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Cobra Breath


Jun 23, 2023
The real goal of spirituality is for the individual to have true control and awareness over himself and his soul.

Yantras are signs with occult power.  This includes the seals of the gods.
Meditating and studying them is part of the 8-fold path of Lady Astaroth.
Demons are able to detect where we are lacking in life with a higher level of awareness than we can grasp, because they are doing things beyond our comprehension.

In ancient times there were people who wanted to keep their status and caste systems in line. So they destroyed the creative part of the mind with their school systems. That's why points are respected, not creativity and personal genius. They created a system dominated by left brain education. They have taken people out of the psyche where psychic abilities reside.
The blasphemous Jewish mouth told us to submit.
Each one of us is a disciple under the roof of Satan.

Prana is about how it merges with the mind and consciousness.
One of the secret techniques taught to initiates in the East is the 'Cobra Breath'. Also known as the Dragon's Breath.  It was kept secret because of its power in magic.
Information was shared that it takes 12 years of training to achieve this technique.
Our friends 'allforenki' and 'chalchiuhnenetzin' mentioned it in old groups.


This breathing technique is not officially available in JoS, but has been shared many times in old groups.

Recently, on a relatively bad day for me, for a few seconds my Kundalini zone was shaken.

In my mind I saw Lord Sitri's seal in white.
I immediately went to my room. Something prompted me to test now something I had wanted to try for a long time.

I wanted to combine an ancient technique called Cobra Breath with the Sat Kriya pose from the end of Kundalini Yoga to stimulate the kundalini area - especially the lower 3 chakras - for a short time. And I want to share it with you.

I continued for just a few breaths, correcting my posture.
While maintaining the Sat Kriya posture, for the last time I gathered my um power into my root chakra and raised it up to my crown chakra. It didn't go through completely, because I still had my 3 Granthi blockages.

The following Cobra Breathing Technique is used to expand consciousness. It can bring about states of joy and happiness.
Speaking from personal experience, I think that doing it in the Sat Kriya position will also bring a significant relaxation.
I also sincerely apologize for my English

I've been working on something for a long time. To have an experience like this right after I've finished my work, maybe it's a gift.

This breathing technique is on eHow.

Cobra Breath
1. Lean your back against a wall or chair. You can optionally practice Sat Kriya posture.
2. Put your tongue on your palate. Slowly contract your anal muscles.
3. Inhale. As you inhale, feel the energy coming up from the base of your spine. It should move towards the back of your head.
4. Keep your tongue on your palate as you exhale.
5. Exhale slowly, making a hissing sound like a snake.
As you exhale you should contract the facial muscles around your chin and lips as if you were laughing.

If you feel dizzy, stop immediately.
When I was doing this, I lost my balance because of my inexperience, and I almost fell to the ground.

My purpose in combining it with Sat Kriya was to make the energy easily reach the upper chakras.
I adapted this technique for myself.

The first level of attunement is designed to open the crown and open the flow of power along the spine to the root chakra. This follows the pattern of opening the chakra properly. This also reveals something. Spiritual practices have been removed from this system. It is based on Kundalini energy. The initiation is the Shaktipat initiation used in the Kundalini systems in the east. Pranic healing is a small siddhi in snake power yoga. The original of this system came from further east, from schools practicing kundalini yoga.

The other aspect is that the teachings are weak and all the real spiritual practices have been removed. The key to understand this is that when you go to the highest level, they teach you a kundalini technique that is used to attune people for three levels. So there is a special technique here that is used to do Reiki. Why is this not taught to the first level for Reiki students to use it for Reiki and to use it as a daily practice to activate the chakras and nadis and to work on resurrecting the snake? This is what is taught to do this technique in Kundalini Yoga. Because it was changed they put the main technique on the third level, for this level initially a person had to pay up to ten thousand dollars. This technique is still taught in Kriya Yoga. But they make people pay a lot of money for it.

The Babylonians built our temples seven stories high.


The soul is made of light.
The health of our chakras affects our spiritual, physical and mental health.
Each of the 7 chakras vibrates according to the frequencies of the light spectrum.

As the site says, in many ancient grimoires and ancient writings, the key word for "chakra(s)" is "God(s)". In some ancient Egyptian spiritual writings, for example, there is a reference to "words of power" to "rule over the Gods". In such inscriptions "God" is also the key word for the person himself. Again, in certain Sumerian inscriptions, it is written that one should "feed the Gods every day" in order to "ward off plagues, illness and old age". Here, too, the word "gods" refers to the chakras. So "working and strengthening" the chakras every day keeps one happy, strong and fit. As an otherwise unthinkable part of spiritual development, the chakras must be worked on every day.

