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Help with severe depression and anxiety


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I have been suffering from severe anxiety and severe depression for many many many years now. I have tried my best to ignore it for so long but many times it just explodes in my face from bottling it up. I don't think I was born like this but happened to the result of being forced to perform sexual acts on an adult when I was around 6 or 7. Maybe even younger. I remember a lot from when I was very young and unfortunately that's one of them. For better or worse my mind can only remember the moment right before it happened and my mind draws a blank about the actual act. I've experienced a lot of other misfortunes in my life that probably made the anxiety much worse as time went but I'll save everyone from having to waste time reading all of it. The post is already long enough. I'll just say they were very unjust situations to incredibly toxic people who I am very open to because of how close they are to my life.

I feel like I'm on the brink of insanity. What makes it worse is that ive tried to talk to loved ones about this and it always results in being belittled or worse, telling me I'm lying. Even if they were the reason for making my mental state worse they say to my face that it never happened. I spent years to a decade or two in some situations trying to get over how shitty I was treated and talked to to only being called a liar to my face by these people saying I'm making shit up on the spot.... I fucking wish it was made up...

The emotional pain I feel everyday has gotten so bad that it has become physical pain. The past several years I have been feeling physical pain in my throat every time I start feeling depressed or anxious. Even feeling light head if a situation starts getting serious or heated just a bit which makes me act intense and lose my temper easily. It has gotten out hand before. Both the feeling of feeling flushed and getting enraged. I can't even have a normal conversation without physically tightening up (this just happens on its own and have to try so hard to calm down and many times to no avail) and then not knowing what to say in a general conversation.

I was raised to feel ashamed of expressing myself because of very controlling and violent parents and since I had these problems at such a young age I wasn't able to overcome it like some siblings of mine. So now I can't even express myself well or at times can't do it at all. I am currently doing an affirmation after yoga to help me with this.

Another thing is I can't even feel happiness fully anymore. So many times when I feel a hint of happiness creeping up I try to force it out but I can feel how fake it is and the times I finally do get a laugh or just feeling lighthearted and happy every time my mind tells me I don't deserve this feeling. I fight so hard to ignore this but emotions believe this thougjt and the feeling stops short from reaching fully happy, if that makes sense. I have felt like ripping my hair out when this happens. Like why do I have have these thoughts and also listen to them...

The pain is only getting worse and worse too. As of now it feels like a very sharp pain combined with a knot feeling. To where I feel I'm choking or about to bleed from that area inside. Recently I got into a bad argument with someone close to me when I tried to talk to them (since I read that it's best to speak to loved ones if you start feeling suicidal). This person just thinks I have always been lazy and weak minded to say the least. Yes, because me working, working out, studying meditating etc consistently makes me lazy.... Even in high school I was doing well at first (before it the depression became severe halfway thru my high school years) and in sports and even had a job. It's pretty fucked up when your loved ones don't even care about not just your mental health but when I finally have the balls to admit what happened when I was a child.... but yeah after this argument I felt a sharp pain on the right side of my rib cage for a couple of hours.

I've seen that it's in my chart that these things were to happen as well. So I have get away from these people... at the moment I can't because of financial issues to say the least. But I've made up my mind to stay away since there's no way of trying to make people who are beyond arrogant and hardheaded listen to me.

Here's what I'm currently doing everyday,

Aura of protection 4xs
- the basic one that's on the main site. I do two sets of these. One of them 36 reps then another 9 reps
- the potent AoP meditation that was given to a member by Lady Astarte. Aum Suryae and Algiz Sowilo 111 reps.
-after cleaning my aura I do the the affirmations that HPS Maxine gave us to do after doing the cleansing meditation that has you visualizing a ball of white light scanning your body from head to toe.

Full Chakra meditation

Satanama on each chakra and then aura.

Raum mediation


Both Kundalini (108 reps) and Hatha yoga.

I work out 3 times a week and do shadow kick boxing everyday.

I've done about 5-7 Munka workings in the 7 years I've been dedicated. For removing any problems and hang ups in general or something specific.

All this and I'm still suffering from depression and anxiety even tho I've been at this for years now. I have been constant for the last year and a half. Before this I would half ass or just do a little of meditating. Or if I would bully down I would only do it for about 3-4 months before letting this problem kick my ass again. Maybe I just need to suck it up and keep on with my routine and it'll go away eventually?

