Featured Content

Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? - Accomplishing Goals
You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment!
Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time
As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock...
How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions
When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.
Taking The Blue Pill: About The Time It Will Be Too Late
Many people out there, they take the blue pill. But the movie doesn't show where the blue pill ends...
UPDATES: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach - [PDF 8th Re-Sent!!!]
"We are at this time, where the JoS Community is reaching status never seen before in it's history."
Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? - Accomplishing Goals
You can overcome, you can heal, you can become stronger, you can become a success and have that wonderful sense of accomplishment!
Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time
As you exist, the clock goes tick, tock, tick, tock...
How I Became A Spiritual Satanist: About My Studies Of Other Religions
When I finally made my choice, it was very well founded.
Taking The Blue Pill: About The Time It Will Be Too Late
Many people out there, they take the blue pill. But the movie doesn't show where the blue pill ends...

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Our forums have been upgraded and expanded!

Welcome to Our New Forums

  • Our forums have been upgraded! You can read about this HERE

Ancient Forums

Clergy Posts
Topics by the Joy of Satan Clergy

Important Articles from JoS Ministry
Here you can find some of the most important things to read from the Clergy of the Joy of Satan Ministries. TO GET EDUCATED, INFORMED AND LEARN ON THE IMPORTANT ISSUES, CLICK HERE! The most important messages are selected and put into this forum with special attention.
1,691 61,420
Joy Of Satan 666
For those who wish to establish a relationship with Satan. Topics of discussion include: Demons, Magick, Satanic Witchcraft and much more! http://www.joyofsatan.com / http://www.joyofsatan.org
21,438 202,439
by Hs666
Joy of Satan Art & Music
Our forum here is for those who create in Art, Music and Aesthetic content for the Gods. Projects related to these matters will find a fertile ground for exchange of ideas and collaboration here. Our Gods have cherished art and taught us the greatest art through the aeons. We must advance ourselves and honor them accordingly!
205 1,551
Ask-Satan.net Forum
This is the official forum for Questions posted by


4,821 22,105
This group is for 13 - 19 year olds who wish to establish a relationship with Satan. The group is moderated so Christians cannot infest and/or try to push their lies. High Priests and High Priestesses of Satan are online to answer questions and post sermons of interest to teens. Topics of discussion include: Demons, Magick, Satanic Witchcraft and much more. For more information, please visit http://www.JoyofSatan.com / http://www.JoyOfSatan.org
1,416 9,972
Hi, I'm new here
by Hellenic SS
JoS Activism - SS Internet Batallion
A forum for honest and legal internet activism and information spreading.
212 3,724

JoS Multilingual Forums
Joy of Satan Forums in Many Languages.

La Gioia di Satana - JOS in Italiano [JoS Italy]

Satanismo Spirituale. Per chi volesse approfondire la conoscenza di Satana e dei Suoi Demoni. Per ulteriori informazioni: https://www.josita.org

1. Riconosciamo Satana e i sui Demoni come esseri reali, e con essi comunichiamo e lavoriamo per il miglioramento di noi stessi. Satana e' il Creatore dell'Umanita'.

2. Qui si parla esclusivamente di Satanismo e non c'e' spazio per altri credi New Age o simili, i messaggi non pertinenti saranno cancellati.

3. Proclami e offese contro il nostro credo saranno cancellati e ripetute violazioni causeranno l'esclusione dell'utente.

4. Educazione e rispetto prima di tutto.

5. Se credete che Satana e i Demoni sia creature malvage e nefaste, questo gruppo non fa per voi.

6. NON sono ammessi utenti minorenni.

7. Qui NON si tratta di sacrifici ed illegalita' che NON corrispondono al nostro pensiero. Siamo rispettosi della Legge. Qualunque post contenente incitamenti o provocazioni in questo senso sara' cancellato e l'utente bannato definitivamente.

