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Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 3: Precession and the Ages


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
Satan's earth
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!
This is the reference article I somehow missed to add (about Ganymede and the Aquarius constellation).

Something interesting I noticed about Enki is that He is depicted in the classic wizard attire. He has the pointed hat, the long beard and the robe. He was the Sumerian God of magic. These also have important spiritual meanings.

There is evidence that some people did actually wear this type of attire for rituals. In the Gobi desert, there were found many mummies of a group of Aryans that lived there even before Chinese people settled there. Most of them were buried wearing the ritual hat, with some mummies like the 'Witches of Subeshi' having the tall classic witch hat and other ritual items buried with them. These people seemed to have been Celtic due to the clothes they were buried wearing. They were blatantly well versed in the occult and very advanced. Some of the mummies are up to 4,000 years old and are better preserved than Egyptian mummies. You can read more about this here.
I count the months until the age of aquarius
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=390956 time=1664461065 user_id=19170]
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!
Satan shall lead us to victory... Tona city 🏙️ filled with gold... Anything God given.. cannot be taken..
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=390956 time=1664461065 user_id=19170]
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!
cities of gold 🪙
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=390956 time=1664461065 user_id=19170]
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!
Can this affect the temperature of the Earth? Does the poles gets closer/farther from the sun?
Masterj810610 said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=390956 time=1664461065 user_id=19170]
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!
Can this affect the temperature of the Earth? Does the poles gets closer/farther from the sun?
Yes it's why we have the seasons.
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

Everyone is allowed to post where they please, especially JG Blackdragon, who is a valuable member.

No, asking for payment in exchange for a service is not a scam. That is how most businesses operate.
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

I have not posted on the White forums actually, it was on the main JoS forum. You can see that at the top of the page.

I have done countless free readings for SS. Very few, less than 5 ever paid me and that was because they felt like it was worth their money. Most of my work is teaching and guiding those who approach me. I actually told you to wait until I'm officially doing readings to place your order, and notified you that you can get a shorter one for free. Funny how you left that part out.

I'm sorry but I have had days where I woke up in the morning, studied Astrology until I slept in the evening. With just a few activities in between. I have studied the subject seriously and I still do from time to time. So why would I indefinitely use my acquired skills and knowledge accumulated over years for free? Still, I do and I was willing to do it for you by the way if you had said you were interested in the short reading.

I have refrained from opening orders because of a few personal reasons and also because I already have a line of readings to complete, most of which I am not charging the SS. Very fitting for a so called scam, don't you think?

Lastly, I teach people astrology so that everyone can be independent without having to seek the services of an Astrologer. People who are really good at it are rare but the need is always high. But when we teach everyone how to do basic to intermediate Astrology, they will be independent and capable of getting by on their own. Which is again very ridiculous for someone who is supposed to be scamming people.

We had a very cordial interaction on email so I wonder where this is coming from. Anyway, I hope I have clarified everything for other people. I have helped enough people to forget the number, with readings and all types of services, but only been paid by three.

Always mind to include the details before slandering someone, such as the ones you left out from our interaction.
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

You don't even know what a scam is, yet you insult one of our brothers and accuse him of things he never even dreamed of doing.

You lie and slander no different from a jew, why is that I wonder?

On what grounds even do you have the audacity to insult him in such a manner. Ridiculous.

The Joy of Satan is not exclusively for the White race.

Where did even you get that idea? Another worthless fabrication from your delusional mind?

All Gentiles are free to partake in Satan's wisdom and teachings, and the Joy of Satan exists to bring the teachings and wisdom of the Gods to all worthwhile Gentiles.

On the topic of astrology, JG BlackDragon has all the rights to ask money for his astrology services, as the JoS can vouch for his ability as an astrologer.

He is more than capable enough to do this as a legitimate professional JoS astrologer, and that level of quality and expertise is not something which should come for free.

He offered to look into your chart for free, unlike what you claim here, yet you still dare accuse him of attempting to scam.

