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Iran The Big Picture

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Iran The Big Picture

The bigger picture looming in the background of the conflict happening in the Middle East is that of Jewish, Putin's cabal in Moscow. The Jews never left power in Russia they were forced to pull the plug on the USSR and then fall back and reorganize. The former Rebbe of Chabad, stated in 1984 that the USSR was going to collapse in a few years. He had this on insider information from the Rabbinical network that ran the USSR that he was connected into. That is why the Jews started fleeing the USSR in droves in the 1980's to America. The Jewish cabal in Russia is using the same methods they used during the USSR:

"During the Cold War, the Soviets provided arms to Muslim nations so as to ingratiate themselves to these counties and bring them into the communist fold. This provided Jewry with a pretext to demand arms from the USA and make it appear that Israel was an ally of America against communism, in spite of the fact that Jews dominated communism around the globe and saw it as fulfilment of their messianic prophecies of a one world government ruled by the Jewish king from Jerusalem.

The Soviets became anti-Zionist so as to further ingratiate themselves to the Muslims in order to subvert them for the benefit of the Jews. Ironically, this also provided pretext to ship Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel, while Gentiles remained imprisoned behind the Iron Curtain."- Putin's Reign Of Terror, Christopher Jon Bjerknes

The other thing the Jews did when they ran the USSR was provide the Arabs with near worthless weapons so they would be no match for Israel and to train them in worthless methods they were not equipped to use and could not make successful anyway in the area. Ensuring they would lose, this also included playing the Arabs from behind the scenes so they would lose to Israel, while pretending to be their ally.

Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian, anti-aircraft weapons to bomb Assad's forces along with the Iranian forces in Syria. Putin also met with the leader of Israel before coming into Syria openly. This was only done because Iran had taken over the military operations and were shipping in tens of thousands of troops. This was to make sure Putin stayed in control of the other side for his Jewish tribe. Now Putin is demanding Iranian forces totality withdraw from Syria this is to protect Israel and leave Syria open for the continued proxy war Israel is waging against Assad.

There are reports that Jew, Putin is behind the scenes attempting to manipulate Iran into military actions in the Middle East to provoke conflict with America in the sense of war. All the while the Jewish cabal that runs America is now provoking Iran with the assassination of their General which as the honest news reports show there is no evidence for the claims used to commit such action. Now the Jewish cabal in Washington is bringing back the same propaganda word for word they used for Iraq used replacing it with the word Iran. This at the same time Russia and China are now launching major military training exercises and North Korea is starting to make noise over this event. The Jews are attempting to use both sides Russia and America from the top to manipulate the world into a WW3 event over this situation in the Middle East. The Jewish cabal that runs the planet believe in the global Messianic war that has to happen to give them control over the planet totality. This ties into the Christian Bible the Jewish Rabbi's wrote in the book of Revelation were the Nations which mean Goyim, are destroyed in a Messianic war by the King of the Jews. And then the planet is ruled by the King of the Jews with the Jewish race of Israel the 12 tribes the 144,000. This creates the psychic power and programs the mass mind globally including Gentile political and military leaders to manifest this and connect with such and the rituals to manifest such by the Jewish Rabbi's.

Something to also note Jewish Putin and his Chabad cabal that run Moscow use Christianity to maintain control over the population on purpose and to maintain the grid for returning Russia into total Communism again with such. As the Kabbalistic Jew, Dugin who is Putin's strategist openly states in his own works. They plan to maintain control with Christianity and Communism. Kirill the former KGB agent who was made the head of the Christian church in Russia by Jewish Putin and his Rabbinical cabal is also a Jew being that he served in the higher level KGB which as the Jewish sources state one had to be Jewish to do such. Jewish Putin has also passed numerous laws making it illegal to criticize the Jews and giving strong prison terms for such. As the Jewish cabal in Washington is attempt the same in America. In Jewish religious law the Goyim are forbidden from criticism of the Jewish chosen as its to criticize god. The Jewish Torah states that Jews are physically god and Gentiles are animals put here to serve them as slaves.

