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Feb 29, 2020
Europe (EudraVigilance) up to 3 July, 2021:
Deaths: 17,503
Injuries: 1,687, 527

U.K. (MHRA Yellow Card System) up to 1 July, 2021:
Deaths: 1,440
Injuries: 1,037,376

U.S. (CDC/VAERS) up to 9 July, 2021:
Deaths: 10,991
Injuries: 551,172

Deaths & Injuries for Europe, U.K. & U.S (Combined totals) up to 9 July, 2021:
Deaths: 29,934
Injuries: 3,276,075

Here's some articles and videos about this Hoax:

63% of Covid-19 related deaths in England within 28 days are from people who received at least one dose of vaccine

More vaccinated people are dying of COVID than unvaccinated people, according to a recent report from Public Health England (PHE). The report shows that 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the delta variant within 28 days of a positive COVID test between February 1 and June 21, had received at least one dose of the vaccine. At first glance, this may seem alarming, but it is exactly as would be expected.

Vaccinated people now make up almost 47% of all new Covid cases, symptom-tracking app claims | Daily Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9790999/Symptom-tracking-app-claims-number-people-falling-ill-virus-day-FALLEN.html

Vaccinated Britons now make up almost half of Covid cases in the country, a symptom-tracking study suggested today — but there are signs the third wave may have already peaked.

King's College London scientists estimated 33,118 people were catching the virus daily in the week ending July 10, compared to 33,723 in the previous seven-day spell.

But 47 per cent of cases are among those who have received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine, surging upwards from around a quarter at the start of June.

Here's a video explaining the above
63% Of Those Who Died Of Delta Variant WERE VAXXED & 47% Of All New Covid-19 Cases ALSO VAXXED!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/4bS0E9SypGAi

5,522 people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine in Scotland according to Public Health Scotland – Daily Expose https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/07/18/5522-people-have-died-within-28-days-of-having-a-covid-19-vaccine-in-scotland-according-to-public-health-scotland

The most up to date figures published by PHS and within the report released by on the 23rd June 2021, and they reveal that between the 8th December 2020 and the 11th June 2021 a total number of 5,522 people died within 28 days of having a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine.

According to the spreadsheet provided by Public Health Scotland; which includes the quantity of deaths by type of vaccine and the date they occurred, 1,877 deaths have been due to the Pfizer mRNA jab, 3,643 deaths have been due to the AstraZeneca viral vector jab, and 2 deaths have been due to the Moderna mRNA jab.

Nonprofit Sues HHS to Immediately Stop Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines https://resistthemainstream.org/nonprofit-sues-hhs-to-immediately-stop-emergency-use-authorization-of-covid-19-vaccines/?utm_source=gab&utm_medium=gab&utm_campaign=gab

America’s Frontline Doctors—a nonprofit organization—filed a motion on July 19 seeking immediate injunctive relief to stop the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for three groups of Americans: anyone under 18 years old, anyone recovered from COVID-19, and those who haven’t received informed consent as defined by federal law.

The motion was filed against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other defendants in a federal district court in the Northern District of Alabama.

“The emergency declaration and its multiple renewals are illegal,” the complaint (pdf) alleges.

According to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use is appropriate, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) may then authorize unapproved use or EUA of the vaccines.

On Feb. 4, 2020, then-Secretary of HHS Alex Azar declared a public health emergency, saying that existing circumstances justify the emergency use authorization.

The complaint alleges that the legal requirements to issue and maintain COVID-19 vaccine EUAs are not met.

Firstly, there is no underlying emergency and no “serious or life-threatening disease or condition,” the complaint notes.

According to defendants’ death data, the CCP virus has an overall survivability rate of 99.8 percent globally, “on a par with the seasonal flu.”

Ethylene Oxide

New Normal

Vaccine deaths exceed covid

The media are the virus
I'll keep updating this topic with new articles and videos

Here's some interviews I uploaded on my brighteon channel:

Sucharit Bhakdi Interview https://www.brighteon.com/44124846-e730-45d9-a819-f38dd42fe2d6

Michael Yeadon Interview https://www.brighteon.com/60b025e4-1f81-4afe-a8ab-05eb8a780b2c

Peter McCullough Interview https://www.brighteon.com/43a2f7a4-6f6d-4411-ad9b-1870354f4e31

Dolores Cahill Interview https://www.brighteon.com/b4756915-e04a-4773-be93-4a91d2ac8a06

David Martin Interview https://www.brighteon.com/3238a2a3-b5e4-47d4-9b81-2b7357b09d10
CDC Declares PCR Tests Must Go Immediately After George Soros, Bill Gates Buy COVID-19 Test Manufacturer - National File https://nationalfile.com/cdc-declares-pcr-tests-must-go-immediately-after-george-soros-bill-gates-buy-covid-19-test-manufacturer

The CDC's decision could potentially increase the value of the company acquired by Bill Gates and George Soros.

On Saturday the CDC announced that PCR tests will soon no longer be available for emergency use to determine whether individuals have contracted COVID-19, and seemed to tacitly admit that the tests are unable to differentiate between COVID-19 and influenza viruses. Many of National File’s readers noted that this development came less than one week after Bill Gates and George Soros announced their intention to buy a COVID-19 test manufacturer based in the United Kingdom.

As National File reported, the CDC declared that it will withdraw its emergency use application for the controversial PCR tests on December 31, 2021, and is urging clinics and hospitals around the country to immediately begin the process of using new tools better able to “facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses” because “Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season.”

It appears clinics will have a new choice for COVID-19 tests by time the PCR tests are phased out: Mologic, a company in the United Kingdom that manufactures COVID-19 tests and is expected to be purchased by a new initiative run by George Soros and Bill Gates, Global Access Health.