Are you done lying? Or will you continue to behave like a worthless creature.

Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up
DeusDemon said:
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up
Yours is a claim.

Not evidence.

Maybe you could provide us with evidence for your claims?
DeusDemon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up
I must have also copied and pasted all the accurate readings I have done, no?

What kind of scammer asks you to wait until they open shop?

Do you get euphoric from lying?

Kindly don't even email me again asking for a reading, now or ever.
DeusDemon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up

After what you've been told, you still dare claim JG BlackDragon runs a scam?

The JoS is not a place for worthless lying idiots.

Answer this before you go:

What gives you the audacity to slander him and make up severely defamatory lies?

Don't run away from responsibility, show some backbone and do explain yourself.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=390956 time=1664461065 user_id=19170]
In the previous lessons, we covered how the heavenly bodies (planets, Sun and Moon) follow the same general path in their journey across the sky, which we call the ecliptic. The planets are observed to move along the zodiac belt which acts as a fixed background in a sense. This is due to the fact that both the planets and zodiac constellations lie on the same section of the sky or celestial sphere, which is along the ecliptic.

There is another type of motion which the earth experiences. If you’ve ever spun a coin, as it spins rapidly, you’ll observe that the axis around which the coin is spinning tends to move in a slow circular path. The following diagram shows a spinning object that is experiencing this type of motion.


This type of motion is called precession and is also experienced by the earth. The earth’s axis wobbles from its position in a circular path. The earth’s precession is extremely slow and it takes almost 26,000 years for the earth’s axis to complete one precession cycle.


The earth’s precession is caused by the combined gravitational influences of the Sun, Moon and other planets all of which cause the earth’s axis to wobble around in a slow circular manner.

Earth’s precession has a number of effects. First, we have the gradual changing of pole stars. Pole stars are stars that are directly above or near the poles on the celestial sphere. The star that is currently aligned with our North Pole is Polaris, also called the North Star. If you’re standing near the North Pole, you will observe that Polaris doesn’t move but appears to be stationary in the sky while the other stars move around it in circles. Polaris is also not exactly above the North Pole, but is near enough to be considered our North Star.

The word 'Polaris' is from the Renaissance era Latin phrase ‘stella polaris’, which means polar star. This is because Polaris has been the star that is nearest our North Pole for centuries and has been extremely useful in navigation and other purposes as the North Star.


Another star called Polaris Australis is aligned with the South Pole and is the South Star. We give a small allowance such that the pole star doesn’t have to be directly aligned with the earth’s axis, but at least near it. A star also needs to be bright to be considered a pole star because the pole star was traditionally used for navigation purposes.

Polaris and Polaris Australis have not always been the pole stars since the earth’s axis wobbles from time to time. 4,000 years ago, the star Thuban was the North Star. Stars like Vega, Deneb and Errai will be future North Stars many thousands of years in the future. Polaris will be the North Star again around 28,000 AD! That is after a full precession cycle taking now as the starting point, thus ending with the North Pole being aligned with Polaris again.


The next effect of the earth’s precession is that the stars are observed to move from their position and are not exactly fixed. Remember the earth’s axis is moving slowly, so as it moves, the position a star occupies on the celestial sphere as seen from earth moves at the same rate as the earth’s precession. Just like the pole stars move, every other star also moves from its position. Or you can say the constellations are themselves observed to move as the earth’s axis precedes. This is an important concept that will be relevant in a future lesson.

This brings me to the last effect of the earth’s precession that is related to the above one. You may look at the previous image to get this better. You can see the path that the earth’s axis follows, that is labelled ‘precession cycle’. Picture the earth’s axis moving along that path as it precedes, as if the image is animated. If you are observing the sky from the earth, the constellations and stars will slowly move around the celestial sphere. Or to see it better, just picture the same image but don’t move the earth’s axis. Instead, imagine the celestial sphere is rotating slowly around the earth. Let the earth and its axis remain in a fixed position as the celestial sphere moves around it. It’s the same thing but you’re moving only the celestial sphere. Every single complete cycle of the celestial sphere you see lasts about 26,000 years since remember, it’s the precession of the earth’s axis that is causing this motion.

