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Thoughts On Magick And Getting What You Want

Power of Justice [TG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
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In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration] and you lose your job, don’t try to get it back! Don't see it as a loss! If this happens to you, understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen

One of the most important concept people must understand is that the magic we do is a transformation. Although our will must function through the concept of immediately impressing upon reality our wishes, the manifestations themselves can take time to unfold.

For example, you do a working for wealth, but a few days later you receive a promotion. The manifestation occurred immediately on the astral: The spark or flash or the new creation of your will had already happened upon your soul or the world around, but it took a few days for this to appear before your eyes.

Yet, people misunderstand this and assume that because they cannot sense a difference with their physical eyes or other senses, that therefore nothing had happened in reality at all, but this is an incorrect line of thinking.

Even worse, people assume that the experience of breaking negative karma means that their spell failed, when in reality this is just some negativity that comes with breaking and replacing negative patterns. Sometimes the lessons we must learn are not always done in easy ways, although the overall scope of how we learn can itself be improved, and this general phenomenon improves as we advance; a clean soul is not going to have as harsh of manifestations.


Also, I would be careful with semantics on your statement which states fulfilling internal desires creates bad outcomes, because I don't believe this alone is true, although your underlying logic is.

It is more the belief of lacking something that creates negative outcomes, rather than a simple desire for expansion. Although there is a correlation with a desire for more and a perception of scarcity, that doesn't mean that every desire is rooted in an absence of what one previously has.

So therefore I would state it is important to frame their desires and thoughts in a way which acknowledges their current reality without eroding anything, yet still leaves room for more. Eg: Don't assume you are not beautiful, but you can still desire more beauty from whatever your current state is.

If we were to stop desiring anything more, than the motive force for growth would cease to exist. However, I think this is just a matter of semantics surrounding what the word desire, along with the associated mental processes, mean.
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This very interesting and I also find it very intriguing as well. I enjoyed reading this article. And thank you for sharing it. ❤️ I could really learn alot from this. And it's helping me now. With the way I think. 🔥
Beautiful post!!! I understand what you are talking about because I have been there and unfortunately it still happens to me.
I was involved in a litigation for years and after the magic work there was always a constant feeling of "it will never end". It was like doing the magic work and destroying it at the same time.
The moment I learned to manage my anxiety more by doing introspective work on myself and increasing cleaning of my soul, all the knots were quickly untied.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest.

I still have problems with this, probably because I have an excessive need to be in control of what is going to happen, and I tend to overthink how it should happen. 😅 Every time I have to fight against my mind and deconstruct all the fears without senses that come up.
I got a lot more women when I wasn't looking for anyone and wasn't even interested in it.

I attracted random people willing to meet me when I went out and I didn't even want to talk the basics to someone.

Right now the money is flowing much more, I'm enjoying my life after months of being deprived of spiritual work, as if I were already a millionaire, I don't care about him.

I understood the topic perfectly, I'm a born observer, why does it have to be like this?

This is so fucking true.

If you want something directly that involves these things where you vibrate the opposite, do a temporary magic and transform these "negative feelings" that get in the way of your solution, and forget, or at least pretend.
Also, I would be careful with semantics on your statement which states fulfilling internal desires creates bad outcomes, because I don't believe this alone is true, although your underlying logic is.

It is specifically the feeling of lack that creates negative outcomes, rather than a simple desire for expansion. Although there is a correlation with a desire for more and a perception of scarcity, that doesn't mean that every desire is rooted in an absence of what one previously has.

So therefore I would state it is important to frame their desires and thoughts in a way which acknowledges their current reality without eroding anything, yet still leaves room for more. Eg: Don't assume you are not beautiful, but you can still desire more beauty from whatever your current state is.

