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Blonde hair blue eyes in childhood

Jan 30, 2021
Hello people, good day/time to you all.

There's this thing I've been always questioning about.

Why is there people that had blonde hair&blue eyes in their childhood then went darker/browner as they grow up ?

Is it about something spiritual or magickal, or simply pigment adaptation and stuff ?

Thanks from now :)

Hail Satan!
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.
israel get what she deserves said:
Hello people, good day/time to you all.

There's this thing I've been always questioning about.

Why is there people that had blonde hair&blue eyes in their childhood then went darker/browner as they grow up ?

Is it about something spiritual or magickal, or simply pigment adaptation and stuff ?

Thanks from now :)

Hail Satan!

It is simply pigment adaptation. in childhood I had light eyes, now I have light brown eyes.
There is a series of factors that come into play. I do not know all of them.

Pollution, geographical area, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.

Geographical area can affect in many ways. The closer to the Equator you go, the more direct is the Sun. It's not just about warmth, it's about the angle at which the sun rays hit the Earth's surface. The more direct it is, the more hostile for White people. Thank the inclination in the Earth's axis.

There are also spiritual reasons, yes. It's about how aligned your body and soul are, and how much your soul is manifested. You have karma from each of your parents to deal with. The good, the bad and the neutral. It's also about compatibility, as you incarnate in the most compatible body available.

As you advance and cleanse yourself, your negative karma is gradually remove and your body becomes more attuned to your soul. The small percentage of compatibility may be resolved, as meditation and yoga alter the DNA by awakening sequences, removing detrimental ones and editing others to benefit you.

So, while NPC deteriorate and become more and more disconnected from their souls and may experience negative changes, SS may see their original blueprint restored through this evolutionary process.
luis said:
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.

It was the one about Gengis Khan's (read Cohen) troops raping Europeans, right?

I was straight-up blonde&blue&milky-white when I was a baby.I don't really wanna mention how I look now.

I'm ok with myself now. Damn, I'm lookin' good :lol: . But it makes me feel so uneasy that I am not what and where I should be right now. Like my time is being wasted here. Finding everyone too warm blooded made me too picky about any kinda relationships and so forth.

I don't know if it would be "muh feelingz" but I've always felt some bond/missing for Northern countries. Also pride and serenity for the White race. Whenever I encounter anything about them my heart melts. Even just going to Ikea engulfs me with that feeling :lol: . I live in a place where is close to equator line. Hot weather always made me feel sick and dysfunctional. While cold weather (which is very rare here) makes me feel like I'm in home. Sometimes I get hooked to that feeling to the point that I forget to get back home and my hands&face goes purple and frozen. But that doesn't even feel bad at all!

My life is based on anything but these feelings. But these feelings are NEVER repressed.

That's why I've always been confused. Am I meant to be here ? Is it my karma lead me here ? Or the Gods ? If it's Them, They must know something, what could it be ? Should I work to go back to my roots if it really is ? Or doing it with delusion will turn me a race traitor ? Or is it the enemy took my soul and dumped it to the fuckin' equador ??? Gotta search for answers... Time to blast out the Odzal...
Young children usually have very light hair, because you require a very large amount of Vitamin D when you are a young child. The hair is lighter purposefully to allow more light to reach the skin, so that more Vitamin D is produced. Large amounts of Vitamin D are required for growing, things like processing calcium into bone uses a lot of Vitamin D.

When you are older, you don't need as much Vitamin D because you're not growing anymore. And you are also much larger with much more surface area of skin, so you are able to get enough Vitamin D from light that is not as bright. Or from light that is more blocked by darker hair.

Then when you are very old, health and immune system become weaker. You start requiring a much larger amount of Vitamin D again to keep the immune system stronger. So the hair becomes much lighter again to get more Vitamin D.

This is the largest reason of what this is all caused by.
Stormblood said:
luis said:
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.

It was the one about Gengis Khan's (read Cohen) troops raping Europeans, right?
Yes. HP Maxine said it. The replay should be here on the forum if I remember correctly.
israel get what she deserves said:

I was straight-up blonde&blue&milky-white when I was a baby.I don't really wanna mention how I look now.

