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loki88 said:
When would you recommend for an optimal dedication?

More blood doesn't make it better.
Just do the dedication as described.
Even if you don't have the right color for the candle
it's alright.
Wish you well.

(Please quit the piss drinking..)
loki88 said:
I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.

You dedicate when the time is right in your mind, and most importantly, in your heart.

I have come offensive on your posts. That is because of your promoting of questionable material here, and you just said you can not grasp Satan as being a physical being.

I hope to fight side by side one day with you.
loki88 said:

Loki, sorry, but you complain about people being emotional and what not but here you are doing basically the same, which is in itself very fine.
When it comes to online forums and especially the JoS where members are encouraged to learn and seek the truth on their own, arguments are normal. We're also encouraged to question everything including the very existence of Satan and the Gods, mainly because Satan doesn't want us to worship him in the first place, let alone slavishly and blindly worship him. As for the members being a bunch of dum dums, this is normal as we have a very and true diverse group where people come from all ages, countries, cultures and mentalities. Many of us seek refuge here to vent about our feelings and problems as most of us are borderline "outcasts" as in we voluntarily isolate ourselves from normie goyim and can't really socialize with them, and I'm sure you experience this yourself.
Another thing to consider is that we come from all around the world, while you might've read the last reply on this thread just after you woke up, I might've read it before I slept or after a long day of work, point is this also plays a role in how people act around the forum, a lot also log in after they encounter something outraging caused by the filthy jews and come here to vent or unwillingly cause fightings because of their anger. All of this is normal and I would argue it's also a healthy behavior for a healthy community.

All of this is pretty normal and you should really take everything you read here with a grain of salt and not take insults/comments personally, especially when your comments and ideas are just fundamentally wrong or when you admit you haven't even dedicated your soul after all this years, people then are more inclined to not show you much kindness or respect.

I hope you don't take this personally either and I hope you finally get serious about Spiritual Satanism and dedicate your soul. You better bet that Satan won't waste his time nor show his presences to people who aren't serious about knowing him and fighting for his and our cause.

Once you start working on your astral senses, any doubt about spirituality and the astral will be completely removed. Rereading the JoS website is also highly recommended for you.
Aquarius said:
Dude that picture's hilarious, where did you get it? :lol:

Lol, I had a feeling it would resonate well here. It's by some fellow called JinjerZilla on Telegram, or @zillajinjer on Twitter. He makes a decent amount of similarly-themed comics. I'm gonna swap in another one of his when I feel the need to switch things up again.
loki88 said:
I suppose you are right. I have updated my health reflections in the document i posted here. My conclusions re: auto-urine therapy is that it is beneficial to some extent but overall negligible in effect. However this is only a defeasible conclusion not something certain. Miguel Serrano took a similar approach to Wagner in his works and i assume this is the means to convert so to speak christians to luciferianism which is good. I was suspicious of Serrano and others of this ilk as was nietzsche 'contra Wagner'---both of us misunderstood the 'krist' conception and its function in avoiding persecution. I have never ceased to consider JOS as legitimate just questioned whether the actual reality of Satan as a real god is the case. In terms of the occultism of JOS I am fully on board. It is too bad there are so many emotionally reactive people out there. Perhaps if their responses are merely slander and insult their posts should be omitted...or not. I can handle it easily just got tired of posting and receiving slander n response. Here is the document which has yet to be put up on the net in pdf but soon will be:
UBERMENSCHEIT: Become a Superman
how to become a superman through natural hygiene, exercise and alchemical transmutation

I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.[/quote]