8. Qualsiasi messaggio che cita siti o gruppi che remano contro JoS saranno cancellati e l'utente bannato.

4,182 22,331
Joy of Satan em Português [JoS Portugal]

JoSportuguese – Joy of Satan em Português

Este grupo é para falantes de língua Portuguesa que desejam estabelecer um relacionamento com Satanás e discutir Satanismo Espiritual de forma séria.

https://www.alegriadesatanas.org http://expondocomunismo.bucurialuisatan.com http://thirdsexthulesociety.weebly.com/portugues.html http://ssbiblioteca.webs.com

Nós acreditamos que Satanás e os seus Demónios são seres reais. Seu és Satanista filosófico ou crês de outra forma, não tentes empurrar as tuas crenças aqui.

Pessoas que simpatizem com e/ou apoiem os inimigos de Satanás (judeus, cristãos e muçulmanos) serão BANIDAS!

Blasfémia contra Satanás e/ou seus Demónios não será tolerada!

Se acreditas que Satanás e os seus Demónios são malignos, este grupo não é para ti, procura outro.

Não tentes empurrar a crença wiccana ou outros credos não-Satânicos aqui.

Não tentes promover indivíduos, grupos ou organizações que atacam a Alegria de Satanás. As tuas mensagens serão apagadas e serás banido.

Qualquer um que promova qualquer coisa ilegal será banido (onde se aplica o senso comum, não se inclui a legalidade de lugares onde se é ilegal ter pensamento livre, como por exemplo desacreditar na narrativa “oficial” acerca da Segunda Guerra Mundial,


Por favor, seja educado/a. Provocações não serão toleradas.

725 3,182
by Riddick
Alegria De Enki - JoS Spanish

Ministerios de la Alegría de Satán http://www.alegriadeenki.com

Nos unimos para honrar a Satanás como Creador de la Humanidad. Reconocemos a Satanás y a Sus Demonios como entidades reales y vivas.

Este espacio está destinado a discusiones vigorosas y respetuosas sobre los principios y prácticas que forman el Satanismo Espiritual.

Cualquier forma de falta de respeto o comentarios negativos contra Satanás o Sus Demonios no está permitida y resultará en la eliminación inmediata del foro.

Nuestras discusiones se centran únicamente en el Satanismo Espiritual. Le pedimos que no comparta creencias que no estén alineadas con las nuestras.

Nos adherimos estrictamente a las leyes vigentes. No aceptamos discusiones sobre actividades ilegales o sacrificios; dichos mensajes serán eliminados inmediatamente y el autor será expulsado.

No aceptamos a quienes apoyen o simpaticen con los enemigos de Satán o con ideologías contrarias a nuestras creencias, como el judaísmo, el cristianismo y el islam.

Apoyar a individuos u organizaciones que se oponen a la Alegría de Satán está estrictamente prohibido. Nuestro objetivo es construir un entorno de apoyo libre de difamación y conflicto.

El uso de información personal (como nombres reales o fotos) en tu cuenta está estrictamente prohibido. La privacidad de todos es importante y debe ser protegida.

No traigas disputas externas a este espacio, y no menciones grupos o sitios que estén en contra de la Alegría de Satán.

Cada miembro es responsable de sus propios mensajes. El foro, los moderadores o cualquier otra persona no son responsables de los mensajes individuales.

917 2,102
Şeytan'ın Sevinci - Joy of Satan Turkey

Bu forum Şeytan'la ve Demon'larıyla bir ilişki kurmak ve ciddi bir şekilde Spiritüel Satanizm, Demon'lar, Satanik Cadılık, Maji ve daha fazlası hakkında konuşmak isteyen, Türkçe konuşan kişiler içindir. Şeytan'ı ve Onun Demon'larını gerçek varlıklar olarak tanıyoruz, ve Onlarla iletişim kurup gelişimimiz için çalışıyoruz. Şeytan, İnsanlığın Yaratıcısıdır. Felsefi bir Satanist'seniz veya inancınız başka şekildeyse, inançlarınızı burada empoze etmeye çalışmayın.