Jews created and use Christianity to enslave the Gentiles, Putin and his cabal of Jewish Rabbi's in Russia prove this fact yet again if the Bible was not enough on its own to show such. The Bible is a book of Jewish witchcraft that is being used to bring about the Third World War. The Hebrew letters are the key the Jewish Bible is wrote in Hebrew and the New Testament is designed to connect into the Hebrew. Keep up the Final RTR because the world depends on such.
I think it's important to also always remember that the jews are behind the vast majority of issues, both global and personal. It's a great thing to examine personal issues and work on fixing them, but also never forget that most of these were an indirect result of jewish curses and programs. It's important to have a healthy amount of anger towards the jews, and to remind yourself every once in a while of just how much the jews deserve to be destroyed, until nothing remains.
They always bank on staying undetected. They thrive off of you being angry at yourself, or at family/relatives, instead of realizing that it's hooknose shekelstein who is behind it all.

Especially if you are feeling grief, hopelessness, depression, etc., remind yourself who was the root cause of it all. And use this anger as motivation for the RTRs.

I know this isnt directly related to the sermon but I felt that I should post it.
EXTREMELY important sermon!
Thank you HP! :)
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :
These are some of the recent news articles about the Iran Situation,

Trump threatens Iraq with ‘very big sanctions’ unless it pays back BILLIONS for an airbase if US troops are forced to withdraw

Gabbard: Iran war would make Iraq conflict 'look like a picnic'

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said the United States declined to issue him a visa to attend a United Nations Security Council meeting scheduled in New York later this week

Soleimani: Stampede kills at least 35 mourners at commander's burial - BBC News(some kind of numerology scheme ?)
See I get a scoop of what's really going on with the USA, Iran tensions on the forum here.

When I look at free newspapers I wretch at how nothing makes sense in it.

It really makes no sense for the USA to kill their General.

And only a fool wouldn't see such actions would open the door for conflict.
The Jews have controlled Russia for a long time and unfortunately still do. I saw in the news several years ago and also recently an intensive work of the Russians on brain technology. They use as a cover the idea and the lie, the transfer of human consciousness into a computer and then android in human form with the excuse that all this would serve for immortality. My note: all this is just a diversion from the real project of the Jews, the microchip, they are working hard on the brain and the microchip.
As said here only jews could serve in the upper levels of the KGB.

My ex girlfriends grandmother was a snitch for the KGB in the Soviet Union.

She said they're not jews though. That it was the only way to survive in the Soviet Union.

So maybe the lower levels like the informer, traitors were Gentiles who sold out to survive themselves and make their own families be okay under Soviet Union rule.
The U.K. Has issued the statement now that if Iran attacks the USA. The UK will stand with the USA and their response will be resolute.

Two military bases attacked by at least a dozen Iranian missiles late Tuesday have hosted President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in the past year or so, and Trump appeared to refer to one of them this week when he threatened Iraq with sanctions if it tried to expel U.S. troops.

The Pentagon confirmed missile strikes on the Ain Assad Airbase in western Iraq and a base in Irbil in northern Iraq. It was unclear late Tuesday whether there were casualties.

"It is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil," said Pentagon spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman. "We are working on initial battle damage assessments."

President Donald Trump addressed the strikes in a tweet.

"All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now," he wrote. "So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far!"


When this situation is over, it will SURELY be a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE victory for Us(in the way that Pissrael will be exposed GICANTICALLY)!
Here is what I see:

The attack on USA bases in Iraq was without casualties. I expect Trump to do nothing and let this slide. I still believe he will do wise decision and ease down on his warmongering rhetoric.

