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Green SS troopers get in here! For new people


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Since there have been some new people lately and others otherwise expressing alot of interest in the Gods and the occult and spirituality in general I am going to give a general guideline article for the ones who are seriously thinking of following this path.

First of all only do so if you know certain in your mind body and soul 666% this is what you want. You have to realize that this is a lifelong commitment and that its also not going to be always butterflies and unicorns with getting whatever you want. The point of this path is to Empower humanity to evolve, and to remember our Ancestral Gods that want us to know how to do this. What you have to understand is you have to eventually learn to be self sufficient and to do things ideally most of the time for yourself. This below will help you get started with that :D

First of all perform the dedication ritual to Father Satanhttps://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html Do not be freaked out at the part where it asks you to sign your name in blood. All it needs is literally a drop. This is because it contains your own DNA and it is why it comes even closer to actually signing anything with your name than with a pen. This is literally the only time blood will be needed for any ritual. As cited on the front page of JOS we do not do blood magick or blood sacrifice. this is a jewish practice

There are alot of people who might hesitate at the dedication ritual. If this is the case let this motivate you.https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Dabbling.html This tells you why you need Satan's protection, which you will get from the ritual. I can attest to this firsthand as this happened to my mother. She dabbled when i was a child. When i came to JOS everything made sense when i read this article about why she experienced what she did.

People often Have a hard time deprogramming from enemy filth as it is associated with a lot of emotional ties and ones own identity based on events experienced and people in their lives. If they realize this is all a lie they feel their world will come crashing down. But this is not the case. See "Why It Can Be Difficult to Deprogram from Christian Indoctrination" https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Xian_Influence.html

Hopefully these will help with anyone on the fence about dedicating. When that hurdle is jumped realize There is a lot of research and self study involved. Aside from the assistance and advice we may ask from the Gods this is largely a self teaching path. So actively study and meditate.

To get started with the Active study and meditate parts first of all: Perform the 40 day working to open up your soul by HPCobra. https://www.satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
Make sure that you time this working with the moon. This will help.
Never begin any working or ritual on a void of course moon whatsoever.

Be sure also to download the SS calandar by Lydia every January for your timezone. It will tell you the best times for planetary squares and workings in general according to the moons and planets signs and positions as well as the holidays.
Lunarium is also a site i find helpful when i am wanting to time my planetary squares or other things with the hours of a specific planet https://www.lunarium.co.uk/ Timing and magick is everything. It never hurts to have the planets in your favor and with several kinds of workings they have to be or they are a waste of time.

The initial 40 day program will get you started and tell you the bare basics of what you need to do also long after this program is over, including void meditation, hatha yoga, aura of protection, and kundalini yoga. The bare basics however are not what you want to stick with forever. Sooner or later power meditation must come into play when you are ready. First however before empowerment one must sufficiently clean the aura and soul

After you finish the 40 day program above start returning curses parts one and two:
part one https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
part twohttps://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html

This will help you thoroughly clean your aura everyday. Especially combined with spiritual warfare (doing RTRs) The deep Cleaning working by Lydia is also advised right after The RTR. Do it right after do not let it sit. This working will also work on your visualization and focusing on your chakras. https://archive.md/WATBJ

RTR's https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html are an essential, which must be done DAILY, for fighting our enemy, and bringing them down to free all human souls and this planet of all jewish rot and the degenerative state the world has fallen into since the enemy came. One of the reasons humanity is cut off spiritually is because of hebrew curses which these rituals reverse and destroy along with all jewish spiritual power and their angelic thought forms.

Deeper into cleaning your soul You can start using obliterate saturn workings or vibrate munka for Freeing the soul. See here https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Freeing_the_Soul_2.html
Lydia has also composed a really good way for obliterating saturn https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=92 In my personal experience, the planetary squares that come after the working, if needed, will be the planet(s) that will be debilitated by saturn or badly aspected by it in your natal chart.

It takes at least on average 2 years to clean the entire aura. This ideally needs to be done before any serious empowerment unless one wants to end up empowering their own spiritual dross which can manifest in all kinds of life problems which i have seen with multiple SS. Some people might be naturally more higher up with this as a result of working on their souls in past lives but this is a general guideline...really focus on yourself to see what you need. For me this all right here came very instinctual until i saw it mentioned by HPS Shannon in the forums here.

