there have been reports from users how they have gone about with their money spells and results have been posted as well.
Henu the Great said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Yeah old forum was awesome

I didn't meant lottery , I know it's impossible without a physical way but then
If we can't even get a decent income source with magic
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells
Because you lack knowledge, expierence and power you don't get results you anticipate. When these things are worked on you will not be so doubtful anymore.

Regarding about your earlier post about getting chocolate from dad. Wouldn't it be easier to get things when you are actually doing something to earn it? The "I scratch your back you scratch mine" principle. Instead of huffing and puffing in your room while your family wonders whats wrong with our child, do something nice for them so they do something nice for you. I think you put too much emphasis on spiritual while neglecting physical. Both are needed for results.

And yes, there have been reports from users how they have gone about with their money spells and results have been posted as well.
My money spell manifested in a very good job for me. In this pandemic its a job that did not close a lot, it's not perfect but 90% good for me. I'm sure I could manifest a even better job but for now its perfect for me, especially because its very close to my house and this is something I wanted for my job.

I agree with you, physical and spiritual works togheter. I'm sure magic can manifest things with little effort but you still need to take some physical steps. Jews do use magic to manifest easy money and jobs. Certain things may require more energy to manifest.
Hail, money workings are not the little thing you are thinking they are, in fact they are the hardest thing out of all of them. Everyone on earth wants money and the vast majority of people worldwide are broke.

This is simply how it is:

johnson_akemi said:
If you sit on your ass in your mother's basement and drink beer, your money working is really limited. It may manifest through your mother handing you $20. You need to do something through which the money can come to you. The money working can manifest through a pay raise at work, a surprise dividend or merger announcement that increases the value of your investments, meeting someone who is interested in your small business who then makes a large order, etc.

This applies to anything. Someone buying zero lottery slips is not going to win the lottery, it would be like if you sat at home watching anime instead of going to your exam.

You have to consider what is your working for? Venus is good for all around money, money on a steadily growing basis and money made from beauty, The Sun is good for all around money, attracting wealthy people, ascending higher and promotions, Jupiter is good for lucky money.
Hail goddess diana said:
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells

Spells rely on your power and the balance of your soul. If your soul is unbalanced, it's unlikely most of your spells will work. For example, someone with weak earth is not going to attract money any time soon nor anything stable or otherwise related to earth. You can stack all the wealth spells you want and you'll get a fiver as a consolation prize, if you're lucky.

Power knits into this. If your legs aren't powerful enough to do a 1.4 metres high jump, pushing yourself to do it all day is only going to get you injured. You need to gradually increase your jump power over weeks/months/years, then you'll eventually get there.

These are the reasons why the is preliminary knowledge about withcraft in its appropriate section on JoS. But, hey, who reads it.


@OP, I honestly do not think the affirmation is specific enough. It would be good if you were hypnotising yourself, but you're doing witchcraft which relies on the theta-gamma state (hemisphere syncronisation), not just on the right side of the brain. From my experience, a generic affirmation will just dilute your energies over several areas. Some will get dissipated due to resistance, other amounts will get through from the easiest and manifest weak results.

Also, I wouldn't use safe and healthy in the same sentence, nor positive and beneficial. I'd pick one from each pair, as there's no need for all of them when they cover most of each other's ground (first pair) and completely overlap (second pair). The affirmation is unnecesarily lengthened that way but, if it makes you feel more at ease, then use it this way.
Stormblood said:
Hail goddess diana said:
Then How could people even imagine physical immortality being possible through meditation , if someone can't even get a good job with spells
@OP, I honestly do not think the affirmation is specific enough. It would be good if you were hypnotising yourself, but you're doing witchcraft which relies on the theta-gamma state (hemisphere syncronisation), not just on the right side of the brain. From my experience, a generic affirmation will just dilute your energies over several areas. Some will get dissipated due to resistance, other amounts will get through from the easiest and manifest weak results.
I agree with this, I have experienced the same thing. I'm sure if we where God's it would not matter but for us a generic affirmation is not the best.
Lydia said:
Just a quick note so people are aware, a side-effect of Jupiter is increased sugar/sweets cravings, and increased weight gain. Also, an increase in laziness and being overly-optimistic, expecting things to turn out great. Which they might, but they might not. Jupiter is not the planet of being prepared or self-discipline.

