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Making clothes at home - For Meteor


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
With Satan, always.
Meteor said:

This is a bit off-topic, but recently I've been interested in making my own clothes, as well as clothes for my partner. We're both unusually tall, so it can be a bit difficult to find nice clothes that also happen to fit well. If I learned how to make them myself, then I could make them to fit our measurements perfectly and also design them just the way I want, which seems nice. But I'm not really sure how to start learning or what kind of tools I might need. Since jrvan said you know a lot about sewing, I was wondering if maybe you have some tips? I'll try looking it up online too but I figured I might as well ask you too.

As promised, a thread for clothe making.

I’ll write as much as I can here without making this too long. It’s my belief that “we are what we wear”, and no body wants to walk around with ill fitting clothes that make them feel and look more like a slave than a healthy wonderful person.

The best projects to start with are the simplest ones. They will help you get use to how different fabrics behave, sewing methods and little tips and tricks, and also keep your motivation up since they’ll be finished in a shorter amount of time than something complex.

Most of my knowledge stems from older clothe making, so this will be based on that but the steps can easily apply to modern clothe making. It’s mostly the same, just the patterns, styles, and methods are a little different.

Standard materials:
- Drafting paper (for patterns)
- Grey lead pencils, eraser
- Rulers (some are specific for pattern drafting)
- Calculator (for pattern drafting and measurements)
- Muslin/calico
- Fabric/s of choice
- Needle and thread (there are different sized needles meant for different purposes. I’d recommend a needle that’s shorter in length so it’s easier to manoeuvre with if you’re hand sewing, and not too thick in diameter if your fabric is something like cotton, linen or silk. For wool you’ll probably want a different needle since it’s thicker).
- Fabric scissors
- Normal paper scissors (do not use fabric scissors to cut paper and vice versa. Fabric scissors need to stay sharp to properly cut the fabric)
- Seam ripper tool (or some small pointed fabric scissors)
- Tailors chalk
- Lots and lots of pins (the more the better) and pin cushion
- Tailors tape measure
- A pattern to work with

Anything else you need will be dependent on what clothes you’re making, and the methods you use.

So when it comes to making your own clothes there’s a few things to consider:

1) What kind of clothes you’re wanting to make (this one will determine a lot of the steps and fabrics you choose)

2) How much you’re willing to spend.

Fabric can be and is at times expensive. Fabric is sold by the yard, which can be tricky to determine the amount of fabric you need. If you’re not sure, buy more than what you think you need just in case. Any left over fabric can be used for other projects.

3) Materials and the fabrics you want your clothes to be made of.

4) Hand sewing vs machine sewing

Machine sewing will of course require buying a sewing machine if you don’t already have one.


The typical steps go something like this:

1) Decide what you’re wanting to make. Shirt, skirt, pants, dress, coat, cloak/cape, underwear, hat, etc.

Let's use the example of a shirt here.

2) Decide on your end product fabrics.

If it’s an undershirt go with something breathable and will help keep your skin clean (like linen or cotton). With an over shirt you can get a little fancier with things like silk/satin and wool as long as there’s an undershirt worn with it since, especially fabrics like silk, are harder to wash. Any clothes you want to wear that makes direct contact with your skin should be easy to wash, durable, breathable, and light weight.

Some materials e.g. cotton, like to stretch and so you need to pre-wash the whole thing (however many yards of fabric you have) if it isn’t already.

In the modern age we are very use to having basic underwear, a shirt and jacket, and whatever you’re wearing for bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts, dress, etc). Back before most of the later 1900’s, people wore much better layers to their clothes. You had the undergarments which covered all the way from the shoulders to the legs. This was so that the outer garments would be kept cleaner through the lack of direct contact with the skin. The outer garments were usually made from much more expensive and/or delicate fabrics, so being able to wash them regularly wasn’t an option.

You’ve got people wearing polyester against their skin these days, which is just not breathable. So avoid those kind of fabrics for such clothes. Polyester does have a use for outer garments in the winter, but I would stay away from it for summer clothes.

(Kinda makes me a little mad on the inside that linen is never used anymore for basic clothing worn against the skin unless you want to pay between $50-100+ for it but *sighs* ... anyway).

3) Make a drawing of how you want the end product to look.

Make a design essentially of a figure wearing your chosen item of clothing. It can be a simple sketch or really detailed. This is just to help wrap your head around what you’re aiming for.

4) Find a pattern that you can work with and is to your liking for what you want your item of clothing to look like in the end.

There’s a lot out there, and each one should give instructions on how to properly draft the pattern. If you choose to work from a pattern book, I’d suggest reading through the whole book first because some are written in a way that has you start with a basic pattern and you work through the chapters to turn that basic pattern into say, a coat or something. So just take your time. Sometimes you can buy a pre-drafted pattern where you just adjust it to your size then do a mock up. The following is if you have to draft the pattern yourself from a set of pattern instructions.

Measure the parts of your body that you need for the pattern you’ve chosen with a tailors tape measure (it’s just one of those floppy tape measures) and record the measurements down. Start drafting your pattern.

Take however long to draft the pattern and relax with it. This is your foundation for the whole clothing item. It can be tedious and mind numbing trying to draft a pattern, but it’s worth spending the time on. Trust me. Badly drafted pattern = funky things happen.

(Butcher’s paper is good stuff for drafting a pattern on. Use rulers, a “french curve” to help draw any curves, and grey lead pencil. You can use a marker to label your pattern pieces (always label pattern pieces so you know what’s what)).

[Now, I’ve seen people make clothes for themselves by just wrapping their body or a part of their body in plastic wrap then masking tape, and using a sharpie to draw out a pattern of what they want to make. Then they just cut it off their body and - ta-da! - they have a pattern.

Apparently that can work too and it skips a lot of the mind numbing side of drafting. Never tried it myself but it’s a thing *shrugs*. I wouldn’t recommend it for something more complex than a shirt as this seems a bit more limiting as to what you can do with it.

Then from there they just go straight into making the clothes. It’s an interesting way of doing things, but it takes more knowledge about sewing because you don’t have instructions to work off.]

5) Make a “mock up”.

This is where you play around a little bit to test if your pattern works and fits you correctly. Cut out your pattern and use a very cheap plain coloured fabric for this part. If you’ve ever heard of muslin (or calico I think is another name for it), that’s the fabric you’ll want for this step. It’s basically throw away material used for testing patterns.

Iron the fabric flat, then lay your patterns pieces on the fabric and use pins to hold the pattern pieces in place on the fabric. Trace the pattern onto the fabric with tailors chalk or a pen that won’t bleed through the fabric and smudge. Remove pattern pieces and keep them somewhere safe.