Şeytan'ın düşmanlarına (Yahudiler, Hristiyanlar, Müslümanlar, vesaire) sempatizanlıkta veya destekte bulunanlar yasaklanacaktır.

Şeytan'a ve/veya Onun Demon'larına karşı hakaret ve küfürlere tolerans gösterilmeyecektir.

Şeytan'ın ve Onun Demon'larının kötü olduğuna inanıyorsanız burası sizin için değil, başka bir yer bulun.

Satanizm'den uzak, Yeni Çağ inançlarını ve benzeri şeyleri burada empoze etmeye çalışmayın.

Joy of Satan'a saldıran kişileri, grupları veya organizasyonları tanıtıp desteklemeye çalışmayın. Mesajlarınız silinir ve yasaklanırsınız.

Burada bizim düşünce biçimimizle ALAKASI OLMAYAN kanlı kurbanlar verme ve yasadışı eylemler gibi şeylerle uğraşmıyoruz. Yasalara saygılıyız. Yasadışı herhangi bir şey destekleyen herhangi biri yasaklanacaktır.

Nazik olun. Her şeyden önce eğitim ve saygı.

http://www.joyofsatan.com http://www.joyofsatan.org https://spirituelsatanizm.org/

2,644 17,600
Joie De Satan


Ce forum est destiné aux francophones qui veulent établir une relation avec Satan et ses Démons et à ceux qui veulent sérieusement parler de Satanisme Spirituel, de Démons, de sorcellerie Satanique et plus encore.

Soyez poli. L'éducation et le respect avant tout.

Satan est le Créateur de l'Humanité. Nous reconnaissons Satan et ses Démons comme des êtres réels, et nous communiquons avec eux et travaillons pour notre développement.

Ceux qui sympathisent ou soutiennent les ennemis de Satan (juifs, chrétiens, musulmans, etc.) seront bannis.

Les insultes et les blasphèmes contre Satan et/ou ses Démons ne seront pas tolérés.

N'essayez pas d'imposer des croyances New Age/Wiccan.

N'essayez pas de promouvoir ou de soutenir des individus, des groupes ou des organisations qui attaquent la Joie de Satan. Vos messages seront supprimés et vous serez banni.

Si vous croyez que Satan et ses Démons sont mauvais, ce site n'est pas fait pour vous.

Nous sommes respectueux de la loi. Nous ne nous engageons pas dans des choses comme des sacrifices de sang et des actions illégales qui n'ont rien à voir avec notre façon de penser. Tout message contenant des incitations ou des provocations dans ce sens sera supprimé et l'utilisateur sera définitivement banni.

Tout message qui mentionne des sites/groupes qui vont à l'encontre de la Joie de Satan sera supprimé et l'utilisateur sera banni.

498 723
Χαρά του Σατανά - Joy of Satan Hellas

Αναγνωρίζουμε τον Σατανά και τους Δαίμονές του ως πραγματικά όντα και επικοινωνούμε και συνεργαζόμαστε μαζί τους για την βελτίωση του εαυτού μας. Ο Σατανάς είναι ο Δημιουργός της Ανθρωπότητας.

Εδώ μιλάμε αποκλειστικά για τον Σατανισμό και δεν υπάρχει χώρος για αερολογίες όπως το "New Age" και Αβρααμικές πεποιθήσεις, τα άσχετα μηνύματα διαγράφονται.

Οι δηλώσεις κατά των πεποιθήσεών μας διαγράφονται και οι επανειλημμένες παραβιάσεις έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα τον αποκλεισμό του χρήστη.

Παιδεία και σεβασμός υπεράνω όλων.

Εάν πιστεύετε ότι ο Σατανάς και οι Δαίμονες είναι κακόβουλα πλάσματα, αυτή η ομάδα δεν είναι για εσάς.

Δεν επιτρέπονται ανήλικοι χρήστες.

