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Throat Chakra - Thyroid cancer


New member
Aug 20, 2019

Im a new SS. I got diagnosed back in February of this year with papillary thyroid cancer. They say it is a "good" cancer in that it is very slow progressing.

The only way to 'cure' is to have surgery (total thyroidectomy). However, I am very well aware of the cancer industry and big pharma. So, I'm holding out on getting the whole thyroid removed. I've read a few stories of those who heal themselves of cancer. So, I believe we can heal ourselves. If they can, I can too. Plus, I didn't run into SS for no reason!

Now, my thing is, what do I need to do as a SS to heal this thyroid cancer? Since it's at the thyroid, I would also like to know what I may do to open my throat chakra as I think it is blocked or deficient.

About me in regards to throat chakra, I've always been on the quiet side ever since a child. Im now in my 30s. I THINK my throat chakra has been negatively effected since early childhood. I was born in domestic violence type of home. Had to remain silent to keep the peace or else dad was going to beat us and mother up. Then, I was molested and sexually abused by someone and nobody did anything (I was but only about 4yo - my memories go back very early on). I 'told my truth' and because nothing was done (no justice), I, as a child, took it to mean I don't matter enough and that my truth doesn't matter... I may have carried this grief to adulthood. I have found myself rather not say much. Or I swing the opposite way where I hold a lot in and it explodes and I end up saying a lot but with negative emotions and words.

So I think that's how it got blocked. And hence, this thyroid cancer. Plus, I think/believe it is also something to do with past life. Anyway, yes. So, I'm here to ask what to do in this case of my thyroid cancer? Thank you.
Hello. A bit busy at this time now but wanted to let you know I will reply to this soon. The fact that is it isnt a malignant and critical issue is a good and conducive for a successful healing with your own protocol.
Oxygen therapy is reported to heal cancer. There are some preliminary reports on keto diet healing cancers, but it's too soon to tell, in my opinion.

For oxygen therapy, download the "One Minute Cure" and read it. For other ways, I'm sure HPS Shannon will be of grear help.
Stormblood said:
Oxygen therapy is reported to heal cancer. There are some preliminary reports on keto diet healing cancers, but it's too soon to tell, in my opinion.

For oxygen therapy, download the "One Minute Cure" and read it. For other ways, I'm sure HPS Shannon will be of grear help.

Thanks. I have that book. Ive been drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide. Although I did slip off but getting into it again. Im glad this confirms im doing it right. I also already have high dose vitamin C. These two, I made sure to tackle.
scorpiorising said:
Stormblood said:
Oxygen therapy is reported to heal cancer. There are some preliminary reports on keto diet healing cancers, but it's too soon to tell, in my opinion.

For oxygen therapy, download the "One Minute Cure" and read it. For other ways, I'm sure HPS Shannon will be of grear help.

Thanks. I have that book. Ive been drinking food grade hydrogen peroxide. Although I did slip off but getting into it again. Im glad this confirms im doing it right. I also already have high dose vitamin C. These two, I made sure to tackle.


I'm sorry you went through that when you were younger, and yes I do believe that your experiences have added to the illness. As was mentioned by CentralForce, cancer is a long term illness so it may have started developing since your childhood, as you said.

Yes, it can definitely be healed.

What is the nature of the thyroid, meaning tumorous? Cystic tissue? Very painful or achey? Coughing and mucus? Swollen on both sides of the thyroid?

Other symptoms you might have, that are related and unrelated?

Are you under or over weight? Whats your diet like?

The glands on the endocrine system are like the physical manifestations of the chakras so spiritually you should be cleaning, and unblocking this chakras from the stagnant energy that is contributing to the cancer, and that is causing physical growith to manifest.

Spiritually I would recommend cleaning using raum, surya or visuddhi everyday. And also when done cleaning visualize the chakra as a very brilliant sky blue. Know that it is clear, radiant and clean, and the prana/chi is flowing freely. Like a wonderful whirlpool/vortex of healthy energy.

Also use the Thor rune (thaur) to unblock this chakra. Everyday. The thor rune is super effective at removing the stubborn blocks. Its great.

As you know, keep up your yoga and power meditation as per usual.