Forbes explains that Global Access Health (GAH) is a joint initiative between “The Soros Economic Development Fund and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” and explains that Mologic Ltd is “best known today for the deep-nostril technology used to deliver rapid COVID-19 tests.” The partnership between Gates and Soros to buy this company was announced on Monday, July 19, and the CDC’s decision to phase out PCR tests was announced Saturday, July 24.

The soon-to-be Soros and Gates funded tests apparently “offer an early-warning screening for Covid-19 and have been used around the world as an aid to help reopen shops, bars, sporting events and workplaces” and specialize in “giving an early warning result for people who may have no symptoms” but who scientists believe can still spread the virus.

Bill Gates, the globalist titan who is currently in the process of divorcing his longtime wife Melinda Gates, drew international ire during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when he seemed to celebrate the spread of the virus, and smiled into the camera alongside his wife during an interview where he declared that “this won’t be the last pandemic we face.”
Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID? | ZeroHedge https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/why-cdc-quietly-abandoning-pcr-test-covid

We have detailed the controversy surrounding America's COVID "casedemic" and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:

1. Experts compiled three datasets with officials from the states of Massachusetts, New York and Nevada that conclude:“Up to 90% of the people who tested positive did not carry a virus."

2. The Wadworth Center, a New York State laboratory, analyzed the results of its July tests at the request of the NYT: 794 positive tests with a Ct of 40: “With a Ct threshold of 35, approximately half of these PCR tests would no longer be considered positive,” said the NYT. “And about 70% would no longer be considered positive with a Ct of 30! “

3. An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.

4. A new study from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, found that at 25 cycles of amplification, 70% of PCR test "positives" are not "cases" since the virus cannot be cultured, it's dead. And by 35: 97% of the positives are non-clinical.

5. PCR is not testing for disease, it's testing for a specific RNA pattern and this is the key pivot. When you crank it up to 25, 70% of the positive results are not really "positives" in any clinical sense, since it cannot make you or anyone else sick

So, in summary, with regard to our current "casedemic", positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports... and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide...

In October we first exposed how PCR Tests have misled officials worldwide into insanely authoritative reactions.

As PJMedia's Stacey Lennox wrote, the “casedemic" is the elevated number of cases we see nationwide because of a flaw in the PCR test. The number of times the sample is amplified, also called the cycle threshold (Ct), is too high.

It identifies people who do not have a viral load capable of making them ill or transmitting the disease to someone else as positive for COVID-19.

The New York Times reported this flaw on August 29 and said that in the samples they reviewed from three states where labs use a Ct of 37-40, up to 90% of tests are essentially false positives. The experts in that article said a Ct of around 30 would be more appropriate for indicating that someone could be contagious - those for whom contact tracing would make sense.

Just a few days earlier, the CDC had updated its guidelines to discourage testing for asymptomatic individuals. It can only be assumed that the rationale for this was that some honest bureaucrat figured out the testing was needlessly sensitive. He or she has probably been demoted.

This change was preceded by a July update that discouraged retesting for recovered patients. The rationale for the update was that viral debris could be detected using the PCR test for 90 days after recovery. The same would be true for some period of time if an individual had an effective immune response and never got sick. Existing immunity from exposure to other coronaviruses has been well documented. These are many of your “asymptomatic” cases.

However, due to political pressure and corporate media tantrums, the new guidance on testing was scrapped, and testing for asymptomatic individuals is now recommended again. Doctors do not receive the Ct information from the labs to make a diagnostic judgment. Neither the CDC nor the FDA has put out guidelines for an accurate Ct to diagnose a contagious illness accurately.

Hence, our current “casedemic.” Positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports.

A month later, Dr. Pascal Sacré, explained in great detail how all current propaganda on the COVID-19 pandemic is based on an assumption that is considered obvious, true and no longer questioned: Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID.

This assumption is misleading. Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works.

In mid-November, none other than he who should not be questioned - Dr. Anthony Fauci - admitted that the PCR Test's high Ct is misleading:

“What is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard,” Fauci said, is that “if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more … the chances of it being replication-confident are minuscule.”

“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians,” he continued, when “somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR, and it’s like [a] 37 cycle threshold, but you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle.”

So, I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just dead nucleotides, period.”

So, if anyone raises this discussion as a "conspiracy", refer them to Dr.Fauci.

In response to this and the actual "science", Florida's Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida's Republican Governor Ron deSantis), decided that for the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

Then, in January, as Biden takes office, The FDA publicly admits it...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting patients and health care providers of the risk of false results... with the Curative SARS-Cov-2 test.

First Fauci, then WHO, and then FDA all admit there is malarkey in the PCR Tests, but have - until now, done nothing about it... allowing the daily fearmongering of soaring "cases" to enable their most twisted 1984-esque controls.

All of which brings us to today's announcement from The FDA, that it will be abandoning the PCR Test for COVID at the end of the year.

Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing

Level: Laboratory Alert

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.

The question one is forced to ask is simple - as with everything else that happens in the Healthcare-Industrial-Complex - cui bono?

Is another provider of testing about to be enrichened?

Or is it even more sinister than standard crony capitalism? Given the traditional winter spike in 'flu' cases and the PCR-Test-driven "casedemic" we experienced into the election and through the start of the Biden administration, one could be forgiven for suggesting that the last thing an already weakened Democratic Party, desperate to cling to control in DC, would be a dramatic re-emergence of the "deadly" virus (driven by the numerous false positives of the PCR Test as described in detail above) ahead of the Midterms?
Gibraltar, Iceland See MASSIVE Covid Spike Despite Over 90% of Population Vaccinated https://www.infowars.com/posts/gibraltar-iceland-see-massive-covid-spike-after-over-90-of-population-vaccinated

Stats coming out of several countries show vaccinated people are spreading Covid-19, as evidence mounts the vaccine is actually causing viral variants and infections as experts predicted.