Be mindful of the “grain” of the fabric, the direction the weave of the fabric goes. It’s hard to explain but when you try to cut fabric pieces on the bias it’ll cause it to stretch funny. Sometimes this is a good thing depending on what you’re making but this is where research about how different fabrics behave and what happens when pattern pieces are cut in certain ways comes into play. The more you know about the fabric itself the better you’ll be able to work with it. Learn how it drapes, how much stretch it has, the thickness or stiffness, etc.



6) Sew up your mock up pieces with a very basic stitch.

Doesn’t need to be tight and secure just something simple to hold it together so that you can easily pick the stitching apart later. If you have a dress manikin that’s soft (not made of plastic) and you can put pins into that’ll really help for things like dresses and stuff.

7) Test fit.

Try on your mock up to see how it fits you, use a full length mirror, move around, lift your arms above your head etc etc. If somethings tight or uncomfortable, then it’s back to the drawing board to make those adjustments.

Once you have a mock up that fits you and you’re happy with how it fits, pick apart the stitching (you can use an actual seam ripping tool, or some small fabric scissors with pointed tips). This is one of those steps where you just need to take your time, and not get frustrated (when things don’t turn out quite as planned) and settle for “it kinda fits”. Because if it only “kinda fits” here then it’s not going to magically fit any better when you use the real fabrics. Do as many mock ups as you need, make sure it fits and it's comfortable, then proceed.

8) Cut out and piece together the final garment, then try it on.

Lay out the fabrics you’re using for your end product and basically repeat step 3 but this time with the mock up patterns that fit you, and you want your stitching to be strong. Follow your pattern instructions to cut out and piece the different pieces of fabric together correctly with the right stitching method.

This is where hand sewing vs machine sewing comes in. Hand sewing will be more precise and you have better control over what’s going on with the needle, thread, and fabric. You can also better control how strong your stitching is and what method of stitching you use. Down side: it takes longer and is very tedious, and well... getting pricked by your own needle every now and then is not fun.

As for machine stitching, personally I hate machine stitching (but that’s just me) and I’m not too familiar with the pros and cons. It’s faster, like a LOT faster, than hand sewing. As long as you know how to set up one you’re good to go to sew your pattern pieces together. You have to be a bit more careful to make sure you sew where you want to sew, and keep your stitching straight. Last I remember sewing machines do have different types of stitching options but I’m not familiar with them. Take your time, don’t rush it.

I don’t know if you can do it with a machine but if you go with hand sewing you can use beeswax to wax your thread. This will make the thread stronger and protect it from wear and breakage, especially for everyday clothes like shirts. This is something they use to do way-back-when for undergarments.

Another thing about hand sewing, if you choose that option get yourself a thimble of the right size for one of your fingers to protect it when you push the needle through the fabric. It’s a life saver. Find a size that doesn’t just fall off your finger when you dangle your fingers downward, it should stay in place without hurting you.

A little trick I learned. You can determine a well made garment from a poorly made garment by just looking at the stitching alone. Where the seams are placed is also a good indicator.

The average Target shirt will have a wide arms eye (the area your arm slips through where the sleeve attaches to the body of the shirt), the shoulder seam won’t even be on the shoulder, and the stitching is your classic china machine stitching where if you break one section of the thread the whole thing unravels.


For a well fitting shirt, this will sound counterintuitive to what we are commonly use to but you want that arms eye to be sitting right underneath the arm pit. This will maximise the movement of the arm when wearing the shirt since there is less gaping fabric sitting between the sleeve and the body of the shirt. Make sure the shoulder seam sits right on the shoulder because again better movement of the arm and overall better look to the clothes when you wear it. The stitching should be strong and close together (even with using a machine). If you’re hand sewing I’d recommend a back stitch method for any garments that need to be washed regularly, and as you work don’t use a ridiculously long line of thread (about a wing span length - finger tip to finger tip - is what I can handle) and just tie off and re-string your needle when needed. This will ensure that if the thread breaks the whole thing doesn’t unravel.




A huge part of making nice fitting clothes is in the pattern itself. Nowadays most people just work off a basic shape and don’t really understand how to make an item of clothing look flattering on a body. The way the different pieces of fabric is cut and sewn together will determine how it sits on the body without anything else being done to “shape it” so to speak.

If you compare dresses and coats from like 1800-1900’s and modern everyday Target wear from China, the shape of the clothes follows the shape of the body often fitting like a glove rather than being baggy. This is all to do with the pattern of the clothes and supporting undergarments.

Now, even without supporting undergarments you can still make a nice flattering shape for the clothes you make by having a good pattern to work with in the first place.

Some links from one of my favourite sewing channels and a couple others for sewing that helped me a lot with hand sewing and understanding patterns etc:

Hand sewing methods:

Sewing seams:

Modern walking skirt:

1895 wool walking skirt:

Basic mens shirt - “pirate style” - but shows how even a basic pattern can still look good. Sometimes things don’t need to be complicated. For a first project, I’d start with something like this:

Inverness coat (can be made for both men and women). This video shows a good example of what I was talking about with patterns in the last couple paragraphs:

Tailoring tips for already made clothes that don’t quite fit:

A video for sewing motivation when things get a bit hard:

Here’s where I saw that plastic wrap/masking tape technique thing. The girl also uses some of her own current clothes to get the shape she wants for the costume she’s making, which is another way to make a pattern without all the crazy math of pattern drafting:

These are methods I know but people do different things and that works for them. So play around and let yourself experiment to see what works best for you.

When I first started sewing I was just a kid wanting to make my own toys. Then my sewing knowledge grew through high school as I made larger projects in my fabrics class, and then learning more online from sources like the ones above.

The steps applied to making plushie toys are almost the same as making clothes just different end product. So another way to get familiar with patterns is making a simple plushie for yourself or someone you know who would like that, and then apply that to larger scale projects like clothes. It’s really fun imo, and a great way to get familiar with sewing techniques before hitting the larger projects.
Making Women Great again,one at a time. Hurrah!!!
Meteor said:
tabby said:

Thank you so much! You went into so much detail; your husband really wasn't kidding when he said you know a lot about it.

I'll take my time to watch the videos you recommended and read up on patterns. I'll start off trying to make simple designs from cheap fabrics and sewing it by hand, so I can get some experience before I invest into more expensive fabrics and a sewing machine.

I really appreciate all your advice. It probably would've been difficult to find this much useful information on my own.
Onwards to a well-dressed future, then!

You’re very welcome, Meteor. Glad I could help :D

Best of luck!
Excellent post, keep them coming. Thanks.
Good job :)
YAY making cloths and blankies!!

I still have and wear the cat print pajamas my mom made for me eons ago...its a memento of her
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have tried to make my own blankets sowing by hand because i was failing hard at the sowing machine :p not the best idea
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Excellent post, keep them coming. Thanks.

jrvan said:

Thank you!

Shadowcat said:
YAY making cloths and blankies!!