There will of course be more dates to do the square in 2022, just mentioning this for those who are new to astrology and don't understand the planetary movements yet.

As for your affirmation, I'm sure a lot of people will say it sounds great... in theory though. Unless someone has personally done it for similar things, it can't be said if it will actually work. But it does sound good, so try it and let us know if the results are to your expectations. I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

This is also a great opportunity for spiritual related matters :)

Thanks for this, just what I was looking for. My Jupiter is pretty strongly placed in my natal. During mantras with other strong planets I’ve tried the energy feels overkill pretty quickly and I don’t usually go past a few days. Debilitated planets take longer for any effects to arise.

Nonetheless I’ve wanted to do a Jupiter square for overall luck wealth and happiness. I’m in the middle of losing weight and changing habits though. I fail or pick up on bad habits when stressful events occur, and generally want my life to be less stressful and more rewarding. My saturn is more strongly placed than Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter have had a love hate relationship in my chart. Sometimes I’ve failed to learn from hard events because I block it out and move on in a happy go lucky manner, but this has also been a good protective quality and has spared me from being jaded and bitter. I’ll probably just have to try this out and see how it goes.
luis said:
In my experience, I don't like general affirmations. It takes too much energy to make every aspects of your life luckier. I would focus on a specific thing you need to increase. Jupiter can be used to bring prosperity in anything you need, money, material wealth, love, friendship and so on. It can be used to win something (with its luck and prosperity effects) and for spirituality, I know its hard to choose but general spells, at least for me, are not the greatest.

After thinking it over I've decided to change my affirmation. It's a shame cause it sounds good I guess even the mightiness of the squares can be driven to not work well. I recall the JoS Square page and some members mentioning the squares continuously increase in power over time.

I guess I really don't know what to choose specifically. The problem with what you mentioned is that all the data on what Jupiter does isn't there rather what's on the JoS is just information that survived and people used squares or opted to use the square for such manner.

Honestly minus Happiness I really don't know what to choose for the Jupiter square. I'm not sure about the Spiritual Svaha square.

It states "helps in the affairs ruled by the houses with the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces on the cusps and the house containing Jupiter". If I'm reading this part correctly barring something specific material. Wouldn't it make more sense to pump up Svaha and make the houses in my case Cancer, Pisces, and Sagittarius more prominent in my life?

Am I reading and understanding correctly? Wouldn't barring some specific material aspect. Spiritual Square > Material Square?

Or am I understanding incorrectly?(If I had to give an example some have stated the very act of working on a chakra and improving it makes that specific spectrum of reality more affected on your life. For example more grounding by working on Base or more sexual with Svadisthana).

Doesn't Spiritual Square work on properties configured to be affected by those aspects?
As for my Happiness affirmation.

My happiness is permanently increasing in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me.

UNLESS of course that's not the appropriate thing. One of the reasons why I wish the Gods were around and yes as some have stated before I over think things. But WHAT exactly happiness does the Jupiter square bring. For all intents and purposes it could be a personal happiness for example if I like sports maybe in an act of violence it makes me happy or if something bad happens it makes me happy because for some strange reason it does.

I've read of people stating be careful what you wish and how you formulate your affirmations cause these situations could arise. Such as money a family member dies leaves an inheritance.

Honestly since spirituality has not worked for me nor do I feel spiritual or for that matter feel anything everyone else does. I often feel like a hypocrite sensing everything as a vicarious mental thought. Drowning in my own delusions and fantasies. I honestly don't know. I just DID the square back in 2019, I have no idea if they work or not. Same with Sun Square or Venus Square I JUST DID them maybe something happened maybe the Sun Square which maybe at some point I plan on doing another Sun Square and this time with 10 affirmations not 3. I've had some influx of financial properties come in but nothing that I can state it was me the whole time.