I have a couple things in mind that I would like to recommend for you to take but I'd like to see the answers to your question.

You must keep in mind that whatever you take, you must be consistent, and do not slip up on your consistency.

The Vitamin C is good but it all depends on the illness. How much Vitamin C are you taking? One has to take a certain amount to have a very substantial effect on cancer and other diseases.
HPS Shannon said:
What is the nature of the thyroid, meaning tumorous? Cystic tissue? Very painful or achey? Coughing and mucus? Swollen on both sides of the thyroid?

Other symptoms you might have, that are related and unrelated?

Are you under or over weight? Whats your diet like?

The Vitamin C is good but it all depends on the illness. How much Vitamin C are you taking? One has to take a certain amount to have a very substantial effect on cancer and other diseases.

I have papillary thyroid cancer. So it is on that papillary tissue part. It is about 1.3cm x 1.0cm x 1.2cm from what I remember. I may be off by 0.1.

I do not have symptoms. Thyroid is not swollen. No soreness when swallowing either.

On weight, I've ALWAYS been on the thin side ever since I was little. So... I'm 33yo atm, and I weigh about 120lb.

Majority of my diet consists of home cooked meals. I eat "gym foods". Meaning, I have my protein, salad, and good carbs. The diet part, I'm not concerned about as I am very health conscious. I do not eat soy either. I use good oils like avocado, olive, coconut.

About the vitamin C, I have the liposomal version in capsule. Each capsule contains 1400mg vitamin C.

I forgot to mention that I had stopped taking my birth control pills this year, after I was diagnosed. Even though my doctor says the birth control pills do not cause anything when one takes it long term, I quit anyway. I can't just rely on these conventional doctors with no balls against big pharma. I was taking birth control pills ever since I was 19yo for irregular period+ovarian cysts. I should have included this info up there. I think the birth control pills contributed to it also as ive read it depletes many crucial vitamin+minerals in the body which leads to its deficiencies.
Also, because of this cancer, does that mean Satan and his demons will not respond to me? I would like to know who my guardian demon is as well. As a beginner SS with limited knowledge, I am concerned I won't be able to reach them or that they won't come to me or respond as sign of respect to my energy, aura, and blocked throat chakra. I am basing my concerns off of what I learned from the website that Satan or the demons will not approach those with low energy...or something like this.
scorpiorising said:
Also, because of this cancer, does that mean Satan and his demons will not respond to me? I would like to know who my guardian demon is as well. As a beginner SS with limited knowledge, I am concerned I won't be able to reach them or that they won't come to me or respond as sign of respect to my energy, aura, and blocked throat chakra. I am basing my concerns off of what I learned from the website that Satan or the demons will not approach those with low energy...or something like this.
You don't need to worry about that! It's not true. They probably would be even more likely to want to help you, because they see it's about something important and you really need it.
scorpiorising said:
Also, because of this cancer, does that mean Satan and his demons will not respond to me? I would like to know who my guardian demon is as well. As a beginner SS with limited knowledge, I am concerned I won't be able to reach them or that they won't come to me or respond as sign of respect to my energy, aura, and blocked throat chakra. I am basing my concerns off of what I learned from the website that Satan or the demons will not approach those with low energy...or something like this.
This is not true, don't worry. The only ones who generally do not get responses by any of the Gods are those who did not do the dedication ritual (though there are still some exceptions), and of course jews since they are our enemy at a soul-level.

As long as you have done the dedication ritual seriously, the Gods will be helping and guiding you. Just stay open and positive, and you'll see signs coming your way. Also, definitely do listen to anything Shannon tells you as she's really good with health stuff. Good luck getting rid of that cancer. :)
scorpiorising said:
HPS Shannon said:
What is the nature of the thyroid, meaning tumorous? Cystic tissue? Very painful or achey? Coughing and mucus? Swollen on both sides of the thyroid?

Other symptoms you might have, that are related and unrelated?

Are you under or over weight? Whats your diet like?

The Vitamin C is good but it all depends on the illness. How much Vitamin C are you taking? One has to take a certain amount to have a very substantial effect on cancer and other diseases.