I still have and wear the cat print pajamas my mom made for me eons ago...its a memento of her
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have tried to make my own blankets sowing by hand because i was failing hard at the sowing machine :p not the best idea

haha reminds me of a wool scarf I made with my nan when she was trying to teach me knitting for the first time.

That’s awesome. If you can get into a rhythm with hand sewing it’s almost like going into a trance state like you do with meditation. I find reaching that state helps when things are taking their sweet time to be stitched up haha.
Shadowcat said:
YAY making cloths and blankies!!

I still have and wear the cat print pajamas my mom made for me eons ago...its a memento of her
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have tried to make my own blankets sowing by hand because i was failing hard at the sowing machine :p not the best idea

I am sure that with your creativity you can make beautiful clothes. But learn to use machines, hand sewing is terribly slow.
Master said:
Shadowcat said:
YAY making cloths and blankies!!

I still have and wear the cat print pajamas my mom made for me eons ago...its a memento of her
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have tried to make my own blankets sowing by hand because i was failing hard at the sowing machine :p not the best idea

I am sure that with your creativity you can make beautiful clothes. But learn to use machines, hand sewing is terribly slow.
Thanks :)
True, it is terribly slow, and it hurts my hands after awhile :x
tabby said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Excellent post, keep them coming. Thanks.

jrvan said:

Thank you!

Shadowcat said:
YAY making cloths and blankies!!

I still have and wear the cat print pajamas my mom made for me eons ago...its a memento of her
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I have tried to make my own blankets sowing by hand because i was failing hard at the sowing machine :p not the best idea

haha reminds me of a wool scarf I made with my nan when she was trying to teach me knitting for the first time.

That’s awesome. If you can get into a rhythm with hand sewing it’s almost like going into a trance state like you do with meditation. I find reaching that state helps when things are taking their sweet time to be stitched up haha.

I mean i'm ok with it...but the blanket did come apart xD. i have to fix it. I think i'd much rather use the sowing machine tho
Shadowcat said:
I mean i'm ok with it...but the blanket did come apart xD. i have to fix it. I think i'd much rather use the sowing machine tho

I see. Whatever works best for you :)

If I could properly use and get my hands on a good sewing machine I would use it for most of a projects sewing than going by hand just for the fact that it’s faster haha. But if you can learn both you can work with the benefits of both and won’t be limited to one or the other.

I mean, not everyone has the dexterity or time needed to work with a needle, and not everyone can afford a sewing machine.
tabby said:

:eek: I didn't know this post excisted.

Thank you for the lenghtly summary of things. I've watched a lot of videos on sewing and I've been watching a lot of sewist sewing clothes of like the victorian era.

Clothes just fit so ill on me. Even clothes that fit properly at my shoulders (I like to have a full range of motion with my arms too tyvm) make me look like I have no chest or waist at all. Its really terrible :/ .

Some are really complaining about the 'no pockets' situation in many clothes and to be fair.. phones grow bigger too (or are made bigger) and they don't fit into pockets anymore.

And yes clothes are cheaply made in china, and some look fine but often they're too short (or fit ill for native dutch people -too small- or many ppl in general) or somehow sewn together uneven like how the heck did you even get it that not sewn straight? o.o (hint: Has to do with the grain of the fabric apparently).

One of the youtubers I watched recently spoke about a pattern drafting book. She's making the peacock dress. And she posts an update on progress monthly now. I thought you might be interested in it. It's in the video from either June or May (but I think June).
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
I mean i'm ok with it...but the blanket did come apart xD. i have to fix it. I think i'd much rather use the sowing machine tho

I see. Whatever works best for you :)

If I could properly use and get my hands on a good sewing machine I would use it for most of a projects sewing than going by hand just for the fact that it’s faster haha. But if you can learn both you can work with the benefits of both and won’t be limited to one or the other.

I mean, not everyone has the dexterity or time needed to work with a needle, and not everyone can afford a sewing machine.

Hey Tabby, Singer is a good brand for a sewing machine. Once I saw one in the local drugstore for 90 euro. New. They sometimes sell electric applyances for cheap. Otherwise try to look at the second hand store perhaps?
I know there are really fancy machines out there but you can do a lot with just a basic one.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:

:eek: I didn't know this post excisted.

Thank you for the lenghtly summary of things. I've watched a lot of videos on sewing and I've been watching a lot of sewist sewing clothes of like the victorian era.

Clothes just fit so ill on me. Even clothes that fit properly at my shoulders (I like to have a full range of motion with my arms too tyvm) make me look like I have no chest or waist at all. Its really terrible :/ .

Some are really complaining about the 'no pockets' situation in many clothes and to be fair.. phones grow bigger too (or are made bigger) and they don't fit into pockets anymore.

And yes clothes are cheaply made in china, and some look fine but often they're too short (or fit ill for native dutch people -too small- or many ppl in general) or somehow sewn together uneven like how the heck did you even get it that not sewn straight? o.o (hint: Has to do with the grain of the fabric apparently).

haha you’re welcome.

Ugh pockets... they’re either too small or don’t even do their job as a pocket.

Video about pockets:

I know what you mean. Only current solution is making your own clothes and tailoring to your actual measurements, which is something luckily anyone can learn to do.

Kikes at work again. They mass produce clothes that work off one basic pattern and take no consideration into personal sizes and body shapes, and all but destroyed an ancient craft that everyone knew how to do, stealing everyone’s money until people can only afford the slave clothes made in china. Then proceed to convince the world that what we wear today is better than what our ancestors made so we don’t wake up to the mental trap of accepting shitty poor peoples clothes. It’s disgusting.

Clothes really do have a big impact on how you feel about yourself and how others tend to treat you. Look like a run down slave and people will treat you as such.

Man, it does my head in thinking how even if you couldn’t afford much back in the day you still could wear better clothes than what most of the middle class wears now.

One of the youtubers I watched recently spoke about a pattern drafting book. She's making the peacock dress. And she posts an update on progress monthly now. I thought you might be interested in it. It's in the video from either June or May (but I think June).

I know exactly who you’re talking about ;)

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey Tabby, Singer is a good brand for a sewing machine. Once I saw one in the local drugstore for 90 euro. New. They sometimes sell electric applyances for cheap. Otherwise try to look at the second hand store perhaps?
I know there are really fancy machines out there but you can do a lot with just a basic one.

Oh nice, thank you for letting me know. As long as it gets the job done it really doesn’t need to be anything above basic since I can do more complicated stitching by hand if needed (probably will anyway because me and sewing machines... that’s something I’ll need to overcome at some point haha).

I was only a couple days ago looking at the Singer models. There’s another brand called Brother that I’ve seen around as well but I don’t know anything about that one yet. My budget is tight, so we’ll see what I can find :)
Pockets in women's pants is a jewish scheme. It's made so that women have to buy bags= more shekels for the jew.
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Making Women Great again,one at a time. Hurrah!!!