If we were to stop desiring anything more, than the motive force for growth would cease to exist. However, I think this is just a matter of semantics surrounding what the word desire, along with the associated mental processes, mean.
I didn't say not to desire or that it's a bad thing to try to fulfil desires. To live is to desire. I wanted to walk people through the process from the most basic urges, to understand why they even want to do magick in the first place and how to frame what they want to achieve maximum results.
Can you work on two different things at the same time? And still manifesting them the same as you would with one. Like when it comes to getting back in shape? And at the same time finding ways to relax yourself? One sort of goes hand in hand with the other? So is it a possibility that I could focus two things at the same time and work on them? Like getting a new job and a finding a new place to live? Focusing my energy on them both? And see what turns up? Or is it easier just to focus on one thing? Before you move onto the next thing you want. ?
Can you work on two different things at the same time? And still manifesting them the same as you would with one. Like when it comes to getting back in shape? And at the same time finding ways to relax yourself? One sort of goes hand in hand with the other? So is it a possibility that I could focus two things at the same time and work on them? Like getting a new job and a finding a new place to live? Focusing my energy on them both? And see what turns up? Or is it easier just to focus on one thing? Before you move onto the next thing you want. ?
Yes, but you have to be consistent on both, and make sure their energies are not intermixed.
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
So the desire starts as a thought in the mind, is it then a kind of thoughtform, which then is energised by an emotion?
You cannot think greater than how you feel.
The mind has a lot more control over us than we think, especially on a subconcious level. The goals that many believe they want, aren't really what they should be striving towards. Staying in a relationship out of duty, going to college because it's what you were told was right or giving more to others than to yourself. These are all blockages that many people experience, some are not even aware of how detrimental it is to them.

"This is what is right", they say "This is what I have to do". We have the upper hand, here. We can see those restrictions and recognize that we have the means to change them. Maybe that means we "lose" something in the process, but at the end of the day, we can rest knowing we did what had to be done. Knowing we will see just how much control we have, often more than we realize.

Thank you for this post, JG.
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen

In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
This is a great post (y)
Thank you very much ;)
I kinda thought that all thoughts and desires were thoughtforms, like conscious runners that go out to attract and get what we want. We program them to go get what we want? Consciously or unconsciously.
It is your mind that is being used. While thoughforms can be used as well, the desire comes from you, not from something separate, which thoughtforms are.
So many law of attraction gurus on youtube say the same thing but in very brief simple terms. They call it quantum shifting or law of assumption. Whatever you want, imagine yourself already having it, feel the exact emotions you would feel upon receiving it and use the fullest extent of your imagination, and keep doing it. I myself were able to manifest something small but very important whenever I applied this part to Directing energy, after I was done raising it.
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
Thank you, I feel so much knowledge flowing into me from this post. It all makes a lot of sense to me, thank you for writing it.
Blessings to you
Hail Satan Hail our Gods and Demons
Hey what anime is your little gif from? For happiness purposes of course c:
From the signature: Dies Irae
Avatar: drawn of my using digital art
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
very nice! :)
In this article, I want to share what I believe to be true based on my personal research and experience with magick over the years and hopefully leave you with something to think about. This article deals with a variety of advanced concepts and is quite lengthy. If you choose to read on, please read carefully, as every paragraph builds on top of the last.

Since the act of performing magick is preceded by desire, and desires come from the mind, we’ll start here. Contrary to what most people have been conditioned to believe, chasing after what you want is not always the right approach to getting it. Here is what I mean:

For most things in life, the more work you put into something, the more progress you make toward mastery or achievement. For example:

The more you practice, the better you become at playing a sport.
The more you study, the more you know about a subject.
The more you meditate, the more you advance yourself.

You get the idea. However, something interesting happens when it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds. These so-called “internal psychological experiences” comprise our thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, urges, desires, etc. In short, everything that appears within the realm of our consciousness.

The more effort you put into fulfilling your internal desires, the worse the outcome becomes. For example:

The more you try to be loved by others, the more your neediness repels people away from you.
The more you try to be confident, the more apparent your insecurities become.
The more you try to be happy, the more miserable you become.

This happens because our desires are both the cause and the effect of the same thing—the mind. When it comes to experiences that only exist within our own minds (happiness, love, confidence, abundance [money], power, etc.), the mind is both that which desires and that which is desired.

To give an analogy, this is like a dog that chases its own tail. The more it chases it, the more the tail seems to run away. That’s because the dog lacks the perspective to understand that it and the tail are one and the same. In simple terms, by desiring a particular state of mind, we actually put ourselves in the opposite state of mind. This happens because, in order to want something, you must first tell yourself that you don't have it.

By wanting to have more money, you reinforce the belief that you don’t have enough.
By wanting to be loved, you reinforce the belief that you don’t feel loved.
By wanting to be beautiful, you reinforce the belief that you are not beautiful.

It is impossible to create anything from a state of lack. That is why in Magick 1001 we are instructed to visualize and even feel like we already have what we want. That is because emotions are ruled by the element of water, which is why they are essential to magickal workings of attraction, as water is magnetic in nature.

