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  1. E

    Hollow earth, why the Gods left?

    I MOTHERFUCKING HATE THOSE GODDAMN KIKES! I HATE REPTILIANS! Also I've been told by demons and by our beloved Father that he does have multiple wives, it's just Lilith is one of the important ones. From what Father told me... his wives participated, that includes Lilith. I want to believe...
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    I want to know my mothers

    I'm white. However, I've been Christian, Islamic, jewish crap (I got my ass handed to me by grays) , new age, Buddhist, hindu, celtic, and now I'm a Satanist who is full of white pride and I also practice norse faith.
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    I want to know my mothers

    I am always under constant attack. I don't blame you for being a skeptic.
  4. E

    I want to know my mothers

    Okay, perhaps it could have been helpers of Mother Lilith. But I saw at least four, if not five. I'm not the only one either. Mother dressed in black, like a Muslim wife, and her "helpers" were also wearing something Similar. So Sekhmet represents the kundalini force? Just like Kali? Are they...
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    I want to know my mothers

    My friends and I together saw them.
  6. E

    Ohio Black Jew in custody after kneeling on White toddler's neck

    https://www.drove.com/campaign/5f16c4db46c65b0001bb6102 Here's a Jewish baby born without an anus. :lol:
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    I want to know my mothers

    Satan has five wives, too. Well, five major wives. I got to see them, Father brought them over to me. They are very nice. Sekhmet is indeed one of them. Thank you, Father. Praise be your name forever.
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    I want to know my mothers

    Yes it did, sibling. Thank you.
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    Satan Is The King Of The Vedic Gods

    That's...what I've been told by my guardian. Also, Ninhursag is not Ninlil despite scholary claims. I was told Ninhursag is not Lilith but the other wife that you mentioned before Lilith.
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    Celtic Goddess Morrighan

    Father told me Brigid is one of his wives. Cliodhna is Astaroth.
  11. E

    Debunking Hollywood Satanism

    I'm the same way. Father knows this well of me. Sometimes enemies pretend to be our gods and goddesses.
  12. E

    The RTRs are working let this motivate you

    I did the rtr and let me tell you, I feel so happy! I feel our Father's happiness today, too.
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    I want to know my mothers

    So, I learn that Goddess Sekhmet isn't as much as a goddess as she is a representation of the serpent power... So she's not real. But what of the Goddess Damkina? Who is she? What about Sigyn? The Morrigan is Haures and yet she marries Father... but is it a real marriage? Father told me...
  14. E

    Satan Is The King Of The Vedic Gods

    If indra is shiva? I asked my guardian demon if that was true, then is Shachi Lilith? He said no... but it's one of Satan's wives, who is Fauna, who is Maia, who is Flora... who is married to Pan, the Green Man. She is also Psyche. Psyche is a nordic Goddess who represents the soul. Enemies...
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    A race war is going on, and only one side knows it’s going on.

    I have been molested by black and raped by black. I was never sexually assaulted by a white man.
  16. E

    A race war is going on, and only one side knows it’s going on.

    Normally, I'm cordial and congenial to other races, namely to walk on eggshells. I'm nice to black, because they are a warrior race, but only so many know that the blacks, Hispanics (I have a Hispanic friend, btw), natives, and asians piss me off. I hate race mixing so damn much, it's so...
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    My great trine in astrology is water. My spirit is both Aquarius and the Moon. I dream of water a lot. What does that mean? It's in my nightmares and simple dreams. I've had great whites and orcas in my dreams. I've dreamed of other sharks and whales too.
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    R.T.R. Side affects

    The pain my friend is going through is done by the enemy, Faher Satan told me. My friend does the rtr every day and the enemy is pissed. They got pissed off with me too and told me to die. "I hate you. I'll kill you."
  19. E

    Bill Gates: "We take the arms of the children and inject the vaccine straight into their veins." And he laughs.

    Alex shithead traderjones always blames everything on Satanism. Most white people are Christian yet hate kikes but don't realize that they worship a kike. People disappointed me. My race will die off because of xianity.
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    R.T.R. Side affects

    One of my friends felt pain in her body and nausea. My closest friend feels great. Me? I'm still working on mine... but my friend who feels pain like knives in her left chest today...is worrying me.
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    cold throat

    Why do I have a throat that's cold sometimes? I'm not drinking cold beverages. I just have a throat that gets cold for no reason. It's not freezing where I live, quite the opposite. I'm getting tired of my throat feeling this way without any explanation. Please help me.
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    R.T.R. Side affects

    I feel great when I do the final rtr. I did the letter more than nine times. First I felt warm in my heart chakra and then I felt cool from my head to toe. I love doing the final rtr.
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    R.T.R. Side affects