I can not only sow fabric but also metal with fire
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.
Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Making Women Great again,one at a time. Hurrah!!!

I can not only sow fabric but also metal with fire
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:

:eek: I didn't know this post excisted.

Thank you for the lenghtly summary of things. I've watched a lot of videos on sewing and I've been watching a lot of sewist sewing clothes of like the victorian era.

Clothes just fit so ill on me. Even clothes that fit properly at my shoulders (I like to have a full range of motion with my arms too tyvm) make me look like I have no chest or waist at all. Its really terrible :/ .

Some are really complaining about the 'no pockets' situation in many clothes and to be fair.. phones grow bigger too (or are made bigger) and they don't fit into pockets anymore.

And yes clothes are cheaply made in china, and some look fine but often they're too short (or fit ill for native dutch people -too small- or many ppl in general) or somehow sewn together uneven like how the heck did you even get it that not sewn straight? o.o (hint: Has to do with the grain of the fabric apparently).

haha you’re welcome.

Ugh pockets... they’re either too small or don’t even do their job as a pocket.

Video about pockets:

I know what you mean. Only current solution is making your own clothes and tailoring to your actual measurements, which is something luckily anyone can learn to do.

Kikes at work again. They mass produce clothes that work off one basic pattern and take no consideration into personal sizes and body shapes, and all but destroyed an ancient craft that everyone knew how to do, stealing everyone’s money until people can only afford the slave clothes made in china. Then proceed to convince the world that what we wear today is better than what our ancestors made so we don’t wake up to the mental trap of accepting shitty poor peoples clothes. It’s disgusting.

Clothes really do have a big impact on how you feel about yourself and how others tend to treat you. Look like a run down slave and people will treat you as such.

Man, it does my head in thinking how even if you couldn’t afford much back in the day you still could wear better clothes than what most of the middle class wears now.

One of the youtubers I watched recently spoke about a pattern drafting book. She's making the peacock dress. And she posts an update on progress monthly now. I thought you might be interested in it. It's in the video from either June or May (but I think June).

I know exactly who you’re talking about ;)

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Hey Tabby, Singer is a good brand for a sewing machine. Once I saw one in the local drugstore for 90 euro. New. They sometimes sell electric applyances for cheap. Otherwise try to look at the second hand store perhaps?
I know there are really fancy machines out there but you can do a lot with just a basic one.

Oh nice, thank you for letting me know. As long as it gets the job done it really doesn’t need to be anything above basic since I can do more complicated stitching by hand if needed (probably will anyway because me and sewing machines... that’s something I’ll need to overcome at some point haha).

I was only a couple days ago looking at the Singer models. There’s another brand called Brother that I’ve seen around as well but I don’t know anything about that one yet. My budget is tight, so we’ll see what I can find :)

:eek: I got one from Toyota right now. Do not recommend. I cannot adjust the stich length in between stitches. Whilst it does come with some 'decorative' options, because of the above thing, there's just too much space in between the points making them look rather ugly if you ask me. I don't use them.
I can sew with a bit of a 'wider' stitch and a bit of a 'smaller' stitch but thats all just preset. Once this thing breaks down Im going to get a Singer again. I had a kinda old, quite heavy industrial one, but that one was worn down a bit too much. Also the electric pedal was having issues with the connections, you'd easily press too far on it and it'd go too fast.
Also an issue that I have with my current one so I either turn the thing around so I can dose better or move de heel of my foot up a bit more. It stars on an angle, and just like a leverage beam, the further out you go, the bigger the impact. Yet you're pressing on the smallest part.

And ye I was surprised by how BIG those pockets were. Well didn't working people have outer clothes with a lot of pockets? Or a belt with multiple pockets etc on it (Im talking menswear here).

Also, may I ask for how long you've been sewing? If you already answered, I've probably skipped a bit or forgot it.
This is actually very, very helpful. Thank you so much for this.

Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

The growth of the single-women population will outpace overall population growth at a rate of 1.2 percent vs. 0.8 percent and grow to 77.5 million, compared with a 0.8 percent growth rate for the overall U.S. population.
In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. history. Some 179 million residents or roughly 56 percent of the U.S. population, lived in these 26 states In contrast, non-Hispanic white (hereafter referred to as white) deaths exceeded births in just four states in 2004 and seventeen as recently as 2014. White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. When births fail to keep pace with deaths, a region is said to have a "natural decrease" in population, which can only be offset by migration gains. In seventeen of the twenty-six states with white natural decreases, the white population diminished overall between 2015 and 2016. Our analysis of the demographic factors that cause white natural decrease suggests that more states are likely to experience it in the future.

In contrast, births exceed deaths by a considerable margin among the younger Latino population, and the combination of these very different demographic trends is increasing the diversity of the U.S. population.

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
I can not only sow fabric but also metal with fire
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

You can do metal working?! That’s so cool!

I love blue collar work.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
:eek: I got one from Toyota right now. Do not recommend. I cannot adjust the stich length in between stitches. Whilst it does come with some 'decorative' options, because of the above thing, there's just too much space in between the points making them look rather ugly if you ask me. I don't use them.
I can sew with a bit of a 'wider' stitch and a bit of a 'smaller' stitch but thats all just preset. Once this thing breaks down Im going to get a Singer again. I had a kinda old, quite heavy industrial one, but that one was worn down a bit too much. Also the electric pedal was having issues with the connections, you'd easily press too far on it and it'd go too fast.
Also an issue that I have with my current one so I either turn the thing around so I can dose better or move de heel of my foot up a bit more. It stars on an angle, and just like a leverage beam, the further out you go, the bigger the impact. Yet you're pressing on the smallest part.

And ye I was surprised by how BIG those pockets were. Well didn't working people have outer clothes with a lot of pockets? Or a belt with multiple pockets etc on it (Im talking menswear here).

Also, may I ask for how long you've been sewing? If you already answered, I've probably skipped a bit or forgot it.

Yikes, I’ll keep that noted then. Does the Singer models allow for smaller stitches that are close together? If the stitches themselves are smaller and tight together, then that’ll make for a much stronger stitch. Much neater too if you had good control with keeping stitching straight.

It makes me wonder what brand the sewing machines were that we used back in school. They were quite big and bulky but we were able to do a lot of different sewing projects on them without too many issues. The speed control was terrible, you had to be pretty gentle on the peddle to keep your stitching from being really wonky. The thread also broke constantly if you went just a bit too fast.

IKR? You could fit a book into those things.
I believe so yes. Sometimes people would attach hip pouches or small bags (kinda like a precursor to the fanny packs) to their belts. I think these were usually made of leather rather than fabric, though I could be wrong. I don’t know all that much about the pockets situation of history, just started learning about it myself :lol:

Man, I’ve been sewing for as long as I can remember haha. I was just a kid at the time when I started and now I’m in my adult years so yeah, it’s been a long time.
Larissa666 said:
This is actually very, very helpful. Thank you so much for this.

