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Something You Don't Want to Hear

Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

There is no sexist conspiracy theory like you seem to think there is. Sheep are not disliked for being female. And they are not disliked only for being a herding animal, where you can say "look at those other herd animals. Why do you not dislike them?"

The reason sheep are used as a comparison is due to both their behaviour and their intelligence. Not only do they live in herds (like many animals do), but sheep are also just plain retarded. They have zero ability to think or act on their own. If there is another sheep nearby they must copy whatever that one is doing. You listed some other animals that sometimes live in herds, but every one you listed are perfectly smart and capable enough to react to any situation.

There is literally not a single thought going through the sheep's head other than "There is another sheep, so I have to follow them."
With no thought of any other thing that is happening.
That is why it is actually extremely common to have things like this.
The sheep just keep running in a circle and keep staying in the exact same place because they have zero awareness on actually running away from the "threat" and are aware only of trying to follow the other sheep.

You take any other species of animal that lives often in herds, and I will bet you some money that they are much smarter and much more able to deal with a situation than a sheep is.

People go nuts at the mention of sheep but are totally relaxed and cool with rams. A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.

Let's make a human equivalent hypothetical situation here. Imagine if human males had ram horns upon their head, they are the rams, and the rest are the females who don't have horns, the ewes, the rest of the sheep. Now apply what I said before "Praise the Ram!" "Oh but fuck the sheep!"... Making this distinction means we praise the males with horns and hate the rest, meaning the women and children. See the issue here?

The issue here is nothing to do with sheep being stupid, because they're not, otherwise we wouldn't love rams so much. It's simply xtards = sheep, SPECIFICALLY the word SHEEP. Sheep = xtards. SS hate xtards. Sheep guilty by association. Why hate an animal just because of what its connection is with xtianty? All animals are sacred no matter how stupid you think they are.

Do you telepathically communicate with a sheep to know how it thinks? Or do you only observe what your eyes see on the outside?

A sheep is not dumb for following where its herd runs. That's actually a survival mechanism for all herding animals. When a predator attacks, the sheep huddle close and move together as one large mass. This makes it very difficult for the predator to have its way with whichever one it wants for lunch. The herd will run together and divide into two large masses if a predator runs straight for the sides. It forces the predator to pick out and attack the weakest link, the straggler, the youngest (lambs), the sick, the one that can't keep up. You know what that does? Makes the herd stronger.

The sheep don't have fangs or claws. Numbers is their protection and nature gives them the ability to stay healthy and strong through herd patterns.

As for other herding animals. How many of the ones you’re thinking of live in the wild regularly and face predators on the daily?

You forget sheep have lived along side humans for as long as there has been civilisation and agriculture. They have shepherd dogs that guard their herds from wolves, coyotes and foxes etc. You gave the example of sheep running around a car to highlight their apparent “stupidity”. How do you expect a herd animal to react to something that isn’t actually attacking it or chasing after it, and making loud nosies that probably do nothing but confuse the animal and moving at a pacing slower than the animal itself?

Would you have the same concept of danger as someone living in the wild if you spend your whole life in the safety of your farm land and haven’t been exposed to anything? No you wouldn’t. Does that make you stupid? No, it doesn’t, just inexperienced.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:

There is no sexist conspiracy theory like you seem to think there is. Sheep are not disliked for being female. And they are not disliked only for being a herding animal, where you can say "look at those other herd animals. Why do you not dislike them?"

The reason sheep are used as a comparison is due to both their behaviour and their intelligence. Not only do they live in herds (like many animals do), but sheep are also just plain retarded. They have zero ability to think or act on their own. If there is another sheep nearby they must copy whatever that one is doing. You listed some other animals that sometimes live in herds, but every one you listed are perfectly smart and capable enough to react to any situation.

There is literally not a single thought going through the sheep's head other than "There is another sheep, so I have to follow them."
With no thought of any other thing that is happening.
That is why it is actually extremely common to have things like this.
The sheep just keep running in a circle and keep staying in the exact same place because they have zero awareness on actually running away from the "threat" and are aware only of trying to follow the other sheep.

You take any other species of animal that lives often in herds, and I will bet you some money that they are much smarter and much more able to deal with a situation than a sheep is.

"Sexist conspiracy theory" is an unfair portrayal of what she is saying. And you can't speak for everyone because you don't live in their heads. Anyone could have hangups that you don't know about.

I made this post to challenge peoples' perceptions regarding animals. Sheep are not stupid. If the survival instinct of sheep was so retarded and useless then they would have been done away with by Nature long ago. In fact, they would have been done away with by the ranchers because ineffective animals are no good for sustainability. And anyway, why is being a follower so bad anyway? What is the problem with synchronization? You see the same thing in the wild.

Here, I've got a video too:

There. I hope you watched it.

Nature is far more intelligent and wise than any of us. The natural instincts of both domestic and wild herds are there for a reason, and nothing is broken in it. If you insist that sheep instincts are so stupid, broken, and malfunctioning then take it up with Nature. Tell Mother Nature how stupid you think she is, and how stupid her creations are. Let me know how that conversation goes. Honestly, Nature gives us sheep, and all you can do is bitch about them.

Do you really think you know better than Nature? Make us your new and improved sheep 2.0 then. Show us how much better you can do, and how your improved sheep fit in with the whole rest of the fabric of the world and nature. Make it all perfect and balanced, and let us behold your new, wonderful, sparkling sheep with supercomputer brains. I can't wait to see how they sit in the fields and punch numbers into calculators, and make spreadsheets. It's going to be so cool. And while they are sitting there doing our taxes, every natural predator known to man will gladly respect their higher existence and not force them to rely on their instincts to survive.

I dislike the radical marxist feminists, but they make a good point or two about males sometimes. Most men are too damn prideful to ever listen to women seriously. I've seen you get defensive before anytime anyone calls out anyone for any sort of sexism whatsoever. It's like you want to shield everyone collectively from accusations of sexism. Why is that? Can't confront it head on? Can't handle it? Sometimes people are sexist. Sometimes people aren't aware of their sexism. It actually happens sometimes, believe it or not. Sexism is a very unconscious thing a lot of the time. People are not always aware of it. But instead of looking at it honestly to figure out if we are actually being sexist or not, we just immediately lash out defensively and dismiss the whole thing. "Nope, no sexism here. Shut your mouth now." It's a like a massive trigger for you. It's like you can't accept the idea that there could possibly be people within the JoS who happen to have sexist views and tendencies. Why pretend to speak for everyone? I don't understand that.

This post wasn't even about that anyway, but since you brought it up, I think it's fair to address it. Sexism isn't a conspiracy theory that never happened. Xianity is literally a fucking "sexist conspiracy." It's the oldest one in the land! And some people still have xian programming and ideas whether they realize it or not.

It's one thing to get defensive about your dogmatic beliefs about animals, but it's another thing to accuse Tabby of "sexist conspiracy theories." This is the thanks we get for trying to help people further clear out xian programming. Unreal.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
Yeah, but if all our ancestors cared about was the horns then that's all they would have used in depiction rather than the whole animal, right? Instead you have Gods depicted with Ram heads in Egypt like Khnum, you have the Ba of Osiris being a Ram God, there's the the Ram of Mendes, the Sun mantra Raum, the zodiac sign of Aries the Ram, etc... The essential qualities of the animal, the abilities, and whatnot. It's more than just the horns. There's a reason why the Gods chose certain animals with certain qualities to represent them.

A ram is also extremely independent, extremely strong, and is climbing to the highest points that nobody other than birds are able to ever get to. All of these qualities are part of why they have always been such a respected symbol.

That ram wouldn't exist without its mother. Whether domestic or wild sheep, it's still the ewes that give birth to and raise the rams.

This is from wikipedia regarding wild sheep:
"Sheep are social animals and live in groups, called flocks. This helps them to avoid predators and stay warm in cold weather by huddling together. Flocks of sheep need to keep moving to find new grazing areas and more favourable weather as the seasons change. In each flock, a sheep, usually a mature ram, is followed by the others. This "leader to follower" relationship can be both a positive and negative for flocks of Ovis aries. Although there is safety in numbers, it has been reported that the following of one mature ram can bring flocks to slaughter in many situations where the mature ram misguides the flock."

See? Whether it's a human or a ram, it all depends on who the shepherd/leader is.
Master said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
I agree. It is true that we are not sheep, cows, chickens or pigs, but it is also true that we are not canids, cats, reptiles or fish. We are humans and therefore humanoids, the most advanced life forms in the universe.

We are superior to all the other animals in this world put together. But that approach is a symbolic and metaphorical thing. We attribute superior animals to ourselves instead of inferior ones because we are and want to be superior.

I think that's a sad mentality to have. I would like to refer you to this post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=195676#p195676

What exactly makes you think that farm animals like sheep are so inferior? Every animal is precious and has its own qualities and way of life. The way I see it, the main difference between what you consider inferior animals and superior animals is that one is wild and one is domestic. A lot of people think wildness is equivalent to being free, but that's not necessarily true. In a NS Pagan society, would you say that all the humans are not free just because they're not wild? Just because they civilized themselves? Being wild doesn't make you free. And if anyone thinks that being wild is so glamorous then they should try it sometime, far away from all the inventions and gifts of society. No farm animals, no electricity, no running water, no blacksmiths, nothing. Totally barebones survival.

Suddenly you might thank those "inferior" sheep for the wool they provide to people to keep them warm. Sheep have lived alongside humans since ancient times.

I honestly believe it is just a hangup in peoples' minds about the word "sheep." I don't think there would be this much resistance if I said "hey let's call the average folk in society RAMS. They're rams, see?" It's got to be just the word "sheep" that has negative baggage tied to it because of jews and xians.

People should learn about wolves and try living like them before they start glamorizing them for the sake of it, and calling themselves such. It's hard being a wolf.

Tell you all what. Go a few months without the God's gift of society, out in the wilderness. All alone, no tools. Show me the superiority of humans to animals. Be like a mighty wolverine with your lone survival skills. Then come back to civilization, and I'll happily call everyone of you who did it a wolf pack.

By lower and higher animals, I meant the food chain and the level of development and advancement of life forms.

The cat for example, whether domestic or wild, is still the same and superior as the mouse.

Of course we do not live alone but together with many other life forms: animals, plants, microbes and others. What I mean is that there are superior and inferior, stronger and weaker, more advanced and less advanced.

The mouse has things it can do that the cat can't do. Every creature has its own racial soul and species that it belongs to. Each type of creature has its own specializations. Like Tabby said, a cheetah is superior to most in top speed. But it will be inferior in other categories of competition.

The ancient Greeks had different category competitions of strength for their athletic games. They had the discus throw, the javelin toss, the sprint, the wrestling contest, and probably more that escapes my memory. It was multifaceted because they knew that strength didn't fit into one category.

It's the same with IQ and intelligence. IQ doesn't measure every aspect and type of intelligence. It just shows how well you do in an academic setting, how well you can memorize things, pattern recognition, etc...

Superiority is not an all-branching thing. We are superior at different things, and no one can be superior at everything compared to everything and everyone else.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The entire idea of comparing people to sheep due to a behaviour of only being a follower, and having absolutely zero thought in their own head other than following the person in front of them, I do not think you will find a better or more accurate thing than a sheep to use in this comparison. If a ram participated in the same behaviour as the sheep, he would be included in the comparison. But it is not anybody's fault that the ram is intelligent and independent. If this honestly bothers you that the male animal is smarter, more independent, and more capable, then maybe you should go to school to study Animal Gender Studies to teach all the animals that they are evil for having their "toxic masculinity" which helps to pull them up above the level of a sheep. Or maybe you could teach this class if nobody is already teaching it.

And I did not wish to say this at first, but this same absolutely mindless behaviour of being only a follower and totally refusing to think through any situation by their own logic to see what would actually make sense to them logically, I would say that 98% of all the people I have ever met like this have been liberal democrat women. I have directly seen this many times in my own life. There are some liberal democrat males with the same behaviour, but they seem to have a little bit more tendency to be open minded enough to logically think through some kinds of things, instead of only believing exactly what they are told and nothing else.

Really these people are emotionally manipulated into one single premade conclusion, are consuming propaganda promoting this conclusion constantly every day in a way that is extremely charged with negative emotion. Then once this emotion is placed within them, their mind's only effort is to constantly try to defend this emotion and try to make excuses for it and absolutely refuses any additional true information that may not align with this emotion. They so strongly refuse any information that goes against this emotion that it is like they are possessed from the deepest layer of their soul. Please remember I am not talking about everybody, if you know somebody who partially fits this description but maybe idn't as bad. But I am talking directly from years of experience with multiple different female family members who all have this absolutely soul-less and mindless reaction that I have described.