I have papillary thyroid cancer. So it is on that papillary tissue part. It is about 1.3cm x 1.0cm x 1.2cm from what I remember. I may be off by 0.1.

I do not have symptoms. Thyroid is not swollen. No soreness when swallowing either.

On weight, I've ALWAYS been on the thin side ever since I was little. So... I'm 33yo atm, and I weigh about 120lb.

Majority of my diet consists of home cooked meals. I eat "gym foods". Meaning, I have my protein, salad, and good carbs. The diet part, I'm not concerned about as I am very health conscious. I do not eat soy either. I use good oils like avocado, olive, coconut.

About the vitamin C, I have the liposomal version in capsule. Each capsule contains 1400mg vitamin C.

I forgot to mention that I had stopped taking my birth control pills this year, after I was diagnosed. Even though my doctor says the birth control pills do not cause anything when one takes it long term, I quit anyway. I can't just rely on these conventional doctors with no balls against big pharma. I was taking birth control pills ever since I was 19yo for irregular period+ovarian cysts. I should have included this info up there. I think the birth control pills contributed to it also as ive read it depletes many crucial vitamin+minerals in the body which leads to its deficiencies.

I'm sorry for the late response. I havent been on the forums for almoat 2 days. Busy.

I promise I will get back to you by tomorrow. Stay tuned, sister.

Thank you!
HPS Shannon said:
I'm sorry for the late response. I havent been on the forums for almoat 2 days. Busy.

I promise I will get back to you by tomorrow. Stay tuned, sister.

Thank you!

No problem, take your time.
scorpiorising said:
HPS Shannon said:
I'm sorry for the late response. I havent been on the forums for almoat 2 days. Busy.

I promise I will get back to you by tomorrow. Stay tuned, sister.

Thank you!

No problem, take your time.

Birth control does harm you in the long run. It has many noted side effects.

Its good that you stopped taking them.

Here is something you can take for your thyroid. You should get about 2-3 bottles and keep taking them til the thyroid issue is resolved.


Dont forget to clear out and clean your throat chakra as was mentioned on my previous reply to you on this thread.

You should also supplement with iodine for your thyroid health. This will greatly benefit you. Are you taking a good multivitamin for nutritional balancing?
Here is a link to the iodine.


Taking birth control for ovarian cysts and irregular menstrual cycle is a bad idea...

Do you still have ovarian cysts?
HPS Shannon said:
Do you still have ovarian cysts?

I probably do since my cycles are very long. My lmp was back during the first week of October.

I will check out the links you provided.

Thank you
Have you ever been diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Do you experience poor energy, cold, shortness of breath, low back pain and frequent or poorly controlled urination?

Or any combination of the above?
Centralforce666 said:
Have you ever been diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Do you experience poor energy, cold, shortness of breath, low back pain and frequent or poorly controlled urination?

Or any combination of the above?
I do have pcos. Was diagnosed back when I was 17. Im now 33. Two kids.

Oh yes. I am cold intolerant. Usually my nose, hands, and feet are icy cold but the rest of body is usual warm.

On urination...I wouldn't say poorly controlled. But I do find that I have to urinate frequently but I attributed that to drinking lots of water though. On energy, I've only felt low energy by the time I got two kids.

What does it mean?
HPS Shannon said:
Here is a link to the iodine.


I think the owner of that company, Dr. Group, is closely affiliated with that Alex Jones, in fact he buys the products from Dr. Group and just re-labels them as his own. Can we still trust this company?
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
HPS Shannon said:
Here is a link to the iodine.


I think the owner of that company, Dr. Group, is closely affiliated with that Alex Jones, in fact he buys the products from Dr. Group and just re-labels them as his own. Can we still trust this company?

The products in itself are fine and helpful.
HPS Shannon said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
HPS Shannon said:
Here is a link to the iodine.


I think the owner of that company, Dr. Group, is closely affiliated with that Alex Jones, in fact he buys the products from Dr. Group and just re-labels them as his own. Can we still trust this company?

The products in itself are fine and helpful.

Thank you for your reassurances. In that case I would recommend their Liquid Vitamin D3 (made from lichen) during the winter since the sun is basically nonexistent at this time of year.
scorpiorising said:
I do have pcos. Was diagnosed back when I was 17. Im now 33. Two kids.