You only need a single drop of blood. Like you say what’s causing the doubt is the enemy curses/ greys, acting upon your doubts and increasing them more than what they should be at this point. You can see past most deception and lies, my question is what’s really stopping you? If you say The presence of Lucifer is mainly a concept, for whatever, then what’s the issue?
The cultures like the Hopi the christians were not able to fully wipe out they have the same culture as most of the Amerindians that is prehistoric their wisdom keepers mention these being the Star People are human extra terrestrials who are ascended hence Star People they have fully activated light bodies. They also mention they travelled in flying shields the vimana craft as well and mention them landing on earth and coming out of such craft and teaching the Hopi's knowledge the main knowledge the Hopi's were given is how to raise the plumed serpent and become a Star Being and the main focus of the Hopi's is on Sohu the constellation of Orion which is the ancient Egyptian name for the same. The poem of Rig states the God Rig physically created the Aryans. The European Pagans would always seat a special place at the table that was ceremonial for the Gods during ritual festivals. As their first ancestors.

Note Lucifer is also called Mithra and the Aryan Persians hymns called Mithra the god of the Aryans the Aryan God much of the grail myth of Parsifal is actually also from ancient Persia. Persia was still mostly Aryan till the Mongol invasions. Note the Yezidi's held onto the Aryan Mithra tradition from before Zoroastrianism. Every year during the sacred festival the Yezidhi Sheik will go into a trance and contract Taus Melek the Peacock King the title of Lucifer and receive answers to peoples questions. The Yezidhi's state this being is real and answers them.

The problem has been the atheism of the mystical writers in the West most pronounced with people like Jung. Were everything is just an archetype a symbol anything but real. This creates a deep programming in people. And seen most people have not switched on the psychic centers they have not awaken Gnosis they only function intellectual knowledge and speculations and have no direct experience they become virgins lecturing everyone else on sex.

My experience is Lucifer and the other ascended ancestors our Aryan Gods are real beings of their own existence and we came from them and are part of their racial thus spiritual family. The Jews still know this and that is why they are at war with the White Race.

Take the sigil of Lucifer and sit down and concentrate on it and work to telepathically thus spiritually get into contact with them. Focus with feeling, intent, will. Don't worry about anything else. You have to know. Then whatever you do from there is whatever you want you don't even have to dedicate but you have the right to know. This is the right the Jews have tried to keep from you. Hitler in his book stated it was his time in Vienna that was the most important in his life. It was in Vienna he got into contact with Lucifer directly and was studying spiritual occult works in the libraries and book stores of Vienna and practicing spiritual exercises. Other occultists who knew him then mention he was advanced as a medium. He had the ability to contact them and did. Hitler's ability to uncode occult information was extraordinary from reports of other occultists who knew him then. His knowledge of the subject was extremely advanced well beyond most of the best from their statements.

My own opinion is focus on breathing exercises, soul cleaning and runes. Remember Algis is for protection from the enemy. And focus on Lucifer's sigil.

loki88 said:
I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.
loki88 said:
When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive.
The answer to many "When should I?" questions is right now. You also don't have to go wild slashing yourself up. Just a little cut is enough.
Blitzkreig said:
loki88 said:
The AOP: do you have a link to it especially the version to be recited after the RTR? I had it but lost it.
re: money rituals: yes that is definitely needed as already i have received severe boycott of employment opportunites from the christards and their jewish puppet masters here who seek to backstab me at every turn.
I was going to continue with the spiritual development but admittedly was turned off to some extent by the harassment here and elsewhere which has a tendancy to sour people to this movement. Carry on and 'ride the tiger' is the solution: resist the current of disintegration as Evola said: spiritual virility; olympian sovereignity

That's the spirit! As for the AOP: I am only familiar with the one that specifies energy collected by the breath, linked below. As far as relative to the RTR, I am only aware of the aura and chakra cleaning told to be done after the RTR. The AOP should be done in general. The aura and chakra cleaning complements the RTR because it burns up their shit letters from your being.

AOP: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html
Aura Cleaning: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

loki88 said:
My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.