In Gibraltar, a peninsula in Spain, almost 99% of the population is fully vaccinated – that’s according to info provided by Google.

On Tuesday, it was reported by Israeli media that people who were already infected with Covid were 7 times less likely to be reinfected than those who were vaccinated, speaking to the power of natural immunity.

Likewise, in Iceland, an island where nearly the entire adult population is vaccinated, Covid cases are similarly on the rise.

“The country is a vaccinators’ paradise,” reported journalist Alex Berensen. “90% of people 40-70 and 98% (!) of those over 70 are fully vaccinated.”

On Tuesday, Iceland’s chief epidemiologist even suggested some COVID-19 lockdown restrictions could remain in place for up to 15 years.

Also on Thursday, Singapore emerged as yet another country where the vaccinated appear to be spreading Covid, with the government revealing that about three-quarters of new Covid-19 infections stemmed from vaccinated people.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, where the vaccination rate is hovering at a low 39 percent and the government is not enforcing face masks, there have been zero Covid deaths.

The evidence suggests the vaccine is actually spreading disease in more countries than just the United States.

With stats like these, it’s easy to see why so many would be hesitant, or outright refuse to take the experimental jab.
Fully Vaccinated People Are Contagious And Spread Delta Variant To The Unvaccinated Says CDC | GreatGameIndia https://greatgameindia.com/vaccinated-people-spread-delta-variant

People who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 yet still get infected with the delta strain could transmit the infection to unvaccinated people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said Tuesday in justifying renewed recommendations for mask-wearing.

“In rare occasions, some vaccinated people infected with the delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others,” she told reporters on Tuesday.

“This new science is worrisome and unfortunately warrants an update to our recommendations.”

Previous recommendations from the agency were based on COVID-19 monitoring data that indicated vaccinated people rarely transmit the virus to others.

Walensky said CDC investigations have found that the amount of virus present in vaccinated people infected with Delta is similar to the levels found in unvaccinated people with Delta infections.

That’s an indication that vaccinated people can easily transmit the virus – even if they’re less likely to get sick on the whole.

In areas of high transmission, Walensky said, about 1 in 20 – or even 1 in 10 – of a person’s contacts could lead to a breakthrough infection (a case diagnosed after someone is fully vaccinated). That’s assuming vaccines are 90% to 95% effective.

However, about two-thirds of the general population have COVID-19 antibodies and 67.6% of India’s population were exposed to the disease, the fourth serosurvey conducted by ICMR during the June-July 2021 period found.

The US Food and Drug Administration has warned that Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Covid-19 vaccine can cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system and can result in paralysis.

Meanwhile, Norway has announced that you are at a greater risk of dying from AstraZeneca vaccine branded as Covishield in India than from COVID-19. While waiting for the final decision on the controversial vaccine, Norway has meanwhile decided to offload its stock of AstraZeneca to fellow Nordic countries that actually want to use them despite the associated risks.

Even the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) safety committee has added another blood condition to the potential side effects of AstraZeneca’s vaccine branded as Covishield in India – the Capillary Leak Syndrome.

Capillary leak syndrome is a condition that causes fluid to leak out of blood vessels and could cause very low blood pressure, leading to pain, nausea and tiredness or, in the worst case, kidney failure and strokes.

On the other hand Portugal has accused the British government of lying about the cases of Nepal mutation and creating panic of what the authorities tried to portray as a ‘Super Indian Variant‘.
CDC: 11,940 DEAD 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies DEAD Following COVID-19 Shots - Vaccine Impact https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/cdc-11940-dead-618648-injuries-and-1175-unborn-babies-dead-following-covid-19-shots/

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years.

In spite of these U.S. Government CDC-verified facts regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots, not only are they continuing to administer them, but the big push now is to MANDATE them as a requirement for employment in both government and private sector jobs.

And so far, at least, it seems that the majority of the U.S. public is willing to comply and participate in what can only be labeled mass genocide.

As we reported last week, Israel is now planning to roll out a third injection of the Pfizer shots to those who have already been injected twice and survived, targeting seniors first, and we can certainly expect the same rollout soon here in the U.S. as well.

The July 30th data dump into VAERS, which everyone acknowledges is not the full data of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 shots, reveals 11,940 deaths and 618,648 injuries among 518,770 cases, including 12,808 permanent disabilities, 65,272 emergency room visits, 40,873 hospitalizations, and 11,198 life threatening injuries.

There are also 1,175 premature deaths of unborn children following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women.

This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though it is based on the government’s own data and own reporting system.

When confronted with these statistics, the CDC’s response is that these reports do not prove causation. They would have everyone believe that all of these deaths and injuries following the COVID-19 injections are just “coincidences.”

Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.

However, if you search for deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the 30 years prior to the emergency use authorizations of the COVID-19 shots, you will see that there are now about twice as many deaths following the COVID-19 shots compared to deaths following ALL vaccines for the PAST 30 YEARS.

Do the math people. Fact check the CDC’s claims.

The COVID-19 injections were first given emergency use authorization in early December, of 2020. So the recorded deaths following these shots as of July 23, 2021 is 11,940, in less than 8 months.

But let’s round it off to 8 months, which would equate to an average of 1,492 deaths per month.

From 1/1/1991 through 11/30/2020, there were 6,068 deaths in 359 months, which equates to an average of 17 deaths per month following FDA-approved vaccines.

That’s a 8676% increase of recorded deaths following the COVID-19 shots, compared to deaths following all previous FDA-approved vaccines.