I'm ok with myself now. Damn, I'm lookin' good :lol: . But it makes me feel so uneasy that I am not what and where I should be right now. Like my time is being wasted here. Finding everyone too warm blooded made me too picky about any kinda relationships and so forth.

I don't know if it would be "muh feelingz" but I've always felt some bond/missing for Northern countries. Also pride and serenity for the White race. Whenever I encounter anything about them my heart melts. Even just going to Ikea engulfs me with that feeling :lol: . I live in a place where is close to equator line. Hot weather always made me feel sick and dysfunctional. While cold weather (which is very rare here) makes me feel like I'm in home. Sometimes I get hooked to that feeling to the point that I forget to get back home and my hands&face goes purple and frozen. But that doesn't even feel bad at all!

My life is based on anything but these feelings. But these feelings are NEVER repressed.

That's why I've always been confused. Am I meant to be here ? Is it my karma lead me here ? Or the Gods ? If it's Them, They must know something, what could it be ? Should I work to go back to my roots if it really is ? Or doing it with delusion will turn me a race traitor ? Or is it the enemy took my soul and dumped it to the fuckin' equador ??? Gotta search for answers... Time to blast out the Odzal...

I understand how you feel about the climate zone, mate. I also had some things affecting my health that have now gone away now that I moved more up North. However, only my hair changed since I was a toddler. The rest remained of its own original colour. I also noticed the snow acts as a mood-enhancer, while the heat and the sun always gave me the opposite feeling. Here the Sun is much nicer to be under, whenever I see it, and the chill air is awesome. No wonder most Black and darker Whites in the North are usually angrier and more depressed: climate, environment and location play a more important role on your health on all levels than most people seem to grasp.

Best of luck with your working! You could also ask your Guardian Demon(s) to assist you in making positive changes in your life and bringing self-awareness.
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
israel get what she deserves said:
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?

Sorry, Regarding magnum opus i don't have any strong full complete source about it ,
There is no information that magnum opus will purify your phenotype, i couldn't find,
Plus * "logically no one can change his Phenotype "

Read this information :-

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whomever is mixed with a non white counterpart should better be going with the non white counterpart.

White/Black, better go Black. This solves matters in one generation of descendants, which will be instantly Black again.

Chinese/White or Chinese/Black can also do the same thing as above.

What happens during sexual intercourse is that the souls of people do actually intermingle. This creates links between them and the energy exchange, while not "damning", can be highly problematic.

For example, a person having sex with a Black may be actually tuning too much into their energies, causing a loss or synchronicity to their mind if they are White, which fiddles with one's natural predisposition or how this would be if they had sex with another White. This is a minor example of how this can go. This affects Black and White person equally. Confusion can ensue from this practice.

This is why people in interracial partnerships tend after a point to either try to act "White" or act "Black" in a confused fashion. The other effects are behavioral, for example, one may want to pretend they are part of black culture while they are of Sweden or something. This causes endless confusion.

There is nothing "Bad" or "Sinful" about being born mixed race. One can advance like anyone else. One also does not need to be celibate. Sexual choices do include the non White race one has in them, and all people who are on the same mixing as one who happens to be mixed. This puts choices for partners out there in the hundreds of millions, and billions in many other cases.

There is no need to "purify" from being "Race mixed" as this is not a sin. It is simply who one is and one must accept this since there are billions of other people in the same case. There is nothing to feel bad about, but only to be observed and accepted as is.

In this case, a person who is Black/White mix can copulate with around 2 whole continents, tens and tens in the United States alone. There is no argument that one feels limited as there are endless potential lovers, soulmates, and partners one can have this way.

Your friend has nothing wrong with them and there is no point of her being paranoid.

We just need to be naturally aware of ourselves.

And this :-

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Purify means to remove impurities and imperfections from one's blueprint, and to reach a state of balance and health. This does not mean one will become another phenotype, but what one is, will gradually and continuously become more perfected.