You are a known target to them, therefore such curses were certainly throw against you. I have found that if I don't do the aura cleaning for a period of time, I feel less inclined to do the rest of my meditation schedule. Once I perform the cleaning, however, I feel like I want to meditate forever. I am certain this is due to some shitty thoughtforms that attach over time, directed at WN's and Satanists to weaken them. For you, this would manifest as having seconds thoughts towards associating/interacting with Satan in the proper manner, because by believing him to be a metaphor, and therefore not establishing a relationship, you are severely weakened and isolated from your best allies.

Please, especially with your situation, do not bother waiting for an astrological-based setting to do your dedication. I think it is thoughtful of you to want to make it significant and meaningful, but this only delays your progress by keeping them from helping you. It is not required of you to make a special ordeal, rather it is the intent surrounding your dedication itself that is important. The sooner you dedicate, the sooner you will be guided and protected by the gods. They will do their part to give you breathing room from all the attacks, and your side of the relationship is to advance and help with the RTR's. Furthermore, I think your credibility was hurt in the eyes of your critics when they learned you had yet to dedicate.

You do not need a needle or a knife, nor razor. What I would suggest is a lancet, which is what diabetics use to draw blood to test. You should be able to find some easily and cheaply in the pharmacy section. It is just a springloaded thing that jabs a hole in your finger. You can then squeeze some blood out from that hole.

re: "aura and chakra cleaning told to be done after the RTR"
thanks for the links I appreciate it. I have been looking for the RTR one for at least a month. It seems to work quite well
I have definitely come under attack and 24/7 surveillance. It shows that what we are saying is a threat to their tyranny.
Thanks for the reference to the lancet also. I didn't want any larger cuts that would irritate me in my daily activities. I will dedicate this weekend at the latest.
666 Shining sloth 88 said:
loki88 said:
When would you recommend for an optimal dedication?

More blood doesn't make it better.
Just do the dedication as described.
Even if you don't have the right color for the candle
it's alright.
Wish you well.

(Please quit the piss drinking..)

thanks will do
Henu the Great said:
loki88 said:
I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.

You dedicate when the time is right in your mind, and most importantly, in your heart.

I have come offensive on your posts. That is because of your promoting of questionable material here, and you just said you can not grasp Satan as being a physical being.

I hope to fight side by side one day with you.
Coraxo said:
loki88 said:

Loki, sorry, but you complain about people being emotional and what not but here you are doing basically the same, which is in itself very fine.
When it comes to online forums and especially the JoS where members are encouraged to learn and seek the truth on their own, arguments are normal. We're also encouraged to question everything including the very existence of Satan and the Gods, mainly because Satan doesn't want us to worship him in the first place, let alone slavishly and blindly worship him. As for the members being a bunch of dum dums, this is normal as we have a very and true diverse group where people come from all ages, countries, cultures and mentalities. Many of us seek refuge here to vent about our feelings and problems as most of us are borderline "outcasts" as in we voluntarily isolate ourselves from normie goyim and can't really socialize with them, and I'm sure you experience this yourself.
Another thing to consider is that we come from all around the world, while you might've read the last reply on this thread just after you woke up, I might've read it before I slept or after a long day of work, point is this also plays a role in how people act around the forum, a lot also log in after they encounter something outraging caused by the filthy jews and come here to vent or unwillingly cause fightings because of their anger. All of this is normal and I would argue it's also a healthy behavior for a healthy community.

All of this is pretty normal and you should really take everything you read here with a grain of salt and not take insults/comments personally, especially when your comments and ideas are just fundamentally wrong or when you admit you haven't even dedicated your soul after all this years, people then are more inclined to not show you much kindness or respect.

I hope you don't take this personally either and I hope you finally get serious about Spiritual Satanism and dedicate your soul. You better bet that Satan won't waste his time nor show his presences to people who aren't serious about knowing him and fighting for his and our cause.

Once you start working on your astral senses, any doubt about spirituality and the astral will be completely removed. Rereading the JoS website is also highly recommended for you.