What are the statistical odds that these are all “coincidences”?

Pretty much ZERO. The CDC is lying to you. They serve the pharmaceutical companies, not the American people, and the sooner you figure that out, the better, because your life is at stake, and your life is meaningless to them.

There are also 1,175 premature deaths of unborn children following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women.

This made me furious.
Pfizer | Violation Tracker https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer
Very nice work with all of this information. Thank you!
I don't write much on this forum, I just add 2 interesting links that talk about vaccine side effects.

Thank you very much for the other info, my anger is increasing...

forever Enki
Econatura said:
I don't write much on this forum, I just add 2 interesting links that talk about vaccine side effects.

Thank you very much for the other info, my anger is increasing...

forever Enki

The reputation of hydroxy chloroquine was destroyed by the enemy at the beginning of the plandemic, as stated by McCullough. The reason is simple: covid is easily treatable in its early stages and drugs like hydroxy chloroquine and ivermectin in COMBINATION with other drugs can heal the patient quickly. As I said, in combination. Those so called clinical trials (that they don't show) are nonsense.
Early treatment for covid means one thing: there's no need for a vaccine. Here's why the sudden change about hydroxy chloroquine.
Schwarze Sonne said:
Econatura said:
I don't write much on this forum, I just add 2 interesting links that talk about vaccine side effects.

Thank you very much for the other info, my anger is increasing...

forever Enki

The reputation of hydroxy chloroquine was destroyed by the enemy at the beginning of the plandemic, as stated by McCullough. The reason is simple: covid is easily treatable in its early stages and drugs like hydroxy chloroquine and ivermectin in COMBINATION with other drugs can heal the patient quickly. As I said, in combination. Those so called clinical trials (that they don't show) are nonsense.
Early treatment for covid means one thing: there's no need for a vaccine. Here's why the sudden change about hydroxy chloroquine.

Ok very clear, many thanks
At this point the drugs coming out in October (maybe) are another fake to make things worse? it's right?

1 combination of bamlanivimab and etesevimab di Eli Lilly;
2 combination of casirivimab and imdevimab di Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.
3 regdanvimab di Celltrion;
4 sotrovimab di GlaxoSmithKline e Vir Biotechnology;
5 immunosoppressore baricitinib di Eli Lilly.
Well I'm not a doctor but after a quick research I found that Eli Lilly was founded by a man who was likely jewish (his mother was named Ehster), also I doubt that they are promoting safe drugs, it doesn't make sense, they have another plan in mind.
Schwarze Sonne said:
Well I'm not a doctor but after a quick research I found that Eli Lilly was founded by a man who was likely jewish (his mother was named Ehster), also I doubt that they are promoting safe drugs, it doesn't make sense, they have another plan in mind.

I supposed..
thanks for your feedback.
mRNA Vaccines: The Silent Weapon -

My seven-year medical studies in the Soviet Army under the Strategic Rocket Force sector included large WMD-oriented military field exercises. I learned tactics of global warfare, including weapons of mass destruction and their effects on populations and enemy forces. The Soviet Army had a powerful biological defense system, and to be a successful military medical doctor I was required to know more than traditional medicine—I had to stay abrupt on the combat of “silent weaponry,” because this type of covert biowarfare was crucial in extermination of enemies (peoples of western free nations) and globalizing communism.

Under Soviet rule, biowarfare was set up to be carried out through either tactical or strategic methods. In a tactical event, the military aggressor would use bio-agents during ground battlefield against enemy troops. With strategic warfare, the civilian population would be the main focus for destruction. Bio-agents, as bomblets, would be dropped onto large populated areas using cruise missiles or through aerosol dispersal off aircraft. This type of silent warfare allowed the enemy to quickly take over a country’s infrastructure and economy, and incapacitate the population without a messy drawn-out military invasion.

Americans should be concerned about silent warfare, because most nations, including the US, no longer follow the very Bioweapon Treaty that was put in place to protect the world and whole populations against maniacal bio-genocide.

Worldwide Bioweapons Treaty Violations

After WWII, Americans ramped up their bio-research in order to counter the Soviet threat, and weaponized both incapacitating and lethal biological agents. In 1969, President Nixon stalled the biological research program, allowing the Soviet Union to roll forward as the running wheel of WMD in the world. This caused the US to backpedal, and redirect billions to fund bio-defense efforts and projects related to biological weapons. As bio-production escalated worldwide, the threat to humanity once again caused a stir.

That global threat is what brought about the 1975 Bioweapons Treaty under the Convention. It was established to prohibit the development, production and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. One hundred and eighty-three nations signed on, including Russia and China.

Compromise started prior to the finalization of the treaty when Russia refused to sign unless the verification provisions were removed. The verification process was crucial because it would compel nations to identify the number of civilian facilities and allow regular inspections. Russia had no intention of sanctioning inspections inside their research labs or displaying their enormous bio-stash. The US and UK caved in to Russia’s ridiculous ultimatum, and allowed the treaty to remove the verification process.

This move opened the door to lack of transparency and constant violations of the treaty, putting entire nations under constant threat. This is why it is important to understand that under this treaty gene-splicing and DNA manipulation used in the recent CRISPR technology and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal. All mRNA vaccine makers are in violation of this Biological Weapons Treaty, and getting away with it, thus allowing bioweapon development and production to move forward at the pace of a high-speed rail.

mRNA Technology is Not New

Messenger RNA technology in Covid vaccines is not new, even though our leaders have been spinning this mistruth since day one. The Soviets began developing mRNA sequencing almost four decades ago. They were the first to develop “designer” bio-agents under a classified program called Project Factor, one of many classified programs using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology, known as DNA genetic engineering. Their gene-sequencing included messenger RNA (mRNA), and microRNA (miRNA), and carried the capability of creating horrific epidemics against enemy populations, even severe and debilitating multiple sclerosis.

DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms like plants, animals, and bacteria, and is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. DNA is in each cell in the organism and directs the cells on what proteins to make. Messenger RNA is naturally located within all of our cells and is in charge of carrying out messages from the DNA that lies inside the nucleus of the cell. In the nucleus, the proteins are made from the mRNA sequence in a process known as translation. Both DNA and mRNA are molecules within a cell that are known as nucleic acids. MicroRNA regulates many mRNAs, and equally, a mRNA is regulated by several miRNAs in the production of bioweapons.

The molecules within the cells make up specific genetic codes for each individual’s life, and is the “instruction manual” in keeping the human body functioning properly. Our human genome is what makes the human species human, and gives each one of us our own unique and specific genetic code, which is truly an amazing wonder because everything from eye color to why we have thin or thick lips is locked up inside that code. If our code was modified in any way and genetically changed from its original version, then the chances of losing our humanness becomes a certainty. This is why bioweapons in the wrong hands can dramatically alter human life as we know it.

Through lab-created modified pathogens, using rDNA and mRNA, Soviet scientists decided to rival God. By plugging genes and combining segments of DNA from one type of organism with the gene of another organism, they created more deadly, contagious, environmentally stable and pathogenic novel strains of the various microorganisms. These included multi-drug-resistant anthrax, genetically modified super plague, chimeric variations of smallpox, and German measles. They also found the way to effectively hijack the body’s natural immune processes by producing overstimulation of the immune system through the “reprogramming” of the human immune system responses to those manmade-modified external pathogens. The over stimulation of the body’s immune system was purposed to cause serious immunological reactions and remove the body’s responsibility to release antibodies when the body decided to do so. Once the immune system was continuously in overdrive and self-exhausted (similar example of self-exhaust would be like a cancer patient whose immune system gets depleted from chemo-therapy), the body weakened and became susceptible to mild infections, like a cold, and could no longer fight off infections. For the Soviets, this breakthrough became important “silent warfare” for mass destruction.

Does this “reprogramming” of the immune system sound familiar? It should. The Covid-19 vaccines utilize the same mRNA technology of reprogramming the body’s immune system as Russia used in producing bioweapons for silent warfare against civilians. Unlike traditional vaccines, mRNA vaccines do not carry real pathogens, and works by “tricking” the body into thinking it is under attack with a real virus. The body becomes like a computer, and is instructed to develop the pathogenic proteins itself, “reprogramming” the human body to produce its own antibodies. The proteins become independent and do not gather to form a virus like traditional vaccines. The immune system then detects these viral proteins and starts to produce a defensive response to them. The final result, though, has altered the body’s natural responses, and dangerous pathological immune reactions are induced, including systemic inflammation and stimulation of auto-reactive antibodies, resulting in a cytokine storm or death. Worse, these harmful outcomes might not show up for months or years. This is why the initial side effects of many Covid vaccinated individuals were severe, and developed in days and weeks after the injection. The overstimulated immune system caused by the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines certainly blueprints Russia’s silent weapons of warfare.

Silent Warfare

The Covid vaccine companies insist mRNA does not alter DNA, but I do not buy it. They have their reasons for bypassing the traditional vaccine method and going with the bioweapon technology, and I do not think it has anything to do with ensuring the health of populations, otherwise they would have taken the time to follow proper testing protocols for their “new” vaccines at the onset, and not been rash in ignoring the abundant reports of injuries and deaths caused so far with the vaccinated. And so, should we blindly trust them after knowing mRNA technology was initially developed and used by the Soviets to harm and destroy whole populations? Should we trust them knowing there is no known proper gauge for short or long-term side effects and what fatalities might occur up ahead? Do we ignore the fact Covid vaccine ingredients use aborted fetal cells which could potentially initiate cancer and autoimmune system shifts within the vaccinated? Do we close our eyes to the toxic and non-biodegradable synthetic materials, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), used to make the vaccines, knowing PEG’s cause disruption to cellular function and provoke severe neuropsychiatric symptoms in offspring?

Should we believe our leaders when they insist these “secretly-patented” mRNA vaccines are safe, even after knowingly receiving reports that the Covid-19 vaccinations resulted in injuries and deaths caused by blood coagulation, pathological thrombus formation, Bell’s Palsy, cardiac disorders, heart inflammation, neurological mayhem, paralysis, Guillain-Barre’s Syndrome, and numerous miscarriages? The creators of the Covid-19 vaccines expect numerous injuries and fatalities ahead. You cannot mess with this type of bio-technology and be “clueless” regarding end results. This is why the pharmaceutical giants made sure they would be free of legal ramifications for harmful effects and deaths.

The evidence of global warfare is everywhere—from the dictatorial global alliances being formed between nations, to the violations of civil rights, to the imprisonment of citizens inside their own homes, to the destruction of private businesses, to the extreme rules of mask wearing, to the cruel new laws denying unvaccinated Americans the right to work, eat at restaurants, or attend theaters—these are not normal responses to a pandemic, especially one with a 0.1% to 0.5% fatality rate. These are the responses of a communist despotism. By mandating these bio-vaccines, they are forcing us to play Russian Roulette, but instead of one bullet in the six-chamber shooter, there are five.

The communist-patterned pandemic responses forced on free Americans is inconceivable, and I find it worrisome that our own American government and the US Department of Defense is knee-deep in partnerships with China regarding Covid-19 vaccine research and development. DOD’s bioweapon research and expert sectors, BARDA, DARPA, and DTRA, have all been heavily involved with the vaccine conglomerates, as well as China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army. To trust the health of our nation’s citizens to a country who is an active enemy of American ideals, and who cannot adequately secure their own bioweapon laboratories is treasonable.