People must not hate themselves. One is what one is, and one heals when they accept this. One does not need to purify themselves by wanting to be nobody and nothing else.

Purification and perfection rest upon the capacity to do this on our own, individual and unique soul and body.

People who use this as some sort of excuse to want to change race are having some hangups, and these are personal hangups and were not cause by Satanism or something. These can emerge in people in crazy ways, such as these people prone to self hate issues, can go into plastic surgery or self hate streaks which is something that happens frequently nowadays as people feel bad for being themselves.
israel get what she deserves said:
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
This is bullshit. Black hair is not originally a white trait. But all different shades of brown, blond, and red are all natural for white people. Hair that is blond when you are very young, and changes to brown, is perfectly natural for the white race and has been happening for thousands of years.
Here where i am now in the psychiatric hospital there is a blonde guy with blue eyes but his hair so so blonde its almost white. I told him he should get a blonde girl with blue eyes and keep the blood line going and told him to check out the satanisgod web site.He does not have his phone now but he sounded very interested.
israel get what she deserves said:
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
The Magnum Opus just manifests your soul traits fully, because of perfect attunement between soul, mind and body. If darker hair are in your blueprint, they will always be. The Magnum Opus will not change them. In the future, there may be technology that makes permanent changes like this possible, with full awareness of what it entails on all other levels, as everything is connected.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
israel get what she deserves said:
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
This is bullshit. Black hair is not originally a white trait. But all different shades of brown, blond, and red are all natural for white people. Hair that is blond when you are very young, and changes to brown, is perfectly natural for the white race and has been happening for thousands of years.

"Skull Type Matter "
Ol argedco luciftias said:
israel get what she deserves said:
sonnenkraft said:
I think the purest form of Aryans are born light blonde and they stay forever light blonde .

We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
This is bullshit. Black hair is not originally a white trait. But all different shades of brown, blond, and red are all natural for white people. Hair that is blond when you are very young, and changes to brown, is perfectly natural for the white race and has been happening for thousands of years.

HPS Maxine, when she talked about Gengis Khan (read: Cohen) had his troops rape Europeans, stated that both brown and black come from them, as far as I can remember. Not just black.
Stormblood said:
HPS Maxine, when she talked about Gengis Khan (read: Cohen) had his troops rape Europeans, stated that both brown and black come from them, as far as I can remember. Not just black.

This only applies to Slavs and those of EE descent. The mongols never made it to the Mediterranean (Spain, Italy.) or to the British isles. There may be some mixture in the Nordic areas from those slavs but I don’t think it is significant.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
HPS Maxine, when she talked about Gengis Khan (read: Cohen) had his troops rape Europeans, stated that both brown and black come from them, as far as I can remember. Not just black.

This only applies to Slavs and those of EE descent. The mongols never made it to the Mediterranean (Spain, Italy.) or to the British isles. There may be some mixture in the Nordic areas from those slavs but I don’t think it is significant.

Oh, during the Dark Ages the kikes have seen it that all Europe would get mixed. You do not have to address me about statements that I am borrowing anyway. Take it with who made the original statement. Someone at a much lower level of advanced than her will never convince me otherwise.

Also, I know exactly what hair colours were for each original blueprint from the Age of Myth, and not just hair colours... and I am not willing to discuss it, as many people would get triggered. Maybe in 10 years from now...
luis said:
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.

That begs the question what of our Gods who have Jet Black hair, like Asmodeus is described to be? He's said to be born from a Human mother and God Father, so do you think this means he was of Asian blood as well? This was way back in the past, so I find it hard to believe it was a Human mother with black hair, so the only other option would be a God mating with an Asian? Or something else I'm not considering?
sonnenkraft said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
israel get what she deserves said:
We can say the ones who get darker in time are mixed indeed. So does Magnum Opus help them go completely pure ? Or something else ?
This is bullshit. Black hair is not originally a white trait. But all different shades of brown, blond, and red are all natural for white people. Hair that is blond when you are very young, and changes to brown, is perfectly natural for the white race and has been happening for thousands of years.