Thanks for the information and moral support. We are definitely outcasts and 'outlaws' in the sense of being outside of the laws of the JOG (jewish occupation government) system: we received no protection from it and assault against us by it. If you are frmo the meditteranean region as your avatar suggests, what are your thoughts on Julius Evola? Do you think his imperium Organic State idea is the best way to go? I tend to prefer it to natsoc which is too plebeian in nature for my liking
ChaosBringer666 said:
loki88 said:
I suppose you are right. I have updated my health reflections in the document i posted here. My conclusions re: auto-urine therapy is that it is beneficial to some extent but overall negligible in effect. However this is only a defeasible conclusion not something certain. Miguel Serrano took a similar approach to Wagner in his works and i assume this is the means to convert so to speak christians to luciferianism which is good. I was suspicious of Serrano and others of this ilk as was nietzsche 'contra Wagner'---both of us misunderstood the 'krist' conception and its function in avoiding persecution. I have never ceased to consider JOS as legitimate just questioned whether the actual reality of Satan as a real god is the case. In terms of the occultism of JOS I am fully on board. It is too bad there are so many emotionally reactive people out there. Perhaps if their responses are merely slander and insult their posts should be omitted...or not. I can handle it easily just got tired of posting and receiving slander n response. Here is the document which has yet to be put up on the net in pdf but soon will be:
UBERMENSCHEIT: Become a Superman
how to become a superman through natural hygiene, exercise and alchemical transmutation

I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.[/quote]

You only need a single drop of blood. Like you say what’s causing the doubt is the enemy curses/ greys, acting upon your doubts and increasing them more than what they should be at this point. You can see past most deception and lies, my question is what’s really stopping you? If you say The presence of Lucifer is mainly a concept, for whatever, then what’s the issue?[/quote]

I am not sure it IS mainly a concept. I question and seek to know...
HP Mageson666 said:
The cultures like the Hopi the christians were not able to fully wipe out they have the same culture as most of the Amerindians that is prehistoric their wisdom keepers mention these being the Star People are human extra terrestrials who are ascended hence Star People they have fully activated light bodies. They also mention they travelled in flying shields the vimana craft as well and mention them landing on earth and coming out of such craft and teaching the Hopi's knowledge the main knowledge the Hopi's were given is how to raise the plumed serpent and become a Star Being and the main focus of the Hopi's is on Sohu the constellation of Orion which is the ancient Egyptian name for the same. The poem of Rig states the God Rig physically created the Aryans. The European Pagans would always seat a special place at the table that was ceremonial for the Gods during ritual festivals. As their first ancestors.

Note Lucifer is also called Mithra and the Aryan Persians hymns called Mithra the god of the Aryans the Aryan God much of the grail myth of Parsifal is actually also from ancient Persia. Persia was still mostly Aryan till the Mongol invasions. Note the Yezidi's held onto the Aryan Mithra tradition from before Zoroastrianism. Every year during the sacred festival the Yezidhi Sheik will go into a trance and contract Taus Melek the Peacock King the title of Lucifer and receive answers to peoples questions. The Yezidhi's state this being is real and answers them.

The problem has been the atheism of the mystical writers in the West most pronounced with people like Jung. Were everything is just an archetype a symbol anything but real. This creates a deep programming in people. And seen most people have not switched on the psychic centers they have not awaken Gnosis they only function intellectual knowledge and speculations and have no direct experience they become virgins lecturing everyone else on sex.

My experience is Lucifer and the other ascended ancestors our Aryan Gods are real beings of their own existence and we came from them and are part of their racial thus spiritual family. The Jews still know this and that is why they are at war with the White Race.