Oh yes. I am cold intolerant. Usually my nose, hands, and feet are icy cold but the rest of body is usual warm.

On urination...I wouldn't say poorly controlled. But I do find that I have to urinate frequently but I attributed that to drinking lots of water though. On energy, I've only felt low energy by the time I got two kids.

What does it mean?

This means the yang energy of your body is low and therefore the body has trouble transforming fluids.

The lack of transformation of fluids can lead to fluid substantiating in the body to cause obstruction and sometimes solid lumps.

You can tell if the tumor is based on phlegm if there is no pain associated with touching it but it is firm and doesn't move around.

Please note I don't recommend handling it alot and massaging and touching it as there are other risks with this but certainly you may already know the answer to how it feels.

If you boost your yang through lifestyle and diet changes, along with herbal intervention, you may see considerable improvement.

A person low on yang should eat smaller meals more frequently, focus on warming foods such as millet, rice, lamb, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin, cinnamon etc. And avoid cooling or cold natured foods including foods not cooked or raw.

Limit liquid intake to match thirst, rest more and engage in gentle physical exercise rather than intense physical activity.

Cultivate sexual energy in the sacral chakra to recover yang and spend time in a yin practice such as void meditation to allow the yang to circulate.

Cover your cold extremities so that the yang is conserved.
Centralforce666 said:
scorpiorising said:
I do have pcos. Was diagnosed back when I was 17. Im now 33. Two kids.

Oh yes. I am cold intolerant. Usually my nose, hands, and feet are icy cold but the rest of body is usual warm.

On urination...I wouldn't say poorly controlled. But I do find that I have to urinate frequently but I attributed that to drinking lots of water though. On energy, I've only felt low energy by the time I got two kids.

What does it mean?

This means the yang energy of your body is low and therefore the body has trouble transforming fluids.

The lack of transformation of fluids can lead to fluid substantiating in the body to cause obstruction and sometimes solid lumps.

You can tell if the tumor is based on phlegm if there is no pain associated with touching it but it is firm and doesn't move around.

Please note I don't recommend handling it alot and massaging and touching it as there are other risks with this but certainly you may already know the answer to how it feels.

If you boost your yang through lifestyle and diet changes, along with herbal intervention, you may see considerable improvement.

A person low on yang should eat smaller meals more frequently, focus on warming foods such as millet, rice, lamb, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin, cinnamon etc. And avoid cooling or cold natured foods including foods not cooked or raw.

Limit liquid intake to match thirst, rest more and engage in gentle physical exercise rather than intense physical activity.

Cultivate sexual energy in the sacral chakra to recover yang and spend time in a yin practice such as void meditation to allow the yang to circulate.

Cover your cold extremities so that the yang is conserved.

Excellent addition brother.

If you incorporate all the advice given to you on this thread, you should be fine and rid yourself of that imbalance.
HPS Shannon said:
Centralforce666 said:
This means the yang energy of your body is low and therefore the body has trouble transforming fluids.

The lack of transformation of fluids can lead to fluid substantiating in the body to cause obstruction and sometimes solid lumps.

You can tell if the tumor is based on phlegm if there is no pain associated with touching it but it is firm and doesn't move around.

Please note I don't recommend handling it alot and massaging and touching it as there are other risks with this but certainly you may already know the answer to how it feels.

If you boost your yang through lifestyle and diet changes, along with herbal intervention, you may see considerable improvement.

A person low on yang should eat smaller meals more frequently, focus on warming foods such as millet, rice, lamb, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin, cinnamon etc. And avoid cooling or cold natured foods including foods not cooked or raw.

Limit liquid intake to match thirst, rest more and engage in gentle physical exercise rather than intense physical activity.

Cultivate sexual energy in the sacral chakra to recover yang and spend time in a yin practice such as void meditation to allow the yang to circulate.

Cover your cold extremities so that the yang is conserved.

Excellent addition brother.

If you incorporate all the advice given to you on this thread, you should be fine and rid yourself of that imbalance.

Thank you to the both of you and to all here who has helped me and given advice. I do not know how to give back but I am thankful and grateful to you all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