While cleaning and opening your soul you have to get to know yourself better and what you lack and are in excess of or what you have trouble with. One of the best ways to do this is study your astrology chart. Your chart is a blueprint of your soul and your chakras are the engines. Usually in all of us humans our chakras are dirty and deficient due to enemy curses, past traumas and hang ups in this life and the former ones, but some will have this in one or more chakras than others and this will also show in your chart. These often manifest psychically, emotionally or psychologically or a combination of these. To know this, it helps very much to study astrology. In our Astrology section https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html

You will be able to see each chakra each planet rules over. The astrology chart can show anything from bad karma, to what physical or mental problems one may struggle with, as well as any spiritual road blocks. This can basically tell you what you need to do as far as planetary squares, healing workings, perhaps extra protection, or show you what you naturally attract for better or worse and can give you ideas on how to change that.

I study my own chart ALOT and almost every single time when i look at it again i find something new. It really is a learning process. To really get something out of this takes meditating on self awareness in all aspects of your life that all of a sudden will pop out in your chart in a way that suddenly makes sense. If what you see in your chart is something you realize you want to change then do so then with the appropriate working.

Go to https://www.astro.com/horoscope and type in your information. you will need your exact birth time and place if you don't know it ask family or find your birth certificate. If you have to, ask the hospital where you were born. Start cross referencing with the astrology info from JOS. this will at least give you the basics of your chart reading. As time goes on you will notice alot more information that comes instinctively about certain placements or aspects and see patterns. For example This is not listed anywhere in the astrology section. But your saturn conjuncting someones chart ruler can hurt them in the way (and will usually do so so along with amplifying their own saturn problems) of the things that their chart ruler rules over.

Studying astrology takes alot of time and effort and is fun to learn..and can also be life saving! This should be a consistent endeavor for ALL SS on top of their routines and it helps them learn about themselves, aiding in self awareness essential for advancement.

With alot about astrology being said here, Look into practicing TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) also. Once you see in your chart what of the 4 elements you lack or are in excess in also in general you can tailor your diet to this in an overall healthy and balanced way for you personally, which will help you become more balanced. The body and soul reflect each other so its good to work both ends.
Blitzkrieg is really good with TCM and has helped many of us in this field multiple times. Alot of his inputs can be found in the search functions in the forums :) (Thank you DR. Blitz!)

Do not forget to meditate on your chakras and astral senses also. Astral sense openings will be found in the mediation section. After a time when you feel ready you can start serious empowerment, building up slowly.

On a side note it is handy to have a satanic rosary for white and black magick separately. NEVER mix white and black magick workings using the same rosary. If you are going to use crystals or runes carved into crystals or stone make sure you clean them. I have a rune set for white and black magick separate as well as 2 separate rosaries. I personally found it handy to combine carving the runes into their respective crystals.
See here which rune goes best with which type of crystal. This amplifies the power of the runes for the working. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html

My black magick rosary is 108 beads because it is the number of saturn, the number used in bindings and curses. do not use 108 for white magick. 111 on the other hand is a solar number like 666 and is a number of the sun and is great for cleaning and white magick workings in general. My white magick rosary has 111 beads.
When starting any workings do not go up to these numbers right away if you are new or you will burn out. Start small with something like 10 or 20. 9 can be used for black magick and removal.

On black magick and cursing you need a serious built up amount of protection and a powerful aura and visualization skills with good concentration to attempt any of this without or little consequences. Black magical workings are not recommended for new people! If you are going to do workings of removal and destruction use it to clean and remove blockages from your soul and your aura.

On reaching out to our Gods and getting close to them and finding your guardian
Satan and the Gods are here to work with us and help us advance. If you want to establish a relationship with them you must be open and respectful and never demanding and ALWAYS be prepared to give something back,weather in warfare, activism, or energy to the Powers of Hell. If you need to summon someone NEVER draw their sigil at any time in a circle. EVER. this is a jewish grimoire practice that is to be avoided at all costs. Our Gods are beautiful benevolent beings and not the monsters judeocristianity has portrayed so do not treat them like it.

Finding your guardian can take time for some people, and for others it comes quicker. This can manifest in realizing you have an intense adoration for the Demon that may track to past lives, or you may have always been attracted to them in one way or the other. The will often be of the opposite gender but not always, and in general will often be what you are attracted to in people as far as energy and personality. Just like with synastry with friends co workers and lovers, your energies will work well, and they can also be in some cases dominant in an element you lack which can help you in some ways. Often times also they can be of the same element that you are most attracted to or are dominant in.

