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Feeling Worse from Energy Workings?

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Lucine_Fastus said:
Is this normal for people when they advance? I've gotten sudden migraines, earaches, and such out of nowhere, and am just asking to make sure this is normal and that I'm not doing something wrong. I did start a square for Mars today, but as far as I know Mars is not in its detriment or it's fall. Please tell me if I am wrong.

If this is normal, I will just go forward doing more cleansing and more AoP.

Thank you for your time.

This is just a reminder to all SS, including Lucine, that it is normal to get temporary, negative symptoms relevant to, and during the transformation of various problematic areas of your soul or other negative karma. As the the soul is "rewired" during this process, dirt and other negative manifestations must be removed to facilitate positive change. Therefore, it is very normal to go through cycles of negativity, such as pain, discomfort, or other misfortune during the course of a working.

The above does not mean your working is backfiring in any way. Instead, it means you have successfully applied the energy!

However, this is all temporary and should get better throughout the course of the working. This is what distinguishes this discomfort from something like a curse or other truly destructive circumstances. In this case, we walk the path of transformation, which is not always pleasant, yet necessary for evolution. The Myths of Odin and his sacrifices relate to this, as does the fact that the Eihwaz rune (#13 rune, representing Pluto/transformation) has a relation to the Yew tree, which itself has elements of poison.

From HPS Maxine's writing: "Here is where the fictitious nazarene was also invented. The nazarene was stolen from some 18+ Pagan Gods who were "crucified" on a cross or hung from a tree. All of this is an allegory, for example: The Norse God Odin hung from a tree and experienced a death of sorts to obtain knowledge. Through being reborn, he obtained gnosis. The cross represents the all-important four quarters. This is also the meaning of the hanged man card in the Tarot. The Egyptian phoenix has the same meaning- rebirth through fire. The eclipse said to have occurred during the supposed "crucifixion" of the nazarene also symbolizes the nigredo stage of blackness. This stage is also symbolized by the black crow and the Black Sun. "

In this case, we know that both the sign of Aries and Mars itself are connected to the head, migraines, sinus, inflammation, etc. Remember that Mars is a forceful yang energy responsible for bringing high activity to the areas it touches.

Combining this with knowledge from TCM, we also know that inflammation is caused when there is a lack of yin elements to cool and balance this energy. Built up inflammation then collects in the upper portions of the body, namely the head.

Knowing this, it is not mystery why discomfort of this nature came from doing a Mars Square. If we do a Mars square for a general improvement of the martian energies within us, then we can expect transformation in any areas of our chart relevant to Mars, including:

  • The house where Mars is located, which is where Mars is acting within your life overall.
  • The sign Mars is in, representing how your natal Mars is acting in your body and where it is energizing
  • Aspects of Mars to other areas of your soul, again representing how Mars is "wired" in you
  • Whichever houses(s) have the sign of Aries, meaning they are also ruled by Mars
  • The 1st house, which is also ruled by Mars

While this example is relevant to Mars, you can apply this to any other planetary energy within yourself.
Also keep in mind that if you do a broad working (such as improving health, confidence, or wealth), this will target multiple areas of your soul. Knowledge of astrology can prevent becoming confused by what one may experience, as this will reveal major areas of negative karma.

To get around this, we must be diligent in our cleaning so that we can directly counter any dirt resulting from our work. As I have done certain workings, I noticed that the chakras associated with my goals were dirtier than normal.


If one is truly overwhelmed, you can also raise and direct energy to directly clean and counter any negativity from your workings. This is not always needed, but it can be done when one is going through lots of stress. We can directly clean any negative energy on us, as well as prepare protective energies in the form of a specific-AOP for this problem.

The lower chakras and the associated planets are what keep us moving and acting during times of crisis, so it may also be wise to invest time here. For example, if one's emotional problems may seriously disturb them, investing in building up one's Saturn will increase the amount of restraint we can exhibit. Similarly, improvements to Mars or the Sun will give one the confidence and energy to tackle problems.

Above all, maintain your tenacity and diligence during periods of stress which may come from workings. By being tested in all aspects of life, this is how we develop the unshakeable will that is seen with Plutonian/Scorpio placements, as such a person has already "been there and done that" and is therefore resistant to all kinds of pain.