"Skull Type Matter "

I have light brown/blonde (%70/%30) hair. I rarely catched it dark blonde or ginger. My eyes are always been hazel, never changed. I'm Dinaric with light skin.

Me and %95 of my family are mesosephalic. Asiatic eyes and light brown skin can be spotted on 1/5 of the family. The rest have White traits (3/5) or simply brown hair/eyes (1/5).
SleepingWolf said:
luis said:
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.

That begs the question what of our Gods who have Jet Black hair, like Asmodeus is described to be? He's said to be born from a Human mother and God Father, so do you think this means he was of Asian blood as well? This was way back in the past, so I find it hard to believe it was a Human mother with black hair, so the only other option would be a God mating with an Asian? Or something else I'm not considering?
I honestly don't know. Maybe its corrupted information. Something to ask them if you can.
Stormblood said:
Oh, during the Dark Ages the kikes have seen it that all Europe would get mixed. You do not have to address me about statements that I am borrowing anyway. Take it with who made the original statement. Someone at a much lower level of advanced than her will never convince me otherwise.
If you really want to open that Pandora’s box of saying everyone white is potentially Jewish by being mixed hundreds of years ago than you are on your own with that.

Also, I know exactly what hair colours were for each original blueprint from the Age of Myth, and not just hair colours... and I am not willing to discuss it, as many people would get triggered. Maybe in 10 years from now...

I don’t see why you can’t discuss it now. I don’t think 10 years will make any difference.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
If you really want to open that Pandora’s box of saying everyone white is potentially Jewish by being mixed hundreds of years ago than you are on your own with that.
You are the one who added "jewish" in.

I don’t see why you can’t discuss it now. I don’t think 10 years will make any difference.

For the same reasons sexuality and sex cannot be discussed in-depth. Some of these are:

• Many people would get triggered.
• Some people would use them to gang up on other people who have different "opinions", often taking them out of context;
• Some people would start endless conversations like the ones you have on other topics, all-out attacking people from the opposite front.

It just causes infighting without a reason. People often just need to come to conclusions on their own, instead of having them spoon-fed to them.

Ten years is just an approximate timeframe and there is a lot of advancement that happens in that amount of time. For me, you and everyone else who's not weak enough to abandon this path.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
Oh, during the Dark Ages the kikes have seen it that all Europe would get mixed. You do not have to address me about statements that I am borrowing anyway. Take it with who made the original statement. Someone at a much lower level of advanced than her will never convince me otherwise.
If you really want to open that Pandora’s box of saying everyone white is potentially Jewish by being mixed hundreds of years ago than you are on your own with that.

Also, I know exactly what hair colours were for each original blueprint from the Age of Myth, and not just hair colours... and I am not willing to discuss it, as many people would get triggered. Maybe in 10 years from now...

I don’t see why you can’t discuss it now. I don’t think 10 years will make any difference.

Dear southern white gentile , At the end this website is for awareness and to achieve spirituality & to expose the Jews ,

Regarding Race ,If we want to talk in depth, no one will like the truth ,we will hate each other.

Some Members will get upset , and other might be prone to depression,.

Stormblood said:
You are the one who added "jewish" in.
Yeah guess I misunderstood that

For the same reasons sexuality and sex cannot be discussed in-depth.
It just causes infighting without a reason. People often just need to come to conclusions on their own, instead of having them spoon-fed to them.
Herd mentality applies everywhere including the forum some people will think or say a certain thing because they want to go with the crowd and not look like a heretic. I try to stay objective and formulate my own thoughts on these things.
sonnenkraft said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
Oh, during the Dark Ages the kikes have seen it that all Europe would get mixed. You do not have to address me about statements that I am borrowing anyway. Take it with who made the original statement. Someone at a much lower level of advanced than her will never convince me otherwise.
If you really want to open that Pandora’s box of saying everyone white is potentially Jewish by being mixed hundreds of years ago than you are on your own with that.