I guess someone might state why not perform Jupiter for Spirituality. My Spirituality is permanently increasing in a safe, healthy, positive and beneficial way for me. Maybe it's what I need for developing my soul. But at the end of the day I come up with an idea I mention it and there is various opinions, some facts, some negatives, some positives, some alternative. But in the end I cannot get a clear and straight answer.

I've had my thoughts that maybe spirituality is fake. But like I've had experience improving the Spiritual fine but what about my physical reality. Like one astrological website stated I have one foot on the ground and one foot on the air anymore properties dealing with my already delusional state could leg sweep me off the small bit of grounding I have.

Anyways I still got time for the Jupiter square coming up so I'll see and think about things more deeply.
Gear88 said:
luis said:
In my experience, I don't like general affirmations. It takes too much energy to make every aspects of your life luckier. I would focus on a specific thing you need to increase. Jupiter can be used to bring prosperity in anything you need, money, material wealth, love, friendship and so on. It can be used to win something (with its luck and prosperity effects) and for spirituality, I know its hard to choose but general spells, at least for me, are not the greatest.

After thinking it over I've decided to change my affirmation. It's a shame cause it sounds good I guess even the mightiness of the squares can be driven to not work well. I recall the JoS Square page and some members mentioning the squares continuously increase in power over time.

I guess I really don't know what to choose specifically. The problem with what you mentioned is that all the data on what Jupiter does isn't there rather what's on the JoS is just information that survived and people used squares or opted to use the square for such manner.

Honestly minus Happiness I really don't know what to choose for the Jupiter square. I'm not sure about the Spiritual Svaha square.

It states "helps in the affairs ruled by the houses with the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces on the cusps and the house containing Jupiter". If I'm reading this part correctly barring something specific material. Wouldn't it make more sense to pump up Svaha and make the houses in my case Cancer, Pisces, and Sagittarius more prominent in my life?

Am I reading and understanding correctly? Wouldn't barring some specific material aspect. Spiritual Square > Material Square?

Or am I understanding incorrectly?(If I had to give an example some have stated the very act of working on a chakra and improving it makes that specific spectrum of reality more affected on your life. For example more grounding by working on Base or more sexual with Svadisthana).

Doesn't Spiritual Square work on properties configured to be affected by those aspects?
As for my Happiness affirmation.

My happiness is permanently increasing in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me.

UNLESS of course that's not the appropriate thing. One of the reasons why I wish the Gods were around and yes as some have stated before I over think things. But WHAT exactly happiness does the Jupiter square bring. For all intents and purposes it could be a personal happiness for example if I like sports maybe in an act of violence it makes me happy or if something bad happens it makes me happy because for some strange reason it does.

I've read of people stating be careful what you wish and how you formulate your affirmations cause these situations could arise. Such as money a family member dies leaves an inheritance.

Honestly since spirituality has not worked for me nor do I feel spiritual or for that matter feel anything everyone else does. I often feel like a hypocrite sensing everything as a vicarious mental thought. Drowning in my own delusions and fantasies. I honestly don't know. I just DID the square back in 2019, I have no idea if they work or not. Same with Sun Square or Venus Square I JUST DID them maybe something happened maybe the Sun Square which maybe at some point I plan on doing another Sun Square and this time with 10 affirmations not 3. I've had some influx of financial properties come in but nothing that I can state it was me the whole time.

I guess someone might state why not perform Jupiter for Spirituality. My Spirituality is permanently increasing in a safe, healthy, positive and beneficial way for me. Maybe it's what I need for developing my soul. But at the end of the day I come up with an idea I mention it and there is various opinions, some facts, some negatives, some positives, some alternative. But in the end I cannot get a clear and straight answer.

I've had my thoughts that maybe spirituality is fake. But like I've had experience improving the Spiritual fine but what about my physical reality. Like one astrological website stated I have one foot on the ground and one foot on the air anymore properties dealing with my already delusional state could leg sweep me off the small bit of grounding I have.