Stay in the light, for it is the purest form of power.

Light is power - Lady Lilith
Satan's Crow said:

Thank you for sharing this information. Also, as Henu mentioned, please make sure to provide the source for the content you include here. This ensures the other authors do not get upset at you for lack of attribution, but also adds value to your post and shows others you are a diligent researcher.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=472276 time=1699847497 user_id=21286]
Satan's Crow said:

Thank you for sharing this information. Also, as Henu mentioned, please make sure to provide the source for the content you include here. This ensures the other authors do not get upset at you for lack of attribution, but also adds value to your post and shows others you are a diligent researcher.

Yeah, but I can't access the old groups. I would do that, but I can't. I tried changing VPN, but it's not working.

I'll send it during the day if I can, but I'm a bit busy.
Henu the Great said:
What is written by you, and what is quoted? Your use of italic makes this hard to distinguish. And when you quote from a source, please also provide the source.

Is there an e-mail address where I can reach you? And thank you for your encouragement.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=472276 time=1699847497 user_id=21286]
Satan's Crow said:

Thank you for sharing this information. Also, as Henu mentioned, please make sure to provide the source for the content you include here. This ensures the other authors do not get upset at you for lack of attribution, but also adds value to your post and shows others you are a diligent researcher.

Thanks a very lot brother for actually replying to my mail ..I have also asked another important question in mail..could u also answer that when you are free
(I don't remember if I gave such an answer, so please delete 1 if I sent it 2 times.)

The breath, also known as cobra breath or Cosmic Cobra Breath, affects people both physiologically and energetically. On the other hand, it balances the practice and also utilizes masculine and feminine energies. Physiologically speaking, these are the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Furthermore, cobra breath electromagnetizes the cerebrospinal fluid, causing it to flow dynamically. This fluid will stimulate the third ventricle of the brain, called the Brahma Cave, as well as the Crystal Palace, which consists of the hypothalamus, pituitary glands and pineal gland. When the pituitary and pineal glands are sufficiently activated, they form a bond known as Tantric Marriage.

Cobra breath is also a technique that comes from the Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga practice but has remained a secret due to its high power. Because of its powerful self-improvement technique, cobra breath is also known as Royal Pranayama.

This technique is considered one of the most powerful techniques for self-improvement on the path to enlightenment and high vibration.

Tantra (Sanskrit: तन्त्र "continuity" signifying a weaving) is a branch of Hinduism devoted to Shakti, the active feminine Goddess form.

Although Tantra is largely associated with sexuality in Western countries and among Western-educated Easterners, sexuality in Tantra is a very strictly conditioned, ritualistic practice that is practiced in a particular branch of Tantra and must be considered in conjunction with all other practices:

"Certain persons, devoid of the Guru-çisya tradition and seduced by the disseminated misinformation, imagine the nature of Kuladharma according to their own minds. If only by drinking liquor people could attain enlightenment, all drinkers would attain perfection. If only by eating meat one could attain high positions, all the carnivores in the world would be virtuous. If liberation could be attained by sexual intercourse with shakti, all creatures would be liberated by intercourse with their females." (Kularnava Tantra, II, 116-118)

The philosophy of Tantra is based on 92 Shruti, a collection of Tantras. There are Tantras in the Vaishnava, Shaiva, Ganapatya and Shakta forms.

Lakshmi is a common form of Shakti.

The Tantric tradition or Tantrika Parampara can be seen as parallel or intertwined with the Vedic tradition (Vaidika Parampara). Swami Nikhilananda stated that Tantric thought is closely connected not only with the Vedas but also with the Upanishads, Puranas and Yoga. For example, the Tripura Rahasya, one of the basic texts of Shakta Tantra, states that "This text is a summarization of the teachings of the Vedas, Puranas and other sacred texts".

In the introduction to his Mahanirvana Tantra, Arthur Avalon, a renowned Western Tantra scholar, states that Tantra, one of the orthodox paths of Hinduism, is a development of the Vaidika Karmakanda, which was enacted to meet the needs of the people of the Kali age, and quotes Shiva as saying, "For the benefit of the people of the Kali age, people who lack energy and depend on the food they eat to live, O blessed one, the teaching of Kaula has been given."