Take the sigil of Lucifer and sit down and concentrate on it and work to telepathically thus spiritually get into contact with them. Focus with feeling, intent, will. Don't worry about anything else. You have to know. Then whatever you do from there is whatever you want you don't even have to dedicate but you have the right to know. This is the right the Jews have tried to keep from you. Hitler in his book stated it was his time in Vienna that was the most important in his life. It was in Vienna he got into contact with Lucifer directly and was studying spiritual occult works in the libraries and book stores of Vienna and practicing spiritual exercises. Other occultists who knew him then mention he was advanced as a medium. He had the ability to contact them and did. Hitler's ability to uncode occult information was extraordinary from reports of other occultists who knew him then. His knowledge of the subject was extremely advanced well beyond most of the best from their statements.

My own opinion is focus on breathing exercises, soul cleaning and runes. Remember Algis is for protection from the enemy. And focus on Lucifer's sigil.

loki88 said:
I have read the JOS content fairly thoroughly but have been uncertain about the actual physical conception of Satan thinking it mainly metaphor...and yet as you say the kikes view the White Race as the offspring of Satan. It is clear as people such as Evola have written in "The mysteries fo the Grail" and "The Hermetic Tradition",etc. as well as the writings of Serrano; Wagner, etc. that what you say is true. My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.

Thanks again for the elaboration. It would be a good idea to consolidate these ideas into a more comprehensive document similar to the book "Who we are" by Pierce or "March of the Titans" by arthur kemp only a True history of Whites and their interrelationship with the gods.
loki88 said:
I am not sure it IS mainly a concept. I question and seek to know...

Then you should being to consistently meditate, if you empower yourself spiritually like HP said you can see past things easier, and distinguish when your being influenced.
Do a lot of void it’s the best for calming the mind and being able to interpret outside influences.

Just as well the dedication ritual could help in understanding though it does depend on how open psychically/ spiritually one is. For me it wasn’t really a question, so I didn’t really receive much of a sign but I’ve read a few from other members that were unsure or fearful and once they dedicated it all vanished.

I think it’s mostly enemy warfare on you. because there’s quite a bit of information the JOS provides proving that Satan is the creator god. As well as other sources, with the right mindset you can see and connect. which is why again I really believe you could benefit from consistent void meditation. When your all calm ask yourself. “What’s stopping me?”

Have a nice day Loki
loki88 said:
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Yep. Nonsense.

Now, now Fancy, let's not chide him any longer. Truthfully he had a good mind to understand the information, but like anyone who understands energy. Whatever energy that you tie into, whether intentionally or accidentally, you have to sever that tie. Otherwise you get this very example of a person who seems to possess some more than higher degree of intelligence yet is still tied into Christian indoctrination.

Hell, even I like the rest of the SS progressing towards the Godhead have indoctrination in some degree. We strive to seek out own power and use it to benefit ourselves first and foremost, then outward towards humanity. Loki has not been paying attention in class.

I believe there is a buddist story regarding how one seems knowledge. One must be an empty cup in the sense that if one wants to be taught properly, it must be by one that has mastered an art of truth( our Gods and Satan being prime examples) Loki has bullshit filled in bus cup and must empty the bullshit so he can refill his cup with truth and knowledge to give him growth. Sadly it is a shame.

people like you repel people from this site. Don't assume you're the absolute, there is information knowledge from otehr sources you don't have a monopoly on Truth. And it is questionable whether your claims to "satanama"/Satan being an actual being are dubious at best.

I just saw this, so I'll reply briefly because I have other things to do.

1. I don't repel those trying to figure things out. I repel idiocy and those propagate that very narrative.

2. There is no monopoly of knowledge here in regards to the knowledge the gods have shared. If you believe this, then you either are a troll/infiltrator. Or your just still lost. Either way, it's still unfortunate.

3. My claims? I'm not here to make you believer Loki. I could care less. In all honesty you are foolish to say my claim of Satan is dubious. If others have spoken to him, those who are bit, or a lot higher in advancement and I as well who has spoken to him claim the same, that by acute observation would indicate that we are providing fact. Not just that we have had our ancestors claim connection to Satan and the gods. Pretty much you can't see him or hear him so therefore in your mind he's a concept. You think like a Laveyan.
Aldrick said:
Ramier108666 said:
FancyMancy said:
Yep. Nonsense.