Anyways I still got time for the Jupiter square coming up so I'll see and think about things more deeply.
I think you are overcomplicating it, Jupeter can bring prosperity and growth in any area of your life. I canno't tell you what spell you need to do because I don't know what you need. If you want mone, love or anything I'm sure Jupiter can help.

About you not believing spirituality, I kinda understand you, I had those feelings because like you I overcomplicate things sometimes, I had to many experiences with magic to were I can't doubt it. Make sure to do void, block those thoughts out and try to manifest something you need, this will help you to believe more on it, make sure to do void and learn on how to control your thoughts.
I saw under the list of Diseases blood sugar disorders diabetes. Can this be used to cure this or make it better I wonder if so material or spiritual. This isn't asking for me but I was wondering.
slyscorpion said:
I saw under the list of Diseases blood sugar disorders diabetes. Can this be used to cure this or make it better I wonder if so material or spiritual. This isn't asking for me but I was wondering.
Svaha aka spiritual for health related issues.
My generic square affirmation for spiritual:
"The energy of [planet name] in my soul and natal chart is permanently empowered in a safe and positive way, now and forever."

What I will be trying for Jupiter this time around:
"The energy of Jupiter is permanently removing blockages and empowering my 7th chakra, pineal gland and all my astral senses in a safe and positive way."
Lydia said:
Just a quick note so people are aware, a side-effect of Jupiter is increased sugar/sweets cravings, and increased weight gain. Also, an increase in laziness and being overly-optimistic, expecting things to turn out great. Which they might, but they might not. Jupiter is not the planet of being prepared or self-discipline.

There will of course be more dates to do the square in 2022, just mentioning this for those who are new to astrology and don't understand the planetary movements yet.

As for your affirmation, I'm sure a lot of people will say it sounds great... in theory though. Unless someone has personally done it for similar things, it can't be said if it will actually work. But it does sound good, so try it and let us know if the results are to your expectations. I'm only saying this as I've seen so many things stated here that are all theory and no experience.

This is also a great opportunity for spiritual related matters :)

So can I do the upcoming Jupiter square to empower my soul spiritually? My pineal and crown
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=247381 time=1619622823 user_id=57]
Just a quick note

Can I do more than 1 planetary square, how many is the maximum? Can I do two similar planetary squares (that started at different days? at different times of the day?) ?
Lasollor said:
Can I do more than 1 planetary square, how many is the maximum? Can I do two similar planetary squares (that started at different days? at different times of the day?) ?

It's up to you, your experience with handling energy, and so on. Nobody else can tell you as we are not you. If you are less experienced, stick with just one square at a time. If you've done squares before, you can maybe do Jupiter (a small square) with another square. But yes, make sure to do them at different times of the day.
Egon said:
What I will be trying for Jupiter this time around:
"The energy of Jupiter is permanently removing blockages and empowering my 7th chakra, pineal gland and all my astral senses in a safe and positive way."

Did you succeed? I've found your affirmation simply perfect for a spiritual square, and I am planning to use it.
I succeeded in not missing it, I plan to do many squares with this to keep the empowerment going.

Elas Qilar said:
Egon said:
What I will be trying for Jupiter this time around:
"The energy of Jupiter is permanently removing blockages and empowering my 7th chakra, pineal gland and all my astral senses in a safe and positive way."

Did you succeed? I've found your affirmation simply perfect for a spiritual square, and I am planning to use it.
Egon said:
I succeeded in not missing it, I plan to do many squares with this to keep the empowerment going.

Elas Qilar said:
Egon said:
What I will be trying for Jupiter this time around:
"The energy of Jupiter is permanently removing blockages and empowering my 7th chakra, pineal gland and all my astral senses in a safe and positive way."

Did you succeed? I've found your affirmation simply perfect for a spiritual square, and I am planning to use it.

How was this effective? That's what I meant with success. What have you noticed as a sign of enhancement?
O quão eficaz foi? Foi isso o que eu quis dizer com sucesso. O que tem notado como melhoria?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