When another way of reasoning would be to not start with any conclusion, not start with any emotion. Start by gathering and learning many different facts and points of information from many different perspectives. Use logic and reasoning to see which of these facts fit together, how they fit together, and what the strongest supported conclusion would actually be. Which the most likely true conclusion here is often not being directly told by anybody because they all want to spin it certain ways.

And nearly all people who do not describe themselves as strong leftists seem very often to have this second way of thinking that I just described. A more self-dependent type of mindset where they actually want to think though a situation logically in their own head, use their own judgement and reasoning, and come up with a conclusion that makes the most sense to them, while not exactly matching any pre-made conclusion told to them by anybody. Often taking some aspects of multiple different points of view and mixing them together in the way that makes most sense to them, instead of fanatically following only one single source and refusing to question anything.

I've seen men on both aisles of the American political spectrum watching the news, and both sides tell me the same bullshit story: that they think it's all lies, but that THEY are intelligent enough to sort through the lies and determine what is the truth while watching. When I inform them that the corporate media thought ahead and planned it all to make that impossible for them because everything in front of them on the TV box is framed to be what they want them to see... they get defensive, shut down, and the conversation doesn't go any further. They don't want to admit it. One of the major weaknesses of many males is that they always think that they know best. That they're right. So men, even great, glorified intelligent men and self-labeled free thinkers - even they can be fooled and led by the jew shepherds.

Blaming women alone for being caught up in this shit show that we currently call society is dishonest and dishonorable because everyone was raised in it, and everyone is affected by it. If you have integrity then you can't favor one gender over the other in this. All of your supportive statistics won't matter because stats don't measure everything, and what they do measure can't be applied to broad statements about matters regarding men and women. It's a very limited dimension of things that statistics actually measure, and one has to be careful about how and what they attempt to apply their statistics to.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I want to be clear that when I said in my last comment about the male animal being much smarter and more independent, I was talking specifically about rams and sheep. Obviously different animals act in different ways. Some the males are smarter, and some the females are smarter, depending on the specific species and their habits and instincts.

Smarter according to your own metrics.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

What bothers me is your lack of understanding a basic fact that sheep are not stupid and inferior to their horned male counterparts.

Sure, I’ll go and explain that male sheep are built with horns designed to ward off threats and battle with other males for the right to breed while the lowly female sheep run around in circles because they’re dumb and stupid waiting to bare lambs. Praise the great male sheep because of its mightiness and horns! Hate those other ones without them for following their fucking herd. Yeah. Can see that going over real well.

Not all types of sheep have males with the horns, did you know? Some even have the females AND males with horns. Some neither. I believe I already touched on that.

You think all sheep except the ram is stupid... the rams are part of the herd. By your logic, you can’t hate all sheep without hating the ram because the ram is a sheep and does the same thing as its species does. But you make the distinction simply for the fact the males with horns during mating season fight each other for breeding rights.

Women are hated for being emotional. Yet forced to think that’s all we are under jewish rule. A hysterical crazy sex tool on legs. If all the women you have met behave like jew brainwashed bimbos, then your sample size of women is appalling. This just comes right back to jrvan’s point for this whole thread. A BAD SHEPHERD VS A GOOD SHEPHERD.

A good shepherd as Jack has given the example of will lead his people to be good, healthy, glorious people harmonised and not divided by stupid misunderstandings about how the genders work. But a bad one will create the women you talk about.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And I want to be clear that when I said in my last comment about the male animal being much smarter and more independent, I was talking specifically about rams and sheep. Obviously different animals act in different ways. Some the males are smarter, and some the females are smarter, depending on the specific species and their habits and instincts.

You’re wrong. Neither gender of the Animal Kingdom no matter the species is more stupid or smarter than the other. Is a male lion stupid for eating the cubs of the previous lion who’s pride he has taken over? No, he is making sure his new females can bare his cubs rather than spending resources and energy rearing the old leaders offspring.

Is a male tiger more stupid because he doesn’t stay to help raise the cubs of the female? No, he has territory to defend, and the female is more than capable of rearing the cubs herself.

Is a female tarantula more stupid for devouring the male after mating? No, she needs energy to look after her soon-to-be maturing offspring.

Is a ewe sheep stupid because it doesn’t have horns to fight with compared to their rams? No, she doesn’t need them. It’s not her role to fight during mating seasons or attack predators.

What is your deal with animals and gender?

Am I inferior to men because I lack muscle mass and strength? Am I more stupid than men because I am prone to more emotional expression than logic? Am I useless because I don’t fight with a gun in hand on the frontlines of war? I dare you to think “yes”.

I have no issue with males and masculinity, except the ones who insist I am nothing. I would not be alive without my father. I would not be strong without jrvan’s care and support, I would not know love without him and my Demon partner. I would not feel safe in JoS without the command and leadership of HPHC. I would not exist or know truth without Satan. I love our men, because our men don’t treat our females like garbage, and uplift them to be their best.

Maybe you should start making the distinction between bad sheep with bad shepherds, and good sheep with good shepherds. Rather than dividing the rams from the sheep, completely disregarding who is in charge.
jrvan said:
"Sexist conspiracy theory" is an unfair portrayal of what she is saying. And you can't speak for everyone because you don't live in their heads. Anyone could have hangups that you don't know about.


I dislike the radical marxist feminists, but they make a good point or two about males sometimes. Most men are too damn prideful to ever listen to women seriously. I've seen you get defensive before anytime anyone calls out anyone for any sort of sexism whatsoever. It's like you want to shield everyone collectively from accusations of sexism. Why is that? Can't confront it head on? Can't handle it? Sometimes people are sexist. Sometimes people aren't aware of their sexism. It actually happens sometimes, believe it or not. Sexism is a very unconscious thing a lot of the time. People are not always aware of it. But instead of looking at it honestly to figure out if we are actually being sexist or not, we just immediately lash out defensively and dismiss the whole thing. "Nope, no sexism here. Shut your mouth now." It's a like a massive trigger for you. It's like you can't accept the idea that there could possibly be people within the JoS who happen to have sexist views and tendencies. Why pretend to speak for everyone? I don't understand that.

This post wasn't even about that anyway, but since you brought it up, I think it's fair to address it. Sexism isn't a conspiracy theory that never happened. Xianity is literally a fucking "sexist conspiracy." It's the oldest one in the land! And some people still have xian programming and ideas whether they realize it or not.

It's one thing to get defensive about your dogmatic beliefs about animals, but it's another thing to accuse Tabby of "sexist conspiracy theories." This is the thanks we get for trying to help people further clear out xian programming. Unreal.

How is "sexist conspiracy theory" an unfair portrayal of what she is saying when it is literally her entire point? Did I miss something, or is the only single thing she keeps repeating is this idea that the only reason sheep is commonly a negative symbol is because sheep are female, and the only reason rams are a positive symbol is because they are male? This is what she has been saying the entire time. Which by definition, her whole idea here is a literal sexist conspiracy theory. And it seems like you are going so hard at trying to defend her that you are ignoring what she has actually been saying. I get it, that's your wife and you want to defend her. I absolutely understand this and I would be doing the same thing. I do like both of you. But I would as you to actually read what was said by both of us, instead of just jumping in with a purely emotional reaction against me.

And your whole point about how people becomming annoyed when you accuse them of being sexist and that proves that they are sexist, I don't know how to respond to this other than by saying that this is basically the most retarded and nonsensical reasoning that I have ever heard. It is the same thing as saying that people becoming annoyed if they are accused of being racist is proof that they are racist.

How about it is annoying because you are basically accusing the person of being a bad person? And it would not be nearly as annoying if the accusation was true, because then the person being accused could say "okay, I see why you may say that." The most annoying thing about it is that it isn't even true. The whole thing is just ridiculous. And the people who like to make these kinds of accusations understand exactly the process I have just described, and that is why they do it. All it is to them is a weapon they could use against anybody to completely shut down the conversation and ensure that the other person is not able to say anything. "Anything that you say, any way that you react, it is only proof that you are a very bad goy."
What can anybody say to this?

This is a marxist tactic of "arguing," which has been used extensively by marxist jews for centuries. And I have to put arguing in quotes there because it's really the exact opposite of a discussion, it is a weapon entirely meant to kill any discussion. It is the same thing as a christian priest accusing you of being a witch, then when you say you are not a witch his answer is "That's exactly what a witch would say!" Then he burns you at the stake.

This is why I am annoyed by such a thing, because it's just a very underhanded and jewy thing to do. And the reason that people use this attack to shut the other person down and shut down the discussion, is almost every time because they actually have no good way to defend their ideas so a real discussion would not end with them as a "winner" if you care about such a thing. Making these kinds of accusations, and then saying that every possible way the person could react to it is proof that it is true, it is the same thing as throwing a board game onto the floor because you weren't doing well in the game.

If either of you want to have an actual discussion about anything, I would be very happy to have those discussions. But you only want to "argue" like some conniving jew, then there is nothing I can say to that.
And another thing, give your bullshit accusation of "christian programming" to somebody else. You do not know who I am in this life, and you do not know who I was in any of my past lives either.

In this life, I was raised in an atheist/anti-theist family. I have spent my entire life since I was a young child always hating christians, jews, and muslims.

And I do clearly remember several of my previous lives. I have not had the "past life amnesia" that many people have. In all of the several different previous lives that I remember, I have always lived a self sufficient life in the forest. I have never lived in any city, and I have surely never lived in any christian society. I never saw any christian until this current time.

So you can not accuse me of "still having some christian programming" if literally in my soul's entire history I have never been exposed to any christian influence before.
Master said:
jrvan said:
Master said:
In my opinion, the term shepherd is not appropriate to identify a spiritual or other leader. Shepherding is not about any leadership in a race or species but it is about the breeding and exploitation of other life forms.

I am not offending or despising animals inferior to us, such as livestock, pets and animals in the wild. It is about the current situation and condition of humanity being slaves and cattle of the enemy, which is obviously an unacceptable and intolerable thing.

Right, it depends on the leader/shepherd like I said. Under jews, they're just disposable cattle slaves that are treated like shit. And when guided by us, we turn their lives to gold. We improve their lives, keep them safe, happy, healthy, and prospering. They live long, good, excellent lives. Under us, they are not slaves.

If you have a problem with the words sheep and shepherd, then use another one. But the ancients must have used the metaphor because the xians got it from somewhere - they didn't make that up on their own. People are still going to use those metaphors in the future because it works, and because society is largely based in agriculture. Even the Pharaohs and Egyptian Gods like Osiris were depicted with farming tools. The Pharaoh was said to cultivate the land, and the farm tool symbols tied them to the land and agriculture.

Even the Scarab beetle was used as a symbol for agriculture. Fertilizer like manure makes the crops grow, and the manure comes from food that's been eaten (food from crops grown with manure). So it's an infinite cycle. The crops grow and are harvested in that cycle day by day just as the sun rises eternally day by day. The Scarab pushes the sun into the new day, just as it rolls the dung forward into new life.

Pastor is a term used in Christian churches, especially evangelical and reformed churches - some officially, others only occasionally - to refer to a minister of worship or in any case (in varying degrees) to someone who is responsible for the spiritual leadership of the Christian community. It derives from the Latin pastōr (shepherd of sheep).

The use of the term shepherd comes from the Bible. The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) uses terms derived from the root רעה (ra'ah), which occurs 173 times in the sense of "shepherding the flock", e.g. in Genesis 29:7 ("water the sheep and lead them to pasture"). The participle רועה (ro'eh) is used in reference to human beings, as, e.g., in Jeremiah 3:15: "I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will shepherd you with knowledge and understanding".

God himself is called the "Shepherd of Israel" and Israel "the flock of the Lord" (Genesis 49:24; Psalm 23; 80:1; Jeremiah 31:10; Ezekiel 34:11-21). The term shepherd is also applied to kings and leaders of the people.

In the New Testament the Greek word ποιμην (poimēn) is used and is normally translated "shepherd". This word is used 18 times.  Jesus is also called "good shepherd" in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep".

The elders or bishops are commissioned to "shepherd the flock" (the Church) in the name and on behalf of the one and only true Shepherd, Jesus Christ (John 21:25ff; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2).