The biggest loser in this game will be the Israel. Why? Because Iran has said it will continue the uranium enrichment. Which means Iran will be building the atomic bomb, and Israel can just watch. They have exhausted all options. What is currently going on is attempt to start war, and it is failing.
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :
Jew hating idiot? The only idiot here is you.
There is no blind hatred against the jew.
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.
He was hurt by the truth :lol:
Latest news is that all of the missles launched by Iran hit the ground. What frightens me is that the amrican anti missile sistems did not engage and Vladimir Jewtin will take note of that. Iran may be just an excuse to test the american response methods. When Trump bombed Siria in 2018 the S400 did engage but it wasn't too good either. If i remeber it shut down 10% of the american missiles.
Jack said:
These are some of the recent news articles about the Iran Situation,

Trump threatens Iraq with ‘very big sanctions’ unless it pays back BILLIONS for an airbase if US troops are forced to withdraw

Gabbard: Iran war would make Iraq conflict 'look like a picnic'

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said the United States declined to issue him a visa to attend a United Nations Security Council meeting scheduled in New York later this week

Soleimani: Stampede kills at least 35 mourners at commander's burial - BBC News(some kind of numerology scheme ?)

Jack you are better documented on such things. Do you happen to know or have some source if the americans had any anti missile sistems in their last base that got hit? Russians are proably testing the american response methods.
All of this mass Gentile psychic energy to bring about ww3, the return of Jesus.
Is it possible to use this mass psychic energy and direct it to take down key Rabbis and leaders that are supporting this scenario.?
Rituals and such?
Maybe best to keep the rituals an such secret. I'm just putting the possibility out here
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :
Joined a few days ago? Check.

Has a cheesy cringe-worthy username? Check.

Already makes insulting/passive-aggressive comments towards the clergy? Check.

Posts are hinting at failure to understand that the jews are evil? Check.

What checklist was this? I think you already know that, yourself. If you really had an intention to help then you wouldn't have to act like an asshole while doing it.
The news articles of such are within the book I cited, the other articles are within numerous articles I have wrote on the subject.

Now there is only one group I have known that write terms like "Jew hating idiot" without irony. Are you sure your not really posting from somewhere around Beersheba in an Israeli military facility with the other paid Jewish trolls.

DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :
I did an article years ago that had the quotation from the Jewish, B'nai Brith magazine in which the Jews were bragging about this. Putin himself a Jew didn't get to be a Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB by being a Goy. Who did the Jews trust their Communist regime to......The KGB so would they allow the Goyim to get to the top of that....Nope they didn't. The Jews are ultra racist and paranoid fanatic's who crave nothing but absolute power like its heroin.

Personal Growth said:
As said here only jews could serve in the upper levels of the KGB.

My ex girlfriends grandmother was a snitch for the KGB in the Soviet Union.

She said they're not jews though. That it was the only way to survive in the Soviet Union.

So maybe the lower levels like the informer, traitors were Gentiles who sold out to survive themselves and make their own families be okay under Soviet Union rule.
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.

Lack of evidence is a very frequent problem on this site though, when it comes to political articles. Usually, when Mageson posts a source, it's a book that's behind a paywall and thus effectively unreachable for 90% of people viewing the article. Actual website sources directly showing the evidence are far better and saying something is documented while not linking at the same time is a very poor writing habit that is very ineffective at conveying convincing information so that everyone's on the same page.
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.

Sorry if I missunderstood.
"russia send terrorist to fight against Assad"
This sentence is a disinformation, becouse Russian army force were the only foreign military force that was invited by Syrian goverment. NATO forces were like invaders in Syria. Your press is lying to you

Love Satan
Well, with Iran’s recent attack on the military base, it seems they failed badly at a retaliation. No injuries or death. Can only presume that’s thanks to our rtrs. If people died in their retaliation, trump would be ordering troops into battle right now. He even said he would, if Americans die. So great job guys!

Let’s keep at it.
Shael said:
I think it's important to also always remember that the jews are behind the vast majority of issues, both global and personal. It's a great thing to examine personal issues and work on fixing them, but also never forget that most of these were an indirect result of jewish curses and programs. It's important to have a healthy amount of anger towards the jews, and to remind yourself every once in a while of just how much the jews deserve to be destroyed, until nothing remains.
They always bank on staying undetected. They thrive off of you being angry at yourself, or at family/relatives, instead of realizing that it's hooknose shekelstein who is behind it all.

Especially if you are feeling grief, hopelessness, depression, etc., remind yourself who was the root cause of it all. And use this anger as motivation for the RTRs.

I know this isnt directly related to the sermon but I felt that I should post it.

