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How to get rid of past memories


Apr 9, 2018
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?
You need to transform the above in power. Every feeling whatever the nuance and pattern evolves and is based on the profound relationship of your subconscious to your conscious, as so the nostalgia and melancholy are fruits that you need to use somehow. Same as feeling anxiety or different feelings, it is a mechanism of your own self to be informed and discover yourself.

Every feeling constitutes information and a present exaltation of needs. One of them is identification with the projected self. Forgetting memories and feelings is the most brutal curse you can wish on yourself. Pleasure and happiness as well as suffering mean power, lack of both means no power. On the lesser ladder, even with suffering, you have tools for transformation and betterment, much better than no tools therefore no betterment.

Take the above from a man who is absolutely in love and lives in the past every present moment. In the past you find the most profound power and self discovery out of your self for the present moments. As for the healing of the past, in terms of attachment, not forgetfulness, there's no better cure than transformation and refinement of the soul by the JoS knowledge available.

One great lesson I learned was that whatever feelings get lost in the past, you can reinstate them in your life to the same potency and reality, the difference is the maturity and the evolved stance you get when you re-experience it. Attachments need to be changed again, that's all.

Breath Of Fire and Fire element cleaning can weed out and give you clarity in your own feelings of yourself with cleaning afirmations. I'm sure others will give you advice on that.
Nero said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?
You can't forget what happened. But you can heal from the trauma.

This sounds like a very deep problem. Does it involve an attachment to something that you lost in some way? Like a person?

Or is it just pain from past negative experiences?
Nero said:

Visualize a link of energy attached to your heart chakra (the heart chakra rules over connections), know and believe that this link represents your connection to negative memories of the past. Now visualize yourself with strong intent and meaning that you are severing this link and cutting away it's attachment to you. You can visualize yourself cutting it with scissors, 'chopping' it with your hand, pulling it out from your heart chakra and throwing it away from you to dissipate into the astral, do what works for you.

And as you do this affirm each time "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, I am no longer negatively affected by the past. I now focus on the present, and advance positively to a better future."

Or you can come up with your own affirmation, just remember to add "in a safe, healthy and positive way for me" to it.
You could try affirmations like:

"The past has no power over me, I am free."


"I forgive myself for any and all past errors or mistakes."

Those are just a couple example's...you could look up more on the net.

Also, you could always give hypnosis a try.

Good luck my friend.
Nero said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?

"How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura

1. Affirm: "I am now removing any and all ties from [name of person] to my soul, totally, permanently, and completely.""


changed for your purpose to:

1. Affirm: "I am now, continuously and forever removing any and all memorys about [memory name] from my soul and memorie, totally, permanently, and completely, in a healthy, positiv and beneficial way for me" x18 reps.

(don´t forget to raise energy before and after stating affirmation, to visualize you loosing the memory [the memory as picture dissolving], along with avoiding void moon and see for a good starting date ss calendar.)
Thank you very much. I really appreciate that you have written so extensively in order to help me. I will definitely use your advice :)

NakedPluto said:
You need to transform the above in power. Every feeling whatever the nuance and pattern evolves and is based on the profound relationship of your subconscious to your conscious, as so the nostalgia and melancholy are fruits that you need to use somehow. Same as feeling anxiety or different feelings, it is a mechanism of your own self to be informed and discover yourself.

Every feeling constitutes information and a present exaltation of needs. One of them is identification with the projected self. Forgetting memories and feelings is the most brutal curse you can wish on yourself. Pleasure and happiness as well as suffering mean power, lack of both means no power. On the lesser ladder, even with suffering, you have tools for transformation and betterment, much better than no tools therefore no betterment.

Take the above from a man who is absolutely in love and lives in the past every present moment. In the past you find the most profound power and self discovery out of your self for the present moments. As for the healing of the past, in terms of attachment, not forgetfulness, there's no better cure than transformation and refinement of the soul by the JoS knowledge available.

One great lesson I learned was that whatever feelings get lost in the past, you can reinstate them in your life to the same potency and reality, the difference is the maturity and the evolved stance you get when you re-experience it. Attachments need to be changed again, that's all.