In New Testament times the individual Christian churches were not led by a pastor but by a College of Elders (presbyteros) (1 Timothy 4:14) also called bishops (literally "overseers"). For example, in Acts 20:7 Paul summons the "elders" of the church in Ephesus to give them instructions before his departure: "From Miletus he sent to Ephesus to call the elders of the church". During this discourse, in Acts 20:28 he tells them, "Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, in whose midst the Holy Spirit has made you bishops, to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood." So the terms "Elders" and "Bishops" designate the same persons.  Peter himself claims to be an "Elder" in 1 Peter 5:1,2 he writes: "I exhort therefore the elders that are among you, I who am an elder with them and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and who shall also be a partaker of the glory that is to be revealed: feed the flock of God that is among you, watching over it, not out of compulsion, but willingly according to God; not for vile gain, but with a good heart.

Paul also describes in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 what the characteristics of those who serve as "bishops" should be. In Titus 1:5-9 the same list is used for the elders, who are also referred to in 1:7 as bishops.

I do not have a problem with the words sheep and shepherd, but the word shepherd means to lead and graze sheep or other livestock. Obviously, I have nothing against cattle but I respect and appreciate them as well as other forms of life and nature.

More than likely, the jews copied and stole this term from peoples and cultures older and more ancient than themselves.

Most probably, the ancients also used this term for people with the meaning of guide but then the jews corrupted that too, calling us cattle as well.

However, I think the word shepherd is retarded and obsolete to represent the meaning of leadership. The word shepherd can be used for what it is and not for what it is not or as a universal term as the word leadership is.

Of course, you are right about the cycle of life. Life continues if the cycle continues, if the cycle ends life ends too.

I was thinking the same thing about resource management. The current recycling of waste is not very advanced. Instead of trying to make plastic from plastic waste, it would be more advanced to extract the chemical elements that make up plastic waste, and then create new plastic or whatever.

The jews stole it from Tammuz/Dumuzid who was described as a God of Shepherds. His Greek counterpart is Adonis from which they stole the name for their "God" and tetragrammaton, "adonai." In Egyptian mythology, the counterpart is Osiris. All are the lovers of the Goddess of Springtime, and all have an association with Rams/Sheep and immortality, death and rising from the underworld, agriculture, and the seasons.

The Pharaoh follows the mummy God in death and is likewise mummified, and granted eternal life and guidance to the underworld. He raises his successor before this, and the newly trained Pharaoh becomes as Horus. When the sun sets on his time, he too is mummified and becomes as Osiris.

The jews stole this for their character of jesus. They claim him to be the shepherd of his people (the king of the jews, a king is a Pharaoh), that he is the truth and the light, that he will grant eternal life in death, and so much more. It's very clear that they modeled him after Osiris as well as others. They also said that jesus was a rebel just like Set. They say he is reborn after his painful death, like Horus. They rolled our myths of our Gods into one character, and used it against us. But my point is that they stole the shepherd concept from us.

Osiris was depicted wielding a crook and flail just like the Pharaoh was too. This should say it all.
Or if I have to spell it out: a crook is for herding animals.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And another thing, give your bullshit accusation of "christian programming" to somebody else. You do not know who I am in this life, and you do not know who I was in any of my past lives either.

In this life, I was raised in an atheist/anti-theist family. I have spent my entire life since I was a young child always hating christians, jews, and muslims.

And I do clearly remember several of my previous lives. I have not had the "past life amnesia" that many people have. In all of the several different previous lives that I remember, I have always lived a self sufficient life in the forest. I have never lived in any city, and I have surely never lived in any christian society. I never saw any christian until this current time.

So you can not accuse me of "still having some christian programming" if literally in my soul's entire history I have never been exposed to any christian influence before.

Did I accuse you specifically? You're the one making assumptions here. A LOT of them. Cool down and analyze my arguments more deeply. It's not as jewy as you currently perceive it to be.

I choose my wording for things very carefully and methodically. I spend a long time on my comments with wording for it to be as precise in meaning as possible. If you read it with that in mind then maybe you will get a more clear picture of what I'm saying.

And this was a very emotional reaction, by the way. It's a little surprising after hearing you criticize emotional reactions.
jrvan said:
Aldrick said:
jrvan said:
It's a simple fact that most people are looking for someone to guide them. That's normal, and there's nothing wrong with it. Most xians were raised in it from a young age, and once they become disenchanted with xianity, a lot of them naturally look for alternative answers to replace the filth that was previously occupying their mind. They are going to want someone to show them what the truth is. That's one of the reasons for the JoS here, I believe. It's bringing the light of Truth to gentiles.

At times we can be more like wolves with the aspects of wolves, when we need to be. And sometimes, when the role calls for us to play it, we can be more like border collies.

To guide yes, but if you called our ancestors sheep, they would have killed you. Like wise Satanism is not for the weak. Most of these waste of breath people will probably be dead come that time.

It sounds like you're saying I would go up to someone and call them a sheep in a derogatory manner. If anything I'd probably say something like "May you and your brothers shine brilliantly like Aries in the sky." And I'd probably be blessed in turn. People were more spiritual back then.

Either way its all pretty lame. We fought for decades to have people not think of themselves as sheep. Now you want to return the few back to it. Which does anyone nothing but connect them to christianity.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
How about it is annoying because you are basically accusing the person of being a bad person? And it would not be nearly as annoying if the accusation was true, because then the person being accused could say "okay, I see why you may say that." The most annoying thing about it is that it isn't even true. The whole thing is just ridiculous. And the people who like to make these kinds of accusations understand exactly the process I have just described, and that is why they do it. All it is to them is a weapon they could use against anybody to completely shut down the conversation and ensure that the other person is not able to say anything. "Anything that you say, any way that you react, it is only proof that you are a very bad goy."
What can anybody say to this?

It's not about you though. It's not about someone being a "bad person." It's telling someone that what they did was, accidentally or not, chauvinistic, dismissive, rude in an unintended way, or otherwise. It's informing someone of the error of their remarks.

Look, sexism is a dirty word. It really is. It's become that way, and it's used as a silencing phrase of abuse. You're right about that. I hate that it's used that way and to shut down discussion. I really, really do.

But try to think of it from our side: our argument is about pre-existing notions that people have about sheep, female sheep specifically. And we believe that those ideas about female sheep are incorrect, and we believe they stem from xianity whether directly, inadvertently, or both. This is part of challenging beliefs. Our argument is designed to trigger people who look down on sheep as stupid. Anyone who gets triggered by it is automatically caught out in the trap, and according to our argument those people possibly have sexist beliefs which would stem from xianity (among other things)

It's really nothing personal. It's just that you shut down Tabby as a conspiracy theorist with this when the conspiracy is with xianity.

I just wanted to see how many people might still have xian ideas, and if this is one of them. If I'm wrong about hatred of sheep having anything to do with xianity then clearly no one is sexist right? And I was wrong, and we call it a day. If I'm right that this hatred of sheep is a reaction to xianity and has everything to do with xianity, then it MIGHT imply a few things, one of which might be a little bit of sexism.

Can we calm down now?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And another thing, give your bullshit accusation of "christian programming" to somebody else. You do not know who I am in this life, and you do not know who I was in any of my past lives either.

In this life, I was raised in an atheist/anti-theist family. I have spent my entire life since I was a young child always hating christians, jews, and muslims.

And I do clearly remember several of my previous lives. I have not had the "past life amnesia" that many people have. In all of the several different previous lives that I remember, I have always lived a self sufficient life in the forest. I have never lived in any city, and I have surely never lived in any christian society. I never saw any christian until this current time.

So you can not accuse me of "still having some christian programming" if literally in my soul's entire history I have never been exposed to any christian influence before.

I also wanted to add that these ideas of mine about xian mindsets on women and sheep isn't necessarily about anyone on the forums here. This whole post could have just been applied to others outside the JoS who look down on sheep. Nobody had to get triggered by it.

But some did. That's why I spent so much time replying to everyone and addressing their arguments. Animals are sacred in Satanism, and sheep being spat on kind of bothers me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:
"Sexist conspiracy theory" is an unfair portrayal of what she is saying. And you can't speak for everyone because you don't live in their heads. Anyone could have hangups that you don't know about.


I dislike the radical marxist feminists, but they make a good point or two about males sometimes. Most men are too damn prideful to ever listen to women seriously. I've seen you get defensive before anytime anyone calls out anyone for any sort of sexism whatsoever. It's like you want to shield everyone collectively from accusations of sexism. Why is that? Can't confront it head on? Can't handle it? Sometimes people are sexist. Sometimes people aren't aware of their sexism. It actually happens sometimes, believe it or not. Sexism is a very unconscious thing a lot of the time. People are not always aware of it. But instead of looking at it honestly to figure out if we are actually being sexist or not, we just immediately lash out defensively and dismiss the whole thing. "Nope, no sexism here. Shut your mouth now." It's a like a massive trigger for you. It's like you can't accept the idea that there could possibly be people within the JoS who happen to have sexist views and tendencies. Why pretend to speak for everyone? I don't understand that.

This post wasn't even about that anyway, but since you brought it up, I think it's fair to address it. Sexism isn't a conspiracy theory that never happened. Xianity is literally a fucking "sexist conspiracy." It's the oldest one in the land! And some people still have xian programming and ideas whether they realize it or not.

It's one thing to get defensive about your dogmatic beliefs about animals, but it's another thing to accuse Tabby of "sexist conspiracy theories." This is the thanks we get for trying to help people further clear out xian programming. Unreal.

How is "sexist conspiracy theory" an unfair portrayal of what she is saying when it is literally her entire point? Did I miss something, or is the only single thing she keeps repeating is this idea that the only reason sheep is commonly a negative symbol is because sheep are female, and the only reason rams are a positive symbol is because they are male? This is what she has been saying the entire time. Which by definition, her whole idea here is a literal sexist conspiracy theory. And it seems like you are going so hard at trying to defend her that you are ignoring what she has actually been saying. I get it, that's your wife and you want to defend her. I absolutely understand this and I would be doing the same thing. I do like both of you. But I would as you to actually read what was said by both of us, instead of just jumping in with a purely emotional reaction against me.

And your whole point about how people becomming annoyed when you accuse them of being sexist and that proves that they are sexist, I don't know how to respond to this other than by saying that this is basically the most retarded and nonsensical reasoning that I have ever heard. It is the same thing as saying that people becoming annoyed if they are accused of being racist is proof that they are racist.

How about it is annoying because you are basically accusing the person of being a bad person? And it would not be nearly as annoying if the accusation was true, because then the person being accused could say "okay, I see why you may say that." The most annoying thing about it is that it isn't even true. The whole thing is just ridiculous. And the people who like to make these kinds of accusations understand exactly the process I have just described, and that is why they do it. All it is to them is a weapon they could use against anybody to completely shut down the conversation and ensure that the other person is not able to say anything. "Anything that you say, any way that you react, it is only proof that you are a very bad goy."
What can anybody say to this?

This is a marxist tactic of "arguing," which has been used extensively by marxist jews for centuries. And I have to put arguing in quotes there because it's really the exact opposite of a discussion, it is a weapon entirely meant to kill any discussion. It is the same thing as a christian priest accusing you of being a witch, then when you say you are not a witch his answer is "That's exactly what a witch would say!" Then he burns you at the stake.

This is why I am annoyed by such a thing, because it's just a very underhanded and jewy thing to do. And the reason that people use this attack to shut the other person down and shut down the discussion, is almost every time because they actually have no good way to defend their ideas so a real discussion would not end with them as a "winner" if you care about such a thing. Making these kinds of accusations, and then saying that every possible way the person could react to it is proof that it is true, it is the same thing as throwing a board game onto the floor because you weren't doing well in the game.

If either of you want to have an actual discussion about anything, I would be very happy to have those discussions. But you only want to "argue" like some conniving jew, then there is nothing I can say to that.
Sexism should be accepted and acknowledged by men to being their default behavior. This belief that women want to be treated at the same level as men or held to the same burden of performance is a fake ideological construct that does not adhere to reality.

The majority of Women like sexist men and the majority of women are internally attracted to men who treat them like a woman, not equal.

Men are being emasculated by ideological brainwashing that teaches them to treat women as their equal which means they will always have problems with dealing with women. This is done meticulously to create an artificial war between the sexes. If men started acknowledging that men and women are different, have different roles and be proud of their sexism then the Western world will change overnight.