Touching up on studying astrology, this can also be seen from your chart to an extent. Usually not just one but several themes will be taking place simultaneously with their planet(s), elements or energies in your chart that are prominent also Their planet may be your chart ruler for example with you having a grand trine in their element. Their specialties may be something you have a knack for or are quite fascinated by. They could very well be The God of your Specific ancestral people. Or maybe you have always been close to a specific type of animal that represents them that always seems to come around. If your planet(s) in your chart are on the same degree ranges and signs as certain Gods who share the same themes with specialties this can also indicate relationships with those Gods in past lives weather they be your guardian or not. Just a theory i have with that one.

Staying close to Satan and the Gods will help you along with this guide AND studying JOS in its entirety to do what you need to in order to advance. The Gods will especially be close to you and guide you in the beginning and give you the signs you need to really know they care and are there for you!

I hope this proves to be helpful for all who are new and find Satan. Feel free anyone to add something they deem of importance. Zieg Heil!
Thank you very much, this topic is important for anyone starting out.

JoS is a light on the way for all of us!

In my daily meditations, I always dedicate my thoughts to all the members. I feel pure love when I think about it, my eyes fill with tears, it really feels wonderful.
Mel4Satan said:
Thank you very much, this topic is important for anyone starting out.

JoS is a light on the way for all of us!

In my daily meditations, I always dedicate my thoughts to all the members. I feel pure love when I think about it, my eyes fill with tears, it really feels wonderful.

i am glad you found it helpful! :)
Serbon said:
Shadowcat said:

What about empowering the runes with blood? I remember seeing that in one of the rune rituals on our website

Yes thst and dedication are the only things...however blood isnt completely nessesary as a formal ritual can be used with insense too
Shadowcat said:
Serbon said:
What about empowering the runes with blood? I remember seeing that in one of the rune rituals on our website

Yes thst and dedication are the only things...however blood isnt completely nessesary as a formal ritual can be used with insense too

Great post :) (The OP)

Btw, I stained the runes for the race ritual with my blood, to connect better, since it's for people of my blood.
Another thing to add is understand one is not to go just jumping 1-100 automatically, overestimating your limit will set you at zero; Below the step you are to start on. Diligence is key as with everything, but patience and and making progress in your capacity is needed. Like building a muscle.
Shadowcat said:
It takes at least on average 2 years to clean the entire aura. This ideally needs to be done before any serious empowerment unless one wants to end up empowering their own spiritual dross which can manifest in all kinds of life problems which i have seen with multiple SS.

What is empowerment?
Dark Lawyer said:
Shadowcat said:
It takes at least on average 2 years to clean the entire aura. This ideally needs to be done before any serious empowerment unless one wants to end up empowering their own spiritual dross which can manifest in all kinds of life problems which i have seen with multiple SS.

What is empowerment?

it is adding power to your chakras abd your soul as a whole. you do this by ysing meditations to increase energy and power
Dark Lawyer said:
Shadowcat said:
It takes at least on average 2 years to clean the entire aura. This ideally needs to be done before any serious empowerment unless one wants to end up empowering their own spiritual dross which can manifest in all kinds of life problems which i have seen with multiple SS.

What is empowerment?

Empowerment refers to increasing one's spiritual energy through power meditation. Increased energy empowers all aspects of one's soul, including dross, past-life traumas, brainwashing, etc. When these detrimental things are empowered, they work more effectively at being detrimental. That's why it's important to clean them out right away. Most people have accumulated quite a bit of filth on their soul because of not meditating for years. That's why it also takes years to remove.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=335248 time=1647541589 user_id=346]
Empowerment refers to increasing one's spiritual energy through power meditation. Increased energy empowers all aspects of one's soul, including dross, past-life traumas, brainwashing, etc. When these detrimental things are empowered, they work more effectively at being detrimental. That's why it's important to clean them out right away. Most people have accumulated quite a bit of filth on their soul because of not meditating for years. That's why it also takes years to remove.

Some members were talking about these but I didn't think there would be a part of truth since HPS Maxine never mentioned (even if she did, I didn't see) that the empowerment of soul also exacerbates negative aspects.

Thank you, JoS Guardians, I learn a lot thanks to you.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=335248 time=1647541589 user_id=346]Empowerment refers to increasing one's spiritual energy through power meditation. Increased energy empowers all aspects of one's soul, including dross, past-life traumas, brainwashing, etc. When these detrimental things are empowered, they work more effectively at being detrimental. That's why it's important to clean them out right away. Most people have accumulated quite a bit of filth on their soul because of not meditating for years. That's why it also takes years to remove.

