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Question #4321: my ex and I.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello sisters and brothers, I want to get something off my chest
i love a man, but my body denies him
we dated for a few months but he acted in a way that I didn't like, some words that I didn't agree with and some behaviors that I tried to talk to him about and we ended up fighting, so we broke up and came back twice. Something intimate happened to me and in desperation I sent him a message, and from the conversation we had I could see a bit of indifference on his part. Yesterday I started a magic work of love to get him back because even after everything I still want him ( He was really bad and I cried a lot, lied and said things that I don't think any boyfriend who claims to love should say) and I want to be with him. I did a tarot game with 18 cards, the method taught and exclusive to us, and I asked if he would come back and everything, and from what I saw it would be something that would take time and we were following different paths but that if it happened to come back I should be strong that the union would be stable, but in the part of the council of the gods it came out for me to end it and "kill" the relationship and the feelings. Last night, before going to sleep, I spoke to one of the gods about love and I dreamt about my ex, who wasn't really him, his face wasn't there, but I felt like it was. In the dream I felt his aversion towards me and he kind of said in the dream that it has to be like this, far away from each other. Today I woke up and I didn't want to continue with the work anymore and I felt something bad about continuing with it. I love him, but he hurt me too much, but I don't feel like meeting other people or having other relationships.
Your dream was about some guilt you are feeling. Just clear any guilt by communicating and creating order in your mind, thoughts and emotions. If this persists beyond this, do some cleaning meditation or working as you see fit.
Is there anything in this boy, any physical or behavioral feature, recalling to you past situations or places? I mean does this person resemble someone you had to do with years ago? Or do you date him in his house that is similar to an older house you lived in?
In case yes, this could explain the bad feelings you have for him. Also you may be projecting this onto him leading to unpredictable behavior (assuming you have stronger energies as you are SS, so you may overwhelm him).
This sounds complicated and it may be or may be not the case. Sometimes you feel bad about someone, as he is bad for you in terms of energy or planetary influences, or you may be projecting into him some internal issues of you. That may be solved, when projected, together.
I would ask to your GD if this is the case and also carefully check your planetary sinastry.
Здравствуйте, сестры и братья, я хочу что-нибудь снять с груди
я люблю мужчину, но мое тело отрицает его
мы встречались несколько месяцев, но он вел себя так, как мне не нравилось, некоторые слова, с которыми я не соглашался, и некоторые поступки, о которых я пытался поговорить с ним, и в итоге мы ссорились, поэтому мы расстались и дважды возвращались. Что-то интимное случилось со мной, и в отчаянии я послал ему сообщение, и из разговора, который у нас был, я увидел немного безразличия с его стороны. Вчера я начал волшебную работу любви, чтобы вернуть его, потому что даже после всего, что я все еще хочу его (Он был очень плохим и я много плакал, лгал и говорил вещи, которые, по-моему, не должен сказать ни один парень, который претендует на любовь), и я хочу быть с ним. Я сделал игру таро с 18 картами, метод преподается и эксклюзивный для нас, и я спросил, если он вернется и все,и из того, что я видел, это заняло бы время, и мы шли по другим путям, но если бы это случилось, я должен был быть сильным, чтобы союз был будьте стабильны, но в части совета богов вышло так, чтобы я покончил с этим и "убил" отношения и чувства. Прошлой ночью, перед сном, я поговорил с одним из богов о любви и мне приснился мой бывший, который на самом деле не был им, его лица не было, но я чувствовал, что это так. Во сне я почувствовал его отвращение ко мне, и он как бы сказал во сне, что так должно быть, далеко друг от друга. Сегодня я проснулся и больше не хотел продолжать работу, и я почувствовал что-то плохое в том, чтобы продолжать ее. Я люблю его, но он причинил мне слишком много боли, но я не делаю этого'мне хочется встречаться с другими людьми или иметь другие отношения.
If I were you, I would be very careful about dreams.

It is very important how you feel about this person, and how he feels about you.

To understand how this person really feels about you, instead of trusting the dream, you can try to talk to this person on neutral topics, see how he reacts to you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