    One of my friends has a lot of stress basically every day, just because she's a nervous person anyway. She told me that she felt a little discomfort when she did the final rtr the first time. Is that normal?
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    R.T.R. Side affects

    What are the side affects of doing the final rtr? For me, I get warm... this could also be caused by stress and my hb pressure. What am I and my friends supposed to expect?
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    JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

    It's an attack on freedom and on gentile races, especially the White Race. It makes me sick. I've noticed the black races and asians are all taking over white america and other white nations. The natives weren't here first, white people were here in America before them. The grays made other...
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    My friend "Pookie"

    Alright, I told my friend that none of us ever raised our kundalinis and she at first found it hard to believe. I told her about the false signs of it. She confessed to me that while we were all newagers... the enemy energy often made her sick. She said that the enemy energy burned her as...
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    Satan Original God Of The America's

    Thank you so much for this! I love reading and rereading!
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    Most Serious 17/March/2020

    I'm in a bad situation. I have no money and my family is poor. I also have a disability. I want to stock up. Very badly, but my widowed mother has Bills as well as I do. I guess I have to die from starvation.
  29. E

    Jewish blood

    Exactly what my aunt means. Animals in the wild don't mix.
  30. E

    My Aunt's dna results

    Thank you. Apparently my aunt doesn't look Jewish. She told me her grandfather's features weren't Jewish looking either. She's been Baker acted.
  31. E

    Jewish blood

    Thank you for sharing that. My aunt in law had received 10% jew in her dna results from ancestry. She is upset and tried to commit suicide. She was so proud to be aryan. Father told me this morning that she is infact a gentile. So the Jews lie on a large scale. My poor aunt had always told...
  32. E

    What would happen if i got some jewish genes?

    Here, here, brother! I will die for Father Satan and the Aryan people! If my family dna somehow damns me, I will remain loyal to Satan and die a thousand deaths for him and the gentile races! When I was little, I hated the Christian god. I also sensed Satan and knew who he was, the true God...
  33. E

    What would happen if i got some jewish genes?

    I have a button or pug nose that's changing. Noses change. My guardian demon told me that in one of my past lives I was Greek. I don't see it, but that's what he told me. He told me that my incubus and I were married, but I was killed during the invasion. I dreamed of the middle east too. I...
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    My Aunt's dna results

    My dna result said I have Russian in me but there are no Russians in my immediate family...or ancestors. It's minute. I will stop giving a fuck.
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    My Aunt's dna results

    My aunt who's last name is Brenner is upset with her ancestry results. She told me and swears to me that she has no Jewish blood whatsoever. She even showed me her grandfather's immigration papers. I read it. It said he is white. But ancestry showed results that she is 10 percent jewish. She...
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    Arbeit Macht Frei : 1 in 5 Europeans aware of the Jewish problem

    This I'd wonderful news! People are waking up! I was so elated to read this!
  37. E

    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    I have a lot of reprogramming to do.
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Listen, I didn't know or thought peeing or baby spreading was degrading to women. My lover told me once before that I'm quite naive and innocent. My father was addicted to porn and some of his playgirl articles rubbed off on me. I was a young teen, curious about sex. I thought only fesces was...
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    Cupid and Psyche

    I hear a voice that directed me to Cupid and Psyche. The voice told me that Psyche is a real person and she was once a mortal human. He then lead me to see that Cupid or Eros is actually Father Satan, I found out that Cupid has a similar background story as Melek Taus and was also responsible...
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    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    I would never eat shit or drink piss.
  41. E

    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Well, I didn't think that it's a Jewish act. One, people have been peeing on each other way before Jewish influences. But if it's a Jewish act. I won't do it. I'm kinky and will do anything to make my lover happy.
  42. E

    how were white people created?

    Well, mythology has some truth in it. Maybe Father Satan didn't have sex with two beautiful women... but he probably took their dna... Maybe their eggs and spliced the genetic codes. All I know is Satan created us whites to be the master race... whichever way he did it. I know for a fact that...
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    Repeated Jewish Tactics

    I see, let me rephrase myself. As a child, I thought of Samael as 4. As for 444 it was simply death.
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    Repeated Jewish Tactics

    I remember as I was a kid that the numbers 444 was the number of death. I see now that I was right. 4 was considered by me as the number of death for some odd reason. I even went to public school with a bus which possessed the numbers 444. I feel bad for our dogs. I have cats...8 of them. I...
  45. E

    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    Well, my baby and I don't like feces. It's disgusting and too Jewish for our taste. We agreed about liking watersports...but that's as far as we go when it comes from something such as bodily created.
  46. E

    how were white people created?