That is true I spent a lot of time being mad at society focusing on that or how dumb certain indivuals are. I should focus on the Jews in general but I can't help feeling that many people who got themselves in really bad situations it is their fault and they kind of do deserve it for being dumb and putting the kind of programming actions thouthtw beliefs (most often xtian or enemy) that would attract such things in the first place without questioning it at all or saying wait a minute here what's going on and seeking the truth no matter how long it takes to find it.

Some people seem happy to suffer so it is their fault they are getting what they wanted or told the universe they wanted to be slaves and to suffer and eventually it they don't wake up die fully. So they should shut up and stop complaining about it or wake up and seek the truth.
DarthNegativeHunter said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Iran The Big Picture
Putin sent thousands of Chechen terrorists from Russia down to Syria to fight against Assad this is documented in the presses as well. The Russian's were caught by the Iranian's giving the Israeli's the codes for their air force to by pass Iranian and Syrian,

it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :
According to your post count you may be new, but HP Mageson had first written on this issue long ago when it was still recent. Re-posting links to sources in every sermon he does is not practical...
ConsistentMeditator said:
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.

Lack of evidence is a very frequent problem on this site though, when it comes to political articles. Usually, when Mageson posts a source, it's a book that's behind a paywall and thus effectively unreachable for 90% of people viewing the article. Actual website sources directly showing the evidence are far better and saying something is documented while not linking at the same time is a very poor writing habit that is very ineffective at conveying convincing information so that everyone's on the same page.

My point of writing the first time was to point out how one doesnt have to be rude when asking for a source.

What exactly is posted (politically speaking) that doesn't have, or needs a source?

I havent come across any so far in which I need a direct source. However you are right, sources always make better especially for new people or those who already arent politically inclined.
I notice that ConsistentMeditator is consistently complaining again like in just about every post. And then quotes some Israeli troll to whine in harmony with. Feeling the vibe with the tribe he is.

Its never good enough for consistent whiner, no matter how many sources, answers or whatever it comes back to.....whine all over again. But what does consistent meditator do to contribute..... After six million posts it will still be complaining like its owed something for just being around complaining.

ConsistentMeditator said:
Lack of evidence is a very frequent problem on this site though, when it comes to political articles. Usually, when Mageson posts a source, it's a book that's behind a paywall and thus effectively unreachable for 90% of people viewing the article. Actual website sources directly showing the evidence are far better and saying something is documented while not linking at the same time is a very poor writing habit that is very ineffective at conveying convincing information so that everyone's on the same page.
I note when the Saudi oil bases were destroyed the anti-missile systems were easily gotten by and the forces behind the strike are trained by Iranians.

From what I understand the S300 system's were not used by the Syrian's because they didn't have them up and running to any degree at the time and the missiles sent in were outdated trash that had no chance of reaching half its targets the older systems worked fine. Israel will not send their best planes into regions with the S300 systems in Syria from reports. The nuclear facilities in Iran are surrounded by numerous batteries are anti-missile and air systems including S300 systems. Any planes sent in will probably not make it back. Israel launched an air attack on Saddam's nuclear facilities back in the day but they will not go near the Iranian one. They want American pilots to take the risk because they know its a one way trip.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Latest news is that all of the missles launched by Iran hit the ground. What frightens me is that the amrican anti missile sistems did not engage and Vladimir Jewtin will take note of that. Iran may be just an excuse to test the american response methods. When Trump bombed Siria in 2018 the S400 did engage but it wasn't too good either. If i remeber it shut down 10% of the american missiles.
Putin sent thousands of Chechen's down to Syria to fight Assad as part of the Sunni proxy forces of Israel. Then Assad gives control over to the Iranians who turn Syria into a Iranian base then Putin comes running and makes an offer to get the control handed over to Russia over Iran. All the while before he was just talking.

Some of you guys need to go back to Jewology class because its over your heads how Jewish Putin and his ultra Zionist Chabad regime in Moscow would JEW a hated enemy of the tribe state for the tribe.