Remember, what we call “feeling” is just conscious awareness of the vibration frequency we are in. By feeling like you already have what you want, you match your vibration frequency with that of your objective. And since you attract what you are in harmonious vibration with, now you are aligned with the necessary energies to get it. This is in stark contrast to being in the polar opposite vibration of pain and frustration from not having what you want.

This is a literal built-in survival/creative mechanism to get us what we want in life. If we see a nice car we really like, we imagine ourselves driving it, how the seats and steering wheel feel, how fast or comfortable it is, etc. Or when we are lusting after a beautiful man/woman, fantasies begin forming in our minds; we feel their touch, hear their voice, and so on. We all do this instinctually, children are exceptionally good at it.

Unfortunately, at some point, people are taught to think backwards. They are conditioned to need a reason to be happy, to need something outside of themselves to evoke a response from them first. But that is not how the universe works. Energy is constantly moving into form—going from higher potential to lower potential; we go from the thought to the result, not the other way around.

If you look at your bank account balance [the result] and feel scarcity or lack [let your thoughts be affected by it], you are doomed to keep creating more of the same. But I tell you what, if you feel like a million bucks, you will think and act very differently than you do now. Do that over a long enough period of time, and your new actions will change the result. That’s because as you raise your vibration, you change your consciousness, and you begin to see things differently. You cannot think greater than how you feel.

Now, just like you’re not a Satanist only when you meditate and stop being one for the rest of your day, it doesn’t make sense to only feel rich, or healthy, or loved during your magickal workings and spend the rest of the time feeling as usual. That’s like an obese person eating a salad and spending the rest of the day eating junk food.

But wait, I thought I am supposed to forget about the working and let it do its thing? What that really means is to get out of the way and not interfere with the energy. A rich person doesn't wonder if they will make ends meet, nor does a healthy person constantly worry if their back will give out. The moment you ask, "Where is my money?", "Where is my love?", "Why am I not healthy yet?", you are experiencing lack again and moving further and further away from your goal—that is interference. But if health or abundance is your natural state of being, it isn’t something you are constantly thinking about; in fact, it becomes a given in your life, and you aren’t even aware of it. You must completely embody what you want and make it your state of being. Now your magick works harmoniously with your life, instead of pulling you in one direction and you pulling in the other with your thoughts and actions.

The other common way of interfering with workings is by trying to predict how they will manifest. Please understand that you cannot possibly manifest a solution to your problem if you yourself are constantly trying to make what you want happen your way with your limited consciousness and understanding. It will likely manifest in a way that you least expect and can’t predict. Why? If you knew how to make a million dollars, you would have done it already. The point is, you don’t know, which is why you’re doing the spell in the first place. Get out of the way and allow the energy to manifest however it wants to.

In my view, unless it’s something extremely specific, “In a positive way for me” is all the restriction you need to program into your spells. That’s because you might not be able to think of the best solution to your problem, but energy can and always will take the path of least resistance. A good example of this is when, during the space race, NASA used special pens that could write in zero gravity conditions (the ink cartridges were pressurized with nitrogen gas to force the ink out), the development of which took years and cost millions, whereas the Soviets simply used pencils.[1] The point is, there is always a better solution; energy knows better than you, so get out of the way and let it take the lead.

Lastly, there are consequences to performing magick. If you fail to understand this, you will destroy any manifestation that you bring about.

Considering no two people live the exact same life, have the same experiences, goals, possessions, etc., every person is unique. This means that each and every one of us resides on a completely unique vibration frequency, which is like the “ID” for your life. You could even say that we all live in our own micro universe. The people in your life, your job, your car, your clothes—for any of them to stay in your life, you must keep exerting a force of attraction on them; otherwise, they will leave.

Let's say that the vibration frequency X represents your life. Because your being resides on this frequency, you can only attract things of a similar nature. So what happens when, all of a sudden, you raise your vibration? You stop being in sync with your current micro universe [ X ] and start to attract new things consistent with the new vibration, let's call it vibration frequency Y.

The thing is, you can’t have things from both vibrations X and Y at the same time, as they aren’t a vibrational match. So if you do a money working [raise your vibration], you might get a raise, but you might also lose your job. If an apparent “negative” manifestation occurs, please understand that you aren’t doing anything wrong. If you can’t rationally explain it and know it was no fault of your own, just realize that you simply do not belong there anymore and fully expect to find a new job consistent with your new, elevated vibration. Don't see it as a loss, and certainly don’t try to get it back.