Οι θυσίες ζώων και ανθρώπων δεν ανταποκρίνονται στην νοοτροπία μας. Είμαστε νομοταγείς. Οποιαδήποτε ανάρτηση υποκινεί παράνομες δραστηριότητες διαγράφεται, ενώ ο χρήστης αποκλείεται οριστικά.

Αποαγορεύεται η προώθηση ιστοσελίδων και ομάδων που εναντιώνονται στην Χαρά του Σατανά.

11 54
ジョイオブサタン・ジャパン (Joy of Satan Japan)


1. 私たちは、サタンとそのデーモンが実在の存在であることを知っています。もしあなたがラヴェリアンであったり、そうでないと感じているのなら、ここであなたの信念を押し付けないでください。

2. サタンの敵に共感する人、支援する人[ユダヤ人、キリスト教徒、イスラム教徒]は禁止されます!

3. サタンやデーモンに対する冒涜は許されません!

4. サタンとそのデーモンが悪であると信じている場合、このグループはあなたのためのものではありません。他をさがしてください。

5. ウィッカンやその他のサタニックでない信条をここで押し付けようとしないでください。

6. ジョイ・オブ・サタンをバッシングする個人、グループ、団体を宣伝しようとしないでください。あなたの投稿は削除され、あなたは追放されることになります。

7. 違法なことを主張する投稿をした人は追放されます。

8. 礼儀正しくしてください。フレーミングは許されません。

9. あなたのアカウントで個人を特定できる情報 [本名、写真など]を使用するべきではありません。私たちはあなたのプライバシーを真剣に受け止めています。あなたもそうあるべきです。

10. 投稿者は、フォーラム、モデレーター、または他の誰でもなく、自分の投稿に対して単独で責任を負うものとします。

191 262
Радостта на Сатана [JoS Bulgaria]

Добре дошли в българската секция на форума. Това е мястото, където можете да задавате въпроси, споделяте идеи и преживявания и водите дискусии, относно Духовния Сатанизъм. За да посетите българския сайт, моля последвайте този линк: https://www.satanizum.org

1. Ние знаем, че Сатана и Неговите Демони са истински живи същества. Ако следвате идеите на Ла Вей, или вярванията ви се разминават с нашите, не се опитвайте да ги налагате тук.

2. Хората, които симпатизират с и/или подкрепят враговете на Сатана - [Евреите, Християните и Мюсюлманите] – ЩЕ БЪДАТ БАННАТИ!

3. Богохулство и клевети по адрес на Сатана и/или Неговите Демони няма да бъдат толерирани!

4. Ако вярвате, че Сатана и Неговите Демони са зли, тази група не е за вас; потърсете друга.

5. Не се опитвайте да налагате или промотирате Уика или други не-Сатанински вярвания тук.

6. Не се опитвайте да популяризирате индивиди, групи или организации, които говорят срещу Joy of Satan. Публикациите ви ще бъдат изтрити, а акаунтите – баннати.

7. Всеки, който насърчава нелегални дейности ще бъде баннат.

8. Моля, бъдете учтиви – грубото поведение няма да бъде толерирано.

9. Не използвайте лична информация в акаунта си [лично име, снимки и т.н.]. Вашата поверителност е важна за нас; добре е да подходите по същия начин.

10. Пълната отговорност за постовете носи потребителя, който ги е публикувал, а не форума, модераторите или който и да било друг.

3 13
Kagalakan ni Satanas - Joy of Satan Philippines

Mabuhay at maligayang pagdating sa ating forum na nakatuon sa pagtuklas at pagsasabuhay ng Espirituwal na Satanismo. Ito ang ating pook-sambahan para sa mga nagnanais pang palalimin ang kanilang kaugnayan kay Satanas, upang lubos na maunawaan ang katotohanan ng Espirituwual na Satanismo, at makilahok sa mga diskusyon patungkol sa Satanikong Kulam, Mahika, at personal na paglago sa loob ng ating komunidad.