Messenger RNA technology, because it involves genetic engineering, can be used in any Covid or flu vaccine today for rapid global depopulation through sterility measures or immunological complications, for racial extermination, to modify human sexual composition and create non-genders, for behavioral modifications, or to undergo chromosomal integration or insertional mutagenesis, leading to random insertions of genetic codes into the host of cellular genomes (inducing tumors). The idea of vaccines as a dispersal method to annihilate or debilitate millions of people unknowingly, with their consent, is a brilliant strategy of warfare. The very means with which should help eliminate a pandemic and save lives is instead used as a “kill” device.

Because the masses have accepted vaccinations as preventive medicine for decades, most would reject the possibility that a vaccine could be used as a bioweapon against them. Nonetheless, strong evidence of a global “coup” is piling up as more and more citizens become alarmed that this pandemic is less about health and safety, and more about the restructuring and destruction of our laws, economy, civil rights, and freedoms—everything that occurs during an enemy takeover, and not during a pandemic. And with no enforced treaty to protect civilians against biological weapons of mass destruction, silent warfare against all of humanity becomes today’s reality.





Ethics professor threatened with dismissal for refusing vaccine

“My name is Julie Ponesse, and this message is about mandatory vaccinations.

I am a Professor of Ethics at Huron College at the University of Western Ontario. It’s one of the largest universities in Canada. Today I am going to teach you a short lesson on the universally accepted ethics of coercing people into medical procedures. I’ll be the example.

My employer has just mandated that I must get a vaccine for Covid-19. If I want to keep working at my job as a professor, I have to take this vaccine. Here’s my conundrum. My school employs me to be an authority on the subject of ethics. I hold a PhD in Ethics and Ancient Philosophy, and I’m here to tell you it’s ethically wrong to coerce someone to take a vaccine. If it happens to you, you don’t have to do it. If you don’t want a Covid vaccine, don’t take one. End of discussion. It’s your own business. But that is not the approach of the University of Western Ontario which has suddenly required that I be vaccinated immediately or not report for work. So with the school year beginning in a few days, I am facing imminent dismissal after 20 years on the job, because I will not submit to having an experimental vaccine injected into my body.

I’ve had plenty of vaccines in my life but I’ve never been forced to take one; it’s always been my choice. I don’t work in a high risk environment, I’m not a doctor in an Emergency Room. I’m a teacher. I’m a university professor. My job is to teach students how to think critically, to ask questions that might expose a false argument. Questions like: “Says who? Who is the authority giving this order? Should I trust them with control over my body?”

As a professor, I don’t have to watch the news to find out if the Covid vaccines are safe. I read medical journals, and I consult my colleagues who are professors of science and medicine. I’ve learned from doctors that there are serious questions about how safe these vaccines really are. There are questions about how well they work. Nobody is promising that I won’t get Covid or transmit Covid if I get the vaccine. But ultimately, none of that matters to me because I’m a professor of ethics and I’m a Canadian. I’m entitled to make choices about what does and does not enter my body, regardless of my reasons.

If I’m allowed back into my university, it’s my job to teach my students that this is wrong. I’m hired to teach them that it is ethically wrong to impose an experimental medical procedure as a condition of employment.

This is my first and potentially my last lesson the the year. Ethics 101: In the spirit of Socrates who was executed for asking questions, this lesson will consist of only one question. The answer is multiple choice. Please listen carefully:

When a person has done the same job to the satisfaction of her employer for 20 years, is it right or is it wrong to suddenly demand that they submit to an unnecessary medical procedure in order to keep their job? In this case the procedure is an injection of a substance that has not been fully tested for safety. It has not yet been shown to be effective. It is designed to prevent an illness that poses little threat to the employee. The employee is not allowed to ask questions. She may only submit to the procedure or be fired. To my first year students, is this right or is this wrong? I already know the answer.”

(Dr. Ponesse was dismissed from her position on September 7, 2021)
The New Nuremberg Trials 2021: Update from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich https://humansarefree.com/2021/07/nuremberg-trials-2021.html

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles.

All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result.

This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases / ”infections” tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:

Provides immunity to the virus

This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.

Protects recipients from getting the virus

This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.

Reduces deaths from the virus infection

This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.

Reduces circulation of the virus

This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus

This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.


Confidential Documents reveal Moderna sent mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidate to University Researchers weeks before emergence of Covid-19 – The Expose https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/06/18/confidential-documents-reveal-moderna-sent-mrna-coronavirus-vaccine-candidate-to-university-researchers-weeks-before-emergence-of-covid-19

A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.

The confidentially agreement which can be viewed here states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

It was not until January 9th 2020 that the WHO reported Chinese authorities had determined the outbreak was due to a novel coronavirus which later became known as SARS-CoV-2 with the alleged resultant disease dubbed COVID-19. So why was an mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidate developed by Moderna being transferred to the University of North Carolina on December 12th 2019?

Why The Early Treatment Data is Better Than Anyone Imagines: Dr. Brian Tyson's Data https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-chloroquine-wars-part-xx

Should you get vaccinated? https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated

I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we're only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.