Hail Satan!

I’m glad. You’re welcome :)
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
:eek: I got one from Toyota right now. Do not recommend. I cannot adjust the stich length in between stitches. Whilst it does come with some 'decorative' options, because of the above thing, there's just too much space in between the points making them look rather ugly if you ask me. I don't use them.
I can sew with a bit of a 'wider' stitch and a bit of a 'smaller' stitch but thats all just preset. Once this thing breaks down Im going to get a Singer again. I had a kinda old, quite heavy industrial one, but that one was worn down a bit too much. Also the electric pedal was having issues with the connections, you'd easily press too far on it and it'd go too fast.
Also an issue that I have with my current one so I either turn the thing around so I can dose better or move de heel of my foot up a bit more. It stars on an angle, and just like a leverage beam, the further out you go, the bigger the impact. Yet you're pressing on the smallest part.

And ye I was surprised by how BIG those pockets were. Well didn't working people have outer clothes with a lot of pockets? Or a belt with multiple pockets etc on it (Im talking menswear here).

Also, may I ask for how long you've been sewing? If you already answered, I've probably skipped a bit or forgot it.

Yikes, I’ll keep that noted then. Does the Singer models allow for smaller stitches that are close together? If the stitches themselves are smaller and tight together, then that’ll make for a much stronger stitch. Much neater too if you had good control with keeping stitching straight.

It makes me wonder what brand the sewing machines were that we used back in school. They were quite big and bulky but we were able to do a lot of different sewing projects on them without too many issues. The speed control was terrible, you had to be pretty gentle on the peddle to keep your stitching from being really wonky. The thread also broke constantly if you went just a bit too fast.

IKR? You could fit a book into those things.
I believe so yes. Sometimes people would attach hip pouches or small bags (kinda like a precursor to the fanny packs) to their belts. I think these were usually made of leather rather than fabric, though I could be wrong. I don’t know all that much about the pockets situation of history, just started learning about it myself :lol:

Man, I’ve been sewing for as long as I can remember haha. I was just a kid at the time when I started and now I’m in my adult years so yeah, it’s been a long time.

This is the model that I used to have. I figured it'd be easier to show you and tell you whats what, than to explain it.
Here's a link for a user manual for its previous model:

I bet you can find one for the model 258 online, but back when I had it, I could not.

Basicly, on the top left, above the needle, is a wheel that you use to adjust the pressure of the foot on your fabric.
(In my toyota thats an 'automatic' thing or in other words: Only one setting)
Then on the top right you have the place where your thread goes, and also right next to it the place where you can let the machine wind the thread on the spool for the underneath part.
I forgot exactly where the light switch was (is also the power button) its either on the right bottom next to the pug with the pedal attached to it, or on the back.
Then on the blue part, in which it Says Singer, from left to right:
Adjust stich width, Adjust where the needle goes, I think the last one might be the option for patchworking. or making embroidery. I've never used it tbh.
Then you have the small turning knob on the left. This is for adjusting the top pressure on the thread. If your thread breaks or snaps, you need to lessen the tension. Also do a presew on the fabric that you want to sew together. If the thread lays almost like a straight line on top, you need to lessen the tension, if the thread lays like a straight line on the bottom or has loops (which has happened a couple times to me, I've also ended up with knots a couple of times) you might need to adjust the tension on top and rewire the bottom.
Then on the big knob on the right is how to adjust the stitch length. (This is also non adjustable on Toyota, pretty much, it has a couple preset settings and you can't do anything else with it :/)

The handle to pull the foot up and down is at the back of the needle. You can't see it in this picture.

There's also an option up top, to put a pattern disk in. Then the machine would adjust the needle according to the pattern disk you put in, and you'd be able to sew said pattern.
I don't think I can show you an example of that though. :/ sorry.

But like I said, once this toyota is worn out (or perhaps I might sell it as a second hand) I'll go back to a Singer.

I've never really sown as a child, but I made cards with decorative stitching on them when I was very little. And as a teen I made one of my dolls a couple of new clothes out of felt. It was really tight on the doll, lol.

But it sparks the idea to be able to create what you like or what you'd like to wear, even if its just as a costume.
I wasn't even thinking of day-to-day wear when I started lol. This came later. Also because I didn't want to spend months in completing one thing >_< ..
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)
If my overall message is making you feel bad and making you question your self worth as a woman ,then it is probable that you are infact of low self worth and everything I say is just confirmation. Its not me making you feel bad, its you yourself because you know what I'm saying is true but you don't want to accept it and in order to shift blame ,you're changing guilt into hatred unconsciously.

If you accepted it and let go of your feelings, then all your judgments about your self worth would go away. Because now you've accepted your faults ,and only after you've accepted that you were wrong can you change and heal yourself. Otherwise the perpetual suffering from lack of psychological strength will persist indefinitely.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

The growth of the single-women population will outpace overall population growth at a rate of 1.2 percent vs. 0.8 percent and grow to 77.5 million, compared with a 0.8 percent growth rate for the overall U.S. population.
In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. history. Some 179 million residents or roughly 56 percent of the U.S. population, lived in these 26 states In contrast, non-Hispanic white (hereafter referred to as white) deaths exceeded births in just four states in 2004 and seventeen as recently as 2014. White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. When births fail to keep pace with deaths, a region is said to have a "natural decrease" in population, which can only be offset by migration gains. In seventeen of the twenty-six states with white natural decreases, the white population diminished overall between 2015 and 2016. Our analysis of the demographic factors that cause white natural decrease suggests that more states are likely to experience it in the future.

In contrast, births exceed deaths by a considerable margin among the younger Latino population, and the combination of these very different demographic trends is increasing the diversity of the U.S. population.

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

The growth of the single-women population will outpace overall population growth at a rate of 1.2 percent vs. 0.8 percent and grow to 77.5 million, compared with a 0.8 percent growth rate for the overall U.S. population.
In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. history. Some 179 million residents or roughly 56 percent of the U.S. population, lived in these 26 states In contrast, non-Hispanic white (hereafter referred to as white) deaths exceeded births in just four states in 2004 and seventeen as recently as 2014. White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. When births fail to keep pace with deaths, a region is said to have a "natural decrease" in population, which can only be offset by migration gains. In seventeen of the twenty-six states with white natural decreases, the white population diminished overall between 2015 and 2016. Our analysis of the demographic factors that cause white natural decrease suggests that more states are likely to experience it in the future.

In contrast, births exceed deaths by a considerable margin among the younger Latino population, and the combination of these very different demographic trends is increasing the diversity of the U.S. population.

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.
I understand, but the result of this idea has been that currently 40% of women are single and unmarried and childless and that number will grow.