Protip - Always pay on a date ,if she even reaches for the money inside her purse that pussy will dry up like the Sahara desert.
ol aredco lucitfas said:
The reason sheep are used as a comparison is due to both their behaviour and their intelligence. Not only do they live in herds (like many animals do), but sheep are also just plain retarded. They have zero ability to think or act on their own. If there is another sheep nearby they must copy whatever that one is doing.
I think the sheep comparison is fine because they are similar to greys in many ways. They appear as Featureless, genderless, thoughtless borgs that just follow their herd which is led by the Shepard (reptilian).

tabby said:
A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.
As much as you two talk about nature you are forgetting a major part of it that shows why this point doesn’t work.


The Ram may be the same creature, but like I said above the sheep LOOK weak and stupid while the Ram has the perception of being strong and masterful because of its more “masculine” appearance.

Let’s do a hypothetical human example. In this case “following the herd” can be anything related to the current JWO agenda.


Tell me what comes to your mind when you see both of these people. Would you have guessed that he took a covid shot and voted for Biden? Of course not! He looks like a beast that could rip you in half. He’s probably a libertarian guy that spends his life in the gym and playing football. He probably has a lifted truck. He’s probably demeaning towards his wife and tells her to make sandwiches all day. But that’s not true, he’s actually a big fan of feminist literature and mask wearing. He also drives a Prius. Are you surprised?

Now look at the woman. If you told someone that she was “part of the herd” and supportive of the enemies agenda they would probably say, “of course, how could she not be? Look at how tiny she is, how could this woman possibly stand up to BigJew™.”

Now back to reality. Of course there are lots of women that are not part of the herd and are in this very group pushing back against the enemy (such as yourself). There’s also lots of “Rams” that aren’t any better than the sheep of the herd.

But the Ram, or the mountain (guy in photo) looks strong and like a leader so we attribute that characteristic to him even if it’s untrue solely because of their appearance and the Aura that it gives off.
tabby said:
People go nuts at the mention of sheep but are totally relaxed and cool with rams. A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.

In the wild, rams and sheep have absolutely different behaviours and these behaviours are directly related to how they have been thought of symbolicly. In the wild, you do not see rams flocking with the sheep. The sheep flock, and they chase each other in endless circles going nowhere, and this is why they have been used as a symbol for this behaviour.

Rams do not flock. Rams are not with the sheep. Rams fight each other, and they climb to the top of high mountains. And these are the kinds of things they are known for, and the kinds of things they are symbols for. Strength, independence, individuality, and climbing to high heights, because these are the traits that rams have in how they behave.

There is only one single ram who is with the flock, and they follow him. But you do not see the other rams there. All the other rams are off by themselves. During mating season, all of the rams come to the flock for obvious intentions. But the leader ram does not let them, he fights all of them. And only the strongest ram wins the fight and gets to be the leader of the flock for the next year. And all of the other rams leave again to go live by themself, or I believe also sometimes in very small groups of a few young men. And they go back to climbing high mountains by themself.

My point is that what characteristics these animals are known for and are used as symbols for is based on their actual behaviour, and that this behaviour is absolutely different between the two. You can't even compare the way the life is lived of a sheep in a flock in a field, or a ram on a mountain.

Nobody said "Let's use the male as a symbol of something cool, and use the female as a symbol of something dumb, because I hate women." This is a fictional idea. And some people might not want me to say this, but this idea is a sexist conspiracy theory created in your own mind.

What these animals are symbols of is very closely matched to their behaviour, and they do behave very differently from each other. You can not say that they behave the same way.

And like I said earlier, all different animals have their own strengths and talents. And we both agreed about this. In some species, the man is the stronger or more interesting one. And in other species, the woman is the stronger or more interesting one. There is nothing sexist about nature, everything is balanced. And you seem to be hungup or overly focused on just this one single example of one specific species where the males are more interesting, concluding that the whole situation must be sexist, and ignoring the actual differences between the animals' behaviours and how these differences actually fit with what these animals are known for. Do you have some emotional hangup about sexism that makes you want to focus on it so much and try to find it everywhere?

And it seems like you are purposefully ignoring the situations of other animals where the woman is the better one? Like how female lions do all of the hunting and fighting and the man just sleeps all day.

And just because an animal is a symbol of something, does not make the animal bad. Rats are used as a symbol for negative traits all the time, and I do use this symbolic term pretty often. But the actual animal rats are pretty cool animals, I don't have anything bad to say about them. Rats are very smart, they are able to use some simple tools and solve problems, they are very clean and are always cleaning themselves.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
How is "sexist conspiracy theory" an unfair portrayal of what she is saying when it is literally her entire point? Did I miss something, or is the only single thing she keeps repeating is this idea that the only reason sheep is commonly a negative symbol is because sheep are female, and the only reason rams are a positive symbol is because they are male? This is what she has been saying the entire time. Which by definition, her whole idea here is a literal sexist conspiracy theory. And it seems like you are going so hard at trying to defend her that you are ignoring what she has actually been saying. I get it, that's your wife and you want to defend her. I absolutely understand this and I would be doing the same thing. I do like both of you. But I would as you to actually read what was said by both of us, instead of just jumping in with a purely emotional reaction against me.

And your whole point about how people becomming annoyed when you accuse them of being sexist and that proves that they are sexist, I don't know how to respond to this other than by saying that this is basically the most retarded and nonsensical reasoning that I have ever heard. It is the same thing as saying that people becoming annoyed if they are accused of being racist is proof that they are racist.

How about it is annoying because you are basically accusing the person of being a bad person? And it would not be nearly as annoying if the accusation was true, because then the person being accused could say "okay, I see why you may say that." The most annoying thing about it is that it isn't even true. The whole thing is just ridiculous. And the people who like to make these kinds of accusations understand exactly the process I have just described, and that is why they do it. All it is to them is a weapon they could use against anybody to completely shut down the conversation and ensure that the other person is not able to say anything. "Anything that you say, any way that you react, it is only proof that you are a very bad goy."
What can anybody say to this?

This is a marxist tactic of "arguing," which has been used extensively by marxist jews for centuries. And I have to put arguing in quotes there because it's really the exact opposite of a discussion, it is a weapon entirely meant to kill any discussion. It is the same thing as a christian priest accusing you of being a witch, then when you say you are not a witch his answer is "That's exactly what a witch would say!" Then he burns you at the stake.

This is why I am annoyed by such a thing, because it's just a very underhanded and jewy thing to do. And the reason that people use this attack to shut the other person down and shut down the discussion, is almost every time because they actually have no good way to defend their ideas so a real discussion would not end with them as a "winner" if you care about such a thing. Making these kinds of accusations, and then saying that every possible way the person could react to it is proof that it is true, it is the same thing as throwing a board game onto the floor because you weren't doing well in the game.

If either of you want to have an actual discussion about anything, I would be very happy to have those discussions. But you only want to "argue" like some conniving jew, then there is nothing I can say to that.

Oh boy... ok let me clear up my arguments.
I was trying to bring to light the weird distinction that is made regarding sheep vs rams, the sheer hatred upon sheep, specifically the animal not the connection to human society, and attempting to bring understanding that humans are very clearly not sheep nor any other kind of animal.

Now, I found it interesting that no one is triggered over being called a ram but get bent out of shape specifically over the word sheep. We love rams and praise them but hate sheep. I thought that to be really odd since a ram IS a sheep. It’s a male sheep with horns.

I pushed further and realised well shit, could this distinction actually be accidentally sexist? Since the difference between rams and sheep is the fact rams are the males. So why do we make such a distinction?

Through this thread and others reactions to it including your own, I realised the problem people have with sheep is most likely and very simply their association with stupidity and xtianity.

However, sheep are not actually stupid as an animal. Humans just observe them to be for lack of understanding about the animal and its behaviour. Have people realise that and the only reason left as to why we hate sheep is that sheep are paired with xtianity.

Which makes the entire hating of sheep really illogical, since sheep as an animal is a stolen symbol of ours anyway. Why not reclaim it’s true meanings that our ancestors knew? Why not take the chance to rethink why we hate on this animal so much? (On principle we shouldn’t hate it and slander it because animals are sacred but that’s a different point).

My whole argument here is to begin cutting the association of this animal to xtianity, to stop hating this animal because it’s not stupid, and when you make the distinction that rams are better/sheep are stupider, you have an accidental sexist situation. The enemy does everything possible to divide the sexes. My thinking was perhaps this is another trick in their book to make that happen, because this kind of cognitive dissonance can spread to more than just our ideas of sheep if left unchecked.

I got heated over your argument regarding the genders so my focus became more on getting you to understand that gender does not make an animal inferior or more stupid to the rest of its species of the opposite gender.

I have a very different idea of what makes something or someone superior, inferior, stupid, and intelligent. I’m not calling anyone out for being sexist against females, that’s not what I’m doing here. I stress the word accidently being sexist by making the distinction between rams and sheep. We hate on sheep but praise rams (male horned sheep). I hope I’m being clear enough here as to how that can be a problem.

My major issue is the fact we hate this animal so much, divide its species up to only favour a minuet number of them, and then make poor assumptions and point fingers about the rest of its species over what? What the bible says about it?

So many seem to be in such a rush to be the leader, to be alphas, to be top dog, that they take no value into what makes a good leader or how to steer their followers properly, or how to even listen when someone has far better leadership skills than themselves.

A herd of sheep does what it does and they follow the shepherd, the one leading them, which is what jrvan’s whole point for his original post is about. Sheep only go bad and stupid when the shepherd is a bad leader.

Tomorrow, if you had a leader like Hitler take control of society, the flock will grow under their care and guidance and prosper. The sheep are not inherently stupid nor bad, otherwise society would only ever be just what the kikes want them to be. Society would not be able to change and become Satanic if this was the case.

Animal metaphors help people understand things. That I’m fully aware of. But if we can avoid the accidental slander on females and animals for no reason other than associations with xianity and xtards, then we can keep our morals as SS straight.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
In the wild, rams and sheep have absolutely different behaviours and these behaviours are directly related to how they have been thought of symbolicly. In the wild, you do not see rams flocking with the sheep. The sheep flock, and they chase each other in endless circles going nowhere, and this is why they have been used as a symbol for this behaviour.
But they are still the same species.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
There is only one single ram who is with the flock, and they follow him. But you do not see the other rams there. All the other rams are off by themselves. During mating season, all of the rams come to the flock for obvious intentions. But the leader ram does not let them, he fights all of them. And only the strongest ram wins the fight and gets to be the leader of the flock for the next year. And all of the other rams leave again to go live by themself, or I believe also sometimes in very small groups of a few young men. And they go back to climbing high mountains by themself.

My point is that what characteristics these animals are known for and are used as symbols for is based on their actual behaviour, and that this behaviour is absolutely different between the two. You can't even compare the way the life is lived of a sheep in a flock in a field, or a ram on a mountain.
Just like men and women have different traditional roles in society, but they're still the same race/species.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Nobody said "Let's use the male as a symbol of something cool, and use the female as a symbol of something dumb, because I hate women." This is a fictional idea. And some people might not want me to say this, but this idea is a sexist conspiracy theory created in your own mind.
Again, some people might have. And you wouldn't know it. Why declare so adamantly that "nobody said" something when you aren't everyone? How do you know that nobody ever said it? Some people might hold such perceptions. How do you know for certain that nobody does?

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And like I said earlier, all different animals have their own strengths and talents. And we both agreed about this. In some species, the man is the stronger or more interesting one. And in other species, the woman is the stronger or more interesting one. There is nothing sexist about nature, everything is balanced. And you seem to be hungup or overly focused on just this one single example of one specific species where the males are more interesting, concluding that the whole situation must be sexist, and ignoring the actual differences between the animals' behaviours and how these differences actually fit with what these animals are known for. Do you have some emotional hangup about sexism that makes you want to focus on it so much and try to find it everywhere?

Actually, it was about pointing out human perceptions of animals rather than having a problem with nature and the animals themselves.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And it seems like you are purposefully ignoring the situations of other animals where the woman is the better one? Like how female lions do all of the hunting and fighting and the man just sleeps all day.
How is she purposefully ignoring that? Just because she didn't comment on certain animals doesn't mean that she was purposefully ignoring them. The topic was about sheep.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
And just because an animal is a symbol of something, does not make the animal bad. Rats are used as a symbol for negative traits all the time, and I do use this symbolic term pretty often. But the actual animal rats are pretty cool animals, I don't have anything bad to say about them. Rats are very smart, they are able to use some simple tools and solve problems, they are very clean and are always cleaning themselves.

You might have me here. This I would actually be willing to level with you on. It makes sense.
jrvan said:
When I inform them that the corporate media thought ahead and planned it all to make that impossible for them because everything in front of them on the TV box is framed to be what they want them to see... they get defensive, shut down, and the conversation doesn't go any further.