I was hoping if anyone can give me some advice on what else I should do. Last few weeks have been horrible for me and suicide has been lingering in my mind everyday. I've been wanting to ask Father Satan for forgiveness and off myself but if it wasn't for the fact that the gods won't have a reason to protect my loved ones (since like Maxine wrote in the JoS site they protect your loved ones if you do warfare.) then I probably would've done it already or planned when to do it. I think that's the only thing that's keeping my from doing it along with something else; I see all of us as holding a "blanket of protection" over humanity. So to say. The more people we have that work to save this world the more innocent people will be covered in this blanket. Each one of us reaching a certain number of people to protect. So if I go away then the people who could of been protected will probably suffer because I wasn't there to do spiritual and online warfare to save them. For now that feeling of being responsible for saving others is greater than the feeling of killing myself to stop feeling this pain.

So please... if I could have some help it would be very appreciated.... I know that psychologists are mostly bs but it's to the point that i may go to one since everything so far isn't helping and any option might be worth doing. I would have to wait to save enough money. Even now I feel anxious and shaking a bit writing this... and I hate admitting this and sounding like a drama queen but I think always thinking like that and believing I shouldn't talk about my problems have only made this all worse.

Sorry for using up your time to read all this.
hailourtruegod said:

The results of our workings rely on our general capabilities. Like a muscle, our souls can only output as much as we put into them. If all of your chakras are not open and you have not trained to gradually raise the bioelectricity of your soul or empower them further, then you're only blowing smoke instead of fire and exhausting your energies in the process. I suggest you absolutely do not stop your AoP and Aura Cleaning as whatever little they are doing is far better than none at all, trust me. But I also would like to remind you that the raising of our energies before meditating is very important.

Think of your spiritual energy as a form of fuel that you spend on your workings, the more 'fuel' you have to spend the more powerful the working will be. If you're tired or exhausted and practically depleted of this energy, your workings are going to result with next to nothing. To program energy we need to have it in the first place thus it is always important to always remember the 3 steps to magic as it seems all too many members forget about the first step.


2. Program the energy

3. Direct the energy

You should work on opening all of your chakras as having them open and working strongly greatly increases your energy intake, such with the Foundation Meditation.

I would also like to mention that you definitely need to get away from those people. From my own experience with highly negative environments, the negative energy can build up and linger in a house or specific location when it's been repeatedly or powerfully concentrated over time; I like to personally call these locations 'Dread Furnaces' as they continuously burn out and sap your energy leaving you to feel all sorts of negative manifestations so long as you remain in one and are not strong or powerful enough to keep fighting it off.

Dread furnaces are a relentless onslaught of negativity against you and will continuously wear down your defenses so long as you remain within it. If you want your AoPs and Aura Cleanings to be effective then you're going to have to spend a good 90% of your day away from it, either outside, at a cafe, or even go somewhere where there is lots of joy or positive energies like a dog park or arcade. But the bottom line is you need to get your own place, that or prepare to do a hell of a lot of camping because we are most vulnerable to energies when we are asleep.

If you do go through with the outside plan to meditate, when you return home after doing so you will definitely feel the negative energy when you enter. Then you will know what I mean by dread furnace because it'll feel like you walked into a mortuary. The only reason you never felt the negativity when inside is because you've spent so much time around it that you're desensitized to it, like how you get used to a scent to the point you don't smell it anymore.

In regards to your financial situation, try researching in your area to see if there are any homeless shelters or crisis centres for you to stay at. Look for any forms of financial support or any forms of payment you can get. I'd suggest a money working but it seems you're spreading your energy out too thin in such a debilitating environment. I would wait to consist with meditating outdoors and healing yourself away from such energy for several weeks before you start spending such energy. It is important you find some place to go because the more you work on yourself outdoors and away from the dread furnace, the more you will be repelled from it in every sense and will not want to return at all which will make entering it again difficult; your AoPs should keep you safe overnight though so long as you built your defenses away from the negativity.

Hangups from childhood cling to you very tightly, because our souls are far more open and vulnerable at a young age. But before you work on hangups, you need to first get out of your situation. So for now focus on cleaning your soul and meditating outdoors and spending most of your days outside somewhere. Work on getting your own place and a decent paying job.

Once you are living on your own and supporting yourself, you can continue to advance unimpeded and then you can work on getting rid of your hangups. If you are truly desperate, you can ask Satan for guidance or assistance, but you must offer and promise to give something in return. He doesn't hand out freebies and only does unexpected acts of kindness for us when we've earned it.