In your mind, as you continue to picture the celestial sphere rotating slowly around the earth, focus on the section where the zodiac constellations lie. They have been labelled in the diagram. You can see the constellation of Aquarius, for instance, move from one point, slowly around the celestial sphere all the way back to its starting point. That single cycle takes approximately 26,000 years. Also, focus on the equinoxes as the celestial sphere continues to move around the earth. You can see that they are moving through the zodiac constellations, one after the other.

Therefore, in a sense, the Equinoxes experience the precession too as observed from the earth. This is the most important effect of the earth’s precession. The Equinoxes are observed to make a cycle through the zodiac constellations. Hipparchus in modern history was the first astronomer to take note of the precession of the equinoxes and that it took around 72 years for the equinoxes to move one degree in their position on the celestial sphere. Since the path to be covered for a full precession cycle is a circle around the middle part of the celestial sphere, it is 360 degrees in total and when you multiply 360 by 72 you get 25,920 years for a full precession cycle. This is where we got the ‘approximately 26,000 years’ figure. The exact figure is somewhere near 25,700 years but you can just work with 25,920. This period taken for a full precession cycle of the equinoxes is called the ‘Great Year’.

In fact, precession historically didn’t refer to the earth’s axis but rather to the equinoxes. This is revealed in the meaning of the word. Procession is the opposite of precession and has a Latin root that means ‘to move forward’. Procession is the usual east to west path traced by the Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies due to the earth’s rotation. You can even say that the path that the planets follow along the ecliptic is also a procession since they move in that ‘forward’ or usual direction. If the Sun is in Aries, you can expect it will next be in Taurus, then Gemini and so on. It is ‘proceeding forward’, hence the term ‘procession’.

But the movement of the equinoxes is backward. If the vernal equinox is in Aries now, the next sign it will move to is Pisces. The equinoxes in their slow movement are observed to shift in the reverse direction. This was why this movement was called precession, which has a Latin root that means ‘to come before’. It was traditionally called ‘The precession of the equinoxes’, because the equinoxes are observed to come 'earlier' in their position each year.

The precession of the equinoxes is extremely important in Astrology. From this, we get the Astrological ages. We know that we have been in the age of Pisces and are entering the age of Aquarius. What this means is that the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. Every March 20th or 21st on the spring Equinox, the Sun has been in the constellation of Pisces. Remember the Sun is on the Vernal Equinox on the day of Spring Equinox. And the Vernal Equinox has been aligned with the constellation of Pisces. I should also mention here that the terms Vernal Equinox and Spring Equinox are interchangeable and can both refer to the point on the celestial sphere as well as the day the Sun crosses this point, beginning the season of spring in the north.

The Vernal Equinox is now moving from Pisces and is entering the constellation of Aquarius. The previous image shows this very well. You can see the Vernal Equinox is leaving Pisces and is moving into the constellation of Aquarius. This means that the Sun will now be in the constellation of Aquarius on the day of Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere, remember that Spring Equinox in the north is Fall Equinox in the south). Effectively, we say we are now entering the Age of Aquarius.

Since the whole cycle lasts approximately 25,920 years and we have 12 zodiac constellations that are roughly equally spaced, the Vernal Equinox will spend roughly equal periods of time in each constellation. This period will be 25,920 ÷12, which is 2,160 years. This is the estimated period of each Astrological age.

So when you hear people say we are entering the Age of Aquarius, what is meant is that the Vernal Equinox is entering the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun will be in this constellation every Spring Equinox for the next two millennia.