It is a universal law that no two things can occupy the same space. So you must make space for the good that you desire. You can’t wear multiple sets of pants at the same time. You must first take off one before putting on another. By definition, sacrifice means to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature. If it were the other way around, nobody would do it, as it wouldn't make sense.

The reason we hold onto things in life is because we lack confidence in our ability to obtain new ones. If you keep coming back to what feels familiar—the same crappy jobs, the same abusive relationships—you are undoing all the work you’ve put in.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will lose something vital to your survival before getting something new. As Satanists, we have measures in place to stay safe, but if you are going all out, be prepared for the possibility of this happening to you. You likely won’t become a millionaire at your desk job. Sometimes “in the most positive way for me” means a major change, and there is no other way. It all depends on how serious you are.

If your head is spinning from all this, that’s ok; just keep reading it over and over again until it makes sense. It’s really hard to condense all this information into a short and understandable article, as you could write entire books on each topic covered here. It certainly demands study and self-reflection.

I hope you all have a wonderful Satanic new year and are blessed eternally! Hail Satan!



1. This is more of an urban legend and is not exactly how the story goes. There were safety reasons for using pens instead of pencils, but I couldn’t think of a better example. For anyone interested: Space Pen
I have used today this knowledge as a tool for walking extra miles in meditation.

It was like. I was in deep void at the end of my routine of meditation, and felt need as usually to stop as meditations was done, because I was in my limits, and it started to be not comfortable.

But then a thought arised that I am in need to stopping, this means I don’t have it, because I need it, and so I am not stopping.

This way need for stop dissolved and I meditated more, and had somekind a break trough in my meditation, and I started to feel comfort and had more time on meditating further.

Thank you for this knowledge, this is another way how it can be used, very useful, helped to overcome myself! :)
I believe that fully embracing the desired situation can be a double- edged knife.

For example, someone wants more money. Let's assume that their account balance is hardly enough to cover the basics.

If they act like they're a millionaire and use that money on things other than their basic needs, then by the end of the month, they will have a real problem in their hands.

This reminds me of some rich people on YouTube (not YouTubers but entrepreneurs) saying that when you get paid you first "pay yourself," and then you pay home expenses, etc. And they say that the logic behind that is that if you pay yourself first, then you'll be forced to find ways to make more money and pay the basic expenses, as well.

I'm sorry, what? So a person is supposed to stress out of their mind and find "Magical solutions" to make more money? (Because when one has a steady 9-5 (or more hours) job, you know the money is always the same, and depending on the job, many people feel exhausted afterward and don't have the energy to even think about this topic).

I am *not* comparing the above advice with your topic. I'm just saying that acting like you have a lot of money would mean thay you would also spend as such? Acting physically about it. So, it would have the opposite effect instead of helping you.
I believe that fully embracing the desired situation can be a double- edged knife.

For example, someone wants more money. Let's assume that their account balance is hardly enough to cover the basics.

If they act like they're a millionaire and use that money on things other than their basic needs, then by the end of the month, they will have a real problem in their hands.

This reminds me of some rich people on YouTube (not YouTubers but entrepreneurs) saying that when you get paid you first "pay yourself," and then you pay home expenses, etc. And they say that the logic behind that is that if you pay yourself first, then you'll be forced to find ways to make more money and pay the basic expenses, as well.

I'm sorry, what? So a person is supposed to stress out of their mind and find "Magical solutions" to make more money? (Because when one has a steady 9-5 (or more hours) job, you know the money is always the same, and depending on the job, many people feel exhausted afterward and don't have the energy to even think about this topic).

I am *not* comparing the above advice with your topic. I'm just saying that acting like you have a lot of money would mean thay you would also spend as such? Acting physically about it. So, it would have the opposite effect instead of helping you.
Read again, because you misinterpreted what was written.

Nowhere it was stated, "If they act like they're a millionaire and use that money on things other than their basic needs, then by the end of the month, they will have a real problem in their hands."

Instead, OP talked about the mindset one needs to have.
Okay, that's it , from now I am extremely wealthy and prosperously , always. Dang it, positive thinking , whatever it is. Let's f go!
Make It Rain Money GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

I always thought I will become rich , suddenly, and out of context , like ....I never had a plan and idea but now I realize that I don't need one , I just have to focus on my spiritual powers, change my mentality and just let the energies do their things , stop overthinking them and be as is already happening.

Thank you very much for this topic! 🙏

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