Mga Alituntunin na Pinapairal sa Ating Forum:

1. Tayo ay nagkakaisa sa pagbibigay-pugay kay Satanas bilang Lumikha ng Sangkatauhan. Kinikilala natin si Satanas at ang Kanyang mga Demonyo bilang tunay at buhay na mga nilalang. 2. Ang espasyong ito ay nakalaan para sa masigasig at magalang na talakayan hinggil sa mga prinsipyong bumabalot at mga gawain na bumubuo sa Espirituwal na Satanismo. 3. Anumang uri ng kawalang-galang o negatibong komento laban kay Satanas o sa Kanyang mga Demonyo ay hindi pinapayagan at magreresulta sa agarang pagtanggal mula sa forum. 4. Ang buong diwa ng ating talakayan ay nakatuon lamang sa Espirituwal na Satanismo. Ipinapakiusap na huwag magbahagi ng mga paniniwalang hindi umaayon sa ating paniniwala. 5. Mahigpit tayong sumusunod sa mga umiiral na batas. Hindi natin kinukunsinti ang mga usapin patungkol sa mga ilegal na aktibidad o sakripisyo; agad na tatanggalin ang ganitong mga post at ang nagbahagi nito. 6. Hindi tinatanggap ang mga sumusuporta o may simpatiya sa mga kaaway ni Satanas o sa mga ideolohiyang salungat sa ating mga paniniwala katulad ng Judaismo, Kristiyanismo, at Islam. 7. Ang pag-endorso sa mga indibidwal o samahan na lumalaban sa Joy of Satan ay mahigpit na ipinagbabawal. Layon nating magtayo ng isang suportadong kapaligiran, malaya mula sa paninira at pagtutunggali. 8. Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang paggamit ng personal na impormasyon (tulad ng tunay na pangalan o mga larawan) sa iyong account. Ang pribasiya ng bawat isa ay mahalaga, at dapat itong pangalagaan. 9. Huwag magdala ng mga panlabas na alitan sa espasyong ito, at huwag banggitin ang mga grupo o site na laban sa Joy of Satan. 10. Ang bawat miyembro ay may pananagutan sa kanilang mga ipinapaskil. Hindi responsibilidad ng forum, mga moderator, o sinumang iba pa ang mga post ng bawat indibidwal.

Tayo'y magkaisa upang matuklasan at mapalago ang ating espiritwal na gawain, magtulungan upang magkaroon ng mas malalim na pag-unawa at pagkakaisa sa loob ng komunidad sa pamamagitan ng mga aral ng Espirituwal na Satanismo.

Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, magtungo sa https://kagalakannisatanas.org/

4 11

JoS Specific Forums
Here are the Forums for everyone to be able to associate with their race-specific brothers and sisters in Satan.

Black Satanist Community - Blacks For Satan
Any posts promoting Christianity, Islam or New Age beliefs or slandering the Joy of Satan will not get approved. We are law abiding and do NOT promote the use of illegal substances or activity. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/BlacksforSatan/info http:www.blacksforsatan.org - BLACKS FOR SATAN WEBSITE -High Priestess Shannon A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. -Marcus Garvey
403 2,351
BlackSun666 Forum
This group is for White Satanists. It is Satan's intention that the races separate and evolve on their own. The purpose of this group is to educate, and enlighten our Aryan People who are direct descendants of the Nordic Gods. The Jewish communist world order, like their bible and nazarene, work to enforce race-mixing to destroy all racial and cultural identity, history and individuality so the Jews can take over the world with the goal of making slaves of all Gentiles. "We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves." -- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin The link for this group is http://www.666blacksun.com/
272 2,358
Oriental Satanic Alliance
The Oriental Satanic Alliance is a Forum Led by High Priest Lucius Oria, which includes Satanists who belong to the Asian Race.
161 987
Falun gong is Jewish plan.
by Der Orientale 666

Health Forum, Pet Forum, Astrology Forum
Press Above To Enter these Forums.