Paklausko said:
Sorry if I missunderstood.
"russia send terrorist to fight against Assad"
This sentence is a disinformation, becouse Russian army force were the only foreign military force that was invited by Syrian goverment. NATO forces were like invaders in Syria. Your press is lying to you

Love Satan
The enemy matrix of energy is shown as the square of Saturn the cube its built by the four Kabbalah tree's of life which form the pillar's of each corner of the cube and connect and built the entire matrix cube. The tree has a code its actually four. The Kabbalah tree is the 22 Hebrew letters this cube is shown with a pattern formed from the tree as the vortex on the astral and how this brings the power down to generate the cube. The cube is the physical earth and how they manifest their energy from the astral into such and the vortex the astral this relates to the YHVH and the fact its bound the earth. The Final RTR undoes this. All of their Saturn imagery the cross the dates of worship everything even the Bible as one Kabbalah author mentioned all built this cube.

jbkbmz said:
All of this mass Gentile psychic energy to bring about ww3, the return of Jesus.
Is it possible to use this mass psychic energy and direct it to take down key Rabbis and leaders that are supporting this scenario.?
Rituals and such?
Maybe best to keep the rituals an such secret. I'm just putting the possibility out here
EasternFireLion666 said:
Jack said:
These are some of the recent news articles about the Iran Situation,

Trump threatens Iraq with ‘very big sanctions’ unless it pays back BILLIONS for an airbase if US troops are forced to withdraw

Gabbard: Iran war would make Iraq conflict 'look like a picnic'

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said the United States declined to issue him a visa to attend a United Nations Security Council meeting scheduled in New York later this week

Soleimani: Stampede kills at least 35 mourners at commander's burial - BBC News(some kind of numerology scheme ?)

Jack you are better documented on such things. Do you happen to know or have some source if the americans had any anti missile sistems in their last base that got hit? Russians are proably testing the american response methods.
I do not know. But you should regularly check Zerohedge.com and www.middleeastmonitor.com for latest updates. The Russians recently advised Iraq to buy their S-400 system to protect their 'sovereignty. '
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Hey, "DarthNegativeHunter", what the fuck is wrong with you?

well, in any news report i find online, they say wikileaks said that, wikileaks said this, but they never put the actual link.
but wikileaks website does not have a good searching platform.
i don't want news, i want to see actual sources. i want satellite images, updated ones, i don't know how to get them. things like google earth and other sat image providers are highly manipulative when it comes to defending isreal-US interests.
the reason i am an asshole about is it because if what is said is true. then going easy on the subject is not acceptable to me.

news links, things like that are much easier to manipulate. by providing the main sources instead of news links and some analysis and comments, you can lead someone to think for himself, instead of just trying to rely a message.
HP Mageson666 said:
I did an article years ago that had the quotation from the Jewish, B'nai Brith magazine in which the Jews were bragging about this. Putin himself a Jew didn't get to be a Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB by being a Goy. Who did the Jews trust their Communist regime to......The KGB so would they allow the Goyim to get to the top of that....Nope they didn't. The Jews are ultra racist and paranoid fanatic's who crave nothing but absolute power like its heroin.

Personal Growth said:
As said here only jews could serve in the upper levels of the KGB.

My ex girlfriends grandmother was a snitch for the KGB in the Soviet Union.

She said they're not jews though. That it was the only way to survive in the Soviet Union.

So maybe the lower levels like the informer, traitors were Gentiles who sold out to survive themselves and make their own families be okay under Soviet Union rule.

Thank you I see now that no Gentiles could work in the KGB.
Paklausko said:
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.

Sorry if I missunderstood.
"russia send terrorist to fight against Assad"
This sentence is a disinformation, becouse Russian army force were the only foreign military force that was invited by Syrian goverment. NATO forces were like invaders in Syria. Your press is lying to you