Also, I know exactly what hair colours were for each original blueprint from the Age of Myth, and not just hair colours... and I am not willing to discuss it, as many people would get triggered. Maybe in 10 years from now...

I don’t see why you can’t discuss it now. I don’t think 10 years will make any difference.

Some Members will get upset , and other might be prone to depression,.


THat too. Thanks for bringing it up. It was meant to go in my last comment.
SleepingWolf said:
luis said:
I think it may just be genetic. I think HP Maxine on a topic here on the forum said that we Whites are not supposed to have really black hair and eyes at all. This is becouse of race mixing with Asians a long time ago. When Whites will start to not race mix and eugenetic then we may see more pure race Whites. Of course if you look like that there is nothing wrong with it and you can fully Advance spiritualy, Its just that we were not supposed to look like that, unfortunately most Whites are a bit mixed these days.

That begs the question what of our Gods who have Jet Black hair, like Asmodeus is described to be? He's said to be born from a Human mother and God Father, so do you think this means he was of Asian blood as well? This was way back in the past, so I find it hard to believe it was a Human mother with black hair, so the only other option would be a God mating with an Asian? Or something else I'm not considering?

This type of Jet black hair, if it exists in people, must be not followed by other asiatic traits to be considered White.

It existed in Whites for circa about 15000+ years ago. It even exists in Ireland and other places, where people were not touched by the people of Mongolia for centuries. Asmodeus became a God about 4000 years ago, circa the time of Syria and Ancient Greece. Asmodeus became a God through the Syriac School.

Being to an extent "mixed" will not prevent anyone from doing that, it is a spiritual knowledge and technique. The Gods will also not downgrade any worthy individual because of being mixed. Because for one to go after this, they already do possess the core genes and core soul construct to want after this goal. This means one is on the safe side already by definition, and no amount of details must dissuade someone.

A lot of late Egyptian people were also mixed but this did not prevent them. Mixing is a bad policy not solely due to the absence of some external characteristics, but how it causes issues in internal ones.

Certain racial traits physically became important, not because they were "better" in themselves, but because the people who had them, tended to be more spiritual humans, and have for example, more functioning pineal glands.

Deep down every culture understood that the importance is to keep honed all the life important abilities, such as spiritual ones, alive. It doesn't matter if one is the perfect Nordic prototype, and they are as unspiritual as a rock is. There is degeneration even in the Nordic people today. So others may have risen higher than them. This is how life goes and the laws of life.

You can be the Whitest Nordic if you're a skank slut, you mean nothing, and one is an asswipe in the eyes of nature, and the end of a glorious line that meant something in the past. Meanwhile another Nordic White will rise themselves to a higher level while the other one will sink, regaining lost territory.

When no longer the things that many a blueprint important stand, or a blueprint throws itself in the abyss, it will be replaced with another one which will in the continuum of life try to maintain itself and rise itself to master status.

Nature is active, not static. If Whites in Europe do decide it's better to die by the side of their playstation while ignoring everything, others will replace them as superior species to the planet, and that's it. The few who do not, will settle elsewhere, and rise above them, and will be something different to the rest who died by their playstation.

I didn't actually expect the Black hair trait to be uniquely not white, I thought it was a possibility if the member above said so, but I'm glad to have confirmation it isn't something only from Asians or Blacks.

Thank you for the reinforcement of mixed blood being able to ascend as well, it's not what I expected or maybe didn't need today, but I'm glad to have it either way.

I don't intend to let any past mistake of my bloodlines stop me from becoming a true Sword and Soul that carries Satans will.

Thank you for this knowledge HP.
israel get what she deserves said:
Hello people, good day/time to you all.

There's this thing I've been always questioning about.

Why is there people that had blonde hair&blue eyes in their childhood then went darker/browner as they grow up ?

Is it about something spiritual or magickal, or simply pigment adaptation and stuff ?

Thanks from now :)

Hail Satan!

I just found fotos of me when i was a baby and i had blonde hair,im so proud hehe and then i remembered your post and decided to share

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