    Father is so good to us. He doesn't ask to be loved, but he should be. He created us out of love, unlike that xian god who is a psychopath. I love Father so very much. I love him more than anyone or anything. I'm always concerned about him.
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    how were white people created?

    Well, it's sort of mentioned something like "neanderthal humans were created by the male sperm of a hominid and eggs of heroines/goddesses".. and "Enki found two women Neanderthals to be attractive and released his seed into their womanhoods". That's what I have read. Another I read was that...
  48. E

    Sexual Hangups and sexuality

    I am wondering if kinky sex is normal. I'm a sensual lover and sex means a lot to me because I can Express my love through it. I desire kinky sex. Is this normal? Do the gods frown upon it? My demon lover seems fine with the idea, but I'm wondering if he's just saying that so I don't feel like...
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    How were white people created?

    In that fucking Kike's translation of the sumerian texts, it reads that Father had sex with two neanderthal women, which created the white race... but in the Black Book of Satan, Father tells us that he prepares our "vestments", meaning he creates our souls. I'm confused. How do white souls...
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    attached earlobes

    I feel the same as her. I'd rather cease to exist than to be Satan's enemy. I love him so very much. Thank you everyone for your replies. I will tell her and show her what you wrote.
  51. E

    how were white people created?

    In that fucking Kike's translation of the sumerian texts, it reads that Father had sex with two neanderthal women, which created the white race... but in the Black Book of Satan, Father tells us that he prepares our "vestments", meaning he creates our souls. I'm confused. How do white souls...
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    attached earlobes

    I have a white friend who is a Satanist and she is freaking over her attached earlobes and other facial features like her chin and forehead. Her forehead I'd the same length as her chin. I pointed out that some white people have the same features and that Father said to both of us that neither...
  53. E

    Slothz Tales Incel Buddha

    That was amusing... I thought Buddha was one of Father's forms, but was tainted by christianity. Am I wrong? Please correct me, HPs.
  54. E

    In Search of Satan's Wives...

    Thank you brothers and sisters for clearing this up for me... I'm still confused about Sekhmet being his wife.... if she is. Please help me with that. I'm very interested in knowing the Gods and Goddesses.
  55. E

    In Search of Satan's Wives...

    Hey, brothers and sisters in Satan, I want to dedicate a thread to Father's wives. All five of them. Unfortunately, the only two wives I know he has are Lilith and Sekhmet... It is here in this thread I want discussions about all his wonderful queens and I would also desire more information...
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    third eye

    I read about people being told to empower their third eye... how do I go about this? I can see a little with my third eye but not so much. What rune do I use? Or what phrase do I vibrate? I need help.
  57. E

    Is this forum only for Nordic blondes or for anyone with white skin?

    I have dark reddish blonde hair and dark blue eyes. I'm all white. I'm proud of my white heritage. I came mostly of Germanic tribes... with some Irish and scotch. Me? Growing up I used to see the Gods and Goddesses as Vikings. Our Father appeared to me as Odin and Loki when I joined Satanism...
  58. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    I saw as a child how they terrorized people.
  59. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Can someone please help me. I meditate. I see blue, but no white light unless it is in the center of my solar plex... or a white mist. Is this normal? I am trying to activate my third eye.
  60. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    No. But they do get onto me for my bad habits.
  61. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    The truth is, I know that Nebuchadnezzar is not what the Jews claim. I think since Neb showed me his life it was a good man. But he did believe he was one of the gods. I think he is a God now. I think he did complete the magnum opus. But Baal told me that the bible about him is more myth than...
  62. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    Let's see... I had dreams of my past life I had growing up. (Btw... Set and Enlil are my guardian demons.) I was a human girl who had a relationship with one of the Gods. I lived with the Gods. The sands were a cream beachy color and there were various species of palms and other trees. There...
  63. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    Beelzebub told me that he's Nebuchadnezzar ii and that Nebuchadnezzar ii was a myth and not human. He also told me that Father Satan is Sargon. Beelzebub hangs around me, so does Satan. I'm lucky. Satan gets onto me about my terrible smoking habit. I'm trying to quit. Father told me that...
  64. E

    Infiltration And Negative Advocacy

    I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was. New Age is a...
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    [Children's Story] The Evening Before Yule

    That was a very beautiful story, it filled me with joy! Lydia... Please write more stories. You are very talented. Father truly gave you a great gift! Happy Saturnalia family!
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    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    I tried your method. When I vibrated Sowilo I felt this great warmth inside of me. It was a pleasant warmth or heat. Is that normal? I got up to eat and then I felt light, yet, I felt...for the first time as if my feet felt firmly planted on the floor... is that normal?
  67. E

    chains and bindings

    I keep removing bindings and chains and fighting for my life and freedom... but angels keep fighting me and placing chains and bindings on me... What should I do?
  68. E