The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren't disclosing how many people have been killed or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn't asking any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others are all censoring content that goes against the "perfectly safe" narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the "father of COVID," is still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci's unredacted emails

VAERS: vaccine reporting system has recorded more than 500 spontaneous abortions after experimental COVID-19 "vaccines" - The COVID Blog https://thecovidblog.com/2021/06/21/vaers-vaccine-reporting-system-has-recorded-more-than-500-spontaneous-abortions-after-experimental-covid-19-vaccines

Dr. Michael Yeadon is the former Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Pfizer. He warned everyone in December that these experimental mRNA shots will lead to mass infertility. Women will no longer be able to form placentas and thus, cannot carry babies. We’ve also seen frightening menstrual cycles from non-vaxxed women who were in close proximity of vaxxed people.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, a British pathologist, found that the spike proteins in the experimental mRNA shots effectively sterilize men. He stated the obvious, in that the 2-3 months of so-called clinical trials were not nearly enough to know the long-term effects of these shots. Of course mainstream media “fact-checkers” say they have “debunked” Dr. Hodkinson.

Investigational Vaccination of Pregnant Women - America Out Loud % https://www.americaoutloud.com/investigational-vaccination-of-pregnant-women

In a gigantic break from this safe and reasonable practice, with no proof of benefit or evidence of safety, the CDC recommends that pregnant women volunteer for the vaccine. It is known that COVID-19 is in general mild and self-limiting in pregnant women, does not cause fetal malformations, and when presenting with severe symptoms, can be treated with drug therapy including hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, steroids, and aspirin.

The only vaccines allowed in pregnant women are biologically inactive: influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Thus, it is up to each woman to do her research on this very important decision in pregnancy or childbearing years. As of May 7, 2021, 275 miscarriages have been reported to the CDC in women who were needlessly vaccinated. Given the strict nature of reporting including penalties for false reports, it is estimated that only 1-10% of safety reports are logged by the CDC after vaccination.

Thus, at this time, American women have probably lost >2000 babies to the COVID-19 vaccines and that number will continue to rise until either the vaccines are pulled from the market or pregnant women are excluded. This week’s report has an excerpt from Dr. McCullough and Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Today May 8, 2021, and expert opinions from Drs. Malthouse, Stricker, and Gilbert, giving caution about the untested vaccine in pregnant women.

There is no more urgent message from The McCullough Report, under no circumstances should a pregnant woman feel forced to comply with CDC recommendations on vaccination with the investigational COVID-19 vaccine that has no proven benefit or guarantee of safety for the mother or the fetus. Please do your own research and carefully discuss this with your doctor(s).

COVID-19 Vaccines Not Safe for Human Use on Either Side of the Atlantic - America Out Loud https://www.americaoutloud.com/covid-19-vaccines-not-safe-for-human-use-on-either-side-of-the-atlantic

COVID-19 investigational vaccines.

In America, the Centers for Disease Control has logged more grim milestones as of June 4, 2021, with 329,021 certified serious safety reports including 5,888 deaths and 19,597 hospitalizations. While the CDC has stated twice on their website that none of the deaths were caused by the vaccine, without external unbiased safety mechanisms including critical event committee, data safety monitoring board, and human ethics board, interpretation of the CDC causality claim can only be made in the context of semantics.

Since the majority of the deaths occur within a few days of the vaccine administration, if the vaccine did not directly “cause” the death, it was undoubtedly in the causal pathway of these temporally related fatalities.

Common narratives include vaccine-induced fatal heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and blood disorders. So, one could diagnose such a scenario as follows: the patient died of myocarditis, and the myocarditis was caused by the vaccine. So the CDC can say the vaccine did not cause the death, but it was obviously in the causal pathway to death.

COVID19 Vaccine Deaths & Risks - Austin G. Walters https://austingwalters.com/covid19-vaccine-risks

CDC SUPPRESSED 149,000 INJURY Reports in First Six Weeks Covid-19 Vaccine Program, DEATHS SOAR https://www.unite4truth.com/post/2-400-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-occurred-in-first-six-weeks-of-program-cdc-back-loading-data

Reports of VAERS Covid-19 deaths and injuries submitted to the VAERS system now register over 361,225 injuries and 6,914 deaths than reported in real time for the first 3 1/2 months of program (majority of these deaths occurred within days to only a few weeks post vaccination - vast majority of these injuries are NOT recent per date of incident reports)

Evidence indicates is massively backloading injury reports and suppressing public ability to scrutinize the controversial Covid-19 vaccination campaign....Review of data for first three months of program shows increase of HUNDREDS of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths over real time reports. The CDC actions of suppressing and misrepresenting data warrant no public trust and data indicates the Covid-19 program inducing record injury reports both in the US & Europe needs to be immediately HALTED.

What Happened in Singapore? - by Brian Mowrey - Unglossed https://unglossed.substack.com/p/what-happened-in-singapore

A small study looked for signs of increased antibody response to syncytin-1 - a protein vital for successful pregnancies - in 15 female subjects who received the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Singapore. What they found, to their surprise, was an immediate and sustained increase - in all 15 subjects. The authors went on to conclude that their own findings were not “significant.” But if an increase in antibody response to syncytin-1 is not significant, why did the authors look for it in the first place?
PCR-test cannot be used to diagnose Covid (or any other viral) infections | Cognitive-Liberty.online https://cognitive-liberty.online/pcr-test-cannot-be-used-to-diagnose-covid-or-any-orther-viral-infections