Satanic Group for Health and Well being
For Discussion about Health, Well-being, Traditional Remedies, and much more.
946 8,519
i love candies
by Henu the Great
Joy of Satan for Animal Care
Pet Care. Discussion of topics in relation to animals. Animal care information exchange/support. Support for Animal Rights. Lilith is the Patron Goddess for this group. She asked that this group be opened. Lilith loves animals and is very strong in support for ethical treatment of animals and for animal rights. All of our Gods love animals, and many have chosen certain animals as their symbol to represent them, such as Satan, the peacock, the serpent; Lilith, the owl; Horus, the falcon; Anubis, the jackal and dogs. Animals are sacred in Satanism. This group is for Joy of Satan members who have pets, and who care for animals. Satanism is living in harmony with nature and having respect for other creatures that inhabit this planet, along with respect and care for the environment. This is a support group for assisting with knowledge in regards to animal nutrition, proper care and for animal rights.
151 1,170
JoS Astrology
This Joy of Satan group is for discussion of and learning astrology. For more information: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html
673 3,306
Why some houses are empty?
by BlackSnake
JoS Translation Forums
This is a forum exclusively for translators and organizing the translation projects of the Joy of Satan Material. Help each other in co-ordination, advice and support.
79 3,188
Greek Translation Thread
by Hellenic SS

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🇮🇹:Carissimi Fratelli e Sorelle! ❤️
Ho deciso di offrivi delle letture di tarocchi completamente gratuite, unendo quello che è il mio stile, ossia la lettura intuitiva con quella tradizionale, con l'obiettivo di regalarvi un'esperienza unica e personalizzata.
Cosa potete aspettarvi:
✨Un'atmosfera accogliente e priva di giudizio, dove potrete esprimere liberamente le vostre domande e preoccupazioni su qualsiasi tema che vi stia a cuore, che sia l'amore, la famiglia, il lavoro, la spiritualità o altro ancora.
🔮Un'analisi attenta delle carte estratte, considerando sia il loro significato simbolico che le mie intuizioni relative alla tua specifica situazione.
☀️Una lettura che integra sia gli aspetti tradizionali dei tarocchi, sia la mia sensibilità intuitiva per offrirti una visione più completa e profonda.
🐲Non solo predizioni sul futuro, ma spunti di riflessione e consigli pratici.
Cosa non è incluso:
❌Risposte a domande non etiche, come quelle relative alla morte o alla salute di altre persone. I tarocchi non sono un sostituto per la consulenza medica o psicologica.
❌Predizioni certe sul futuro. Il futuro è pieno di possibilità e le carte dei tarocchi offrono solo una prospettiva su ciò che potrebbe accadere, non una certezza assoluta.
❌Soluzioni miracolistiche. I tarocchi possono aiutarti a capire meglio te stesso e le tue situazioni, ma è importante agire e impegnarti per creare il cambiamento che desideri con gli strumenti che padre Satana e gli Dèi ci hanno donato.
Scrivimi qui, o alla mia email ( [email protected]) e prenota la tua lettura gratuita oggi stesso e inizia a sperimentare il potere dei tarocchi per la tua crescita personale! 🔥Chiaramente, tutto questo nel rispetto della privacy della persona, non verranno chieste informazioni personali come data di nascita , luogo di provenienza / residenza , nome e simili. Così come stabilito già dalle regole del forum.Questo è un modo per mettere in pratica le mie capacità di lettura, e spero vi possa far piacere🔥. 🇬🇧: Dear Brothers and Sisters! ❤️
I have decided to offer you completely free tarot readings, combining my intuitive reading style with the traditional one in order to give you a unique and personalized experience.
What can you expect:
✨A welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere, where you can freely express your questions and concerns on any topic that is close to your heart, whether it be love, family, work, spirituality, or anything else.
🔮A careful analysis of the cards drawn, considering both their symbolic meaning and my intuitions related to your specific situation.
☀️A reading that integrates both the traditional aspects of tarot cards and my intuitive sensitivity to offer you a more complete and profound vision.
🐲Not only predictions about the future, but also reflections and practical advice.
What is not included:
❌Answers to unethical questions, such as those relating to the death or health of other people. Tarot cards are not a substitute for medical or psychological advice.
❌Certain predictions about the future. The future is full of possibilities, and tarot cards only offer a perspective on what could happen, not absolute certainty.
❌Miracle solutions. Tarot cards can help you better understand yourself and your situations, but it is important to take action and commit to creating the change you desire with the tools that Father Satan and the Gods have given us.
Write to me here, or email me ([email protected]) to book your free reading today and start experiencing the power of tarot for your personal growth! 🔥Clearly, all this in respect of the person's privacy, no personal information such as date of birth, place of origin / residence, name and similar will be asked. As already established by the forum's rules.This is a way to put my reading skills into practice, and I hope you will enjoy it.🔥