Thank you! I thought maybe it was the spiritual dross that was causing my lethargy. But it is likely caused by simple objective factors.
Dark Lawyer said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=335248 time=1647541589 user_id=346].. .
Thank you! I thought maybe it was the spiritual dross that was causing my lethargy. But it is likely caused by simple objective factors.
Most likely reasons are sedentary lifestyle and astrological makeup. You can counter those with breath of fire, Kundalini Yoga, elemental invocation and physical exercise. Solutions permanent in nature are freeing of the soul workings, runic workings and invoking of planetary energies. Always program energy after raising it so as not to waste it.
Henu the Great said:
Most likely reasons are sedentary lifestyle and astrological makeup. You can counter those with breath of fire, Kundalini Yoga, elemental invocation and physical exercise. Solutions permanent in nature are freeing of the soul workings, runic workings and invoking of planetary energies. Always program energy after raising it so as not to waste it.

It's possible. But I've already described the primary reasons, and we've talked to you about them. The primary causes are such that no amount of spiritual work will help.
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
Most likely reasons are sedentary lifestyle and astrological makeup. You can counter those with breath of fire, Kundalini Yoga, elemental invocation and physical exercise. Solutions permanent in nature are freeing of the soul workings, runic workings and invoking of planetary energies. Always program energy after raising it so as not to waste it.

It's possible. But I've already described the primary reasons, and we've talked to you about them. The primary causes are such that no amount of spiritual work will help.
You mentioned "past mistakes". I assume it is health related, but since you did not specify what, how and when, I can not comment on that aspect and how they tie into the situation. What I stated above plays a role in any case.
Henu the Great said:
You mentioned "past mistakes". I assume it is health related, but since you did not specify what, how and when, I can not comment on that aspect and how they tie into the situation. What I stated above plays a role in any case.

I think your thinking is too complicated and abstract. One is neither happy nor optimistic when a covid dictatorship can be reintroduced in one's country at any time. And when there is a big war raging next door, which will probably turn into a world war. And when the country's economy is in ruins, and I don't know how I'm going to take care of those who are important to me.

It is not a subjective thing, and it is not "pessimism". It is normal, natural and human. There's a silly christian song: "I'm going merrily along the narrow road". It's nonsense. We're not cheerful when we're surrounded by shit.

Or: a person can be cheerful if he has made good decisions in the past, and therefore does not have a hopeless situation in times of vaccine-blackmail, war, economic difficulties.

It's as simple as that. :)

(And no, not health related.)
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
I think your thinking is too complicated and abstract. One is neither happy nor optimistic when a covid dictatorship can be reintroduced in one's country at any time. And when there is a big war raging next door, which will probably turn into a world war. And when the country's economy is in ruins, and I don't know how I'm going to take care of those who are important to me.

It is not a subjective thing, and it is not "pessimism". It is normal, natural and human. There's a silly christian song: "I'm going merrily along the narrow road". It's nonsense. We're not cheerful when we're surrounded by shit.

Or: a person can be cheerful if he has made good decisions in the past, and therefore does not have a hopeless situation in times of vaccine-blackmail, war, economic difficulties.

It's as simple as that. :)

(And no, not health related.)
It is totally up to you how you see the world around you. I remain steadfast in what is important avoiding as much unneccessary worry as possible, and I happen to live next to Russia so there is that.

I can only point you to the useful things to do. If you remain stubborn in worry then you will reap what you sow.
Henu the Great said:
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:
I think your thinking is too complicated and abstract. One is neither happy nor optimistic when a covid dictatorship can be reintroduced in one's country at any time. And when there is a big war raging next door, which will probably turn into a world war. And when the country's economy is in ruins, and I don't know how I'm going to take care of those who are important to me.

It is not a subjective thing, and it is not "pessimism". It is normal, natural and human. There's a silly christian song: "I'm going merrily along the narrow road". It's nonsense. We're not cheerful when we're surrounded by shit.

Or: a person can be cheerful if he has made good decisions in the past, and therefore does not have a hopeless situation in times of vaccine-blackmail, war, economic difficulties.

It's as simple as that. :)

(And no, not health related.)
It is totally up to you how you see the world around you. I remain steadfast in what is important avoiding as much unneccessary worry as possible, and I happen to live next to Russia so there is that.

I can only point you to the useful things to do. If you remain stubborn in worry then you will reap what you sow.

You have been doing a great job so far since coming to SS, keep it up.
Henu the Great said:
It is totally up to you how you see the world around you. I remain steadfast in what is important avoiding as much unneccessary worry as possible, and I happen to live next to Russia so there is that.

I can only point you to the useful things to do. If you remain stubborn in worry then you will reap what you sow.

I am not "stubbornly worried". I recently restocked the canned food supply. :) I've been actively preparing for shit for two years. I haven't given up, I keep on preparing. The problem is that this preparation is worth very little. But that's all I know, because I have locked myself in a life trap from which there is no escape.