Now, now Fancy, let's not chide him any longer. Truthfully he had a good mind to understand the information, but like anyone who understands energy. Whatever energy that you tie into, whether intentionally or accidentally, you have to sever that tie. Otherwise you get this very example of a person who seems to possess some more than higher degree of intelligence yet is still tied into Christian indoctrination.

Hell, even I like the rest of the SS progressing towards the Godhead have indoctrination in some degree. We strive to seek out own power and use it to benefit ourselves first and foremost, then outward towards humanity. Loki has not been paying attention in class.

I believe there is a buddist story regarding how one seems knowledge. One must be an empty cup in the sense that if one wants to be taught properly, it must be by one that has mastered an art of truth( our Gods and Satan being prime examples) Loki has bullshit filled in bus cup and must empty the bullshit so he can refill his cup with truth and knowledge to give him growth. Sadly it is a shame.

Loki is most certainly an Aryan. I focused on him directly in the video interview.

He is Gentile, which is more then can be said for some here.

He has put his face out there big time. Thus the enemy is going to try to take him down. So I'm not going to add to that in some way. I wish him well.

I knew he was Aryan by his features. That wasn't in the equation of him being singled out occasionally. I don't really like getting on people's asses about strange stuff. Not my kind of thing Aldrick. Loki and I got off on a rough start. I admit I could've made various points respectfully. Scorpio habits. Neither here nor there.

Regardless, I don't like having grudges. I don't necessarily want to have one with him. Unfortunately it probably has already escalated towards that.

I would one day like to fight beside him as well as other comrades against humanity's enemies. Until that time, I will simply advance and observe respectfully.
loki88 said:
Thanks for the information and moral support. We are definitely outcasts and 'outlaws' in the sense of being outside of the laws of the JOG (jewish occupation government) system: we received no protection from it and assault against us by it. If you are frmo the meditteranean region as your avatar suggests, what are your thoughts on Julius Evola? Do you think his imperium Organic State idea is the best way to go? I tend to prefer it to natsoc which is too plebeian in nature for my liking

I'm afraid I don't know enough about him to form an opinion, but now I'm more inclined to learn about him.

Hopefully the replies you received were enough to encourage go to commit to the Satanic path, your curiosity and thirst for knowledge would make a great SS out of you and it would be a shame to lose you.
loki88 said:
Blitzkreig said:
loki88 said:
The AOP: do you have a link to it especially the version to be recited after the RTR? I had it but lost it.
re: money rituals: yes that is definitely needed as already i have received severe boycott of employment opportunites from the christards and their jewish puppet masters here who seek to backstab me at every turn.
I was going to continue with the spiritual development but admittedly was turned off to some extent by the harassment here and elsewhere which has a tendancy to sour people to this movement. Carry on and 'ride the tiger' is the solution: resist the current of disintegration as Evola said: spiritual virility; olympian sovereignity

That's the spirit! As for the AOP: I am only familiar with the one that specifies energy collected by the breath, linked below. As far as relative to the RTR, I am only aware of the aura and chakra cleaning told to be done after the RTR. The AOP should be done in general. The aura and chakra cleaning complements the RTR because it burns up their shit letters from your being.

AOP: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Protection.html
Aura Cleaning: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aura_Cleaning.html

loki88 said:
My doubts caused me to avoid dedication at the last moment. Perhaps this is due to curses from jews and their evil christard slaves? When would you recommend for an optimal dedication? Should I perhaps get a needle to extract blood as this would ensure more(...)? I don't much care to slash up my body too much but will do what is necessary and grin and bear the scars and cuts which can be annoying and obtrusive. Your presentations fo the history of Lucifer are valuable and perhaps you should emdoby them in book form, eg. "A True History of Lucifer". Just a thought.