Ramakrishna's mystical experience, called "Nirvikalpa Samadhi" in the Hindu tradition, led him to believe that the various religions' conceptions of God were merely various interpretations of the Absolute and that the Ultimate Truth could never be expressed in human terms. This understanding is in harmony with the statement in the Rig Vedas that "Truth is one, but the sages call it by different names". As a result of this view, Ramakrishna spent various periods of his life trying to develop his understanding of the various Yogic and Tantric sects within Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

Key concepts in Ramakrishna's teachings:

- Unity of existence

- The divinity of human beings

- Oneness of God and harmony of religions

- Lust and greed as the main mental barriers in human life (kamini and kanchana in Bengali).

Ramakrishna's personal accounts of his life and teachings are contained in "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna" written by his disciple Mahendranath Gupta, known as "M". As Adi Sankara had done thousands of years earlier, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa revitalized Hinduism, which had become buried in excessive rituals, and supported it against challenges from early modern Islam and Christianity.

In his life, too, we see this extraordinary manifestation of memory. As a child, Ramakrishna would recite the songs and stories of the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics in the fields and pastures of Kamarpukur, listening only once. After attending a three-hour drama, he could repeat the entire drama from memory and re-enact it for those who could not attend.

I think Sri Ramakrishna knew something about spirituality. I also remember that he was anti-Christianity and anti-Islam, so he may have offered benefits to true Hinduism in the east.

I'm trying a new writing style. I hope you like it.

White, David Gordon (ed.) (2000). Tantra in Practice. Princeton University Press
Satan's Crow said:
Henu the Great said:
What is written by you, and what is quoted? Your use of italic makes this hard to distinguish. And when you quote from a source, please also provide the source.

Is there an e-mail address where I can reach you? And thank you for your encouragement.
Why do you need to reach me in private? If it is related to this post of yours, you can simply correct the format here.

Satan's Crow said:
Yeah, but I can't access the old groups. I would do that, but I can't. I tried changing VPN, but it's not working.

I'll send it during the day if I can, but I'm a bit busy.
You can access old forums from my signature. If you meant the old yahoo groups, those I have in a directory on my hard drive as someone had compiled and archived them in the past. I can look at uploading them if you want to.
Applying this breath only to the lower and above three chakras gives me a higher effect. I also sincerely apologize for the delay in the reference section.

The chakras are arranged along the spine. Applying only to the main 7 chakras will create a geometric array.

In the double snake meditation on the JoS site, the energy is released from the back of the head through 3 eyes like a snake. I believe it may be related to this.

Organs such as the Pons, Cerebellum etc. located in the posterior lobe of the brain are related to perception and imagery skills.

3 When the Granthi is stationary, this breathing technique may not reveal its true power.
The schools practicing Kundalini in the East were more knowledgeable about this.

Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice. North Atlantic Books.

Ujjayi breathing is one of the ancient yogic breathing techniques that has been used for thousands of years to enhance the practice of hatha yoga. Ujjayi means "victorious" in Sanskrit. Ujjayi breathing is also called "Dragon breath", "Cobra breath" or "Hero breath".

Krishnamacharya's Legacy


Fernando Pagés Ruiz, in Yoga Journal "

"SpokenSanskrit de: उज्जि entry"


Mahavatar Babaji's disciple Lahiri Mahasaya founded the first kriya yoga school. You can see how talented Babaji was.

Don't waste your time on the "Cobra breath". It's BS. I've done research on it and learned that it's nothing more than the basic kriya yoga techniques which you can learn for free as there is a free PDF by Ennio Nimis detailing all the breathing techniques, if you are interested:

The only reason the Ipsalu Tantra institute calls it "Cobra Breath" is to patent it and make a lot of money teaching it, as they charge about $5,000 on workshops to teach each technique, and they tell you to keep it secret, obviously so that people don't learn it for free.

The cobra breath techniques (there are 3 of them actually, not one) are nothing but the 3 kriya yoga techniques described in detail in the PDF above.
Hayabusa 🧘‍♀️🔥 Thank you for sharing!
I didn't create it. As I said in the article, I just shared with you something I learned from the old groups. But I combined it with 'Sat Kriya'.
This has had an impact beyond my imagination.

The energy is still too much for me. I have a lot to develop and learn.

I'm so glad you like it. Take care of yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