Breath Of Fire and Fire element cleaning can weed out and give you clarity in your own feelings of yourself with cleaning afirmations. I'm sure others will give you advice on that.
Blackdragon666 said:
Nero said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?
You can't forget what happened. But you can heal from the trauma.

This sounds like a very deep problem. Does it involve an attachment to something that you lost in some way? Like a person?

Or is it just pain from past negative experiences?

I am 25 years old and the last three years of my life have gone very badly. In 2018, I was supposed to graduate from university, but dropped out for two years and graduated only this year. I wanted to try doing business during my two years absence from the university, but nothing sensible came of it. It turns out that I just wasted two years of my life. I also remember a girl from the university who I liked but to whom I never approached and did not admit my sympathy. In general, the last three years of my life have been marked by a bunch of missed opportunities. At 25, I have no specialty in which I would like to work, no money, no love relationships, but I have money debts, uncertainty about my future and depression. Because of this, I sometimes want to go back in time and do everything differently, but I realize that this is not possible. I also realize that there are people in the world with much more serious problems than mine, but this is my own abyss from which I would like to get out. I visited a neurologist and he said that I was depressed and prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers for me, but I am afraid to take them, because I heard about their side effects.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Nero said:

Visualize a link of energy attached to your heart chakra (the heart chakra rules over connections), know and believe that this link represents your connection to negative memories of the past. Now visualize yourself with strong intent and meaning that you are severing this link and cutting away it's attachment to you. You can visualize yourself cutting it with scissors, 'chopping' it with your hand, pulling it out from your heart chakra and throwing it away from you to dissipate into the astral, do what works for you.

And as you do this affirm each time "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, I am no longer negatively affected by the past. I now focus on the present, and advance positively to a better future."

Or you can come up with your own affirmation, just remember to add "in a safe, healthy and positive way for me" to it.

Wow, thanks a lot :) I hope this helps me to get rid of my problems :)
of the true light said:
You could try affirmations like:

"The past has no power over me, I am free."


"I forgive myself for any and all past errors or mistakes."

Those are just a couple example's...you could look up more on the net.

Also, you could always give hypnosis a try.

Good luck my friend.

Thanks a lot brother :). I will try it
Fuchs said:
Nero said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?

"How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura

1. Affirm: "I am now removing any and all ties from [name of person] to my soul, totally, permanently, and completely.""


changed for your purpose to:

1. Affirm: "I am now, continuously and forever removing any and all memorys about [memory name] from my soul and memorie, totally, permanently, and completely, in a healthy, positiv and beneficial way for me" x18 reps.

(don´t forget to raise energy before and after stating affirmation, to visualize you loosing the memory [the memory as picture dissolving], along with avoiding void moon and see for a good starting date ss calendar.)

Thank you brother for this clear instruction :) May our God help you in your future endeavors.
Ghost in the Machine said:
And as you do this affirm each time "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, I am no longer negatively affected by the past. I now focus on the present, and advance positively to a better future."

Hi there!

Can I just tell you a million times THANK YOU?

This affirmation that you have presented helping another SS has really helped me tremendously!

You see, in my 3rd life I have forever lost my soulmate that I will no longer see ever again..
This has deeply hurt me, but in going through Father Satan and asking for him to help me move on past this painful memory, in return for F-RTR, (I out of nowhere, I didn't even search for this or anything), I stumbled upon this post of yours and did the detaching ritual, making sure to burn my end of the connection in blue fire once I have cut the cord with a white gold knife/scissors and then affirmed that affirmation and I have felt a relief wash over my whole being.

You have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to move on from this painful memory and know that no one ever again can use this against me to bring me down.

I'll finally be able to move on and have a healthier relationship with a man in the future.

Thank you so much Ghost!
Sorry for the rambling..

I'm glad to be of help and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

NameHere said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
And as you do this affirm each time "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, I am no longer negatively affected by the past. I now focus on the present, and advance positively to a better future."

Hi there!

Can I just tell you a million times THANK YOU?

This affirmation that you have presented helping another SS has really helped me tremendously!