And I am tired of fighting without results. So yes, I'm left with "stubborn worry" (= powerlessness) for those who are important to me and I can't help them. Nor can I help myself.
Shadowcat said:
Since there have been some new people lately and others otherwise expressing alot of interest in the Gods and the occult and spirituality in general I am going to give a general guideline article for the ones who are seriously thinking of following this path.

First of all only do so if you know certain in your mind body and soul 666% this is what you want. You have to realize that this is a lifelong commitment and that its also not going to be always butterflies and unicorns with getting whatever you want. The point of this path is to Empower humanity to evolve, and to remember our Ancestral Gods that want us to know how to do this. What you have to understand is you have to eventually learn to be self sufficient and to do things ideally most of the time for yourself. This below will help you get started with that :D

First of all perform the dedication ritual to Father Satanhttps://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html Do not be freaked out at the part where it asks you to sign your name in blood. All it needs is literally a drop. This is because it contains your own DNA and it is why it comes even closer to actually signing anything with your name than with a pen. This is literally the only time blood will be needed for any ritual. As cited on the front page of JOS we do not do blood magick or blood sacrifice. this is a jewish practice

There are alot of people who might hesitate at the dedication ritual. If this is the case let this motivate you.https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Dabbling.html This tells you why you need Satan's protection, which you will get from the ritual. I can attest to this firsthand as this happened to my mother. She dabbled when i was a child. When i came to JOS everything made sense when i read this article about why she experienced what she did.

People often Have a hard time deprogramming from enemy filth as it is associated with a lot of emotional ties and ones own identity based on events experienced and people in their lives. If they realize this is all a lie they feel their world will come crashing down. But this is not the case. See "Why It Can Be Difficult to Deprogram from Christian Indoctrination" https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Xian_Influence.html

Hopefully these will help with anyone on the fence about dedicating. When that hurdle is jumped realize There is a lot of research and self study involved. Aside from the assistance and advice we may ask from the Gods this is largely a self teaching path. So actively study and meditate.

To get started with the Active study and meditate parts first of all: Perform the 40 day working to open up your soul by HPCobra. https://www.satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
Make sure that you time this working with the moon. This will help.
Never begin any working or ritual on a void of course moon whatsoever.

Be sure also to download the SS calandar by Lydia every January for your timezone. It will tell you the best times for planetary squares and workings in general according to the moons and planets signs and positions as well as the holidays.
Lunarium is also a site i find helpful when i am wanting to time my planetary squares or other things with the hours of a specific planet https://www.lunarium.co.uk/ Timing and magick is everything. It never hurts to have the planets in your favor and with several kinds of workings they have to be or they are a waste of time.

The initial 40 day program will get you started and tell you the bare basics of what you need to do also long after this program is over, including void meditation, hatha yoga, aura of protection, and kundalini yoga. The bare basics however are not what you want to stick with forever. Sooner or later power meditation must come into play when you are ready. First however before empowerment one must sufficiently clean the aura and soul

After you finish the 40 day program above start returning curses parts one and two:
part one https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html
part twohttps://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html

This will help you thoroughly clean your aura everyday. Especially combined with spiritual warfare (doing RTRs) The deep Cleaning working by Lydia is also advised right after The RTR. Do it right after do not let it sit. This working will also work on your visualization and focusing on your chakras. https://archive.md/WATBJ

RTR's https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html are an essential, which must be done DAILY, for fighting our enemy, and bringing them down to free all human souls and this planet of all jewish rot and the degenerative state the world has fallen into since the enemy came. One of the reasons humanity is cut off spiritually is because of hebrew curses which these rituals reverse and destroy along with all jewish spiritual power and their angelic thought forms.

Deeper into cleaning your soul You can start using obliterate saturn workings or vibrate munka for Freeing the soul. See here https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Freeing_the_Soul_2.html
Lydia has also composed a really good way for obliterating saturn https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=92 In my personal experience, the planetary squares that come after the working, if needed, will be the planet(s) that will be debilitated by saturn or badly aspected by it in your natal chart.

It takes at least on average 2 years to clean the entire aura. This ideally needs to be done before any serious empowerment unless one wants to end up empowering their own spiritual dross which can manifest in all kinds of life problems which i have seen with multiple SS. Some people might be naturally more higher up with this as a result of working on their souls in past lives but this is a general guideline...really focus on yourself to see what you need. For me this all right here came very instinctual until i saw it mentioned by HPS Shannon in the forums here.

