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Big Attack Against Our Main Sites - May 16/2023 [Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Forums 100% Safe, Translations ]

serpentwalker666 said:
Damn it, I really wish I had the means to help financially or something, I am so tired of not being able to do much of anything on my end to help my satanic family.. I cannot wait until i am some use.

I really hope everything will be alright soon for the servers. This whole situation in how the enemy has done this is absolutely enraging.
Doing various rituals helps, too. So do not be so down about "not being able" as you most definitely ARE able.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Forums 100% Safe Until Now, Translation Sites Still Locked, Library Will Be Up Soon
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very good news. Thank you for all of your hard work as well Hp. None of this is possible without you! You've undoubtedly had to do a tremendous amount of hard work to get things back to normal on top of what you're already doing.

We're blessed to have someone like you as a Hp, especially during times like this.

Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Damn it, I really wish I had the means to help financially or something, I am so tired of not being able to do much of anything on my end to help my satanic family.. I cannot wait until i am some use.

I really hope everything will be alright soon for the servers. This whole situation in how the enemy has done this is absolutely enraging.
Doing various rituals helps, too. So do not be so down about "not being able" as you most definitely ARE able.

Thank you for the encouragement. I am always doing the ritual schedules and such. I just am frustrated as I'm moving in a direction with some things that I could help on other fronts with at a later date, and sometimes how I'm not there yet to help you all just gets to me.

I am looking into some coding courses and have been hunting for better employment so that once I'm stable on that front, I'd be financially useful to the Joy of Satan.

Just that this takes time. As I'm also working on all this around alot of issues and obstacles in my life.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666

I understand how you feel, Brother. The war is tiring, and working so hard simply has an impact at some point, no matter how strong you are. Do focus on yourself more, advance spiritually with the extra time you make. There's no point in breaking ourselves while fighting in the the 'physical'/online part of the war. You've been doing wonders since I've read your first post. Wish I had your skills.
Best of luck, Brother.

Thanks for the update, Brother. I see everything but the search function is back up and working. Amazing work. I'm not sure the search function was responsible for leaving a door open or something, but if there is a possibility of attack through it, I'd gladly do without, as we have done for so long. The JoS website is HUGE today, so searching for keywords isn't a bad option, but this shouldn't override security.

PS. I don't know if it's just me but a lot of the time when using the search function in the JoS it would lead to completely unrelated results and pages, so it's not like I've been using it much. Coupled with the fact that it would attract attention and attacks, you did well to disable it. Security before everything else.

I have been posting Satan's Library and Exposing Christianity site. a lot on Facebook, .. Is the Enemy seeing what I am doing as a real threat ?
Remember to use the Web.archive.org
Just copy and paste and select the archived ritual site.

The Enemy cant shut our warfare down, no matter HOW much those reptilians try! :twisted: :lol:

Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Thanks for the update, Brother. I see everything but the search function is back up and working. Amazing work. I'm not sure the search function was responsible for leaving a door open or something, but if there is a possibility of attack through it, I'd gladly do without, as we have done for so long. The JoS website is HUGE today, so searching for keywords isn't a bad option, but this shouldn't override security.

Yes, it was something related to the search function and a few other factors upon which this depended upon.

We are going to have another search engine without these things in it, don't worry.
I hope the sites can be fully restored!!

Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Due to personal reasons, I am unable to fulfill my duties as a Joy of Satan Guardian. With the approval and goodwill of High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, I am stepping down, effective immediately.

The website hack has been neutralized, new servers have been ordered, and everything will be fine again soon, but we will have to remove some of the new software in the interests of security. Do not worry.

I have been working double-plus-overtime for the JoS for the last few years, and I need a break. I will still be following the forums.


- Soaring Eagle 666

We will eagerly wait for your return.

I keep advertising the Satan's Library, Exposing Christianity Satan is God links on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Maybe I'm Pissing Off Jews.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Thanks for the update, Brother. I see everything but the search function is back up and working. Amazing work. I'm not sure the search function was responsible for leaving a door open or something, but if there is a possibility of attack through it, I'd gladly do without, as we have done for so long. The JoS website is HUGE today, so searching for keywords isn't a bad option, but this shouldn't override security.

Yes, it was something related to the search function and a few other factors upon which this depended upon.

We are going to have another search engine without these things in it, don't worry.
Yes examine the search function very closely. I remember many years ago any form field you could enter text into was a problem, as one could enter computer code into the form field to affect the server. I am not a programmer but remember hackers would use that to take down sites or open access. Might be a thing to have the programmers look into.
A mirror Site for the LIBRARY is up and running https://www.satanslibrary.link :D

Wow good find, this seems to be quite recent, and everything is working perfectly!

thanks, yupp I popped it up there to help out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, it was something related to the search function and a few other factors upon which this depended upon.

We are going to have another search engine without these things in it, don't worry.

Thanks Commander, I hope this next one won't act like a backdoor or something. Sneaky vermin kikes must be trembling with panic seeing the JoS back up in a couple days, hehe.

Apparently, all that I ever see from the enemy is a lot of falsehoods and their verbally or physically attacking others in their desperate plight for what, exactly? Attention, power, money, to cause conflict amongst the rest of the people in this world, so that we are perpetually at spearheads with them so that they can string us all along like a marionette? Perhaps all of the above.
What I do know is, they will not break those of us who are strong, determined and can see through the fabrication and dissention they bring to us.
I am glad that the JoS website still holds true and strong to it's beliefs and it in turn brings me happiness and strength to be among you all. I am honored to be standing tall with you all.

On another note, it seems the enemy is at work again. Australia, obviously had many complaints from them to the extent now they want to permanently ban the nazi symbol.
Do they not know their history by chance? Apparently not, because the swastika was originally worded as svastika meaning good fortune and was around for about 7000 years.
It is still to this day a sacred symbol In Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Odinism, and they have ancient history in Pre Christian European countries, so, are they in turn going to do this banishment on behest of one group forgeting and ignoring the fact others still fnd that symbol as something that is called faith and belief.
It seems like so. It will not stop me from making my own nor anyone else, so in the end, they will lose, much like they lost when they tried shutting down the JoS servers.

I thought I would bring an update to the shenanigans down under.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