Love Satan

Russians fooled Syrians. First they sent Chechen terrorists to fight against Syria and then they sent Russian army to aid the weakened Syrian Army. Jews playing both sides. Sending Chechen terrorists was done inutmost secrecy. Russians wont admit it in the same way Israel wont admit in creating ISIS. Russians let the same happen to Saddam Hussein. They fooled Saddam Hussein. In past Russians fooled Hafeez Assad as well by causing a shortage of weapons in Yom Kimpur or 6 day War and Anwar Sadat also suddenly stopped war.
ConsistentMeditator said:
Usually, when Mageson posts a source, it's a book that's behind a paywall and thus effectively unreachable for 90% of people viewing the article.
I get what you're saying, but it's kinda obvious that a lot of information is not out in the open due to the enemy, and will have to be digged for in old books, etc. Look at what happened with the Library of Alexandria, clearly kikes aren't the type to be happy with easily accessible truths that go against their regime. Not to mention Joy of Satan's websites getting attacked constantly.
Spectacular failure of the jews. First fabricated attack on Saudi oil facilities, then flying drone to Iran airspace, knowing it would provoke reaction, and then something so blatant as killing the second most powerful man in Iran.

And still no war!

Jews are pulling their hairs out in frustration. Iran is continuing uranium enrichment, and there is nothing they can do anymore.

Good work, brothers and sisters. Let’s keep up with the RTRs, so that jews never get chance to do anything again.
Paklausko said:
HPS Shannon said:
DarthNegativeHunter said:
it's better if you provide sources to not make yourself look like a jew hating idiot :/
i had doubts about that, i looked it up, and there is indeed a source :

No need to be an asshole about it. If you want a source, ask for it, or just post it to the forum to contribute respectfully.

Sorry if I missunderstood.
"russia send terrorist to fight against Assad"
This sentence is a disinformation, becouse Russian army force were the only foreign military force that was invited by Syrian goverment. NATO forces were like invaders in Syria. Your press is lying to you

Love Satan

Disinformation?! It does not seem to be disinformation at all. What HP Mageson wrote here is totally logical. Putin is already debunked. And it was already discussed in older posts too what is the real reason of Russia helped Syria...

What the fuck is wrong with some people here?! In the other topic too, there is that arrogant rude bitch who allegedly claimed to be an Iranian but all what he's doing here is just whining about how bad pisslam and Iranian regime is...yes we all know this well. But that's not the biggest problem now.
And some other member too, their behaviour, their strange posts and even insults towards HPs...
Some of these individuals joined here only not long ago.

I really started to feel that out forum is invaded again.
Some of the posts here and in the other topic as well are just not right, either a troll or only a stupid person who is not able to see truth and lacking knowledge, posted them.
Consistent is very consistent in doing one specific type of work, it doesn't matter if you provide him 300 books, that's not enough evidence, as he is not satisfied.

Googling "Chechen Russia involvement" is also very difficult. Writing "Putin Rabbis" in the google search box is also impossible.

The consistency is about debating such as straw manning to the point we can't even answer him. His specialty is pretending it's all about asking for sources and putting extremist things in other people's mouths. Like things one never said for example.

I'm about to ask scholarly evidence on the fact that Consistent is not just a straw man troll at this point. I want satellite images and nothing less than Ivy league sources will do. I haven't acted because there are sources but only NASA has them and they are behind a paywall.

Putin literally running the new USSR with Abramovich and all the other jews hand to hand, isn't enough proof. Top Rabbis who say Jews are aliens going into TV and instructing Putin like Edward posted sometime ago, isn't enough proof. The Jewish cabinet of the USSR for 60 years or so isn't proof, from which Putin has emerged as a schoolboy from.

HP Mageson666 said:
I notice that ConsistentMeditator is consistently complaining again like in just about every post. And then quotes some Israeli troll to whine in harmony with. Feeling the vibe with the tribe he is.

Its never good enough for consistent whiner, no matter how many sources, answers or whatever it comes back to.....whine all over again. But what does consistent meditator do to contribute..... After six million posts it will still be complaining like its owed something for just being around complaining.

ConsistentMeditator said:
Lack of evidence is a very frequent problem on this site though, when it comes to political articles. Usually, when Mageson posts a source, it's a book that's behind a paywall and thus effectively unreachable for 90% of people viewing the article. Actual website sources directly showing the evidence are far better and saying something is documented while not linking at the same time is a very poor writing habit that is very ineffective at conveying convincing information so that everyone's on the same page.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