The parallel issue is the decreasing value of money due to the federal reserve system where a woman needs to work in order to support her family. But another paradox is that women are finding more and more men as Economically Unattractive and saying that they are not going to settle as evidenced by the statistics.

There are being driven by the need to be independent and society is allowing it. But leaving morality aside of whether or not it is good or bad that a woman should be independent, the consequence is that the Women are delaying marriage and not having kids.

In the grand scheme of things, Caucasians are unable to compete with the people who are coming from outside and having a lot of children. This is the direct consequence of allowing women to be Financially independent.

In Japan which is not even a feminist society and has a low level of immigration, the people are not having children. There is a direct statistical correlation between Female Financial independence and Decrease in birth rates.

Maybe in a society (Like Nazi Germany) where it was put into the womans mind to have children as a holy duty, we would have a compromise. But that's a hypothetical situation.

Currently, you have a situation where unless there's a revolutionary movement to push the immigrants out or compete with them in terms of birthrates, the whites are going to be replaced in their own countries.

This idea of independence in mind and finances are a hoax created by Feminists through the Frankfurt school. Men and women are designed to be codependent on each other, bot independent. When Women don't need men ,it leads to the Demographic problems with Western Countries and Japan. Because they don't need men.

Too often, people value their own selfish desires of happiness rather than thinking about the Children. Women initiate 80% of the divorces and 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate is getting lower and lower because no one is getting married anymore.

You need to understand what I'm saying. Most women find men as "ECONOMICALLY UNATTRACTIVE ". This is a proven fact. And more and more men are being left out because women don't want unattractive men who are not economically attractive.

What this means is unless Women are unable to get to their level of financial independence, THEY WON'T SETTLE. THEY WON'T MARRY. THERE WILL BE NO CHILDREN.

Everything that has already happened in Japan is now happening here. And opposite of Japan we have a situation where the immigrants are trying to replace the native population. You are in a double bind.

Firstly, the ability of women to be financially independent is leaving most of them single and causing the demographic problem.

Secondly, you have a foreign group trying to take you over using birthrates in live time.

We need to come to grips with reality here and leave morality or should be or could be out of all this.

The facts are
Women find most men as economically unattractive.
Women waste their 20s chasing a bag.
40% of women are single and that will be 50% in 10 years.
Women don't settle as evidenced by Statistics.

The facts are clear. In 1950s when women weren't financially independent, whites had a lot of children, they were in strong close knit families with good values and everything was fine. I'm not saying we need to remove women from jobs and do something reactionary. There definitely could be a compromise mandated by the Government ,but those changes could only be brought under a dictatorship.

In the meantime we have to accept and acknowledge that the choices made by people while being manipulated by outside forces has collapsed society and in the next one ,we need to have laws and regulations to check these problems. This currently society is doomed and nothing can save it. And most of it has been due to female choice being manipulated by Jews and Marxists.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

The growth of the single-women population will outpace overall population growth at a rate of 1.2 percent vs. 0.8 percent and grow to 77.5 million, compared with a 0.8 percent growth rate for the overall U.S. population.
In 2016, more non-Hispanic whites died than were born in twenty-six states; more than at any time in U.S. history. Some 179 million residents or roughly 56 percent of the U.S. population, lived in these 26 states In contrast, non-Hispanic white (hereafter referred to as white) deaths exceeded births in just four states in 2004 and seventeen as recently as 2014. White deaths also exceeded white births in the nation as a whole for the first time in U.S. history in 2016, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics. When births fail to keep pace with deaths, a region is said to have a "natural decrease" in population, which can only be offset by migration gains. In seventeen of the twenty-six states with white natural decreases, the white population diminished overall between 2015 and 2016. Our analysis of the demographic factors that cause white natural decrease suggests that more states are likely to experience it in the future.

In contrast, births exceed deaths by a considerable margin among the younger Latino population, and the combination of these very different demographic trends is increasing the diversity of the U.S. population.

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

You can do metal working?! That’s so cool!

I love blue collar work.

It started with clubhouses when i was a kid. I was always dragging wood back and forth and collecting it from the junk sections of construction sites nearby. My mom made us ask if we could take it first lol. I had one other girl help me but she didnt care for it much and eventually stopped hanging out with me, but i got the neighborhood kids to help out who we were all friends with. i actually wanted to make a whole fucking ewok village in the backyard and my parents wouldnt have it :lol:. Well, at 18 wood turned into metal and the National Guard sent me to APG for AIT and i learned to be a machinist.

Lol i remember being in the recuruiters office when i enlisted and he asked me "what do you want your MOS to be?" then i said "i wanna make weapons" sigh my naive self

so machinist was the closest thing to that. thats how i got in the metal industry. later on i started welding :3. they make pretty good money as long as they do the job right and are good. fabshop sucks, fieldwork and refineries is where its at. always something different.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

Additionally, working part-time can mean your partner doesn't have to work as much either, and that way you get to spend more time with him, while he also gets to help more with raising your children. Not to mention how enjoyable it is for anyone, man or woman, to develop their talents, and even go as far as to turn them into a career. It'd be cruel to deprive women of that freedom for personal growth and creative expression, forcing them to focus only on the growth of their children and never themselves.
In my opinion, unless there is financial tension, one should either be a mother, or a worker, not both.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
And this is why society has collapsed in the Western world. And it won't change anytime soon. Women don't care about Statistics or the greater good related to their own nation.

I feel bad for the children who will inherit a broken country in which they're questioning their own identities and are being displaced, all because of the actions of their mothers and the women who refused to give children to their nations. They deserve better than these sluts.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.
I understand, but the result of this idea has been that currently 40% of women are single and unmarried and childless and that number will grow.

The parallel issue is the decreasing value of money due to the federal reserve system where a woman needs to work in order to support her family. But another paradox is that women are finding more and more men as Economically Unattractive and saying that they are not going to settle as evidenced by the statistics.

There are being driven by the need to be independent and society is allowing it. But leaving morality aside of whether or not it is good or bad that a woman should be independent, the consequence is that the Women are delaying marriage and not having kids.

In the grand scheme of things, Caucasians are unable to compete with the people who are coming from outside and having a lot of children. This is the direct consequence of allowing women to be Financially independent.

In Japan which is not even a feminist society and has a low level of immigration, the people are not having children. There is a direct statistical correlation between Female Financial independence and Decrease in birth rates.

Maybe in a society (Like Nazi Germany) where it was put into the womans mind to have children as a holy duty, we would have a compromise. But that's a hypothetical situation.

Currently, you have a situation where unless there's a revolutionary movement to push the immigrants out or compete with them in terms of birthrates, the whites are going to be replaced in their own countries.