While cleaning and opening your soul you have to get to know yourself better and what you lack and are in excess of or what you have trouble with. One of the best ways to do this is study your astrology chart. Your chart is a blueprint of your soul and your chakras are the engines. Usually in all of us humans our chakras are dirty and deficient due to enemy curses, past traumas and hang ups in this life and the former ones, but some will have this in one or more chakras than others and this will also show in your chart. These often manifest psychically, emotionally or psychologically or a combination of these. To know this, it helps very much to study astrology. In our Astrology section https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html

You will be able to see each chakra each planet rules over. The astrology chart can show anything from bad karma, to what physical or mental problems one may struggle with, as well as any spiritual road blocks. This can basically tell you what you need to do as far as planetary squares, healing workings, perhaps extra protection, or show you what you naturally attract for better or worse and can give you ideas on how to change that.

I study my own chart ALOT and almost every single time when i look at it again i find something new. It really is a learning process. To really get something out of this takes meditating on self awareness in all aspects of your life that all of a sudden will pop out in your chart in a way that suddenly makes sense. If what you see in your chart is something you realize you want to change then do so then with the appropriate working.

Go to https://www.astro.com/horoscope and type in your information. you will need your exact birth time and place if you don't know it ask family or find your birth certificate. If you have to, ask the hospital where you were born. Start cross referencing with the astrology info from JOS. this will at least give you the basics of your chart reading. As time goes on you will notice alot more information that comes instinctively about certain placements or aspects and see patterns. For example This is not listed anywhere in the astrology section. But your saturn conjuncting someones chart ruler can hurt them in the way (and will usually do so so along with amplifying their own saturn problems) of the things that their chart ruler rules over.

Studying astrology takes alot of time and effort and is fun to learn..and can also be life saving! This should be a consistent endeavor for ALL SS on top of their routines and it helps them learn about themselves, aiding in self awareness essential for advancement.

With alot about astrology being said here, Look into practicing TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) also. Once you see in your chart what of the 4 elements you lack or are in excess in also in general you can tailor your diet to this in an overall healthy and balanced way for you personally, which will help you become more balanced. The body and soul reflect each other so its good to work both ends.
Blitzkrieg is really good with TCM and has helped many of us in this field multiple times. Alot of his inputs can be found in the search functions in the forums :) (Thank you DR. Blitz!)

Do not forget to meditate on your chakras and astral senses also. Astral sense openings will be found in the mediation section. After a time when you feel ready you can start serious empowerment, building up slowly.

On a side note it is handy to have a satanic rosary for white and black magick separately. NEVER mix white and black magick workings using the same rosary. If you are going to use crystals or runes carved into crystals or stone make sure you clean them. I have a rune set for white and black magick separate as well as 2 separate rosaries. I personally found it handy to combine carving the runes into their respective crystals.
See here which rune goes best with which type of crystal. This amplifies the power of the runes for the working. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html

My black magick rosary is 108 beads because it is the number of saturn, the number used in bindings and curses. do not use 108 for white magick. 111 on the other hand is a solar number like 666 and is a number of the sun and is great for cleaning and white magick workings in general. My white magick rosary has 111 beads.
When starting any workings do not go up to these numbers right away if you are new or you will burn out. Start small with something like 10 or 20. 9 can be used for black magick and removal.

On black magick and cursing you need a serious built up amount of protection and a powerful aura and visualization skills with good concentration to attempt any of this without or little consequences. Black magical workings are not recommended for new people! If you are going to do workings of removal and destruction use it to clean and remove blockages from your soul and your aura.

On reaching out to our Gods and getting close to them and finding your guardian
Satan and the Gods are here to work with us and help us advance. If you want to establish a relationship with them you must be open and respectful and never demanding and ALWAYS be prepared to give something back,weather in warfare, activism, or energy to the Powers of Hell. If you need to summon someone NEVER draw their sigil at any time in a circle. EVER. this is a jewish grimoire practice that is to be avoided at all costs. Our Gods are beautiful benevolent beings and not the monsters judeocristianity has portrayed so do not treat them like it.

Finding your guardian can take time for some people, and for others it comes quicker. This can manifest in realizing you have an intense adoration for the Demon that may track to past lives, or you may have always been attracted to them in one way or the other. The will often be of the opposite gender but not always, and in general will often be what you are attracted to in people as far as energy and personality. Just like with synastry with friends co workers and lovers, your energies will work well, and they can also be in some cases dominant in an element you lack which can help you in some ways. Often times also they can be of the same element that you are most attracted to or are dominant in.

