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"Impeach Trump" "Join 6 Million Americans to take Trump out of Office"


Nov 4, 2017
Has anyone else noticed how much theres been ads about taking Trump out of office?
I watch youtube a lot and ive been seeing a shit ton of ads about impeaching Trump. What would actually happen if trump gets impeached? The guy that I see in the ads gives off very nasty jewish vibes, and he has a website dedicated to impeach trump. He says in one of the ads "join 6 million Americans to help take Trump out of office"
Did anyone catch the ""6 Million""?
Hhhhmmmmmm….. I wonder...

I just now looked him up, hes the billionaire Tom Steyer and hes running a 20 Million dollar campaign to impeach Trump. He started talking about impeaching Trump a year ago, but recently this has rocketed out of control everywhere. Jews are getting so desperate.
I was watching a youtube video and one of his ads poped up where he said to join "6 Million Americans" And then I decided to hop on the forums to talk about it.
The jews HATE Trump because Trump ruined their plans.

Jews are too ignorant to understand the real enemy as they are nothing more than mere useless slaves of the reptilians....

Sure, they're very smart, but that doesn't mean they're not useless trash who deserve to be destroyed with their "masters."
Ignisalas said:
Has anyone else noticed how much theres been ads about taking Trump out of office?
I watch youtube a lot and ive been seeing a shit ton of ads about impeaching Trump. What would actually happen if trump gets impeached? The guy that I see in the ads gives off very nasty jewish vibes, and he has a website dedicated to impeach trump. He says in one of the ads "join 6 million Americans to help take Trump out of office"
Did anyone catch the ""6 Million""?
Hhhhmmmmmm….. I wonder...

I just now looked him up, hes the billionaire Tom Steyer and hes running a 20 Million dollar campaign to impeach Trump. He started talking about impeaching Trump a year ago, but recently this has rocketed out of control everywhere. Jews are getting so desperate.
I was watching a youtube video and one of his ads poped up where he said to join "6 Million Americans" And then I decided to hop on the forums to talk about it.

If I remember right, impeaching a president does not kick the current president out. It just brings to 'light' some crime that he's committed, too bad Trump hasn't committed any crimes in office, or out of office. He's a smart man

Besides, that's why Trump chose Mike Pence for his vice president. If Trump were to be 'impeached' and stupidly step down, Mike Pence would take over the presidency and it would get worse for the enemy. It's hilarious to be honest, they're screwed either way :)
Pence would be better for them. He is a push over evangelical who as a career political most likely is for sale to the jews.
All the humans in America who really do want to impeach Trump, what do they think about Kike Pence? They hate him even more! That's who they'd be left with, someone who's even farther away from their goals. Do they just not THINK? What's the point in asking, of course these soul-less mannequins don't think, they aren't allowed to think and they don't dare go against what they are told to be the official Kosher Approved thoughts and opinions. Nothing but robots, their egos have rotted away and left nothing behind but guilt and an empty slave-mindset. Hopefully we can free many of these people and bring their souls back to life, but good riddance to the ones we can't we don't need them dragging us down.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