This idea of independence in mind and finances are a hoax created by Feminists through the Frankfurt school. Men and women are designed to be codependent on each other, bot independent. When Women don't need men ,it leads to the Demographic problems with Western Countries and Japan. Because they don't need men.

Too often, people value their own selfish desires of happiness rather than thinking about the Children. Women initiate 80% of the divorces and 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate is getting lower and lower because no one is getting married anymore.

You need to understand what I'm saying. Most women find men as "ECONOMICALLY UNATTRACTIVE ". This is a proven fact. And more and more men are being left out because women don't want unattractive men who are not economically attractive.

What this means is unless Women are unable to get to their level of financial independence, THEY WON'T SETTLE. THEY WON'T MARRY. THERE WILL BE NO CHILDREN.

Everything that has already happened in Japan is now happening here. And opposite of Japan we have a situation where the immigrants are trying to replace the native population. You are in a double bind.

Firstly, the ability of women to be financially independent is leaving most of them single and causing the demographic problem.

Secondly, you have a foreign group trying to take you over using birthrates in live time.

We need to come to grips with reality here and leave morality or should be or could be out of all this.

The facts are
Women find most men as economically unattractive.
Women waste their 20s chasing a bag.
40% of women are single and that will be 50% in 10 years.
Women don't settle as evidenced by Statistics.

The facts are clear. In 1950s when women weren't financially independent, whites had a lot of children, they were in strong close knit families with good values and everything was fine. I'm not saying we need to remove women from jobs and do something reactionary. There definitely could be a compromise mandated by the Government ,but those changes could only be brought under a dictatorship.

In the meantime we have to accept and acknowledge that the choices made by people while being manipulated by outside forces has collapsed society and in the next one ,we need to have laws and regulations to check these problems. This currently society is doomed and nothing can save it. And most of it has been due to female choice being manipulated by Jews and Marxists.

While I do think it is very important to identify the problem and share it, which is what you are doing, I also want to share my own perspective which is a bit different. I acknowledge all the factors you have listed, but I see the cause of those from different angles.

The first thing that differs in the way I see the problems in society and the big picture of it all, is that much of what you described is most likely the effects of jewish curses. I see it as directly a religious problem. Society is still very much culturally immersed in christianity. You know, uplift the weak at the expense of the strong, hate competition, spit on those who lift themselves to greater heights, etc.

I also see the cause of modern women's behavior and mindsets being rooted in the advent of television. Parents don't really raise their kids like they used to. No one is getting taught life skills. Even if the parents in the past few decades had wanted to, nobody had time. The jews made sure that everyone was always busy at work and couldn't get ahead. So it was pretty much just send the kids to school and let the marxists raise them there, and when they get home let them sit in front of the tv so the marxists can raise them some more.

That lines up pretty well with the timetable you gave. After the 1950s things started going to shit more and more. It wasn't that long after that we got color television.

I agree with you about solutions being very limited, and that the only way to make everyone happy while still saving the race would be to glorify motherhood in the mass consciousness again. It needs to be seen as the beautiful thing that it is.

We got in this mess because the marxists took Hitler's ideas of "control the youth, control the future" with the Hitler Youth, and they repurposed it for the communist agenda. They took over the schools and raised the kids with marxist dogma just like they used to program everyone in churches. And now the other problem is that we can't even reach our people to get the truth out, or even publicly defend our side (White nationalism). They've taken our voice away because they still control the media, and they block all of our possible avenues to public broadcasting. The only one who came close to giving us public outreach was Henry Ford, and that was because he had a lot of wealth built up and had his own newspapers. The jews made sure that wouldn't happen again. It's one of the reasons they make sure nobody gets any wealth. They even murdered everyone who had too much money on the Titanic.

The only way I see to overcome all of this at this point is if male/female relations are repaired, and the males and females start working together instead of against each other. That's going to require the males swallowing their stubborn pride, taking a step back to listen to the females and really try to understand even if it doesn't sound logical. Emotions aren't a logical process anyway, neither is the female right brain. Yet it's still valuable just like the male left brain. Hearing females and what they have to say, and appreciating it, working with it. Making females feel heard, and uplifting them. If White males start doing that en mass then females will start trusting them and respecting them again. It's because White males are seen as the cause of xian oppression for thousands of years even though those males were duped and forced into it just like everyone. It's the radical marxist feminists doing basically a scapegoating ritual when they blame the jewish patriarchy on White men instead of jews.

So I think one of the best solutions is for White men to prove to the females that they aren't the bad guys. But collectively in society men tend to get stubborn, blame women as the problem, and they constantly confirm the biases against men that have been put into the minds of females by radical feminist jewesses.

We have to prove that it's not White men who came up with xianity to oppress women. It was jews who invented xianity. I don't know how to do that except by leading by example.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
:eek: I got one from Toyota right now. Do not recommend. I cannot adjust the stich length in between stitches. Whilst it does come with some 'decorative' options, because of the above thing, there's just too much space in between the points making them look rather ugly if you ask me. I don't use them.
I can sew with a bit of a 'wider' stitch and a bit of a 'smaller' stitch but thats all just preset. Once this thing breaks down Im going to get a Singer again. I had a kinda old, quite heavy industrial one, but that one was worn down a bit too much. Also the electric pedal was having issues with the connections, you'd easily press too far on it and it'd go too fast.
Also an issue that I have with my current one so I either turn the thing around so I can dose better or move de heel of my foot up a bit more. It stars on an angle, and just like a leverage beam, the further out you go, the bigger the impact. Yet you're pressing on the smallest part.

And ye I was surprised by how BIG those pockets were. Well didn't working people have outer clothes with a lot of pockets? Or a belt with multiple pockets etc on it (Im talking menswear here).

Also, may I ask for how long you've been sewing? If you already answered, I've probably skipped a bit or forgot it.

Yikes, I’ll keep that noted then. Does the Singer models allow for smaller stitches that are close together? If the stitches themselves are smaller and tight together, then that’ll make for a much stronger stitch. Much neater too if you had good control with keeping stitching straight.

It makes me wonder what brand the sewing machines were that we used back in school. They were quite big and bulky but we were able to do a lot of different sewing projects on them without too many issues. The speed control was terrible, you had to be pretty gentle on the peddle to keep your stitching from being really wonky. The thread also broke constantly if you went just a bit too fast.

IKR? You could fit a book into those things.
I believe so yes. Sometimes people would attach hip pouches or small bags (kinda like a precursor to the fanny packs) to their belts. I think these were usually made of leather rather than fabric, though I could be wrong. I don’t know all that much about the pockets situation of history, just started learning about it myself :lol:

Man, I’ve been sewing for as long as I can remember haha. I was just a kid at the time when I started and now I’m in my adult years so yeah, it’s been a long time.

This is the model that I used to have. I figured it'd be easier to show you and tell you whats what, than to explain it.
Here's a link for a user manual for its previous model:

I bet you can find one for the model 258 online, but back when I had it, I could not.