Your situation isn't hopeless. I know this because I was in a similar situation for 19 years, I practically grew up in it. I got out half a year ago and currently live in a place that is practically a miracle to me and a rare case of 'too good to be true but actually is true', far away from the sources of negativity in my life. I fight relentlessly for Satan.

Keep fighting, there's a warrior to be made out of you yet.
*hug* honestly at first I didn't even want to read any of it.. so I skipped a bit and then decided to read it all anyway.

But you know.. those people that called you a liar just can't cope with the truth themselves.
Not only may they be the people that should have protected you (and they didn't) but they're basicly pushing/shoving you aside too.

If you can, do bindings on the negative people. Even if they do not cause fights or such immediately, no one deserves to be talked down on, in any way.

@Ghost In The Machine - I guess I get what you mean by 'Dread Furnaces'.
You could do vinasa and sananda on the place all you want but it may take a very long time to get out of it.
I had a friend whom came over and instantly wanted to leave this place because of this. Then I cleaned up my bedroom, rearranged it and she said it felt sorta chill in there (not as in cold but as in its alright).

I do not know what kind of Freeing the Soul workings you have done so far, but that would have been my first suggestion. Along with lydia's psychical healing. But you've probably already done those.

Oh, another reason I just thought of why people may not believe you, is if you come across as a manipulator. But I also know that sometimes people act or do things without intent to do so but it just ends up that way.

Also, yoga, trying to relax the affected places without trying to think of the event especially.

I wish you the best with it and hopefully other people have more suggestions for you.
Thanks you two. I really appreciate the advice and plan to use it. Even the caring words of people that have the same values of me is very comforting.
Wunjo rune, banishes depression, heals mind and physical self. Like what Taol said, the psychological healing working.

This Sunday, Full Moon in Cancer, Cancer rules psychological foundations. Do it at night, as the night rules the subconscious and it's easier to access that side of the psyche at night.

West rules subconscious and the psyche http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Cardinal_Points.html
Psychology is not in and of itself BS but when you meet an irresponsible psychologist who decides to prescribe drugs etc, then you have trouble.

Psychiatry on the other hand.. They are a load of BS through and through.

A counsellor may be of use as they don't have the power to prescribe drugs however depending on where you live, if you use the suicide word around them, they may be required by law to report this which could lead to come unwanted involvement by psychiatry practitioners.

There are some simple herbal interventions you can try, which are safe and easy to prepare. He Huan Pi is the bark of the mimosa tree.. It nourishes the heart spirit and the blood and acts as a sort of anti-depressant if the bark is boiled in water and the resultant liquid is taken in small amounts throughout the day for a period of time (say a month).

It won't solve your problems but it may help you to feel stronger within yourself as your blood and heart improve as a foundation to your mind.

The heart is often damaged in trauma and as blood is the fluid of the heart, this too can suffer.
I don't know how helpful my advice will be towards you but I will do my best. When it comes to spiritual workings lydia has plenty of freeing the soul workers that she has written about on the forums. It could also be a diet thing. Having a strong nutritious diet can help. A healthy body supplements a healthy mind. I can't give good advice on this one though but if you search around you might find something helpful.

What I wanted to give was advice from a mindset standpoint in regards to your depression and suicidal thoughts. It was something I dealt with for awhile and performing freeing the soul workings and daily meditations definitely did help. It also lead me to a certain mindset that prioritized two things that I internalized within myself: Pride and Strength. These two things are extremely important.

Another thing is I can't even feel happiness fully anymore. So many times when I feel a hint of happiness creeping up I try to force it out but I can feel how fake it is and the times I finally do get a laugh or just feeling lighthearted and happy every time my mind tells me I don't deserve this feeling. I fight so hard to ignore this but emotions believe this thougjt and the feeling stops short from reaching fully happy, if that makes sense. I have felt like ripping my hair out when this happens. Like why do I have have these thoughts and also listen to them...

Many times throughout my life I seen Pride receive a lot of bad rep equating it to arrogance and how it leads people to their downfall. I have also seen people throw away their pride because they think its worthless and it's easier to not have any. This is Spiritual Satanism and we don't take the easy way out. Pride is definitely necessary in order to banish away negative thoughts towards oneself. It definitely does wonders in banishing thoughts towards suicide. To have Pride is to live and to live means having pride. Be proud. You are alive. Be proud of living. Be proud in the fact that while others fall by the wayside you live. Does it sound selfish? Does it sound harsh? Do the thoughts that others misfortune means you cannot be fortunate? Does your own misfortune mean you cannot be fortunate? That is definitely not the case!