I agree with this 100%.

I have seen a study before, and I am trying to find it again. I think it was by Rasmussen. They surveyed a few thousand people, and they asked them what side do they identify with politically and which side politically the news sources they watch are.

The conclusion was that people who identify as moderate see about 60% leftist sources and 40% republican sources. Republicans see about 60% republican sources and 40% leftist sources. And the people identifying as democrat only saw about 90-95% leftist sources and nothing else. And of these leftist sources, many of the most popular ones were some pretty extremist ones.

So at least moderates and republicans both see some mix of different perspectives and different information, enough to have some idea of where some truth might be. But the leftists only get extremist shit, and they never even see that any other information exists.

I really wish that I could find this study again and share it, but searching these kinds of terms just brings up thousands of unrelated things.

But another point I have is about mental health, and there have actually been many different studies about this. Asking people what they self identify as politically, and if they have ever been diagnosed with specific mental problems. Depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, all the bad things like these. And I was able to find multiple different charts from different studies.

An interesting thing is that white people specifically were most effected by this, and non white people seemed to have less problems over the whole range.



Ol argedco luciftias said:
tabby said:
People go nuts at the mention of sheep but are totally relaxed and cool with rams. A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.

In the wild, rams and sheep have absolutely different behaviours and these behaviours are directly related to how they have been thought of symbolicly. In the wild, you do not see rams flocking with the sheep. The sheep flock, and they chase each other in endless circles going nowhere, and this is why they have been used as a symbol for this behaviour.

Rams do not flock. Rams are not with the sheep. Rams fight each other, and they climb to the top of high mountains. And these are the kinds of things they are known for, and the kinds of things they are symbols for. Strength, independence, individuality, and climbing to high heights, because these are the traits that rams have in how they behave.

There is only one single ram who is with the flock, and they follow him. But you do not see the other rams there. All the other rams are off by themselves. During mating season, all of the rams come to the flock for obvious intentions. But the leader ram does not let them, he fights all of them. And only the strongest ram wins the fight and gets to be the leader of the flock for the next year. And all of the other rams leave again to go live by themself, or I believe also sometimes in very small groups of a few young men. And they go back to climbing high mountains by themself.

My point is that what characteristics these animals are known for and are used as symbols for is based on their actual behaviour, and that this behaviour is absolutely different between the two. You can't even compare the way the life is lived of a sheep in a flock in a field, or a ram on a mountain.

Nobody said "Let's use the male as a symbol of something cool, and use the female as a symbol of something dumb, because I hate women." This is a fictional idea. And some people might not want me to say this, but this idea is a sexist conspiracy theory created in your own mind.

What these animals are symbols of is very closely matched to their behaviour, and they do behave very differently from each other. You can not say that they behave the same way.

And like I said earlier, all different animals have their own strengths and talents. And we both agreed about this. In some species, the man is the stronger or more interesting one. And in other species, the woman is the stronger or more interesting one. There is nothing sexist about nature, everything is balanced. And you seem to be hungup or overly focused on just this one single example of one specific species where the males are more interesting, concluding that the whole situation must be sexist, and ignoring the actual differences between the animals' behaviours and how these differences actually fit with what these animals are known for. Do you have some emotional hangup about sexism that makes you want to focus on it so much and try to find it everywhere?

And it seems like you are purposefully ignoring the situations of other animals where the woman is the better one? Like how female lions do all of the hunting and fighting and the man just sleeps all day.

And just because an animal is a symbol of something, does not make the animal bad. Rats are used as a symbol for negative traits all the time, and I do use this symbolic term pretty often. But the actual animal rats are pretty cool animals, I don't have anything bad to say about them. Rats are very smart, they are able to use some simple tools and solve problems, they are very clean and are always cleaning themselves.

Hang on, I’ll let my other comment go through to clear up this misunderstanding you have over how I’m thinking about this whole subject.

As for flocking. I explain that in another comment. It’s for protection and survival.

Sheep are not so different from their wild species. You make it sound like rams are not even the same species as sheep. Rams will herd with their flock and fight just as they do in the wild on a farm. That nature doesn’t just disappear because they’re behind a fence or grazing mountains. We most commonly see the fighting of the males during mating season because it’s interesting to watch. You’re talking of the bighorn sheep that roam the mountains, yes?

The females have horns as well. Smaller and not as curved, but still pretty cool nonetheless. They will fight as well to establish dominance hierarchy among the other ewes. The females don’t stay on the ground all day long running in circles. They’ll scale the mountains as well sometimes, even during courting rituals. The male ram will follow the female.

I understand the metaphors. But it’s good to also understand that many of them can be entirely misplaced and based on ideas or features that are not necessarily true.

Do I potentially have a hangup on sexism? Maybe. But I don’t generalise the male or female sex. I’m not so up myself to go around saying things like “all masculinity is toxic” “all women are sluts” etc etc ad infinitum. Am I easily triggered when someone suggests something is lesser based on its sex? Yes.

In the wild depending on the species, one gender will be bigger than the other, more impressive in colour, stronger etc. That is all natural for courting/mating, survival, caring for offspring etc. What makes no sense to me is saying one gender is less intelligent because of these features than the other.

If you want an essay of every example of females being the lead in the species vs males, I’ll happily give you a run down. But that would be just a waste of my time and yours.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
In the wild, rams and sheep have absolutely different behaviours and these behaviours are directly related to how they have been thought of symbolicly. In the wild, you do not see rams flocking with the sheep. The sheep flock, and they chase each other in endless circles going nowhere, and this is why they have been used as a symbol for this behaviour.

Rams do not flock. Rams are not with the sheep. Rams fight each other, and they climb to the top of high mountains. And these are the kinds of things they are known for, and the kinds of things they are symbols for. Strength, independence, individuality, and climbing to high heights, because these are the traits that rams have in how they behave.

There is only one single ram who is with the flock, and they follow him. But you do not see the other rams there. All the other rams are off by themselves. During mating season, all of the rams come to the flock for obvious intentions. But the leader ram does not let them, he fights all of them. And only the strongest ram wins the fight and gets to be the leader of the flock for the next year. And all of the other rams leave again to go live by themself, or I believe also sometimes in very small groups of a few young men. And they go back to climbing high mountains by themself.

My point is that what characteristics these animals are known for and are used as symbols for is based on their actual behaviour, and that this behaviour is absolutely different between the two. You can't even compare the way the life is lived of a sheep in a flock in a field, or a ram on a mountain.

Something I think I forgot to mention. The ewes of mountain sheep will and do scale the same mountains the males do. You can tell the difference between them because the females have the smaller horns and the males have the larger ones.

Sometimes males will follow a female up the side of the mountain to court with her.

Mountain sheep, bighorn sheep, also don’t usually follow a single leader unlike mouflon sheep.


Here’s a thought experiment for you and anyone else to think about:

If the High Priest turned around tomorrow and said “sheep are sacred to Satan” - specifically sheep not just the rams - how would you react?

Would you continue to call sheep stupid and unintelligent? If no, why?

When we all learned about the importance of snakes in Satanism we never gave a second look at how xtianity depicts them as lying, conniving, trickster animals.

So what’s going on with this idea about sheep?

We get told rams are sacred but continue to bash on its other name: sheep.

If this hate on sheep was only to do with following bad leaders/shepherds blindly we would hate rams too but we don’t. If this was only about sheep being stupid, then that would be quickly fixed through learning more about the animal and how intelligent it actually is, not just the rams. If this was only about domestic animals, we would hate on all domestic animals. If this was only about sexism we would actively in written words say “the ewes are dumb, the ram is mighty!” but instead we use ‘sheep’ and ‘ram’.

The hate has nothing to do with anything other than the fact the word sheep, not even the animal at this point, became a negative word that is associated with xtianity.

My point of concern on the side of gender is that because of this distinction we make between rams (mighty, intelligent, war, sacred animal of Satan) and sheep (stupid, dumb, blind, animal of xtards), is that this could end up creating an accidentally sexist view of this animal because a ram is a sheep.

The moment you switch out the word ‘ram’ for the word ‘sheep’ no one likes you for it, despite it being the same animal. It’s the word - not the metaphors, not the animal itself - and its negative association to xtards that cause us to hate it so much and spit on it.

So why do we continue to hate this creature? It is senseless to continue to do so because now we can’t even treat this animal with the same levels of respect and care that we do other animals, all thanks to this hang up over the word ‘sheep’.
tabby said:
DarkSwan said:
tabby said:
It’s like how a single rain drop won’t do you any harm. But a tidal wave, tsunami, floods, rain storms, etc, certainly can which is just many trillions of water drops all connected together in one massive body. Strength and power in numbers even if the individual numbers aren’t that strong alone.

Side note: I find it weird how we praise the sacred ram (which is a male sheep), but spit on the rest of the herd which would mean spitting on the ewes i.e. female sheep. Have to wonder if that’s a deliberate move by the enemy, to push more hate on females without people realising. Food for thought.

Also the magnum opus is being started when the Sun is in Aries.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
A ram's horns are a symbol of the same thing that other horns and antlers are symbols of, like deer antlers. The ida and pingala nadis coming up through the crown chakra of someone with an open soul.

You’re missing the point here. Let’s replace “ram and sheep” with stag and doe, since we make the distinction between the males and females purely on “who has the horns”.

If it was just about the horns then we would have no issues with sheep, because some species have horns for both the males and females. Some have neither. Some have just the males.

But it’s not, clearly. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a distinction. A ram is a male sheep, and we praise this animal. A stag is a male deer. Yet we spit on sheep specifically, not the rams, just the other sheep. But we don’t spit on the rest of the deer herd. Actually, we don’t spit on deer at all. Why? It’s a herd animal. A horn/antler baring species.

What about goats? Another horn baring species. Also a herd animal.

Horses? They don’t have horns, but they’re a herd animal. Often working right along side humans, just like sheep do. Don’t see anyone picking on horses though.

Recognise the pattern? Why we hate sheep actually has nothing to do with horns/lack-there-of or herds or “blindly following the leader”. It’s simply the association to “weakness” and xtards that has us spit on sheep, which is funny because sheep as an animal are not actually weak.

However, because we make the clear distinction of sheep and rams, this means we are actively spitting on the female sheep because again (and I emphasise) RAMS ARE MALE SHEEP. See what’s going on here?

The harder and more definitive we make the distinction between rams and sheep, the more hate is pushed in a very wrong direction.

“Praise the Ram! The glorious fierce Ram!”

“Oh but fuck sheep! Who would want to be a sheep?!”


I don’t understand you here. Where does Satanism spit in the face of the sheep?
Where on the JoS do you read that we do that?

As Ol said, Rams are a symbol of spiritual fertility and power, it is also a Symbol of Satan himself, which represents him. Many of our Gods were depicted with horns to show their high energy levels. Same with the Mercury glyph, the horns are symbolic for the vril.

Sorry, we do not spit on females, as in Satanism feminine energies are sacred and equally important to masculine energies. A balance of the material and spiritual has to be obtained by us.

If you read about certain members who insult sheep, it’s their business, not that of *us* as Satanists.

And if you interpret that they spit on sheep because they are female, thus spitting on womanhood, it’s your own business. It has nothing to do with Satanism. So I don‘t understand your question, friend.

As I said, you start major important workings such as the MO when the Sun is in ARIES, the fierce ram, lol.
tabby said:
DarkSwan said:
tabby said:
It’s like how a single rain drop won’t do you any harm. But a tidal wave, tsunami, floods, rain storms, etc, certainly can which is just many trillions of water drops all connected together in one massive body. Strength and power in numbers even if the individual numbers aren’t that strong alone.

Side note: I find it weird how we praise the sacred ram (which is a male sheep), but spit on the rest of the herd which would mean spitting on the ewes i.e. female sheep. Have to wonder if that’s a deliberate move by the enemy, to push more hate on females without people realising. Food for thought.

Also the magnum opus is being started when the Sun is in Aries.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
A ram's horns are a symbol of the same thing that other horns and antlers are symbols of, like deer antlers. The ida and pingala nadis coming up through the crown chakra of someone with an open soul.

You’re missing the point here. Let’s replace “ram and sheep” with stag and doe, since we make the distinction between the males and females purely on “who has the horns”.

If it was just about the horns then we would have no issues with sheep, because some species have horns for both the males and females. Some have neither. Some have just the males.