Basicly, on the top left, above the needle, is a wheel that you use to adjust the pressure of the foot on your fabric.
(In my toyota thats an 'automatic' thing or in other words: Only one setting)
Then on the top right you have the place where your thread goes, and also right next to it the place where you can let the machine wind the thread on the spool for the underneath part.
I forgot exactly where the light switch was (is also the power button) its either on the right bottom next to the pug with the pedal attached to it, or on the back.
Then on the blue part, in which it Says Singer, from left to right:
Adjust stich width, Adjust where the needle goes, I think the last one might be the option for patchworking. or making embroidery. I've never used it tbh.
Then you have the small turning knob on the left. This is for adjusting the top pressure on the thread. If your thread breaks or snaps, you need to lessen the tension. Also do a presew on the fabric that you want to sew together. If the thread lays almost like a straight line on top, you need to lessen the tension, if the thread lays like a straight line on the bottom or has loops (which has happened a couple times to me, I've also ended up with knots a couple of times) you might need to adjust the tension on top and rewire the bottom.
Then on the big knob on the right is how to adjust the stitch length. (This is also non adjustable on Toyota, pretty much, it has a couple preset settings and you can't do anything else with it :/)

The handle to pull the foot up and down is at the back of the needle. You can't see it in this picture.

There's also an option up top, to put a pattern disk in. Then the machine would adjust the needle according to the pattern disk you put in, and you'd be able to sew said pattern.
I don't think I can show you an example of that though. :/ sorry.

But like I said, once this toyota is worn out (or perhaps I might sell it as a second hand) I'll go back to a Singer.

I've never really sown as a child, but I made cards with decorative stitching on them when I was very little. And as a teen I made one of my dolls a couple of new clothes out of felt. It was really tight on the doll, lol.

But it sparks the idea to be able to create what you like or what you'd like to wear, even if its just as a costume.
I wasn't even thinking of day-to-day wear when I started lol. This came later. Also because I didn't want to spend months in completing one thing >_< ..

Who knew trying to buy a good sewing machine could actually be kinda complicated. Not having much luck in finding the model that isn't second hand used. Mind you, it's an older model so that makes sense but I don't trust already used things being sold online. I think I'll look for something a bit newer but with the bells and whistles you talk about like being able to adjust the stitch width and tension. I had no idea that was something important and helpful. The more you know :)

Thank you for that advice! I never knew how to adjust the thread tension back in school. Maybe that's why the thread kept breaking.

haha that's one of the reasons I love sewing. The ideas you can come up with for anything really, not just clothes, is endless.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

You can do metal working?! That’s so cool!

I love blue collar work.

It started with clubhouses when i was a kid. I was always dragging wood back and forth and collecting it from the junk sections of construction sites nearby. My mom made us ask if we could take it first lol. I had one other girl help me but she didnt care for it much and eventually stopped hanging out with me, but i got the neighborhood kids to help out who we were all friends with. i actually wanted to make a whole fucking ewok village in the backyard and my parents wouldnt have it :lol:. Well, at 18 wood turned into metal and the National Guard sent me to APG for AIT and i learned to be a machinist.

Lol i remember being in the recuruiters office when i enlisted and he asked me "what do you want your MOS to be?" then i said "i wanna make weapons" sigh my naive self

so machinist was the closest thing to that. thats how i got in the metal industry. later on i started welding :3. they make pretty good money as long as they do the job right and are good. fabshop sucks, fieldwork and refineries is where its at. always something different.

Dude, you're really freaking cool haha.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:
Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

People leaving their partner for refusing to treat them with basic respect and decency as a human being, and instead actively treating them like trash and a punching bag in many cases, is not the same as insisting upon being treated like a "utopian princess" as you say. You're generalizing way too much with that. I know some women are like that, but not all of the women in society can be put in that category together. Just because you notice a general trend of female behavior in organized movements and groups, and on news reports and stuff, does not mean that everyone is like that. The ones protesting in support of all the marxist jewish groups? Yeah of course they're a problem. But when you look at the whole of women in society, do you observe that every single one of them is rallying support for jewish movements? What about all the women in the Pro-White movements, in the White Nationalism movements, and more? If there wasn't another side to all of it then there would be no opposition. Not all women have joined hands with the jews. There are many enlightened women. Take Maxine for example. Where would any of us be without her?

Have you seen real domestic abuse cases? Have you seen what a battered woman looks like? Do you want those people to stay with their abusive spouses "for the kids?" How will that impact the children, do you think? Seeing their mothers getting yelled at and thrown against walls by some weak, disgusting, cowardly wife beater. Do you think that's good for a child's development? Do you think that is going to lead us to a healthier society? Please do us a favor, and stop generalizing with stuff like this. And Lunar Dance has a point you know - statistics do not always tell the whole story, especially when they are applied inaccurately. Politicians apply statistics in the wrong ways to "prove" their points all the time. You know that statistics can be used like that as a weapon, right? I was explaining this to Ol Argedco recently. Stats don't tell us everything on their own, and unscrupulous people can use stats to paint a story which isn't necessarily the complete truth. It's all in how you apply the statistics.

By the way, is that 50% of households for White families? Or all Americans, all Europeans, all Italians, or what? It could be 50% of Black households for all I know because I don't know where you pulled that statistic from. Let's assume hypothetically for example that it is for Black households. Fatherless Blacks is a situation that is artificially created by the jews for various reasons, one of which is to weaponize Blacks against Whites. So that example comes back again to jews directly, rather than either Black men or women. That's just one example. How many more examples could you throw at me, and how many more could I tie back to the jews as the cause?

You take the jews out of the equation, and society fixes itself. Suddenly White people have wealth again, and they don't have to struggle just to make ends meet to feed their families each day. Suddenly White people have better access to mates because they have more money. Suddenly White people can have more free time to invest in other things besides the daily work grind that they had to do just to survive.

Okay, when jews put everyone into an artificial state of pure survival where they can't get ahead with excess wealth, it makes people stuck. They don't have the time to scratch their heads and ponder about why their society is messed up. They don't have time to teach their kids life skills and life lessons. They don't have time to think about anything beyond just surviving. They don't have time to notice and intervene in the marxist brainwashing of their kids at school. They don't have the time to study and realize what marxism even is. That is all the result of jews depriving us of wealth. Wealth gives us options. Wealth gives us time. Wealth gives us the ability to create, and to manifest our visions. Without wealth, we are all stuck. Without wealth and without unity in society, everyone is a one-man-army in the wild just trying to stay alive another day, and that's even harder if they have kids. The jews make sure we stay divided, and they make sure we stay broke. If we had money then we could develop our own alternative broadcasting programs to reach out to our people, and get the truth out. We could organize. We could buy land. We could do so many things if we weren't all collectively deprived of wealth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