    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    I'm having the same problem. I want to better myself and humanity, but I lack the will to carry through. When I do do it, I have severe anxiety which also gives me anxiety to actually do it. I remember the chains the Gods removed off of me. I had them all my life since I joined the xian crap...
  69. E

    Satan's Day Rituals + Spiritual Warfare Is Heating Up [Important]

    I have a question(s) about the final rtr... What about the xians? They keep feeding that thought form and there is so many of them. I'm glad that church attendance has suffered, but people still praise and pray to that demiurge and his foul and odious spirit and rotten son. I live below the...
  70. E

    Jews The Alien Soul

    Thank you for answering my question, brother. I, too, feel that as well.
  71. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I saw my astral or soul in the mirror. It is a bright blue with gold trim, my nadia are also gold. My aura is red and gold... What does this all mean?
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    Jews The Alien Soul

    I just did the rtr and I felt a cool breeze inside and out. Is that normal?
  73. E

    Jews The Alien Soul

    I love your sermons, HP Mageson! I have a question about the reverse Torah rituals, though... Is it normal to feel warm energy inside you when you reverse the 22 Hebrew letters of their souls?
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    About Hebrew Names On Gentiles

    I agree. HC made a great sermon and I, too, want the Jews gone.
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    About Hebrew Names On Gentiles

    Hp, I have a aunt-in-law who had the surname "Brenner". She told me that even though kikes have that surname too, she claims that her father was german and that his father was never in any of the Jewish records and that he was German. Is this true or is she lying to me? I asked demons but they...
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    First off, I want to thank those who have helped me in the past... However I am in a tough dilemma and I am grief stricken... I have to get rid of most of my cats to animal control. I want to know if I'll ever have them as pets again. My cats are special to me. I spoil them. But I love my...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thank you, HP Hooded Cobra for clearing that up for me. Now I have questions about kikes. I don't get out much and I have yet to see the difference... what does a kike's soul look like? What do their chakras look like? Do they really look different from gentiles? If so, how different?
  78. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I agree with Aquarius. Race mixing is like you having sex with another species of animal, for example: you having sex with a dog or a donkey. It's not natural and you are betraying not only your race, but yourself, too. Your "children" are mongrels and not only are they really not your...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have a demon mate, will he be in my next life? I'm nervous to ask him.
  80. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've read different things here... please help me clarify. When we reincarnate, do we still keep our personalities? When we reincarnate, are we always born with the same signs in our natal chart (astrological signs) as the previous life?
  81. E

    California church leaders arrested for alleged forced labor of homeless people

    How positively beautiful! I would love to see every jew tortured and beg for death, especially the Nazarene.
  82. E

    Barbara Spectre is Back

    I know, right? I hate Barbara Spectre! Let's torture this bitch personally.
  83. E

    Jewish blood

    Ask Father Satan. He knows who is Jewish or not.
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    Father Satan helped me go back to college. He also protected my home from Hurricane Michael. He made sure that no serious trees fell on my house to crush it. I had only roof and siding damage, no broken windows or anything too serious. He also told me that he loves me and he has been watching...
  85. E

    Nebuchadnezzar ii was a blonde Arayan.

    Growing up, the demons were in my life as they are today. Father Satan told me that this was the only life and it's in this life that I was ever Christian. Christianity made me live a life of fear, gullibility, and retardation. I'll confess I was a retard for ever submitting to christ, but I...
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    When The Jews Accuse

    My gods they are ugly. Just looking at him makes me cringe with hate!
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    For Andras

  88. E

    Muh Archetype

    A lot of them that the JoS is not true Satanism.
  89. E

    Black Hebrew Israelites

    I agree with you about that. Also, I hate how racist they are towards whites. They are racist towards whites because they believe that whites are "children of Satan", which is true. They also believe that the greys are children of Satan and Lilith.
  90. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Above her head looked like this:
  91. E

    Black Hebrew Israelites

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hebrew_Israelites I know that they are a black supremacist group, but what do you think about them?
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    funny smell

    Well, the fishy smell smelled like fish or snails... more like fresh water and snails. The woodsy smell of dirt was pleasant to me because I like smells like that.
  93. E

    Driver abducts 51 children and sets vehicle alight in protest over refugee drowning