Las notas del aprendiz: Las 10 recompensas que tienes garantizadas
si asumes el SS como tu filosofía de vida.​


  1. Llegas al final de tu vida sintiéndote feliz y realizado porque lo has aprovechado todo al máximo: has gastado tus talentos, tus mayores recursos y lo mejor de tu potencial desempeñando un gran trabajo y llevando una vida poco común.
  2. Llegas al final sabiendo que has vivido una vida excelente y que has mantenido el listón lo más alto posible en todo lo que has hecho.
  3. Llegas al final celebrando con todo tu corazón haber tenido la valentía de enfrentarte siempre a tus mayores miedos y de hacer realidad tus ambiciones más elevadas.
  4. Llegas al final sabiendo que has sido una persona que ha inspirado y motivado a otros, en lugar de desanimarlos.
  5. Llegas al final sabiendo que aunque tu viaje no siempre haya sido fácil, cada vez que caíste te levantaste de inmediato y tu optimismo no decayó en ningún momento.
  6. Llegas al final disfrutando de la asombrosa gloria de tus fenomenales logros y valor de haber colaborado en las vidas de las personas que tuviste la suerte de servir.
  7. Llegas al final encantado con la persona fuerte, ética, empática e inspiradora que llegaste a ser.
  8. Llegas al final y te das cuenta de que has sido un autentico innovador que abrió nuevos caminos en lugar de seguir las viejas rutas.
  9. Llegas al final rodeado de compañeros que te consideran una estrella, de personas que te consideran un héroe y seres queridos que te consideran una leyenda.
  10. Llegas al final como un verdadero líder, sabiendo que tus grandes logros perduraran mucho mas allá de tu muerte, y que tu vida será un modelo a seguir.​

Tomado de Robin Sharma “El líder que no tenía cargo”

Agradezco a Padre Satanás por su enseñanza.

Linden (Tilia platyphyllos) in bloom

At this time of year the flowering of linden trees, trees that produce flowers with beneficial properties, begins. In the countryside it has already begun a few days ago, while in the mountains the linden trees will begin to bloom in 1 to 2 weeks due to the different climatic conditions affecting the two environments.

The leaves and flowers of linden are characterized by the presence of flavonoids, essential oils, coumarins and tannins (and other beneficial substances present in trace amounts). This combination of things gives the leaves and flowers emollient and expectorant properties, so very useful in fighting cold conditions, and anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties that conciliate relaxation, can provide relief in cases of headaches, and help you fall asleep.

If you have the chance and if you live in a quiet area away from traffic, now is a good time to pick these flowers also because the Moon is waning. Once picked (I recommend always trying to take the innermost ones as they are more sheltered from rain and possible dirt), the best way to store the flowers is to sun-dry them for a few days and then put them in wooden containers.