But it’s not, clearly. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a distinction. A ram is a male sheep, and we praise this animal. A stag is a male deer. Yet we spit on sheep specifically, not the rams, just the other sheep. But we don’t spit on the rest of the deer herd. Actually, we don’t spit on deer at all. Why? It’s a herd animal. A horn/antler baring species.

What about goats? Another horn baring species. Also a herd animal.

Horses? They don’t have horns, but they’re a herd animal. Often working right along side humans, just like sheep do. Don’t see anyone picking on horses though.

Recognise the pattern? Why we hate sheep actually has nothing to do with horns/lack-there-of or herds or “blindly following the leader”. It’s simply the association to “weakness” and xtards that has us spit on sheep, which is funny because sheep as an animal are not actually weak.

However, because we make the clear distinction of sheep and rams, this means we are actively spitting on the female sheep because again (and I emphasise) RAMS ARE MALE SHEEP. See what’s going on here?

The harder and more definitive we make the distinction between rams and sheep, the more hate is pushed in a very wrong direction.

“Praise the Ram! The glorious fierce Ram!”

“Oh but fuck sheep! Who would want to be a sheep?!”


We don’t focus on the Horns because of gender but because they symbolise power. Women and Men are equally important here in Satanism. You have to establish a Harmony between male and female.

This is nothing of importance and nothing you should focus about too much. Work on your soul, and on your relationship with the Gods. That’s important, no sheep, no rams, no horns, nobody cares, we all have the same potential, no matter if female or male. Altho I think females are spiritually more powerful (as a rule of thumb)
tabby said:
I said nothing of humans being superior to all other life forms. No animal is superior or inferior to another in the Animal Kingdom because few if any can fulfil the same exact roles and places within the different ecosystems.

Do we call an ant inferior because it’s small? Many do. You know what’s interesting? Ants can lift and carry objects that are anywhere between 10 and 40-50 times its weight (depending on the species). Scale that to human size and that ant is stronger than a human.

A squirrel can gain speeds of up to 20 mph. A cheetah up to 50-80 mph. Humans can gain up to 25 (maybe 30 if you’re lucky) mph. Are squirrels inferior to a cheetah just because they’re slower? No. Certainly not. Have you ever watched squirrels with their acrobatic ninja skills in the trees?

Are humans inferior to a squirrel because we just barely run at the same pace (and that’s if you’re super fit and trained)? No. But I bet you could’t catch a squirrel with your bare hands. No tools or weapons or tricks, just the good old digits.

A snake has no legs. Does that make it inferior or less capable than the animals that do? No.

Did you know a spider produces silk stronger than steel of the same diameter?

Animals can detect a storm approaching before a human can see it. They also have far better intuition than humans in the current age, and can even tell when you are upset or sick. Trained dogs can detect when a human is about to have a seizure before the symptoms even register to the human. How many animals have far superior eye sight, hearing, touch, and senses than humans do? The list is endless.

I can go on.

Now let’s talk about sheep for a moment. Did you know sheep have superior peripheral vision compared to humans? Did you know that despite their reputation, sheep are not actually dumb and stupid, but very intelligent animals? They can recognise and remember more members of their herd than a human can. Form emotional bonds and even form relationships with their herding dogs on farms. Dogs and sheep work very well together. A sheep can find its way out of a maze and helps its herd to lead them out.

Every living creature on this Earth of Mother and Father all have they’re strengths including humans. We all also have weaknesses. Sheep can produce wool and keep themselves warm, but humans don’t so we work with the sheep to produce clothes. Funny how we spit on such creatures. I think it’s high time to redefine what constitutes an “inferior” or “superior” animal.

jrvan said:
The mouse has things it can do that the cat can't do. Every creature has its own racial soul and species that it belongs to. Each type of creature has its own specializations. Like Tabby said, a cheetah is superior to most in top speed. But it will be inferior in other categories of competition.

The ancient Greeks had different category competitions of strength for their athletic games. They had the discus throw, the javelin toss, the sprint, the wrestling contest, and probably more that escapes my memory. It was multifaceted because they knew that strength didn't fit into one category.

It's the same with IQ and intelligence. IQ doesn't measure every aspect and type of intelligence. It just shows how well you do in an academic setting, how well you can memorize things, pattern recognition, etc...

Superiority is not an all-branching thing. We are superior at different things, and no one can be superior at everything compared to everything and everyone else.

Just because the mouse has some characteristics and abilities that the cat does not have, that does not make it equal or superior to the cat. The one who is stronger and who dominates is superior. Being dependent on inferiors does not make you inferior or equal.

In the food chain, some life forms depend on others, others are more independent and when they need to survive and protect themselves, they evolve, i.e. they develop.

Humanity is literally superior in everything and to all other life forms on this planet.

Humanity's current level of development is not very high but humanity is advancing and will advance endlessly. The other life forms in this world are also advancing and will advance endlessly but they are far inferior to humans.

Humans would become monsters if they filled themselves with biological features and sensors from dogs, crocodiles, sharks, snakes, cats, eagles etc. Humans not only develop their physical bodies but also go deeper and even beyond their bodies.

In the future we will be able to create and synthesise every plant and animal product that plants and animals create and synthesise. The terms, synthetic, chemical, non-biological, non-natural things, are stupid and retarded beliefs.

Synthesising or chemical reactions or chemistry is not the problem, but the recipe. We can learn many things and endlessly from other life forms, that is why diversity in nature is important. Just as we can study, research and learn endlessly in the microcosm and macrocosm and thus advance endlessly in the universe.
jrvan said:
Blackdragon666 said:
The ultimate goal is for humanity to collectively be elevated from sheep status. That each one can advance to the maximum potential.

Exactly! You get it. Just like a child trusts their parents for guidance until they have grown and learned enough to survive on their own.

My idea is the same with sheep as it is with dogs. A dog follows whoever feeds it. A bad person can feed a dog, and the dog will be loyal and defend the human. The dog is dependent on the human for its survival, and the human depends on the dog for certain things too. It's symbiosis just as with sheep. A dog owner can either be a bad person, or a good person. And they can unleash their dogs on good people, like us.

Just like a shepherd can either guide their flock to prosperity, or destruction. It depends on who the shepherd is, guiding the flock. It depends on who the dog owner is, commanding their dog.

But we don't hate dogs, and we don't think they're stupid. Jews do, but we're not jews, and we don't think dogs are stupid or bad. And we shouldn't think sheep are stupid and bad either.

What I meant is that it is not wise to glorify the present state of humanity. It is a sad state and does not in any way reflect the true human spirit that Satan created. In Satan's world, for example, there are no sheep. Everyone is free to dictate their own choices to themselves and follow their own life path. There is co-operation but everyone is their own star. On Earth, the people are at the mercy of whoever is in power which is wrong. What you're saying can only apply as a short term thing like what Hitler and the Nazis did but it is not something to glorify.

We wouldn't be teaching people about the enemy, the soul and how to free and empower it if we were just to be some ruling class that is to replace the enemy and it's a done deal. What I love about life on Satan's side, in his whole galactic empire is that everyone is expected to advance and is given the means and opportunity. Satan can comfortably leave his Kingdom for some time and He won't find it in shambles at all.
Blackdragon666 said:
jrvan said:
Blackdragon666 said:
The ultimate goal is for humanity to collectively be elevated from sheep status. That each one can advance to the maximum potential.

Exactly! You get it. Just like a child trusts their parents for guidance until they have grown and learned enough to survive on their own.

My idea is the same with sheep as it is with dogs. A dog follows whoever feeds it. A bad person can feed a dog, and the dog will be loyal and defend the human. The dog is dependent on the human for its survival, and the human depends on the dog for certain things too. It's symbiosis just as with sheep. A dog owner can either be a bad person, or a good person. And they can unleash their dogs on good people, like us.

Just like a shepherd can either guide their flock to prosperity, or destruction. It depends on who the shepherd is, guiding the flock. It depends on who the dog owner is, commanding their dog.

But we don't hate dogs, and we don't think they're stupid. Jews do, but we're not jews, and we don't think dogs are stupid or bad. And we shouldn't think sheep are stupid and bad either.

What I meant is that it is not wise to glorify the present state of humanity. It is a sad state and does not in any way reflect the true human spirit that Satan created. In Satan's world, for example, there are no sheep. Everyone is free to dictate their own choices to themselves and follow their own life path. There is co-operation but everyone is their own star. On Earth, the people are at the mercy of whoever is in power which is wrong. What you're saying can only apply as a short term thing like what Hitler and the Nazis did but it is not something to glorify.

We wouldn't be teaching people about the enemy, the soul and how to free and empower it if we were just to be some ruling class that is to replace the enemy and it's a done deal. What I love about life on Satan's side, in his whole galactic empire is that everyone is expected to advance and is given the means and opportunity. Satan can comfortably leave his Kingdom for some time and He won't find it in shambles at all.

Every nation needs a leader. That's just a fact. Society can't run without someone making the decisions, and leading the destiny of the nation. That's why we had Pharaohs.

I'm not glorifying humanity's present state - I'm glorifying their potential.

I want to know if I'm right about you so I will ask: do you have baggage in regards to feminism? Have you had bad experiences with feminists and women who attacked your manhood, honor, and good character, and called it all into question? It hurts when that happens. It feels unfair. It feels like an injustice, an unwarranted slander.

If I'm right then I want to say this. I don't have loyalty to my gender. I don't have loyalty to either gender. I call shit out on both sides because I think both are wrong in their own ways. I usually lean more against males because I constantly see them confirming feminist's biases about males without even realizing it, and it just adds fuel to the fire. Ideally, what should happen is that - if men are truly interested in vindicating themselves, and not getting angry and yelling to prove that they're right - they should work to show women that xianity is the spawn of judaism, and that it was the jews who turned their men against them for thousands of years. That's a long way off obviously, and in the meantime men out in the world constantly go rage mode in reaction and reconfirm what feminists think of them, and "prove" their points. It makes all men look bad collectively, and I hate that. So I'm a little more biased towards males because they just want to be angry and bitter rather than be solution oriented. If they worked to heal their wounds first, and then made a proper effort to vindicate themselves and expose the true villains (the jews) then we would all be that much closer to winning this war, and going home to eat apple pie with our families. Women are afraid of men, and for good reason. Men need to remember that their fellow males committed atrocious crimes and treated women like shit for ages through xianity. That doesn't just go away. If people want females to think of them as honorable and righteous again then everyone has to show them that men aren't like that when they aren't under the influence of jews and xianity.

All that Tabby did was point out an actual fact which you then confirmed: people have a problem with ewes. You said the same thing -
Rams = good.
Lambs = good.
Ewes = bad.

And then you basically called her a radical feminist for that which is a slight of her character, her integrity, and her pride as an intellectual. She wasn't attacking rams by saying that people shit on ewes. She wasn't suggesting we do some equality dance for them. She was pointing out that ewes are hated on even though they're the same species as rams. That is a literal fact that people have that favoritism, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. Misrepresenting her and slighting her for such is wrong especially when you confirmed what she said.

Her comments were very well thought out, very logical, and very based in fact. She worked hard to fact check herself beforehand, and she pulled a lot of it from her own personal experience because she knows a lot about animals. She wanted to be a vet at one time, and vets naturally need to know a lot about animals.

One last thing. Defending her on my part is not coming from a place of marital obligation. That's not cool to suggest that when you don't know me, and it felt dismissive. I've defended others on the forums plenty of times now - everyone has seen it. I stick up for my principles and what I believe in, I defend against what I see as injustice. I would do that for almost anyone because it's in my nature. That part of me doesn't only work on behalf of Tabby. Tabby is entitled to my physical protection and resources. I protect her and provide for her. Sticking up for her in public is not exclusive to her.
DarkSwan said:
I don’t understand you here. Where does Satanism spit in the face of the sheep?
Where on the JoS do you read that we do that?

As Ol said, Rams are a symbol of spiritual fertility and power, it is also a Symbol of Satan himself, which represents him. Many of our Gods were depicted with horns to show their high energy levels. Same with the Mercury glyph, the horns are symbolic for the vril.

Sorry, we do not spit on females, as in Satanism feminine energies are sacred and equally important to masculine energies. A balance of the material and spiritual has to be obtained by us.

If you read about certain members who insult sheep, it’s their business, not that of *us* as Satanists.

And if you interpret that they spit on sheep because they are female, thus spitting on womanhood, it’s your own business. It has nothing to do with Satanism. So I don‘t understand your question, friend.

As I said, you start major important workings such as the MO when the Sun is in ARIES, the fierce ram, lol.

Based on the reactions here, sheep are not thought of fondly by some, if at all. This whole thread was an experiment to challenge the thinking that surrounds this particular animal and shepherds.