I feel as if it has been forgotten. Life has become easy. You can obtain food and water by simply walking down the street depending on where you live. There are methods of transportation that allows you to go where you please. There is much entertainment that you could drown in it. It is with all of this that I feel as if people have forgotten how significant it is that you are alive. Being alive, becoming stronger, advancing upwards, taking in knowledge, overcoming hardships. This is what it means to be alive and this is something be proud of. Even being aware that I am alive right now at this moment brings me pride. Internalize your pride. What can you be proud of? You do RTRs, you perform spiritual meditations to advance, you are under the banner of SATAN. You have many things to be proud of! Acknowledge your self worth. It will internalize your pride. It will give you a happiness that nothing else can grant. A happiness based on self awareness of the worth you obtained with your own hands. Live for your own self.

After Pride is strength. Strength of the body, strength of the mind, strength of the spirit. The strength to live as you please. The strength to be selfish. The strength to continue living. Be proud to be alive and have the strength to continue living. The world is not easy. It is a battle of wills. It is hard and difficult. Those that are weak will be consumed by the world but the strong make the world their own. There are those that will align themselves with you and there are those that will go against you. If you learn to have pride then you need to obtain strength to remain prideful and that means remaining steadfast and overcoming those who are against you. This doesn't just pertain to the Jews and the enemy we fight right now but towards a more general thing. Bacteria, viruses, lifeforms, anything and everything that becomes your enemy, you need strength to fight back. This strength will be your foundation. An unshakable power that keeps you standing tall. Even when allies turn enemy, even when all you have are enemies. The strength you worked hard for will keep you hardened and will allow you to overcome anything.

Be strong, be prideful, be selfish, be aware, be knowledgeable. You come first. If you die then many things are lost. If you live, then many things can still be done. This belief in both pride and strength is something that allowed me to obtain a happiness I never knew about. A happiness that will never disappear. Even when I make mistakes, even when I metaphorically trip every now and again, and even when I end up going metaphorically backwards this pride of mine allows me to keep pushing forwards. Surely others do better than I do and surely others work harder than I do but such things don't matter anymore. Pride in what I have done, and what I have accomplished and what I will continue to obtain is enough. True pride and strength is not worthless, its gold.
Hey everyone. Sorry if didn't really respond to much what people have said but to let you all know I did start that working that was recommended by Lydia. Started it on Sunday like she said it would be a good time to start. It could be that lately this problem has been worse for me or that the working is kicking my ass or both. But I wanted to let everyone know that's why I havent really been replying or taking much here. Seeing that this working is bringing up bad emotions and stuff as it digs it all out so I can be free and healed shows me that I'm doing the right thing and it's what is making me pull thru and keep doing the working.... even if it's making feel like shit at points, to say the least. Just thought I should let everyone know that their help hasn't been in vain and I do appreciate all the replies.


Hail Satan!!
hailourtruegod said:
Hey everyone. Sorry if didn't really respond to much what people have said but to let you all know I did start that working that was recommended by Lydia. Started it on Sunday like she said it would be a good time to start. It could be that lately this problem has been worse for me or that the working is kicking my ass or both. But I wanted to let everyone know that's why I havent really been replying or taking much here. Seeing that this working is bringing up bad emotions and stuff as it digs it all out so I can be free and healed shows me that I'm doing the right thing and it's what is making me pull thru and keep doing the working.... even if it's making feel like shit at points, to say the least. Just thought I should let everyone know that their help hasn't been in vain and I do appreciate all the replies.


Hail Satan!!

It's good to hear that it is working. And yes these things will manifest the negativity on the surface as we remove them, but once it's all over with and the negativity is gone you will feel much better. Once you've gotten rid of all that negativity or as much as you possibly can in your environment, I'd like to inform that it's imperative to fiercely build up your protection so such negativity doesn't seep in easily.