You are a known target to them, therefore such curses were certainly throw against you. I have found that if I don't do the aura cleaning for a period of time, I feel less inclined to do the rest of my meditation schedule. Once I perform the cleaning, however, I feel like I want to meditate forever. I am certain this is due to some shitty thoughtforms that attach over time, directed at WN's and Satanists to weaken them. For you, this would manifest as having seconds thoughts towards associating/interacting with Satan in the proper manner, because by believing him to be a metaphor, and therefore not establishing a relationship, you are severely weakened and isolated from your best allies.

Please, especially with your situation, do not bother waiting for an astrological-based setting to do your dedication. I think it is thoughtful of you to want to make it significant and meaningful, but this only delays your progress by keeping them from helping you. It is not required of you to make a special ordeal, rather it is the intent surrounding your dedication itself that is important. The sooner you dedicate, the sooner you will be guided and protected by the gods. They will do their part to give you breathing room from all the attacks, and your side of the relationship is to advance and help with the RTR's. Furthermore, I think your credibility was hurt in the eyes of your critics when they learned you had yet to dedicate.

You do not need a needle or a knife, nor razor. What I would suggest is a lancet, which is what diabetics use to draw blood to test. You should be able to find some easily and cheaply in the pharmacy section. It is just a springloaded thing that jabs a hole in your finger. You can then squeeze some blood out from that hole.

re: "aura and chakra cleaning told to be done after the RTR"
thanks for the links I appreciate it. I have been looking for the RTR one for at least a month. It seems to work quite well
I have definitely come under attack and 24/7 surveillance. It shows that what we are saying is a threat to their tyranny.
Thanks for the reference to the lancet also. I didn't want any larger cuts that would irritate me in my daily activities. I will dedicate this weekend at the latest.

Not much rush and need to express ones intention here so much. Well you can express such thoughts but this is a public forum and it would be EXTREMELY wise to keep secret on ones affairs in their chambers, in your case I believe there's relevance to this disclaimer. The potential for good things is present as evidently mentioned by other members here, but some disclaimers are needed. I will repost what was sent to you, last time you had the desire to dedicate, as this is still vitally crucial.

One can learn from past mistakes of others that have thread on this path and weren't careful enough...


As a side note and word of warning... You have revealed yourself online and publicly. It would be advisable to thread carefully and not openly declare your dedication and alliance to the Spiritual Satanic path and refrain from doing this furthermore.

We have enemies and the more discreet one is the more aid, protection and help they can receive from the Gods. As to move forward with this way of combatting the enemies of Satan would be highly unwise, especially when one is aware of the potential repercussions yet chooses to willingly ignore this. Thus I'm giving a heads up on this matter only but the choice is yours. The proper way is safely attacking the enemy without having a bounty to ones head that may follow suit caused by imprudence.

Maybe consider and alias or means to reverse this in some way. Again just sharing my two cents as there are examples of past members that went down the drain after not heeding such warnings. Better safe than sorry.

This dedication is metaphorically the act of opening a MAJOR door for a personal relationship between you and Satan. A door that many have had shut for a while, some for lifetimes and some maybe just recently, in their current incarnation. Some have more locks than others on that door. But those chains and locks remain only insofar as one is not AWARE of its presence.

Would be best to keep this personal and state your intentions to him, he will hear you and will guide on what's best for you to do at this point in time. Also his enemies(our enemies) will lose major power on you and your development will catapult into even more realizations, add true Satanic power meditations into the mix and contact with our true Gods and not even the skies will be the limit.

Truly these words are spoken from direct experience.