Please refer to my previous comments to Ol if you haven't seen them yet. The approval of the last few didn’t come through until later. They explain better how I’m thinking about things here, and along the way my point of focus became more about the gender of things as a reaction to Ol’s arguments.

I was trying to express my confusion as to why there’s a difference in the way we treat sheep and rams, despite rams being sheep anyway and look down on the rest of this animals species.

Let me try explain in different words - the accidental sexism is a BYPRODUCT of making this weird distinction between rams and sheep, all because there’s an issue with the word sheep being associated with xtianity. I attempt to highlight two points going on here, three actually.

1) there’s a hang up over the word sheep (the animal guilty by association) simply because of its association with xtianity. (Despite sheep symbolism not originating from xtianity but our own ancient cultures).

2) as a byproduct of making this distinction between the male horned sheep (rams) and sheep, this creates an accidentally sexist view. Since if you take all the male horned sheep out of the equation (since we love rams), you are left with the ewes and lambs. I am not accusing anyone of sexism here, all I’m trying to do is bring this potential byproduct to people’s awareness who have an issue with the first point. I touch on a bit about my thoughts with if this could be deliberate on the enemies side, because they don’t use the term ram like we do. Only sheep.

I don’t know if they are so crafty to know that we would continue to think negatively upon sheep and their xtian symbolism, while dividing the species to glorify the rams for their connection to Satan. But if that was deliberate, then we should work to change it.

3) would the opinions and thoughts surrounding this animal (sheep specifically) and its image change if tomorrow we are told it is sacred to Father?

We stop at sheep = xtianity, despite the fact that this animal’s symbol dates back all the way to Egypt with Pharaohs and the depictions of the Gods carrying the crook and flail. The crook is a shepherds staff used for herding. I believe jrvan already covered this.

So no, I do not think any Satanist here is spitting on sheep because their females. That’s a misinterpretation of what I’m trying to say here.

tabby said:
tabby said:
tabby said:
tabby said:

Sheep and lambs are also fertility symbols. The Spring Equinox. In a way, when the sun enters Aries the Ram, it meets with its female earthly counterpart and births the lambs of Spring. The beginning of the MO starts with the lamb born from the ewe, and the lamb grows, descends into the Underworld for winter and rises as the ram of the sun in Spring completing its ascent to Godhood.

Since we separate the two and focus on the ram but think lowly towards sheep, how is the next ram to be born without its ewe sheep? This comes back to the possible deliberate attempt on the enemy’s side to have us divide the males from the females and offspring, just as they did the holy trinity. The original is meant to be the Father, the Mother, and the Son. To maybe help express this idea between - the Ram, the Ewe sheep, and the Lamb.

I know the symbolism and importance of the horns of animals, however, I felt there was more going on than just the fact that rams are sacred for their role in Satanism and that’s why we make this distinction between rams and sheep. Based on others reactions, my points seem to ring true for some. Our issue with sheep is the word sheep being connected to xtianity.

jrvan is focusing on the societal and social connections sheep and shepherds have, and breaking the negative ideas surrounding it. I’m focusing more on the animal itself and the byproducts of this particular issue.

I may not be the greatest at communicating my points and ways of how I see things, but I hope this clears up your analysis of how I think.

DarkSwan said:
We don’t focus on the Horns because of gender but because they symbolise power. Women and Men are equally important here in Satanism. You have to establish a Harmony between male and female.

This is nothing of importance and nothing you should focus about too much. Work on your soul, and on your relationship with the Gods. That’s important, no sheep, no rams, no horns, nobody cares, we all have the same potential, no matter if female or male. Altho I think females are spiritually more powerful (as a rule of thumb)
Aldrick said:
Either way its all pretty lame. We fought for decades to have people not think of themselves as sheep. Now you want to return the few back to it. Which does anyone nothing but connect them to christianity.

Animals are Satanic, not xian. I want to change how people think of the animal.

People thought for ages that serpents and snakes are sly, mischievous liars who are up to no good. When people come to Satanism, their impression of snakes change. Why can't it be the same with ewes? Why would thinking positively about female sheep connect them into xianity? Animals don't connect people into xianity.
Master said:
Just because the mouse has some characteristics and abilities that the cat does not have, that does not make it equal or superior to the cat. The one who is stronger and who dominates is superior. Being dependent on inferiors does not make you inferior or equal.

In the food chain, some life forms depend on others, others are more independent and when they need to survive and protect themselves, they evolve, i.e. they develop.

Humanity is literally superior in everything and to all other life forms on this planet.

Humanity's current level of development is not very high but humanity is advancing and will advance endlessly. The other life forms in this world are also advancing and will advance endlessly but they are far inferior to humans.

Humans would become monsters if they filled themselves with biological features and sensors from dogs, crocodiles, sharks, snakes, cats, eagles etc. Humans not only develop their physical bodies but also go deeper and even beyond their bodies.

In the future we will be able to create and synthesise every plant and animal product that plants and animals create and synthesise. The terms, synthetic, chemical, non-biological, non-natural things, are stupid and retarded beliefs.

Synthesising or chemical reactions or chemistry is not the problem, but the recipe. We can learn many things and endlessly from other life forms, that is why diversity in nature is important. Just as we can study, research and learn endlessly in the microcosm and macrocosm and thus advance endlessly in the universe.

Neither jrvan or I are saying animals are equal to each other in strength, power, intelligence, craftiness, survival strategies, etc.

Humans and animals could have a beautiful coexistence and work together with a mutual bond for the benefit of everyones wellbeing and ability to thrive. I believe we are meant to have bonds with animals. The way of our creation divides us from them, but are we not all made of the energy from Father Satan?

Animals carry negative connotations. In our journey to be advanced and superior, we lose our respect for the others of Father’s and Mother’s creations simply because we have a different level of power.

How can I think of myself as superior to all other lifeforms when they know better than I do about life and survival? And will probably always know better about those things because I don’t have to have my head low to the ground fighting day-in-day-out. I don’t have to live without the comforts and luxury civilisation provides me. I don’t have to wonder when my next meal will come or if I will die by someone else’s hungry stomach tomorrow.

If the aim of humanity is to recreate everything in nature, what would be the point to life? If we could do everything animals could, there would be no point to their existence. They have their purpose and we have ours.

“The one who is stronger and who dominates is superior.” If that is true, why did society fall to the likes of the jews? They are a vile, smaller number of parasites, weaker on all levels to gentiles. Yet here we are under their thumb. What happened? How does something so inferior dominate something so superior?

How does a parasite like them kill a healthy adult human? Power is not in who dominates who or who is superior. Otherwise there would not be a war.

What is the definition of superior or inferior to you? What makes something strong to you? What makes them weak? - Genuinely asking here, I’m curious about your thought process behind this.
What is so hard to understand about this? We call the people in society stupid sheep, but it's not their fault. The jews are in charge of society. The people themselves don't know any better because only jews are guiding them.

I used to be one of those "stupid" sheep. I used to listen to the marxist teachers in school. I was led by jewish propaganda. I was just a kid - I didn't know any better. If someone like Adolf Hitler had been in charge of society when I was growing up then I wouldn't have been like that, now would I? No, because I would have a proper leader to guide me and be in charge of what I learn in school. I would have been able to reach my potential, and show everyone what I can do. Suddenly I wouldn't be so stupid and lost because of jewish attempts to misdirect and confuse me.

This is my point. It all depends on who the shepherd is. The sheep are neutral.

The more we think of our own people as stupid, the more it's going to charge that reality just like the jews try to manifest them as goyim. And Satanists have a lot more power to charge their thoughts. Instead we should think of our peoples' potential, what they COULD be if only they were guided properly. Our people are glorious creations of Father Satan. They have so much potential. Stupidity is not their natural state - it's been created to be like that by false jewish shepherds.

This expectation that everyone is supposed to wake up instantly like we did, and become SS, is only going to breed disappointment. Not everyone is meant to be SS right now. We are the spiritual caste. Others have to be shown. Some are meant to be shown propaganda to make them turn away from xianity and become atheists. Others need a proper lecture on what basic Paganism is about (NOT animal sacrifice). Some need to have it all from a mystical perspective that is neither entirely Pagan nor atheistic. Some will never let go of the dichotomy of good vs evil, and they need to be shown who the real villains are.

And some will become SS. Those are the exceptional few. Those are the ones who tend to guide themselves to the largest extent. Everyone else needs a lot more guidance, and that's normal. It doesn't make them stupid. Is someone stupid for being fooled by jews? It happened to almost everyone at one time or another. Is a naive person stupid for falling for a confidence trick? I don't think so. They just didn't have enough experience in life to know that there are skilled con men like that who will do that to them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If either of you want to have an actual discussion about anything, I would be very happy to have those discussions. But you only want to "argue" like some conniving jew, then there is nothing I can say to that.

I really don't even want to respond to this part. I feel shocked and disappointed.
tabby said:
DarkSwan said:
I don’t understand you here. Where does Satanism spit in the face of the sheep?
Where on the JoS do you read that we do that?

As Ol said, Rams are a symbol of spiritual fertility and power, it is also a Symbol of Satan himself, which represents him. Many of our Gods were depicted with horns to show their high energy levels. Same with the Mercury glyph, the horns are symbolic for the vril.

Sorry, we do not spit on females, as in Satanism feminine energies are sacred and equally important to masculine energies. A balance of the material and spiritual has to be obtained by us.

If you read about certain members who insult sheep, it’s their business, not that of *us* as Satanists.

And if you interpret that they spit on sheep because they are female, thus spitting on womanhood, it’s your own business. It has nothing to do with Satanism. So I don‘t understand your question, friend.

As I said, you start major important workings such as the MO when the Sun is in ARIES, the fierce ram, lol.

Based on the reactions here, sheep are not thought of fondly by some, if at all. This whole thread was an experiment to challenge the thinking that surrounds this particular animal and shepherds.

Please refer to my previous comments to Ol if you haven't seen them yet. The approval of the last few didn’t come through until later. They explain better how I’m thinking about things here, and along the way my point of focus became more about the gender of things as a reaction to Ol’s arguments.

I was trying to express my confusion as to why there’s a difference in the way we treat sheep and rams, despite rams being sheep anyway and look down on the rest of this animals species.

Let me try explain in different words - the accidental sexism is a BYPRODUCT of making this weird distinction between rams and sheep, all because there’s an issue with the word sheep being associated with xtianity. I attempt to highlight two points going on here, three actually.

1) there’s a hang up over the word sheep (the animal guilty by association) simply because of its association with xtianity. (Despite sheep symbolism not originating from xtianity but our own ancient cultures).

2) as a byproduct of making this distinction between the male horned sheep (rams) and sheep, this creates an accidentally sexist view. Since if you take all the male horned sheep out of the equation (since we love rams), you are left with the ewes and lambs. I am not accusing anyone of sexism here, all I’m trying to do is bring this potential byproduct to people’s awareness who have an issue with the first point. I touch on a bit about my thoughts with if this could be deliberate on the enemies side, because they don’t use the term ram like we do. Only sheep.

I don’t know if they are so crafty to know that we would continue to think negatively upon sheep and their xtian symbolism, while dividing the species to glorify the rams for their connection to Satan. But if that was deliberate, then we should work to change it.

3) would the opinions and thoughts surrounding this animal (sheep specifically) and its image change if tomorrow we are told it is sacred to Father?

We stop at sheep = xtianity, despite the fact that this animal’s symbol dates back all the way to Egypt with Pharaohs and the depictions of the Gods carrying the crook and flail. The crook is a shepherds staff used for herding. I believe jrvan already covered this.

So no, I do not think any Satanist here is spitting on sheep because their females. That’s a misinterpretation of what I’m trying to say here.

tabby said:
tabby said:
tabby said:
tabby said:

Sheep and lambs are also fertility symbols. The Spring Equinox. In a way, when the sun enters Aries the Ram, it meets with its female earthly counterpart and births the lambs of Spring. The beginning of the MO starts with the lamb born from the ewe, and the lamb grows, descends into the Underworld for winter and rises as the ram of the sun in Spring completing its ascent to Godhood.

Since we separate the two and focus on the ram but think lowly towards sheep, how is the next ram to be born without its ewe sheep? This comes back to the possible deliberate attempt on the enemy’s side to have us divide the males from the females and offspring, just as they did the holy trinity. The original is meant to be the Father, the Mother, and the Son. To maybe help express this idea between - the Ram, the Ewe sheep, and the Lamb.