Touching up on studying astrology, this can also be seen from your chart to an extent. Usually not just one but several themes will be taking place simultaneously with their planet(s), elements or energies in your chart that are prominent also Their planet may be your chart ruler for example with you having a grand trine in their element. Their specialties may be something you have a knack for or are quite fascinated by. They could very well be The God of your Specific ancestral people. Or maybe you have always been close to a specific type of animal that represents them that always seems to come around. If your planet(s) in your chart are on the same degree ranges and signs as certain Gods who share the same themes with specialties this can also indicate relationships with those Gods in past lives weather they be your guardian or not. Just a theory i have with that one.

Staying close to Satan and the Gods will help you along with this guide AND studying JOS in its entirety to do what you need to in order to advance. The Gods will especially be close to you and guide you in the beginning and give you the signs you need to really know they care and are there for you!

I hope this proves to be helpful for all who are new and find Satan. Feel free anyone to add something they deem of importance. Zieg Heil!

Very Good post Shadow, thank you! :D
NinRick said:
You have been doing a great job so far since coming to SS, keep it up.

If you wrote this for me, thank you. I have done a lot of research on the subject in Hungarian, I have written a lot, I have derived many new ideas and connections from the SS writings. I also have a blog in Hungarian. But English is not my strong point. :)

I made a thoughtful, informed decision in 2019 when I performed the initiation ritual. I've done quite a few ceremonies, and I finished the 47-day meditation programme at the end of December last year. Since then I have been meditating every day, but only the minimum programme: AC, AP, VM once a day. At the moment I'm at a low point and I can't see a way out.
This post was very helpful! Thank you so much!!!

I have performed the dedication ritual and hope to do well here. :D
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
You have been doing a great job so far since coming to SS, keep it up.
Rolling stone gathers no moss. :D

Unrelated question, are most finnish people able to speak English?
NinRick said:
Unrelated question, are most finnish people able to speak English?
I would not say most as that would imply more than half and I do not think that would be the case, not fluently anyway. But quite many have at least some basic familiarity with English language as it is included in the curriculum of all schools.
Dark Lawyer said:
NinRick said:
You have been doing a great job so far since coming to SS, keep it up.

If you wrote this for me, thank you. I have done a lot of research on the subject in Hungarian, I have written a lot, I have derived many new ideas and connections from the SS writings. I also have a blog in Hungarian. But English is not my strong point. :)

I made a thoughtful, informed decision in 2019 when I performed the initiation ritual. I've done quite a few ceremonies, and I finished the 47-day meditation programme at the end of December last year. Since then I have been meditating every day, but only the minimum programme: AC, AP, VM once a day. At the moment I'm at a low point and I can't see a way out.

I see now that NinRick's comment was not directed at me, he praised Henu's work. I mistranslated, I thought he was referring to joining the SS as the start of the right path.
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Unrelated question, are most finnish people able to speak English?
I would not say most as that would imply more than half and I do not think that would be the case, not fluently anyway. But quite many have at least some basic familiarity with English language as it is included in the curriculum of all schools.

I am just asking because I will probably hide somewhere in Sweden or Finland very soon.

I think Finland and Sweden are relatively safe, when compared to middle Europe.
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
You would get along with English in most places and with good amount of people, especially in cities. It would not hurt to learn some basics of local language. If someone does not know English then there is a good chance that someone close by does.

FYI, the will for Finland to join NATO has increased so there is an increased risk with conflict if that does happen.
Dark Lawyer said:
I see now that NinRick's comment was not directed at me, he praised Henu's work. I mistranslated, I thought he was referring to joining the SS as the start of the right path.

What you describe is still worthy of praise. Not all people achieve this, as JOS has had a high attrition rate.
Shadowcat said:
My black magick rosary is 108 beads [...] My white magick rosary has 111 beads.

Do you recommend placing different beads every now and then to differentiate between vibrations of different runes? beads at the end of the vibration part and the start of affirmations? Beads between different affirmations?
Though this would mean the numbers would stay fixed for each working and that isn't the case.
I've thought that maybe all vibrations and affirmations are a multiple of some number. And I could place the different beads at such a multiple that's not too big nor too small, so I can keep track of where I am and that can function as a checkpoint for any related number of vibrations/affirmations. I think it is better than simply leaving empty space between the beads.
108 and 111 include all the beads or just those with vibrations?
Thank you!
Also, do you recommend using the black magic rosary for the FRTR? I recognize that it's a very beneficial ritual for us but I'm somehow hesitating to connect Hebrew letters with my beads .. :roll:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Shadowcat said:
My black magick rosary is 108 beads [...] My white magick rosary has 111 beads.