You see, in my 3rd life I have forever lost my soulmate that I will no longer see ever again..
This has deeply hurt me, but in going through Father Satan and asking for him to help me move on past this painful memory, in return for F-RTR, (I out of nowhere, I didn't even search for this or anything), I stumbled upon this post of yours and did the detaching ritual, making sure to burn my end of the connection in blue fire once I have cut the cord with a white gold knife/scissors and then affirmed that affirmation and I have felt a relief wash over my whole being.

You have no idea how good it feels to finally be able to move on from this painful memory and know that no one ever again can use this against me to bring me down.

I'll finally be able to move on and have a healthier relationship with a man in the future.

Thank you so much Ghost!
Sorry for the rambling..

Nero said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Nero said:
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?
You can't forget what happened. But you can heal from the trauma.

This sounds like a very deep problem. Does it involve an attachment to something that you lost in some way? Like a person?

Or is it just pain from past negative experiences?

I am 25 years old and the last three years of my life have gone very badly. In 2018, I was supposed to graduate from university, but dropped out for two years and graduated only this year. I wanted to try doing business during my two years absence from the university, but nothing sensible came of it. It turns out that I just wasted two years of my life. I also remember a girl from the university who I liked but to whom I never approached and did not admit my sympathy. In general, the last three years of my life have been marked by a bunch of missed opportunities. At 25, I have no specialty in which I would like to work, no money, no love relationships, but I have money debts, uncertainty about my future and depression. Because of this, I sometimes want to go back in time and do everything differently, but I realize that this is not possible. I also realize that there are people in the world with much more serious problems than mine, but this is my own abyss from which I would like to get out. I visited a neurologist and he said that I was depressed and prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers for me, but I am afraid to take them, because I heard about their side effects.
Sorry about the late reply. Don't take those prescriptions.
You can do this working, especially now that the moon is in Taurus.

Do you still have feelings for the girl?

You can learn business skills. I'm no expert there so I can only advise you to open a new topic and ask your questions there.

I know how it feels to fail but you can't give up. You have to keep going. You can be saving any money you get to pay your debts.

Have you checked your birth chart? If you can read it, do you see any financial problems? If yes, it is very important to free your soul.
From my experience, I have used the rune Uruz for freeing my soul and it has worked amazingly. But, my advice to you is keep up on your meditations since these workings depended on the power of your soul.
Your problem simply needs a 40 day working program with the runic vibration.
For the girl, man do t waste time worry about that. You have your aura with you, every morning simply program it to attract you the lover.
Take these steps now and also read JoS articles, through the habit of reading, the Gods will direct you to the solutions.

I know you will be free soon.
I have my doubts though that he may take a second term with the fortified elections an all,
An if he returns though he's going to have to deal with the ruined economy, an the reptilian jewish media, not going to be an easy term,but I put some chips on the RTR's, to fix the mess the reptiles have started.
This sounds every interesting to me. And I too have some past problems I too would like to solve and get rid of as well. And a lot of personal emotions I have had struggles with as well. 💙
Hello brothers and sisters. I have a very important question.... I made some mistakes in the past regarding my career and personal life. These mistakes make me worry to this day. I try not to think about past mistakes, but pictures from the past periodically appear in my head and it makes me cry in my heart. Also, when I walk through familiar places, it makes me very nostalgic to the point where I can even cry. It feels like my body lives in the present but a part of my soul is still in the past. It's like a load that pulls you back and prevents you from going forward. But I don’t want this kind of life, I don’t want to be emotionally attached to the past. I want to live only in the present and in the future. I would like to get rid of all these memories that are pulling me back. I clean my aura and chakras every day. What else can I do for this?
My wife developed a ritual as simple as building a stick. She draws a line on the floor, stands barefoot on the grass in front of the line, draws a pentagram in the air with 2 fingers (this finger to show and the one that shows a rude gesture. She puts her fingers together like Baphometh) and says, " I erase all my past mistakes. All the past has stopped affecting me, I'm free! Now and always!!! In the name of Satan!!!"Then nonchalantly passes over the line, and goes to live on. He does it often

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