Countering the rate at which the negativity affects you will allow your Aura Cleaning meditations to catch up to it and clean everything out before it impacts you, so it'll be much easier to manage. Stay consistent and you'll come out just fine.
Ghost in the Machine said:
hailourtruegod said:
Hey everyone. Sorry if didn't really respond to much what people have said but to let you all know I did start that working that was recommended by Lydia. Started it on Sunday like she said it would be a good time to start. It could be that lately this problem has been worse for me or that the working is kicking my ass or both. But I wanted to let everyone know that's why I havent really been replying or taking much here. Seeing that this working is bringing up bad emotions and stuff as it digs it all out so I can be free and healed shows me that I'm doing the right thing and it's what is making me pull thru and keep doing the working.... even if it's making feel like shit at points, to say the least. Just thought I should let everyone know that their help hasn't been in vain and I do appreciate all the replies.


Hail Satan!!

It's good to hear that it is working. And yes these things will manifest the negativity on the surface as we remove them, but once it's all over with and the negativity is gone you will feel much better. Once you've gotten rid of all that negativity or as much as you possibly can in your environment, I'd like to inform that it's imperative to fiercely build up your protection so such negativity doesn't seep in easily.

Countering the rate at which the negativity affects you will allow your Aura Cleaning meditations to catch up to it and clean everything out before it impacts you, so it'll be much easier to manage. Stay consistent and you'll come out just fine.

That makes sense. Will do my best then. Thank you.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
I don't know how helpful my advice will be towards you but I will do my best. When it comes to spiritual workings lydia has plenty of freeing the soul workers that she has written about on the forums. It could also be a diet thing. Having a strong nutritious diet can help. A healthy body supplements a healthy mind. I can't give good advice on this one though but if you search around you might find something helpful.

What I wanted to give was advice from a mindset standpoint in regards to your depression and suicidal thoughts. It was something I dealt with for awhile and performing freeing the soul workings and daily meditations definitely did help. It also lead me to a certain mindset that prioritized two things that I internalized within myself: Pride and Strength. These two things are extremely important.

Another thing is I can't even feel happiness fully anymore. So many times when I feel a hint of happiness creeping up I try to force it out but I can feel how fake it is and the times I finally do get a laugh or just feeling lighthearted and happy every time my mind tells me I don't deserve this feeling. I fight so hard to ignore this but emotions believe this thougjt and the feeling stops short from reaching fully happy, if that makes sense. I have felt like ripping my hair out when this happens. Like why do I have have these thoughts and also listen to them...

Many times throughout my life I seen Pride receive a lot of bad rep equating it to arrogance and how it leads people to their downfall. I have also seen people throw away their pride because they think its worthless and it's easier to not have any. This is Spiritual Satanism and we don't take the easy way out. Pride is definitely necessary in order to banish away negative thoughts towards oneself. It definitely does wonders in banishing thoughts towards suicide. To have Pride is to live and to live means having pride. Be proud. You are alive. Be proud of living. Be proud in the fact that while others fall by the wayside you live. Does it sound selfish? Does it sound harsh? Do the thoughts that others misfortune means you cannot be fortunate? Does your own misfortune mean you cannot be fortunate? That is definitely not the case!

I feel as if it has been forgotten. Life has become easy. You can obtain food and water by simply walking down the street depending on where you live. There are methods of transportation that allows you to go where you please. There is much entertainment that you could drown in it. It is with all of this that I feel as if people have forgotten how significant it is that you are alive. Being alive, becoming stronger, advancing upwards, taking in knowledge, overcoming hardships. This is what it means to be alive and this is something be proud of. Even being aware that I am alive right now at this moment brings me pride. Internalize your pride. What can you be proud of? You do RTRs, you perform spiritual meditations to advance, you are under the banner of SATAN. You have many things to be proud of! Acknowledge your self worth. It will internalize your pride. It will give you a happiness that nothing else can grant. A happiness based on self awareness of the worth you obtained with your own hands. Live for your own self.

After Pride is strength. Strength of the body, strength of the mind, strength of the spirit. The strength to live as you please. The strength to be selfish. The strength to continue living. Be proud to be alive and have the strength to continue living. The world is not easy. It is a battle of wills. It is hard and difficult. Those that are weak will be consumed by the world but the strong make the world their own. There are those that will align themselves with you and there are those that will go against you. If you learn to have pride then you need to obtain strength to remain prideful and that means remaining steadfast and overcoming those who are against you. This doesn't just pertain to the Jews and the enemy we fight right now but towards a more general thing. Bacteria, viruses, lifeforms, anything and everything that becomes your enemy, you need strength to fight back. This strength will be your foundation. An unshakable power that keeps you standing tall. Even when allies turn enemy, even when all you have are enemies. The strength you worked hard for will keep you hardened and will allow you to overcome anything.