I know the symbolism and importance of the horns of animals, however, I felt there was more going on than just the fact that rams are sacred for their role in Satanism and that’s why we make this distinction between rams and sheep. Based on others reactions, my points seem to ring true for some. Our issue with sheep is the word sheep being connected to xtianity.

jrvan is focusing on the societal and social connections sheep and shepherds have, and breaking the negative ideas surrounding it. I’m focusing more on the animal itself and the byproducts of this particular issue.

I may not be the greatest at communicating my points and ways of how I see things, but I hope this clears up your analysis of how I think.

DarkSwan said:
We don’t focus on the Horns because of gender but because they symbolise power. Women and Men are equally important here in Satanism. You have to establish a Harmony between male and female.

This is nothing of importance and nothing you should focus about too much. Work on your soul, and on your relationship with the Gods. That’s important, no sheep, no rams, no horns, nobody cares, we all have the same potential, no matter if female or male. Altho I think females are spiritually more powerful (as a rule of thumb)

I read everything and I really tried my best to understand you... however, I can not see what you are so upset about.

You told me it is not about sexism or that you think we treat feminine aspects with no respect.

The Ram is just an allegory along with the horns. Yes, they are holy in Satanism, yet you don’t take it too literal.

Regarding the sheep, you insult people as „sheep“ not because of xianity or because they are just female rams, no - you do it to point out their foolish behaviour of simply following orders, and acting without thinking for themselves. You insult them as sheep, as they have no individuality and are the same as the „other sheep“ who simply do what they are told to. Nobody tries to break out, think for themselves or even disobeys and follows their own nature. You do this as humans are humans and not sheep, so you should behave like an independent individual, not like a sheep.

Sorry, I have no clue about Xianity, as I never accepted it and also never paid attention in school when they indoctrinated us. However, when xians think of themselves as sheep, maybe they just accept that they don’t even try to be human?

Rams on the other hand have their own individuality, they do what they want, if you get in their way they will tackle you and so on...

The good thing is that we don’t have to agree on everything, we also don’t have to fathom why others think or feel differently. And it’s okay - as long as we still stand together and see the bigger picture, everything is alright.

In that sense - have a good night Tabby.
jrvan said:
I want to know if I'm right about you so I will ask: do you have baggage in regards to feminism? Have you had bad experiences with feminists and women who attacked your manhood, honor, and good character, and called it all into question?
No I have not. As I have been saying for a while now, so far all of your assumptions about me are not only wrong, but are basically the exact opposite of the truth.

I have never had bad experiences with women or feminists. I do not have any problem relating to all of the women I know. Of the mix of male and female energies that all existing things are made of, my soul is mostly feminine type energies. I am a heterosexual man, I do not mean feminine in this kind of way. But the extreme majority of the energies of my soul is all Venus type energy. Both in my natal chart, in my history, and in the many planet squares that I have done, it would not be too much of an exaggeration to say that I am nearly entirely Venus energy.

Anything you say in trying to hint about me being anti-women could not possibly be any more opposite of the truth. I am often thinking every day that our women are the absolute most valuable thing in the world, and that a man's entire purpose is to care for our women and children. I have the same infinite love for our species of people that the gods have for us.

And as I have already said, this is the entire reason why all of your dumb accusations of sexism are so annoying and so ridiculous. Because I honestly can't think of any way to describe me that could ever be further from the truth. And your whole attitude that every single possible way for anybody to react to you that does not include profusely kissing your ass means that the person is some evil or sexist person, it is absolutely retarded and disgusting.

Have you seen the amount of help I have given people over the years? Have you seen the number of comments I have written? I admit I have written some dumb things before, but the extreme majority of all of my posts are just me trying to help as many people as possible. And it has no benefit for me because surely if I spent this time and effort on helping myself that would be much better for me. But all of the energies of my soul are so extremely nurturing, caring, and loving that I am required to spend my effort on helping the people I care about, which is our family here. My purpose is to take care of women and children, protect them, and help them in every way. And at the same time, to also be helping men in the greatest possible amount so that they all may become stronger and more effective at protecting and taking care of their own women and children. This is basically my souls entire motivation, and it is the only reason why I have ever tried to help anybody.

I hope you are able to understand what I am saying and get some idea of what my soul is like. And that everything that you are saying could not possibly be any further opposite from the truth. It is just absolutely ridiculous the things you say.

What is really going on is it seems like you are such a self-hating, extremist man-hater that your entire soul is consumed by the idea that all men are pure evil. And you project this male-hatred (and maybe also self-hatred) onto everybody you meet. You are so focused on the idea that all men are evil that you do not even have the ability to even imagine a situation where a man is a good person. You have such disgusting hang ups about this that you project it onto everybody else and accuse everybody of being some evil woman-hater when you couldn't possibly be any more wrong about the person. It almost looks like you have the amount of hatred as what I have the amount of love. And you are so consumed by this hatred that you can't even believe that I do not have anything against women, and you are not able to believe me no matter how many times I say it.

You hate all men to such an enormous degree that you are not even able to imagine a man who does not hate women. And I honestly feel extremely sorry for you. I do not know what kind of people you have been around in this life, or in your past lives. But from your perspectives it seems like you may have never even known a single really good man. And if this is true, that is just extremely sad. But I guess I am lucky because all I have ever known have been good men and good women, and I do not have any bad opinion about our people. The worst thing I can say about any of our people is that I am sad for the mistakes that some of them have made, and I only wish they could have been healthier.

If this is too personal, I do not want you to answer it. But was your father abusive to your mother? Was he physically abusive? Did you have to watch this as a young child and only wish that you could have protected her? I hope that you did not have to experience anything like this, but if you did at least it would explain where your perspective comes from. And if any of this applies to you, I really hope you can heal from this and get to know some good men that you may be inspired by.
jrvan said:
tabby said:

Could either of you, or both of you, please do me one favor? Could you please read this message, and understand what I am saying, and maybe answer it if you want? Because I honestly feel like both of you have just been skipping over what I write and not even reading it.

Do you agree that sheeps and rams do not have the same behaviours, they have absolutely different actions and different habits from each other? They live seperately from each other, and live completely different lifestyles. I am talking about in nature, not on a farm where they are all forced into the same little fenced in area.

The rams are all very independent, they live by themselves, they climb to extremely high heights, and they sometimes fight each other.

And sheep basically just sit in a field or a valley eating grass and they do not seem to do much of anything most of the time. I am not saying there is anything wrong with this, but that's what they do.

If you did not know that these were the same species and you were to judge them only by their actions and lifestyles, they act so differently from each other that it could almost seem like they are 2 different seperate animals.

My entire point is that the common symbolic ideas about these animals is directly related to the actions and lifestyle of the animal. And that the qualities they are symbolic of are the exact same qualities of what these animals actually do every day.

And correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like both of you are continuously ignoring all of these things. You are ignoring all of the differences between their lifestyles, and you are ignoring how their lifestyles align with and agree exactly with their symbols. And you end up basically just saying that rams are a good symbol only because they are men and only men get to be a good symbol, and sheep are sometimes a bad symbol only because they are women and all women must be a bad symbol because everything is sexist so the sexist evil men have to always make the woman be a bad symbol.

Could you see why this confuses me? It just looks like nonsense to me, and looks like it has no connection to reality. Actually it is both of you who are being sexist by acting like the only thing that matters is which sex they are.
"Judge not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
This is what I am doing, but with sex instead of color. And it seems like both of you only judge by which sex they are, and pay zero attention to their actual character.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ol aredco lucitfas said:
The reason sheep are used as a comparison is due to both their behaviour and their intelligence. Not only do they live in herds (like many animals do), but sheep are also just plain retarded. They have zero ability to think or act on their own. If there is another sheep nearby they must copy whatever that one is doing.
I think the sheep comparison is fine because they are similar to greys in many ways. They appear as Featureless, genderless, thoughtless borgs that just follow their herd which is led by the Shepard (reptilian).

tabby said:
A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.
As much as you two talk about nature you are forgetting a major part of it that shows why this point doesn’t work.


The Ram may be the same creature, but like I said above the sheep LOOK weak and stupid while the Ram has the perception of being strong and masterful because of its more “masculine” appearance.

Let’s do a hypothetical human example. In this case “following the herd” can be anything related to the current JWO agenda.


Tell me what comes to your mind when you see both of these people. Would you have guessed that he took a covid shot and voted for Biden? Of course not! He looks like a beast that could rip you in half. He’s probably a libertarian guy that spends his life in the gym and playing football. He probably has a lifted truck. He’s probably demeaning towards his wife and tells her to make sandwiches all day. But that’s not true, he’s actually a big fan of feminist literature and mask wearing. He also drives a Prius. Are you surprised?

Now look at the woman. If you told someone that she was “part of the herd” and supportive of the enemies agenda they would probably say, “of course, how could she not be? Look at how tiny she is, how could this woman possibly stand up to BigJew™.”

Now back to reality. Of course there are lots of women that are not part of the herd and are in this very group pushing back against the enemy (such as yourself). There’s also lots of “Rams” that aren’t any better than the sheep of the herd.

But the Ram, or the mountain (guy in photo) looks strong and like a leader so we attribute that characteristic to him even if it’s untrue solely because of their appearance and the Aura that it gives off.
This guy looks like a sterioded out freak and no one would trust him to be a leader. People on steroids have extreme amounts of estrogen which makes them extremely moody and emotional like a woman ,unfit to being a leader in any way.
Jack said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
ol aredco lucitfas said:
The reason sheep are used as a comparison is due to both their behaviour and their intelligence. Not only do they live in herds (like many animals do), but sheep are also just plain retarded. They have zero ability to think or act on their own. If there is another sheep nearby they must copy whatever that one is doing.
I think the sheep comparison is fine because they are similar to greys in many ways. They appear as Featureless, genderless, thoughtless borgs that just follow their herd which is led by the Shepard (reptilian).

tabby said:
A ram is a sheep. The difference? It has horns and a dick and balls between its legs. A ram will follow its herd just as the rest of the sheep in the flock do. Do we think of rams as stupid? No, we don't. Consciously, we hate sheep because people seem to have a stubborn ideology that the animal itself is stupid. However, by making the distinction between rams and sheep, people are actually hating on the female sheep simultaneously without even realising it, whether they mean to or not.
As much as you two talk about nature you are forgetting a major part of it that shows why this point doesn’t work.


The Ram may be the same creature, but like I said above the sheep LOOK weak and stupid while the Ram has the perception of being strong and masterful because of its more “masculine” appearance.

Let’s do a hypothetical human example. In this case “following the herd” can be anything related to the current JWO agenda.


Tell me what comes to your mind when you see both of these people. Would you have guessed that he took a covid shot and voted for Biden? Of course not! He looks like a beast that could rip you in half. He’s probably a libertarian guy that spends his life in the gym and playing football. He probably has a lifted truck. He’s probably demeaning towards his wife and tells her to make sandwiches all day. But that’s not true, he’s actually a big fan of feminist literature and mask wearing. He also drives a Prius. Are you surprised?

Now look at the woman. If you told someone that she was “part of the herd” and supportive of the enemies agenda they would probably say, “of course, how could she not be? Look at how tiny she is, how could this woman possibly stand up to BigJew™.”

Now back to reality. Of course there are lots of women that are not part of the herd and are in this very group pushing back against the enemy (such as yourself). There’s also lots of “Rams” that aren’t any better than the sheep of the herd.

But the Ram, or the mountain (guy in photo) looks strong and like a leader so we attribute that characteristic to him even if it’s untrue solely because of their appearance and the Aura that it gives off.
This guy looks like a sterioded out freak and no one would trust him to be a leader. People on steroids have extreme amounts of estrogen which makes them extremely moody and emotional like a woman ,unfit to being a leader in any way.

While you have a great point, can't you see why this would be unnecessarily offensive to women? Just read this as a lurker on our forums. Great advertising for Satan's forums, innit?
Jack said:
This guy looks like a sterioded out freak and no one would trust him to be a leader.
That’s why perception was also emphasized.

You may think that but if him and 4 other people were dropped in the middle of the woods with nothing guess who the automatic leader of the group would be? This guy because he looks like he can fight a bear.

People on steroids have extreme amounts of estrogen which makes them extremely moody and emotional like a woman ,unfit to being a leader in any way.
So that’s the cause of “roid rage”.

Also did you know that T and E levels usually correlate with eachother? Most people think if you have low T that you must automatically have high E but that’s not true. The opposite is true if you have high T you also have high E unless it is artificial hormone therapy causing this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