Do not ever doubt your workings, which should always be intended and viewed as positive developments in your life. You are in control of your mind, despite if your thoughts may seem otherwise. Regardless if one's confidence is shaken, know that the energy has been applied, and therefore focus on this fact for success through the working.
I have had strange dreams the last three days. Where nothing makes sense?
And waking feeling extra tired and more confused. Trying to figure it all out. When I meditate. And how to explain.. the the chaos going on within the sleeping patterns. And the signs I see in my dreams before I awake in the mornings. And is also affecting me while I'm at work. Because I see the same behavior patterns and the similarities of the way people behave that sets me off and upsets me. Especially when . I am trying to keep things pleasant. And the stress builds up. Because I am trying to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing at work and then I have got questions going on in my own mind relating to the content that I see in my sleeping patterns and the things that I deal with in dreams. And these dreams are not just everyday situations! It also consists of some things from my childhood that are conflicting!.. family issues . And even some things that concern me about my health and dealing with other people and there state of mental health. And I know that with each and every household everybody has got their problems? And that's a normal thing! But when it comes to sleeping and dreams and all I'm seeing is just people complaining endlessly about doctors and medical fears, surgery and shit.? And having to be on the lookout? To see if I'm really going to lose somebody due to cancer or a heart attack? Or if it's just fear from watching some silly movie? Or reading a book when you get absorbed into it telling about the character and what the characters going through versus your life and what you're really going through? And then dealing with other people and their shit in your own household and you don't even know what is real and what isn't? And what I can help people with? If it's a fact or if it's just a dream?.. on health. And in my dream it's not just older people that concern me is also children! And because I work at a grocery store I am dealing with people everyday as it is! And then I come home extra tired pushing myself to relax and sort things out, And have to get dinner on and such. And allowing myself to go into a meditation along with that. And trying to figure all this out! And wondering if I'm doing something wrong! I just started doing the sun Square about 3 days ago after reading up on how to do them! And whether or not I put in enough time to meditate? If I'm doing that laundry is right? The chanting of Ansuze. Whether to be 31 times or as many as two times and then going into a meditation for 2 hours or 33 hours? And then splitting it so I can do 2 hours in the morning, meditate during my lunch break at work, and then again after dinner before bed. And trying to do this the best I can with out fucking up. I have never did I planetary Square before. Up Intel now. And I'm getting all kinds of weird dreams and I'm even picking up weird energies from them as well so I have no idea what is going on? And whether I am doing any of this right or not? And I have done plenty of reading on planetary squares? But then I decided to take a stab at it doing the sun Square just to see where it would get me and if it would help me build up my energy and my self-esteem
while working in me communication with the gods I have been energizing the upper chakras, my throat chakra specially feels like a lump in the throat, the feeling is the same as when you are very sad and you feel that lump
So my my question is? On the sun Square if it says 33? Are you supposed to meditate for 33 hours? 33 minutes? Along with your chanting of 33? And when you choose the time to start your planetary square like if I chose to do it at 9:45? This means that I've got to do it exact that time? Or can it be any time that 9:00 even if I'm a little off? And I did start at 9:45 at night on a Sunday the 28th of January. And I have been getting the strangest dreams at night! And is this normal and is it expected?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=418128 time=1675215411 user_id=21286]

Thank you for this advice! I'll continue with my working and I'll also learn more about astrology, since I wasn't aware of how important it was before.
Workings aside. What I've found is that meditation by going inside the quiet and stillness, it sharpens the senses.

I don't know but it makes me more introverted. In that I find the noises people make annoying. I just want peace and quiet.

But yes my ears do become sensitive to noise from meditation. The post was about workings. I'm not referring to that. Just meditation causing a heightened sensitivity and discomfort to noise.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=418128 time=1675215411 user_id=21286]
Lucine_Fastus said:

This is just a reminder to all SS, including Lucine, that it is normal to get temporary, negative symptoms relevant to, and during the transformation of various problematic areas of your soul or other negative karma. As the the soul is "rewired" during this process, dirt and other negative manifestations must be removed to facilitate positive change. Therefore, it is very normal to go through cycles of negativity, such as pain, discomfort, or other misfortune during the course of a working.

The above does not mean your working is backfiring in any way. Instead, it means you have successfully applied the energy!

However, this is all temporary and should get better throughout the course of the working. This is what distinguishes this discomfort from something like a curse or other truly destructive circumstances. In this case, we walk the path of transformation, which is not always pleasant, yet necessary for evolution.


Do not ever doubt your workings, which should always be intended and viewed as positive developments in your life. You are in control of your mind, despite if your thoughts may seem otherwise. Regardless if one's confidence is shaken, know that the energy has been applied, and therefore focus on this fact for success through the working.

All the explanations are very helpful, I always have Maxine's saying in my mind "whenever you feel uncomfortable stop" so I take my time with what's going on.

As such things take place, they justify the statement in general: everyone will want to join (at the last minute), but it will be too late.
It's kind of analogus with the muscle pain after intense training. Hps Maxine write about this as Blitzkrieg explained. Pain in the head after 3rd eye and 6th chakra empowerment. And she said when one advanced reaches the kundalini raising it can feel like molten lead.
Thanks, it's an explanation that has some elements that I needed.
How long until the symptoms disappear?

I have been doing a Munka working following deep cleaning, and the original problem felt so much better "while" I did 2 28 days Sabbats in a row. In fact, I was hoping the problem was gone all together, but I am almost a month in with Munka and it feels like all the previous symptoms I had are rushing to the surface.

Any insight would be appreciated Blitz
GoldenxChild1 said:
How long until the symptoms disappear?

I have been doing a Munka working following deep cleaning, and the original problem felt so much better "while" I did 2 28 days Sabbats in a row. In fact, I was hoping the problem was gone all together, but I am almost a month in with Munka and it feels like all the previous symptoms I had are rushing to the surface.

Any insight would be appreciated Blitz

If you were doing deep cleaning simultaneously with the Munka transformation, this explains how you were able to mitigate negative experiences, as the dirt was removed before it could manifest. Try to continue with the extra cleaning, at least on the chakra(s) which may seem to be the most afflicted through this process.

Any major problems will take time to fully resolve, but that does not mean progress was not made. There have been a couple times where I had done 40-80 days of a working, only to come back to it again in the future.

Depending on how the energy is focused, this could take a decent amount of time. You don't need to keep going forever, though. If you need to work on other priorities, then you can stop once you have made acceptable progress.
This is excellent advice. Another thing is, sometimes people are simply drained and run down, especially at the beginning, but also if someone is spreading themselves too thin with too many workings. Throat-soreness, hoarseness, tiredness, ennui, migraine or headache can appear.

As is usually provided on the Rituals we do, SATANAS is ideal for remedying this, especially the full version (per letter, per breath) provided by HPS Maxine on the mp3. "The energies of SATANAS are raising my energies in a healthy, safe and protective way". The AYKK OHNG mantra also works but not as well.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