The Astrological ages are important as they are ‘colored’ by the corresponding constellation. In the age of Pisces, this was supposed to be a very compassionate age. Pisces rules compassion. The jews hijacked this and put Christianity into the picture which talks about ‘love love love’ while spreading hate and destruction. Right now Christians are praying for the end of the world or something, how beautiful and lovely. The Age of Pisces has been one of the bloodiest in human history because of this alien program. This was also supposed to be an age of much psychic development for humanity but spiritual knowledge was removed and we have been the least psychic in our entire history.

The coming Age of Aquarius will be very different. It is very promising but only if we remove the enemy from power. We have only just caught a glimpse of the Age of Aquarius and we have technology that is pretty decent. Aquarius rules technology, scientific advancement, sophisticated inventions and things of a genius nature. This will become more and more of a theme in this dawning age. You can imagine where our technology will be at five hundred years from now.

However, because of a lack of control, we are already using technology in a bad way. People waste their time on social media while the world continues to burn around them. Too much gaming, a fake virtual life, consuming endless content that doesn’t help you at the end of the day, you’ve seen it yourself and probably experienced it too.

The enemy also has some sinister plans that involve making a borg microchipped slave race out of humanity, which is like the darkest way the age of Aquarius would turn out. Instead of a technologically advanced world that is full of much happiness and wonderful scientific inventions, they want to end humanity as we know it. They own these social media companies and have a huge grip over the world of tech.

It is important that we rise to power soon and turn things around so the Age of Aquarius can be a much better and pleasant one, free from the enemy’s influence and control. Tech is beautiful but needs to be used in a reasonable way that doesn't damage our normal human lives. It needs to be developed in a way that doesn't damage people or the environment. I am personally a tech enthusiast and I have very high hopes for humanity with regard o tech.

Lastly, this is the Age of Satan. Aquarius in legends was from the tale of Ganymede, a handsome young man who found favor in the eyes of Zeus. Therefore, Zeus took him and made him his personal cup-bearer, bringing Zeus drinks at his command. Zeus would later make him immortal as the Aquarius constellation.[1] But the story of the water bearer goes back to Enki the Sumerian God who was also known as Ea which means ‘the house of water’. Enki was known as the Lord of the Abzu, a symbolic place deep below the earth containing water. Enki or Satan is the water-bearer.


The above image shows Enki, who is Satan, with two streams of water flowing into his shoulders. Enki had a strong connection with water which is where the water-bearer comes from.

This is the age when the truth is coming out at last, and when humanity will be set back on its path that was once laid out by Satan for us at the beginning. Aquarius is also connected to the occult and rules subjects like Astrology. It is also associated with rebellion against tyranny and seeking justice. These will be strong themes in the coming years.

The spiritual tyranny of the enemy has already began falling apart. It can’t survive the Age of Aquarius especially since we are wiping it out from its root at the spiritual level. Many people will be leaving the enemy’s programs and turning to Satan. Our job is to make that path available to everyone.

Hail Satan!

Although I admit I have never been interested in Astrology. One SS here endeared it to me, although I soon found out it wasn't my thing. Although reading these I have to say thank you. The things you describe, like the Earth, the ecliptic, the celestial equator and so on, have awakened me to this and I find myself reading and learning about Astrology from many sites and materials, including here.

Thank you.

Finishing a few readings and I'll be back to posting more lessons. You're much welcome.
DeusDemon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up

Ya, if you didn't pay this black guy you wouldn't have enough to buy crank from the other black guy you know. It's good to keep your priorities in order.

He's running a business obviously, he could have plagiarized textbooks and sold the info as part of a paid class. He didn't.
653262725725724 said:
DeusDemon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up

Ya, if you didn't pay this black guy you wouldn't have enough to buy crank from the other black guy you know. It's good to keep your priorities in order.

He's running a business obviously, he could have plagiarized textbooks and sold the info as part of a paid class. He didn't.

You talk a lot of shit for someone who joined a day ago.
Another troll perhaps?
DeusDemon said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393457 time=1665606487 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Why is this black guy posting in the white forum? He seems to be running an astrology scam as I reached out to him and he was asking for payment right off the bat. Caveat.