Do you recommend placing different beads every now and then to differentiate between vibrations of different runes? beads at the end of the vibration part and the start of affirmations? Beads between different affirmations?
Though this would mean the numbers would stay fixed for each working and that isn't the case.
I've thought that maybe all vibrations and affirmations are a multiple of some number. And I could place the different beads at such a multiple that's not too big nor too small, so I can keep track of where I am and that can function as a checkpoint for any related number of vibrations/affirmations. I think it is better than simply leaving empty space between the beads.
108 and 111 include all the beads or just those with vibrations?
Thank you!

You don't need a rosary for RTR's essentially but you can use one if you care to esp when doing more than 9 for each. Others prefer counting on their fingers or other. A rosary is merely a tool to help you keep count without breaking concentration esp for high numbers such as 108 111 and 216 or more.

If you are doing a working with runes you can make a specific rosary for it if you like that you can designate a number for on your bead for each rune, although if you want to go up to a certain number in total you can just put a larger bead in-between every 9 10 20 ect reps of beads that you prefer for each rune, not nessesarily with each group of beads being for a different rune explicitly..but just to keep count for all the runes you want to use in the working

As long as the runes work well together and you don't overdo it this should be fine.

For workings of white magick don't use this rosary for RTR's or anything with destruction workings. If you have runes carved in their respective crystals that can function for either white or black magick try to get a set for each, or at least clean them very well.

For each working the affirmations should remain the same and consistant to the desired goal. This also remains when you are vibrating different runes all the same amount of reps that are consistant for this goal.

When you work on chakras for example or munka or other workings it's advised to just use the same vibrations especially during the same session and also during a 40day working for example.

All the above considered you can use a number that you can handle I'd any of the above powenumbers are too much.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Also, do you recommend using the black magic rosary for the FRTR? I recognize that it's a very beneficial ritual for us but I'm somehow hesitating to connect Hebrew letters with my beads .. :roll:
Use different set of beads for rtrs if you decide to use beads.
Jackalope said:
This post was very helpful! Thank you so much!!!

I have performed the dedication ritual and hope to do well here. :D

Wow i just saw this! I am so happy for you, you just made the best decision in your life! Wish you lots of luck :)

Greetings Shadowcat! I intend to add beads at a multiple of the numbers that are being vibrated. So even if it is the same, or a lesser or a bigger number, it still has the same rhythm that helps me keep count - basically, it can be measured with the same set. For example if a set of beads is 9, then even if I vibrate something 3 times, or 18 times, or exactly 9 times, it's easier to keep count. Now if my set is 9, and I vibrate something 10 times, then I will probably mess up since I pass on to the next set to finish my round, and the next set is smaller than the first etc and basically sets are intermingled.
Now, for that I'd need to know the specific numbers the works use for vibrations. So what are the usual numbers that are used 1. for black magic and 2. for white magic? So I can choose a big enough multiple.
I think it would be good if my finished sets of vibrations match correctly with my set of beads or with a unit of it, that's always the same. That's the point.
But here's the problem. Different works need different numbers! Do they happen to be in the same category - such as, with a common multiple or they can very from 3 to 20 to 40 and 98? Think about keeping both sets of 3 vibrations and 40 vibrations on a rosary that has sets of 9/18 beads..How am I going to fit 40 vibrations in equal sets?
And I think one can choose, apart from strategy based on numerology and the kind of the work one's doing, any number or at least from a variety. So that means that each day I could come up with any number that I'd prefer but I couldn't fit it in the symmetrical sets. Such a symmetrical set would be unflexible - after all, I'm not making it for some specific workings but isn't there supposed to be some sort of harmony... Is there a simple, standard solution that works for any number you use - an all in one that can be altered for the situation?
Sorry for long post, but I just am unable to see it due to perfectionism and the late hour in my country. I've tried for 3 days to build my rosary but I can't decide on the arrangement of the beads...
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Sorry for long post, but I just am unable to see it due to perfectionism and the late hour in my country. I've tried for 3 days to build my rosary but I can't decide on the arrangement of the beads...
Make multiple set of beads.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
... Such a symmetrical set would be unflexible - after all, I'm not making it for some specific workings but isn't there supposed to be some sort of harmony... Is there a simple, standard solution that works for any number you use - an all in one that can be altered for the situation?
Sorry for long post, but I just am unable to see it due to perfectionism and the late hour in my country. I've tried for 3 days to build my rosary but I can't decide on the arrangement of the beads...

I use a mantra counter on my phone and have had no problems with anything, to my knowledge.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