Be strong, be prideful, be selfish, be aware, be knowledgeable. You come first. If you die then many things are lost. If you live, then many things can still be done. This belief in both pride and strength is something that allowed me to obtain a happiness I never knew about. A happiness that will never disappear. Even when I make mistakes, even when I metaphorically trip every now and again, and even when I end up going metaphorically backwards this pride of mine allows me to keep pushing forwards. Surely others do better than I do and surely others work harder than I do but such things don't matter anymore. Pride in what I have done, and what I have accomplished and what I will continue to obtain is enough. True pride and strength is not worthless, its gold.

Very good advice. Some people need to learn how to be selfish at times. I can understand what you mean, especially during this period - there comes a time when you need to choose for yourself and to not allow others dictate your life.

We need to be selfish in certain circumstances so we can be happy. And pride shouldn't be associated with arrogance. Yes, there is a thin like between these two with most people - but pride is an important aspect when it comes to self confidence and other matters as well.
Lydia said:
Wunjo rune, banishes depression, heals mind and physical self. Like what Taol said, the psychological healing working.

This Sunday, Full Moon in Cancer, Cancer rules psychological foundations. Do it at night, as the night rules the subconscious and it's easier to access that side of the psyche at night.

West rules subconscious and the psyche http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Cardinal_Points.html

Can I do this working up to 90 days or should it only be done for 40 days?
hailourtruegod said:
Can I do this working up to 90 days or should it only be done for 40 days?
For things like this, 40 days is just a minimum so the work sticks to your soul. If you want to go for longer, do it it will only help you more.
hailourtruegod said:
Lydia said:
Wunjo rune, banishes depression, heals mind and physical self. Like what Taol said, the psychological healing working.

This Sunday, Full Moon in Cancer, Cancer rules psychological foundations. Do it at night, as the night rules the subconscious and it's easier to access that side of the psyche at night.

West rules subconscious and the psyche http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Cardinal_Points.html
Can I do this working up to 90 days or should it only be done for 40 days?

See how you feel on the 40th day. Sometimes it's best to do just 40, and then another round of 40 at a later date. Workings keep working after they are complete, HP Cobra once equated it to a ringing bell with the vibration carrying on after it is done. And sometimes rounds of 40 days can be easier for the soul and psyche to deal with.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
hailourtruegod said:
Can I do this working up to 90 days or should it only be done for 40 days?
For things like this, 40 days is just a minimum so the work sticks to your soul. If you want to go for longer, do it it will only help you more.

I'm almost done with the 40 days and I have been feeling this working more and more doing it's job. I was considering doing it to 90 days since what I have been thru was pretty messed up to say the least and seeing how this was affecting me with the symptoms I mentioned ( I say was since like I said this working has been doing an amazing job :) ) I feel I should go for the 90 days because A it makes sense to and B it wouldn't hurt to make sure I go all out on this.

I wanted to just ask here just in case. Thanks for the response <3
Lydia said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lydia said:
Wunjo rune, banishes depression, heals mind and physical self. Like what Taol said, the psychological healing working.

This Sunday, Full Moon in Cancer, Cancer rules psychological foundations. Do it at night, as the night rules the subconscious and it's easier to access that side of the psyche at night.

West rules subconscious and the psyche http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Cardinal_Points.html
Can I do this working up to 90 days or should it only be done for 40 days?

See how you feel on the 40th day. Sometimes it's best to do just 40, and then another round of 40 at a later date. Workings keep working after they are complete, HP Cobra once equated it to a ringing bell with the vibration carrying on after it is done. And sometimes rounds of 40 days can be easier for the soul and psyche to deal with.

I literally had a feeling, seems to be my intuition tbh, telling me what you pretty much said. That 40 is good and I can do another round of 40 another date. This is the biggest reason I asked. Seeing that that's what my intuition was telling me to do and what you said making sense I'm going for the 40 days.

Thank you for the response.
Thank you Satanic family. I feel amazing compared than about a month ago. And I understand by what Lydia meant that the working feels like a bell rung. I recently finished and everyday I'm feeling better.

Thank you again. <3 :)

Hail Satan!!
hailourtruegod said:
Thank you Satanic family. I feel amazing compared than about a month ago. And I understand by what Lydia meant that the working feels like a bell rung. I recently finished and everyday I'm feeling better.

Thank you again. <3 :)

Hail Satan!!

Good to hear that you're feeling better :D

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