As for how to use them, the best is to make infusions by bringing the water to a temperature of 60° C, no more (because otherwise the high temperature would destroy the organoleptic properties of the flowers) and soak them in it for 10-15 minutes with the fire flame continuing at a minimum. In winter it is a real panacea to prepare this infusion, even if you do not have a sore throat or cold. On the other hand, if you prepare it specifically to counteract a cold, my advice is to add ginger and lemon to the infusion, and at the same time take a teaspoon full of honey after drinking the infusion.

And finally, if you now walk under the linden trees, breathing in the saturated air present under them, after about ten minutes you will notice that you are more relaxed, a perfect state for meditating 😊
We are currently bringing back topics, posts and users that have existed in our PhpBB forums and our old Yahoo Groups.

This is restoration of JoS history.

That's why there is a sudden increase in members and posts.

All of these existed in our previous platforms before we got purged off of them.
Re-post a little old post:

Daemon, Diamond, Shukra

The word Demon is also related to the word Diamond, the gem. The diamond is the astrological gemstone of planet Venus (Shukra) in Jyotish (vedic astrology). So it's the gem of Taurus and Libra too. One should wear diamond if she/he was born in the sign of Taurus or Libra, I mean if the Lagna (Ascendant) is Taurus or Libra according to the vedic birth chart.

We already know that the diamond is the element of the spirit. The fire of Kundalini is what transmutes the elements of the soul from the corruptible body into the immortal "Diamond body"...
It was already discussed in former important writings:

"In the Tantra the purified being is called the Akasa-varja, this is also called the diamond-thunderbolt body.
A diamond comes from a lump of coal which it is the diamond and the dross, by the fires of the serpent
power the dross is purified out and the lump of matter is transformed into the immortal and incorruptible, luminous diamond, the Akasa. A diamond is forever. The thunderbolt is the symbol of Akasa and the Varja is within this as well..."

(Diamond is known as Vajra in sanskrit. Tantra is known as Vajra-yana, "the road of the diamond and of the lightning.")


It is not a coincidence that the diamond is called the "King of the Gems" in the East.
The English word diamond is also derivated from or related to the ancient greek and later latin word "adamas" (ἀδάμας or αδαμαστος (adamastos) which means "invincible".
And it's true because the "Diamond Body" is really invincible. See the English word "adamant"...

Jung also spoke of the "daemon" or "inner voice" , "guiding spirit" we have within us. The daemon is synonymous with
the gifts or genius we bring with us...

Venus in Sanskrit: Shukra which means "lucid", "bright". Interesting that Shukra rules the sweets too and
the world "sugar" also comes from this. In original gypsy, romani language the word Sukar means
"beautiful" and "bright". The poos stole this word too, in hebrew it means "sugar".

Other word for Shukra-ratna (the gem) is Hira/Hiraka/Hiragam which means:

the diamond itself
an other name of Lakshmi
of a woman
"hiragga": diamond-bodied, Indra's thunderbolt
"hiraka": a diamond (the gem is supposed to be presided over by Shukra)

Shukra-ratna is also called as "Kuliza" which also means "thunderbolt of Indra" and the word "kulizasana"
means "having a diamond seat".
Vajras-ara : having the essence or nature of a diamond.

The word indrAyudha means "Indra's weapon", "the rainbow" and the diamond.

Also there are some other very interesting names for Shukra-ratna, the diamond itself:

the Urdu word is "almaas" and the Persian is also "al-mas". The spanish word "alma" means SOUL which
comes from the Latin "anima".
By the way "alma" means "apple" in Hungarian. We already know that the apple is the symbol of the pentacle which is the Akasa.


Eva also means Apple, the serpent Eva or Ava, the Devi or Devil grants eternal life and enlightenment.


The female name Desdemona (my name too ^^) derived from the Greek word δυσδαιμων (dysdaimon) which today means "ill-starred" or "ill-fated". The original meaning is "of a Daemon" or "from a Dameon". See the jewish corruption again...

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"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