Noble laureate and PCR test inventor Kary Mullis (expressis verbis; see below for original video material):
“With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It makes you believe in the Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else” (Kary Mullis was very outspoken about the scientific inspiration he derived from his LSD experiences; but see his book “Getting down with the molecules“).
The invaldity of the PCR method is especially significant when 45 repetition cycles are used, as stated in the original publication by Drosten et al. The generally excepted upper limit is at most 25-35 repetition cycles – everything above is completly unreliable as the proportion of false positives rises exponentially (see recommendations for PCR Cycling Parameters).
Quote: “Thermal cycling was performed at 55 °C for 10 min for reverse transcription, followed by 95 °C for 3 min and then 45 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s, 58 °C for 30 s.”
The PCR test is the crucial ‘domino stone’ on which all other fallacious conclusions rest (it forms the major premise of the quasi-syllogistic argument which is constantly presented to justify the neoliberal Corona measures which aggressively antagonise the middle-class). Given that all “Corona Lockdown Measures” are based on inferential PCR testing, this specific test thus lies at the very core of the invalid statistical conclusions which are currently propagated by the mass-media (i.e., systematic fearmongering to inhibit higher-order psychological processes; cf. dual-process theories of thinking and reasoning).
First of all, the PCR method has never been approved for diagnostic purposes. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, has repeatedly emphasised that this test should not be used as a diagnostic tool. This crucial fact is simply denied in public discourse. Listen to Kary Mullis for yourself – don’t fall victim to the hype…
“[PCR tests] are simply incapable of diagnosing any disease … A positive PCR test result does not mean that an infection is present. If someone tests positive, it does not mean that they’re infected with anything, let alone with the contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus. Even the United States CDC … agrees with this and I quote directly from page 38 of one of its publications on the coronavirus and the PCR tests dated July 13 2020.

The PCR swabs take one or two sequences of a molecule that are invisible to the human eye and therefore need to be amplified in many cycles to make it visible. Everything over 35 cycles is … considered completely unreliable and scientifically unjustifiable.
However, the Drosten test as well as the WHO recommended tests … are set to 45 cycles. Can that be because of the desire to produce as many positive results as possible and thereby provide the basis for the false assumption that a large number of infections have been detected?”

“Even Drosten himself declared in an interview with a German business magazine in 2014 … that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive,” Fuellmich notes.

Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology, Camera from Germany, Capel from the Netherlands and Cahill from Ireland as well as a microbiologist, Dr. Harvey from Austria, all of whom testified before the German corona committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found.”

As explained by Fuellmich, crimes against humanity, first defined during the Nuremberg trials following World War II, are today regulated in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code. The three questions the committee seeks to answer through judicial means are:

1. Is there a COVID-19 pandemic or is there only a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test pandemic?

Specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the individual is infected with SARS-CoV-2 and has COVID-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the COVID-19 infection?

2. Do pandemic response measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing and quarantine regulations serve to protect the world’s population from COVID-19, or do these measures serve only to make people panic?

Are these measures intended to sow “panic in order to make people believe, without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger, so that the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?”

3. Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied — more so than any other country — by the chief protagonists of this COVID-19 pandemic?

According to Fuellmich, Germany “is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence” to pandemic measures.

Answers to these questions are urgently needed, he says, because SARS-CoV-2, which is touted as one of the most serious threats to life in modern history, “has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world.”
Warning labels on CIGARETTES now changed to cover for Covid vaccine-induced deaths claiming “small amounts” of SMOKE trigger “sudden blood clots, heart attacks and strokes” https://www.planet-today.com/2022/01/warning-labels-on-cigarettes-now.html?m=1

Cigarette smoke and even second-hand smoke somehow, all of a sudden, can trigger blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, according to cigarette manufacturers and distributors. This comes as a huge coincidence in its timing as millions of people around the world who have been injected with Fauci Flu shots are now suffering or have died from those exact “side effects.” What you are about to see is Big Tobacco covering for Big Pharma as cigarette warning labels now pretend that cigarettes will kill or maim you the same exact way that the Covid jabs do. One hand washes the other.

How convenient. In just one year, cigarette smoke, even second-hand smoke, since it has been proven by science to be just as deadly as what the smoker breathes in, is now causing instant blood clots that kill you. Surely the masses will think this is “science” and the CDC just trying to help.

Deadly Covid clot shots and the ultimate scapegoat – Cigarettes

Everyone knows cigarettes are bad for your health, especially your lungs. Covid happens to be a virus that attacks human lung tissue. So it should be easy for pharma to blame cancer sticks for just about anything that goes wrong with anyone, since second-hand smoke is just as bad.

Did you walk near a smoker today? Even just a tiny little bit of smoke, according to Big Tobacco, can give you blood clots instantly that kill you dead, on the spot. Those chemicals in cigarettes are so volatile, they can kill you faster than the side effects from a toxic gene therapy injection that tells your cells to create poisonous “proteins” that stick together inside your blood.

Cigarettes contain pesticides, ammonia and bleach, but don’t cause INSTANT blood clots like Covid vaccines

Have you noticed all the athletes clutching their chests on the fields and courts and dropping to their knees from myocarditis attacks? That’s not from some cigarette smoke in the stands that caught a breeze and made it over to their mouths. These are “vaccinated” college and professional athletes who were healthy as a horse before the Covid jab or jabs.

Women who are pregnant and get the Covid jabs increase the likelihood of having an instantaneous abortion greatly during the first and second trimester, and that horrendous “side effect” is not caused by “tiny amounts” of cigarette smoke the nurses are smoking on their break outside of the hospital.

Maybe Big Tobacco forgot to add “spontaneous abortion” to the warning labels on those cigarettes, in addition to instant blood clots and heart attacks. If this were all true, then anyone who smokes AND gets Covid vaccines has little chance of survival past that first puff of smoke after the blood-clotting, gene therapy jabs take effect. The cigarette pack should also state that anyone who smokes cigarettes and then gets a Covid booster risks instant lung cancer tumors and much more severe case of Covid. This would be appropriate since Big Tobacco is currently doing all the bidding for Big Pharma’s clot shots.

What else will serve as a scapegoat for the nano-parasitic scamdemic? Stay tuned, and be sure to bookmark Vaccines.news for updates on experimental vaccines and boosters that can cause blood clots, ADE and other horrific side effects.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