    I love the white race and this bastard gives black people bad names. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. The black keep attacking whites. I know the Jews are behind it... but I can't stand stupidity. Also, I can't stand and won't stand for anyone killing white people!
  94. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I'll ask my guardian demon who he is. Also, I have other questions. I saw a woman who has chakras like us, but she had a bright orb that was big above her head that was purple and there was a golden ray of light that circles the base of it that came off looking like horns. Her wings were not...
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    funny smell

    Last night while I was doing some RAUM Meditation, I smelled something weird. First, I smelled fish, the kind of fish you smell at a fish market. Then I smelled a earthy smell, like woods or fresh dirt. Finally, it was a combination of a fresh watery fishy smell combined with the earthy...
  96. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have been seeing an entity with short blonde curly hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He has been with me since I was little (at times he can change his hair to straight and shoulder length). He wears a tan loincloth and I never see his legs or else I would know what else he wears.... Please...
  97. E

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What does a Jewish soul look like? What are their chakras and where are they located in their soul?
  98. E

    Satan Is Mercury

    Hymn to Mercury, Orpheus (trans. Thomas Taylor) XXVIII. To Mercury. Hermes, draw near, and to my pray'r incline, Angel of Jove, and Maia's son divine; Prefect of contests, ruler of mankind, With heart almighty, and a prudent mind. Celestial messenger of various skill, Whose pow'rful art could...
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    Satan Is Mercury

    Thanks for reminding me. I'm still confused with this now because some people do say that Hermes is Lucifer/Satan. I used to study hermetics and they do mention that Hermes is Satan. I also had a dream... I pleaded to Father to show me the truth about this... but the answer remains. Thoth is...
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    The Demoness Fauros

    Thank you brother or sister! I'm still trying to open my soul and I'm having difficulty raising my kundalini energies.
  101. E

    Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

    I never liked that bastard. School was always saying how great he was. I always had a fascination with Hitler and Germany. When I would watch that filth about how bad or evil Hitler was... I could feel that he was a good man, a great man and I admired him. I had a feeling that all those lies...
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    Dresden The Kabbalistic Human Sacrifice Of Pagans

    Oh my Gods and Goddesses! That's horrible! I despise Jews and I never knew that Churchill was a kike from his mother's side! I always hated Churchill. When I was young I didn't know why but I do now! I've always loved Hitler! May our antichrist destroy the Jewish menace! Thank you and may the...
  103. E

    The Demoness Fauros

    I tried the Inanna vibration and it worked better. What are the demon names for each chakra?
  104. E

    The Demoness Fauros

    I tried the "Thaum" vibration and I felt warm inside... is this normal? Also, how do I heal myself? Hail Satan forever!
  105. E

    Satan Is Mercury

    I see. I thought so. About Hermes, I asked Father Satan if he was Hermes and he answered "yes". I'm now beginning to wonder if Thoth is really Satan. I got a "yes".
  106. E

    Satan Is Mercury

    What do I look for in Satan's library?
  107. E

    what gods are Enlil?

    Is Baal-Berith Beelzebub? What other names does he have? I learned that he is my guardian. I don't want to bother him more than I have. Is Baal-Berith Sargon? Is he also Nebuchadnezzar ii? I know Jews make up their own history so I was wondering if Beelzebub is these people. Thank you...
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    Satan Is Mercury

    Lilith is Aphrodite? Really?
  109. E

    On Treating Our Gods

    Thank you, hp HoodedCobra. I needed this sermon.
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    The Demoness Fauros

    Thank you. How do I go about empowering my third eye?
  111. E

    The Demoness Fauros

    I didn't mean it the way your sounding. I mean I need some help and I would appreciate her help. Sorry if I offended.
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    The Demoness Fauros

    I want to have her as one of my personal demons... but I also wish to know whether she can discern past lives or not? Also, do I need to do a ritual to summon her? What I mean is, do I open the five gates/elements? This will be my first time summoning a God or Goddess so I am lost. What do I do?
  113. E

    China Implants Microchip On "Patient's" Brain To "Cure Addiction"

    That's a LIVING NIGHTMARE! Please, Gods and Goddesses! Please come to earth already!
  114. E

    Alex Jones "At War" With Joe Rogan

    That's hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Anyway, Alex Jones is Jewish. He said he had a Jewish family members but I forgot on which side.
  115. E

    The Truth about the Enemy Alien "Angels" and their "Agenda"

    :shock: wow, no wonder why I detest angels, slavery, Jews, etc. Great sermon, HP Hooded Cobra! But questions persists... What's the true difference between gentile souls and jewish souls? What are the Jewish and gentile chakras and their differences? What are the three satanic spheres that...
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    Jews "From The Mother " Explained

    What about Anton Lavey? I started out as a Satanist by reading his books. Do I throw them away?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