As so many men before you reached even much higher levels of understanding there are way too many cases of their downfall... Men with righteous ideals and intentions, met their demise or downfall, some by mixing enemy filth into their beliefs(his can be fatal) or by a "go it alone" approach which in most cases the truth hadn't come out yet, or a combination of both of these. Such men are commonly oblivious to the nature of this war that has been waged on them and ALL gentiles on a mass worldwide scale by the enemies of Satan. Now I hope you've read the materials on the website but I know atleast for me what really got the ball rolling before my dedication was reading exposingchristianity.com a while back. Billions of xtians, BILLIONS, dumping their energies into a jewish thoughtforms masked as a rabbi on a stick. Jews using this energy to further their ends. This idea alone, was pondered upon and made me realize that this had to be stopped somehow. This was LONG before the RTR's came along.

This enemy element has been present for a time now, and the amassed energy they've had at their disposal makes the repetition of these failed cases of gentile revolts all to common. They've been kicked out of over 1030 countries https://mega.nz/#!U1J1CIaS!buoSko_bAaF1TjY2ORUgUS0Fx9b_JsKms9PBODtKgYI1

Yet still they stay in the shadows and the majority not aware of the Jewish Problem.

Common case and point:

1. Man or "INSERT ANTI-SEMITE" wants to understand the reason for the state of evil in his country world at large
2. After many trials and tribulations, if his endeavor proves fruitful he finds the jew as the root cause of this mess
3. Tries his best and labors to stop the jew but fails

Now the reason for this is what many haven't grasped and why this gets repeated over and over again. In part it's also why the Third Reich in spite of it's extreme promising uprising, and effort that deserves standing ovation applaud, unfortunately fell short.

The story of Haman in the bible can be a prime and early, or should I say kabbalistic(case written in hebrew) example of such reason. Taking a stand against the jews without a form of protection is unwise and history readily shows this over and OVER again.

Now where does Satan stand into all this. I won't repeat many of the well known facts about him such as Satan=Truth Eternal in Sanskrit, SATANama is a mantra to prolong ones life from scientific studies...etc. But there's most certainly a reason for the fall of gentiles and men who sought to eradicate this jewish menace from their midst.

Satan means enemy/adversary in hebrew. Hebrew being the language that created the jewish kabbalah spells, which are fueled and empowered by xtians and reinforced daily year after year by jews in their torah recitals. Add gentiles turning away from their creator and you have the world you see around you today. Whether said "goyim" of the jews know it or not that is the reason of the fall of common man. One should be able to put two and two together. It's all evident and clear as day if one looks around the extent of their power; Jewish news, media, cinema, control of the monetary system, pulling the strings behind puppeticians by lobbying, communism praised and National Socialism considered "evil" etc. Won't give you the whole spiel, I'm sure or would hope that these facts are already known to you.

Knowing that you have done some backbone work I believe you should be able to put two and two together. Now it's up to you to fight side by side with the greatest nemesis of the jew as boldly stated in their kabbalistic doctrines, Satan.

Clearly here in the JoS, we are the ONLY place known online, at least that is using an effective and powerful method, that will have it's direct effects on the events that are coming, having understood history and knowing the all too common failures of our ancestors. This time we'll be chanting victory all over the world. We will only rise until the solutions manifest more and more in physical ways. In the astral, Satan's promise has been fulfilled and the enemy is a ticking time bomb at this point. But the labor and work needs to be done and we are manifesting this very promise by doing the RTR's. One truly gives the enemy a beating when they are on this path. Knowing what is stated above the RTR's are clearly the final solution and comes from the Gods. RTR's without such protection and intent of emphasizing whose side you're on is asking for disaster. Division of ones resolve are the very reasons for failure. Lukewarmness and sympathies to jewish crap gets TOTALLY thrown out the window the moment one dedicates. One really does become a walking "adversary" of evil/the jew.

Good to question and not hurry, take your time, but the above should be clear as day as to what is up and what it all boils down to. Ultimately in keeping true to the path of this door you intend to open, it's good practice to start really talking to Satan prior to the dedication, there's only so much an online forum can do in the way of providing proofs. Direct experience stands the test of time. Whatever concerns or questions you might have will truly get answered so long you are sincere and honest with him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