By the way, do you mind explaining what has led you to accuse him of trying to scam you? This is a major accusation and I need to take this seriously.

But, I am confused because Blackdragon has just written 4 textbook-level pages of astrological knowledge. Why is he giving this out for free? Is this also part of his scam? Did he scam me by forcing me to read his free knowledge? Please respond.
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up

Don't worry...

I'm sure not even a cheap, jewish hooker with over 12 STDs would wanna scam someone like you.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
653262725725724 said:
DeusDemon said:
I am sure he simply copied and pasted the 'textbook level knowledge'....from a textbook. This plays into his scam representing himself as an expert. I could be wrong but the evidence adds up

Ya, if you didn't pay this black guy you wouldn't have enough to buy crank from the other black guy you know. It's good to keep your priorities in order.

He's running a business obviously, he could have plagiarized textbooks and sold the info as part of a paid class. He didn't.

You talk a lot of shit for someone who joined a day ago.
Another troll perhaps?

Don't even bother with the tough guy act. I'm not here to cause a fight with you.
653262725725724 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
653262725725724 said:
Ya, if you didn't pay this black guy you wouldn't have enough to buy crank from the other black guy you know. It's good to keep your priorities in order.

He's running a business obviously, he could have plagiarized textbooks and sold the info as part of a paid class. He didn't.

You talk a lot of shit for someone who joined a day ago.
Another troll perhaps?

Don't even bother with the tough guy act. I'm not here to cause a fight with you.

Neither am I.
I dont always fight.
I clean.
Why the nitpicking yet again on a productive post?

Plenty of people don't understand the BASICS of Astrology. They don't understand how it works and it's difficult for them to visualize how it works. Never mind textbooks or anything else. Blackdragon has written a good guide for those who need to understand the theoretical underpinnings with more visual guidance before they move on to interpretation. If he was hawking some product, why would he give away interpretative data for free?

Also a lot of Jews writing textbooks or websites will just write whatever, pushing the New Age nonsense first before discussing Astrology, or will write complete bunk and crap about the signs and aspects, or will push everything as a positive (like Pluto in the 7th as a "deep, kinky and sensuous soul connection that will transform your scandalous waters"), or push Sidereal off the bat without understanding what Sidereal is used for (like the Great Year cycle he discussed). This shit can get people killed.

The stuff he wrote about Satan and Aquarius you won't find in any textbook either. For an experienced Astrologer the connection between Ganymede and Aquarius is important as the the symbolism of this myth is very revealing about the sign's nature.
Karnonnos said:
Why the nitpicking yet again on a productive post?

Plenty of people don't understand the BASICS of Astrology. They don't understand how it works and it's difficult for them to visualize how it works. Never mind textbooks or anything else. Blackdragon has written a good guide for those who need to understand the theoretical underpinnings with more visual guidance before they move on to interpretation. If he was hawking some product, why would he give away interpretative data for free?

Also a lot of Jews writing textbooks or websites will just write whatever, pushing the New Age nonsense first before discussing Astrology, or will write complete bunk and crap about the signs and aspects, or will push everything as a positive (like Pluto in the 7th as a "deep, kinky and sensuous soul connection that will transform your scandalous waters"), or push Sidereal off the bat without understanding what Sidereal is used for (like the Great Year cycle he discussed). This shit can get people killed.

The stuff he wrote about Satan and Aquarius you won't find in any textbook either. For an experienced Astrologer the connection between Ganymede and Aquarius is important as the the symbolism of this myth is very revealing about the sign's nature.

Some people are simply ungrateful and they think trolling is gonna get them anywhere or do anything.
These types of people are usually dumb. They get found out easily.
Great post, and i am enjoying reading the website on your signature, its very helpful and revealing for us blacks…….a sign that the race awakening ritual is working well, i just started seriously checking it this period of the schedule

Thanks a lot

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
